Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (3) No. 3

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (3) No. 3', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (3) No. 3', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (3) No. 3". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

In this section


No.3.—Correspondence and Papers relating to the Samples of Tea procured from Foreign Countries by His Majesty's Consuls.

See a Statement of the Cost Prices of the Samples of Tea referred to in the following Papers, Foreign Moneys and Weights being reduced into English Money and Weights, in Dr. Kelly's Evidence, p.509.


(1.)—Copy of a Letter from The Right Honourable Lord Ellenborough to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of The East India Company, dated 13th June 1829.


It appears to me to be a Subject of some Interest to The East India Company to ascertain, as far as it may be practicable, what Relation the Tea imported into the Continent of Europe and into the United States of America actually bears in Quality and in Price to that imported by The East India Company into the United Kingdom.

I propose to request The Earl of Aberdeen to desire His Majesty's Consuls to transmit to this Country, without Delay, Samples of the several Sorts of Tea, together with a Statement of the Price of each Sort, for the Purpose of making the Comparison I have suggested above.

The Expence cannot be considerable, and I should think you would have no Objection to bear it.

I am, &c.

(Signed) Ellenborough.

(2.)—Copy of a Letter from the Chairman of The East India Company to The Right Honourable Lord Ellenborough, dated 17th July 1829.

My Lord,

The Court of Directors of The East India Company have had under their Consideration your Lordship's Letter of the 13th Ultimo, in which you propose to request The Earl of Aberdeen to desire His Majesty's Consuls to transmit to this Country Samples of the Tea imported into the Continent of Europe and into the United States of America, in view to ascertain, as far as it may be practicable, what Relation such Tea bears in Quality and in Price to that imported by the Company into the United Kingdom; and I have been requested by the Court to beg that your Lordship will have the goodness to proceed in procuring the Samples of Tea in the Manner proposed in your Letter, the Expence of which the Court will be ready to defray.

I have the Honour, &c.

(Signed) John Lock.

(3.)—Copy of a Letter from B. S. Jones, Esquire, to John Backhouse, Esquire, dated at the India Board, 6th July 1829.


I am directed by the Commissioners for the Affairs of India to request that you will move The Earl of Aberdeen to instruct His Majesty's Consuls at New York, Boston, St. Petersburgh, Hamburgh, the Hague and Frankfort, to transmit to this Board fair Samples of the several Sorts of Tea sold at the above-named Places; the Samples to embrace the highest, middle and lowest Qualities of Tea in most general Use; each Sample to be of not less than 20lbs. and the Price to be annexed to each; together with a Statement of the Duty paid thereon per lb.

The Commissioners for the Affairs of India will take Measures for defraying the Charges which may be incurred by the several Consuls, on receiving proper Statements thereof.

I am further directed to request that the several Consuls may be instructed to indorse the Packages containing the Samples of Tea in these Words: "Samples of Tea, on account of The East India Company, by Order of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India."

I have already been directed to apply to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for Permission to import Packages so addressed.

I am, &c.

(Signed) B. S. Jones, Assistant Secretary.

(4.)—Copy of a Letter from John Backhouse, Esquire, to B.S. Jones, Esquire, dated at the Foreign Office, 3d September 1829.


With reference to your Letter of the 6th July last, requesting that certain of His Majesty's Consuls Abroad might be instructed to send to this Country Samples of Tea sold at their respective Residencies, I am directed by The Earl of Aberdeen to transmit to you, for the Information of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, the Copy of the Instruction which his Lordship caused to be addressed to His Majesty's Consuls, in conformity with the Commissioners Request.

I am, &c.

(Signed) J. Backhouse.


Enclosure in No. 4.

Copy of a Circular Letter from John Bidwell, Esquire, to His Majesty's Consuls at St. Petersburgh, Hamburgh, Rotterdam, Frankfort, New York and Boston, dated at the Foreign Office, 12th August 1829.


I am directed by The Earl of Aberdeen to desire that you will procure, and transmit to the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, fair Samples of the several Sorts of Tea sold at(—).

The Samples are to embrace the highest, middle and lowest Classes of Tea in most general Use, and each Sample is to be of not less than Twenty Pounds Weight. The Price is to be annexed to each Sample, together with a Statement of the Duty paid thereon per Pound.

You will cause these Samples of Tea to be carefully packed, and forwarded to London; and you will cause the Packages to be addressed as follows:—"Samples of Tea, on account of The East India Company, forwarded by His Majesty's Consul General Consul. at (—) to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India in London."

You will forward to this Department a Statement (in Duplicate) of the Expence which you may incur in executing this Commission; and you will mention the Name of the Individual in London to whom the Amount can be paid on your Account, by the Board of Controul, in Reimbursement thereof.

You will at the same Time state by what Conveyance you have forwarded the required Samples of Tea, and the probable Time of their Arrival in this Country.

I enclose the Copy of a Letter from the India Board on this Subject.

I am, &c. &c.

(Signed) John Bidwell.

(5.)—Copy of a Letter from Henry Canning, Esquire, His Majesty's Consul General at Hamburgh, to John Bidwell, Esquire, dated 13th October 1829.


With reference to your Letter of the 12th of August last, I have to inform you that I have selected, not without some Difficulty, Samples of the several Sorts of Tea sold in Hamburgh, conformably to the Instructions contained in your Letter. There are in all 26 Chests, weighing from 30lbs. to 75lbs. net each, in the original Packages in which they have been imported here; and I expect that they will be forwarded to London in the Steam Vessel which will sail from hence next Saturday the 17th Instant, and may arrive on the 19th or 20th Instant. The Chests will be addressed as desired; and I shall send an Account of the Cost as soon as it can be prepared. The Amount will probably be between £150 and £180 Sterling.

I am, &c.

(Signed) Henry Canning,

Consul General.

(6.)—Copy of a Letter from Henry Canning, Esquire, His Majesty's Consul General at Hamburgh, to John Bidwell, Esquire, dated 20th October 1829.


I beg leave to send herewith the Invoice of the 26 Chests of Sample Tea shipped on board the Steam Vessel "William Jolliffe," for London, the Bill of Lading for which I transmitted to you on the 16th Instant.

The Invoice amounts to £141 Os. 3d. Sterling, which Sum I request may be paid into the Hands of Messrs. Barnetts, Hoare and Co. Bankers, for my Account, to enable me to pay for the Tea.

The Quantity, I fear, may be more than it was intended I should send, but I could not get smaller Chests in original Packages, and I deemed it of consequence, in order to form a fair Judgment of the Qualities of Tea brought to this Market, that they should be seen in the State in which they are imported. These Chests were all opened for the first Time in my Presence, and have not been touched, except to take a small Sample, and which I have retained.

The Prices which I have been obliged to pay are higher than those given in my Dispatch in January last, and I beg leave to refer to the enclosed Copies of the Correspondence which has taken place, then and now, between me and some of the Importers and Tea Dealers here, on the Subject, which will explain the Cause of the Difference.

I have added a Statement which will shew at One View the Cost of the Sample of each Sort of Tea in Hamburgh and Sterling Money, the Duty per Pound actually paid on each, and the Prices at which each Sort may be bought in large Parcels from the Importers.

The whole, I hope, will be found to be conformable to the Instructions to me contained in your Dispatch of the 12th of August last.

I am, &c.

(Signed) Henry Canning, Consul General.


First Enclosure in No.6.

Invoice of 26 Chests of Tea, shipped by His Majesty's Consul General at Hamburgh, on board the Steam Boat "William Jolliffe," Alexander Downie, Master, as Samples, on account of The Honourable East India Company, and forwarded to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, in London.

No. Sort. Package. Gross Weight. Tare and Draft. Net Weight. Price, Schills Banco. Amount in Marcs Banco.
1 Bohea ¼ Chest 108½ 28½ 80 9 45 0
2 Ditto ¼ 102 28½ 73½ 10 45 15
3 Congou ¼ 104½ 28½ 76 13½ 64 2
4 Ditto ¼ 102 28½ 73½ 16 73 8
5 Campoi 1/8 44 14 30 13½ 25 5
6 Ditto ¼ 98 28½ 69½ 16 69 8
7 Souchong 1/8 52¼ 16 36¼ 9 20
8 Ditto 1/8 49¼ 16 33¼ 14 29
9 Ditto ¼ 101½ 28½ 73 24 109 8
10 Pecco ¼ 78 24½ 53½ 36 120 6
11 Ditto 1/8 40 14 26 60 97 8
12 Ditto 1/8 31½ 14 17½ 80 87 8
13 Hyson Skin ¼ 81 24½ 56½ 9 31 12½
14 Ditto 1/8 39½ 14 25½ 14 22 5
15 Ditto ¼ 78 24½ 53½ 18 60 3
16 Twankay ¼ 98 28½ 69½ 14 60 13
17 Ditto ¼ 97½ 28½ 69 17½ 75
18 Ditto 1/8 50½ 16 34½ 20 43 2
19 Young Hyson 1/8 52 16 36 16 36 0
20 Ditto 1/8 56¾ 16 40¾ 26 66
21 Hyson ¼ 79 24½ 54½ 30 102 3
22 Ditto ¼ 80 24½ 55½ 34 117 15
23 Ditto ¼ 81 24½ 56½ 40 141 4
24 Imperial 1/8 60 16 44 38 104 8
25 Gunpowder 1/8 63¼ 16 47¼ 40 118 2
26 Ditto 1/8 60 16 44 46 126 8
Discount 1 per Cent. 1,894 2
18 15
Charges. 1,875 3
Casing 14 Quarter Chests in Canvass at 1m. 8s. C.m. 21 0
Ditto 12 Eighth Ditto 1m. 2s. 13 8
Export Duty 1/8 per Cent. 2 6
Lighterage, Drinkmoney, &c. 10 10
C.m. 47 8
At 25 per Cent. 38 0
1,913 3
Bill Brokerage 1 8
B.m. 1,914 11
At the Exch. 13m. 9¼s. £ 141 3

Errors excepted.

(Signed) Henry Canning, Hamburgh, 20th October 1829. Consul General.

Second Enclosure in No. 6.

Copy of a Letter from one of the principal Importers of Tea into Hamburgh to His Majesty's Consul General, stating the then Market Prices of Tea, dated Hamburgh, 22d December 1828.

My dear Sir,


Replying to your friendly Lines of this Day, I beg leave to inform you, that Mr. Sieveking will answer the Substance of your Inquiries about the Tea Trade of this Place. He communicated to me your Note on the Subject; and as our Custom House Registers can furnish no Details such as you wish to have, I have communicated to Mr. Sieveking, from my own superficial Knowledge of the Trade, such general Remarks as I am able to give. I beg leave then to refer to what Mr. Sieveking will communicate to you. On the Point of the present Prices of Tea, I feel great Pleasure in giving you the following Elucidation. They rule now:

Bohea 6 to Schillings Bo per lb. 5 Pence to 71/8 Sterling.
Congou 10 to 12 8 4/16 to 10 5/16
Campoi 10 to 15 to 127/8
Souchong 7 to 18 57/8 to 15 7/16
Hyson Skin to 15 6 5/16 to 12 13/16
Twankay 9 to 18 7 9/16 to 153/8
Young Hyson 11 to 20 91/8 to 16¾
Hyson 26 to 38 22 1/16 to 323/8
Imperial or Gunpowder 34 to 40 28 7/16; to 33 11/16
Pecco 40 to 64 34 11/16; to 557/8

The Sterling shews the net Price for the English net Pound, all Charges deducted, except Freight and Insurance. Exchange taken at 13 Marks 10 Sch. per Pound Sterling.

These are the Prices at which, according to Quality, Sales are effected here in Bulk; the highest must be understood for prime Quality, which, however, only comes forward, if at all, in but small Lots. Retail Prices I am not enabled to give; nor can they, I think, be of any Interest, except between the Dealers and Retailers and their Customers.

Third Enclosure in No. 6.

Translation of a Letter from one of the principal Tea Dealers in Hamburgh to His Majesty's Consul General, stating the then Market Prices of Tea, dated the 16th January 1829.


We have the Honour to give you the following Information about the Tea Trade here, as accurately as our Business will enable us to do.

The Importation of Tea of late Years may be taken on the Average at 10 to 12,000 Quarter Chests yearly. How much thereof may have been re-exported, and how much consumed here, cannot be stated. The Prices paid for Parcels of Tea are as follow:

Bohea 6 to 7 Schillings Banco per lb.
Caper Souchong 7
Congou 10 to 13
Campoi 10 to 12
Souchong 7 to 14
Pecco 36 to 56
Singlo-Twankay 9 to 14
Hyson Skin 7 to 10
Hyson 26 to 36
Young Hyson 10 to 16
Imperial Gunpowder 32 to 36

Small Quantities of particularly fine Quality, which however seldom come, are worth more.

Fourth Enclosure in No. 6.

Translation of a Letter from a principal Tea Dealer at Hamburgh to His Majesty's Consul General, dated 28th September 1829.

For direct Importations of Tea the following may at present be about the Prices:

Bohea 7 to 10 Schillings Banco per lb.
Congou 11 to 15
Campoi 11 to 18
Souchong 18 to 20
Hyson Skin to 20
Twankay 10 to 18
Young Hyson 10 to 20
Hyson 26 to 38
Imperial Gunpowder 32 to 40
Pecco 36 to 64

It is to be observed, that our Market changes every Four to Eight Weeks. In general, at the Sale of a new direct Cargo of Tea, another Rate of Prices takes place, according as the Stock of particular Sorts may be exhausted. Thus, it is not to be pretended that the Prices made on the Change can continue long on any fixed Footing, owing to the Difference in each single Sort.


In reference to the Prices in January last, we can now provide you with each Sort of Tea, in original Packages, at the following Rates:

January Prices.

Bohea 6 to can now sell at 9 to 10 Schillings in single Chests.
Congou 10 to 12 14 to 16
Campoi 10 to 15 13½ to 17
Souchong 7 to 18 9. 14. 24.
Pecco 36. 56. 64. 36. 60. 80.
Hyson Skin to 15 9. 14. 18.
Twankay 9 to 18 17½ to 20
Young Hyson 11 to 20 16 to 26
Hyson 26 to 38 30. 34. 42.
Imperial 34 to 40 38 to 42
Gunpowder 34 to 40 40 to 46

Fifth Enclosure in No. 6.

Copy of a Letter from one of the principal Importers of Tea at Hamburgh to His Majesty's Consul General, dated 30th September 1829.

Dear Sir,

Replying to your Note of 29th September, I would observe, respecting the Prices of Tea, that they rule a Shade higher now than in January; namely,

Bohea 7 to 10 Schillings Banco, equal to 5 15/16 to 83/8 Pence Sterling.
Congou 11 to 13 9 7/16 to 11 3/16
Campoi 11 to 16 9 7/16 to 13¾
Souchong 9 to 24 7 9/16 to 20 13/16
Hyson Skin 7 to 16 to 13½
Twankay 9 to 20 7 9/16 to 171/8
Young Hyson 11 to 24 91/8 to 201/8
Hyson 27 to 38 22¾ to 32 1/16
Imperial or Gunpowder 34 to 40 283/8 to 333/8
Pecco 40 to 64 34 13/16 to 557/8

The Stock in Importers Hands amounts, at this Time, to 9,950 Boxes. The same as in all other Branches of Trade, Transactions in Tea have also been extremely limited this Year, and the higher Prices which I quote must be considered as the Effect of better Qualities having appeared this Year. The Import this Year amounts to about 15,000 Boxes.

Sixth Enclosure in No. 6.

Copy of a Letter from His Majesty's Consul General to a principal Importer of Tea in Hamburgh, dated 5th October 1829.

My dear Sir,

In reference to your obliging Note of the 30th Ultimo, containing the Prices of Tea, allow me to ask if you could accommodate me by selling me some single Boxes, in original Packages, at those Prices; for instance —

¼ Chest of Bohea at 7/ Banco per lb.
¼ Do. Congou at 11/
¼ Do. Campoi at 11/
¼ Do. Hyson Skin at 7/
¼ Do. Twankay at 9/
¼ Do. of Young Hyson at 11/
¼ Do. of - Do. at 24/
¼ Do. Hyson at 27/
1/8 Do. Imperial at 34/

or in any other original Packages.

Seventh Enclosure in No. 6.

Copy of a Letter from a principal Importer of Tea in Hamburgh to His Majesty's Consul General, dated 6th October 1829.

My dear Sir,


I infinitely regret that it is not in my Power to accommodate you with single Boxes of the Teas you require. We are Importers only, selling in Bulk what is sent to us, and as such never keep an assorted Stock. We have not indeed a Box of Bohea, nor of the common Qualities which you wish to have; and indeed if we had I could not break the Package, our Tea Dealers being very particular in not taking a broken Package, there being a tacit Understanding between us that we should never retail. If you want single Boxes of the Description you name, by way of Sample, you can get them only through the Medium of Brokers, as you will not find them complete in the Hands of any one of our Dealers, as even they are not completely assorted. This Mode of procuring Samples will have, however, this Inconvenience — that you will fall under the Retail Price, paying Nine or Ten Shillings for what in Wholesale is not worth above Seven, and so on.

Eighth Enclosure in No. 6.

A Statement of Samples of Tea shipped on account of The Honourable East India Company by His Majesty's Consul General at Hamburgh, and forwarded to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, in London; shewing, in Hamburgh and Sterling Money, the Prices at which they have been bought, and the Duty that has been paid on each per Pound, and also the Market Prices paid here for Teas of the same Sort and Qualities when bought in large Parcels from the Importers.

No. Sorts. Chest. Net Weight. Bought at,per Pound. Duty paid per Pound. Prices of the same if bought in large Parcels from the Importers.
SchillingsBanco. EqualtoinSterling. SchillingCourant. Equalto,in Sterling Parts of a Penny.
s. d. Schill. Baneo.
1 Bobea ¼ 80 9 0 10 1/8 ½ 7
2 Ditto ¼ 73½ 10 0 11 1/16 1/6 4/27 8 @ 8½
3 Congou ¼ 76 13½ 1 3 15 8/45 11
4 Ditto ¼ 73½ 16 1 ¼ 2/9 15
5 Campoi 1/8 30 13½ 1 3 15 8/45 11
6 Ditto 69½ 16 1 ¼ 8/9 14
7 Souchong 1/8 36¼ 9 0 10 1/8 1/9 8
8 Ditto 1/8 33¼ 14 1 1/5 8/45 11½
9 Ditto ¼ 73 24 2 ½ 4/9 18 @ 20
10 Pecco ¼ 53½ 36 3 ¾ 2/3 32 @ 36
11 Ditto 1/8 26 60 5 2/3 16/27 52 @ 54
12 Ditto 1/8 17½ 80 7 1 8/9 64 @ 72
13 Hyson Skin ¼ 56½ 9 0 10 1/8 1/9 7
14 Ditto 1/8 25½ 14 1 1/5 1/6 11
15 Ditto ¼ 53½ 18 1 8 ¼ 2/5 14 @ 15
16 Twankay ¼ 69½ 14 1 1/7 1/8 10
17 Ditto ¼ 69 17½ 1 7 1/3 ¼ 2/9 15
18 Ditto 1/8 34½ 20 1 101/8 ¼ 3/9 16
19 Young Hyson 1/8 36 16 1 1/7 1/8 12
20 Ditto 1/8 40¾ 26 2 4 2/3 1/3 8/27 20 @ 22
21 Hyson ¼ 54½ 30 2 9 3/15 3/5 8/21 27
22 Ditto ¼ 55½ 34 3 l 2/3 6/11 3/5 30
23 Ditto ¼ 56½ 40 3 5/9 ½ 36
24 Imperial 1/8 44 38 3 6 2/3 5/9 34
25 Gunpowder 1/8 47½ 40 3 ½ 4/9 36 @ 38
26 Ditto 1/8 44 46 4 3 3/5 5/9 42

The Exchange is taken at 13 Marks 9 Sch. Banco per Pound Sterling.

The Agio is taken at 100 Banco to 125 Courant.

The Duty is calculated at 1½ per Cent. on the Amount in Banco at which the Tea is valued by Brokers on Arrival, but it is paid in Courant Money.

(Signed) Henry Canning,

Hamburgh, 20th Oct. 1829. Consul General.

(7.)—Copy of a Letter from Alexander Ferrier Esquire, His Majesty's Consul at Rotterdam, to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, dated 12th September 1829.


In compliance with Instructions received from The Earl of Aberdeen, I have purchased, for Account of The East India Company, to be forwarded to your Board, 35 Samples of the different Kinds of Tea most generally in use in this Country, which I expect to be able to forward per the English Steam Boat "The Queen of the Netherlands," which leaves this Place next Wednesday the 16th Instant.

The Tin Boxes containing the Samples will be securely packed in Six larger Cases, each addressed in the Manner directed; and the Cost of the whole, including Charges, will amount from £160 to £180, the Particulars of which I shall have the Honour to transmit to your Board along with the Bill of Lading when the Samples are shipped; and I shall then also take the Liberty to point out the Mode for my Reimbursement. Having now stated the probable Value, for the Purpose of effecting Insurance, should such be deemed necessary,

I have, &c.

(Signed) Alex. Ferrier.


(8.)—Copy of a Letter from Alexander Ferrier, Esquire, His Majesty's Consul at Rotterdam, to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, dated 15th September 1829.


With reference to the Letter I had the Honour to address you on the 12th Instant, I have now to transmit herein Mr. Richard Sharp's Bill of Lading for, shipped on board his Vessel, "The Queen of the Netherlands" Steam Boat, bound to London, to your Order,

Six Chests, addressed agreeably to your Directions, containing 35 Samples of Tea, of which I also here inclose the Invoice, amounting to f. 1,929. 02, and making, at the Exchange of f. 12. 12½, being that of To-day, £159 1s. 10d. Sterling, which I beg the Favour of you to cause to be paid at your Convenience into the Hands of my Friends Messrs. Coutts and Co. of your City.

In marking the Sample Boxes I have made a small Deviation from your Instructions, having omitted the Price on the Label, and inserted the Name and the running and assorted Numbers of each Sample, the first on the Left and the second on the Right Corner, following the Description of the Sample, which, by comparing with the corresponding Numbers in the Invoice, I trust will be found sufficiently perspicuous.

Of the Bohea and Pecco Teas there are only Two Samples of each, because the Range of Quality did not admit of more. On the other Hand, the Diversity of Assortments found in the Souchon rendered it advisable to send Four Samples of this Kind. The other Sorts comprise Three Samples.

All the Boxes contain at least about the Quantity ordered; some unavoidably contain more, from the close Packing, it having been considered best to preserve a Uniformity in the Size of the Sample Boxes, for the Sake of greater Security in the outward Package.

In further Elucidation of the present State of the Tea Trade in this Country, I take the Liberty to inclose, for your Information, a short Account of it; to which I have added a Table, referring to the 35 Samples forwarded, recapitulating the Retail Prices at which they have been purchased —the corresponding Wholesale Prices now quoted, which will be generally found higher than those quoted last November — the Ships Names by which imported — the Names of the Hong Merchants by whom shipped — the Flag under which imported — and the Numbers of the Lots by which the Parcels are distinguished in the Tea Establishment.

The Table likewise states, by way of Remarks, the Three respective Duties, Nos. 1,2,3, under which Teas are admissible into this Country, both per 100lbs. and also per ½lb. Netherlands, the Manner of levying which is explained in the further Statement which also accompanies the present.

I shall be happy to afford any further Information which your Board may think fit to call for. Having the Honour to subscribe myself, with great Respect, &c.

(Signed) Alex. Ferrier.

First Enclosure in No. 8.

Invoice of 35 Samples of Tea purchased by Alexander Ferrier, His Majesty's Consul for Rotterdam, the Hague, &c. by Order of The Right Honourable His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, on account of The East India Company, and for their Account and Risk, shipped by the "Queen of the Netherlands" Steam Boat, commanded by Mr. Richard Sharp, to the Address of the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India.

N. lbs.
No. 1. 1 10 5 Bohea 1 @ 55 Cents per ½lb. Nethds f. 11 55
2 10 2 2 65 13 26
3 10 3 Congo 1 110 22 44
4 10 2 2 125 25 50
5 11 7 3 150 35 10
6 10 7 Kampoi 1 100 21 40
No. 2 7 10 1 - 2 115 23 23
8 10 6 3 200 42 40
9 10 2 Souchon 1 110 22 44
10 11 0 2 180 39 60
11 10 9 3 225 49 05
12 9 5 4 290 55 10
No. 3. 13 14 5 Pecco 1 450 130 50
14 15 3 2 480 146 88
15 10 5 Songlo 1 110 23 10
16 10 0 2 115 23 0
17 10 6 3 120 25 44
No. 4. 18 10 0 Tonkay 1 100 20 0
19 9 6 2 110 21 12
20 10 8 3 120 25 92
21 9 5 Hyson Skin 1 90 17 10
22 10 1 2 110 22 22
23 10 6 3 130 27 56
No. 5. 24 11 0 Hyson 1 190 41 80
25 11 0 2 215 47 30
26 10 3 3 240 49 44
27 15 9 Young Hyson 1 150 47 70
28 15 2 2 190 57 76
29 15 0 3 220 66 0
No. 6. 30 14 3 Imperial 1 250 71 50
31 15 0 2 290 87 0
32 14 2 3 350 99 40
33 17 1 Gunpowder 1 300 102 60
34 17 6 2 340 119 68
35 18 4 3 380 139 84
Charges. 1,773 93
35 Boxes @ 175 Cents each f. 57 75
2 larger Boxes 5 25
6 Quires of Paper 1 20
f. 64 20
Brokerage 1 per Cent. 17 74
6 Packing Cases, @ f. 2 90 17 40
Duty Outwards, and Shipping Charges 4 25
Postages and petty Expences 4 50
108 09
1,882 02
Commission, 2½ per Cent. 47 0
f. 1,929 02
Exch. f. 12 12½ £ 159       1 10

Errors excepted.

Rotterdam, 15th Sept. 1829. (Signed) Alex. Ferrier.

Second Enclosure in No.8.

A short Account of the State of the Tea Trade in the Netherlands in 1829.

The Consumption of Bohea Tea is very much diminished by the low Price of Congo, Kampoi and Souchon. The Importations of the first mentioned have also of late decreased considerably, and whatever is imported ought to be in Quarter or in Congo Chests, which is the Description in most general Demand. Assuming the Quantity of 6,000 ¼ Chests of Tea as the Basis for an assorted Cargo, 400 ¼ Chests of Bohea would be a proper Proportion.

Of Souchon, Congo and Kampoi, the first is most in use; after which follows the Congo; and, lastly, the Kampoi. The Consumption of the last-mentioned is not extensive, unless it has a Pecco Flavour, in which Case it will command high Prices. Of these Three Sorts, the high flavoured, and those particularly which hold Water best, are most generally esteemed and sought after.

Pecco is sparingly demanded for Home Consumption; the best Qualities, which must be particularly grey or whitish at the Points, are much inquired after for Brody, on the Frontiers of Poland and Russia, and command high Prices; and considerable Orders also come occasionally from Frankfort on the Maine for the same Descriptions. A Parcel of 400 ¼ Chests of the foregoing Description (grey) in a general Cargo would be sure to answer well; a larger Proportion of this Kind might subject it to a considerable Reduction in Value.

Of Tonkay, Hyson Skin and Songlo, the first is in greatest Demand for the Consumption of this Country, and the Two other Sorts in proportion to the Rotation in which they here stand:

For a Cargo, as already described, the Proportions of

700 ¼ Chests Tonkay,
400 ¼ Hyson Skin,
200 ¼ Songlo,

would be considered a good Assortment. Of these Three Sorts, those bearing the Hyson, or (as it is termed) curled Leaf, are most esteemed; the Tonkay of that Description is chiefly purchased for Braband, and sometimes also for the Nether Rhine.

Hyson experiences a pretty extensive Consumption. The very fine Qualities find ready Purchasers, at high Prices, for the Braband Market, where there is a considerable Consumption of it; and it is also occasionally ordered, at high Prices, for Germany. Young Hyson (called Uxim in the Netherlands) meets in Holland a tolerable Consumption, but is most generally used in Friesland, and there the fine Qualities command high Prices.


Imperial (of large round Grain) is not generally used; but the fine Descriptions are sometimes purchased at extravagantly high Prices for the Braband Market; 150 ¼ Chests would be a proper Proportion of this Sort.

The fine Gunpowder (small grained) fetches high Prices; it is chiefly purchased by English Travellers, and likewise for the Purpose of smuggling into England, which is also occasionally the Case with good Bohea Tea in Quarter Chests.

The Prices charged in the Invoices of the accompanying Samples are the current Retail Prices of the Day; but the Prices now quoted for the Wholesale Lots, or Chops, at public Sales, will be found in the annexed Table.

As the Netherlands Trading Company, however, have advertised a Sale of 16,583 Chests against the 14th October, the present Quotations may possibly undergo some Alteration, more especially those of the finer Qualities, as the Sale will chiefly consist of old ordinary Parcels purchased by the Company at their first Outset, on the Spot, on Speculation, together with some Parcels of middling and good middling Qualities imported by them in 1828 by the Ship Helena. The fine Qualities are wanting.

The Trading Company intend, for the first Time, in the ensuing Sale, as far as regards the Helena's Cargo, to introduce new Conditions; that is, to weigh net, without any Allowance of good Weight, and also to deduct only the real Tares. Hitherto the customary Allowances have been from 5 to 7 per Cent. upon the real Tares, and about 3 Half Pounds Netherlands silent Weight. And which Conditions will probably continue to be granted by individual Importers, both Dutch and Foreign, as being an additional Inducement for purchasing, with the Dealers in that Article.

Tea improves at present in public Estimation; and there is a great probability of an Advance, if the Americans discontinue their Supplies, which they have already begun to do this Year, on account of the high Duty, and have carried all to Hamburgh, from whence partial Supplies have come hither of the fine Qualities.

The Two first Expeditions undertaken by the Trading Company consisted of Four Ships each Year; but the Losses resulting from those Operations rendered it advisable for the Company to confine their Third and Fourth Expeditions to Two Cargoes annually.

It is generally expected that some Alteration in the Tea Trade is at present in contemplation with the Netherlands Government; and the Opinion is, that the Interest and Will of His Netherlands Majesty incline towards a Monopoly in favour of the Trading Company, which the Dealers of the Article are in favour of, while, on the other Hand, it is no less generally deprecated by the General Commission Merchants.

The Consumption of Tea continues without any perceptible Increase, which is chiefly ascribed to the present low State of the Coffee Market.

The Tea Establishment referred to in the following Table is conducted by Two Warehousemen of Respectability, and their Integrity and Responsibility are guaranteed to the Public by Commissioners who have the Faculty of directing and inspecting the Management of the Establishment.

Their Duties are: to receive and warehouse the Teas outstanding; to sample and arrange the different Chops into Lots of 20 ¼ Chests, in which Quantity they are generally sold; for which they issue Warrants, and remain answerable for the Identity of the Teas so long as they continue in their Possession; those Warrants in the meanwhile being transferable, and likewise admissible as legal Pledges for Loans of Money.

For those respective Duties the Establishment charges 3 Francs or 300 Cents for every 100 Kilogrammes or 100lbs. Netherlands; and the Purchasers afterwards pay 10 Stivas or 50 Cents per Month, for Warehouse Rent of 8 ¼ Chests; and further, for Weighing and Delivery, 8 Stivas or 40 Cents per ¼ Chest.

Third Enclosure in No. 8.

Table shewing the Origin of Thirty-five Samples of Tea purchased by Alex. Ferrier, Esq. His Britannic Majesty's Consul at Rotterdam, the Hague, &c. for Account of The East India Company, and forwarded to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India; together with the current Wholesale and Retail Prices, and the respective Duties levied thereon, under different Circumstances, upon Importation into the Netherlands.


Running Numbers of Samples. Description of Tea. Assorted Number of each Description. Retail Price per ½lb. N'ds. Wholesale Price per ½lb. N'ds. Names of the Ships by which imported. Names of the Hong Merchants. Under what Flag imported. Number of the Lots in the Dutch Tea Establishment.
Cents. Cents.
1 Bohea 1 55 50 China Manhoff American Unknown
2 2 65 60 Jorina Tongua Dutch 1802 1808
3 Congo 1 110 94 Prins Van Orange Chunqua 1763 1781
4 2 125 115 Stad Rotterdam Chunqua 1155 1193
5 3 150 140 Merlands Koning Howqua 57 87
6 Kampoi 1 100 90 Zennr Kinqua 35 49
7 2 115 110 Jorina Zonqua 1832 1843
8 3 200 175 Cormlis Houtman Howqua 246 276
9 Souchong 1 110 92 Merlands Koning Manhof 858 868
10 2 180 160 Prins Van Orange Puankhequa 1875 1884
11 3 225 215 Cormlis Houtman Howqua 310 320
12 4 290 280 Merlands Koning Mowqua 162 172
13 Pecco 1 450 420 Ditto Zonqua 191 205
14 2 480 465 Withelmina and Maria Howqua 324 337
15 Sanglo 1 110 98 Schoon Verbond Giouqua 975 990
16 2 115 105 Jorina Mowqua 1883 1901
17 3 120 115 Merlands Koningen Churqua 900 916
18 Tonkay 1 100 98 Zennr Kimqua 89 92
19 2 110 105 Stad Rotterdam Puankhequar 1317 1331
20 3 120 115 Prince Van Orange Mowqua 1958 1980
21 Hyson Skin 1 90 85 Merlands Koningen Manhof 1013 1015
22 2 110 100 Jorina Mowqua 1933 1943
23 3 130 125 Stad Rotterdam Puankhequa 1369 1370
24 Hyson 1 190 182 Ditto Puankhequa 479 488
25 2 215 205 Merlands Koning Mowqua 346 352
26 3 240 230 Prins Van Orange Manhof 2071 2077
27 Young Hyson 1 150 140 Ditto Mowqua 2122
28 2 190 180 Merlands Koning Pankequa 371 373
29 3 220 210 Merlands Konningen Kinqua 1050 1053
30 Imperial 1 250 240 Anne and Hope Manhof American 1940 1990
31 Imperial 2 290 280 Stad Rotterdam Puankhequa Dutch 1407 1409
32 3 350 340 Washington Mooghing American 659 663
33 Gunpowder 1 300 295 Hobe Choushing Unknown
34 2 340 330 Merlands Konningen Chunqua Dutch 1110
35 3 380 375 Stad Rotterdam Puankhequa


The whole of these Teas are subject to the same respective Duties, the Congo and Bohea Teas here described being likewise in Quarter Chests.

Inwards. Outwards. In Transitu.
No. 1.—Teas imported direct from Canton or from any of the Dutch E. I. Possessions, by whole Cargoes, under Foreign Flag, pay f. 34 0 f. 0 35 f. 8 50 For 100 Kilo. Or 100lbs. N'ds., being about equivalent to 200lbs. old Dutch Weight, about 10 per Cent. heavier than English.
No. 2.—Teas imported under similar Circumstances by the Netherlands Flag, pay only 12 0 0 35 3 0
No. 3.—Teas imported in broken Cargoes and small Parcels, independent of the Distinction of Flag, pay 51 0 0 35 12 75
The foregoing Duties, with the Augmentation of 13 per Cent. Syndicate, bring the Duty on No. 1. to 19 Cents. for ½ Kilo. Or ½lb. N'ds.
No. 2. to 7 Cents.
No. 3. to 29 Cents.

Fourth Enclosure in No. 8.

Duties on Teas imported into the Kingdom of the Netherlands, according to the Tariff in force in September 1829.

By Ships under Foreign Flags, Teas which it shall appear have been imported in whole Cargoes direct from China, or any of the Dutch East India Possessions, pay per 100 Kilogrammes or 100lbs. Netherlands, equal to about 200lbs. old Dutch Weight:

Inwards. Outwards. In Transitu.
Francs. Cents. Francs. Cents.
Bohea and Common Congo
(in whole Chests)
18 35 4 50
All other Sorts 34 35 8 50

By Netherlands-built Ships, under the Netherland Flag, and for Account of Dutch Subjects:

Inwards. Outwards. In Transitu.
Francs. Cents. Francs. Cents.
Bohea and Common Congo
(in whole Chests)
7 35 1 75
All other Sorts 12 35 3 0


Teas imported from all other Quarters under a Foreign Flag, either in whole or partial Cargoes:

Inwards. Outwards. In Transitu.
Francs. Cents. Francs. Cents.
Bohea or Coarse Congo 27 35 6 75
All other Sorts 51 35 12 75

All which Duties are subject to an Augmentation of 13 per Cent. Syndicate.

The Duties are levied under the following Deductions for Tares: For ordinary kinds of Chests, weighing 55 Kilogrammes or more, 18 per Cent.; for all those of ordinary Description, weighing under 55 Kilogrammes, 25 per Cent. As Bohea and common Congos shall only be admitted unmixed, Teas imported in whole Chests, without such Chests serving as Covers to smaller or other Packages; these will not be admitted as coarse or common Congo, even if packed in whole Chests, if such as according to the current Price at the Time of Entry should be valued at 2f. per Kilogramme or Netherlands lb., or upwards; and therefore all Teas entered as such may be assumed by the Custom, &c. Officers at the Value of 2f., with the suppletory Advance, according to the Laws of the Customs applicable to such Emergencies.

(9.)—Copy of a Letter from Christian Koch, Esquire, His Majesty's Consul at Frankfort, to John Bidwell, Esquire, dated 4th October 1829.


I have the Honour to enclose the Account of the Purchase of Tea made by Order of The Right Honourable The Earl of Aberdeen, for the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, transmitted to me in your Letter dated 12th August, which reached me on the 31st August.

During the present September Fair, I had the best Opportunity of procuring the several sorts of Tea, consisting of the highest, middle, and lowest Classes in most general Use for Consumption in this Town, as well as for Exportation into the Interior of Germany and Switzerland. The Purchase consists of Ten different Qualities, and 20lbs. Weight each, as stated in the enclosed Account, which states all the Particulars.

I have expedited the same through the Hands of Mr. Martin John Jenison at Hamburgh, in a Case marked as prescribed, who will ship it by first sailing British Vessel for London, under regular Advice, and claim his Disbursements from the Captain, to be reimbursed, together with the Freight, &c. on Delivery. The Case weighed here 3¼ Cwt., and the Land Carriage to Hamburgh has been stipulated at Rix Dollars 2 r. d. or at R. B. 5. in Gold per Cwt. (about 6/8 per Cwt.) to be delivered there on the 10th Instant; and as Vessels are constantly in lading, the Samples will probably reach London before the End of this Month.

They are packed in Three original Tea Chests, each Quality in a separate Package, (as per Invoice,) and the Quality and Price are marked on each. These Three Chests are marked A. B. C. and sealed with my official Seal.

A. contains,
Green No. 1. 20lbs. The Hyson Skin Ordinaire, per lb. 45 kr. or 1/3,
No. 2. 20lbs. The Songlo Fine, per lb. 1 fl. or 1/8.
No. 3. 20lbs. The Hyson Fine, per lb. 1 fl. 45 kr. or 2/11.
B. contains,
Green No. 4. 20lbs. The Imperial Ordinaire, per lb. 2 fl. or 3/4.
No. 5. 20lbs. Poudre À Canon, Extra Fine, per lb. 3fl. 5/.
Black No. 6. 20lbs. Superior Bohea, per lb. 48 kr. or 1/4.
No. 7. 20lbs. Superior Kempoy, per lb. 1 fl. 45 kr. or 2/11.
C. contains,
Black No. 8. 20lbs. The Souchong Fine, per lb. 1 fl. 30 k. or 2/6.
No. 9. 20lbs. Superior Souchong, 2 fl. 15 kr. or 3/9.
No. 10. 20lbs. Pecco Fine, 3 fl. or 5/.

The Calculation in Shillings has been made by adopting the Exchange on London at 12 Florins; Curr. at 11 fl. per £ Sterling.

The Duty on Tea of all Sorts at Frankfort is hardly One Farthing on the Pound Weight, and therefore not marked on each Sample.

My Disbursements on this Expedition amount to 362 Florins; viz.

Per Bill inclosed, of Mr. H. Schmidt, First f. k.
House in the Tea Trade here 358 42
Cartage 2 0
Postages to Hamburgh, &c. 1 18
Florins 362 0

£30 8s. 5d. Sterling. Exchange at 11 fl. 54 k. per £ Sterling.

And I solicit that the said Sum of £30 8 5 Sterling may be paid for my Account into the Hands of Messrs. Fletcher, Alexander and Co. No. 20, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street.

I have the Honour to be, &c.

(Signed) Christian Koch, Consul.


(10.)—Copy of a Letter from Sir Daniel Bayley, His Majesty's Consul General at St. Petersburgh, to John Bidwell, Esquire, dated 25th Sept./7th Oct. 1829.


I have the Honour to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 12th August, conveying to me Lord Aberdeen's Directions to procure, and transmit to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, fair Samples of the several Sorts of Tea sold here, embracing the highest, lowest, and middle Qualities of Tea in most general Use.

In obedience to this I have procured, and put on board a Vessel bound for London, called the Sappho, John Gatenby, Master, a Case containing Samples of the Tea, as specified in your Letter. To the Directions therein I have attended as closely as possible.

I now enclose an Account of the Tea, amounting to £75 3s. 5d. at the Exchange of the Day, which I request you to cause to be paid to Mr. Benjamin Read, No. 5, Great Tower Street.

I also enclose a Specification of the Teas, the Bill of Lading, and a Price Current.

The usual Passage of Ships from Cronstadt to London is a Month at this Season, and the Sappho may be expected in about that Time.

I have, &c.

(Signed) Daniel Bayley,

Consul General.

First Enclosure in No. 10.

Account of One Box containing Samples of Tea shipped on board the Sappho, Captain Gatenby, to The Honourable the Commissioners for the Affairs of India.

In more general Use. R. Cop. R. Cop.
25lbs. Highest Black Flower Tea @ 15 375 0
Lowest Do. 10 250 0
Highest Black Family Tea 8 200 0
Lowest Do. 5 125 0
Highest Green Tea 15 375 0
Lowest Do. 8 200 0
1,525 0
Export Duty 2.70, and Custom House Charges 17 73
Freight paid here, £1 22 58
6 Boxes and 1 Case, Mats, Ropes, &c. 39 0
Shipping Charges, and sending to Cronstadt 40 50
Postages 48 16
167 97
R. 1,692 97
@ 10 21/32 £ 75 3 5

St. Petersburgh, 25 Sept./7 Oct. 1829.

Second Enclosure in No.10.

Secification of the Samples of Tea sent per Sappho. Russ.
R. Cop.
25 Russ. lbs. Highest Black Flower Tea @ 15lb. 2 10
25 Lowest Do 10 2 10
25 Highest Black Family Do. 8 1 67½
25 Lowest Do. 5 1 67½
25 Highest Green Tea 15 2 10
25 Lowest Do. 8 1 32½
Import Duty at Kiachta.
The above reduced into English Weight and Sterling Money.
Per lb.
s. d.
22½ English lbs. Highest Black Flower Tea, @ 14/5 Ster.g 0
22½ Lowest Do. 9/9 0
22½ Highest Black Family Tea 7/10 1
22½ Lowest Do. 4/10 1
22½ Highest Green Tea 14/5 0
22½ Lowest Do. 7/10 1
Import Duty at Kiachta.


Being Retail Prices of Sorts in most general Use.

Drawback for Licences taken out for the Exportation of Tea:

s. d.
On all Black Teas without Distinction, per lb. English 1
— Green Do. 1

Export Duty on all Teas, 20 Cop. Silver per Pood, or 2 per Cwt.


The Consumption of Black as compared to Green Tea is as 80 to 1.

Third Enclosure in No.10.

Magasin de Thés Chinols de Marinine, nouvellement recus de la Foire de Nijni Novgorod, de l'Année 1829, se vendant À des Prix inferieurs aux anciens, dans le Magasin de M. Marinine, Perspective de Neosky, en face de la Cathedrale de Casan, Maison du Pharmacien Imsen, No. 23, près de la Pharmacie.


Thé Noirs. Prix de la Livre.
Rbls. Cop.
Thé ordinaire 4 0
Thé supérieur 5 0
Thé de Famille, nommé Mioucone 5 50
Thé de Famille supérieur 6 50
Thé odoriférant, nommé Hin-Soun-Tshen-Touni 7 0
Thé odoriférant supérieur, nommé Tou-TshenTou-Tan-Toumi 8 0
Thé de Fleurs, nommé Sine-you-Tsoune-Dsi 9 0
Thé de Fleurs, nommé Sian Fa-Tshon-Dsi 10 0
Thé de Fleurs, nommé Vane-Soune-Tsho-Dsi 11 0
Thé de Fleurs supérieur, nommé Mi-you-KoneDsi 12 0
Thé liansine, ou odoriférant, nommé Ha-Tshen
Tshou-Ane-Same 15 0
Tshow-Ane-Peha 18 0
supérieur, nommé Sou
Fa-Tshene-Peha 20 0
Thés du Khan, supérieurs et Blancs.
Thé de Fousy Rosé-A-Dsi-Losane Ossoska 25 0
Tia-I-Mo-Si aux Roses, ou aux
Trois Lys 30 0
Losane Bouqueta, Thé du Khan,
Blanc 35 0
Thé de premiere Qualité, nommé Foutsanskoy, dans des Boîtes de Plomb, doublées d'Etoffesen Sole Blanche 50 0
Thès Liane-Sine en Boîtes, et Thés du Khan supérieurs.
Thés de diverses Dénominations, en Boîtes
vernissées, et dans des Etuis en Plomb, pesant de 2½ Livres À 5½ Livres, du Prix de 50 R. À 125 0
Thé d'une Qualité très-supérieure, en Boîtes richement ornées d'Etoffes Chinoises en Soie, pesant de 2½ Livres À 4 Livres, du Prix de 100 R. À 200 0
Thé supérieur, nommé Kou Lane Samé, en Boîtes richement ornées de Figures Chinoises, et d'Etoffes en Soie, pesant 1½ Livre, Prix de la Bîte de 150 R. À 250 0
Les Personnes qui désireront se procurer les Qualités de Thés ci-dessus designées, les recevront dans les veritablesBoîtes Chinoises de 1, 2, 3, 5, et 10 Livres, et convenablement emballées pour le Transport, de même que dans les Zibiks entiers, d'aprés le Prix-courant.
Thés Verts. Prix de la Livre. Prix de la Boîte.
Rbls. Cop. Rbls. Cop.
Thé nommé Lianzovoy 7 0
Gentshougenoy 80 0
supérieur 10 0
Tshani-Gooskoy supérieur 12 0
Thé en petites Boîtes 1¼ de Livre 12 0
Thé Vonsovoy, nommé Kone-Sou-T-Joulane 15 0
supérieur, dans des
Boîtes en Plomb, 1¼ de Livre 17 0
Thé du Khan de Fousy-Losana Bouketa 25 0
supérieur de Fousy
Losana-Ossoska 35 0
Thé de Fleurs odoriférantes, nommé Kou-Lane, Qualité supérieure 50 0
Les Personnes de I'Interieur pourront se procurer, sans le moindre Retard, ces mêmes Qualités de Thés, aux Prix ci-dessus indiqués, en s'addressant au dit Magasin, et en ajoûtant a leurs Demandes les Frais de Port.


(11.)—Copy of a Letter from J. C. Buchanan, Esquire, His Majesty's Acting Consul at New York, to John Bidwell, Esquire, dated 31st October 1829.


I have the Honour to acknowledge your Letter of the 13th August last, desiring me, by Directions from The Earl of Aberdeen, that I should procure, and transmit to the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, fair Samples of the several Sorts of Tea sold at New York, and Instructions as to the Manner and Form in which his Lordship's Directions should be attended to.

I have procured Samples of the above Article, and beg to enclose Invoice and Bill of Lading thereof, and also a Statement of the Expence incurred, which I can be reimbursed through Messrs. Puget and Bainbridge, Bankers.

The Quantity of several of the Samples will be found considerably over 20lbs. Weight, where Packages could not be found of that Weight; and it would not be a fair Sample to break the Packages. The Wholesale and Retail Prices appear in separate Columns, and the Duty payable.

No Drawback of Duty could be allowed here, as there was not 50 Dollars Worth imported in any one Ship, which is required to claim it.

The Ship "Hannibal" is now ready to sail, and will probably arrive as soon as you receive this Letter.

I am, &c.

(Signed) J. C. Buchanan,

J. Bidwell, Esq. Acting British Consul.

First Enclosure in No. 11.

Invoice of Tea shipped on board the "Hannibal," F. H. Hebbard, Master, for London, containing Three Chests, Eight Half Chests, One Case, and Four Cattys, by His Majesty's Consul at New York, to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, in London.

No. Qualities. Package. Weight Price at Importer's Sale; at Auction. Price at Trader's Stores. Amount. City Price by Retail. Duty
lbs. Cents. Cents. Dls. Cts. Cents. Cents.
1 Hyson Chest 68 106 110 74 80 125 40
2 Ditto ½ Ditto 35 93 96 33 60 112½ 40
3 Ditto Ditto 29 87 90 26 10 100 40
4 Young Hyson Ditto 48 100 104 49 92 118¾ 40
5 Ditto Ditto 49 85 90 44 10 100 40
6 Hyson Skin Chest 57 66 68 38 76 75 28
7 Ditto ½ Ditto 30 53 56 16 80 62½ 28
8 Souchong Case 21 86 90 18 90 100 25
9 Ditto ½ Chest 31 68 70 21 70 75 25
10 Ditto Ditto 34 53 56 19 04 62½ 25
11 Pouchong Ditto 36 68 70 25 20 87½ 25
12 Ditto Chest 62 57 60 37 20 75 25
13 Gunpowder TwoCattys 26 128 133 34 58 150 50
14 Imperial Ditto 26 114 117 30 42 125 50
471 12
No. 1. A fair Sample for First Quality, for City Trade.
2. Do. Second Do. Do.
3. Do. Third Do. Country Trade.
4. Do. First Do. City Trade.
5. Do. Second Do. Do. and Country Trade.
6. Do. First Do. City Trade.
7. Do. Mostly consumed in the Country.
8. Do. First Quality, for City Trade.
9. Do. Second Do. Do. and Country Trade.
10. Do. Mostly consumed in the Country.
11. Do. First Quality, for City Trade.
12. Do. Second Do. Do.
13. Do. of Middle Quality.
14. Do. for Southern or New Orleans Trade.

The Custom House allows 20lbs. Tare on all Chests containing Green Tea. The actual Weight is less One Pound, which is always added by the Importer to the Dealer. When covered with Matting, an Allowance of Two Pounds is made on each Chest. The Tare of Packages is found by emptying Two or more, and averaging the Weight. At most public Sales the Price of Lots will vary from 3 to 9 Cents per lb.

Small Invoice of very fine Hyson and Young Hyson will often sell from 125 to 150 Cents per lb.; the Difference on other Descriptions will not be so great.

All Teas are sold for approved indorsed Notes at Six Months.

New York, 19th Oct. 1829. E. E.


Second Enclosure in No. 11.

Statement of Expence incurred in obtaining Samples of the several Sorts of Tea sold at New York, by Directions of The Earl of Aberdeen, for the Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India, by His Majesty's Consul at New York.

Dls. Cents.
14 Packages of Tea, Cost 471 12
Charges, Shipping, &c. 4 0
475 12
Commission 2½ per Cent. on $475 12c. 11 87
$ 480 99

New York, 31 October 1829.

(12.)—Copy of a Letter from George Manners, Esquire, His Majesty's Consul at Boston, to John Bidwell, Esquire, dated 25th November 1829.


In compliance with the Instructions of The Earl of Aberdeen, I have shipped on board the American Ship Dover, bound to Liverpool (where she will probably arrive between the 20th and 26th December), Twelve Packages, containing Samples of Teas most generally used in this State, which I have addressed as desired, and, as no Vessel will sail hence for London for some Time, consigned to the Collector of His Majesty's Customs at Liverpool, to whom I have written, and enclosed a Bill of Lading.

I deemed it advisable to take sufficient Quantities to enable me to receive the Drawback of the whole Duties, to entitle me to which it was necessary to take as much as was charged with 50 Dollars Duty on each separate Importation: could I have obtained all the required Samples out of one and the same Cargo, a less Quantity would have sufficed. I have the Honour to observe, that unbroken Packages will prove much more correct Samples than could have been obtained from Tea Dealers, who would have charged Retail Prices, which, with the Duties that must have been paid, would have amounted to as much or more Expence than has been incurred.

The Teas were selected for me by Mr. Bryant P. Tilden, who has great Experience in the Canton Trade, and were purchased at the same Prices that would have been charged by the 100 Chests. I am much indebted to him, and also to Messrs. Perkins and Co. of this City, who are the most extensive East India Merchants of the United States, for the Information that enabled me to make out the correct Statement which I have the Honour to transmit herewith, for the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, in London, and of which I shall send Copies in Duplicate by the Dover, for the Perusal of The Earl of Aberdeen, conceiving that it may be useful to refer to, when the Question relative to the Renewal of The East India Company's Charter shall be taken into consideration. It will be seen, that in addition to the present Wholesale and Retail Prices, I have stated their Prime Cost at Canton.

The whole Cost and Charges of the Teas were 508 Dollars and 32 Cents, from which is to be deducted 236 Dollars 76 Cents, being the Amount of Duties (as per Invoice herewith sent), which will be paid on Receipt of a Certificate of landing from the American Consul, which I have requested the Collector of Customs to obtain, and forward to me. The Balance of 271 Dollars 56 Cents I will thank the Commissioners for the Affairs of India to have paid into the Hands of Messrs. Robert and William Pulsford of Great St. Helen's, London, Merchants, to the Credit of Messrs. Isaac Winslow and Son of Boston, Merchants.

I have, &c.

(Signed) George Manners.

(13.)—Copy of a Letter from George Manners, Esquire, His Majesty's Acting Consul at Boston, to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, dated 25th November 1829.

My Lords and Gentlemen,

In conformity with Instructions received from His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, I have forwarded to you, by the American Ship "Dover," viâ Liverpool, there being no Ship about to sail hence for London, Twelve Packages, containing Samples of Teas most generally used in this State, and have the Honour to transmit herewith ā Statement containing all the Information required, together with their Prime Cost in Canton.


In my Dispatch relative to the Subject, forwarded to the Foreign Office, I have explained all the Circumstances respecting the Purchase of the Samples. I shall be obliged by your paying the Amount of the Costs and Charges, viz. 271 Dollars 56 Cents, into the Hands of Messrs. Robert and William Pulsford of Great St. Helen's, London, Merchants, to the Credit of Messrs. Isaac Winslow and Son of Boston, Merchants.

I have transmitted Duplicate Invoices, and the necessary Vouchers, to the Foreign Office.

The Packages have on them a printed Address similar to the enclosed. I have consigned them to the Collector of His Majesty's Customs at Liverpool, whom I have requested to obtain from the American Consul the Certificate of landing necessary to cancel the Bonds given here, and to enable me to receive the Drawback.

I have, &c.

(Signed) George Manners.

First Enclosure in No. 13.

Invoice of Twelve Packages of Tea shipped by His Britannic Majesty's Consul at Boston, George Manners, on board the Ship Dover, Captain Burnly bound to Liverpool, and consigned to the Collector of the Customs for that Port, being for Account and Risk of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, in London.

No. Cargo.
lbs. Cents. Dls. Cts.
1 Jasper 1 Chest Tonkay Hyson 78 Net 50 39 0
2 Parthian 1 Case Souchong 50 75 37 50
3 Jasper 1 Chest Ditto 86 47 40 42
4 Parthian 1 Ditto Hyson Skin 65 55 35 75
5 Jasper 1 Ditto Ditto 62 49 30 38
6 Parthian 1 Ditto Young Hyson 90 80 72 0
7 Ditto 1 Ditto Tonkay Ditto 82 56 45 92
8 Louisa 1 Package Hyson 20 95 19 0
9 Ditto 1 Chest-Ditto 63 87½ 55 12
10 Ditto 1 Ditto-Ditto 63 80 50 40
11 Ditto ½ Ditto-Ditto 35 85 29 75
12 Ditto ½ Ditto-Ditto 35 90 31 50
486 74
Deduct Duty.
Debentures on 287lbs Green Tea 28 Cents 80 36
136lbs. Black 25 34 0
306lbs. Hyson and Young Hyson 40 122 40
236 76
Charges. 249 98
Expences of printing, packing, Custom House Fees, Truckage, Wharfage and Blands, paid to B. Tilder 6 58
Paid B.P. Tilder, for his Services in selecting, purchasing and shipping 15 0
21 58
$ 271 56

E.E. (Signed) George Manners.

Boston, 24 Nov. 1829.

Second Enclosure in No. 13.

Wholesale and Retail Prices and Cost in China of Twelve Samples of Tea forwarded by His Majesty's Consul to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, in London.


Number of the Packages. Description. Quality. Quantity. Duty per lb. Whole Cost of Samples free of Duty. Price per Pound, by the 100 Chests, free of Duty. Retail Price paid by the Public, Duty included. Cost per Pecul in China. REMARKS.
lbs. Cents. Dls. Cents. Cents. Dls. Cents. Tales.
1 1 Chest Tonkay Hyson Ordinary 78 28 17 16 22 0 57 16 The Pecul is about 133
lbs. The Tale about
2 1 Case (2 Boxes) Souchong Superior 50 25 25 0 50 0 85 35
3 1 Chest Souchong Common 86 25 18 92 22 0 56 15 Much used.
4 1 Chest Hyson Skin Fair 65 28 17 55 27 0 62½ 20 Ditto.
5 1 Ditto Ditto Ordinary 62 28 13 2 21 0 57 16 Used in the Country.
6 1 Ditto Young Hyson Good 90 40 36 0 40 0 90 34 Much used.
7 1 Ditto Tonkay Hyson Fair 82 28 22 96 28 0 67½ 20 Used same as Hyson Skin.
8 1 Package (2 Boxes) Hyson Good 20 40 11 0 55 1 12½ 44
9 1 Chest Hyson Fair 63 40 29 92 47½ 1 0 40 Much used.
10 1 Ditto Ditto Ordinary 63 40 25 20 40 0 90 30 Ditto.
11 ½ Ditto Ditto Common 35 40 15 75 45 0 95 32 Ditto.
12 ½ Ditto Ditto Middling 35 40 17 50 50 1 5 42 Exchange 9½ per Cent.advm

I have the Honour to observe that Imperial, the highest Class of Hysons, and Bohea Teas, are not generally used in Boston. The Duty on the first and on Gomer Hyson (of which none is imported under that Name) is 50 Cents per lb. and on the latter (Bohea) 12 Cents. The Duties on other Teas are as follow; viz. Hyson and Young Hyson, 40 Cents per lb.; Hyson Skin and Tonkay Hyson, 28 Cents; Souchong and all Black Teas, 25 Cents per lb. A Drawback of the whole (without any Deduction) is allowed on Exportation, but no Drawback is allowed unless the Duties amount to 50 Dollars on Goods of the same Importation or Cargo. The Duties on all Goods from China are payable at Eight, Ten and Eighteen Months, and are secured by the Bonds of the Importers and Two or more Sureties. A Discount of 4 per Cent. only is allowed on prompt Payment. The Samples sent were obtained at the Prices charged by the Hundred Chests. Tea Dealers, who take only a few Chests, are charged about 4 per Cent. more. The present retail current Prices of Teas in Boston are as follow; viz. Imperial, $1.25/00; Hysons, from 90/00 to $1.25/00; Young Hyson, from 90/00 to $1.12½/00; Hyson Skin and Tonkay Hyson, from 57/00 to 75/00; Black Teas, such as Souchong, Congo, Campoy, &c. from 50/00 to 70/00; Bohea, from 25/00 to 33 1/3 per lb.

The preceding Statement may be implicitly relied on, as my Information was obtained in a Manner and from Sources which precluded the possibility of Deception. The Cost in China was copied from the original Invoices. It will be seen, when Freight, Interest, and Insurance are taken into Consideration, that Teas are at present imported into the United States without any Profit to the Importers.


George Manners,

His Majesty's Consul in Massachusetts.

British Consulate, Boston, 25th Nov. 1829.


(14.)—Copy of a Letter from George Bankes, Esquire, to Thomas Lack, Esquire, dated at the India Board, 18th January 1830.


The Commissioners for the Affairs of India having considered it advisable to obtain from Foreign Europe and America Samples of the Teas imported into those Countries, are desirous that these Samples should be examined by a few of the most respectable Tea Brokers, in the Presence of some Person deputed by the Committee of Privy Council for Trade.

I am therefore directed by the Board to request that their Lordships will appoint some Officer of their Establishment to attend in Cannon Row for this Purpose; and that they will also, if it be in their Power, furnish the Board with a List of such Persons engaged in the Tea Trade as are likely to pronounce a just Opinion on the respective Qualities of the Teas.

I am, &c.

(Signed) George Bankes.

(15.)—Copy of a Letter from Thomas Lack, Esquire, to George Bankes, Esquire, dated at the Board of Trade, 5th February 1830.


With reference to your Letter of the 18th Ult. relative to the Examination of some Samples of Tea lately received by the Commissioners for the Affairs of India from Foreign Europe and America, I am directed by the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade to transmit to you the enclosed Copy of a Letter which has been written to me by Direction of the Commissioners of Excise, and in which is contained a List of the Names of Eight Firms or Houses of Tea Brokers by whom the greatest Quantities of Tea have been purchased at The East India Company's Sales in the last Year, and who therefore appear to their Lordships to be the fittest Persons to consult on this Occasion.

The Lords of this Committee direct me to suggest, that it may be advisable to request of each Firm that they would communicate the Name of the Person whom they would recommend for the Purposes of the proposed Examination.

I am to request that the Lords of this Committee may be apprised of the Time when the Examination is to be made, and they will take care that Mr. Hume, one of their Assistant Secretaries, shall attend the Meeting.

I am, &c.

(Signed) Thomas Lack.

Enclosure in No. 15.

Copy of a Letter from J.C. Freeling, Esquire, to Thomas Lack, Esquire, dated at the Excise Office, 30th January 1830.


I am directed by the Commissioners of this Revenue to transmit you, for the Purpose of being laid before the Lords Committee of Privy Council appointed for the Consideration of all Matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations, a Statement of the Names and Addresses of Eight Houses or Firms of Tea Brokers who appear on Inquiry to have been the largest Purchasers of Tea in the last Twelve Months, as required by your Letter of the 27th Instant:

Messrs. Styans, No.5, Scott's Yard, Bush Lane.

Varnham & Co., No. 4, Copthall Court.

Brooke & Co., No. 37, Old Jewry.

Kemble & Co., St. Antholine's Churchyard, Watling Street.

Layton & Co., No. 41, Lime Street.

Thompson & Co., No. 1, Dunstor Court, Mincing Lane.

Watkins & Co., No. 17, London Street, Fenchurch Street.

Gibbs & Co., No. 3, White Hart Court, Lombard Street.

I am, &c.

(Signed) J. C. Freeling.


(16.)—Copy of a Circular Letter from B. S. Jones, Esquire, to Messrs. Styan, Messrs. Varnham & Co., Messrs. Brooke & Co., Messrs. Kemble & Co., Messrs. Layton & Co., and Messrs. Thompson & Co., Messrs. Watkins & Co., and Messrs. Gibbs & Co., dated at the India Board, 5th February 1830.


The Commissioners for the Affairs of India have received, from certain of His Majesty's Consuls on the Continent of Europe and in the United States of America, Samples of the Teas imported in the several Places where they respectively reside. The Purpose for which these Samples have been procured is to ascertain the Relation which they bear in Quality and in Price to the Teas imported by The East India Company into the United Kingdom. At the Request of this Board, the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, having applied to the Commissioners of Excise for the Names of such Firms or Houses of Tea Brokers by whom the greatest Quantities of Tea have been purchased at The East India Company's Sales, have been furnished with a List in which the Name of your Firm appears.

I am directed by the Board to request that you will be pleased to communicate to me the Name of the Person whom you would recommend for the Purpose of assisting in the Examination of the said Samples.

As it is the Wish of the Board that the Examination should be entered upon with the least possible Delay, a Messenger will wait upon you To-morrow for any Answer which you may be pleased to return to this Communication.

I am, &c.

(Signed) B.S. Jones.

(17.)—Copy of a Letter from B. S. Jones, Esquire, to Peter Auber, Esquire, dated at the India Board, 5th February 1830.


The Commissioners for the Affairs of India having, in concert with the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade, taken Measures for insuring the Attendance at this Office of Persons duly qualified to conduct an Examination of the Samples of Tea which have been lately received from His Majesty's Consuls on the Continent of Europe and in the United States of America, I am directed to request that you will move the Court of Directors to nominate an Individual to be present on behalf of The East India Company at the said Examination.

I am, &c.

(Signed) B. S. Jones.

(18.)—Copy of a Letter from Peter Auber, Esquire, to B. S. Jones, Esquire, dated at the East India House, 6th February 1830.

My dear Sir,

In accordance with your Suggestion, I have consulted the Chairman with regard to the Individual who should attend to the Examination of the Samples of Foreign Tea received from His Majesty's Consuls; and I beg to acquaint you, that the Tea Warehousekeeper has been directed to attend such Examination, and he will call upon you for the Purpose of making such Arrangements as may be necessary in consequence.

I am, &c.

(Signed) P. Auber.

(19.)—Copy of a Letter from H. H. Goodhall, Esquire, to B. S. Jones, Esquire, dated 6th February 1830.


In consequence of your Letter to the Secretary at the East India House, I am directed by the Chairman to confer with you upon the Subject of the intended Examination of the Samples of Tea which have been received from the Continent and also from America, and will do myself the Honour of waiting upon you by 11 o'Clock on Monday Morning.

I am, &c. &c.

(Signed) H. H. Goodhall,

Tea Warehousekeeper.


[Note.—It having been proposed by Mr. Goodhall, that the Firm of Venn & Co. (although not included in the List of Tea Brokers furnished by the Commissioners of Excise) should be invited to attend at the Examination of the Foreign Tea, and the Board of Trade having seen no Objection to the Proposal, the following Letter was accordingly addressed to Messrs. Venn & Co.:]

(20.)—Copy of a Letter from B. S. Jones, Esquire, to Messrs. Venn & Co. dated at the India Board, 8th February 1830.


The Commissioners for the Affairs of India have received, from certain of His Majesty's Consuls on the Continent of Europe and in the United States of America, Samples of the Teas imported in the several Places where they respectively reside. The Purpose for which these Samples have been procured is to ascertain the Relation which they bear in Quality and in Price to the Teas imported by The East India Company into the United Kingdom.

I am directed by the Board to request that you will be pleased to communicate to me the Name of the Person whom you would recommend for the Purpose of assisting in the Examination of the said Samples.

As it is the Wish of the Board that the Examination should be entered upon with the least possible Delay, a Messenger will wait upon you To-morrow, for any Answer which you may be pleased to return to this Communication.

I am, &c. &c.

(Signed) B. S. Jones.

(21.)—Copy of a Letter from B. S. Jones, Esquire, to J. C. Freeling, Esquire, dated at the India Board, 8th February 1830.


The Commissioners for the Affairs of India being desirous that the Examination of such of the Samples of Foreign Teas as have been received from His Majesty's Consuls should be entered upon forthwith, I am directed to request that you will move the Commissioners of Excise to order one of their Officers to attend at the India Board in Cannon Row at 11 o'Clock To-morrow Morning, to witness the opening of the Packages containing the said Samples, and to take such Precautions as he may deem to be necessary for the safe Custody thereof.

I am, &c. &c.

(Signed) B. S. Jones.

(22.)—Memorandum by B. S. Jones, Esquire, dated at the India Board, 15th March 1830.

The Tea Brokers who were invited to examine the Samples of Foreign Tea attended at the India Board Office on Monday the 15th February.

There were also in attendance Mr. Goodhall, The East India Company's Tea Warehousekeeper; Mr. Hunt, one of the Clerks in his Office; Mr. Hume, Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trade; and Mr. Jones, Assistant Secretary to the India Board.

The Tea Brokers, after conferring together, observed, that although they were willing to enter immediately upon the Examination of the Samples, it would better suit their Convenience if the Examination could be postponed until after the Conclusion of a Tea Sale which was about to take place at the East India House; and they mentioned Monday the 15th March as the Day when they should be quite at liberty to inspect and examine the said Samples. Lord Ellenborough and Mr. Herries respectively acquiesced in this Proposal.

It was suggested, that Labels should be affixed to the Sides of the several Packages of the Teas, and numbered from 1 to 103, (being the total Number of the Samples;) and that the Tops of the Packages, on which are marked the Prices paid by the Consuls for the Teas, should be taken off, and placed out of the Sight of the Brokers.

This was accordingly done previously to the Meeting which took place on the 15th March, when the Brokers drew Samples for the Purpose of being removed to their respective Abodes, where they could, more conveniently than at the India Board Office, subject the Teas to the usual Tests. Samples were also taken by Mr. Goodhall, The East India Company's Tea Warehousekeeper.

(Signed) B. S. Jones.

(23.)—Copy of a Letter from B. S. Jones, Esquire, to J. C. Freeling, Esquire, dated at the India Board, 16th March 1830.



In reference to my Letter of the 8th Ultimo, I beg to inform you, that the Tea Brokers attended Yesterday for the Purpose of examining the Samples of Foreign Tea forwarded by His Majesty's Consuls to the Commissioners for the Affairs of India. As the Chambers in which the said Samples have been deposited are ill adapted to the Process of Examination, the Brokers have judged it necessary that each Individual should be furnished with small Samples, of about Half a Pound, of each Parcel of Tea, in order that they may severally examine the same at their own Houses. They also expressed a Wish to be permitted to inspect the Tea in Bulk, at such Times as may suit their Convenience respectively, instead of being obliged to come in a Body for that Purpose. If this latter Request should be complied with, it will be necessary that I or some other Person on the Spot should have Access to the Chambers containing the Teas; and as your Officers, Mr. Snitch and Mr. Saunders, do not feel themselves warranted, without express Authority from the Commissioners of the Excise, either to relinquish the Custody of the Tea, or to allow the Samples to be forwarded to the Tea Brokers, I have to request that you will be pleased to move the said Commissioners to issue such Orders as may facilitate the Performance of the Duty which has been assigned to the Tea Brokers.

I am, &c. &c.

(Signed) B. S. Jones.

Note.—To the foregoing Letter, a verbal Answer was conveyed to Mr. Jones, by the above-mentioned Officers of Excise, who superintended the Removal of the Samples drawn by the Brokers, and delivered the Keys of the Chambers containing the Teas into Mr. Jones's Hands.

(24.)—Copy of a Letter from certain Firms of Tea Brokers to B.S. Jones, Esquire, dated London, 6th April 1830.


In compliance with your Request, we have separately examined the Samples of Teas received from The Honourable Board, and subsequently compared our Estimate, the Result of which we beg to subjoin.

We think it right to observe, that Two of the Samples of Bohea are decidedly inferior in Quality to any imported of late Years by The Honourable the East India Company. With reference to the Samples of Congou, which is the Description of Tea principally consumed in this Country, (about Two Thirds of the whole,) there being in each Quarterly Sale nearly One hundred Samples which sell at Prices varying from 2s. to 3s. 3d. per lb. and as we are only furnished with Five Samples, it must be obvious that we can form but a limited Opinion as to the Relation which they bear in Quality to those of The East India Company.

The Importations of Pekoe, Young Hyson and Gunpowder are very uncertain, being chiefly in the Privilege of the Officers of the Company's Ships, and vary very materially in Quantity at different Periods; consequently fine Pekoe, when the Quantity in the Market has been large, has sold as low as 3s. 9d. per lb. but, from the present Scarcity, cannot now be obtained under 5s. 6d. per lb. The Prices we have therefore affixed are intended to illustrate the relative Qualities and Worth in a Market moderately supplied, rather than the present Value, which is unusually high.

We are, &c. &c.

(Signed) T. Bowley.

Richard Gibbs.

Henry Kemble.

James Layton.

James Layton jun.

H. W. Maccaughey.

Wm. Styann.

Wm. Jas. Thompson.

Thos. Watkins.


List of Prices affixed to the Samples.

No. s. d.
1 Bohea 1 4
2 Do. 1
3 Congou 2
4 Do. 2 6
5 Campoi 2 1
6 Do. 2
7 Souchong, very ordinary Quality, unfit for Use.
8 Souchong 2
9 Do. 2 3
10 Pecco 3 10
11 Do. 4 0
12 Do. 5 6
13 Hyson Skin 2 1
14 Do. 2
15 Do. 2 3
16 Twankay 2 4
17 Do. 2 11
18 Do. 2 9
19 Young Hyson 3 0
20 Do. 3 11
21 Hyson 3 10
22 Do. 4 2
23 Do. 5 0
24 Imperial 4 10
25 Gunpowder 5 3
26 Do. 5 8
27 Bohea 1
28 Do. 1 5
29 Congou 2
30 Do. 2
31 Do. 2
32 Kampoo 2 4
33 Do. 2 1
34 Do. 3 4
35 Souchong 2
36 Do. 2 3
37 Do. 3 8
38 Do. 4 2
39 Pecco 5 3
40 Do. 5 2
41 Songlo 3 0
42 Do. 2 2
43 Do. 2 5
44 Tonkay 2
45 Do. 2 2
46 Do. 2 11
47 Hyson Skin 2 1
48 Do. 2
49 Do. 2 2
50 Hyson 3 7
51 Do. 3 8
52 Do. 3 10
53 Young Hyson 3 7
54 Do. 3 9
55 Do. 4 1
56 Imperial 4 6
57 Do. 5 2
58 Do. 5 6
59 Gunpowder 4 9
60 Do. 5 4
61 Do. 6 0
62 Hyson Skin 2 1
63 Songlo 2 3
64 Hyson 3 8
65 Imperial 4 8
66 Gunpowder, Poudre à Canon 5 4
67 Bohea 1 11
68 Kempoy 3 1
69 Souchong 2 3
70 Do. 3 10
71 Pecco 4 2
72 Black Flower Tea 5 3
73 Do. 4 9
74 Black Family Tea 3 8
75 Do. 2
76 Green Tea
This Description of Tea is not known to have been imported into this Country for Purposes of Trade.
77 Do. 4 4
78 Hyson 4 4
79 Do. 3 9
80 Do. 3 7
81 Young Hyson 3 9
82 Do. 3 7
83 Hyson Skin 2 8
84 Do. 2 1
85 Souchong 2 2
86 Do. 2 0
87 Do. 1 10
88 Pouchong 2 0
89 Do. 2 0
90 Gunpowder 5 2
91 Do. 5 0
92 Tonkay Hyson 2 2
93 Souchong 3 4
94 Do. 2
95 Hyson Skin 2 3
96 Do. 2 2
97 Young Hyson 3 8
98 Tonkay Hyson 2 2
99 Hyson 3 8
100 Do. 3 9
101 Do. 3 8
102 Do. 3 9
103 Do. 3 9

A. (4.)


Papers relating to the TRADE carried on by the AMERICANS and other FOREIGN NATIONS with India, China and the Eastern Islands.

No.l. — A Return of the Foreign Trade with China; distinguishing the different Nations, as the same can be ascertained,

(1.) — A Return of the Foreign Trade with China carried on by the Swedish, Danish,

SEASONS. Ships. Tonnage. Birds Nests. Cotton. Camlets. Copper. Pepper. Skins. Tin. Cloves. Window Glass. Wine and Spirits. Iron Spikes (Small). Dollars.
Neither Ships nor Cargoes stated.
Peculs. Pieces. Peculs. Peculs. Peculs. Peculs. Peculs. No.
1815-16 2 Swedes not stated 6 439 18 942 452 17 423 135 1,834 107,700
2 Dutch 520 2,840 188 166 92,000
4 Ships.
Total 6 520 3,279 188 18 942 618 17 423 135 1,834 199,700
1825-26 inclusive
Neither Ships nor Cargoes stated.
1826-27 5 Dutch 2,948 The Imports are not stated for this Year.
2 French not stated
7 Ships.
1827-28 Neither Ships nor Cargoes stated for this Year.

East India House, 30th April 1830.


(2.)—A Return of the Foreign Trade with China carried on by the Americans, distinguishing the principal Articles

SEASONS. No. of Ships. Tonnage. Ginseng. Opium. Quicksilver. Metals. Skins. Cochineal. Peppar and Spices. Cotton and Cotton Goods Woollens. Linen Goods. Rice and Paddy.
Peculs. Peculs. Peculs. Peculs. No. Peculs. Peculs. Pieces. Peculs.
9 2,854 430 76,457
1815-16 30 10,208 1,508 80 450 2,730 140,385 43 73,333 lbs.
1816-17 38 13,096 2,570 488 998 16,449 64,648 35 28 1,798 Pieces
1817-18 39 14,325 1,601 448 3,240 18,602 84,252 40 200
1818-19 46 16,022 1,414 818 9,345 39,200 139,084 84 114 80,000 — 4,957 — 5,374
1819-20 39 13,641 634 100 4,944 14,576 56,808 90 2,460 2,553,200 —
755 Pieces
6,934 —
1820-21 25 8,470 95 3,515 11,421 38,055 2,276 48 Bales
22,756 Pieces
11,086 —
234 Bales
1821-22 42 14,702 2,466 383 4,324 22,069 160,009 68 247 488,000 lbs.
18,030 Pieces
31,599 Pieces
1822-23 31 11,297 5,144 2,859 19,297 79,932 270 331 118,400 lbs.
38,976 Pieces
15,458 — 799
1823-24 35 13,635 427 140 8,210 19,248 168,329 160 142,666 lbs.
33,469 Pieces
35,629 — 1,394
1824-25 37 14,452 6,039 411 6,452 23,569 100,794 158 3,856 210,000 lbs.
31,284 Pieces
23,109 — 10,862 18,927
1825-26 38 not stated 3,357 3,738 24,616 65,958 255 195 Bales
39,070 Pieces
and Dozens
26,977 — 21,885 49,993
1826-27 19 7,034 2,539 56 2,815 27,808 73,575 133 3,600 136,000 lbs.
35,194 Pieces
27,176 — 26,159 17,832
1827-28 20 8,597 1,066 Quantity
not stated;
8,666 45,943 81,472 617 174,266 lbs.
37,662 Pieces
22,015 Doz.
16,570 —
141,260 Yards
10,523 1,826

East India House, 30th April 1830.