Appendix 4: Extracts from the building accounts

Survey of London Monograph 14, the Queen's House, Greenwich. Originally published by Guild & School of Handicraft, London, 1937.

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George H Chettle, 'Appendix 4: Extracts from the building accounts', in Survey of London Monograph 14, the Queen's House, Greenwich(London, 1937), British History Online [accessed 7 February 2025].

George H Chettle, 'Appendix 4: Extracts from the building accounts', in Survey of London Monograph 14, the Queen's House, Greenwich(London, 1937), British History Online, accessed February 7, 2025,

George H Chettle. "Appendix 4: Extracts from the building accounts". Survey of London Monograph 14, the Queen's House, Greenwich. (London, 1937), British History Online. Web. 7 February 2025.

In this section


Extracts From The Building Accounts Of The Seventeenth Century


[The first part refers to building at Oatlands and a Masque at Denmark House.]

Charges of the late Queenes Maties: Woorkes and Buildinges at Grenewich & Otelands

The Declaration of the Accompte of Inigo Jones esquier Surveyor of the Kinges Maties: woorkes and Buildinges, for moneys by him receaved by appointment of the late Quenes Matie: to be severally emploied uppon her maties: Buildinges at Grenewich and Otelandes, and for such other services as her late highnes should be pleased to comaund That is to saie As well of the some of one thousaund fower hundred poundes by him receaved of Arthur Bodren gent. servaunte to the late Quene Anne by her maties: comaundement for the services aforesaid As also of the yssueing paying and expending of the same for sondry necessary Emptions and provyc'ons ymploied in and aboute the said workes and Buildinges, Cariadges thereof from sondry places by Lande and water, wages and enterteynemente of Artyficers woorkemen and Laborers Enterteyned of this Accomptaunte, Clerkes of the Workes and a Purveyor emploied in the oversighte of the saide workes and buildinges Taskewoorke, Rewardes Travelling charges and other payments Of all which premisses this Accomptaunte upon his corporall othe doth yeelde and make this his present Accompte From the eighte day of October 1616 in the Fouretenth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lorde Kinge James of England Fraunce and Ireland and of Scotland the fiftieth untyll the laste 30 day of Apryll 1618 in the Sixtenth yeare of his mats: said raigne of England Fraunce and Ireland and of Scotland the One and fiftieth (both dates included) being by the space of One whole year & a halfe & xxiij daies at sevall tymes then ended, As by one Ledger booke thereof conteyning five [] and pticuler paybookes subscribed with the handes of this Accomptaunte, and of the Clerkes of the woorkes for Grenewich and Otelandes respectively and hereuppon examined and remayning doth and may appeare, Whic[h s]aid Accompte was taken and declared before the righte honorable Henry Lorde viscounte Maundeville Lorde highe Treaser of England, and Sr. ffulke Grevyll Knighte Chauncellor and underthrear of Thexchequer the xxixth daie of June 1621 and in the nynetenth yeare of the raigne of our saide soveraigne Lorde Kinge James of England Fraunce and Ireland and of Scottland the fower and fiftieth.

That is to saie
The saide Accomptaunte is Chardged with
None for that this is the firste Accompte of this Accomptaunte taken by me for this servyce.

Ready Money by him Receaved and hadd viz of
Arthur Bodren gent the late Quenes servaunte viz
But the saide Accomptaunte is here chardged wth money by him receaved and hadd of Arthur Bodren gentleman servaunte to the late Quene Anne by her maties: comaundment to be by this Accomptaunte imploied uppon her Maties: buildinges at Grenewich and Otelandes and uppon such other services as her matie: should be pleased to comaund and was receaved vizt. the viijth day of October 1616 ccli, the xxvjth daie of February 1616 ccli and the vjth daie of May 1617 mli, In all here chardged uppon this Accomptaunte as well uppon his owne confession in his pticuler booke delivered uppon othe, as by vertue of a certificatt thereof under the hand of the said Arthur Bodren hereuppon remayning.
Some Totall of the Charge & Receipt aforesaid miiijcli whereof

The saide Accomptaunte is allowed for

First allowed to the saide Accomptaunte for money by him yssued paide and defreyed the chardges of woorkes & buildings donne and performed within the tyme of the Accompte by comaundement of the late Quene Anne at Grenewiche by Masons, Carpenters Brickleyers and sondry other Artyficers and Laborers, as well in taking downe the olde house over the parke gate there, as in digging the foundac'on of the newe buildings makeing of Cellers, and bringing upp the brick walls of the said newe buildings with sondry other woorkes aboute the same, For performaunce whereof sondry empc'ons and provic'ons have bene made, The particularities whereof with their quantities rates and pryces [cari]adges thereof by land and water, wages and enterteynemente of Artificers workemen Laborers and others emploied in the said servyces, Taskeworks, Rewardes Travelling chardges and other payments are hereafter expressed in maner and forme following

Emptions and provytions vizt of

Grenewich vizt.

Taskewoorkes viz

Travellinge Chardges vizt of

Money by him yssued paide and defreyed for the late Quenes Mats works & buyldings at Grenewch and Otelandes as wthin is mentyoned vizt at

Guiftes and Rewardes

Oxfordshire stone mvjtc xlixne foote at xiijd the foote § iiijxx ixli vjs vd
Hardstone ashler viijc lv foote at xjd the foote § xxxixli iijs ixd
Portlande stone bought of Hugh Hobell ccxxxtonn xiiij foote at xiijs the tonne § clli
Timber etc v foote for Ramers at vjd the foote § ijs vjd
Norway deales mm at cs the c § cli
Elmebordes vc at viijs the c § xls
Parlinges cc at vili xs the c § xiijli
Beechen planke of iiij inch thicke vc foote at iiijd the foote § viijli vjs viijd
Quarters one lode § xxxijs
Bricks ccc iiijxx xviijm vjc at severall prices viz. lm at ixs the thousand xxijli xs clxijm at xs the thousand iiijxx jli cxxxvjm vjc at ixs th. thousand lxxvli ijs vjd xlvjm at xis vjd the thousand xxvjli ixs mm at xijs the thousand xxiiijs and mm at xvs vjd the thousand xxxjs in all the some of § ccvijli xvjs vjd
Lyme xijm vijc at vs vjd the cli xxxiiijli xviijs vjd and for xviijm vc more delivered by William Gramatt at vs vjd the cte be fides xxvjli xixs thereof lefte unpaid by this Accomptaunte xxiijli xviijs in all § lviijli xvjs vjd
fflintes xliiier lodes at ijs iiijd the lode cijs viijd
Sande vizt ccclx lodes at xd the lode xiiijli xixs xd and liiijer lode at ixd the lode xls vjd in all § xvijli iiijd
Gravell ij lodes at viijd the lode xvjd
Brascocke one with a bosse iiijs
Ironworkes of sondry kindes vjli xjs viijd ob
Nailes of sondry sortes and pryces xiiijli xvs iiijd
Stone sawes viij at vs the pece xls vijc xxvijli vijs xjd ob
Wheelebarrowes xij at vjs viijd the pece iijli
Grind stone one ijs vjd
Baskette vizt x dozen and xjen at iijs viijd the dozen xxxixs vd and for sixe at iiijd the pece ijs in all § xljs vd
Shovells vijen dozen at viijs the dozen lvjs
Stele spades vj at xvjd the pece viijs
Pailes xxiiijer at vjd the pece xijs
Traces vj at viijd the pece iiijs
Lime sives vizt vj at xijd the pece vjs and for one more lime sive twoe foote over vs in all § xjs
Caske vizt. twoe barrells at xxijd the pece and twoe hoggesheades at xiiijd the pece to make watertubbes vjs and for sixe newe hoopes for them xijd in all § vijs
Bedcordes for scaffolding vijen at viijd the pece § iiijs viijd
Bas rope one pece xvjd
Pitche iiijli at jd the pound iiijd
Cariadge by lande and water of Stone deales Carlinge plancke brickes, sand and other the provicions beforemenc'oned to and from sondry places § xlvli xvijs viijd
Masons at ijs iiijd xxd and xviijd the pece p. diem § cxvs xd
Carpenters at ijs iiijd, xxijd, xxd, xviijd xvjd and xiiijd the pece p. diem § xxvijli vs vjd
A Plomber sive daies at xviijd p. diem vijs vjd
Brickleyers at ijs iiijd, xxijd, xxd, xviijd xvjd, xvd, xiiijd and xijd the pece p. diem § lxiijli xs jd ob
A Joyner twoe daies at xxd p. diem § iiis iiijd
Laborers at xijd the pece p. diem and viijd the pece p. noctem § cli xiijd cciiijxx vli xjs iiijd ob mcxxijli vjs ijd
Henry Herne Clarke at ijs iiij p. diem for iiijxx ij daies ended the laste ofJune 1617 § ixli xjs iiijd
Iohn Benson Purveyor at xxd p. diem for liiij daies in the monthes of Aprill May and June 1617 § iiijli xd
Inigo Jones esquier this Accomptaunte Surveyor of the woorkes at vjs viijd p. diem for the enterteynemt for lxxvijen daies ended the laste of June 1617 xxvli xiijs iiijd for his like enterteynemt at vjs viijd p. diem for cxxij daies begonne the first of August 1617 & ended the laste of November next following xlli xiijs iiijd and for his enterteynemt & riding chardges in the monethes of January ffebruury march & Aprill 1617 & 1618 viijli in all § lxxiiijli vjs viijd
William Bickman and his parteners for slitting ccxxxty Dealebordes at iijd the pece § lvijs vjd
Samuell Avery William Browne and others for slacking sifting and wetting of viijxx xjc of lyme into morter at xijd the c and of xlc at xiiijd the c § xli xvijs viijd xxvijli xjs viijd
John Owen Owen John Painter and other Laborers for digging of earthe and gravell and carreing it out of Cellers by agreemente § xiijli xvjs vjd
John Benson for his chardges in three Jorneys by him made into Kent and Surrey to provide stone § xxiijs
ffrauncis Dodd for the chardges of himselfe and Luke Willson to Portland and backe againe with the chardges of Hughe Hobell a mason from thence to London to make an agreement for stone being for the xvjen daies § iiijli iijs vjd vijli vijs vjd
William Southes and Edward Cooke for their chardges and paines riding to the Quarries at Barkstead for stone § xls
The Knight marshalls man for his paines in bringing a brickmaker before the Lordes of the Councell § vs
Luke Willson for his paines being emploied at Portland in sendinge stone from thence by the space of xxxty daies at xviijd p. diem § xlvs
Inigo Jones esquier this Accomptaunte for his chardges and paines in making the first module of the newe building at Grenewich xli and for his like chardges and paines in makeing and psecting the second module for the same buildinges at Grenewich in the forme the fame was to be builded and finished by the late Quenes Ma:ts comaundement xvjli in all the some of § xxvjli xxviij xs
In all the chardges of workes and buildings donne and performed by comaundmente and direccon of the late Quene Anne at Grenewich within the tyme of this Accompte, As by three pticuler paybookes thereof (bounde upp amongest others in the Ledgier booke of this Accompte delivered uppon Othe subscribed with the handes of Inigo Jones esquier Accomptaunte and Henry Heme Clerke of the Woorks for the said house and hereuppon p'used caste tryed examined and remayninge doth and may appeare, the some of
P.R.O., A.O.1, 356/2487

[Declared Accounts. Pipe Office. 1 Oct. 1629—30 Sept. 1630.]


[H. Wickes, Accountant, Paymaster of the Works]

. . . Alsoe allowed to the said Accomptant for money by him yssued and paied wthin the tyme of this Accompte for sondry necessary workes and Reparac'ons donne and bestowed uppon the Mannor House of Grenewyche vizt. in framing and setting up A newe Roofe over the Arch of the newe building . . . .
P.R.O., E. 351/3263

[1 Oct. 1629—30 Sept. 1630]

. . . Thatchers ymployed in thattchinge the Roofe of the Arche of the new building . . . at xxd & xviijd the peece per diem. . . .

[Clerk of the Works: Richard Tiro
Purveyor: John Williams
Underhousekeeper: William Monfeild]
P.R.O., A.O.1, 60/2426

[1 Oct. 1630—30 Sept. 1631]

[No details of taskwork. Total spent on old palace and new building £867 12s. 6d.
Clerk of the Works: Richard Tiro
Purveyor: Thomas Burges
John Williams
Sergt. Painter: John Decreets
Painter: Wm. Cole
Thomas DuKeasar
Richard Butter]

"At the Peere at Portland"—£323. 1. 8½d.
P.R.O., A.O.1, 61/2426


Nichãs Haughton Clarke of the Woorkes . . . @ xxd p. diem Purveyors Thomas Burges viijda @ xxd and xen daies wth Horshier at iijs p. diem: xliijs iiijd and John williams for cijda wth Horshyer at iijs p. diem: xvli vjs, in all § xvijli ixs iiijd

Mathewe Goodericke & Ben. Davyson Paynters viz:. . . ffor painting sadd Lute cullor in oyle & varnishing iijee frames for pictures viz: Pharoes Daughter, Joseph & Pottifers wife and the Muses: and guilding wth. fine gold in oyle the moulding cont: cvjfo ob at xijd the foote : cxjs vjd and for paynting one fframe of a Lesser moulding, and varnishing & guilding the Edges thereof being the Picture of Tarquin & Lucretia cont: xxiijfo : xjs vjd . . .

And Rewardes viz: To John Allen underhouskeep. for his paynes in opening and shutting of the dores during the contynewunce of theise woorks at ijs v p. mensem: xijs vjd to certen Artificers for woorking extraordinarily for the expedic'on and sooner dispattch of theire woorke iiijs vjd to sondry Labourers viz: for taking up provic'ons early and late & vnloading them out of Cartes & at the waters side and Carrying of Lres and Messuages as occasion required for his mats: service concerninge theise woorkes xvijs, and in rewarde to Nichãs Haughton Clarke for his extraordinary paines and Care during his imploymt. in oversight of the said works in the sommer season: xxs.
P.R.O., A.O.1, 63/2427



Taskwoorke viz: To Beniamin Davison Painter for stopping and priming twoe canted seats aboute twoe trees in the Parke conteyning in measure xxxj yardes : xxvs xd

. . . And to vriah Babington vnderhouskeeper for opening of Doores to woorkemen and Labourers xvijs vjd. . .

[Total: . . .£856 5s. 2½d.]
P.R.O., A.O.1, 64/2427


. . . Alsoe allowed to the said Accomptaunte [Henry Wicks] for sondry woorkes and Rep'ac'ons donne at his Mats Mannor house of Greenewich viz: in bringing vpp new Brickwalls at the vpper end of the Tiltyard and in the privie Garden and likewise on each side the newe buildings in the pke with newe Gatewayes of bricke and stone. . . . Clarkes of the Woorkes viz Nichãs Haughton for iiijxxxij daies at xxd p. diem: vijli xiijs iiijd And Symon Bazill preceeding him for clij daies at the like rate p. diem: xijlixiijs iiijd. . .
P.R.O., E., 351/3269



. . .taking vpp the stone steps going vp into the Arbor in the Garden and laying them downe againe, mending and repairing the snow well in the Parke, setting vp posts in the high way neere the new building to preserve the sellar windowes from the Carts . . . framing and setting vpp clty foote of posts and railes to sett acrosse the highwaies and in the ffriers Rode . . . framing and setting vpp p'tic'ons and putting vp the Queenes Canvasses and other tacklings to keepe the sunshine from the windowes. . ..

Taskeworkes viz. To Nichãs Stone Mr. Mason for working and squaring of iiijer Pedestalls of Purbecke stone and setting them vpp the King finding stuffe at xvd the peece . . . John Prestwood Carpenter for framing and making Tenn timber seats for the Gardens finding stuffe and workmanship at xls the peece xx1i, and to Thomas Barwicke Paveyor for paving with ragg stones diverse places about the Courts. . . .
P.R.O., A.O.1, 69/2428



. . .working & setting diu'se new stone steps to the new dore going out of the garden into the high way at the Qs new building, working & making Tenn carved Pedestalls to sett marble Statuaes on, setting those Statuaes on them in the gt. roome at the sd. building. . . .

Taskeworkes vizt To Robert Garner & Wm Rookes Masons for taking vpp & new laying againe mmxfoote of Purbeck paving on the Terrass walke before the new buildings at jd the foote viijlivijs vijd & for working & laying xxxixfo of new purbeck paving there at viijd the foote xxvjs: ix1i xiijs vijd. To Robert Peeke & ve other Masons for raising of Statuaes & setting them on Pedestalls at the new Buildings ; xxviijs: xjli xixd . . .Zachary Tailer Carver for carving Tenn Pedestalls of timber for marble Statuaes to stand on with Bulls heads festons fruites leaues & flowers att lxs the peece xxx1i Richard Dirgin for carving two gt. picture frames for the new Buildings cont. lxijfo ob running measure at xviijd the foote iiij1i xiijs ixd & for carving of another picture frame for the Qs Bedchamber cont. xxixfo at xvjd the foote xxxviijs viijd—vjli xijs vd To Nichãs Stone for altering & new carving the thighes legs and feete of a marble Statua of a young man, for iron cramps to fasten some members & for cemt straw to pack it & carr. of it from London 1s: xxxix1i ijs vd, John Hooker Turner for turning xen great Pedestalls of elme timber with their bases & capitalls at xijs the peece: ixli, John Rushin painter for pryming stopping & painting greene in oile the seat round about the Chestnut tree in the garden cont. xiij square yards iiijfo at xxd the yard xxijs vd: for painting blew in oile the railes in the garden & white lead in oile a window in the Qs presence Chamber both cont. xl square yards &d at xvjd the yard liiijs: lxxvjs vd George Cary Painter for painting in gold cullar & Inrichmts two carved picture frames cont. lviijt foote &d running measure at ijs vjd the foote vij1i vjs iijd for painting and guilding a picture frame cont. xxxiijfo running measure at iijs ijd the foote ciiijs vjd painting one plaine frame with a moulding of gold cont. xxixfo at vjd the foote xiiijs vjd, & more to him for pryming & painting in oile & guilding with gold a frame carved with eggs & anchors cont. xxxijfo running measure at ijs the foote lxiiijs: xvjli ixs iijd: xxli vs viijd John Barwicke pavyor for paving with ragstones round about the ffountaine in the Court wch was broken vpp to lay the pipes of the Maze & from the fountaine the standing warderobe & diuerse other places about the house. . . .

[Total for the old palace and the Queen's House £1,202 12:8]
P.R.O., A.O.1, 71/2429

1661; June


Carpenters Jmployed in. . . mending two parke gates that were broke open to let the King in: for boarding up more breaches in the walls in the Tilt yard lodgings. . . . Jn boarding up of wyndowes at the new buildings on the parke side and in the gardens. . . and helping Mr. Haughton to take the platt of the House and grounds

at ijs. vjd. Roger Bates xxvj Dayes 3: 05: 00
John Davyes viij dayes 1: 00: 00

Labourer Jmployed in helping the Carpenters and bringing into the Store severall peices of lead that were loose about the house and in danger to bee lost; and helping Mr. Hauton

xvjd. Richard Phillips xxvj dayes 1: 14: 8
A Clarke of the Workes
xxd. Leonard Gammon xxxj dayes 2: 10: 00
To Uriah Babington undr. House Keeper in reward ijs. vjd
To Leonard Gammon by him layed out for boathire to and from London—xviijs. ffor bringing of some peices of old lead from Mr. Babingtons house into the store wth about 4 c waight, as also xij old iron Casemts., vij window barrs and two paire of crosse garnts. wth. xv panes of old broken glasse—ijs.s vjd. Jn all 01: 00: 6
To Arthur Haughton ffor his extraordinary paines and charges in taking the plott of Greenwch. house 03: 00: 00
Totall xijli. xijs. viijd


Carpenters Jmployed in making and putting up a perch in the Storeyard to perch the Deales in fitting and preparing the workhouses and sheds and setting up working benches there, laying of two peices of timber on the sides of the Sawpit there, setting up a Grindstone, putting on locks and bolts, and barring up and fastning severall doores for the security of the Storeyard: Jn framing making and putting up a mold in the plombry for the plombers to caste theire lead conteyning about twenty foote in length and eight foote broad boarded wth: playnd boards.

ijs vjd John Williams xij Dayes 1: 10: 0
Roger Bates xvj dayes 2: 0: 0
John Davyes iiij dayes 0: 10: 0
Math: Hauton iiij dayes 0: 10: 0
4: 10: 0

A Plomber Jmployed in beginning to cutt up old lead in the Tiltyard lodgings on both sides the walls there

ijsvjd Will: Holding iij Dayes 0: 7: 6

Sawyers Jmployed in cutting of some firre timber into scantlings

iijs. viijd Edw: Binks and his ptnr. iij Dayes 0: 11: 0

Labourers Jmployed in helping of the Carpentrs. and plomber, and helping up wth. the timber from the waterside to the Storeyard pearching the Deales and forting the polles as they came into the Storeyard, and helping in wth. old lead from the House to ye. Store

xvjd. Henry Stevens—x Dayes 0: 13: 4
Richard Phillips—xvj dayes 1: 1: 4
John French—iij dayes 0: 4: 0
1: 18: 8
To Uriah Babington
underhous keeper in reward
00: 02: 06:
A Clarke of the Workes
Leonard Gammon—xxxj Dayes. 2: 11: 8
To Sr William Warren Knt. for ccc of Christiana Dealboards at vjli p. c—xviijli. ffor fower loads xxxv fot. of Larwicke firre timber at xxxs ye load—vijli xd ffor c of Balks vijli. ffor lx Bomsparrs—iiijli xs. And ffor lx middle spars—xls 38: 10: 10:
To John Williams ffor a Grindstone ready hanged wth. a trough and irons to it—xvs 0: 15: 0
To Tho: Pattison Bricklayer his taske in taking downe a brickwall crosse the Garden, making cleane the bricks and setting them up cont. Twenty thousand bricks at xviijd. the thousand. 1: 10: 0
To Arthur Haughton by him layed out ffor iiij strong Elme Wheelbarrowes at viijs. the piece 1: 12: 0
ffor two ladders of xxxiiij rounds the peice. 1: 02: 0
ffor fower one story lathers at vjs. the piece 1: 04: 0
ffor a paire of wheeles for a new Drugg 1: 02: 6
ffor an Ashen axell tree and fitting it to the wheeles 0: 06: 06
. . . [other plant totaling 9: 13: 06
[Total] 80: 00: 11


August 1661

MASONS Jmployed in beginning to worke some stone for the new Buildings.

at ijs. viijd Richd. Young—xij dayes 01: 12: 00
ijs. vijd Robt. Ransford—xij dayes 01: 10: 00
&c Thomas Taylor—x dayes 01: 05: 00
04: 07: 00


CARPENTERS Jmployed in . . . taking downe an old fence in the Tiltyard and 20 fot. 10. and fetting up another 50 fot. long for securing ye. Garden. Jn making & putting up a paire of gates for the turning the way through ye. parke in fencing in the old road on each fide the buildings cont. 80 fot. in length wth. two gatewayes in them . . . in putting up a scaffold in ye. greate roome and screwing up ye. trusse into its place againe. . . .

LABOURERS Jmployed in slacking and sifting of Lime . . . in beating way through a brickwall into ye. parke for the turning the way there and digging holes for to set in ye. postes there, and for ye. setting up the fences to enclose ye. road going undr. the buildings in digging the foundac'ons for ye. bricklayr., and carrying of timber into the Store. . . .

A Clarke Of The Workes

at xxd. Leonard Gammon xxxi Dayes 02: 11: 08
To Nich: Arnold Labourer ffor his attendance at the new Gates in ye. Parke in opening and Shutting them for passengrs. 01: 00: 00
[Total— £211: 14: 2½]


MASONS Jmployed in working squaring and setting of Kentish Ashler stone for Sixteene peeres at the new Buildings Conteyning about fower hundred fot. in taking downe the iron Grates before fower Windowes there, being cut out of the Stone for the Bricklayrs. to worke up theire wall . . . . 17:11:8

A Stone Sawyer Jmployed in sawing
of Stones for the Masons

ijs. John Busbey—xxiiij Dayes 02: 08: 00

CARPENTERS Jmployed in taking up and new furring and boarding the north side of the platforme over the new Buildings for the plomber to lay his lead on conteyning nineteene Squares, ripping and new boarding of the trusse on that side, and putting in a new Entertise there cont. five squares and a quarter, and setting up the Cornice againe, securing the beame that was rotted in the trusse and shoring it, and strengthening it wth. a new peice of Oake timber about xiij foote in length and making good the Joysts on that side the platforme, and making of new Gutters there being sunke deeper then was before, in working and framing one Ballcony Doorcase for the new Buildings, making of a new Crayne for the taking up of lead on the platforme ; taking downe parte of the old Building in the Tiltyard . . .; in making of Eight round and twelve flat Centers for the bricklayr. to turne over his Arches on: in striking the Shores under the trusse ; laying Joysts for the two new foote passages over head on the East side for the Ceeling there, hewing and laving of two elme peices to fasten the foote of the Timber Arches to: plaining of boards for the floores of the new buildings, in . . . setting up Bankers for the Masons to worke on, and benches for the Bricklayrs. to hew and rubb theire bricks upon. . . .

. . . Totall [for the month] 390. 6. 9


MASONS Jmployed in making and setting of cxx foote of fascia whereof lxxx fot. was taken out of the old wall & new wrought and sett againe: wth. taking downe fower Arches over the windowes in the first story for working up the new walls & to make way for doore wayes into the little roomes over the fot. passages, working and setting of fower keyestones in the great round Arches, whereof two were taken out over the aforesaid windowes, and taking downe the Copeing of ye parapett wall upon the leads. . . .

CARPENTERS Jmployed in laying of Joysts over the two Passages in the new Buildings on the West side, and fitting and laying of Joysts in the first floore of the two new roomes, making of six splay Centers for the inside of the Windowes, laying of timbers for the bricklayr. to set six straight arches upon over the Windowes and Ballcony door cases, fitting and putting up of two new mantle trees and ta ssells, laying in of cxx fot. of lintelling wth. blocks of timber underneath them, two foote and a halfe long a peice, laying in of timber over the fower greate Arches to discharge the waight, and over the twelve straight Arches over the foote passages, framing fower windowes for the little chambers over the foote passages conteyning two lights apeice, framing of two new floores of firre timber for the new Buildings, each floore cont. xxxiiij fot. in length and xxiiij fot. wide from out to out wth. three Summers in each floore about xxj inches square a peice, and Joysts viij inches and iij inches. . .

. . . Totall 349: 08: 01


MASONS Jmployed in taking downe the rest of the stone copeing of the parapet walls . . . to make way for the new addition of building at each end, and working and setting parte of it againe; in working and setting bases of new portland stone for the two new Chimneyes and beginning to work heads of free stone and portland stone for the two new Chimnyes. . . .

CARPENTERS Jmployed . . . in raising of the two new framd floores for the upper storyes of the new buildings. . . .

. . .

In making an addition of Building to ye. new house called ye. Queens building (vizt.)

li s d
TO Jsaack Corner bricklayr. his taske (vizt.) ffor Thirty Eight rod of brickworke reduced to a brick ½ in thicknes at 5li 2s. ye. rod 193: 16: 00
ffor cxiij foote of architrave, base, the trusse and other axe worke about the new chimny at vjdp. foote 2: 16: 06
ffor lxviij foote of cornice on the foreside and backside of ye. Chimny at 18d.p. fot. 5: 02: 00
ffor xxx fot.of Cornice over the heads of the windowes at 16d.the foote 2: 00: 00
ffor cv foote of architrave about the front of the two windowes and doore and the two pedestalls under ye. windows at 6d.p. fot. 2: 12: 05
ffor lxxij fot.of architrave about ye. in side and outside of one the greate Arches at 6d.p. foote 1: 16: 00
ffor cutting of tenne straight arches five fot. through over ye.doores & heads of ye windowes at xijs the arch 6: 00: 00
ffor worke and stuffe for the shafte of the Chimny 2: 00: 00
ffor turning over the two greate Arches on ye. foreparte and back parte 1: 00: 00
Whereof to bee 217: 03: 00
Deducted for lxxxix thousand of old bricks at xiijs the thousand 57: 17: 00
159: 06: 00
In making an addicon of Building to ye. new House called the Queenes building
TO Thomas Pattison bricklayr. his taske (vizt) ffor xxxvj rodds ¾ of brickwork reduced to a bricke ½ thicknes at 5li 2s.p. rod 187: 08: 06
. . . [other items as in Corner's account 23: 07: 00]
Whereof to be 210: 15: 06
Deducted for lxix thousand 44: 17: 00
of old bricks at xiijs the thousand 165: 18: 06
Totall [for the month] 630li: 00s: 10


. . .

CARPENTERS. Jmployed in . . . framing and raising of a new floore in the roome next the porticoe on the parke side cont. 14 way and 16 foote thother. . . .

BRICKLAYERS Jmployed in cutting out way for the setting up of two stone Doorcases in the new Buildings and working up the Jambs and head of the Doorcases againe wth. bricks and working up the old windowes over those doorcases, in cutting way for the Carpenters in ye. bricke wall to lay in the Timbers and Joysts for the new floore made in the old roomes. . . .

. . .
To John Williams . . . ffor xx peices of hornbeame to make hand spikes being ye. bodyes of small trees at 8d the peice 0: 13: 04
. . .
Totall [for the month] 212: 19: 8
P.R.O., Works, 5/2



. . .

To Richard Ashworth smith for xviij new sqi. barrs for the round stair Case in the Queens new buildings wt. 126li at xd a pound vli vs for two new balls for the Rails there ijd for fastening the old barrs to the Rails being flown out from them xd for making 30 new branches to the same staircase each branch wt. 5li xli. xs for 48 ½ branches— viijli. xis vjd for making of 7 new half Double branches—xlixs . . .
P.R.O., Works, 5/7


[March] Carpenters Jmployed in . . . making and hanging two shutters for windows in two little roomes over the small arches, and boarding vp parte of fower windows there each about fower foote high with rabbetted boards fit for ye painter and boarding vp part of the windows in three paire of doores of the great roome next the garden each about two fot: high . . . .


[Sept.] To Robert Streeter Serjant Paintr. ffor works done in the Queenes buildings in the Roomes below next the garden ffor 74 yds done in distemper in the james under ye. windowes and skirting aboute the roomes at vjd p. yd. xxxvijs ffor 24 yards whited and blacked in cize in iij Stone chimny peeces xijs ffor 5 yards in 8 dead lights ouer the small arches done like glass next the Road at xviijd p. yard vijs vjd Jn ye bedchamr belowe, ffor 15½ yards done iij times in oyle & grained of a wainscott colour as the rest of the roome at xvjd p. yard xxs viijd ffor vij yds in ye. upper cornish done 2 in oyle plaine colour at viijd the yard iiijs viijd ffor guilding pte. of ye. wainscot cornish tenn inches and ½ broad 2 yards 1 fot. 2 inches long like the rest at vijs p. yard runn xvjs. viijd ob. ffor guilding in the wainscott pannell there vizt. One inch ¾ broad 20 yds long at xiiijd p. yard running xxiiis. iiijd One inches ½ broad 17 yds long at 12d p. yard running xvijs One inch ¼ broad 6 yds long at xd p. yard running vs. . . . Two inches and ½ broad one yard long in the Carvings xxd ffor washing the ould gould and painting of this round vs ffor colour and oyle left in Store xviijs. ffor shadowing in the gould upon the wainscott cornish iiijs.

P.R.O., Works, 5/28


July. Carpenters Imployed to take down ye. old picture frame in ye. hall att ye. Queens house & to Make a new one there & to Repair ye. fences Round ye: New Building.

A Mason Imployed to take up & new Lay 28 fot. of marble paueing in ye: gallery att ye: Queens house parck Side & takeing up & new Laying 2 footpaces one in my Ladyes bedChambr: & another in ye: drawing Room parck Side & to help take down ye: old picture frame.

Labourers Imployed to help take down ye: old picture frame in ye: hall att ye: Queens house & to carry up Stuff to make anew one there. . . . August. Carpenters . . . helping up wth: ye: New Picture frame att ye: Queens house & to fitt in peeces in ye: Archt: freeze & Cornice there &c.

. . .


[March] To Robert Streetr: Serjt: Paintrr: For Cleanssing all ye: Carved work & gold in ye. Ceiling & Railes & ballusters & Cantilevers & Varnishing all over & picking between all ye: Carved work & all ye: other work wth: Collour & new Shaddowing ye: Railes & other work that wanted to match ye: Rest 90: 00: 00
For painting 20 Spandrills on ye: ceiling att vjs. Each 06: 00: 00
ffor 43 hundred ¾ of gold Vsed there att xviijs 37: 07: 06
ffor painting 21 husks & ye: Carved Molding to ym: att xvs Each 15: 15: 00
. . . . .
P.R.O., Works, 5/46
[June] To Wm: Beach Smith
For 10 new Scrowles for ye: round Stayres att ye: Queens
house wt: 1qr 20li att xviijd
30: 12: 00
. . . ffor 21 Single Scrowles wth: new tulips ijs vjd 02: 12: 06
ffor mending 2 Scrowles xijd 00: 02: 00
ffor 5 new tulips for 5 of ye: double Scrowles vs 01: 05: 00

August. Carpentrs: Imployed to take down ye: 2 Iron Bellconeyes att ye: Queens house next ye: water Side & makeing 2 new ones & putting them vp & makeing ye: Scaffolds for ye: Plaisterers & Paintr: in ye: Stayrecase & Severall Roomes about ye: house . . .

Bricklayrs: Imployed . . . to pinn in ye: Iron work of ye: 2 bellconeyes att ye: Queens house . . .

A Mason Imployed to make clean all ye: Marble chimneyes peeces & half paces & paveing . . .

Plumbrs: Imployed to lay new Lead vpon ye: 2 new bellconeyes . . .

To Wm: Bache Smith for 6 barrs of Jron wth: rivetts to beare up ye: plankes for ye: Belconey . . .

. . .

October. A Carpentr: Imployed to Stake out ye: Ground a cross ye: tilt yard: . . .

A Mafon Imployed to cramp all ye: Rail & Ballustrs: vpon ye: Leads & in ye: Stone Gallery att ye: Queens house parck side . . . & help takeing ye: Dimensions of ye: new Building & Ground . . .
P.R.O., Works, 5/47


[June] To Robert Streeter Serjt: Paintr:
For 1216 yds: 2/3 Wainscott Grained at xijd p. yd: 60: 16: 08
ffor 104 yds: of flatt Collour at xd p. yd: 04: 06: 08
ffor 60 fot: Rung: of iron worke in ye: great Staircase painted wth: fine Smalte wth: ye: trouble of makeing ye: Scaffelling at xviijd p. fot: 05: 02: 00
ffor 299 fot: Run. of ye: Same Collour in ye: vpper & vnder Railes in ye: other bellconeyes & Staircases att ij p. fot: 02: 09: 10
ffor 415 vpright barrs at vjd Each in ye: aforesd places 10: 07: 06
ffor 8 Great Scrowles vnder 2 Iron Bellconeyes at xd Each 04: 00: 00
ffor 183 Inside window Lights at iijd Each 02: 05: 09
P. R. O., Works, 5/48


April [Wm. Dickinson, Clerk of the Works]
May . . . mending the maine pipe in the Queens Garden at the end of the Stone Gallery at the Queens house.

Oct. To James Grove Carpentr. for Worke done by him abt. ye. Gallary in ye Hall at Greenwich

ffor 1012 fot. in ye Gallry. flor. round the Hall of Joysts 9 & 7 of Oake

ffor Cutting 76 holes in ye walls 2 foot in

ffor 6 sq. 60 fot. of boarding ye same wth. streight Joynts

ffor 105f: Measured of Oake in wedging ye Cantalivers

ffor 143f. rung. of firr in ye Brest of ye Gall. Scant 9' & 4'

ffor taking downe ye Rail and Ballastrs. and putting it up

ffor 93f: rung. of Slitt Deale against ye. Bace of ye Same

ffor 317 fot. of new Deale Cima round ye. Cantalivers and next the wall 3' projection.

ffor 124 f. of old Cima putt up againe

ffor taking downe Sawing and putting up 120 foot of old Cornice

ffor 54f of 3in Oake planck for Templetts under the Cantilivers

ffor taking downe fitting and putting up 32 Cantilivrs

ffor workmanship in making a Scaffold and taking it downe againe, ye Stuff being ye Kings

ffor taking downe ye Gally floore

ffor making 2 Large Trussells for ye Painters to paint ye pannells between ye Cantilivers 11f: high 6f wide 145:02:05 Totall clxxxijli. viijs. viijd



To Serjt: Streeter Painter
For 77 yds 6 fot of painting in Nutt Oyle in the pannells under the Gallery at xxd p. yd. Together with the Trouble of Moueing ye. Scaffold every 20 fot: in Length 06: 09: 05
To Alexander Fort Joyner
. . .
ffor 63 yds. 1 fot of Deale Ballection under the Gallery in the Hall at vs. vjd p. yd. 17: 07: 01¼
. . .

P. R. O., Works, 5/49