Index: M

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Maccarty, Charles, of Blarney and Muskerry, co. Cork, Ireland, later 1st Viscount Muskerry, husband of Ellen Maccarty, bitterly criticized by his wife, 197.

Maccarty, Charles (Mackert, Don Carlos), an Irish exile in Madrid, Luffe denounced by, 184.

Maccarty (McCarthy), Donald, Earl of Clancare (d. 1597), mentioned, 175.

Maccarty (McCarthy), Donnell or Donald, of Carbery, co. Cork, natural son of Donald Maccarty, Earl of Clancare, petition to Cecil, 175.
-, 197.

Maccarty (McCarthy), Ellen, daughter of Donald Maccarty, Earl of Clancare and widow of Donnell Maccarty Reagh, petitions to Cecil, 121, 197.
-, her husband. See Maccarty, Charles.

Mackert, Don Carlos. See Maccarty, Charles.

Madame, sister of Henry IV. See Catherine.

Maddocks, Frances, widow of John Maddocks, 104.

Maddocks, John, late Usher of the Exchequer and Marshal of the Common Pleas, reference to his death, 104.

Maddocks, Piers (Madoxe, Pears), a pursuivant, 197.

Maddocks, William, son of John Maddocks, petition to Cecil, 104.

Madeny, Monsieur, agent of the Low Countries in Paris, calls on Cecil in Paris, 28.

Madrid (Madril) [Spain], letter dated from, 6.
-, legal proceedings in, 76.
-, English intelligence agent in, 184.

Madril. See Madrid.

Madron, co. Cornwall, 109.

Magennis (McGenees), Sir Arthur, of Iveagh, co. Down, Ireland, husband of Sarah, daughter of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, 88.

Magna Carta, cited in petition on behalf of Robert Smith, 201.

Magny (Margene) [Seine-et-Oise, France], English embassy lodges at, 28.

Maidstone, co. Kent, manor of, 8.

Mainwaring, family of, 80.

Mainwaring, Eleanor, daughter of James Mainwaring, petition to Cecil, 79.

Mainwaring, Elizabeth, daughter of James Mainwaring, petition to Cecil, 79.

Mainwaring, James, of Croxton, Cheshire, deceased, mentioned, 80.

Mainwaring, Julian, daughter of James Mainwaring, petition to Cecil, 79.

Maisse (Maissie), Hurault de, French envoy to England, reference to his embassy and proposals, 11, 14, 37(2), 44, 45, 49(2), 50(2), 61, 68.
-, visits Cecil in Paris, 28, 32, 33, 44, 52, 72.
-, brings English envoys to Henry IV, 36, 37.
-, attends conference with English envoys, 48.
-, his speech at the conference, 50, 51.
-, visits Cecil in Nantes, 62.

Maissie, Monsieur de. See Maisse, Hurault de.

Mallory, Lady. See Foljambe, Troth.

Manchester, co. Lancs, 126.

Manesty (Manistie), Edward, member of Clare Hall, Cambridge, signs document containing opinions of Cambridge dons, 84(2).

Manistie, Edward. See Manesty, Edward.

Manners, Francis, of Belvoir, co. Leicester, later 6th Earl of Rutland, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Manners, John, of Haddon, co. Derby, Wakering's legal proceedings against, 75.

Mansell, Sir Robert, Treasurer of the Navy, M.P. for Carmarthen, member of House of Commons Committee, 139.

Mansilla de Lugo, Florian de, Spanish courtier, 6.

Mantignye, Monsieur. See Montigny.

Manwood, Sir Peter, of St. Stephens, co. Kent, M.P. for Saltash, member of House of Commons Committee, 135.

Maps and Plans, land between Hoddesdon and Cheshunt, 1.
-, land between Enfield and Tottenham, 2.
-, land at Rotherhithe, 8, 94.
-, debatable land between Scotland and England, 10.
-, demesne at Walterstone, 74.
-, porter's lodge at Theobalds, 76.
-, estates of Sir Robert Cecil, 87.
-, Brigstock Parks, 97(2).
-, lands at Skenfrith, 102.
-, upper floor of Somerset House, 102.
-, garret at Pymmes, Edmonton, 102.
-, house of Pymmes, Edmonton, 102.
-, counties of south-west England and South Wales, 102.
-, the fens between Peterborough and Wisbech, 103.
-, Chester and River Dee, 103.
-, citadel of Golleta, Tunis, 103.
-, Ostend under siege, 159.

Mar, Lord of. See Erskine, John.

Marazion, co. Cornwall, dispute with Penzance over markets, 155.

March, The West, 10.

March, William, of Ely, co. Cambridge, complaints against, 10 and n.

Marche-en-Ardennes or March-enFamine. (La Marchffame) [Belgium], 16.

Marcoucys (Margaosie), Charles Guillaume de Balsac, Sieur de, Governor of the district of Orleans, visits Cecil at Orleans, 35.

Marcurye. See Mercoeur.

Margaosie, Monsieur. See Marcoucys.

Margaret Yard, Sysonby, co. Leicester, land called, 171(2).

Margene, See Magny.

Markham, Sir Griffin, of Ollerton, co. Notts, complaint against, 162.

Marlborough, co. Wilts, 156.

Marsh, Edward, 206, 207.

Marsh, Margaret, wife of Edward Marsh, 206, 207.

Marshall, John, in the service of the Countess of Derby, petition to Cecil, 160.

Marshalsea, The, prison, London, 208, 213.

Marston, Giles, of St. Michael's, St. Albans, co. Herts, petition to Cecil, 195.

Martin, Mr. See Martin, Richard.

Martin (Martyn), Sir Richard, Alderman of London, 87.

Martin, Richard, of the Middle Temple, London, M.P. for Christchurch, member of House of Commons Committees, 132, 139.

Martin, Thomas, chaplain to Lord Zouche, request that he be appointed Rector of St. John Zacharies, London, 184.

Martock, co. Somerset, parsonage of, 176.

Martyn, Alderman. See Martin, Sir Richard.

Mary, Queen of England (d. 1558), mentioned, 88, 130, 201.

Mary, Queen of Scots, arguments for and against her execution, 101.

Mascall, James, former Warden Clerk of the East Marches, petition to Cecil, 169.

Master, Henry, of Bisley, co. Gloucester, brother of Thomas Master, 217.

Master, Thomas, of Bisley, co. Gloucester, petition to Cecil, 217.

Mathew, Gabriel, in the service of Sir John Fortescue, 200.

Mathew, Thomas, lessee of Hanslop mills, 176.

Maurice, Count. See Nassau, Maurice, Count of.

Maycrott, Thomas, of Antwerp, letter to Roppres, 180.

Maynard, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

McCarthy, Ellen. See Maccarty, Ellen.

McGenees. See Magennis.

McHenry, Turlagh, of the Fews, co. Armagh, Ireland, petition to Cecil, 123.

McRory Ownie (McRoy, Omney), son of Rory Oge O'Moore, chief of the O'Moores, of Leinster, Ireland, 87, 88.

McRoy, Omney. See McRory, Ownie.

Meade, John, lawyer, Recorder of Cork, Ireland, complaint against, 215.

Méautis (Manche, France), 122.

Meavie. See Meavy.

Meavy (Meavie), co. Devon, petition dated from, 116.

Medici, Ferdinand de, Duke of Florence, sends gift to King, 175.

Medici, Alessandro de, Archbishop of Florence, Papal Legate in France, later Pope Leo XI, attends peace negotiations at Vervins, 23, 31, 60.
-, 51, 60(3), 70.

Medlicott, Salop, manor of, 3.

Meere, John, of Sherborne, co. Dorset, petition to Cecil, 89.

Melford, co. Suffolk, manor of, 158.

Melton Mowbray, co. Leicester, 171.

Mendip, co. Somerset, manor of, 166.

Mercator, Gerard, Dutch cartographer, copy of coloured chart by, 102.

Merchant, Eleazar, of Guernsey, merchant, petition to Cecil, 194.

Mercoeur, Marie de Luxembourg, Duchesse de, wife of Philippe Emmanuel, Duc de, her meeting with Henry IV in Tours, 33.
-, in attendance on the sister of the French king, 40.

Mercoeur (Mercury, Marcurye, Mercure), Philippe Emmanuel de Lorraine, Duc de, Cecil refers to approaching surrender of, 29.
-, his wife negotiates with Henry IV on behalf of, 33.
-, to receive compensation and pension, 33.
-, makes his entry into Angers, 35.
-, 37, 41(3), 68.
-, French King's natural son affianced to daughter of, 48.

Mercure. See Mercoeur.

Mercury. See Mercoeur.

Meredith, Mr [? William Meredith, later Paymaster to the Forces], 21.
-, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Messico, Bay of. See Mexico, Bay of.

Mexico (Messico), Bay of, 99.

Michelborne. See Michelborne, Sir Edward.

Michelborne, Sir Edward, of Hackney, co. Middlesex, 87.

Michell, Stephen, Captain, of co. Cornwall, petition to Cecil, 88.

Middaie, Edmund, petition to Cecil, 212.

Middelburg (Midellbourgh) [Zeeland, Netherlands], petition to Cecil from merchants of, 174.
-, 181, 195.

Middlecote, Thomas, of Boston, co. Lincoln, 221.

Middlesex, 2.

Middleton, co. Yorks, 221.

Midellbourgh. See Middelburg.

Milan [Italy], 96.

Mildmay, Sir Walter, Chancellor of the Exchequer (d. 1589), 4.
-, mentioned, 216, 218.

Mimms, North, co. Herts, 3.

Minchendon Oak, Enfield, co. Middlesex, included in map, 2.

Minsterley, Salop, 3.

Mitchell, John, petition to Cecil, 175.

Mitton, Richard [? of Harston, co. Leicester], 171.

Mole, Mr, a courier, brings letters from Queen to English envoys, 48.
-, 56, 57.
-, returns to England from Nantes with letters, 57, 67.

Molyneux, Sir Richard, of Sefton, co. Lancs, Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster, 116.
-, petition to Cecil, 117.

Molyns, Sir Michael, of Mackney, Wallingford, co. Berks, 10.

Monbasson, Madame. See Montbazon.

Mongomeri (Montgomeri), Jacques de Lorge, Comte de, English embassy escorted to Nantes by troop of horse of, 56.

Monmouthshire, soldiers for Irish service from, 78.
-, map of, 102.
-, Justices of the Peace in, 198.
-, Deputy-Lieutenant of. See Herbert, Matthew.

Monson (Monnson), Sir Thomas, of South Carlton, co. Lincoln, M.P. for Castle Rising, member of House of Commons Committee, 132.

Monstreal. See Montreuil.

Monstruel. See Montreuil.

Montagu (Mountague), Sir Edward, of Boughton, co. Northants, M.P. for Northamptonshire, member of House of Commons Committees, 131, 135.

Montagu (Mountague), Sir Henry, Recorder of London, M.P. for London, member of House of Commons Committees, 131, 135.

Montagu (Mountague), Sidney, of Brigstock, co. Northants and the Middle Temple, London, request on behalf of, 152.

Montagu (Mountague), Simon, of Brigstock, co. Northants, Keeper of the game in Brigstock Parks, complaints against, 106, 107.

Montauban (Mountaban), Madelene de Rieux, wife of Pierre de Rohan, Comte de, 40.

Montbaret (Montbarrett), René Marec, Seigneur de, Governor of Rennes, meets English envoys, 73.
-, 73.

Montbarrett, Monsieur. See Montbaret.

Montbazon (Monthusson), Hercule de Rohan, Duc de, 37.

Montbazon (Monbasson), Madalene de Lenoncourt, wife of Hercule de Rohan, Duc de, 40.

Montgomeryshire, 118(2).

Monthusson, Duc de. See Montbazon.

Montgomeri. See Mongomeri.

Montigny (Mantignye), Louis de Rochechouart, Seigneur de, Governor of Blois, 35.

Montmorency, Henri, Duc de, Constable of France, Queen writes to, 20.
-, 25, 26, 31, 73.

Montpensier, Henri de Bourbon, Duc de, awaits Cecil at Rouen, 26, 27(2).
-, invites English embassy to dinner, 27.
-, Cecil lodges in Paris at the house of, 28, 32.
-, met by English envoys on his way to Nantes, 73.

Montreuil (Monstruel, Monstreal) [Pas-de-Calais, France], fears of Spanish assault against, 30.
-, conditions at, 31.

Moon, The, of Queen Elizabeth's navy, conveys baggage and provisions of English embassy to Dieppe, 22.
-, sent to bring English embassy back from France, 74.

Moore, Anthony, a Frenchman, complaint against, 213.

Moore, Bernard, of London, petition to Cecil, 167.

Moore, Francis, of the Middle Temple, London, and Great Fawley, co. Berks, M.P. for Reading, member of House of Commons Committees, 131, 135.

Moore, Sir George, of Loseley, co. Surrey, M.P. for Guildford, member of House of Commons Committees, 131, 135.

Moore, Jasper, of Heytesbury, co. Wilts, 86.

Moore, John, former Customer of the port of London and Alderman of London (d. 1603), mentioned, 191 and n.

Moore, Mary, widow of John Moore, her petition, 191.

Moore, Robert, of co. Yorks, wardship of his heir, 126.

Moore, Thomas, brother of John Moore, 191.

Moors, 10.
-, in London, 111.

Morbom. See Morborne.

Morborne (Morbom), co. Hunts, letter dated from, 157.

Mordaunt, Lord. See Mordaunt, Henry.

Mordaunt, Henry, 4th Lord Mordaunt, wishes to become tenant of Brigstock Park, 106.
-, 170.

Morgan, David, of Llansantffraid by Usk, co. Brecknock, wardship of his daughter, 76.

Morgan, John, of Llantarnam, co. Monmouth, 198(2).

Morgan, Thomas, of co. Monmouth, 198.

Morris, Elizabeth, wife of Evan ap Evan, petition to King, 117.

Morris, Francis [? of Great Coxwell, co. Berks], recusant, 123.

Morris,—, 92.

Morvah, co. Cornwall, 109.

Mountaban, Madame. See Montauban.

Mountague. See Montagu.

Moxhull, co. Warwick, 156.

Muller, Daniel, physician, petition to Cecil, 212.

Munroe, Angus, a Scotsman, petition to Cecil, 175.

Munster, Ireland, 4, 197.
-, reference to plantation in, 122.
-, Lord President of. See Brouncker, Sir Henry.

Murston, co. Kent, 95.

Musgrave, John, Land Sergeant of the West Marches, 80.

Muswell Chapel, co. Middlesex, 2.

Muswell Farm, co. Middlesex, property called, 2.

Muswell Hill, co. Middlesex, 2.