Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Talbot, Gilbert, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury, 66, 87.

Tamworth, Bridget, eldest daughter of Dorothy, Lady Wharton, by her marriage with John Tamworth (d. 1594), 160.

Tamworth, Christopher, of Gray's Inn, London, Town Clerk of Leicester, 160, 161.

Tamworth, Colby, deceased, son of Dorothy, Lady Wharton, by her marriage with John Tamworth, and late ward to Sir Robert Cecil, mentioned, 160.

Tanfield, Mr Serjeant. See Tanfield, Laurence.

Tanfield, Laurence, of the Inner Temple, London, Serjeantat-Law, M.P. for Oxfordshire, member of House of Commons Committees, 131, 135.

Tardiff, Reynold (formerly of Tours, France), of All Hallows Stayning, London (d. 1594), mentioned, 7 and n.

Tashe, Brian, Yeoman of the Guard, guilty of disrespect towards House of Commons, 145 and n, 146.

Taxis. See Villa Mediana.

Taylor, John, a constable of Exeter and father-in-law to William Lowther, complaints against, 77.

Taylor, John, in the service of the Duke of Florence, petition to Cecil, 175.

Taylor (Tayler), Mr, official of the Exchequer, 4.

Temple Bar, Strand, London, 128.

Tenerife, Island of [Canary Islands], 6.

Thames, River, 8, 94.

Themyllthorpe, Nicholas, a sewer of the Queen's Chamber, petition to Cecil, 164.

Theobalds (Theoballes, Theobaldis), co. Herts, plan of the porter's lodge at, 76.
-, letter dated from, 112.
-, 196.

Thomasin (Thomasyn), John, Captain, English pirate, pillages French ship, 127.

Thomasyn, Captain. See Thomasin, John.

Thomond, Earl of. See O'Brien, Donough.

Thompson, Thomas, of co. Devon, 199.

Thomson, Richard, Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, signs document containing opinions of Cambridge dons, 84.

Thorigny. See Torigny.

Thorigny, Charles, Sire de Matignon, Comte de, entertains Cecil at Torigny, 73.

Thornborough, John, Bishop of Bristol, House of Commons offended by his pamphlet on union of England and Scotland, 145, 147, 148.

Thornley, co. Lancs. 90.

Thorpe, co. Northants, 99.

Throckmorton (Throgmorton), Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Thrums, cloth made of, 220.

Thurbarn, John, of Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester, his suit against Bussy, 171.
-, petition to Cecil, 171.

Thynn, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Thynne, (Sir) John, of Longleat, co. Wilts, M.P. for Wiltshire, 86.
-, member of House of Commons Committees, 131, 135.

Tilney, Francis, of London, attorney, deceased, mentioned, 153 and n.

Tipper. See Tipper, William.

Tipper, Patrick, of Tipperstown, Ireland, petitions to King, 201, 203.

Tipper, William, of St. Andrews in Holborn, London, Commissioner for defective titles, 155, 201, 207, 208.
-, petition to King, 196.

Tiraquellus, Andreas, French jurist (d. 1558), extracts from his legal writings, 102.

Tiron. See O'Neill, Hugh.

Tisone, Robert, a messenger of the King's Chamber, petition to Cecil, 215.

Tiverton, co. Devon, 204.

Tobas [? Tôtes, Seine-Inférieure, France], English embassy dines at, 27.

Todd, Edmund, Rector of Pertenhall, co. Beds, petition to Cecil, 176.

Tolson, John, member of Oriel College, Oxford, signs testimonial to Lister, 191.

Tomkins, Mr, in the service of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, brings letters to Cecil, 21.
-, conveys letters from Dieppe to England, 24.

Tooke (Tuck), William, of Popes, Hatfield, co. Herts, J.P., Auditor of the Court of Wards, 3, 8, 170, 203.

Tooke (Tuck), William, of Popes, Hatfield, co. Herts, official of the Court of Wards and Bailiff of Hoddesdon, son of William Tooke, 129.
-, petitions to Cecil, 170, 173.

Tooker, William, Dean of Lichfield, petition to King, 201 and n.

Torigny (Thorigny) [Manche, France], Cecil entertained at, 73.

Torrisholme, co. Lancs, 90.

Tottenham, co. Middlesex, plan of land between Enfield and, 2.

Tours (Towers) [Indre-et-Loire, France], 26, 31.
-, Duchess of Beaufort's confinement to take place at, 31.
-, Henry IV's meeting with Queen Dowager, Duchess of Mercoeur and Duchess of Joyeuse at, 33.
-, English embassy at, 35.
-, Governor of. See Souvré.

Towers. See Tours.

Townshend, Dorothy, wife of Henry Townshend, 75.

Townshend (Townsend), Sir Henry, Judge of Assize for Chester and Denbigh, 178.

Townshend, Henry, Wakering's legal proceedings against, 75.

Townshend, Sir John [? of Winferton, co. Hereford], M.P. for Chipping Wycombe, member of House of Commons Committee, 132.

Tracy, Nathaniel, of London, petition to Cecil, 217.

Trapp, Cecily, wife of William Trapp, 221.

Trapp, Elizabeth, daughter of William Trapp, 221.

Trapp, William, of Bisley, co. Gloucester, petition to Cecil, 221.

Trappes, R [? of Rotherhithe, co. Surrey], 95.

Traughton, Captain. See Troughton, John.

Treherne, John, vicar of Newport, co. Monmouth, 198(2).

Trelawaren. See Trelowarren.

Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, of Trelawney, co. Cornwall, 204.

Trelawney, —, a King's ward and cousin to Hannibal Vivian, 204.

Trelowarren (Trelawaren), Mawgan in Meneage, co. Cornwall, petition dated from, 204.

Tremonall, Monsieur. See La Tremouille.

Tremontane, The, of Queen Elizabeth's navy, conveys members of English embassy to Dieppe, 22.

Trenchard, George, of Wolfeton, Charminster, co. Dorset, 4.

Tresham, Francis, son of Sir Thomas Tresham, 108.

Tresham, Mary, daughter of Mary Moore, 191.

Tresham (Tressam) Sir Thomas, of Rushton, co. Northants, comment on his religion and his treatment of tenants, 106.
-, 108.

Tressam, Sir Thomas. See Tresham, Sir Thomas.

Treswell, Robert, surveyor, his map of Great and Little Parks at Brigstock, 97.

Trinity College, Cambridge, 216.
-, Master of. See Neville, Thomas.
-, Vice-Master of. See Radcliffe, Jeremiah.

Trinity College, Dublin, 163.
-, Chancellor of. See Cecil, Sir Robert.

Trois Maris [? Maure, Ille-etVilaine, France], English embassy lodges at, 73.

Troughton (Traughton), John, Captain, captures the White Greyhound, 91, 174, 195.

Trumbull, William, in the service of Sir Thomas Edmondes, petition to Cecil, 166.

Trussell, Henry, of Winchester, petition to Cecil, 166.

Trussell, John, son of Henry Trussell, 166.

Tuck, Auditor. See Tooke, William.

Tuck, Mr. See Tooke, William.

Tuckie, Humphrey, of London, petition to Cecil, 215.

Tufton, Mr [? Nicholas Tufton, of Hothfield, co. Kent, later husband of Frances Cecil, niece of Sir Robert Cecil, and 1st Earl of Thanet], accompanies Cecil to France, 22.
-, 83.

Tull, Sir Alexander, of Idmiston, co. Wilts, petition to Cecil, 206.

Tunis [North Africa], 103.

Tunstall, Richard, recusant, prisoner in Bridewell, London, petition to Cecil, 77.

Tunstall, —, [? Robert Tunstall, of co. Durham], 186.

Turkey, 77.

Turks, in London, 111.

Turner, Robert, Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, his opinion of statute concerning Mastership of Clare Hall, 84.

Turvyle, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Tusher or Tusser, Mr, 186.

Tutfield, Charles, 172.

Twoaghue, Ulster, Ireland, 123.

Twymo, —, former lessee of Poole, 97.

Tyrone, county of, Ulster, Ireland, 123, 124.

Tyrone, Earl of. See O'Neill, Hugh.

Tyrrell or Tirrell, Sir Edward, of Thornton, co. Bucks, M.P. for Buckingham, member of House of Commons Committee, 135.

Tyrwit, Mr, 179.