Cecil Papers: May 1605

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1605', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp1-20 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1605', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp1-20.

"Cecil Papers: May 1605". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol24/pp1-20.

May 1605

Mary Phelips to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. She is the wife of Thomas Phelips, a prisoner in the Gatehouse. (fn. 1) She complains that lack of privacy has made it impossible for her to confer with her husband on the best means of supporting herself and her family during his incarceration. She requests that she be allowed free access to him. She protests that although she cannot exonerate him from his offence and faults, she is convinced that her husband is not guilty of any conspiracy against the King.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 327.)
John Packer to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He began a suit to the King for a pension in consideration of his father's long service, but discontinued it when Salisbury allowed him to fill Sir Thomas Edmondes's post during the latter's absence abroad. (fn. 2) He has now found a way to benefit himself without harming the King's interests, if he can obtain Salisbury's approval. He proposes to convert his suit into a request that the office of the remembrancer of the first fruits be granted to one of Sir Henry Nevill's sons who, in return, will compensate petitioner in sufficient manner so as to enable him to continue in his present office or any other for which Salisbury may consider him to be suitable.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1170.)
John Chippindale to [the Earl of Salisbury].
[After May 4, 1605]. The Mayor and Corporation of Leicester procured a lease in reversion from the late Queen Elizabeth of a farm called Newark near the town. Petitioner possesses half of it at a rent of £16 a year, and he has already spent £100 more than the worth of the property in trying to get them to renew his lease. In this he has been seconded by Lord Harrington (fn. 3) and Sir Julius Caesar, to whom the town authorities have promised to deal favourably with petitioner. However, they have granted some parcels of his land which will bring them a substantial rent when his lease expires, and refuse to come to reasonable terms about the rest of the property. They have no right to be so exacting or discriminating at the expense of the King's tenants, since the late Queen awarded Leicester £100 per annum to relieve the inhabitants and poor people of the town. Most of this sum has been alienated and the remainder not used for its intended object. Petitioner says that, "the sayd towne of Leycester is scytuate in the myddest of the countye and thearefore most fyt for his habitation and servyce to his Matie and very easefull and convenyent to the countrye". But unless he can obtain a renewal of his lease, he will be forced to find a home elsewhere, which would prejudice the King's service and the interests of the county. He asks that letters be directed to the Mayor and Corporation requiring them to deal justly with him.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1864.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, pp. 359 and 409.]
Robert Cellam to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605.] In consideration of his long service in Ireland, the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and Sir Henry Wallop, then Lord Justice, granted him a daily pension of 4/-. He saw service at Kinsale and at the siege of Dunboy during Tyrone's rebellion, where he was discharged of his company of foot. Sir George Carew, Lord President, continued his pension until March, 1605, when it was stopped on the grounds that not enough money was available from the "checques and difficients" of horse and foot companies to pay it as hitherto. He has been forced to petition the King for relief since the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland are not authorized to provide any. During the Irish wars his personal losses in goods amounted to £1000, and the recent Act of Oblivion has precluded any remedy by law for indemnification. He asks Salisbury to further his suit when it comes up for discussion at the Council table.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1149.)
Henry Carew to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a prisoner in the Fleet, and confesses that he is very sensible of his rude and obstinate behaviour, in particular to Salisbury from whom and from whose father he had received many favours in the past. He asks for Salisbury's pardon "most humblie on his knees and with teares in his eyes".— Undated.
½ p. (P. 955.)
Katherine Green to the Privy Council.
[After May 4, 1605.] Both she and her husband are in prison. She expresses regret for her offence and requests that Lord Stanhope be directed to see to the restitution of "our owne", that she be allowed money for her expenses which amount to £100, and that she be given her liberty without paying any fees.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1369.)
Giles Brooke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a burgess of the town of Liverpool. William Stanley, Earl of Derby, was Mayor of Liverpool in 1604 and obtained from the King the renewal of the Charters of the town in March, 1604. But the grant under the privy seal was March 31, anno 4 of England and France and 39 of Scotland, when it should have been March 31, anno 2 of England and France and 37 of Scotland. He requests that the date may be amended, and that the renewal pass the Great Seal, and also the seals of the Duchy of Lancaster and the county palatine of Lancaster.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1744.)
Randall Walley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a merchant of London, and refers to a previous suit which was discussed by the Privy Council. In consideration of his service in relieving the army at Kinsale and as a mark of sympathy with his present distress, the Council directed letters to Thomas Watson to examine his bill of exchange and report on the money still due to petitioner. The report is now ready to be presented, and petitioner requests Salisbury to favour the petition accompanying it that he be granted a licence to import kid skins from overseas. This would indemnify him for his losses and anxieties which have already caused the death of his wife.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 1175.)
Randall Walley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He was instrumental in relieving the army at the siege of Kinsale with victuals, but now his destitution is such that, "he is with his poore children ready to be tourned into the streets". The lease of his house is in pawn, and has now been forfeited to John Warren, a scrivener. Four of his creditors, Thomas Jones, Nicholas Fermage, Richard Talboys and Leonard Knight, have now sued him. Unless he receives assistance he will have to leave his native country or spend the rest of his life in prison. His miserable condition has already caused the death of his wife. He asks that Salisbury order his creditors to refrain from arresting him until he may obtain help from the Privy Council.— Undated.
¾ p. (197. 100.)
Sir Rowland Stanley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He entered into recognisance to the late Queen Elizabeth that none of the children of Sir William Stanley should go abroad without special leave. Jane Garrett, Sir William's daughter, and now wife of John Garrett, wishes to go to Ireland where her husband is employed. He requests that she be granted licence by the King to remove to that country, and thus secure petitioner against any breach of the terms of the recognisance which are still enforceable by the Crown. (fn. 4)Undated.
½ p. (P. 18.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Christian IV of Denmark.
[After May 4, 1605]. He can but inadequately express his thanks in words for the favour shown to him by the King of Denmark in his letters, and welcomes any opportunity to be of service to him by virtue of his office. Regarding the matter entrusted to Christian's envoy, he will further it as expeditiously as possible and with every consideration for the honour and interests of both King James and the Danish King.—Undated.
Draft. Latin. 1½ pp. (197. 55.)
John Osgood to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is resident at Andover, Hampshire. By an order issued by the Privy Council the victuallers and publicans of all towns are obliged to buy their drink from the common brewer. Petitioner has established a common brewhouse in Andover with the approval of the local magistrates, but the victuallers and publicans there refuse to purchase their drink from him, contrary to the above order. He asks that Salisbury order the bailiff and magistrates of Andover to implement the order, and compel the offenders to buy their drink from him or show good cause for their refusal.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 957.)
John Bluet to the Earl of Salisbury and the Privy Council.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a prisoner in the Marshalsea where he was committed for debt. He had engaged himself on behalf of Lady Catesby and had come up to London to answer a summons for an action over it, and to request repayment of money owed him by Sir William Herbert, when he was arrested and imprisoned. He asks to be granted his liberty or to be allowed to answer the charge.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 354.)
John Fletcher to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. His wife's grandfather, father and uncle have been, for the last 47 years, bailiffs successively of the late Queen Elizabeth's manor of St. Neots, Huntingdonshire. The bailiwick was assigned to him as part of his wife's portion of £40. When the manor became parcel of the jointure of Queen Anne, and before petitioner was able to ask for the continuance of the bailiwick in his hands, Salisbury had bestowed it upon a gentleman in the service of the Earl of Northampton. But petitioner was able to compound for the bailiwick, and its conveyance was recognized by Salisbury by a patent under his hand and seal. Recently, upon some information that petitioner was guilty of misdemeanour, Salisbury had granted the bailiwick to Sir Thomas Lake. He requests that the matter be examined by the Justices of Assize of that county, Sir Roger Wilbraham, Sir Robert Hitcham or Sir Thomas Lake. If he is found guilty by any of these parties, he will submit to punishment and replacement. In the meantime he asks to be continued in his place.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 48.)
Robert Lang to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. A little while before Salisbury's journey to York to meet the King he promised petitioner, who is in his service, some form of promotion. Lately petitioner has been in bad health and has other personal troubles. He asks that he be made one of the Grooms of the Great Chamber, or if that is not to Salisbury's liking, that he be helped financially to extricate himself from his difficulties.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1131.)
Gerard Lowther and Anne Lowther, his wife, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Anthony Welbury married the said Anne, daughter of Sir Ralph Bulmer, and by her secured lands worth £400 a year. But he caused her to sell £300 worth of the property and afterwards died in great debt, leaving her with seven children and little to maintain them except £70 from the living of Castle Eden. Her eldest son, John Welbury, covenanted with petitioner before his marriage with Anne Welbury that he should enjoy the £70 for the use of his wife during the term of her life. Now Welbury, with the connivance of Orde and others, is trying to defraud petitioner of the money, by stating that in the rebellion of 1569 against the late Queen Elizabeth, the lands of Anthony Welbury were forfeited but concealed. Petitioner asks that Welbury's suit be stayed, and that he be allowed to receive the £70 during the life of his wife.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1461.)
John Beauchamp to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is of Powick, co. Worcester. Some time past, when he was prosperous, he lent various sums of money to Christopher Whitton and Simon Mawnd, repayable upon request. Whitton is now dead, but his widow has married a wealthy man, and his heir possesses land to the value of £60 annually. His debtors have taken advantage of his age and weak estate not to repay the money due to him, although he has often requested them to do so. He cannot compel them by law to discharge their debts, and so he intends to submit a petition to the Privy Council for relief. He asks Salisbury to favour it when it comes up for consideration.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 812.)
William Hobson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Recently he imported £100 worth of tobacco which represented all his fortune and estate. Being in debt, however, his creditors seized the tobacco to satisfy their claims against him. But instead of utilizing the tobacco for that purpose, they allowed it to lie in the Custom house with the result that it has deteriorated in quality and lost its value. Petitioner requests that the tobacco be restored to him so that he may discharge his debts, and that because of his poverty he be exempted from paying customs duties.—Undated.
Note signed by Salisbury: "It seems this petitioner is some simple man that comes to me abowt Custom cawses that have nothing to do with them: and for his swte that I wold forgive him the custome of tobacco, some cosening knave hathe told him that I have it who never had to do with it."
1 p. (P. 1010.)
Symon Persian to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He has been long away from his native country and is desirous of returning to it. He left France some six days ago, and hearing that a ship was ready to sail to Russia he asked the merchant, Mr Greenway, for permission to travel in her, paying his passage. His request was refused, much to his distress, for being poor and friendless his future prospects are bleak. Without special recommendation he cannot pass overseas, and he therefore begs Salisbury "who is honorablie reported of abroad for favoring the cause of poore strangers" to intervene with Greenway that he may allow him a passage to Russia.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 47.)
Arthur Jackson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. His factor in Danzig, Anthony Hungerford, shipped on board the Swattrutter of Ameland, Holland, six rolls of wax valued at £260. He also paid the Master of the vessel, Onno Henricks, money to meet the King of Denmark's toll, in the presence of Danzig officials. Henricks, however, kept the money for himself, and did not pay the toll as he was commissioned to do. During the passage through the Sound the ship was wrecked off "Lizaulte" (? Läsö), and the cargo of wax was salvaged and confiscated by the King of Denmark's officials on the grounds that the toll had not been paid. In the meantime Henricks has returned to his own country, but is so impoverished that petitioner despairs of ever being able to recover his money from him. He asks Salisbury to write in his favour to the King of Denmark or to his Chancellor for the restitution of the commodity upon the payment of the toll.— Undated.
¾ p. (P. 899.)
Fynes Moryson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. The late Queen Elizabeth granted his brother a lease of the third part of Tetney Grange (the other two parts were his proper inheritance), parcel of the possessions of Charles [Brandon], Duke of Suffolk, for 21 years beginning on November 20, 1593. To discharge a debt his brother conveyed the lease to him. He asks that he be granted the unexpired years of the lease, and that it be altered to his name.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury: "I am comanded by the Kings privy seale to meddle no more with those lands in any sort during the sute."
1 p. (P. 271.)
James Hammond to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He has been detained in the Gatehouse since Salisbury and the Privy Council committed him to that prison, on the 11th of last February. He finds himself utterly destitute and in great misery and want, for he has no money and "the keeper denyeth both meat and lodginge without redy money". He prays that he be called before Salisbury or any other chosen by him, so that his case and possible release be determined.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1582.)
James Hammond to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a prisoner in the Gatehouse, where he has been living in extreme poverty and want for six months. He asks to be summoned before Salisbury to decide whether he should be released or not, and to be allowed to go outside the prison in the charge of a keeper to beg for relief.—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 678.)
John Lemyng to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a prisoner in Newgate suspected of recusancy, but has not been indicted nor convicted of that offence. He requests that a warrant be directed to Sir Henry Montagu, Recorder of London, to release him upon such bail as he can afford.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 816.)
Teig Regaine to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He killed Dermot Moyle M'Carthy, one of the most notable rebels in Munster, and performed other services to the late Queen Elizabeth during the wars in Ireland. In revenge, the rebels ravaged his goods and those of his family and friends, and he was forced for reasons of safety to flee to France and Flanders with his wife and children, of whom three died during the journey. His loyalty to the Crown is vouched for by the certificate of Lord Carew, who was then Lord President of Munster, and by many Irish nobles and officers. He asks for a yearly pension as a reward for his services, and to relieve his present wants.— Undated.
½ p. (P. 433.)
Teig Regaine to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a prisoner in the Marshalsea, and for the past eight days the Deputy-Marshal has allowed him no meat. Rather than famish there, he prefers to be admonished for asking a reward for the killing of Dermot Moyle M'Carthy, and asks to be brought before Salisbury without delay.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 528.)
Teig Regaine to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is being denied meat and drink by the Deputy-Marshal of the Marshalsea unless he pays immediately for them or enters into surety for payment. He is not able to do this, and, moreover, is very sick. He prays that, in respect of his loyalty and killing of Dermot Moyle M'Carthy—for which a reward of £200 and a pension were offered—the loss of three of his children, and his banishment from Ireland, he be allowed to appear before Salisbury with a keeper, and that he be given permission to leave England if it be not thought fit to reward him for his services.— Undated.
1 p. (P. 531.)
Luke Searle to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a prisoner in the Wood Street Counter, and has been detained there for 14 weeks by order of Salisbury directed to the Recorder of London. He begs for letters to the Recorder authorizing his release on bail or his discharge.— Undated.
At the bottom in another hand: "My right honorable Lord, I thought good to lett you understand that Mr Dell should reporte that his sonns should loose such a bowe."
½ p. (P. 1745.)
Thomas Simpson to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a prisoner in the Gatehouse, where he has been committed for contempt "in that he did not presently send an asse which was sent for by commaund from the Right Honorable Lords of his Maties Privy Counsell". He states that the ass was hired out before the Council's order was delivered, and that he himself was out of town at the time, but complied with it as soon as he returned. His wife is seriously ill, he is a poor man and cannot afford to pay the expenses of his detention, and therefore requests that he be released and be admitted upon "the King Maties pay for his dyet, lodging and prison fees".—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1587.)
John Tyler to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He foolishly killed a buck in Enfield Chase as he passed that way recently on business. He was committed by Sir Ralph Coningsby to Newgate, where he has been detained ten days. He asks Salisbury to issue a warrant for his release and promises that "he will henceforth be more carefull of his behavior".—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1135.)
John Gardner to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a Scotch merchant, and complains that Humphrey Rece, a London vintner, has owed him £40 for wines during the past two years, and refuses to pay the bill. Petitioner has caused him to be placed in the custody of one Smith, a bailiff residing in the Strand. But "your suppliant beinge not acquainted with the lawes of this reelme", he fears that Rece may engineer his release and defraud him of his just debt. He requests that a warrant be directed to the bailiff to detain Rece until such time as he shall have discharged his debt to petitioner.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1576.)
Randall Twedy and Edward Crane to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. They served in the Mary Rose of London in the late Queen Elizabeth's time, and transported men and victuals to Berehaven in Munster. They deposited the freight money in the "bancke" at Cork and took a bill of exchange for the same payable by Mr Watson in London, the sum being £61: 4: 0. The refusal of the bill has ruined Twedy who has spent four years in pursuing the matter in the courts of law. He has got into such debt that he cannot lodge in one place more than a week because of his creditors, who are constantly at his heels. He requests assistance.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 129.)
John Mayo to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He has submitted two petitions on behalf of Agnes Mayo, widow, his mother, to the Privy Council against Henry Carew, now prisoner in the Fleet. He requests that Carew be brought before the Council and made to deliver the deed of annuity of £15 detained by him, or offer some other reasonable satisfaction to his mother. The annuity is the sole means of support bequeathed to her by her late husband.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 275.)
Robert Lange to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He was induced to become bound with William Crag to Henry Edmondes, Crag's creditor. Eventually he was arrested for Crag's debts and committed to the King's Bench prison. Owing to his impoverishment he is obliged to return to his native land, where he hopes to be relieved by his friends and kinsmen. He begs for some financial help to meet the expenses of the long journey to Scotland, in which he will be accompanied by his wife and children.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 452.)
Mary Girdland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. She is the wife of John Girdland, free mason, of Hardington, co. Somerset. In regard of her marriage with him, her father, John Taylor, late of Crewkerne, co. Somerset, demised to them and their son John a cottage and two closes called Greenballs, containing nine acres of land, for the term of 80 years. But John Slade, who claims the inheritance of the property, has detained the profits issuing from it for the past six years. Petitioner appealed to the King, and later, by means of a certificate from a J.P. to Sir Roger Wilbraham, was allowed to sue in forma pauperis. Slade has refused to answer the suit she brought against him. Since the property adjoins Salisbury's estate, she requests to be given a cottage and some money by him, in return for which favour she will surrender her interests and rights in Greenballs to Salisbury.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury: "It seems this woman is some folish creature that offers me her land to buy. Let her troble me no more therfore with yt. But if she be denied justice and will complaine, I think fitt to let her sue in forma pauperis, of which let Mr Surveior consyder and give her answer."
1½ pp. (P. 1139.)
Richard Wingfield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. The Privy Council is to consider the case between Sir Peter Manwood and Dudley Boyland, whose sister is petitioner's wife. He asks Salisbury to favour Boyland as far as the equity of the case permits. (fn. 5)Undated.
½ p. (P. 299.)
Dudley Boyland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He has been threatened with a summons to appear before Salisbury and the Privy Council, and begs that he may be allowed to answer for himself.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 747.)
John Mountford to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He obtained leave from Salisbury the day before to prosecute his suit against Charles Topcliffe concerning the repayment of a bond for £30 due in February, 1600. He asks that Salisbury subscribe his petition in his own handwriting, authorizing the hearing of his case and the arrest of Topcliffe.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1277.)
William Durant to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He complains that one Coel, of Shoreditch, "an informer, a lewd evill disposed person" has claimed that he has been authorized by Salisbury to trouble and harass the inhabitants of Enfield. Coel has informed against many of them for allegedly violating penal statutes, and petitioner has thought fit, "out of the love and duty I owe unto your honors house", to advertise Salisbury of these proceedings.—Undated.
At bottom: "The wordes which this Coel used were these: I have nowe greater autority then ever I had, for I am appointed and commaunded by my lord of Salisbury to touch the town of Enfield, and I will plague them worse then ever I did. Witnesses hereof are: John Hunsdon, John Wyn, John Basset."
1 p. (P. 1584.)
Sir Robert Chester to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. George Leicester, a prisoner in the Fleet, has declared openly that he proposes to petition Salisbury for permission to convey to the King the fee farm of the granges of Waterden and Throndon in order to harass petitioner with law suits concerning them. But the locality, even the existence, of these alleged granges are not known to any persons. For eighteen years Leicester has challenged the greater part of petitioner's property in Royston on the grounds that it belongs to the above mentioned granges. Leicester has never been able to substantiate this claim; on the contrary, it has been proved that petitioner's lands are his rightful property and not part of the alleged granges. Petitioner requests that Salisbury assure himself of the true title of Leicester's lands before the King purchases them.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1696.)
William Barcocke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Jordan Chadwick, who is reported to be Salisbury's chaplain, has owed William Barcocke, yeoman, ten pounds for the last four years, and has never fulfilled his agreement to pay them. He has had a capias Utlagat issued against him, but he has taken up residence in the Strand, and makes it obvious that he relies on Salisbury's protection to defend him from the rigours of the law. Petitioner asks that he be allowed to proceed by law against Chadwick for the repayment of the money.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1245.)
William Barcocke to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Salisbury permitted him to take legal proceedings against Jordan Chadwick, who was presumed to be Salisbury's chaplain, but the sheriff of Middlesex has refused to issue a warrant, alleging that although Salisbury has disavowed Chadwick as his chaplain, more positive proof is imperative before a warrant is granted. Petitioner requests Salisbury to provide sufficient evidence of his permission for Barcocke to proceed against Chadwick to satisfy the sheriff.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 941.)
Robert Brake to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a goldsmith of London, and is at present a prisoner in the King's Bench. Eleven years ago he lent Charles Topcliffe certain sums of money, and took a bond from him for their repayment. Because of Topcliffe's increasing penury he did not press him for the discharge of the debt, and for this and similar restraint in other cases he has been detained in prison for a long time. However, Topcliffe is now in a position to pay the £150 which he owes petitioner, but shows no disposition to do so, despite the consideration shown to him by petitioner. He requests that Salisbury direct his letters to Topcliffe, ordering him to discharge the debt without delay.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1623.)
Geoffrey Burpote to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is a husbandman of the county of Gloucester, and is married to Alice Cecil, daughter of Thomas Cecil, of Garway, co. Hereford, and sister of Thomas Cecil, of Bristol. He has a suit in the Court of Chancery and has travelled to London to prosecute it. He asks Salisbury, for the sake of his wife, Salisbury's kinswoman, to extend his favour to him and his suit, "as the equitie of his cause shall require".—Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 1460.)
Roger Sutton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. As a soldier he served during the late Queen Elizabeth's reign in the expedition to Portugal, in France, Flanders and at Berwick. During the King's reign he has been stationed at Berwick and Carlisle. Because of his many wounds he has become lame and can no longer perform his duties. He is destitute of means to support his wife and family, and has already petitioned Salisbury and the Privy Council for relief. At that time he was commanded to attend the Council, but fell sick and was prevented by his lameness from presenting himself. He now asks that letters be directed to Sir William Bowyer, Captain of Berwick, to admit petitioner into his company and allow him 8d a day; or, alternatively, that Salisbury procure for him a pension or allowance elsewhere.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 890.)
John Whitby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. The King granted him the office of Steward of the Tower of London. But inasmuch as he obtained no benefit from that grant, Salisbury and the Privy Council promised to favour any suit of his of the like value. He begs that Salisbury intervene with the King to grant him the lands and goods of William Everard, of Linstead, co. Suffolk, whom he undertakes to convict of recusancy at his own charge.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 127.)
John Hawes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Petitioner lives in Grimley, co. Worcester, and is a pensioner of that shire. There are due to him arrears amounting to £40, and a bond ensuring the payment of the money has been in the hands of Walter Savage for the past four years. He, however, has taken no steps to pay the arrears. Petitioner requests that letters be directed to Sir Samuel Sandys, Mr Wile of Wick, and Thomas Symons, to call before them the constables who are obliged by the bond to discharge the arrears, or that he be given the bond to obtain remedy in a court of law.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 328.)
The Mayor and Burgesses of Wycombe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Richard Bradshaw, a schoolmaster, recently informed Salisbury in a petition that the late Queen Elizabeth gave 100 marks' worth of lands for the maintenance of a free school in Wycombe, but that the revenue was being misspent and he himself left with only £10 a year to live on. Petitioners declare that the lands in question were not awarded solely for that purpose, but also for the relief of certain poor people in the borough. £40 is received from the property annually, of which Bradshaw is allowed £10 in money and £7:5:0 in the form of a house and wood "which hath beene thought a competent stipend by the Maior and capitall Burgesses, who by her late Mats letters patents were to fownde the said grammar schoole and appoint and rate the schoolemeister his wages and salarie, and the overplus is bestowed towards the mainteyninge of divers poore people, the repayringe of the schoole howse and certaine almes howses." Petitioners ask that they be no longer vexed by charges of this kind.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 2037.)
The tenants of Hitchin to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Petitioners are tenants and copyholders on the Queen's manor of Hitchin. In the days of Salisbury's father, there was a complaint that the profits of the court there did not cover the costs of holding it because of the smallness of the fines. The steward of the manor, Thomas Docwra, was ordered to stop the admittance of tenants until the fines had been examined and confirmed, which was done in the light of the evidence and records supplied by the tenants themselves. Recently a similar complaint has been made to Sir Robert Hitcham, the Queen's Attorney-General, who is entertaining certain doubts about the property of the tenants and the certainty of the fines. Docwra still detains the records which were formerly deposited with him, and this enhances the difficulties of the tenants. Petitioners hope that they have been examined, and the fines certified to be the same as they were in the reigns of the past four or five kings and queens; and that, as a consequence, Sir Robert Hitcham will refrain from vexing them. They request that Salisbury summon Docwra before him and compel him to show such records and surveys as were delivered to him by the tenants in the days of Lord Burghley, and which will help to dispel any doubts in Salisbury's mind. "For that the said towne of Hitchin is a very poore towne and the greatest parte of the estate of the inhabitants there resteth in the copyholds of the said mannor, which yf they shalbe so much impayred will make them utterly unable to live to maynteyne the poore there and pay and beare the charges of taxes and subsidies to his Matie."—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 2001.)
The tenants of Hitchin to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. They refer to their previous petition and Salisbury's direction to Thomas Docwra to permit petitioners to consult the court rolls and surveys of the manor of Hitchin, in order to ascertain the fines of copyholds which have long obtained there. These records have served to confirm that the fines have always amounted to half a year's rent to the Lord of the Manor. By Salisbury's order, Docwra has delivered the same records to Sir Robert Hitcham, so that he too may satisfy himself on that score, but has in the meantime stopped the admittance of tenants to copyholds. Petitioners request that Sir Robert be invited to express his considered opinion on the documents, so that tenants may be freely admitted to their lands for the ancient fine, and some record kept in the Queen's Court to prevent any future vexation or disturbance.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 2010.)
Thomas Worsley to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. Sir Robert Worsley of the Boothes, Lancashire, died in 1586 seised of the Boothes and held the land in capite. It descended to his son, Robert Worsley, who, to satisfy a debt due to Robert Charnock of Astley, mortgaged the property to him. At the same time petitioner entered into a bond of £2000 to discharge the same debt to Charnock, who thereby secured a double guarantee for its payment. By force of this bond Charnock has had the benefit of the property and the rest of petitioner's lands in the right of his wife for the space of fifteen years, and extracted between £4000 and £5000 from them. He insists, however, on keeping the lands in his hands, and petitioner asks that he should be heard by the Privy Council and restored to his rightful inheritance.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 597.)
Stephen White to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. He is of Winchester, and has a niece who is defective in speech and hearing and mentally retarded. Her mother, his sister, entrusted her to his care and that of his brother, Gabriel White, and upon the death of the latter he assumed complete responsibility for her. He placed her with a Mrs Anne White at Charford, co. Hants., but she growing old and infirm, and settling in the house of Sir John Webb at Charford, requested petitioner to take his niece back. At the personal solicitation of the latter, whose name is Frances Carell, he sent a coach and servants to escort her to Winchester, but Webb, a convicted recusant, forcibly detains her. Petitioner fears that his niece may be married off to a recusant, and so lose her small estate. He asks that Salisbury direct a warrant to some J.P.s in Hampshire that they take measures for the delivery of Frances Carell into his custody and care.— Undated.
1 p. (P. 1754.)
William Horne and Henry Clark to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 4, 1605]. They are merchants of Dover, Horne being also a Scotsman. Last March their ship laden with wheat was captured by Dutchmen, but upon complaint made to the Privy Council, letters were sent to the English Ambassador with the States General for restitution. The request was granted and petitioners proceeded to Amsterdam, where the ship had been brought in and the cargo sold. They have been compelled to meet substantial charges which have exceeded the price at which their goods were sold, besides suffering other losses and expenses while recovering their ship. They beg for some form of relief.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 419.)
Sir William Smith to the Earl of Salisbury.
[Before May 11, 1605]. He gives details of a dispute in the Court of Wards concerning debts and the valuation of the land of William Essex, in which petitioner, Lady Hunsdon, Essex, George, late Lord Hunsdon, Thomas Spencer, Thomas Fettiplace and William Kington are involved. Petitioner states that Salisbury's favourable attitude towards recent petitions submitted by Essex are likely to invalidate previous proceedings leading up to a compromise solution. In view of the fact that "it is extraordinary upon a petition onlye, out of the terme and without any bill exhibited, to alter and overthrow the proceedings in open Court after 3 yeares suit and dyvers orders made and a lease granted under your honors hand and the seale of the Court, especiallye Master Essex being outlawed after judgement, against whom also a Proclamation of Rebellion is gon forth of the Star Chamber, whoe also standeth uppon warrant of his good behaviour, and oweth 20,000 marks to severall men and will pay nothing." Petitioner requests that Salisbury listen to what his counsel has to say, as well as the arguments of Essex's counsel.—Undated.
1⅓ pp. (P. 1605.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVII, p. 199.]
Hendrick de Younge to the Privy Council.
[After May 11, 1605]. By virtue of a commission from the States General he seized a caravel of Lisbon on the coast of Portugal. On the way home to Zeeland a storm forced him to anchor in the narrow seas outside English territorial waters. Nevertheless Sir William Monson surprised him in the night-time and laid hands on the Portuguese ship. The Spanish Ambassador claimed the caravel and her cargo, but the matter has been debated and witnesses examined, and there is incontrovertible proof that the caravel was not within English territorial waters when Monson seized her. Petitioner therefore asks that the ship, with her cargo and prisoners, be conducted back to the place where she was taken, and that the Judge of the Admiralty be commanded to order the same without further delay.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 650.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 216.]
Sir James Croft to the King.
[1605, May 23]. The manufacture of linen cloth and sackcloth of various breadths in England has always abided by the customary breadth of one yard or more for white and brown linen, and half a yard and half quarter for sackcloth. Recently, however, because of the deceitfulness of manufacturers and others who engross the yarn in private men's houses at all markets, "causinge the cloathes to be slyghtlie made to there owne private gaine, as also to want in breadth three nailes", English cloth has become discredited in the opinion of home and foreign consumers, and this has resulted in much unemployment. Petitioner asks for letters patent authorizing him to eliminate such abuses by the sealing of cloths which are lawfully manufactured. He proposes to charge 1½d a piece for every cloth under twenty yards, and 3d for all above that measure, to cover his expenses and services. Out of the proceeds, he intends to pay annually into the Exchequer the sum of one hundred marks and half the value of all cloths forfeited for deficiences. He wishes his proposal to be examined by the Privy Council.— Undated.
Note by Sir Roger Wilbraham: "His Matie beinge informed that the grantinge of this suite maie be to the benefitt of the commonwelth and a satisfaction to the petitioner for his longe service, is gratiously pleased that the Lord Chauncellor, Lord Treserer, Lord Chamberlin, Therle Northampton, Therle Salisbury and the Lord Cheife Justice of England or any three of them shall consider hereof and certify theire opinions of the conveniencie of the suite and the petitioners service, that therupon his Highnes further pleasure maie be knowen for the petitioners satisfaction. 23 May, 1605."
1 p. (P. 722.)
Sir Clipsby Gawdy to the Earl of Salisbury.
[After May 23, 1605]. Salisbury has already granted to him the wardship of John Brews and a lease of his lands. By the death of one of his uncles (fn. 6), Brews has inherited a manor in Mendham, which is not contained in the lease and is worth 40/- a year. He asks for a lease of the said manor.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 490.)
Roger Booth to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 24. Upon his former petition Salisbury asked him to provide details of his case against Sir William Read, which he encloses in the form of his petition to the King. Petitioner requests his consideration and furtherance of the suit, and that Salisbury hear what he has to say on the matter and how he has dealt with the Attorney-General, Sir Edward Coke, who has been inclined to answer for Read upon insufficient evidence. "Yf Mr Atturney know any thinge of his owne knowledge or from any trew grounde or testimony in the behalf of Mr Reede, let Mr Atturney use his pleasure in the name of God." May 24, 1605.
1 p.
1605, May 18. "To the Kynge his moste excellent Matie. A service of good ymportance for the benefite of your highnes."
Sir Thomas Gresham granted a right and interest in certain lands to John Markham, the elder, and John Markham, the younger, or one of them in the time of the late Queen Elizabeth. In 1593 or 1594 a conspiracy was set on foot to invalidate the deeds by which the land had been conveyed to the Markhams. And since that time, there are other deeds, not yet examined, which are supposed to have been granted by Gresham to John Markham, the younger. By the death of the Markhams the King has certain rights and titles which should be investigated since they import benefits to the Crown. Petitioner (Roger Booth) undertakes to discharge his duties as a loyal subject in this matter, and asks that the examination and trial of the case and of all relevant evidence be entrusted to the lords whose names are appended by him below. Also that a book drawn up between the King and the heirs of the Markhams for the conveyance of all rights, titles and interests to the Crown, be perfected by the King's learned counsel and enrolled in due form of law so that such rights, etc., may be tried and proved by common law. Petitioner likewise requests that Sir William Read be summoned personally before the lords named below to show why the case should not be proceeded with.
Petitioner declares that he is 55 years of age, and had lived a dutiful and blameless life before he was victimised by his opponents, who brought untrue allegations and charges against him and imprisoned him for nine years. May 18, 1605.
The lords named are: Lord Chancellor, the Earls of Northumberland, Cumberland, Northampton, and Salisbury, Lord Kinloss and Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice.
Endorsed: "Having presented four severall petitions to your Matie which were moste gratiouslye referred, and in some of them your Mats pleasure signified to ende the cawse that your Matie may no further be moved or ymportuned therein, yet concealed and delayed by a frend or kynsman of Sir William Read, knight, who yt hathe pleased for many yeres to informe very lardge and farr in parte of the matters within mentioned in the behalf of Mr Read and his mother upon a bare grounde and weake testimony for his warrant and proceedinge in so waightie a cawse."
2½ pp. (P. 1869.)
John Killigrew to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, May 27. Concerning the dispute between him and his sister, Mary Killigrew and her husband, Sir Henry Billingsley, who has consistently refused to comply with Salisbury's order of two years ago for the financial relief of petitioner's wife and children. Petitioner criticizes the Attorney-General for not having obliged Sir Henry to observe it, and for "using kinde perswasions to him in so milde sorte as if he were his deare ffreinde". Sir Henry has now condescended to pay out of charity as much as he thinks fit, but only during his life time. Petitioner considers this to be unsatisfactory for "though he [Sir Henry] be younge, his fatness is suche as there will not be fower yeares purchase geven for his life". From the Fleet, this 27th of May, 1605.
1 p. (P. 1959.)
Captain William Aucher to the King.
[1605] May 28. He refers to a previous grant by the King of a life pension of two shillings a day in consideration of his service and the disbandment of his company at Berwick. Since he cannot live on the pension he is contemplating offering his further services to the King in some capacity abroad. Besides, "to travell to Barwick each halfe yeare for the same is both cumbersome and chargeable to him".
He requests that letters be directed to Mr Scudamore, the Receiver of York, to pay him the pension in that city.
Below: "At Court at Grenewich, 7 Junii, 1605. The Kings Matie hath referred this petition to the Erle of Salisbury and his Lp. is to take such order therein as he shall think fitt." Signed: Julius Caesar.
1 p. (P. 504.)
Sir Henry Goodyear to the King.
[Before May 30, 1605]. By the attainder of John Somerville, certain lands were forfeited to the Crown which originally had been set aside to provide portions for Somerville's daughters. Since then his two daughters have petitioned the King for the restitution of the lands or else for a copy of the indictment against their father, since they hope to be able to reverse the judgment of treason. They have been denied both suits and, being kinswomen to Goodyear, have approached him to request the King to grant him the fee simple of the lands, and such lands, goods and profits belonging to their father's estate which have been concealed from the Crown since his death, but which they are confident of being able to locate and identify. If Goodyear obtains this favour from the King, the two daughters will be content to receive compensation from him. Petitioner asks that his own loyal and lengthy service to the Crown be taken into consideration and that he be granted his suit.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 2349.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 221.]
A list of reasons to demonstrate the justice of this suit on behalf of John Somerville's daughters, who are convinced, as are many lawyers, that the judgment against their father could be reversed. These reasons concern the circumstances attending Somerville's arrest for alleged complicity in a plot to murder the late Queen Elizabeth, in which he was said to be involved with his father-inlaw Arden at Edstone, Warwickshire. It is stated that he was mentally deranged at the time, but that, nevertheless, he and Arden were put on trial and condemned by a picked jury of the Earl of Leicester's men, Leicester himself being prejudiced against Arden because of his supposed legitimate claims to the earldom of Warwick. It is alleged that every attempt was made to conceal the fact of Somerville's lunacy from the public, and that he was strangled in his prison cell on the morning when he was due to be executed. It was his lunacy also that had prevented him from completing the arrangements whereby the lands in question were allocated for the provision of portions for his daughters.
These reasons are followed by two more to show why the King should favour Goodyear's suit. The first is the long and faithful service rendered to the Crown, not only by himself but by his uncle, Sir Henry Goodyear, who suffered imprisonment and incurred debts in the service of the late Queen Elizabeth, and left petitioner, his heir, to liquidate them. The second is the stark fact that petitioner is forced by sheer necessity to remind the King of his promise to reward him, and to do so adequately so that he may be relieved of his financial embarrassments.
¾ p.


  • 1. Sir Robert Cecil was created Earl of Salisbury on May 4, 1605, some three months after Phelips was committed to the Gatehouse on suspicion of corresponding with Catholic conspirators abroad.
  • 2. Sir Thomas Edmondes left England to become ambassador to the Archdukes in Brussels on April 19, 1605.
  • 3. Sir John Stanhope was created Baron Stanhope of Harrington on May 4, 1605.
  • 4. This petition may have followed upon the bitter dispute between Jane Garrett and her husband and her grandfather Sir Rowland Stanley concerning money matters. [See PRO Chancery 2 James I, F 2/84.]
  • 5. Wingfield's mother was Elizabeth Cecil, sister of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, and wife of Sir Robert Wingfield, of Upton, co. Northants. Wingfield married Elizabeth Boyland or Bowland in 1603, and was Esquire of the Body to James I.
  • 6. Robert Brews who died without heirs on May 23, 1605. [See B.M. Add MSS 19120, pp. 135, 141b.]