Index of officers: I

Office-Holders in Modern Britain: Volume 11 (Revised), Court Officers, 1660-1837. Originally published by University of London, London, 2006.

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'Index of officers: I', in Office-Holders in Modern Britain: Volume 11 (Revised), Court Officers, 1660-1837, ed. R O Bucholz( London, 2006), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of officers: I', in Office-Holders in Modern Britain: Volume 11 (Revised), Court Officers, 1660-1837. Edited by R O Bucholz( London, 2006), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of officers: I". Office-Holders in Modern Britain: Volume 11 (Revised), Court Officers, 1660-1837. Ed. R O Bucholz(London, 2006), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Ibbatt (Ibatt), John Messenger of the Press 17 Nov. 1750 (LC 3/65, p. 243) Last occ. 1764 (CCK [1764], p. 82). Vac. by 1765 (CCR [1765], p. 78).

Ibbetson, James Preaching Chaplain at Whitehall occ. 16 Sept. 1744-1750 (Wh Pbk 1). Vac. 1751 (Ibid.).

Ibbott, --- Scourer of the Queen's Privy Kitchen dismissed 5 Dec. 1661 (MS. Carte 59, f. 119).

Ibbot, Benjamin Chaplain 28 Feb. 1717 (LC 3/63, p. 154). D. 5 Apr. 1725 (LC 3/64, p. 17; AC I ii, 446).

Ibbott (Abbot), Edmund Supernumerary Scourer of the Kitchen Est. of 1 Oct. 1664 (LS 13/34, f. 27). First Porter and Scourer of the Household Kitchen Est. of 1 Oct. 1668 (LS 13/35, f. 26v). Vac. by Est. of 30 June 1674 (LS 13/36, f. 28v).

Ibott (Abbot), John Turnbroach of the Queen's and Household Kitchen occ. Est. of 1 Oct. 1664 (LS 13/34, f. 22). Doorkeeper of the Queen's Privy Kitchen Est. of 1 Oct. 1668 (LS 13/35, f. 26v). Vac. by 1 Jan. 1683 (LS 13/9, f. 10).

Ilchester, Henry Stephen (Fox Strangways) 3rd Earl of Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard 5 Aug. 1835 (HO 38/33, p. 81).

Illingworth, George S. Preaching Chaplain at Whitehall 1796 (AO II, 727). Occ. 19 Dec. 1797 (Wh Pbk 1). Vac. 1798 (Ibid.).

Imber, John Porter of the Coal Yard 16 Feb. 1788 (LS 13/204, f. 115). Third Assistant Porter at the Queen's House 22 May 1804 (LS 13/267, f. 45). Vac. by 18 Feb. 1812 [?on transfer to the Windsor establishment] (LS 2/38).

Imber, John Second Porter at Buckingham House pd. from 6 Jan. 1820 to 5 Jan. 1825 (LS 2/46-51). Vac. 6 Jan. 1825 (LS 2/51).

Immyns, John Lutenist of the Chapel Royal 13 Dec. 1752 (LS 13/202, f. 8; NCB, p. 40). D. 15 Apr. 1764 (New Grove IX, 30).

Inard, - Physician in Extraordinary [5 Mar. 1666] (LC 3/26, f. 143). Physician 'in Ordinary Supernumerary' 11 Oct. 1666 (LC 3/26, f. 141). No further occ.

Ince, Joseph Page of the Presence Chamber 10 July 1812 (LC 3/68, p. 144). Superannuated by 20 Oct. 1820 (LC 3/69, p. 21).

Incledon see Wynyard

Incledon, Jane Grace Housekeeper at Westminster 17 Mar. 1720 (LC 3/7, f. 9v; LC 3/63, p. 222). D. by 25 June 1726 (LC 3/64, p. 27; LC 3/7, f. 9v).

Incledon, John Joint Housekeeper at Westminster 1 Nov. 1705 (LC 5/166, p. 177; LC 3/63, p. 39). D. 19 Feb. 1720 (T 53/28, p. 114).

Indor, Thomas Surgeon 'in Ordinary Supernumerary without fee or allowance' 16 June 1660 (LC 3/26, f. 144). No further occ.

Inett, John Chaplain 25 Apr. 1700 (LC 5/166, p. 39; ibid., p. 144; HRC [1714 16] I ii, 49). D. 4 Mar. 1718 (AC I ii, 447; LC 3/63, p. 193).

Inett, Thomas Chaplain 28 July 1732 (LC 3/64, p. 242). Vac. by 12 Dec. 1747 (LC 3/65, p. 217).

Ingall, Mary [Joint] Embroiderer to the Great Wardrobe occ. 1769-1782 (RK [1769], p. 77; last occ. ibid. [1782], p. 77). Office abolished 1782 (22 George III, c. 82).
-- "Embroideresse" 9 Dec. 1782 (LC 3/67, p. 146).

D. by 15 Feb. 1783 (Ibid., p. 149).

Ingall, Sarah Embroiderer to the Wardrobe 15 Feb. 1783 (LC 3/67, p. 149). No further occ.

Inge, John (Juge, Hinge) Yeoman of the Guard occ. Est. of 20 Aug. 1667-1710 [Yeoman Usher occ. 1699-1710] (Hennell, p. 257; LC 3/24, f. 27; LC 3/30, f. 71; Chamberlayne [1694] II, 251; last occ. Chamberlayne [1710] II iii, 551). Vac. by 1716 (Chamberlayne [1716] II iii, 573-74).

Inge, William Preaching Chaplain at Whitehall occ. 16 Mar. 1788 (Wh Pbk 1). Vac. 1789 (Ibid.).

Inger, Richard Groom of the Hobby Stable occ. Est. of 28 Mar. 1682 (Dartmouth MSS ox D [w] 1778/v/132). Vac. by Est. of early 1685 (Ibid.).

Inglis (English), John Marshal of the Ceremonies 2 Feb. 1704 (LC 5/166, p. 157; LC 3/63, p. 56; LC 3/64, p. 78).
--Assistant Master of the Ceremonies 14 Aug. 1710 (LC 5/166, p. 250; LC 3/63, p. 56; LC 3/64, p. 78).

D. 8 May 1740 (GM [1740] X, 262).

Inglis, John Chaplain 23 June 1739 (LC 3/65, p. 96). D. by 31 July 1742 (Ibid., p. 148).

Ingoll, William Groom of the Great Chamber in Ordinary [w/o fee] 1 Nov. 1672 (LC 3/27, f. 17v).

Ingram, Arthur Supernumerary Assistant Groom of the Privy Chamber (in Ordinary Supernumerary'; 'as in the late king's time, in ye Establishmt. To have the same Wages & Salaries & Livryes as the other Six grooms')14 July [1660] (LC 3/2, f. 12v; LC 3/25, ff. 14-15). Assistant Groom of the Privy Chamber 16 Mar. 1662 (LC 3/24, f. 7). Groom of the Privy Chamber 30 Apr. 1670 (Ibid.). Res. by 15 May 1672 (Ibid.).

Ingram, John Gentleman Pensioner occ. 1772-1790 (RK [1772], p. 85; last occ. ibid. [1790], p. 98). Vac. by 5 July 1790 (E 407/2/138).

Ingram, John Coachman 2 Oct. 1779 (LS 13/203, f. 110v). D. by 20 Jan. 1784 (LS 13/204, f. 21).

Ingram, Peter Chaplain in Extraordinary Feb. 1662 (LC 3/26, f. 127). No further occ.

Ingram, Richard Yeoman of the Guard 9 Jan. 1757 (LC 3/58, p. 31; ibid., f. 83). D. by 5 Jan. 1784 (LS 13/204, f. 21; AO 3/106/1).

Ingram, Robert Postilion [or Coachman] first occ. 10 July 1816 (LS 2/42). Helper in the Stables 24 Oct. 1827 (MOH 2/256; LB F, p. 550). Pd. to 30 Sept. 1837 (LS 2/63, f. 39).

Ingrey, John Sewer of the Chamber 'in Ordinary without fee' 31 July 1668 (LC 3/26, f. 122v). No further occ.

Inman, Charles Postilion 12 Mar. 1790 (MOH WB 1, p. 138). Res. by 7 Dec. 1802 (Ibid., p. 159).

Innes (?Jones), Walter Assistant Gentleman Usher Daily Waiter 20 Mar. 1672 (LC 3/24, f. 7). Gentleman Usher Daily Waiter 1 Oct. 1672 (LS 13/197, f. 3). Res. by 15 Apr. 1673 (Ibid.). Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber 4 July 1687 (LC 3/30, p. 13). Vac. 11 Dec. 1688 on abd. of James II.

Irby, Hon. Edward Methuen Page of Honour 10 Mar. 1800 (MOH WB 2, p. 161). Vac. by 12 May 1804 (Ibid., 3 p. 13).

Irby, Sir William, 2nd Bart. Page of Honour 29 Feb. 1724 (LS 13/200, f. 66; LS 13/201, f. 26v). Vac. by 19 May 1731 (LS 13/201, f. 47).

Ireland, Alexander Groom of the Privy Chamber in Extraordinary 24 Jan. 1663 (LC 3/26, f. 109). No further occ.

Ireland, Edward Table-Decker to the Women of the Bedchamber 31 Aug. 1733 (LS 13/263, f. 53). Vac. 25 Oct. 1760 on d. of George II.

Ireland, Jane Joint Seamstress and Starcher 7 June 1690 (LC 3/32, p. 16; LC 3/57, f. 11 gives 6 June 1689). Vac. 8 Mar. 1702 on d. of Anne.

Ireland, John Yeoman of the Guard occ. 1716-1748 (Chamberlayne [1716] II iii, 574; last occ. ibid. [1748] II iii, 134). Vac. by Est. of 5 Apr. 1755 (Ibid. [1755] II iii, 131-32).

Ireland, Randolph Yeoman of the Guard occ. Est. of 5 Apr. 1755-c. 25 Aug. 1755 (Chamberlayne [1755] II iii, 132). D. by 25 Aug. 1755 on app. of Thomas Clarke (LC 3/58, p. 15).

Ireland, Susannah Necessary Woman to the Queen's Private Lodgings 27 Oct. 1727 (LS 13/201, f. 18v. ?No further occ.

Ireton, Henry Equerry 14 Mar. 1689 (LS 13/198, f. 31). Gentleman of the Horse first occ. 26 Dec. 1693 (LS 13/257, p. 11). Vac. 8 Mar. 1702 on d. of William III.

Irons, Thomas Groom of the Stables 13 Aug. 1776 (MOH WB 1, p. 124). Stud Groom 21 July 1798 (Ibid., p. 155). Rem. (put upon pension) by 2 June 1801 (Ibid., p. 155).

Ironside, [Gilbert] Chaplain in Waiting first occ. June 1671 (LC 3/27, f. 98v; Chamberlayne [1672], p. 186; LC 3/24, f. 14; LC 3/56, p. 51; last occ. LC 3/32, f. 46). Prob. res. 1689 on app. as Bishop of Bristol (nom. 28 Mar., cons. 13 Oct. 1689: HBC, p. 231).

Irving, Matthew Chaplain 19 Oct. 1824 (LC 3/69, p. 73; LC 3/70, p. 11). Last occ. 1857 (RK [1857], p. 148). D. 6 Oct. 1857 (AC II iii, 527).

Irwin, William Gentleman Pensioner pd. from 5 July 1790 to 5 Jan. 1799 (E 407/2/138-151). Vac. by 5 Jan. 1799 (Ibid., no. 152).

Irwyn, Richard Gentleman Sewer 10 June 1660 (LC 3/24, f. 9). Surr. by 22 June 1675 (Ibid.).

Isaac, Charles (ktd. 16 Apr. 1697) Third Clerk of the Kitchen 28 Mar. 1689 (LS 13/257, p. 27). Second Clerk of the Kitchen 23 Jan. 1691 (Ibid., p. 55). Rem. by 8 Sept. 1691 (Ibid., p. 80). Supernumerary Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth 28 Apr. 1691 (Ibid., p. 70). Second Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth prob. succ. by 8 Sept. 1691 on d. of Thomas Vivian and removal from office of Second Clerk of the Kitchen (Ibid., pp. 80, 88). First Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth app. by 24 Sept. 1692 (Luttrell II, 573). Vac. 8 Mar. 1702 on d. of William III.

Isaac, Elias Child of the Chapel Royal voice changed by 27 July 1742 (LC 5/21, p. 349).

Isaac, Peter Second Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth 21 Feb. 1689 (LS 13/257, p. 1). First Clerk Comptroller of the Green Cloth 12 Apr. 1689 (Ibid., p. 17). D. by 22 Sept. 1692 (Luttrell II, 571).

Isaack, Bartholemew Child of the Chapel Royal occ. 18 May-3 Sept. 1674 (RECM I, 144 citing LC 5/141, p. 54). Voice changed by 6 Dec. 1676 (RECM I, 166 citing LC 5/141, p. 486).

Isaack, Peter Child of the Chapel Royal voice changed by 8 Aug. 1671 (RECM I, 107 citing LC 5/14, p. 28).

Isaack, Richard Messenger in Extraordinary 3 Feb. 1662 (LC 3/26, f. 130v). No further occ.

Ismay, Joseph Footman to the Master of the Horse 20 Jan.1741 (LS 13/201, f. 76v). Vac. by warrant of July 1751 (LS 13/202, f. 5v).

Ittersom, Ernest Henry Page of Honour 28 Nov. 1690 (LS 13/257, p. 63). Last occ. 3 Jan. 1693 (Ibid., p. 104).

Ivers, James Waterman 19 Dec. 1757 (LC 3/66, p. 40; LC 3/56, f. 86v). D. by 27 Mar. 1776 (LC 3/67, p. 90).

Ives, Peter Coachman 3 June 1801 (MOH WB 1, p. 156). D. by 14 Feb. 1810 (LS 13/204, f. 83).

Ivey, William Falconer 6 July 1660 (LC 3/26, f. 75). Ev. vac. 6 Feb. 1685 on d. of Charles II.

Izard, see Shellingford