Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1681

Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770.

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'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1681', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770, ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1681', in Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Edited by Brodie Waddell , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Derbyshire Quarter Sessions: 1681". Petitions to the Derbyshire Quarter Sessions, 1632-1770. Ed. Brodie Waddell , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

Elizabeth Davis, a prisoner in Derby gaol. Q/SB/2/329 (1681)

To the honorable and right worshippfull his Majesties Justices of the peace for
the County of Derby now assembled in open Sessions.

The humble peticion of Elizabeth Davis now a prisoner
in his Majesties Goale for the County of Derby.

Humbly sheweth

That your poore distressed Peticioner is now bigg with Child and neare her
time ready to be delivered, and hath nothing to help her selfe withall,
neither hath she any freinds here to assist her in her greate extremity
And in the prison where she is, she hath neither fuell to keepe her
warme, neither is there any place in it to make a fire in,
Insoemuch that she is likely to perish if she be continued there.

Your Peticioner therefore humbly prayes that you would
be pleased to commiserate her deplorable Condicion
And grant liberty to remaine in Mr Vesseys
house till she be delivered, And alsoe to order her
some allowance to pay for her diett in the meane
time, And she as in duty bound will ever pray for
your healths and happinesse.

Order 5li to bee levyed in the county
This Order renewd Easter Sessions (81)

Thomas Sales of St Alkmonds parish. Q/SB/2/332 (1681)

To the honorable Bench of his Majestyes justices of
the peace for the County of Derby

The humble petition of Thomas Sales of St Alkmonds parish in Derby

Sheweth That on the [nineteenth?] one and Twentyeth day of August last past
John Brindley a poor impotent old man travelling by the towne of
Derby in the highway neer St. Mary-bridge by a fall from of an horse
was soe crushed and bruised that of himselfe hee could not rise again
but after a while lying there was by some compassionate good people
brought into the towne to your petitioners house in the street called
Bridge-gate where void of money and in great weakeness of body
hee hath ever since continued at your petitioners great charge and
trouble without releife from any other person. Humanity forbids
your petitioner to let him dye for lack of dayly bread, and if the
charge be not removed from your petitioner he shall in a short
time become an object of charity also Therefore humbly
proposeing the premises to your mercifull consideracions and
since the said John Brindley's necessityes may in reason require
supplyes more from the publick charity than any privat mans
pitty Your Petitioner prayeth such redress in this case as to your
Honors discretion shall seem meet

iii li to bee leavyed in the county

This order renewd Easter Sessions 1681

Thomas Sales.

Robert Broune, a poor prisoner in Derby gaol. Q/SB/2/346 (1681)

The humble petition of Robert Broune a poore prisoner in the Common Goale for
the County of Derby to the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the peace at the Gen
erall Quarter Sessions of the peace houlden for the said County this 18th day of Aprill
Annoque Domini 1683

Humbly Sheweth

That whereas I your Worships poore petitioner and my brother likewise were committed to Goale upon suspition of
stealeing of a mare onely because hee had the evill fortune as to ride a mare in Bake
-well fayre which one George Arthur gott him to sell for him and it seems that since
it doth appear that hee had feloniously taken her and durst not ride her himself but
got my brother Gervass and soe caused us both to be apprehended and I had in money the
summe of 2li: 18s: 6d in my pockett of my owne which the Constable of Bake
-well tooke of mee, so that wee have nothing to live upon but the bare allowance of
the countrey nor nothing to lodge in and the prissoners threaten every day to take
our cloathes for their garnish; so that my most humble request is if you will please
to take into serious considderation my sad and deplorable condition and forth of your
clemencyes graunt an order for mee to have my money towards our maintenan
-ce otherwise wee shall be utterly lost for want and wee your Worships poore
petitioners shall for ever be bound to pray for your Worships good healths and
prossperities whilst wee live & I am

Robert Broune

Roger Barber, a poor prisoner in Derby gaol. Q/SB/2/347 (1681)

The Humble Petition of Roger Barber A poore prisoner in
the Common Goale for the County of Derby, To the Right Worshipfull
his Majesties Justices of the peace at the Generall Quarter Sessions
of the peace houlden for the County of Derby the 17th day of
Aprill Annoque Dominim 1683

Humbly Sheweth

That whereas your Worships poore petitioner being cast into prisson
though the mallice of one Edmund Hall under pretence that
I am a mad man, the reason of which is by reason I have threatned
to sue him for severall things done unto mee as followes, first h[e]
hath throwne stones at my sheep and knocked severall in the hea[d]
and hath killed severall of my dogs that I have kept to help mee to
drive me sheep and keeps sheep and other things to eat up my gra[ss]
to my great detriment, and disadvantage; and hee had a mortgage o[f my?]
house from my father and by reason I was thrifty and paid him h[is mo?]
-ney againe; nay more for he tooke twelvepence above the [illegible]
ture of the bond is the great cause of this my sad condition w[illegible]
I humbly desire your Worships to take into your most Judicious [cons]
iderations and forth of your Clemmency grant me my enlar[gement]
(for I am a poore lame impotent creature and have nobody [illegible]
after my sheep which is all I have to live upon as allso to take
cause him the said Edmund Hall to make me Restitu[tion]
for the wrongue I have sustained by him) and I your poore peti[tioner]
shall for ever be bound to pray for your Worships good hea[lths] Prosperities whilst I live and am

Roger Barbe[r]

referd[till?] [morneing?]