Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Cadbury, co. Devon, 77.
-, parson of. See Lowther, William.

Cadiz (Cales) [Spain), English forces hold to ransom citizens and clerics of, 9.
-, Cecil reminds Henry IV of benefits of English capture of, 40.
-, 179.

Caen [Calvados, France], English embassy requests ships to be sent to, 47, 56.
-, English envoys arrive at, 74.

Caesar, Sir Julius, Master of Requests and Judge of the Admiralty, his notes on petitions, 109. 118, 184, 188, 202, 203.
-, 176, 179, 188.

Calais (Callice, Callais) [Pas-deCalais, France], to be restored by Spain to France, 15, 23.
-, English claim to, 15.
-, Spanish fleet brings troops from Spain to, 23.
-, Spanish fleet enters harbour of, 24.
-, condition of Spanish reinforcements at, 25.
-, 42, 69, 195.
-, danger to England from Spanish occupation of, 55.
-, ships expected at Lisbon from, 154.

Calder, Walter, Scottish merchant, petition to Queen and Privy Council, 91.

Cales. See Cadiz.

Calvert, George, secretary to Sir Robert Cecil, petition to, 204.

Calvert, Sampson, of Hitchin, co. Herts, Yeoman Harbinger to the King, petition to Cecil, 166.

Cambridge, co. Cambridge, imprisonment in Gatehouse of townsmen of, 90, 91.

Cambridge, University of, 79, 96.
-, provision by will of fellowships and scholarships at, 186.
-, Clare Hall, 83, 84.
-, Pembroke College, 96.
-, Trinity College, 216

Cambridgeshire, grievances of tenants of Honour of Clare in, 159.
-, 167, 170.

Camera Picta. See Painted Chamber.

Campion, Thomas, of Llandinam, co. Montgomery, petition to Cecil, 189.

Canary Islands, 163.

Canon (Cannon), Mr, agent to the Earl of Derby, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.
-, conveys despatch to Privy Council, 34.

Canon (Chanon) Row, London, letter dated from, 111.

Canterbury, co. Kent, Cecil dines at, 21.

Canterbury, Archbishop of. See Bancroft, Richard.

Cantorini, Seigniour. See Contarini, Francesco.

Canute, King of England (d. 1035).
-, mentioned, 98.

Cap St. Antonia [Haiti], 99.

Cape of Good Hope [Africa], forts being built at, 154.

Cardinal Albert. See Albert.

Cardmakers, petition to Cecil, 209.

Carew (Carey), Sir George, Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance, Lord President of Munster, Lord Deputy of Ireland, Vice-Chamberlain to Queen Anne, M.P. for Hastings, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.
-, sups with French King, 48.
-, member of House of Commons Committee, 131.
-, 157, 169, 182(2), 185, 208.

Carew, Henry, petition to Cecil, 209.

Carey, Sir George. See Carew, Sir George.

Carey, Henry, 1st Baron Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain (d. 1596), mentioned, 170.

Carey, Sir Henry, of Aldenham, co. Herts, M.P. for Hertfordshire, member of House of Commons Committee, 132.

Carey, Sir Robert, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to King, 162.

Carlby, co. Lincoln, 158.

Carlisle, co. Cumberland, 213, 214.
-, Assizes in, 213.

Carlow, Leinster, Ireland, county of, 185.

Caron, Sir Noel de, Ambassador of the States General in London, 74, 183.
-, defends action of Dutch seamen, 192.

Carpenter, —, granted lease of lands in Rotherhithe, 8.

Carrickfergus Castle, co. Antrim, Ireland, 194.

Carrier, William, Bailiff of Yaxley, co. Hunts, petition to Cecil, 129.

Carter, Valentine [? of Stourton, co. Wilts], 79.

Carter, —, Groom of the Privy Chamber to James I, 216.

Cartwright, William, of co. Yorks, purchases wardship, 222.

Castille, genealogy of Kings of, 101.

Castille, Constable of. See Frias.

Castre, Marshall de. See La Châtre.

Catalonia [Spain], 163.

Cateau Cambresis (Le) (Chatian Cambresis, Chatean Cambresye, Cambryse) [Nord, France], reference to treaty of, 15.

Catherine, Princess of Navarre, known as "Madame", sister of Henry IV. Queen writes to, 20.
-, English envoys pay courtesy call on, 36, 40.
-, possibility of marriage between Prince of Orange and, 46. 73.

Catherine, Duchess of Holstein, 211.

Catholicism. See also Recusants and Priests, its influence in west of England, 219.

Cave, Brian, son of Francis Cave, his wardship, 97.

Cave, Francis, of Hugglescote Grange, co. Leicester (d. 1603), reference to his death, 97.

Cave, John, of Chancery Lane, London, cutler (d. 1601), wardship of son of, 94 and n.

Cave, Lisle, of Horsepoole, Thornton, co. Leicester, petition to Cecil, 97.

Cecil, family of, its genealogy in co. Northants, 101.

Cecil, Anne, daughter of William Cecil, Baron Burghley, and, later, wife of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, 1.

Cecil, Sir Edward, later Viscount Wimbledon, letter to Cecil, 94.
-, his wife. See Cecil, Theodosia.

Cecil, Matthew, son of William Cecil, of Altyrynys, co. Hereford, 74.

Cecil, Mildred, Lady, wife of William Cecil, Baron Burghley 1.

Cecil, Sir Robert, later Baron Cecil of Essendon and Viscount Cranborne, Principal Secretary of State, petitions to, 8, 9, 10, 74, 76, 77(2), 78(2), 79(3), 80(2), 82(3), 83(2), 86, 87, 88(2), 89(2), 90(2), 91, 92, 94, 95(2), 97, 98(4), 103(2), 104(2), 105(4).
-, account of his embassy to France, 10 seqq.
-, proceeds to Dover, 21.
-, receives jewel from Queen, 21.
-, writes to Burghley, 21.
-, confers with French envoy to States General, 22.
-, sends letter of thanks to Queen, 22.
-, writes to Earl of Essex, 22.
-, receives news from Brittany, 23.
-, rides to the Downs, 24.
-, despatches and joint letters to Privy Council, 24, 26, 27(2), 28, 34, 36(2), 48, 67.
-, arrives at Dieppe, 24.
-, letters from Henry IV to, 24, 28.
-, letter to Henry IV, 24.
-, writes to Queen, 24.
-, proceeds to Paris from Rouen, 27.
-, lodges in Paris at the house of Duke of Montpensier, 28.
-, his comment on the state of affairs in France, 28, 29.
-, his speech to officials of Paris, 32.
-, his conversations with Venetian ambassador and Perez, 32.
-, his useful contacts with Provost of Paris merchants, 33.
-, receives news of death of Sir Thomas Wilkes, 33.
-, pays Wilkes's debts in Rouen, 34.
-, lodged in Orleans at a "common inn" called Ecu, 35.
-, visited by Ancel, Biron, La Châtre, Villeroy, Roquelaure and other French notables, 35.
-, writes to Lord Cobham, 36.
-, pays courtesy call on King's sister, 36, 40.
-, visits Henry IV's mistress, 37, 41.
-, his audiences with Henry IV, 37, 41, 57, 58, 67, 73(3).
-, wears portrait of Queen, 41.
-, describes Oldenbarneveldt as "wholly French", 46.
-, his conference with Henry IV's Council, 48.
-, sups with French King, 48.
-, his meetings with envoys from States General, 48, 53, 57, 67, 73.
-, Henry IV comments on his ministers to, 52.
-, confers with Duke of Bouillon, 53, 62, 67.
-, calls on Dutch envoys with Villeroy, 57.
-, joint letter sent to Queen from Herbert and, 57.
-, discloses to French King allegations contained in intercepted letters of Cardinal Albert, 58, 59, 60.
-, Villeroy's statement to, 62.
-, his frank rejoinders to Henry IV, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72.
-, his conference with Villeroy, 73.
-, sends his servants home by sea, 73.
-, Epernon calls on, 73.
-, takes leave of Henry IV, 73.
-, given portrait of French King, 73.
-, his meeting with La Tremouille, 73.
-, leaves Nantes, 73.
-, entertained at Torigny, 73.
-, embarks for England, 74.
-, arrives at Whitehall to see Queen late at night, 74.
-, 75(2), 76, 81, 92, 106, 107, 108, 111, 157, 159, 170, 182(2), 187, 203, 220.
-, his notes on petitions, 79, 86, 88, 90, 91, 98, 113, 124, 126, 127, 129, 156, 159, 160, 161, 166(3), 168, 169, 170, 173, 206, 210, 218.
-, letter to Hoby, 81.
-, letter to Lord Willoughby, 85.
-, his estates surveyed by Amyce, 87.
-, his prize money from capture of the White Greyhound, 91.
-, letter from Sir Edward Cecil to, 94.
-, his commonplace book, 101.
-, receives fee as Steward of Hull, 106.
-, suspected of being a Catholic, 106.
-, petitions against, 106.
-, petitions to, as Lord Cecil, 108, 109, 111, 112(2), 113(2), 114, 115(3), 116(3), 117, 118, 119(2), 120, 121(2), 123, 124, 126(3), 127(2), 128, 129(2), 155(2), 156(2), 157(3), 158(3), 159(2), 160(3), 161, 162(2), 163, 164(4), 165(5), 166(6), 167(6), 168(4), 169(4), 170(4), 171, 172(3), 173(3), 174(3), 175(5), 176.
-, letter from Houghton to, 112.
-, letter to sheriffs and feodaries, 117.
-, letter from Jane Fitzgerald to, 121.
-, receives grant of annuity from city of Gloucester, 125.
-, letter from Duke of Lennox to, 152.
-, Chancellor of Trinity College, Dublin, 163.
-, High Steward of Walton cum Trimley, 167.
-, Martock parsonage in possession of, 176.
-, petitions to, as Viscount Cranborne, 176(3), 177(3), 179(2), 182, 183(2), 184(2), 185(4), 186(2), 187, 188(2), 189(2), 190(2), 194(4), 195, 197(2), 198, 199(3), 200(3), 201, 203, 204(2), 205(3), 206(2), 207(2), 208, 209(2), 210(3), 211(4), 212(4), 213(3), 214(4), 215(3), 216(5), 217(3), 218(2), 219(4), 220, 221(3), 222.
-, record of his correspondence, 195.
-, survey of his lands in Hertfordshire, 195.
-, letter from King to, 196.
-, reference to him as Master of the Wards, 199.
-, orders banishment of Smith, 219.
-, patent conferring title of Earl of Salisbury on, 222.
-, Apothecary to. See Higgins, Stephen.
-, Housekeeper to. See Lister, John.
-, Porter to. See Ivensen, Richard.
-, Secretary to. See Hicks, Sir Michael; Perceval, Richard; Wilson, Thomas.
-, Steward to. See Houghton, Roger.

Cecil, Theodosia, wife of Sir Edward Cecil, her gift of sweetmeats to Cecil, 94.

Cecil, Thomas, Lord Burghley, later 1st Earl of Exeter, 1, 108, 208 and n.

Cecil, William, Baron Burghley, Lord Treasurer and Principal Minister to Queen Elizabeth, his scheme for a funeral monument, 1.
-, 1, 2(2), 7, 21(2), 22, 44, 60, 75, 76, 82, 94, 104, 114, 162, 165, 167, 187, 194, 210, 217, 220.
-, letter to Petre, 4.
-, petition to, 6.
-, writes to Cecil, 22, 34, 60.
-, Edmondes's letter sent to, 23.
-, joint letter from English envoys sent to, 26.
-, his endorsement of plan for Theobalds, 76.

Cecil, William, of Altyrynys, Walterstone, co. Hereford, 74.
-, reference to his death, 75.

César, Monsieur. See Vendôme.

Chaderton, Laurence, Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, his opinion of statute concerning Mastership of Clare Hall, 84.

Chamber, Thomas, petition to Cecil, 221.

Chamberlain, Robert, of London, 192.

Chambers, Richard [? of co. Cumberland], reference to his murder, 213.

Chambers, Robert, parson of Gaddesden, co. Herts, 195.

Chambers, —, 97.

Chamley, Mr, 204.

Champante or Ciampanti, Gregory, of Fieldhouse, co. Hants, petition to Cecil, 85.

Chancellor (of France). See Bellièvre.

Chancery, The, its claim to judge validity of election results rejected by House of Commons, 144, 147.

Chancery (English), Court of, 169, 208.
-, Master of. See Swale, Sir Richard.

Chancery (Irish), Court of, 163.

Chancery Lane, London, 94, 184.

Chanon Row. See Canon Row.

Chanston, co. Hereford, manor of, 96.

Chany or Chaney, —, of Brigstock, co. Northants, brotherin-law of Sidney Montague, complaints against, 106, 107.

Chapel Hainault, Waltham Forest, co. Essex, 182.
-, Keeper of Walk of. See Humberston, Henry; Witherings, Anthony.

Chapman, Thomas, of Hitchin, co. Herts, 165.

Charing Cross, Strand, London, 2, 128.

Charles V, Emperor (d. 1559), mentioned, 15.

Charles, Prince, Duke of York, son of James I, proposal that he be made Vice-Gerent of Ireland, 201, 202.

Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy, 15.
-, said to have confirmed exchange of Bresse for Saluzzo, 23.

Charlet (Charletts), John, member of Oriel College, Oxford, signs testimonial to Lister, 191.

Chartres (Chatree) [Eure-et-Loir, France], English embassy lodges at, 34.

Chaste (Chate), Aymar de, Governor of Dieppe, 24, 27.
-, his naval preparations for Brittany, 24, 26.
-, invites English embassy to dinner, 27.

Chastean Breean. See Chateaubriant.

Chastean Cambresye. See Cateau Cambresis.

Chasteau Vieux. See Chateau Vieux.

Chasterlet. See Le Catelet.

Chastian Cambresis. See Cateau Cambresis.

Chate, Monsieur de. See Chaste, Aymar de.

Châteaubriant (Chastean Breean) [Loire-Inférieure, France], English embassy lodges at, 73.
-, Governor of. See Giles.

Châteauvieux (Chastean Vieux), Joachim de, Captain of Henry IV's Scottish Guard, escorts Cecil and Herbert to their meeting with French Council, 48.

Chatree. See Chartres.

Chattocke, —, of the garrison at Berwick, 85.

Chauncellor, The. See Mildmay, Sir Walter.

Chellaston, co. Derby, 89.

Cheshire, 266.
-, Clerk of the Peace in. See Jones, Henry.
-, Deputy-Clerk of the Peace in.
-, See Worden, Richard.
-, Custos Rotulorum of. See Egerton, Sir John.

Cheshunt, co. Herts, map of land between Hoddesdon and, 1.

Chester, Cheshire, plan of, 103.
-, Clerk of the Pentice in, 161.
-, petition to Privy Council from Mayor of, 193.
-, Court of Exchequer at, 193, 214.
-, officials of Court of Exchequer at, 193.
-, Mayor of. See Dutton, Edmund.
-, Clerk of the Pentice. See Whitly, Robert.

Cheverton, Thomas, of Paul, co. Cornwall, Commissioner for anchorage and quayage, 110.

Chichester, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 215.

Chideock, co. Dorset, 110

Cholmondeley, Lady. See Cholmondeley, Mary.

Cholmondeley, Mary, Lady, widow of Sir Hugh Cholmondeley, of Cholmondeley, Cheshire, her dispute with Haulford, 174.

Cholmondeley, Nicholas, 221.

Cholmondeley, Robert, son of Mary, Lady Cholmondeley, 174.

Christ Church, Oxford, 162.

Christian IV, King of Denmark, 75.
-, sends envoy to England, 75.
-, complaints against, 105, 218.

Christian II, Duke of Saxony, 98.

Cicester. See Cirencester.

Cirencester (Cicester), co. Gloucester, petition dated from, 110.

Clancy, Donagh, of Robertstown, co. Limerick, son of Moriertagh Lieth M'Clancy, of co. Clare, Ireland, petition to Cecil, 214.

Clapham, Charles, father-in-law of Bridget Ross, 162.

Clare, co. Suffolk, Honour of, 159, 167, 168, 170, 204.
-, Bailiff of. See Foulkes, Richard.
-, Deputy-Bailiff of. See Stileman, Robert.

Clare, co. Cornwall, 204.

Clare Hall, Cambridge, opinions of statute concerning appointment to Mastership of, 83, 84.

Clark (Clerke), William, Catholic priest and conspirator, reference to his arrest, 113 and n.

Clarke. See Clarke, William.

Clarke, Richard, Rector of Fawley, co. Bucks, petition to Cecil, 219.

Clarke, Thomas, petition to Cecil, 156.

Clarke, William, of London, grocer, 164.

Claughton, Cheshire, 90.

Claxton, William, of Old Park, co. Durham, petition to Cecil, 9 and n.

Clayton, Richard, Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, his opinion of statute concerning Mastership of Clare Hall, 83.

Clement VIII, Pope, plans to reconcile Spain and France, 60.
-, 65.
-, his warrant, 187.

Clerke, William. See Clark, William.

Clifford, Francis, of Skipton Castle, co. Yorks, M.P. for Yorkshire, member of House of Commons Committee, 131.

Clifford, George, 3rd Earl of Cumberland, alienated from his wife, 110, 111.
-, 173.

Clifford, Henry, of Brackenborough, co. Lincoln (d. 1598), mentioned, 113.

Clifford, Margaret, wife of George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland, request on behalf of, 110.

Clifton, Sir Alexander, Commander of the Adventure, conveys Cecil from France, 74.

Clinton, Lord. See Clinton, Thomas.

Clinton alias Fiennes, Thomas, Lord Clinton, M.P. for Lincoln, member of House of Commons Committee, 135.

Cloth, detained in France, 190, 209.
-, Henry IV prohibits imports of English, 208.
-, petition from merchants trading in, 220.

Cloughton, co. Yorks, manor of, 108.

Cobham, co. Kent, King at, 212.

Cobham, Lord. See Brooke, Henry.

Codicote, co. Herts, 100.

Cogdall, Thomas, of Abbots Langley, co. Herts, 195.

Coke (Cooke), Sir Edward, Attorney-General, 87, 156, 170, 187, 196, 199.
-, brings message from House of Lords to House of Commons, 134.

Colborne, James, of London, complaint against, 199.

Cole, Rowland, of Northway, co. Gloucester, convicted for burglary, 1.

Commines, Philippe de, French historian (d. 1509), genealogical tables drawn from his History, 101.

Commonplace Books, 101, 103.

Common Pleas, Court of, 89, 118, 158.
-, Lord Chief Justice of. See Anderson, Sir Edmund.
-, Judge of. See Walmesley, Sir Thomas; Yelverton, Sir Christopher.
-, Marshal of. See Maddocks, John.

Commons, House of. See also Parliament.
-, House of Lords agrees to discuss wardships and their commutation with, 131.
-, Apology or address on its liberties, etc, submitted to King by, 140 seqq.
-, rejects claim of Chancery to judge validity of elections returns, 144, 147, passim.
-, Speaker of. See Croke, Sir John; Phelips, Sir Edward.

Compagnelle. See Compaigno.

Compaigno (Compagnelle), Patras de, Sieur de Compaigno, Governor of Boulogne, his report on conditions in Boulogne, 31.

Conell, Mr, 172.

Coningsby, Sir Henry, of North Mimms, co. Herts, J.P., 3.

Conradus, William, of London, schoolmaster, 85.

Constable, The. See Montmorency.

Contarini (Cantorini), Francesco, Venetian Ambassador to France, Cecil's conversation with, 28, 32.

Cook, —, case between Arnold and, 173.

Cooke, Sir Anthony, of Gidea Hall, Romford, co. Essex, Steward of Havering Manor, 126, 182.

Cooke, Erasmus, a minister, prisoner in the Gatehouse, petition to Privy Council, 204.

Cooke, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Cope, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Copley. See Copley, Anthony.

Copley, Anthony, of Roughay, co. Sussex, conspirator and poet, informs against Scudamore, 114.

Copley, William, of Gatton, co. Surrey, recusant, 220.

Coppul, co. Lancs, 90.

Corbett, Reynold, brother of William Corbett, 3.

Corbett, William, of Leigh, Salop (d. 1584), his estate, 2 and n.

Corbett, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.
-, brings news of death of Sir Thomas Wilkes, 33.

Cordell, Sir William, of Long Melford, co. Suffolk (d. 1581), mentioned, 157.

Cork, co. Cork, Ireland, 4.

Cormacke (Cormock), —, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil, petition to Cecil, 166.
-, granted bailiwick of Cranfield, 284.

Cormock. See Cormacke.

Cornwall, map of, 102.
-, Chancery of, 110.
-, aulnage of, 217.
-, petition from merchants of, 220.

Cornwall, Duchy of, 189.
-, appointment of auditor for, 189.
-, Surveyor of. See Sayre, Richard.

Cornwallis, Sir Charles, of Brome Hall, co. Suffolk, M.P. for Norfolk, member of House of Commons Committee, 132.

Correll, John, Sieur de Méautis, petition to Privy Council, 122.

Corsham, co. Wilts, manor of, 166.

Corsini. See Corsini, Filipo.

Corsini, Filipo, Florentine merchant in London, involved in dispute over money matters, 78.

Corston, co. Somerset, manor of, 186(2).
-, Bailiff of. See Rowswell, William; Dackombe, John.

Corton, Edward, epitaph in Latin on, 100.

Cottingham, co. Yorks, manor of, 108.

Cotton, Sir Robert, of Connington, co. Hunts, M.P. for Huntingdon, member of House of Commons Committee, 132.

Counter, The, prison, Poultry, London, 98.

Court, The, 81, 98, 107(2), 118, 121, 157, 174, 182, 184, 188, 198, 202, 203, 212, 216.
-, letters dated from, 117, 153.

Courtenay, Sir William, of Powderham Castle, co. Devon, 217.

Courtenay, —, cousin to Hannibal Vivian, 204.

Cowell, John, Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, his opinion of statute governing Mastership of Clare Hall, 84.

Cowper, Sir Richard, of Temple Elfant, Capel, co. Surrey, reference to his pillaging of French ship, 122.

Cracols, The [Spanish Main], 99.

Craford, Thomas, of Cambridge, innkeeper and baker, petitions to Cecil, 90, 91.

Crane, John, former Comptroller of Berwick garrison, petition to Cecil, 177.

Crane, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.

Cranfield, co. Bedford, bailiwick of, 166, 168.

Crediton, co. Devon, 96.

Critz, John de, painter, 187.

Croft, Sir Herbert, of Croft Castle, co. Hereford, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.
-, case between Countess of Essex and, 96.
-, member of House of Commons Committee, 135.

Croft, John, of Murston, co. Kent, a lunatic (d. 1601), mentioned, 95.

Croft, —, one of the heirs of John Croft, 95.

Crofte or Crofts, Captain, complaint against, 188(2).

Croke (Crook), Sir John, former Speaker of the House of Commons and M.P. for London, Deputy-Chancellor of the Court of Exchequer, petition to King, 129.
-, delivers message from House of Lords to House of Commons, 132.

Cromer, Mr, of co. Kent, meets Cecil on way to Dover, 21.

Crompton, Dr. See Crompton, Thomas.

Crompton, Anthony, Captain, petition to Cecil, 92.

Crompton, (Sir) Thomas, D.C.L., of London, M.P. for Oxford University, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.
-, member of House of Commons Committee, 135.

Cromwell, Sir Oliver, of Hinchinbrook, co. Hunts, 157.

Crook, Sir John. See Croke, Sir John.

Crosbie, John, Bishop of Kerry (Ardfert), 87.

Crosby. See Crosby, Patrick.

Crosby, John, of St. Michael's, St. Albans, co. Herts, petition to Cecil, 195.

Crosby, Patrick, of Leix or Queen's County, Ireland, 87.

Cross, Sir Robert, naval commander, instructed to move his ships from Downs towards Calais, 24.

Croxton, Cheshire, dispute over lands at, 79.

Croxton, family of, 80.

Croyden. See Crozon.

Crozon (Croyden) [Finistère, France], reference to English action at, 68.

Crump, Thomas, of Bretforton, co. Worcester, his wardship, 206.

Cumberland, map of contested land between England and Scotland in, 10.

Cumberland, Countess of. See Clifford, Margaret.

Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford, George.

Curle (Curll), William, of Hatfield, Auditor of the Court of Wards, 3, 203.

Curll, William. See Curle, William.

Curtis, John, of co. Yorks, reference to his death, 8, 9.

Customs, The, criticism of farmers of, 220.

Cuttes, Mr, accompanies Cecil to France, 22.