Cecil Papers: 1612

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp210-229 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp210-229.

"Cecil Papers: 1612". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp210-229.


[1611–12, January 5]. "A bill of charges from Brussells to London."
For rydyng from Brussell to Parys by coache eyght dayes and a halfe. 25s
For dyet eyght dayes and a halfe. 22s
For my Lord Imbassettors gardner to goe withe me two and from in Parrys to by my things—given him in Crowns. 6s
From Parrys to Roane, coache hire. 7s 6d
For expences in Parrys for dyet and loging. li 8 0
For porters hire in Parrys to carye trees abord the boat. 3 0
For portters hyre in Roane and carrag by watter. 4 3
Given to the boye in the house to laye my trees in the grond. 1 0
Spent in Roan for aleven dayes and a halfe for dyet li 8 6
For horse hire from Roan to Deepe 4 6
Also given in earnest to the boatemaster from Parrys to Roane. 3 0
In Deepe spent for foure dayes dyet. 12 0
For passag over to Ingland given to the shipmaster. 12 0
Spent in Dover for on dinner. 1 4
For horse hire to Canterberye. 3 0
For supper at Cantterberye. 1 6
For horse hire from Cantterberye to Gravesend. 6 0
For on dinner in Gravesend. 1 0
For passag from Gravesend to London by watter. 1 0
Given to the boyes of the ship to be carefull of the trees. 1 0
Also spent on the Ffrenchemen, the Kings gardners in onladyng the trees abord the shipe. 3 0
Given to two wherryes to bring the trees to the gardin. 3 0
Also payd to Sir Edward Conawayes manne for [? frught]. 8 0
The summe is seaven pounds, ten shillings.
Endorsed: "5 Januarii, 1611. John Tradescante his bill for his chardges from Brussells to London in his returne from beyonde seas beinge sent over by my lo. for trees." 1 p. (General 11/25.)
Receipt: "Recd. of Mr Steward this 10th of Januarii 1611 in full payment of this bill the some of ixl vs by me." Signed: John Tradescant.
[March 3, 1611–12]. Medical expenses.
Dr Mayerne 100l 2s
Dr Atkins 40l
Dr Lyster 40l
Dr Poe 40l
Dr Hammon 30l
Serg. Gooderous 15l
Mr Watson 25l
Mr Mapes 15l
Summe 305l 2s
"This money I receaved of Mr Steward and payd it as aforesayd by my Lords appointment." Signed: Roger Townshend.
"More by my Lo: appointment, March 28th, 1612."
To Mr Ffenton xxl
To Mr Allen xxl
Signed: Wi. Ashton.
Endorsed: March 3, 1611. cccxlvl iis paid to the phisitions by your Honors appointment." ¾ p. (Bills 57/8b.)
1611–12, March 24. Receipt by Nicholas Lanier for £10, the half year's annuity due to his son, John Lanier.
Endorsed: "Mr Laniers receipt for his sonnes half yeares anutie due at the Annunciation 1612." 1 p. (Bills 60/47.)
George Low to Richard Bennet.
1612, May 2. Discusses merchandise to be sent from each to the other, which comprises cloths, velvets, satins, napkins, etc. At home, there is no "apparance of better doinges notwithstandynge that divers embassadors are here, as the Duke of Bullyon from France and the [Land] grave of Hanno from the Palsgrave, and another expected out of Spayne besydes the lydgers [liegers] here from all parts; and one from the Duke of Savoy; yet wares are plentifull and sould basely". Congratulates Bennet on his choice of a wife, and informs him that he too has a mind to seek a second wife since the death of his first has left him with the care of a large family, "and bycause without the assistance of such a helper I am not able to discharge my duty to children or famyly as I would and ought to doe. But I protest unto you that hetherto I have not spoken to any woman or mayden livinge about any such matter."—London, 2 Maye, 1612.
Holograph. 2 pp. (General 76/10.)
1612, May 10. Receipt signed by Salomon de Caus for £30 in full payment for £110, the sum agreed upon in return for the construction by him of a fountain in the East garden at Hatfield. De Caus is referred to as "the princes Inginer".
(Bills 69.)
Two Attorneys of the Queen's Court to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612] (fn. 1). One of the petitioners had gone to much trouble in searching for precedents touching the course of processes to be made in that court. As a result, Daniel Powell, Clerk to her Majesty's Council, complained to Salisbury that he was being wronged in certain matters pertaining to his office. Powell had asked that the matter be referred for examination to the Lord Chancellor who, assisted by five others of the Council, met at Gray's Inn to hear the case. It was agreed by both parties that petitioners should make the processes and copies of pleadings, and should surrender half the fees to Powell and retain half for themselves. This order had been complied with, but recently Powell had violated it and, moreover, had drawn his dagger on one of the petitioners in open court. Petitioners declare that Powell has quarrelled with most of the Council (except with the Lords, the King's Attorney-General and Sir Walter Cope who joined it recently) and now positively refuses to abide by the order. They request that the matter be heard by Cope and the Attorney-General, and if they find the first order still valid, that then Powell be suitably punished for his misdemeanours.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1778.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XXI, p. 372.]
Thyman Luwerte, Jacques van Steenholen and Georges Trompetter to his Excellency (Archduke Albert).
[Before May 24, 1612]. They inform him that Trompetter sailed from Amsterdam to Emden in the ship De Hope, captained by Pierre François van Medenblick, and, afterwards, from Emden to Lisbon, finally making his way to Pernambuco in Brazil, where the ship's cargo was discharged, and the vessel reloaded with 4 chests of sugar, 30 cwts of Pernambuco wood and 1200 reals of 8 in seven sacks placed in a special trunk. On the return journey from Brazil the vessel was hailed by English warships off Lisbon and conducted to Bristol. Despite the letters written by the authorities in Amsterdam, Trompetter has been unable to recover his goods. Petitioners therefore appeal to his Excellency to intervene on his behalf by writing to the King of England and his Council.—Undated.
Flemish. ¾ p. (206. 112.)
Robert Stileman to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is Deputy-Bailiff under Salisbury of the Liberty of Clare, which is parcel of the Queen's jointure, of the annual value of only £10. But the Liberty is so extensive that it requires several under-bailiffs to attend to its affairs. He has, however, no authority to nominate them. He requests a lease of the bailiwick for a yearly rent which should be the seventh part of the profits of the last seven years as certified by the auditor.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 322.)
Robert Stileman to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Duplicate of petition concerning the Liberty of Clare.—Undated.
Note by Sir Robert Hitcham: "This petition hathe oftentimes cum to me by reference from your Lordship. I do thinke it verie fitte that not onelie that butt all others of that nature should be leased, so as a sufficient rent maye bee resyved, for as nowe it is, litle or nothinge is made of them."
1 p. (P. 925.)
Cuthbert Stillingfleet to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He refers to his indisposition after many years of service to the late Queen Elizabeth and the present King, and the fourteen years he has attended on Salisbury. He asks for some relief for himself and his family.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 325.)
Richard Threele and Henry Barttelot to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. The King has a manor called Loxwood in the county of Sussex, which has only a waste or common bringing in £3:11:0 of rent from free tenants. The manor has neither demesne nor copyhold land. The waste has some trees growing on it, and petitioners request permission to purchase the trees for their own use and that of the other tenants. They are prepared to pay £200 for the same.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 412.)
Hugh Tylstone to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is Deputy-Keeper of the Old Park of Enfield. For some two hundred years his ancestors have been copyholders on the manor of Tattenhall, Cheshire, paying one half year's rent for the renewal of their copies according to the custom of the manor. Tattenhall was in the possession of the Crown until the reign of Edward VI, when it was granted to Sir Richard Cotton. Recently Ralph Egerton of Ridley, Cheshire, purchased the manor and has tried to force the tenants to pay whatever fines he cares to impose. Petitioner's brother, a copyholder there, is now old and childless and is ready to surrender his tenement to him. Petitioner requests that a letter be directed to Egerton to admit him to the tenement on the payment of such reasonable fine as that paid by other tenants of the manor. Petitioner adds that he would prefer to do this rather than go out of his way to stand by the ancient custom of the manor.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1154.)
William Wilton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is of Dishforth, Yorkshire. In the time of the late Queen Elizabeth, he defended her right and title against twenty freeholders in a protracted law suit which cost him £700. In recompense the Queen promised that his expenses would be defrayed, but he has received no allowance or compensation. He finds himself indebted to many people who are now pressing for repayment of loans, and faces the possibility of imprisonment. He asks that he may be protected against arrest and allowed time to find the means to discharge his debts.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1808.)
Sir Edward York to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He served the late Queen Elizabeth in the Low Countries, France, Spain, Portugal and Ireland for forty years, on land and sea. Through lack of employment, petitioner is now in reduced circumstances. He asks Salisbury to favour a suit of his presented to the King for the grant of the woods growing upon a piece of waste ground called Derby Hills, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, "a matter of no great value, without tymber and neare none of his Maties Royall howses, ffor that your petitioner hath never a peny rent or revenue more then one pore howse to shrowde him in."—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1888.)
— to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Petitioner requests him to take note of the literary work undertaken by him and outlined in the petition which he hopes to present to the King. Alternatively, he is ready to provide Salisbury with "breife notes collected out of the anncientest recordes of the realme into bookes for the better service of the Kinge and good of the commonwelth". Petitioner hopes that Salisbury will assist him to obtain a supplementary grant from the King for his maintenance, to enable him to proceed with his studies.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1173.)
Barnard Buck to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. A year ago his wife, Katherina Blocke, formerly of the Queen's Bedchamber, and two others in the same service, submitted a petition to the King which was referred to Salisbury and the Privy Council. There it was decided to award them £150 out of the first fines issuing from the Court of the Star Chamber, or so they were informed by Lady Walsingham. Since then his wife has returned to Denmark, her native country, where she will remain permanently. Petitioner, who is in England on business, wishes to be informed whether he is to be given the £50 apportioned out of the £150 to his wife. He has wound up his affairs in England and is due to rejoin his wife in Denmark.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 524.)
Robert Dolbery to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He was formerly in the service of Sir Walter Ralegh and solicitor in his law suits. Certain financial accounts between them have not been settled because of petitioner's indisposition during the past two years. He requests permission to visit Sir Walter in order to discuss these matters.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1666.)
Thomas Moffet to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. "I hav not complaynid of the cruell revenge to mye undoinge and disgrace before I had thanks for doinge mye dutye, which your Lordship maye best judge to be donne without hope of reward, for that I never sought to your Lordship tyll animatid therunto 7 dayes after bye your honorable good words at Charinge Crosse. Mye great want in the extremist degre dothe nowe force me most humblye to beseeche your Lordship for Gods sake to obtaine of my Lord Chamberlen to swar one Grame of the Chamber extraordinarye."—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 2378.)
Christopher Fernley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He informs him that there is a small, unoccupied gravelly hill, about half an acre in size, adjoining the waterside and belonging to the common of Greenwich. It yields no profit to the inhabitants of that town, but, in his opinion, it could be useful for the ballasting of ships. As many vessels resort to Greenwich, and work could be found for the poor there, a proper exploitation of the property would be profitable and beneficial. If he succeeds in being appointed by Trinity House to the office of "ballastage" at Greenwich and in obtaining the consent of the townspeople, he asks that he be granted the property together with an unused quay lying to the east of the parsonage of Greenwich and belonging to the Queen, which could be converted into a convenient place for ballasting ships. In return, petitioner would pay the Queen a reasonable yearly rent.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1136.)
Christopher Fernley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has been given to understand by the townsmen of Greenwich that it is Salisbury's pleasure that he should proceed with his suit for the erection of a balize quay at Greenwich. He has accordingly drawn up certain covenants after due consultation with them. He asks Salisbury to peruse the covenants or cause them to be read by competent persons, and to nominate certain people to receive the rent given by Salisbury to be duly distributed between the poor of Greenwich.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 532.)
Nicholas Frissell to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Jeremy Eayre, shoemaker, has been tenant at will for many years to John Scott of London, and has occupied the house called the Cock in St. Martin's, the property of the Bishop of London, for the yearly rent of £10. Since he is no longer able to pay the rent, he has sold his good will and conveyed the house to petitioner, who is prepared to pay £10 a year to Scott. The latter, however, will not accept him as his tenant, but prefers that Eayre continues to occupy the tenement for the same rent as long as he lives. He requests that Salisbury order Scott to allow him to occupy the house as long as he pays the rent regularly.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 260.)
Thomas Hume to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is a Scotsman, and recently visited the counties of Gloucester, Warwick and Hampshire on business. There he met a number of Jesuits, seminarists and Papists, whose names he cannot remember, but whom he is sure he could point out to the King's officers in these shires. He asks that letters be directed to the J.P.s there, authorizing them to arrest all those whom petitioner shall bring to their notice, and requests that he himself be granted some financial reward for his labour and expenses.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1231.)
Samuel Jenniver to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He asks that Salisbury recommend him for the reversion of the post of wainscot-joiner at the King's works, now held by Clement Chapman.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 465.)
Walter Kirby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Before petitioner took the house adjoining the tennis court in Somerset Yard, it was offered to be let as an eating-house. He had assumed that it would be lawful for him to set up such an establishment, and he has spent much money on converting the house to that purpose. He understands that Salisbury has been informed that he maintains "light women" in his house, which he denies and asks to be told the name of the informer. His eating-house is patronized by noblemen, knights and gentlemen of the better sort. He himself enjoys a good reputation, and was formerly a lieutenant who served on land and sea, and was maimed during the wars. He requests that he be allowed to continue his establishment.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1097.)
Nicholl Crosart and Daniell Twilier to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. They are now ready to proceed to the Court of France, and request that they may be entrusted with the conveyance of the King's packet of letters.—Undated.
Mutilated. ½ p. (P. 251.)
Richard Coventry to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He refers to a previous petition, in which he asked Salisbury to direct letters to the Earl of Derby for petitioner's relief in a matter in which he had been wronged. To this request he has received no answer, and therefore he repeats it and prays for a reply with the minimum of delay.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 437.)
The Countess of Derby to Viscount Cranborne.
[Before May 24, 1612]. She expects to have news of him by a messenger, and of his well-being after "a new change of ayer. I pray against his return, take moer payns to sitt for a better picter, for that you sent was nothing lyek."—Undated.
Holograph. Two seals on pink silk. ½ p. (200. 93.)
Thomas Crompton to the Earl of Salisbury.
Before May 24, 1612. He served the late Queen Elizabeth faithfully without any reward, and has rendered the like service to the present King as an extraordinary pensioner. He asks Salisbury to further a petition which he has submitted to the King, either for a life pension or a lease in reversion, or a forfeiture.— Undated.
¾ p. (P. 333.)
Richard Cecil to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. John Rowley, cook in the King's ship Triumph, was maimed during the building of the vessel, and is much handicapped in following his profession because of the injuries he sustained. He has consented to surrender his place to petitioner on condition that he receives ordinary pay out of the ship towards his maintenance. Petitioner requests that Salisbury move Sir John Trevor to arrange that ordinary pay be allocated to Rowley, and that the latter be replaced in his office by petitioner.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 495.)
Walter Carey to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has spent 46 years as minister and now, in his 86th year, he finds it necessary, owing to his physical disabilities, to ask Salisbury for financial assistance, "fforasmuch as yourself is a principall piller in comforting such of my coat as are distressed".—Undated.
Endorsed: "The most humble petition of Walter Carye, Minister of the Word of God". ¼ p. (P. 124.)
Jenkin Conway to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has long been a suitor for a pension in England, in reward for his services during the wars in Ireland, and in regard that his father spent 24 years as a commander in that country and was killed by a shot through the body. He asks that his suit be given a hearing at the next meeting of the Privy Council, and an order given for his relief.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1132.)
Jenkin Conway to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. For the past two years he has been a suitor to him and the Privy Council for a pension in England, in return for his services in the Irish wars, which suit was rejected. But it was decided that he should have his arrears paid and a pension in Ireland. Petitioner had forborne this concession in the hope that the Council would reconsider his case more favourably. He has been impoverished by his sojourn in London, and requests Salisbury to issue a directive in accordance with the decision of the Council.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1196.)
Peter Catrall to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He was formerly a cook in the service of Lady Dacres. His wife obtained a licence from Salisbury and the Privy Council to travel to Cologne in Germany to dispose of some property which belonged to her there. But because her husband had not accompanied her, she effected nothing and returned to England. Now, he intends to travel with his wife and children to Cologne on the same business, and asks Salisbury to write on their behalf to John Boland, chief Burgomaster of Cologne, and request him to extend them every possible help in their transactions.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 891.)
Robert Cecil to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is resident at Salisbury (New Sarum) and was formerly employed by the late Earl of Pembroke. He is now in the service of his son, the present Earl of Pembroke. Petitioner describes himself as a poor man to whom, in his youth, Salisbury's father, Lord Burghley, showed much generosity. He asks for some relief in his old age and poverty.—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1105.)
Thomas Cheswise to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He mortgaged his interest in certain lands in the county of Chester for £14, they being worth £7 per annum, to his brother, John Cheswise, on the condition that they could be redeemed on a specified date. Before that day, however, petitioner was pressed to serve in the Low Countries under Captain Pettvin, so that he was prevented from returning to England by the day fixed for the redemption of his property. He has offered the money many times since, but the land is still being detained by his brother against whom he cannot proceed by law. Petitioner asks for Salisbury's help, since he has been badly wounded on active service, either by ordering his brother to agree to a composition or in some other way.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1670.)
Sara de Callaway to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. For twenty years petitioner provided the late Queen Elizabeth with white starch, but obtained little benefit from it. The present Queen has now selected her again to undertake that service, and has requested Lord Carew to swear her to the office. He has hitherto refrained from doing so, and petitioner begs Salisbury to further her interests in the matter, and secure for her whatever benefits are derivable from it.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 336.)
William Byrd to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He requests his favour to obtain from the Privy Council a letter to the Attorney-General concerning his recusancy, similar to that granted to him by the late Queen Elizabeth and her Council.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 52.)
John Browne to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Officers are appointed in many ports of England to examine passengers. None, however, have been appointed for Gravesend where all kinds of lawbreakers come and go as they please. He requests to be made an officer in that place to keep a register of all passengers, and he is ready to provide sureties for his loyalty and meticulous performance of his duties. He adduces certain reasons to justify the appointment of such an officer at Gravesend. "Ffrom thence any offender once in 12 howers shalbe suer to fynd passage eyther in stranger or Englishe to one place or other wheresoever the winde sytts. Wher in other ports they shall not so soon fynde passage, and allso ar carryed before the officers to be examynd and from them have ther passport before they canne be suffered to goe a shippboard; by the which manye offenders and unlawefull parsons ar stayd. At other ports as Dover and Rye, the maior and some others ar appoynted comyssyoners to examyn the passengers. And when they have graunted them passports, when the shipp is reddy to goe, the sercher goes abourd with them and taks ther passports and receives his ffee. And allso no other bote may carry any abourd but the bote belongeing to the towne for which every passenger payes vid.
Now ate Gravesend the serchers of London nor their deputies ther nor the towne hath any order or comyssyon ffrom the Councell to examyn any passenger. And all bots hath lyberty to carry any abourd. Ffor the serchers both for the King and the ffermers sercheth for goods, and when they have serched and cleered the shipp the passengers may and do go abourd at ther pleasuer, for after the serchers have once clered they never go abord agayne. So that yf any malefactor take his tyme when the shipp is cleerd, he goes safely without controwle, unless by great fortune some hughon crye be mad after him. Wheras at other ports they ar fforced to stay for pasports and passege."—Undated.
2 pp. (P. 544.)
John Caesar to the J.P.s of Hertfordshire.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Richard Edwards, the bearer of the letter, of Rushden, co. Herts., a labourer by profession, and Jane Russell alias Edwards, widow, his mother, lived together in an old cottage which, because of its isolation from other houses, was often robbed and its inmates terrorized. To prevent this the cottage has been taken down and removed to a place called Oldfield Green in Rushden. It stands upon a piece of waste land and does not harm the interests of anyone. The J.P.s are requested to allow of this removal.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1723.)
John Belson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has spent most of his life in the wars in France and the Low Countries, and at the time of the death of the late Queen Elizabeth he should have had a company out of his native shire. His petitions to that effect have been delayed by the Masters of Requests, and he himself impoverished by the expenses entailed by them. Last Monday his wife delivered a petition to the King, who read it and delivered it to the Lord Admiral with the remark that petitioner should receive some reward. He begs to be given relief by Salisbury, "as your woonted favour is toward other of desert in the like kind".—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1189.)
Isaac Bahere to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Being Post for France, he solicited the King that he should be made a Messenger of the King's Chamber for extraordinary packets. The King referred his suit to Salisbury and Lord Stanhope and, upon Sir Thomas Parry's intervention, he was sent to Lord Stanhope who swore him into that office. He has been waiting for some employment since then, and asks Salis bury to use his services and dispatch him to any country he wishes— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1125.)
Walter Gunter to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is the son of William Gunter, of Laun Perred [Llwyn Perrot], co. Brecknock. He declares that Salisbury's father was a descendant of the ancient house of Tyleglas in that county. Petitioner's father was also of that same family, as was his grandfather's wife on the mother's side. He is therefore Salisbury's kinsman, and having had schooling and being of age to seek employment, he desires to serve Salisbury in some capacity. He is impelled the more to make this request because "he is here in a strange place and destitute of money and friends".—Undated.
½ p. (P. 809.)
The Grooms of the King's Hobby Stable to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. They are 24 in number, most of them living on their allowance of 8d a day, which does not permit them to eat adequately or to serve the King except at their own expense. They are now so impoverished that they cannot continue to do so without some relief. They have recently become suitors to the King for an increase in their wages which he has granted them, and referred the consideration and determination of the actual sum to Salisbury and the Privy Council. They propose to exhibit their petition to the Council, and remind Salisbury that he and the Master of the Horse were present when they submitted their request to the King. They therefore ask him to support their case when it comes up for discussion at the Council table.—Undated.
½ p. (196. 140.)
Anne and George White to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. They were granted a licence by letters patent to sell wines in Plymouth by the late Queen Elizabeth, but recently they have been prohibited from doing so. Petitioners have tried to resolve the difficulty by means of a composition, but this has been rejected. In view of the money they disbursed in purchasing the licence, and the large stock of wines in their hands which they cannot dispose of, they are faced with ruin. They ask that they be allowed to enjoy the benefit of their licence.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1904.)
John Wallis to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He recommends the bearer of the letter, who served the late Queen Elizabeth in the Crown Office for 16 years, and afterwards in the wars. He asks that he be admitted to Salisbury's almshouse at Waltham as a beadsman.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1738.)
William Smith to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is the Queen's farmer within the manor of Southstoke, co. Somerset. For many years he and his ancestors have had the farm of Southstoke, which is a parcel of the manor. His interest in the lease is now on the point of expiring, and he asks that it be renewed for a reasonable and fair rate, and that he also be given the first refusal should the farm be put up for sale, the auditors of Somersetshire to be advised accordingly.— Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1393.)
John Seal to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. His aunt, dwelling in Dublin, has detained from him a certain house in that city bequeathed to him by his late father. Because of his poverty he is unable to proceed against her by law. He asks that letters be sent to the Lord Deputy or to the judges on his behalf, so that he may obtain justice when next he visits Ireland.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 758.)
John Rone to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is the Sergeant of the King's Scullery. He informs Salisbury that there is a piece of arable ground, about eight acres in size, bounded to the south by the Armoury Mill, to the north by Chapman's land, to the east by the highway to Lewisham, and to the west by a small river. It is Crown land but it has not been leased for a term of years to anyone. Petitioner has always enjoyed a right of way through it to his own meadow land, there being no other entry to it. But of late this ground has been ploughed up by its occupiers, with the consequent loss to him of the benefit of the grass and hay growing on his property. Petitioner has never been tenant of any of the King's lands in the neighbourhood of Greenwich, and requests that he be given a lease of the ground in question for 21 years at the yearly rent of 6/8 an acre.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 900.)
Thomas Prowde to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. An allowance of wood has hitherto been granted to his predecessors out of the King's chase of Enfield. He requests a reasonable proportion to be assigned for his housekeeping, and a licence to demand his tithes due for the coppice of Babstock.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 46.)
Thomas Parry to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has provided the patterns of the armour, coats, doublets and hose desired by Salisbury, and undertakes that the soldiers will be better dressed and equipped than any who have been sent hitherto to Ireland. He requests that he be granted the transportation of all troops embarked at Bristol.— Undated.
½ p. (P. la.)
Henry Plunket to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. During the late rebellion in Ireland he served under Sir Oliver St. John and other commanders, and suffered the personal loss of brothers and kinsmen by whom he was maintained as a younger son. He was forced to leave for the Low Countries, where he was able to obtain a pension of 2/6 per diem. He would have received more had he stayed there, but having come by some information which he thought it his duty to communicate to Salisbury, not suspecting that the latter would receive it through another channel, he had crossed to England without permission and, as a consequence, forfeited his pension. He requests Salisbury to intervene with the King to grant him a suit which he proposes to submit.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 931.)
The Flanders Cabinet.
[Before May 24, 1612]. "This cheste concerneth not the Kinges service but some other privat thinges which I desier may onely be perused by the Earle of Suffolk, takinge to him Sir Walter Cope for the better ease of his lordship, which beinge perused I leave to be cancelled or otherwise to be desposed by him."—Undated.
Endorsed: "My lordes note for the fflanders cabinet." ⅓ p. (206. 92.)
Joan Ny Kiff to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. She is the widow of the late Callaghan McDermot, and has been put to great expense in England and Ireland for the recovery of the living which belongs to her and her children. Crossing by sea from Ireland, she had the misfortune to lose not only her money but all the evidences and papers concerning her lands and jointure in Ireland. She asks Salisbury to favour her suit to the Privy Council.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 939.)
Walter Mayne to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is an extraordinary page of the King's Privy Chamber. Recently his wife joined him in England, but not being possessed of a house, they lodged in the house of one Robert Hales at the sign of the Talbot in King's Street in Westminster. Despite the fact that both he and Hales behaved with circumspection and propriety, petitioner and his family have been threatened with imprisonment by the steward and burgesses of Westminster. Hales was actually detained, and before being released was forced to enter into a bond for £40 that petitioner and his family should leave his house before next Sunday, although they had no place to go to. He asks that Salisbury direct his warrant to the steward and burgesses of Westminster to permit him and his family to remain in Hales's house until they can find a house of their own.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1080.)
John Spencer to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is submitting the petition on behalf of himself and his kinsman, Andrew White. The latter has resided a long time in the parish of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, but recently his house was taken from him, and he himself forced to take another to his great cost. Moreover, he is obliged to add to the height of an existing shed for his own convenience, and although he is doing so without contravening any regulation, he has been hindered in the work by the Justices of the Peace in the vicinity of Charing Cross. He requests that letters be sent to them to allow White to finish the reconstruction of the shed which will afford him a better passage to the house, and requires only two or three days to be completed.— Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1150.)
Henry Gibb to the King.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has discovered that there exist a lease and a will whereby some 18 years ago the annual revenue of £120 issuing from certain lands was reserved to pay towards poor women's marriages. The lease has still 26 years to run, but not a penny has been employed for this charitable purpose for many years past. Petitioner asks that he be granted the arrears and the remaining term of years for the stricter enforcement of the conditions of the lease, and in conformity with any proposals that the Earl of Salisbury may put forward after considering the petition.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1374.)
Anthony Felton to [? the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. He was convicted on November 16 last for his error in yielding to the suing forth of a dedimus potestatem at his own charge for one Smyth, being a defendant at the petitioner's own suit, and was fined £40. Since he committed the error by the mediation of Dr Perkins, Dean of Carlisle, out of commiseration for Smyth's poverty and not with any corrupt intent, he asks that the fine be remitted.—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 292.)
John Bridge to [? the Earl of Salisbury]
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is a servant to Mr Pykarell, one of the Attorneys of the Court of Wards. Robert Devys, of co. Norfolk, deceased, was seised of certain lands held by knight's service. He asks to be granted the wardship of the heir, and undertakes to prove the King's title to it at his own expense.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1060.)
William Borswell and Thomas Wilson to the King.
[Before May 24, 1612]. During a recent voyage from St. Lucar in Spain they arrived in Dover, where the ship in which they sailed was sold by the owner. They were forced to freight another vessel of Dover and transfer to her the goods they had purchased in Spain. On February 3, they were driven by a contrary wind to the French coast, and near Gravelines they were intercepted by two Dutch warships and subjected to broadcasts of great and small shot. The ship's crew numbering only six men, they were impotent in the face of such an attack, and were driven aground some two miles from Dunkirk. Here they were boarded by Dutch sailors who seized their cargoes of olives, wine, etc. As they were plundering the ship, a number of Dunkirkers sallied out in their direction, and fearing a pursuit the Dutchmen burned the Dover ship. The loss of petitioners' goods amounted to £200, and in addition they were robbed of their clothes and forced to beg for assistance in Calais. They request that the King send letters to the States in Flanders for the redress of their losses and damage.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1577.)
William Wake to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. It has been customary at Lent for butchers to kill animals and provide meat for sick and weak persons, as well as for those lawfully permitted to eat meat. He has suffered many losses and incurred serious debts, and therefore requests that he be granted Salisbury's licence during next Lent to provide meat, which he undertakes to sell only to those permitted by law to buy it.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 54.)
Attached: A certificate signed by Westminster burgesses to the effect that Wake has long been resident in Westminster, enjoys the reputation of being an honest man, and is now burdened with debts. Signed: Six names.
Edmund Cecil to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He has practised as an attorney in the court of the Bishop of Salisbury for the past twenty years, and enjoys a good reputation as Mr Henry Hooper, clerk of the court, can testify. Because of plague in Salisbury he followed legal business in other courts until the sickness had abated. Upon his return he found his office occupied by another, and himself debarred upon suspicion that he had left it to defend recusants. In this respect he has only done what the law permits, and the loss of his post threatens to ruin him completely. He is related to Sir William Cecil, of Trewin in Wales, who obtained for him Lord Burghley's letter for his present post. He requests Salisbury's letter to the Bishop of Salisbury requiring him to readmit petitioner to his former office and practice, particularly as the person now in possession of it was hitherto judge of that court, for which there exists no precedent.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 501.)
Valentine Harris to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is an ordinary messenger of the King's Chamber, and was sent with a letter from the Privy Council, by the suit of Sir Thomas Monson on behalf of his cousin Robert Monson, to Sir Peter Eure (fn. 2) and Sir Thomas Dallison, for the dispatching of Martin Lawne and William Patten from Lincoln gaol to the court at Whitehall. He performed this commission and defrayed all the travelling expenses for the party from Lincoln to London, where eventually he received a warrant from the Council to commit them to the Bridewell. He has, however, received no allowance for these expenses, and asks Salisbury that he be indemnified for his services and charges.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1382.)
John Carter to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Salisbury has granted to John Broadhead the Grange Field or Fort Field in Southwark for 21 years, rent free for the first three years on the condition that he dismantles the fort there. Broadhead has occupied the property for two years, but has not fulfilled this condition. Petitioner is now tenant, and he intends to level the ground, convert it into a garden and erect a house on it "if hee may have any reasonable encouragement thereunto". Since the levelling of the fort will cost £140 and the building and fencing a sum not appreciably less, he asks to be allowed to occupy the property for four years, in addition to the remainder of Broadhead's three years, without paying rent.— Undated.
Endorsed: "John Carters petition for the fortfeild in Bermondsey." ½ p. (P. 687.)
Thomas Walton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. Thomas Mewtys is indebted to petitioner to the amount of £17 for accommodation, diet and horsemeat. Mewtys has refused to discharge the debt, although he gave a bond for it, and threatens violence if petitioner seeks remedy by law. Petitioner had Mewtys arrested but he was rescued by force. Now petitioner finds that he should have sought Salisbury's permission before taking this action, since Mewtys, unknown to him, was employed in Salisbury's service. He asks that Salisbury summon Mewtys before him, and either persuade him to pay his debt or give petitioner leave to proceed by due course of law.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 332.)
Peter Nightgale to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. He was employed to build a causeway for Salisbury, and it was agreed that he should be paid £5 for his work. Upon completion of the causeway, he was informed that it was too short and instructed to extend it by 20 feet, which he did. The extra cost was £5, but out of the total bill of £10 he has hitherto only received £5. He begs that his additional charges be considered and allowed by Salisbury.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1731.)
Thomas Foster to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 24, 1612]. For many years he was a workman in the service of Lord Burghley, and is now employed by Salisbury. He has reached an advanced age and cannot work for his livelihood any longer. He requests Salisbury's assistance to become one of the King's "mawndye men" for his relief.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1462.)
[Before May 24, 1612]. "Veritable origine, tige et source commune de Messieurs Cecile, tant des Seigneurs Cecile establis en Angleterre des 140 ans que des Cecile restes en la Bourgougne, leur patrie, et des Sieurs Cecile s'establissants p~ntem~t en Espagne." —Undated.
Endorsed: "Papier et Genealogie a devoir estre presente et mis en mains de Monsieur le Comte de Salisbury, Chef de la Maison des Seigneurs Cecile en Engleterre, lequel Seigneur Cecile est supplie de vouloir s'en faire faire la lecture." 30 pp. (141. 10.)
John Wright to the Earl of Salisbury
[Before May 24, 1612]. He is a poor gentleman of a company in Flanders, and was lately accused by a certain Bird—out of malice or hope of reward—of conspiring to bring about the death of the King or the Prince of Wales. The charge was wicked and false, and petitioner's innocence is known to Salisbury. However, he was committed to prison and was "xvii weeks in fetters, locks and manacles", and because of this rigorous treatment and the cold weather, he has lost the use of his left arm.
He has petitioned the Privy Council for some contribution towards the alleviation of his miserable condition, and asks Salisbury to show compassion and further his cause when it comes up for discussion at the Council table.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1885.)
The manor of Mildenhall.
[After May 24, 1612]. On July 12, 1604, the manor was leased to Henry Fleetwood, who, on the following day, made it over to the late Earl of Salisbury. A number of tenants, including Thomas Saffold, Henry Batchelor, Martin Stamner, and Jasper Shepherd, claimed to possess leases of parcels of the demesne granted by the Abbot of St. John the Baptist near Colchester, but realizing that the leases were on the point of expiring, "did not onely suffer the sea walles and bancks to decaye, but did comitt greate wast and spoyle in woods, and did and doe threaten to plough the marsh and meadowe grownde". The late Earl of Salisbury refrained from terminating the leases in 1611, and the tenants were prohibited by injunction from committing the above-mentioned offences. Nevertheless, despite the injunction and the mediation of Sir William Ayloff and others in the matter, the tenants proceeded with their ploughing of marsh ground and spoliation of woods. In consideration of these facts and "for that the marsh and meadowe ground, being claye, once broken and turned upp will not come to his goodnes agayne in an age, soe that the kinge and his ffermors wilbe greately prejudiced by the ploughing of it, and that the consideration therof did cause the Parliament not to extend the statute of tilladge to the county of Essex", petitioner requests that a further injunction be issued prohibiting any more ploughing.— Undated. Unsigned.
½ p. (P. 2164.)
1612, June 26. A list of the recipients of money gifts from the Earl of Salisbury, distributed by his steward. They number 29, and the sum given is £105:6:8.
4 pp. (Accounts 12/26.)
[After July 25, 1612]. A case of trespass alleged to have been committed by Miles Thomas on a piece of land called Ellesolle at Cobham, co. Kent. Thomas, who is the plaintiff, claims that it is a parcel of the manor of Cobham which was granted to him by the King by letters patent dated July 25, 1612. This is contested on the grounds that the land did not belong to Cobham manor but to Cobham College, which came into the hands of the Crown through the attainder of Henry, Lord Cobham, in 1603. It was eventually conveyed to Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, after whose death it descended to his son, William, 2nd Earl of Salisbury. The remainder of the document consists of notes to prove this counterclaim, based on former inquisitions and grants.—Undated.
5 pp. (145. 157.)
1615, September 30 to December 5. Receipts and payments arising from rents of various properties of William, Earl of Salisbury, in London, Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Essex and other counties.
2 pp. (200. 178.)
David Murray to the King.
[Before November, 1612]. He is a Gentleman of the Prince's Bedchamber, (fn. 3) and asks for a lease in reversion for 31 years without fine of £500 worth of lands.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1215.)
William Goodowrus and George Baker to the Privy Council.
[1612 or before]. They hold their offices as Sergeant-Surgeons to the King by letters patent granted by the late Queen Elizabeth, by virtue of which they ought to have accommodation in the King's house and "allowance of Budge of Courte". These privileges they have enjoyed until recently when they were deprived of their lodging and their "Budge of Courte". They ask that their privileges be restored to them in full, or that they be granted a reasonable payment in exchange for them (fn. 4).—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1383.)


  • 1. Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, died on May 24, 1612.
  • 2. Probate for his will was granted in 1612. [See Lincoln Wills ed, Foster, 1601–52, p. 60.]
  • 3. Prince Henry died on November 8, 1612.
  • 4. Probate of Baker's will was granted in 1612. [See Wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 1605–19, Vol. V, p. 31.]