Cecil Papers: 1601

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Cecil Papers: 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp86-95 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1601', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp86-95.

"Cecil Papers: 1601". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp86-95.


Mr Jordan.
[Before 1601]. "The names of certaine gentlemen of the best accompte dwellinge neere to Mr Jordan." They are: Thomas Arrandell, John Thynne, Edwarde Hungerforde, (fn. 1) Jasper Moore, Henrie Willougbie and Edmonde Lambert.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 2213.)
Hercules Wythan to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Before 1601]. He is the tenant of the inn called the Black Lion at Hoddesdon. It is now in such a ruinous condition that he "hath beene forced thereby to pull downe the signe for that there is neither chamber fitt to receive any person or stable for their horses". Repairs are imperative this summer, and he requests a warrant to Mr Amyas, Cecil's surveyor, to allow him timber, bricks and tiles within the manor of Baas. He also asks that £20 be abated from his yearly rent of £25:13:4, which he will spend on the necessary repairs, and more if required.— Undated.
On reverse note signed by Cecil: "To be considered by Mr Amice and John Styleman."
½ p. (P. 1737.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIII, p. 464. In 1601, the inn was held by John Wytham. See Tregelles A History of Hoddesdon, p. 129 and note, and Victoria County History, Hertfordshire, Vol. 11, p. 280, for a reference to Hercules Wytham.]
Lady Bacon to the Earl of Essex.
[Before 1601] December 23. She remarked recently to a court friend of hers in a place of a preaching ministry in the City that she wished that Her Majesty herself heard such wholesome and fruitful doctrine as they did hear and enjoy under her. She mentioned one who in his youth remembers his Creator and goes beyond his elders in avoiding swearing and gaming, namely, the Earl of Essex. But she has been told by her friend that the Earl was a terrible swearer. She was so terrified by these words that she could not rest until she had committed it thus in scribbling to his Honour, her dear Lord. She adds several texts from the Scriptures proving the wickedness of swearing. As her state of body is, so is her scribbling weak and blurred, and unworthy of his Lordship's trouble to read it with so many cares and affairs on his mind. From the confines of ruinared [sic] Verulam.—23 December.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "The La. Bacon." 1 p. (128. 68.)
John Bowyer to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? c. 1600–1]. Three years ago Sir John Poyntz decided to dispose of some of his lands in order to pay his debts, and petitioner, who is his brother-in-law (he and Poyntz having married two sisters and living in the same house) found a kinsman of his to purchase them. Petitioner also entered into a bond with Poyntz for the payment of £500 to certain creditors, but Sir John by underhand means has made him responsible for his debts, and left him to the discretion of the creditors. They have arrested him twice already, and for the past year he has not dared to venture outside his house for fear of being harassed by them. Despite his appeals, Sir John has refused to discharge his debts, and allowed judgments and outlawries to be issued against petitioner. He asks Cecil to order Poyntz to take measures for petitioner's discharge.—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 1352.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 222.]
1600–1. A survey of the estates of Sir Robert Cecil in 1600–1, with index of place names and with maps.
Signed: Israel Amyce. 216 pp. (349.)
[Before February 17, 1600–1].
"Remember Michelborns woords to Smyth.
Dynsanys Letters.
Erl of Shrewsburys woords.
Speake to Mr Attorney for Wrights confession and Alablasters.
The Erls speeches to Alderman Martyn testefied by D—n.
The B. of Kerry being imploied by my L. Mountjoy heard those speeches of a letter written by the Erl which Owney McRoys man James Keeond doth certefy.
He told it his brother Crosby and M bad him ask Gerrald fitz Gerrald who dyd tell him those woords, and that he was bedfellow to Tiron who showed him the copy of a letter.
Examine Ewes.
D. Hawkins.
The L. Treasurer hath Leas (fn. 2) confession.
Meddle not with the Erls letter to Lea till he do disprouve Lea.
Let the things of Wright in any wise be delt in as casuall." —Undated.
In Sir Robert Cecil's hand. Endorsed: "Memoriall." 1 p. (109. 35.)
Daniel Le Nomaghe to —
[Before February 17, 1600–1]. "As I passed in Ffebruary last from Dublin towards upper Ossory, John Eustace, nowe sherife of the countie of Kildare, did meete me at the Nace, who having enquired of such nywes as I had ffrom England did quostion what was becom of Capten Lee. I told him that (as I was enformed) he was arested for som matter which I did not knowe, but, said I, he useth very bad speches of thearle of Ormod. Well, said he, he is more to be spoken of him selfe, for he sent a barrell of poulder with lead and mach to one Mr Rory to feught against thearle of Essex when he went to Leix. It is hard, said I, to prove it against him. By God, said he, if I were dryven to it, I woold find good proof. Whether this be trywe or not, I do not knowe."—Undated.
Signed only. 1 p. (90. 52.)
The Earl of Kildare.
[c. March 16, 1600–1]. A note of certain lands granted by Queen Mary to Gerald, late Earl of Kildare, and to his wife Lady Mabel, which are to return to the Crown after Lady Mabel's death. The Earl of Kildare is a suitor for the reversion of these lands which are: the monastery of Down, co. Down, with property called Lecale formerly leased by Gerald, late Earl of Kildare, to Sir Henry Sidney and now in the possession of Tyrone's son-inlaw, McGenees; the manor of Rathwyre, West Meath, and the dissolved monastery of Ballybogan, West Meath, with certain lands belonging to the dissolved monastery of Lesmolin, some of this property having been leased in July, 1599, to Sir Edward Fitzgerald.—Undated.
Endorsed: "A note of the contents of the Earl of Kildare his suit." ⅓ p. (P. 2366.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1600–1, pp. 229, 336–7.]
Roger Wynford to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[Before June 22, 1601]. He requests that the custody of Richard Wood alias Hull, a lunatic, be granted to his uncle Robert Dichur and Thomas Pylborough, a kinsman, which may be of benefit to petitioner.—Undated.
Note by Cecil: "Let a commission be granted for inquiry of the lunaticks estate."
¾ p. (P. 887.)
[See PRO. Wards 9/348.]
Stephen Michell to Sir Robert Cecil.
[After June 24, 1601]. Recently Cecil was informed that petitioner had made "very uncivill and most dishonest speeches" about him, and committed him to prison for the offence. Petitioner protests that he had had no intention of defaming Cecil in any way, and that he cannot remember doing so. He asks for his pardon, as well as his release from prison without paying the customary fees and charges.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1094.)
[See Acts of the Privy Council, 1600–1, p. 457, and H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XI, p. 267.]
Lord Mountjoy to the Earl of Southampton.
[1601] July 14. "I have given Fitzgarrett a protection allthough agaynst my determination, which is presently to call in all protections, and nott sortinge with the course I helde with the knave Udall in the same case. Iff I fynde him willinge to doo servis, I will nurishe him in the best sorte I can, and att my next meetynge with your Lordship conferr with you farther about him." 14 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "To the Erle of Southampt. from the Lord Deputy." ½ p. (106. 1.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, p. 281.)
John Meere to Sir Robert Cecil.
[After October 23, 1601]. Because of his being committed to prison by Cecil from July 31 to October 23 last, he could not appear to defend himself in a suit brought against him for debt in the Court of Common Pleas by Thomas Anthony and his attorney, Robert Dolbery, when judgment was passed against him. Petitioner alleges that they took advantage of his detention, and he fears that his goods and lands may be seized as a result of this adverse verdict. He asks Cecil to send for Anthony and Dolbery, and to make some arrangement with them "agreeable to equitie".—Undated.
At bottom in another hand: Counter arguments proving that Meere has deliberately prevaricated in the matter of the debt, followed by answers to this charge by Meere.
1⅓ pp. (P. 1798.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XI, p. 403.]
Robert Whinyard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1601, November 23. He is a yeoman of Chellaston, co. Derby. William Bradshaw, late of Derby, was seised of certain lands in Osmaston and other places to the value of £10 per annum, of which some portion is supposed to be held in capite. In his will, Bradshaw devised a part of these lands to Anne, his wife, sister of petitioner, to be sold for the payment of his debts. The remainder he left to her for the education of his younger children during the minority of his heir. Since her husband's death, which was some six years ago, Anne Bradshaw has remained a widow and has used the profits of both lands and goods for the education of the children and the liquidation of debts. But many of the latter still remain to be discharged, and since the children are still young, she is facing many difficulties. Petitioner requests that either he or she be given the wardship of the heir and property for a reasonable rate, particularly as no effort has been made to conceal it nor the lands assumed to be held by knight's service. Neither, during the past four years, has the Queen's title to the wardship been established.—23 No. 1601.
Note by Cecil: "If the mother proceed in fynding the office in any convenient tyme, shee shall be preferred."
1 p. (P. 608.)
Richard Drake to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[After December 14, 1601]. Petitioner's nephew has bought the wardship of young Rosewell from Harvey with the intention of marrying him to his daughter, and has offered Dr Davyes as much rent for the house and lands as any other person will give. Nevertheless, Dr Davyes has caused the ward's household stuff there to be valued at very low prices in order to benefit from it, to the great loss of the ward, and has ordered that petitioner's nephew is not to be allowed on the grounds. There is every indication that he intends to spoil the house as well as the land. Petitioner requests that his nephew be permitted to rent the land for as much as any other person would offer, and that Dr Davyes be forced to give security to answer for the goods in specie and not as they were valued at a fourth of what they were worth. He asks that this should be done before Sir John Davies obtains his pardon otherwise he doubts whether he would conform to the order.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1437.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XI, pp. 409 and 520.]
The Earl of Derby's Lands.
[? 1601]. A list of properties to be sold for the liquidation of the Earl of Derby's debts. They include: Kellet, Halliwell, Anglezarke, Alston, Thornley, Torrisholme, Oxcliffe, Bretby, Bolton, Bare, Wraysholme, Norres lands and Coppull in Lancashire; Haughton, Claughton, Langley, Nantwich and Bradley in Cheshire; Bradworthy (Derby) in Devonshire; Sturminster Marshall in Dorsetshire; Haselbury in Somersetshire; Ardington in Berkshire; lands in Shropshire; Brackley in Northamptonshire; Holborn in London; Bassenthwaite, Whicham and Silecroft in Cumberland, and some tenements in Southwark, Surrey. The total amount of money involved is £478:19:1.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Lands of the Erle of Derby to be sold." 1 p. (P. 2380.)
[See Victoria County History, Lancashire, Vol. V, p. 12, where the sale of Halliwell is said to have taken place around 1601. See also H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. IX, p. 405.]
Thomas Craford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601]. He and other townsmen of Cambridge have been committed to the Gatehouse. Since his incarceration he has lived in utter misery without hope of relief. He fears that any prolongation of his detention will result in the ruin of his family, and begs to be released.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 367.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 199, and Cal. S.P. Dom., 1601–3, pp. 51–3.]
Thomas Craford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601]. He is a prisoner in the Gatehouse with others from Cambridge, and has spent his estate to meet the charges of his lengthy imprisonment. He is so impoverished that he is now in danger of having to "forsake the company of his neighbors and betake him to the thole (? hole) unto the feardfull hazards of his health and lyffe". He protests that he never "opposed himselfe, nor will, gainst the goverment nor governors of the university wilfully", and craves pardon if he has offended Cecil or wronged Dr. Jegon. He accepts his punishment with submission, and only asks that he may quietly enjoy his leases.— Undated.
Note by Cecil: "If this petitioner will find swerty to ask Mr Dean of Norwich forgivenes in some publick place at Cambridg he shalbe delivered."
1 p. (P. 1110.) See P. 367. supra.
[1601]. Two accounts:
(1) "Thaccompte of charges layd out by me Thomas Honyman upon the sugers receaved out of the Lyonesse prise called the Whyte Grayhounde brought out of the Straights by Capteyn Traughton."
These charges include expenses for Customs dues, Admiralty Court fees, warehouse charges, the "favours" of Customs officials, etc.
(2) "The accompte of all such sales as are made of your Honors (Sir Robert Cecil's) part and portion of sugers receaved out of the prise called the Whyt Hart [sic] for your Honors adventure of 7431 in the settinge fforth of the honeste Capteyn John Traughton, and of all such sums of moneys as I have receaved for your Honors use tochinge this voyage."
The sum realised for Sir Robert Cecil from the sale of his part of the sugar to various London merchants and others was £7389:14:3.—Undated.
1½ pp. (Accounts 119/12.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XI, pp. 171, 177, 539.]
William Calder and John Leitche to the Queen and the Privy Council.
[1601]. For the redress of a wrong done to them at Dunkirk. —Undated.
On reverse: "This petition the Clark of the Counsell gave unto me from them to advertise of and be meanes to my L. Admirall for relief of the parties. I have thereon acquainted my L. Secretary that it is so unreasonable for us to do as I can not move it, seing my L. of Mar is at London the King's Ambassador, (fn. 3) and that the parties may have recourse to them of Dunkirk for their owne mony, and so redres be had where it ought knowing they have her warranted there to them. Allwaies at my L. Secretaries request I foresend it to be considered of by my L. Admirall, beseeching your L. to give it his L. as shall stand with your pleasure."—Unsigned.
1 p. (P. 552.)
Captain Anthony Crompton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601]. The Queen's favour, the letters of the Privy Council to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, Cecil's endorsement of his petition and the recommendation of certain commanders of the Queen's forces, have all encouraged him to ask Cecil for a company of 150 foot in the new troops which are to be sent to Ireland. Petitioner was a Captain and a Sergeant-Major in one of the regiments "passinge the blacke water with my L. Burghe", and since then he has been a Lieutenant-Colonel in another. Apart from his military experience and his loyalty, a further reason advanced by him in his own favour is "because there are divers Captens in that realme who hoolde companies of that number who were but inferior officers and some private gentlemen when your suppliant served her Maty honestly and loyallie as a Capten in that kingedome".—Undated.
¾ p. (P. 369.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIV, p. 192.]
Lord Henry Howard to the Lord High Treasurer of England and Sir John Fortescue, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[1601]. "May it please your honores to be advertised that wheras sondrie slanderouse and detractive spechis have bene secretlie given out against my honorable nephew the Lord Thomas Howard in his absence as if he went about to seeke advantage by a newe lease taken from hir Maty to overthrowe the states of certaine persones that eyther had a right or a possession before, my nephewes meaninge is not to offer wronge or hinderance to anie suche but to allowe, assiste and strengthen anie titele whatsoever may be justified by lawe, which ought to decide all questiones and litigious sutes amonge subjectes. Touchinge satisfaction to Morrisis demaunde in as ample forme and manner as the late Dukes patent to his father in lawe can beare, two sufficient and honest gentilmen are readie at this instant to enter bonde, which is the utter moste that he can aske, seekinge onlie to revive the same right in himselfe which by the deathe of his agid father in lawe must otherwise have bene extinguished.
Touching Mr Sackviles clayme (though my Lord Thomas will marvell at the manner of this course all thinges considerid at his retourne), yet I will undertake that in the meane time suche warrantise shall be given in his behalfe that he shall hinder ore impugne no lawfull right by this lease from hir Majestye as your honores shall thinke meet agreably to the state of the matter. My Ladies humble sute unto your honores is that my Lord maie not be pressid by anie importunity to the creatinge of a newe right by this occasion that never was before, because that weare detractive from hir Mats most princelie graunt, but onlie tied to allowance of all rightes and claymes that may justely stande by course of lawe, which is very consonante to his owne enclynacion; otherwise, to countenance the defective assurancis of encrochinge officers against hir Mats owne right wolde emboldene hungrie dispositiones to raise a titele out of anie sleight, discourage diligent endevores from bringinge matters of this qualitye to light, and let in a worlde of abusis to the greate hinderance and losse of hir Majesty. Beside, my Ladie hopes that his absence at this presente in the service of the state will move your honores more respectively and tenderlie to regarde the pointe in questione that very muche concernithe him. Herin he shall be bounde to praye daily for his graciouse soverayne as the onlie author of his good, and for your honores as most favorable helperes and assistantes to hir Royall enclynacion."—Undated.
Endorsed: "H. Ho: 1601." 1 p. (124. 80.)
— to the King (James VI of Scotland].
[1601]. He is grateful for the royal favour shown to the bearer who conveyed to him the last letter from his Majesty. As for affairs in general, he has no doubt that the Duke of Lennox, newly returned from France, (fn. 4) has advertised his Majesty of the French King's disposition. He himself finds it strange and disturbing, for it seems to take the form of a preoccupation with the accumulation of funds. These, it is said, are to be employed in the future with a view to enabling the House of Bourbon to eclipse the House of Valois in promoting its own aggrandisement and the honour of France, even to the detriment of the legitimate interests of his Majesty in the kingdom of England. As to friends, his Majesty has none except those of the House of Guise who, however, are slow to act if not constantly reminded of their honour and duty. The French King is in constant touch with England through the good offices of Biron and under the pretence of a hatred of Spain, and his motives are, in the opinion of the writer, hardly consonant with the best interests of his Majesty. He requests special consideration for the bearer whose life was in danger during his last visit to Scotland, and begs for his safe return. He has communicated the rest of the news to him while awaiting the result of the Italian business which at the moment is the only means of restraining the King of France.— Undated.
Endorsed: "To the King." French. ¾ p. (109. 91.)
Sir Edward Cecil to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601]. "When I laste parted with you, I was resolved to have returned into the low countryes. But to excuse my selfe truly (as I am resolved ever to do soe to your Honor) I can confes nothing that hath hindered mee but beyng a nwe maryed mann. And littell occation I had to be any where this winter but where I mighte have the pleasantest garison considering I howlde my selvfe a commander of horse and not of foote. And now that it drawes nighe that my charge is to com in to the fealde, I woulde be loth that your Honor shoulde knowe that I missed an hower of beyng with them. For my dispositione of the wares was never so earneste as it is with hope, and as longe as it shall please your Honor to favoure my fortunes there in, which if eyther your blude, or a harte by all reasons to be honest and affectionatt to you, can deserve, then assure your Honor you ar not onely to looke for it of mee but challenge it by more reasons then you can from any man living. My wife, may it please your Honor, as drawing in the same yoake, is as desierus to drawe some of my lode, and not knowing in any thing how to showe her diutefullnes hath presumed to make use of slight sweat meates that your Honor might regard the more her diutefull miende. And with all she hath desiered mee that be cause the[y] ar suche tryfelles and that sweat meattes may very well be demineshed passing many handes, to lett your Honor know that there is 3 bockes and 12 porringers, which if the[y] may any waye like your Honor, she will reast a most happie womann."—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1601. Sir Edward Cecyll to my Mr." 1½ pp. (90. 47.)
[Printed in Dalton's Life and Times of General Sir Edward Cecil, Viscount Wimbledon, Vol. 1, pp. 65–6.]
Thomas Raynton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601 or before]. He was formerly in the service of Lord Burghley, and is now in attendance on Lady Susan Vere. He asks for the wardship of the son of John Cave of Chancery Lane, (fn. 5) and undertakes to establish the Queen's title to it at his own expense.—Undated.
¼ p. (P. 229.)
[? 1601]. Plan of land near the River Thames at Rotherhithe, co. Surrey. The names of property owners include that of R. Trappes, which appears in an Inquisition post mortem dated 1601. See CP. Legal 29/3.).—Undated.
Endorsed: "Bermondsey." 1 Sheet. (CPM supplementary 50)
Henry Dober to Sir Robert Cecil.
[After February, 1601–2]. He is a prisoner in the Fleet, and formerly held the lease of a tenement at Murston in Kent, which was the inheritance of John Croft, a lunatic committed to the care of Lucy Dynham, widow. From the time petitioner was committed to prison, she has made every effort to get the tenement into her hands, and the lunatic has since died. (fn. 6) With his demise petitioner's lease has terminated, but although he is in prison, he still owns implements and moveable goods worth £300 which the widow has seized and converted to her own use, although she has no right to do so except by warrant from Cecil or by the title of one Croft, one of the heirs of the deceased lunatic, who has married her daughter since his death, and thus claims a part of the lunatic's land. Petitioner can not pay his debts or redeem himself except through the sale of his goods. He therefore asks that he be granted possession of them and reasonable time to remove them for his own use; and that Lucy Dynham be forbidden to meddle with them unless she can prove right of ownership, which petitioner denies she can do.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1115.)


  • 1. Knighted in 1601.
  • 2. Executed for his part in the Earl of Essex's conspiracy on February 17, 1601.
  • 3. John Erskine, 7th Earl of Mar, was sent as special envoy by James VI of Scotland to Queen Elizabeth, and remained in London from March to May, 1601.
  • 4. Lennox was sent on an embassy to France in July, 1601, and returned in November the same year, passing through London where he had an interview with Queen Elizabeth.
  • 5. Probate of his will was granted in 1601. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, Vol. IV 1584–1604, p. 82.]
  • 6. Letters of administration were granted to his sisters on February 5, 1601–2. [See Archaeologia Cantiana, Vol. XVIII, p. 39, and also Hasted History of Kent, Vol. VI, p. 148.]