Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.
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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1684', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].
'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1684', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,
"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1684". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.
In this section
- Elizabeth Pilkington of Langley, p. Heaner. Q/SB/2/359 (1684)
- Anne Spenser of Winstor. Q/SB/2/385 (1684)
- Mary Machant of Youldgreave. Q/SB/2/386 (1684)
- William Parker, Elizabeth Parker and Mary Parker of Sturson. Q/SB/2/387 (1684)
- Dorithy Carmon of Yoldgreave. Q/SB/2/388 (1684)
- Henry Worrall. Q/SB/2/389 (1684)
Elizabeth Pilkington of Langley, p. Heaner. Q/SB/2/359 (1684)
To the Right Worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace
for the County of Derby, at their Generall Quarter
Sessions held at Derby: January 17th 1683
The humble petition of Elizabeth Pilkington of
Langley in the Parish of Heaner.
Humbly sheweth
That your poor pettitioners husband haveing the ill fortune to
be drawn into company of diverse leud and wicked persons was
amongst them taken and committed to prison, where he now re
-mains, leaving your poor Pettitioner with six very small children
to the charity of good people; who indeed are burdened enough
with poor already, and therefore without your worships order will
neither grant your poor Pettitioner relief for her poor children, nor
a house to hide their heads in, whereby they may be prevented
from being wandring beggers, and so a scandall to a Christian king
-dome, These humble petition theerfore of your poor Pettitioner
is, That you in your great care of the poor, and consideration
of the distress of a poor undone woman, would please to grant
your order to the overseers of the poor of the said parish, to
oblidge them to provide your poor Pettitioner a house, and some mente
nance sutable to so great a necessity as the cryes of six
poor babes, and a desolate poor woman under such circumstances
And your poor pettitioner (as in duty bound) shall
ever pray for your worships, health and prosperity
ff put out the boy apprentice and allowe her
and 1s weekly
Anne Spenser of Winstor. Q/SB/2/385 (1684)
The humble petitione of Anne Spenser of Winstor
To his majesties Justices of the Peace at the generall
Quarter Sessions holden at Bakewell: July the 22th. 84.
Whereas your petitioner: being widdowe: for many years together
aand beinge 66 yeares of age; and beinge very laborious all her life
time: and not prejudice: to the said towne: havinge noe releife at
all: but thorowgh the charity: of some people: whose charity is very small
towards your petitioner: she havinge formerly a small tenement
erected and builded uppon the waste: it beinge fallen to the ground: where
as your petitioner hath been in great danger: to be starved: and all
most drowned; whereas she cannot preserve her self from the could
and wet: wast but thorowgh the providence of Allmighty god: your petitioner
most humbly desireth your worshipps good assistance, and that forth of your clemency
and goodness you wold comiserate her deplorable Conditione: coh and give
orders to the overseers of the poore whereas your your petitioner may have a habitatione
by her self: to inhabit in: without whose assistance she is in great danger
to starve: for want of habitatione: and your petitioner will ever pray for
your worshipps long life
be mee
Anne Spensor
Mary Machant of Youldgreave. Q/SB/2/386 (1684)
The humble petitione of Mary Machant
of Youldgreave.
To his majesties Justices of the peace at the generall
Quarter Sessions holden at Bakewell July 22th 84
Whereas your petioner livinge in good estimatione and repute
for many years together: beinge very carefull:
to maintain her self: and family for beinge prejudice
to the said towne: your petitioners husbande beinge forced and
driven away: and returninge not backe, againe to
her leaveinge your petitioner with a litle girle: beinge in want
was put into a litle cottagge by and with the consent of the
said towne: the said owner of the said tenement goeinge ccomeinge
when your petitioner was gon forth to worke leaveinge her girle
in the said house: the said owner set a locke and key uppon the door,
where as your petitioner cannot injoy her habitatione with peace
and quietness: soe that the petitioner is likely to starve with for want of
a habitatione and child withall without your worshipps speedy good ass
istance: and that forth of your clemency and goodness: you would vou
chafe: to comiserate her deplorable conditione & grant
order to your petitioner: to whereas she may have a habita
tione with peace and quietness: who ever will pray for your wor
shipps long life: by mee
Mary Machant
William Parker, Elizabeth Parker and Mary Parker of Sturson. Q/SB/2/387 (1684)
To the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justice
of the Peace att the quarter sessions
of the peace held at Backwell the
22d. day of July 1684
The humble peticion of Wm Parker Elizabeth
Parker and Mary Parker of the hamblet of
Sturson ex one side of Compton, within the
parish of Compton Ashbourne,
Humbly sheweth
That your poore peticioners haveing lately buried
theire aged and impotent parentes at theire
owne charge and did long mayntayne them before
theire death in their sickness, by reason
whereof your peticioners are become very poore
and in great debt, and are utterly desdtitute of a
habitacion to live in so that they are in danger
of being starved and perish unless, your worshipps
releive your peticioners in this so great distress
Your peticioners therefore humbly pray
your woirshipps that the may have, a
weekly allowance till the hamblet
find or build them a house to
inhabite in
I have read worthy petiton, and
believe the content, to bee true, and
therefore recommend the petitioners,
for your wise Considerations
Robert Coke
1s weekly
Dorithy Carmon of Yoldgreave. Q/SB/2/388 (1684)
The humble petition of Dorithy Carmon of
To his Majesties Justices of the peace at the generall quarter
Sessions holden at Bakewell July the 22th 84
Whereas your petitioner beinge very laborious all her life
being very ould: havinge two children, which are in
fected with the Kings Evill: and cold in noe wise: travell
to London with one of them to London: but by and
thorowgh the good assistance of your worshipfull, knight
Sir Simon Degg: and Mr. Henry Gilbert: who I am
bound to pray: haveinge an order: granted to have
12d by the weeke: by Sir Simon Degg Mr. Henry Gilbert
Esquire Mr Eyre of Rowtor whose hands I had to my order
Mr. Paintor (alias) Ballichouse beinge one of the overseres:
desired my ordar: detained it ever since and allowed but
six pence the weeke, ever since Michaelmas last past: your petitioner
beinge in extream wants: humbly desiringe your worshipfull
bench to take it into your pious consideration: and grant
orders to the overseers that she may have the pay as formerly
without whose assistance your petioner is in danger to starve
and your petitioner will ever pray for your worshipps long life
by mee
Dorithy Carmon
Henry Worrall. Q/SB/2/389 (1684)
To the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the Peace at their
Quarter sessions houlden at Bakewell July the 22th. in the xxxvith
yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second
over England etc. Annoque Domini 1684:
The humble Peticion of Henry Worrall most humbly sheweth unto
your worshipps
That whereas your worshipps formerly granted severall orders for the maintenance
of your Peticioners children, and your last order of the 18th. of Aprill last ordered
the overseer of Holmesfield to pay weekely five shillinges for the better maintenance
of your Peticioner and his children. The payment of which they faile in paying so that
for want thereof and by their threates hinder him for haveing one to stay with
him to helpe his children and pretends to take the children away and dispose of
them as they please, which your peticioner desires may not be, because their usage
was so ill when they had them before, And further some within Holmesfield
forth of their ill disposition and malice against your Peticioner use all meanes they
can to undoo your Peticioner: and send him to prison for things that do not
concerne them, and so hinders him both from personally attending your worshipps
or following his occasions whereby he might the better looke to his children
himselfe and provide necessaries for them
Your Peticioner therefore in most humble manner desires the
continuance of your favours, and that you will see that your
orders may be duly observed and your Peticioner and his poore
children as in duty bound will ever pray for your worshipps etc.
heard upon a mocion