Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (1) No. 6

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (1) No. 6', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (1) No. 6', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Affairs of the East India Company: Appendix A (1) No. 6". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 62, 1830. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

In this section


No. 6. — Annual Account, made up to the 1st Day of May 1830, containing the Amount of the proceeds of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company in Great Britain, and of their Commercial and other Receipts, Charges, and Payments in Great Britain, under the several Heads thereof; together with an Estimate of the same for the current Year; and a Statement of their Bond Debts and Simple Contract Debts, with the Rates of Interest they respectively carry, and the Amount of such Interest, and the State of Cash remaining in their Treasury, and other Effects appertaining to the Company, in Great Britain and Afloat; distinguishing the Receipts and Payments, Debts and Assets, in the Political and Territorial Branch, from the Receipts and Payments, Debts and Assets, in the Commercial Branch.
(1.) Amount of the Proceeds of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company in Great Britain, and of their Commercial and other Receipts, Charges, and Payments in Great Britain, under the several Heads thereof; together with an Estimate of the same for the current Year; distinguishing the Receipts and Payments in the Political and Territorial Branch from those in the Commercial Branch.
Political And Territorial Branch.

£ s. d. Political And Territorial Branch.

£ s. d.
Bills on account of Supplies to the Public Service, and Bills drawn on India 57,481 14 4 Bills of Exchange from India, for Principal and Interest of
India Debt, vizt
For Principal         £83,927 19  5
Interest                794,049  15  10
                                                       877,977  15  3
Effects of deceased
Officers,other Remittances            69,293  7  8

Unclaimed Prize Money paid into the Company's
Treasury, and carried over, in conformity to the Act 1& 2
Geo;4, C. 61. applicable to Lord Clive's Fund — less
Claims allowed thereout
408 1 3 947,271 2 11
Passage of Troops and Freight of Stores chargeable to His
Majesty's Government; together with Balance of an
Account adjusted with them in respect to Transactions
in India in 1824-25 and 1825-26
36,483 12 7
Bullion imported — further Charges upon the Importations of 1828-29 834 0 0
Territorial And Political Charges And Advances In England.
On account of Military, Marine, and other Public Stores, exported and to be exported 249,221 1 7
Military Officers—Pay and Off-reckonings on Furlough and Retirement 542,253 0 11
Civil Establishments of India — Absentee Allowances, and Payments on account of the Bengal Annuity Fund 62,365 15 9
Passage of Military, and Supplies to them on the Voyage 8,357 7 10
Political Freight and Demorage 118,918 6 3
Carnatic Debts — Interest on Claims
adjudicated      £111,701  12  2
Salaries of the Commissioners, and current
Charges of the Commission—the
Part chargeable to the Carnatic Fund            5,482  18  10
117,184 11 0
Tanjore Debts — current Charges and
Salaries of Commissioners and Officers
1,652 3 10
Charges on account of St. Helena:—        
Bills, &c. paid         £44,940  10  11
Exports provided         31,531  7  9
76,471 18 8
    P. W. Island,
    Singapore and
Bills, &c. paid          £1,590  19  8
Exports provided         3,005  5  2
4,596 4 10
Political Charges General, and Advances repayable 474,889 17 5
Payments, under Act 4 Geo. 4, C. 71. on account of Retiring
Pay, Pensions, &c. of King's Troops serving or
having served in, the East Indies
60,000 0 0
Paymaster General of His Majesty's Forces, for Claims
accrued against the Company in respect to King's
Troops serving in India
317,712 5 10
£ 57,889 15 7 £ 3,018,211 9 5
No. 6,—Annual Account of the Proceeds of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company in Great Britain—continued.
(1.)—Proceeds of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company, and of their Commercial and other Receipts, &c. in Great Britain — continued.


£ s. d.
Company's Goods 4,329,303 11 0 Customs 718 7 8
Freight and Demorage 667,785 0 3
Charges on Private Trade warehoused, and sold by the Company 106,816 18 3 Goods for Sale and Use, exported and to be exported 476,253 5 9
Customs on Private Trade 1,096 8 3 Commanders Certificates, and Bills of Exchange from China and the Cape 150,207 14 1
Freight on Private Goods imported and exported 10,999 3 2
Interest on the Annuities 36,226 15 10 Charges General 418,508 7 7
Interest on the Bond Debt 114,973 3 2
Owners of Ships, for Advances and Supplies furnished them Abroad, and Goods short delivered in India and China of Outward Consignments 806 0 0 Dividends on Stock 630,701 5 0
Private Trade 1,622,772 6 7
Private Trade Goods sold 1,602,012 1 10 Almshouses at Poplar 23,971 8 1
Fee Funds for the House and Warehouses 68,015 13 11 Fee Funds for the House and Warehouses 77,615 2 9
Widows Funds, for Officers of the House and Warehouses, and for Elders, Extra Clerks, &c. employed in the House and Warehouses 17,558 9 6 Widows Funds, for Officers of the House and Warehouses, and for Elders, Extra Clerks, &c. employed in the House and Warehouses 14,454 3 11
Almshouses at Poplar, and Seamen's Wages unclaimed 39,944 8 3 Unclaimed Prize Money applicable to Poplar Fund, under Act 1 & 2 Geo.4, C. 61.—Claims allowed thereout 14 5 5
Dividends on Stock standing in the Company's Name 26,544 9 10
Interest and Discounts on anticipated Payments 16,875 3 0 Trustees of the Deccan Booty — further Charges in respect of Bullion Remittances from the Prize Funds, arrived in 1828-29 427 0 0
Remittances from North American Colonies on account of Proceeds of Tea sold by Company's Agents 98,483 12 11
In Repayment of a Loan made by the Company's Agent to the Colonial Government at the Cape 18,203 17 8
Bills in favour remitted by him 584 7 6
£ 6,373,471 0 11 £ 4,198,401 10 3
Territorial Payments     £3,018,211   9   5
Commercial Ditto             4,198,401 10   3
Balance in favour 1st May 1829 (exclusive of Duty on Tea) 1,081,563 3 1 7,216,612 19 8
Territorial Receipts     £  57,889  15   7
Commercial Ditto  6,373,471  0  11
Balance in favour 1st May 1830 (exclusive of Duty on Tea) 296,310 19 11
6,431,360 16 6
£ 7,512,923 19 7 £ 7,512,923 19 7


Estimate of the same for the current Year, from 1st may 1880 to 1st may 1881.
Political And Territorial Branch.

£ Political And Territorial Branch.

Bills of Exchange for Supplies to His Majesty's Government 40,823 Bills of Exchange from India 1,044,598
Military, Garrison, Marine and other Public Stores 150,862
Passage of Military 65,500
Remittances from India, on the Territorial and Political Account, by Consignments of Bullion or Advances on the Goods of Individuals, which maybe realized in the Home Treasury in 1830-31 800,000 Political Freight and Demorage 130,000
Officers on Furlough and Retirement—Pay and Qff-reckonings 538,000
Carnatic Debts—Interest and Charges payable from the Carnatic Fund 95,450
Tanjore Debts — Charges of the Commission 6,000
Political Charges General, and Advances repayable 500,000
Island of St. Helena:—Bills, &c.            40,000
                                        Exports               23,400
Pay Office Demands 250,000
Payments under the Act 4 Geo. 4, C. 71, on account of Retiring Pay, Pensions, &c. of King's Troops serving or having served in the East Indies. 60,000
Civil Establishments of India, and Bengal Annuity Fund 68,000
Warrants passed the Court unpaid 52,462
On account of the Naval Force provided for the East Indies 42,000
£ 840,823 £ 3,066,272
Commercial Branch. Commercial Branch.Customs
To be received for Company's Goods 4,385,885 customs 2,062
Private Trade Goods sold before 1st May 1830 354,336 Freight 759,900
Interest on the Annuities 36,226 Exports 468,299
Charges on Private Trade 80,000 Bills of Exchange 99,109
Dividends on Stock standing in The Company Name 26,544 Charges General 440,000
Interest on Bonds 132,517
Remittances from North American Colonies on account of Proceeds of Tea 89,000 Dividends on Stock 677,878
His Majesty's Government, on account ofSaltpetre 18,750 Proprietors of Private Trade, for Goods sold before 1st May 1830 408,683
Bonds advertized to be paid off 15,417
Buyers of Tea returned 971
Warrants passed the Court unpaid 29,426
Trustees of the Deccan Booty—Balances due to them on Remittances of Bullion from the Prize Funds 10,762
£ 4,990,741 £ 3,045,024
Territorial Payments      £ 3,066,272
Commercial Ditto      3,045,024
Balance in favour, 1st May 1830 (exclusive of Duty on Tea) 296,310 6,11,296
Territorial Receipts      x00A3;   84,823
Commercial Ditto      4,990,741
Balance in favour, 1st May 1831 16,578
£ 6,127,874 £ 6,127,874


No. 6.—Annual Account of the Proceeds, of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company in Great Britain —continued.
(1.)—Proceeds of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company, and of their Commercial and other Receipts, &c. in Great Britain —continued.
A Statement of their Bond Debts and Simple Contract Debts, with the Rates of Interest they respectively carry, and the Amount of such Interest, and the State of Cash remaining in their Treasury, and other Effects appertaining to the Company, in Great Britain and Afloat Outward, on 1st May 1830; distinguishing the Debts and Assets in the Political and Territorial Branch from the Debts and Assets in the Commercial Branch.

£ Political And Territorial Branch.

To Bills of Exchange unpaid from India and St. Helena, drawn on the Political and Territorial Account 637,962 By Exports of Military Stores, &c. shipped in Season 1829-30, with the Amount remaining unshipped on 1st May 1830 445,554
Warrants passed the Court unpaid 52,462 Cargoes from England of Season 1828-29 not arrived in India, &c. at the Close of the Official Year 1828-29 359,598
Amount owing for Territorial Exports 53,368 What owing from sundry Persons for Advances repayable in England 13,200
Unclaimed Prize Money applicable to Lord Clive's Fund, (Act 1 & 2 Geo. 4.) bearing Interest at 5 per Cent. Per Annum 68,693 Bills of Exchange drawn on His Majesty's Government for Supplies furnished in India, unpaid 1st May 1830 25,823
The Territorial Branch, for Territorial and Political Payments made in England between 1st May 1814 and 1st May 1830, including Interest *l0,602,124 Value of Carnatic Stock belonging to the Company 49,192
Value of the East India College at Haileybury, and of the Military Seminary at Addiscombe 177,200
His Majesty's Government, due, per Estimate, on account of Pay Office and other Demands, after taking Credit for Sums due from Government to the Company 439,678 Balances in Hands of Officers of the House, &c. of Sums advanced to pay Political Charges 4,243
£ 11,854,287 £ 1,074,810
To Bills of Exchange unpaid 9,109 By what due from the Public to the Company East India Annuities engrafted on the 3 per Cents. Reduced (per Act 33 Geo. 3, C. 47,) 1,207,560
Customs 2,062 Cash—its Balance on 1st May 1830 296,310
Freight and Demorage 72,400 Amount of Goods sold not paid for 803,221
Supra Cargoes Commission upon all Goods sold and unsold 52,950 Value of Goods in England unsold 4,653,040
Proprietors of Private Trade, upon all Goods sold 408,683 Cargoes from England, of 1828-29 not arrived in India and China at the Close of the Official Year 1828-29 522,407
Almshouses at Poplar (Poplar Fund), bearing Interest at 4 per Cent. per Annum 261,306 Exports shipped in Season 1829-30, together with the Amount remaining unshipped 1st May 1830 671,690
Unclaimed Prize Money applicable to Ditto (Act 1 & 2 Geo.4.) Ditto 36,654 Impress paid Owners of Ships not arrived in England 102,050
Ditto of which the Appropriation has not yet been ascertained 43 Value of Ships, Sloops and Vessels, exclusive of those stationed Abroad 211,481
Warrants passed the Court unpaid 29,426
What owing for Teas returned by the Buyers, and resold 971 Value of the East India House and Warehouses 1,294,768
Dividends on Stock 47,706 What owing from sundry Persons for Advances repayable in England 6,495
Interest on Bonds 28,567 Balances in Hands of Officers of the House and Warehouse Keepers of Sums advanced to pay Commercial Charges 5,810
Amount owing for Commercial Exports 66,673
Amount owing to the Fee Funds and Widows Funds, the latter bearing Interest at 5 per Cent. per Annum 2,012 The Territorial Branch, for Territorial and Political Payments made in England between 1st May 1814 and 1st May 1830, including Interest *10,602,124
Amount due to the Trustees of the Deccan Booty, on Consignments of Bullion from the Prize Funds in India 10,762 Stock in the Public Funds standing in the Company's Name, valued at the Market Prices on 1st May 1830 810,713
£ 1,029,324 £ 21,187,669
                                                                                             £              £ * Mem.—This Balance is subject to Reduction, by the Amount of the Advances made in India from the Territorial Branch to the Commercial Branch in the Indian Official Years 1828-29 and 1829-30. The Documents whereby the Amount of these Advances is to be ascertained have not as yet been received from India, but which, it is estimated, may amount to 6,561,220l.; which will leave a Balance due to the Commerce of 4,040,904l. including Interest.
The respective Balances of the Political and Commercial Branches, as exhibited in this Account, will be likewise subject to Adjust ment, from the same Cause.
In the Period from 1st May 1814 to 1st May 1830 there has also been advanced, or set apart from the Surplus Commercial Profits in England, the Sum of 4,998,798l towards the Liquidation of Indian Territorial Debt, which, being a Payment under the Fourth Head of Appropriation of the 57th Section of 53 Geo. 3, is not held to constitute a Claim upon the Terri torial Department for Repayment, upon the Principle observed in respect to other Territorial Advances.
The Home Bonds Debt is stated without specific Application to either Branch of the Company's Affairs, it not being determined to what Extent the Debt had its Origin from Political Causes.
Territorial and Political Debts brought down    11,854,287        
Territorial and Political Assets brought down    1,074,810           
Territorial Assets deficient                                                      10,779,477
Commercial Debts brought down                         1,029,324
Commercial Assets brought down                     21,187,669
Commercial Assets in favour                                                   20,158,345
Assets in favour 9,378,868
The Amount of the Company's Home Bond
Debt, bearing Interest at 3 per Cent. Per Annum                                                                                          3,780,475
Ditto   Ditto   not bearing Interest                                                 15,417
Assets in favour                                                                                       £ 5,582,976

East India House, 9th June 1830.

(Errors excepted.)

THO. G. LLOYD, Acct Gen.


No. 6. — Annual Account of the Proceeds of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company in Great Britain — continued.
(2.) — Account of new or increased Salaries, Establishments or Pensions payable in Great Britain, granted or created between the 1st May 1829 and 1st May 1830.
SALARIES. Political. Commercial. Total.
£       s.        d. £       s.        d. £       s.        d.
Increase of Salary to Mr. Philip Melvill, Assistant to the Secretary for conducting Military Correspondence 200    0       0 200       0     0
Ditto, Rev. Thomas Bissett, Chaplain, &c. at the Military Seminary 50       0       0 50         0     0
Additional Salaries, not exceeding £20 per Annum respectively, to junior and other Clerks of the Establishment, under the Salary Regulations 712    10     0 1,457    10     0 2,170    0     0
£ 962    10     0 1,457    10     0 2,420    0     0
PENSIONS, &c. £    s.    d. £    s.    d. £    s.    d.
To Mr. Richard Caunter, late Superintendent of Police, Prince of Wales Island, in consideration of his long Services 200    0    0 200    0    0
John Cogdon, late First Assistant in the Office of Surveyor of Buildings, in
consideration of his advanced Age and State of Health
200    0    0 200    0    0
Major General Henry Shrapnell, as a Consideration for future Supplies of Fire Shells of his Invention, and in full Satisfaction of any Claim or supposed Claim, on his Part, or on the Part of his Representatives after his Decease, to pecuniary Benefit from the Company on this Account 200    0    0 200    0    0
Mr. John Goldingham, late Astronomer at Madras, in consideration of his long Services 200    0    0 200    0    0
Lawrence Nairne, late Writer, St. Helena Establishment 160    0    0 160    0    0
Richard Paternoster, late Madras Civil Establishment, in consideration of Mental Derangement 150    0    0 150    0    0
J. F. Hyde, late Captain, Bengal Establishment, in consideration of his Length of Service and destitute Condition 120    0    0 120    0    0
Mrs. H. Loring, Widow of the late Archdeacon Loring 100    0    0 100    0    0
Mr. A. A. Seale, late Superintendent of the Company's Lands at St. Helena,
in consequence of the Discontinuance of farming on the Company's Account
100    0    0 100    0    0
Dr. George Alexander, late Superintending Surgeon, Prince of Wales Island, in consequence of the Reduction of that Establishment 100    0    0 100    0    0
Lieut. Farquhar Macrae, late Bengal Establishment, in consideration of Mental Derangement 100    0    0 100    0    0
Charles Owen, late Madras Establishment, ditto   ditto 100    0    0 100    0    0
Mrs. Henley, Widow of the late Dr. Henley, formerly Principal of the East India College, in consideration of her advanced Age and destitute Situation 92    13    2 7    6    10 100    0    0
Mr. Robert M. Cathcart, late Assistant Surgeon, Bengal Establishment, in
consideration of Mental Derangement
100    0    0 100    0    0
George Simms, ditto, ditto, ditto 100    0    0 100    0    0
R. J. Beacroft, late Madras Establishment, granted by the Madras Government, now made payable in England 80    10    0 80    10    0
George G. Jarman, formerly Third Mate in the Company's Service, in consideration of Mental Derangement 60    0    0 60    0    0
Mr. C. F. Pelly, late Lieut. Bombay Army, in consequence of his distressed Situation 60    0    0 60    0    0
Lieut. Graham Ramsay, late Bengal Establishment, in consideration of Mental Derangement 54    7    6 54    7    6
Capt. W. Dalzell, late Madras Establishment, in consequence of Loss of Sight from Service during the Burmese War 50    0    0 50    0    0
Mr. J. H. Grant, late Assistant to the Master Attendant at Bencoolen 50    0    0 50    0    0
Lieut. Colonel Commandant Kinnaird, late St. Helena Artillery, in consideration of long and meritorious Services 50    0    0 50    0    0
Miss Emily Petrie, Daughter of the late Mr. J. Petrie, formerly of the Bengal Civil Establishment, in consideration of her late Father's Services 50    0    0 50    0    0
Mr. William White, late Brevet Captain, Bengal Establishment, in consideration of his great Distress 50    0    0 50    0    0
Lieut. John E. Carpenter, late Bombay Establishment, in consideration of Mental Derangement 50    0    0 50    0    0
Mrs. Hodgson, Widow of the late Captain Thomas Hodgson, Madras
Establishment, in consideration of her distressed Circumstances 45    12    6 45    12    6
Ambrose, Widow of a Second Mate, Company's Service, in consideration of her advanced Age and great Distress 40    0    0 40    0    0
Rev. R. Boys, late senior Chaplain, St. Helena Establishment, (in addition to the Pay fixed by the Regulations,) in consequence of his laborious and successful Zeal in the Discharge of his Duties 35    0    0 35    0    0
Sundry small Pensions, under £30 per Annum each 354    12    6 354    12    6
Ditto, under £25 per Annum each, to the Widows and Children of deceased Subscribers to the Fund established by the Court for the Benefit of the Widow and Children of Elders, Extra Clerks, and other Persons, amounting, in the present Year, to 633    6    10 283    1    4 916    8    2
£ 3,386    2    6 590    8    2 3,976    10    8


(3.)—Allowances, Compensations, Remunerations and Superannuations granted to the Officers and Servants of The East India Company, under Sect. 93 of the Act 53 Geo. 3, C. 155, between 1st May 1829 and 1st May 1830.
NAME. STATION Number of Years Service. Age. Amount of Salary and Emoluments. Proportion of Income which the Court are empowered to grant. AMOUNT OF SUPERANNUATION ALLOWANCE.
Political. Commercial. Total.
Mr. £ £    s.    d. £    s.    d. £
* James Coggan late Paymaster of Seamen's Wages 49 63 2,200 2/3 1,400    0    0 1,400
*    John Morice Clerk, Committee of Shipping 44 61 1,800 1,200    0    0 1,200
Nichs Willard Home Auditor 40 56 1,210 200    0    0 600    0    0 800
*    Peter S. Du Puy Clerk, Accountant's Office 42 59 1,131 187    10    0 562    10    0 750
*    Stns. Canceller Ditto, Freight Office 42 59 960 640    0    0 640
*    Samuel Sillitoe Deputy Freight Accountant 44 60 960 640    0    0 640
C. R. Fenton Clerk, Examiner's Office 24 40 830 500    0    0 500
*    Henry D. Bland Ditto, Shipping ditto 39 60 730 480    0    0 480
*    Henry Wadd Ditto, Accountant's ditto 31 46 750 112    10    0 337    10    0 450
*    Henry Owen Ditto, Shipping ditto 27 42 630 420    0    0 420
*    Robert Burn Registrar, Book ditto 30 65 590 195    0    0 195    0    0 390
*    James Richards Clerk, Freight ditto 30 45 610 350    0    0 350
*     G.W.Gunston Ditto, Pay ditto 26 43 630 350    0    0 350
*     Thos Harding Ditto, Buying ditto 25 51 630 325    0    0 325
Robt Fletcher Ditto, Examiner's ditto 18 36 550 2/3 275    0    0 275
Henry Drew Extra Clerk 26 46 280 2/3 123    6    8 61    13    4 185
Mr. John Turner Surveyor, Private Trade 23 73 200 ¾ 150    0    0 150
Thomas Wells Ditto ditto 34 60 150 2/3 100    0    0 100
*     Thomas Sillitoe Clerk, Freight Office 15 34 310 ½ 100    0    0 100
*     John Mead Examiner of Military Stores 23 57 120 2/3 60    0    0 60
Stripling Disney Porter 27 70 100 2/3 30    0    0 30    0    0 60
*      W. Pritchett Deputy Assistant Elder 14 69 100 ½ 50    0    0 50
£ 1,683    6    8 7,991    13    4 9,675

Mem. — It is not intended that the Vacancies occasioned by the Retirement of the several Officers and Servants marked thus (*) should be filled up, the Company having reduced their Establishment to that Extent.

East India House, 9th June 1830. (Errors excepted.) THO. G. LLOYD,
Acct Genl.