Cecil Papers: July 1606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp82-88 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp82-88.

"Cecil Papers: July 1606". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp82-88.

July 1606

Walter Watkins to the Earl of Northampton.
[After July 1, 1606]. He is a maimed soldier who lost both his legs in 1588 in the late Queen Elizabeth's service. The Queen granted him an almsman's room at Durham, but owing to his extreme need of money he was forced to pawn the grant for 30/to John Sethernwood, a servant in the Earl's service. Because of his inability to repay the money in its entirety, Sethernwood arrested him on July 1, 1606 and committed him to the Marshalsea. He has entered into bond to pay the latter 26/8 by a certain day but cannot get his grant back from him. He is therefore likely to lose the almsroom, which is now void, because he cannot show the grant. He begs Northampton to ask Sethernwood to redeliver it to him.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 526.)
Donell M'Carthy called M'Carthy Riough to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before July 2, 1606]. He prays to be allowed to surrender to the King all his estates in Carbery in the province of Munster, and that he be regranted the same under the Great Seal of England for a yearly rent, together with the right to hold fairs and keep courts and other privileges accompanying similar grants. He prays also that the Lord Deputy allow him time for the discharge of the composition rent due annually out of the said estates, in view of the devastation caused by the late war. The Earls of Desmond have hitherto imposed a rent of beeves or 6/8 in lieu of each beeve in the district of Carbery, which imposition fell to the Crown after the attainder of the late Earl of Desmond. It was granted by the late Queen Elizabeth to Florence M'Carthy, who mortgaged it to Sir Thomas Norris, deceased, whose widow now exacts 20/- for each beeve instead of 6/8. Petitioner makes other requests; that he be granted the lands supposed to have escheated to the Crown by the attainder of Desmond M'Carthy and Fynen M'Owen, now in the possession of Lord Barry; the lands of Kenalmeakey, Rostorne and Cloghane supposed to have escheated likewise by the attainder of Conoghor Omahoney, Donell M'Conoghor Omahoney and Donell M'Cormick M'Donell Carthy; that the title to the town and castle of Cloneralla, now in Lord Barry's hands, may be determined by the Lord Chief Justice, the Lord Chief Baron and Sir Anthony St. Leger; that the Lord Deputy be directed to arrange compensation for him for the loss of £1000 worth of livestock caused by Lord Barry and his brother John Barry; that Donell O'Donevan, for whose loyalty petitioner's son was made surety and suffered four and a half years of imprisonment, should pay damages to him; and that, finally, he be granted possession of the castle of Killgoban in Carbery, which was leased by Captain Francis Slingsby to Donough M'Carthy, a former rebel pardoned but now in Spain.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petition of Donell MacCartie called M'Cartie Riough of Carbrie in the province of Mounster in Ireland. He humblie beseecheth your Lordship to further that his Matie maye be graciouslie pleased, in consideration of his unspotted loyaltie and faithfull service done in the tyme of the late warres in that realme, to graunt unto him his within requests for the increase of his Mats revenewes and the better enablement of him and his heires to doe his Matie service." 1 p. (P. 326.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–7, p. 507.]
Robert Sharpeigh to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After July 2, 1606]. Richard Sproxton has submitted a petition to Salisbury, in which he complains of the Earl of Dunbar and criticizes him for conferring the understewardship of the diet for the Lords at the Star Chamber upon petitioner who is in his service. Sproxton held the post for three years, and was dismissed for sundry misdemeanours by the Earl of Dunbar. The warrant for his dismissal contains an order for the repayment to Sproxton of such moneys as he disbursed to a servant of the Earl's for procuring the post on his behalf. Petitioner requests that Sproxton be suitably punished for his malicious and defamatory criticism of the Earl.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1266.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 323.]
Magdalen Bowes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 3. George Bowes, her late husband, occupied the posts of Constable of Raby Castle and Steward of the lands of Charles, late Earl of Westmorland, within the county of Durham, by assignment from his brother, Sir William Bowes, in the late Queen Elizabeth's time. These offices were granted to William Davenport and Edward Morley, and by them assigned to John Richardson while George Bowes was engaged in the King's service at Crawford Moor. Later George Bowes applied for the said offices to the King (as Sir Roger Wilbraham knows), who was pleased to grant them to him for life. However he was constrained to compound with Richardson; he paid him £30, and Sir Henry Lindley entered into bond that another £105 should be paid within a certain time. But Bowes is now dead and his wife, the petitioner, with many children on her hands and in straitened circumstances, has received no benefit from the two offices. Moreover, she is in no position to pay the abovementioned £105. Her late husband served Queen Elizabeth in the Royal mines at Keswick and Knowsley, and the present King at Crawford Moor, during which he lost a great deal of money and received no compensation. In the light of this information, the Earl of Dorset has granted the offices to the use of George Bowes, eldest son of her deceased husband. Petitioner understands, however, that Sir George Frevile and John Richardson are trying to hinder the grant from receiving the Exchequer seal and the Great Seal. She begs Salisbury to stop such attempts until she has informed the King of the circumstances as detailed by her in this petition.—3 July, 1606.
½ p. (P. 519.)
Arthur Hyde to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before July 14, 1606]. He has been summoned from Ireland by an order from Salisbury and the Privy Council on the suggestion of David Condon, son of Patrick Condon, who was twice attainted for high treason in Ireland, and he has been waiting on Salisbury's pleasure for the past month. Previously, when Condon procured letters to the Lord Deputy to have the matter at variance between him and Condon examined by the Council of Ireland, Patrick Condon's attainder was verified and petitioner's title to the lands forfeited by him was confirmed. The decision was conveyed to Salisbury by the Lord Deputy. Nevertheless, Condon, by misinforming Salisbury that nothing had been done in the matter, has succeeded in having petitioner summoned to London. He asks that Salisbury peruse the letters sent to him by the Lord Deputy and the Irish Council, and release him from further attendance in London.—Undated.
2/3 p. (P. 539.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVIII, p. 203, and Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, p. 7.]
Arthur Hyde to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After July 14, 1606]. He was summoned from Ireland by Salisbury and the Privy Council upon the suggestion of David Condon, and has been awaiting their pleasure in London for three months. The examination of the dispute between him and Condon was referred to the Lord Carew, the Lord Chief Justice, Sir John Herbert and Sir Roger Wilbraham, who have reported on it to Salisbury. During the late wars in Ireland he was despoiled of his goods, and his house and those of his tenants were burnt down by Patrick Condon, father of David Condon. He suffered damage to the extent of £3000, but is prevented by the Act of Oblivion lately promulgated in Ireland from obtaining any remedy against them. He is now engaged in replanting his wasted lands with Englishmen and others, but because of his long absence there is a danger that they will abandon him. His private affairs are likewise jeopardised by his long stay in London, and he may find himself unable to pay rent to the King. For all these reasons, petitioner requests permission to return to Ireland.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1051.)
Sir Ellis Jones to the Lord Commissioners for Ireland.
[Before July 19, 1606]. He obtained the reversion of the Provost-Marshalship of Munster, lately in the hands of Sir George Thornton, deceased, and was discharged of his company which he had hoped to keep. The fees of the Marshalship are inadequate, being only 2/- a day compared with those of the Marshal of Connaught which amount to 5/9 a day, although the province is regarded as inferior to Munster. He requests that the Commissioners grant him a small pension out of the Exchequer, so that he may be better able to perform his duties.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1151.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 527, and H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVIII, p. 413.]
Robert Rothe to the King.
[Before July 20, 1606]. He served the late Queen Elizabeth many years as unpaid Justice of Gaol Delivery in the counties of Kilkenny, Carlow and the Queen's County. In revenge for his activities, Irish rebels destroyed his and his tenants's property and goods to the value of one thousand marks. He asks for a lease in reversion of the rectories of Modeshill and Kilvanan in county Tipperary, which he holds of the King for 18 years yet to come, paying the rent of 20 Irish marks yearly.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 543.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 527.]
Francis Foster to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before July 24, 1606]. He is one of the appellant priests detained by Salisbury in Newgate. Twenty weeks ago he was brought before him upon suspicion of being a dangerous man to the State. But it was found during his examination that he rejected violence, and his attitude earned him Salisbury's sympathy. He asks to be released on the grounds of ill-health, and also to prepare himself for his banishment from England. He promises to be ready for transportation whenever and wherever Salisbury decides. (fn. 1)Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 537.)
Thomas Passe to the Privy Council.
[July, 1606]. He possesses letters patent of his office, and the house which goes with it, in reversion after the death of Martin Hopkins. Despite the latter's decease, he has been refused admittance to both forge and house by the King's officers of the Mint, who claim that they belong to the smith of the Mint. He therefore gives details of the history and background of the post.
"Certayne considerable poynts humblie submitted to your Honors consideration, viz.
(1) That manie yeres past the Master Smithe of the office of the Ordinance had his howse and forge in those buildinges that stande nighe adjoininge to the Leiftennants howse, untill upon the grave consideration of the late right honorable the Lord Treasurer, Sir Walter Mildmaie and other commissioners for her late Matie, it was thought good (in avoidance of greate annoyance to the Leiftennants howse and the extreeme daungers that otherwise they feared) to provide for those workes in the place now in question.
(2) One William Hopkins beinge smithe for the mynte obteyned also a patent of the Master Smithe for the office of the ordinance and had the place now in question builded and fitted for the service of the office of the ordinance by chardges defrayed out of the ordinarie of that office, and did discontinew workinge for the mynt. So their worke was done wheire it pleazed the contractors with her late Matie to provide for their most profit, and the howse only imployed to the service of the office of the ordinance.
(3) Anno 9° of her late Matie a patent was granted to the said William Hopkins and Martyn his sonne of the office and howse. William enjoyed both during his leif and after him Martyn his sonne, without anie controversie during his leif (notwithstanding that the said Martin was never smith for the Mynt nor wrought for the service of the Mynt; but still the same howse and forge imployed and mainteyned by the office of the Ordinance.
(4) Anno 48° her late Matie graunted the office and howse by letters patents to your Honors petitioner in reversion after the death of Martin Hopkins late deceased, imediatly after whose death the officers of the mynt did enter and withstand your Honors petitioner, whereby his Mats service is letted and your Honors humble suppliant apparantlie wronged.
(5) That your Honors will vouchsafe to consider that the point in question doth most concerne his Matie, ffor if your Honors do thinke it fit that a new chardge shalbe undertaken to provide for the petitioner, whereby he maie be enhabled to perform the service, he will humblie obaie your Honors pleazure therein, not doubting but your Honors in the doeing thereof will gravely consider of the nearest place for the avoidinge of his Mats greater chardges in the caryinge and retorninge of those works."
Petitioner asks that the Privy Council direct their letters to the Lieutenant of the Tower and others to examine the truth of his statement "as well by testimonie of auncient men as by perusall of the letters patents", upon whose report the Council may arrive at a decision.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Thomas Passe, Master Smith his petition." ½ p. (197. 45/1.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVIII, pp. 249, 268.]
Thomas Man to the Earl of Salisbury.
[c July, 1606]. As he was conveying Sir Edward Darcy and Sir Francis Darcy aboard the King of Denmark's ships at Gravesend on Monday last, he was severely wounded and had his boat smashed by a shot discharged from the King's own ship. (fn. 2) He begs that he be given financial assistance for his medical treatment and losses.— Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 451.)
Florence M'Carthy to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? c. July, 1606]. He thanks Salisbury for sending him M'Carthy Riough's petition which he will answer. The latter mortgaged, before he came over, the greater part of the demesne land of the county and a great deal more since then, besides leasing some within the last four or five days to one Dykes for £100 with intent to hinder petitioner. He requests that the Privy Council prohibit the sale or leasing of any more land until the dispute between him and M'Carthy Riough be settled.—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 846.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 507.]
Lady Blanche Bagnall to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before August 14, 1606]. Her husband now deceased, Sir Samuel Bagnall, had the charge of a castle called Narrow Water in northern Ireland for eight years, which was bestowed upon him by the late Earl of Devonshire. He spent much money on it, and held it during the late wars in Ireland. After his death, petitioner came to England to seek relief from the King, and fears that her children will be ordered to leave the castle by the Lord Deputy before she can return to them. She requests that an order be sent to the Lord Deputy to allow her children to remain in the castle until she can provide for them elsewhere, and that when she is required to leave she be compensated for the money disbursed by her late husband on repairing the fortifications. She has discharged as many of her husband's debts as she can, and pleads to be excused from paying those which were incurred before her marriage with Sir Samuel Bagnall.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1392.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, pp. 539 and 540.]


  • 1. Foster was banished with a number of Jesuits and priests and arrived at Douai on July 24, 1606. [See Catholic Record Society: Douay Diaries, Vol. 1, p. 74.]
  • 2. The King of Denmark's visit to England took place from July 17 to August 11, 1606, and was celebrated with much gunfire from the escorting Danish men of war. See Nichols Progresses of King James the First, Vol. 1, pp. 54–95.