Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1678

Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798.

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'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1678', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798, ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1678', in Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Edited by Sharon Howard , British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Cheshire Quarter Sessions: 1678". Petitions to the Cheshire Quarter Sessions, 1573-1798. Ed. Sharon Howard , British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

In this section

Richard Jervis of Nantwich, aged 60 years. QJF 105/4/146 (1678)

To the right worshipfull Sir Thomas Manweringe barronet
and Sir Robert Cotton knight and baronet and to the
rest of the justices of the peace at this quarter sessions assembled

The humble peticion of Richard Jervis of Namptwich
aged sixtie yeares or thereaboutes

Sheweth that your peticnour was a souldier in his majesties [service?]
at Edg Hill under the commaund of the worshipfull Major Richard
Walthall and under him soe continued, untill Nasebies fight [where?]
your peticnour was taken prisnour and transported beyond sea, being
sore wounded and brused in the said service to the utter undoeing
of your poore peticnour his wife and children whoe have bin almost
lost and famished in these hard and deare times for want of foode and
nessaries to sustayne nature.

The premisses tenderly considered your peticnour humbly besecheth
your good worshipps to graunt your peticnour a larger pencion
then now hee hath allowed him beinge but twentie shillinges a yeare
to wardes the better mentaynance of your peticnour his wife and children
and your peticnour shall as in dewtie bound ever pray for your worshipp
[illegible] [and?] safetie etc

Next vacancy

William Duckett, labourer. QJF 106/1/119 (1678)

[illegible] honourable his majesties justices of the
[illegible] [assembled?] Aprill [illegible]th [1676?]

[illegible] humble peticion [of?] William [Duckett?] laborer

Sheweth [illegible]
[illegible] whereas your peticioner hath severall times
made applicacion [unto?] this court for releife for
himselfe and family haveing formerly maintayned
himselfe by his owne industry in good repute with out being burthensome
to any and now being [growne?] aged and impotent [is?]
noe wise able to subsist without some allowance or
maintenance for the future and did thereupon procure an order
that the overseeres of the poore should provide for your peticioner
accordinge to lawe in pursuance of which order the overseers
gave your peticioner 12 pence a weeke without an addicion to which
your peticioner is likely to and his wife and 3 sh small children
are likely to perish

The premisses considered your peticioner humbly
prayes the order of this court for a large
allowance for his future maintenance and hee
will ever pray etc

[Justices of the hundred?]

Referred overseers of the poore.

Apud Northwich quarto die Aprilis anno [illegible]
secundi [nunc Angliae?] etc vicesimo [illegible]

Ordered that it bee referred to his majesties justices of the
peace of the hundred of Northwich who are hereby desired
to make such order for the peticioneres future releife and
maintenance as to them shall seeme meet

[M Cobbe el pac?]

Apud Medium Wicum vicesimo quarto die Aprilis
anno regni Caroli secundi nunc Angliae etc xxix

Ordered that it bee referred to his majesties justices of the
peace of the hundred of Northwich who are hereby
desired to [illegible] for the [illegible]
releife as to them that shall seeme meete the peticioner
being about one hundred yeares of
age and is thought fit to be provided
for agreeable to his age [illegible]
[M Cobbe el pac?]

Humphrey Ellis of Northwich, labourer. QJF 106/1/120 (1678)

To the right honourable his majesties justesses
of the peace at this present quarter sessi=
ons at Northwich beinge the ninth day of
Aprell 1678.

The humble peticion of Humphrey Ellis
of Northwich in the countie of Chester

Sheweth unto your honers that your poore petitioner
upon the sixt day of Aprell instant in the night
by John Gorst of Northwich in the countie
afforesaid laborer, was booth wounded and [illegible] sore
strucken, hee your poore petitioner beinge imployed
by Master Thomas Wade at the Barron of Kinderton
his workes, was to take care of the coales, and
that noe injury should bee done unto the works,
hee the said John Gorst beinge a laborer at Master
Henery Brookes workes did beat your petitioner as
afforesaid, your petitioner not knowinge what his
intention might bee, nor oweinge the said John
Gorst any evell will, doth desire your honours to
grant your petitioner a warrant to bind the said
John Gorst afforesaid to his good behavior
and as hee is bound will ever pray etc.


Robert Oakell, a poor prisoner for debt in Chester castle. QJF 106/1/121 (1678)

To the right worshipfull his
majesties justices of the
peace, and quorum att theire
generall sessions of the peace
held att Northwich Aprill the
9th annoque domini 1678

The humble peticion of Robert Oak
Oakell a pooer distressed prisoner
for debtt in the castle of Chester
in all humility

that your peticioner dureinge all the time
of our unnaturall warrs, was a true
souldier and actuall in armes (without any
[recconeesinge?], both to his deceased majestie
and allsoe to his majestie that now is,
wherein hee received not onely severall
woundes, but allsoe by sequestration, and
otherwise, was, and is utterly undonne in
soe much that now hee is become a
prisoner as afforesayde, where uppon your
petitioner beeinge in distresse, humblely
made bould to petition your worships att the
last quarter sessions held att Middlewitch
to bee admitted a pentioner but was not
then admitted in regard all was full onely
promissed the first vacancie,

The premisses tenderly considered,
and, that a pentioner formerly
liveinge in Broxen hundred is
since the last sessions deceased
ytt is by your petitioner humblely
craved that hee may now bee
admitted in his roome, and steed,
in soe doeinge as in duty hee will
ever pray for your eternall felicyties

To bee admitted next vacancy

Peter Lowe of Smallwood, labourer. QJF 106/1/122 (1678)

To the honorable and right worshipfull the justices
of the peace for the county of Chester;

The humble petition of your poore supplicant Peter Lowe of Smallwood in the
county of Chester labourer; sheweth that whereas your poore pititioner hath
for severall years last past lived in the township of Smallwood and by his
paines and industry hath endeavoured to pay rent for ahouse to live in
and by all other meanes used the utmost of his power to maintaine
his family from being further burthensome (then his great necessity
forceth him; to any of the inhabitants of the said township; and whereas
your poore supplicant being obliged by covenant at May next to remove
from the house he now liveth in (the same being sett longe since to
another man) and haveing enquired through out the said town=
ship and offered to give a valuable rent to such as had houses to sett
they either afferme they had sett them before; or will not sett
them to your poore supplicant insomuch that your poore suppli=
ant is in greate feare of being destitute of a habitation; before
he can have reliefe from this honourable bench; unlesse at this
time you please to take his condition in to your charitable
consideration and favour him with your order for his future
reliefe; hee having foure children besides himselfe; and only
desireing ahouse for his moneyes; or to be ordered what other
course to take when his necessity shall require; the premisses con=
sidered your poore petitioner hopes this honourable bench will yeild him
such reliefe as this his necessity doth require and shall ever pray
for your worships health and prosperity and remaine in all obedience
to your command;

April the 9th

Peter Lowe


Thomas Streetch of Whatcroft, husbandman. QJF 106/1/123 (1678)

To the right honourable his
majesties justesses of the peace
for this present quarter session
at Northwich beinge the 9th of
Aprell 1678.

The humble peticion of Thomas
Streetch of Whatcroft in the
countie of Chester husbandman

Sheweth that whereas your peticioner
hath for seaverall yeares lived in
the towneship of Whatcroft afore
said and now is married and hath [illegible] and
is lickly to have children which is
not his desire to put the afforesaid
township of Whatcroft to any dam
age by reson of his charge, doth de
sire that hee may have aplace with
in the afforesaid towneship of What
croft to live in, or otherwise the
towneship of Whatcrof, to put in
securitie to some other towneship
hee payinge his rent, and as hee is
bound will ever pray etc.


William Whalley of Aston, husbandman. QJF 106/1/124 (1678)

To the right honourable the justesses of the
peace assessembled at this present quarter
sessions at Northwich beinge the ninth day of
Aprell 1678.

The humble petition of William
Whalley of [D...h?] Aston in the contie of
Chester husbandman

Humblie sheweth that your peticioner upon the
fift day of Aprell instant comeinge from the
moonthly meetinge in Budworth did meete William
Litlor, and his sister Ann Litlor shee beeinge a
quaker did lay voyalent hands upon your petitioner
and did as your honours may [illegible] see booth by my face
and if accasion may bee upon my back, and lick
wise manie other abuses weere offered unto your
petitioner as hee can relate, beinge that your
petitioner beinge put in office consearneinge the
quakers hee your petitioner hopes hee shall not re=
caive any abuse, and as hee is bound will ever pray,

Apud Northwich nono die Aprilis anno regni Caroli secundi
nunc Angliae etc xxxo

The court takeing notice of the sadd condicion of the peticioner
orders that the overseers of the poore of Aston doe take
care that the peticioner may have sufficient maintenance according
to his necessity, otherwise that they bee proceeded against as
neglectors of negligent in the execucion of their office

[William Cobbe el pac?]

Unidentified petitioners in support of Thomas Draine of Weverham, webster. QJF 106/1/125 (1678)

To the right honourable his magistes jusstis of
the peace at the generall quarter sessions to be
held at Northwich Aperill the 9 1678

Theise may cirtifie all whom it may conserne
that on Satterday the 30 day of March anno domini
1678 in the night tyme there happened to bre
ake out a fire in the dwelling house of Thomas
Draine of Weverham by trayde a webster which
provd soe furious that in a short tyme be [reason?]
noe person was in the house the said house with
all the bulding thereunto adjouneing and all
the goods what soe ever within the said house and
houseing were totally consumed and reduced to ash
his to the vallue of twenty pounds and upwards
to the great impoverishing and uter ruin of the
said Thomas Daine and his wife being both very
ancient people unlesse in short tyme preven
ted by the releife and charity of well disposed
peopell the petisinor hereof humbley refers
the premisses to the judicious consideration of his
magistis justis of the peace for this county
humbly desireing there assistance for there pre
sant releife

Thomas Tomlinson, gunsmith. QJF 106/1/127 (1678)

To the right worshipfull the justices of the peace for the
county palatine of Chester now assembled
at the quarter sessions holden for this county

The humble peticion of Thomas Tomlinson gun=smith

Humbly sheweth.

That whereas your petitioner liveing with his father Richard
Tomlinson in the time when that late furious and lamentable
fire reduced to ashes your petitioners said fathers shopp and house
scituate in the townshipp of Calveley; by which unhappy
accident your petitioner with his wife were destitute of an
habitation, which he attempting to take in the neigh=
bouring townshipps hath been hindered by reason noe
security is given to free them from charges,

The premisses considered your petitioner humbly prayeth
your worshipps out of your wonted clemency to be
graciously pleased to grant your petitioner your worshipps
order that he may build himselfe a shopp and smale
cottage upon the wast by Watfield pavement side
within the townshipp of Calveley aforesaid for
your poore petitioner and his family to inhabite in that he
be not inforced to wander upp and downe haveing noe
place to gett his livelyhood in to defend him from
poverty which else will certainly attend him

And your petitioner shall ever pray etc


George Hudson of Butley. QJF 106/1/128 (1678)

The humble petition of George Hudson of Butley
unto the honorable his majesties justis of the peace
at this present met to gather,

Where as your poore petioner George Hudson being
now in duerance and abideing greate punishment for want
of meate drinke and clothing where by hee is put to greate
distress and wante as is too weell provd and knowne and hee
abideth this punishment upon the account of Master Redditch
through som information that hath comen against
him very undeserving for hee hath honest suffient witness
to produce that say the think the were with Master Redditch as [lately?]
as any Cheshire man was and hard him declare and say that
hee did not any ways pretend to troubel the aforesaid George Hudson
in the least for any contereversi that formerly was betwixt
them but a nigh neighbour of the said George Hudsones plainely
out of mallis and nothing of matter hath don this as is well knowne in the
towneship of Butley aforesaid as allsoe unto some of them whose
handes have underneath here subscribed where upon your
petitioner hath comen to infinet of sarow and [trouble?]
as carried before justises and by his accusations caryd to
bee imprisoned wanting food and rament and hee being
a poore man not abel of him selfe nor haveing any
kinsfolke abel to remedy this his injury nor to [relieve?]
his want whereby hee is now growen into a very sad
and poore condition where upon hee is inforced to fly
unto your presentes with this his poore peticion [hoping?]
you will take this his woefull condition in to all your
serious consideration and in this his sad condition to [shew?]
him som relefe to [cause?] him to have his liberty [peacebly?]
and if it bee your worships pleasure to cause the said
George Hudson to produce wittness of what hee hath
here presumed to write hee doubeth not but you beeing
soe favorable as alowing him time untill the next sessiones
[illegible] bring them in for hee is not abel long to undergoe this
his punishment soe hopeing this his poore petion will not
bee by your worships slightely lookd upon nor regarded
as a fabel or matter of untruth I ass in duty bound doe
rest your to command

  • George Hudson

  • Richard Dale

  • Hugh Burges
    his marke
  • Edward Cottin
  • James Holland
  • William [Linney?]
    his marke


Furthermore, this may certyfy to your worships that this said Edward Mottershed [illegible] accusers
as my neighbours doe informe credebaly doth intend to doe his utermost endevor [to have?]
this poore man perjeuerd where upon your poore petioner [once?] [illegible]
favouer from you that when hee come to prosecute you will [illegible]
at that time untill you have alowd your poore petioner liberty [to bring?] [illegible]
against your his mallis and hee will bee ever bound [one his knees?] [illegible]

Elizabeth the wife of Francis Green of Sutton, tanner. QJF 106/1/129 (1678)

To the honourable and right worshipfull his majesties justices
of the peace att theire generall quarter sessions held
att Chester the 19th of January anno domini 1677

The humble peticion of Elizabeth the wife of Francis
Green of Sutton neare Macclesfeild in the county of Chester

Humbly sheweth
that whereas your peticioners husband beinge of a weake estate and
much indebted unto severall persons did in Maye last fly the
county and leave your peticioner with three small children,
and that immediately thereupon all your peticioners goods and house=
hold stuffe were taken and swept awaye by the sherriffes bayliffes
of this county whereby your peticioner was left in a most deplorable
condicion and hath continued soe ever since haveinge nothinge
att all left to subsist on or to maintaine herselfe or children but
what shee hath painfully earned by her dayly paines and industry:
and your peticioner further sheweth that shee hath made her
complaintes to severall of the justices of the peace within the hundred
of Macclesfeild whoe have recomended her to the care of the overseers
for the poore within the said townshippe of Sutton, but maye itt
please your worshipps they have hitherto neglected and refused and still
doe refuse to allowe your peticioner or her children any maintenance
att all, soe that your peticioner and her said children are likely to bee
starved unles remedyed by your worshipps.

The premisses considered your peticioner humbly beggs your
worshipps commiseracion of her and her childrens sad condicion
and that your would bee pleased to graunt your worshipps
order of this sessions to the overseers for the poore of the
said townshipp of Sutton whereby your peticioner and her said
children maye have some releife and your peticioner
as in duty bound shall ever praye etc



Elizabeth Sadler of Hartford, spinster. QJF 106/1/130 (1678)

To the honourable his majesties justices of peace att the generall
quarter sessions of the peace held at Northwich Aprill 9 1678

The humble petition of Elizabeth Sadler of Hartford

that your petitioner is a very weake and poor woman and by reason of
a longe and lingringe suknesse and many bodily infirmities is altogether
unable to mantaine herselfe by her hand=labours (as formerly
shee hath done) without beinge chargeable to any.

That your petitioner haveing nothinge of her owne to subsist on,
nor haveinge had any releef from the overseers of for the poor
of Hartford aforesaid, nor beinge able to goe abroad to seeke
her releef, is like to starve for want, unlesse her necessitous
condition be considered and releeved by this noble bench

May it therefore please your honors, upd (upon tender
considration of the premisses) to order, that the overseers for
the poor of Hartford aforesaid shall afford and pay
somethinge weekly to your petitioner, to prevent her

And your petitioner will ever pray for your honours

We whose names are subscribed doe certify
that the substance of this petition is most true,
as some of us doe know, and the rest doe
verily beleeve.

  • John Fishwicke minister de Witton.
  • Thomas Lowe
  • John Eaton.

Overseers of the poore

John Hindle, Christopher Hindle, John Sandiforth and Mathew Travis, masons. QJF 106/1/132 (1678)

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace quorum at the quarter sessions of the peace holden at Midlewich Northwitch
and for the county palatine of Chester

The humble peticon of John Hindle Christopher Hindle John Sandiforth and Mathew Travis masons

that your petitioners undertook the building of Barton bridge in the county of Lancaster as to the
mason work and to uphold the same for one whole yeare after it should be first finished

That the said bridge was built and the work in such sort performed as gave satisfacion to the overseers of the work and to all that saw the bridge as your petitioners humbly thinke

That (to gratify the importunity of passengers and neighbouring persons many of them inhabitants in Cheshire to hasten the said bridge) your petitioners were
too adventrouse in setting the same up somwhat too late in the yeare and a violent raine suddenly ensueing before the lime in the midle piller had time
to harden and bind, though the foundacion stood firm, the top of the piller gave way to the fury of the flood, and so over turned the whole.

That the inhabitants of Lancasheir have paid [1100?] pounds to build the bridge whereof your petitioners haveing received what was due to them for the masonrie according
to their covenant stand bound to make good there foremencioned undertakeing which as it hath fallen out goes a great way towards your petitioners utter undoing.

That neverthelesse your petitioners since the bridge so fell have bine getting out the stones soe many as could be found and were usefull, and the last summer set up the pillers so
high as to the turneing of the arches which though they have been severall times covered with floods are not in the least moved and have gotten and
wrought other stones now in such readinesse as if their mony and friends faile them not they hope early this summer to set it up so as to the two
countys of Chester and Lancaster it may be of great and lasting use.

May it please your worshipps in pittie to your poor petitioners and for promoting so important a worke to a great
part of your county to recommend your petitioners misfortunes and their great want and necessitie of a supply to enable
them to finish what they have begun in such manner as to your worshipps shall seem meet amongst the inhabitants
of your county and your petitioners finding the effects of your and their charitable releife
shall ever pray etc

Ann Brooke of Nantwich. QJF 106/2/130 (1678)

To the right worshippfull the justices of peace
for the countie palatine of Chester etc

The humble peticuon of Ann Brooke of Namptwich a poore lame
impotent and weake cripple

Sheweth that your poore peticnour hath one child which your
peticuoner sett prentice unto the trade of a glover whoe
hath dilligently and faithfully served foure yeares
of his said apprentiship haveinge had nor receved
any more allowance or mentaynance, from the said towne
of Namptwich but onely nine pence per month towardes
the releife of your poore peticnour and hir said child now
soe it is, if it may please your good worshipps, that your poore
peticnours sonn by mischance hath broke his ledg beinge
not able to stir or remove him selfe to the utter undoeing
of your poore peticnour and hir child

The premisses tenderly and compassionatley considered
your poore peticnour humbly beseecheth your good worshipps
to order the overseeyeres of the poore of Namptwich to
enlarge there weekely or monthly alowance, with out
which your poore peticnour with hir child are like to bee
[clemed?] and starved, and your poore peticnour shall as
in dewtie bound ever pray etc


Jane Jonson. QJF 106/2/131 (1678)

The humble petion of Jane Jonson

Wheare as it was ordered by this courte
that the counstable of the castle of Chester
should take care for a baster child of
Thomas Shawes: the which Thomas Shaw made
his escape out of his custody the which consta
-stable of the castle of Chester agreed with
your worshipes poore peticioner for the
keeping of the said child and promised
to give her ten shilinges per quarter which
which sayd payment he hath necclected
to pay and doth now refuse to pay
your poore peticioner wherefore shee
humbly prays your worships that
you would be pleased to take her
condition in to your worships considera


John Elless of Ince, labourer. QJF 106/3/97 (1678)

To the wright worshipfull whom it may conscerne his majesties
justices of the peace

The humble petion of John Elless of Ince in the county of Chester

Most humbley sheweth that youre poore petichener John Elless hath
lived in Ince this tenne yeares and upwards and now is married and
hath a wife and three children and is destetute of a house for in Ince
houses are soe scase that a poore man cannot geet a house for his mony
and youre poore petioner moust humbly begeth of youre worships
that you would be pleased that I may buld mee up an house in
Ince upon the wast youre poore petioner hath gotten the free consent
of all his nighbors and wee whose names are heare under written
doth desire youre worsheps that you yould bee pleased for to take it unto
considderation and that you would bee pleased for to grant unto him
an order for to build him up an house upon the wast as for his life
and conversation a monght his nighbours hee carrise him selfe well
and like an onest poore man and your poore petioner most humbly
begeth that youre worsheps would bee pleased for to grainte unto
him this faver and hee shall bee bound ever to pray for you

  • Robeart Hind
  • Thomas Bushell
  • Richard Hinde
  • Thomas Harrison
  • William Whitby
  • William Johnson

  • John Witter
  • curate

  • Thomas Harrison
  • William Whitbye
  • churchwardens


I doe alow the barer here of John Elless liberty to
arect acotage within the lordship of Ince

  • Thomas Cholmondeley

Graunted Master Cholmondeley
setting his seale.

Whereas it hath appered unto this court by the humble peticion of
John Ellis that hee hath lived in the towneshipp of Ince in this
county for the space of ten yeares and upwardes, and that hee hath
a wife and three children and is destitute of an habitacion and forasmuch
as Thomas Cholmondeley of Vale Royall esquire lord of the sayd mannour
of Ince hath signified his consent (under his hand and seale unto
this court for the said John Ellis petitioner to have a cottage in Ince [afor?]
it is therefore ordred by this courte that the said John Ellis may erect
a cottage in some parte of the wase [illegible] belonging to the said townshipp
lordshipp or mannour of Ince, according to the appointment of the
[illegible] or servaunt of the said Master Cholmondeley for that purpos

John Gleave of Handford, labourer. QJF 106/3/98 (1678)

[Com?] Cestria

To the right worshipfull his majesties justices of the peace and quorum at the generall
quarter sessions of the peace held at Knutseford the eight day of March

The humble peticion of John Gleave of Handford in the county of Chester

Humbley sheweth
that your peticioner haveing a wife and three small children and
his wife great againe, is destitute of an habitacion, haveing noe place
to live in, and that they have lyne in the lane severall nights to
the great hazard and danger of his wife and children lyves there
fore your peticioner humbly prayes your order to the overseers of the
poore of Handford aforesaid to provide some place for him and your
peticioner will ever pray etc


Thomas Portington, gentleman, and Thomas Pulford. QJF 106/3/99 (1678)

To the honourable his majesties juctices of the peace at theire
quarter sessions of the peace now held at Nether Knottesford.

The humble peticion of Thomas Portington gentleman and Thomas Pulford.

Humbly sheweth
that your petitioners severall yeares since did at the speciall instance and
request of Robert Okell of Warton, and for his sole and proper use enter into a
bond a bond of 40 pounds condicioned for the payment of 20 pounds with interest at a day
longe since past, which the said Okell although hee had a competent and full estate
sufficient to have discharged the same, hath neglected to pay any part thereof
but hath suffered the same to goe on soe farre in law and the arreare of interest
as amounteth to 15 pounds more and upwards, and hath alsoe suffered one of your petitioners to
to lye in prison a longe time for the same, and the other hath beene in durance
and suffered very much thereby, the said Okell (notwithstanding his sufficiency)
still refuseing to take any course to defray the same, but instead of doeing
that just act (beeing a prisoner for debt) most unjustly and [fraudulently?]
meerely to throw the said debt and costs upon your petioners hath taken [his?]
oath according to the direccions of the late act for releife of distressed prisoners
and intendeth to bee discharged by this honourable court, though the said Okell
hath house and ground now in his possession and disposall worth the yearely
value of 20 pounds or thereabouts, as your petioners hope to make out to this honourable

Your petioners therefore humbly pray that [this honourable?]
court would graciously please to take [illegible]
into your serious consideracions, and [illegible]
merritts of the cause may bee [due...?] [illegible]
into before the said Okell bee [dis...?] [illegible]
your petioners releived here [illegible]
wisdomes shall seeme [illegible]
and your petioners (as in duty [illegible]

Wee whose names are subscribed neighbours to and inhabitants
of the towneshipp of Warton doe beleive the contents of the
above written peticion to bee really true.

  • Ralph Batrich
  • Thomus [Pulfabe?]
  • Samuell Smith
  • Robert Rollinson
  • Peter Moulson
  • Richard Raphson
  • Joseph Gibbans

The inhabitants of Monks Coppenhall in support of William Brereton. QJF 106/3/100 (1678)

[Com?] Cestria.

To the honourable bench at the quarter sessions
held at Neither Knutsford.

Wee whose names are hereunto subscribed inhabitants
of Monkes Coppenhall doe humbly certifie that this petitioner
William Brereton is an honest poor labouring man and
takes great paines to maintaine his poor wife and children
without being anywayes burdensome to the said townshipp
of Monkes Coppenhall; and wee doe thinke fitt and
reasonable, if this honourable bench see it good that the said
William with his wife and children may peacably continue
and reside in that small habitacion wherein he now lives
amongst us witness our hands the third day of September
annoque domini 1678vo.

  • J. Harrison rector
  • Randel Kent
  • Hugh Ekles church

  • William Shenton
  • Thomas Shenton
  • Thomas Mottershod
  • George Gorton
  • Thomas Key
  • George [illegible]geninges
  • James Beech
  • John Malbon
  • John Ash
  • John Whitbey
  • John Bealey
  • Thomas [Bostock?]

William Brereton. QJF 106/3/101 (1678)

[Com?] Cestria

The humble petition of William Brereton to the
honourable bench at the quarter sessions held at Neither

Humbly sheweth that your poor petitioner hath been an inhabitant
with his wife and family in Monkes Coppenhall in the said county
for the space of seaven years at May last past, and that your
petitioner hath by Gods assistance, and his owne labour maintained
his said wife and family without being in any sort troublesome
or chargable to the said towne; and your petitioner further sheweth
that in or about the begining of March last past, hee being destitute
of any habitacion for himselfe his said wife and children, by reason
the house wherein your petitioner did thentofore reside was other
wayes disposed off by the owner thereof; your petitioner being then
destitute of a dwelling as aforesaid and haveing a great charge of
children to maintaine wholely through his owne industry, rather
then to become burdensome to the said towne did make his adresses
to John Malbon of the said towne, that he would give leave, that
your petitioner might sett up a small piece of building upon a part of
his the said John Malbons tenement which he now holds by vertue of a
lease under John Acton of Haslington gentleman the which request of your
petitioner was accordingly condescended unto, and the said small building
erected but now so itt is, may it please this honourable bench that att
the last quarter sessions held for this county at Namptwich your petitioner
was presented for erecting the said coate or cottage, all which said matters
of fact your petitioner doth humbly confesse: and most humbly prayes
this honourable bench (the premisses tenderly considered) that your poor
petitioner may by order of this court have his fyne taken off, or medigated
[to?] some small summe (otherwise the same will certainely tend to the
utter ruin and impoverishment of your said petitioner his wife and
[family?]) and your [petitioner?] [illegible] in duty bound shall ever pray etc.