Cecil Papers: February-June 1619

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Cecil Papers: February-June 1619', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp83-87 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February-June 1619', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp83-87.

"Cecil Papers: February-June 1619". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol22/pp83-87.

February-June 1619

Prince Charles to the Earl of Salisbury.
1618–19, February 9. For as much as his Majesty has been graciously pleased to grant that manufactures should be established in divers parts of the kingdom for the setting to work of poor and idle people, and that for this purpose houses of correction should be erected where the same are to be established at the charge of the country; and as there is a manufacture begun in our borough of Barkhampstead St. Peter, co. Hertford, consisting mostly of poor people and not able to prosecute the work unless assisted by our princely bounty as such help of the country as is given to other towns in the like case; and as we understand that in the hundred of Broadwater there is assessed and allowed to the town of Hatfield a sum of 62l or more for the erection of a house of correction there, and that the hundred of Dacorum in which the town of Berkhampstead is situate is as big or bigger and so as well able to contribute to this general charge: We therefore direct you to give order to the justices of peace in that quarter of the shire that such assessment be made and a proportionable sum allowed to the town of Berkhampstead for the purpose aforesaid. —Whitehall, 9 February, 1618.
Signed. 1 p. (134. 167.)
James Cooke.
1618–19, February 9. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne, on the complaint of James Cooke, of Whetacre Burgh, co. Norfolk, yeoman. On February 1, 10 Jas. 1., Edmund Stanhawe was, and now is, rector of the parish church of Whetacre [Burgh] and the said James Cooke occupier of a messuage and certain lands within the same parish. On the above-mentioned date the said rector by his deed granted to James Cooke and his assigns for seven years all tithes due in respect of the said tenement. Notwithstanding, one James Moore and John Colbeck, farmers of the rectory of Whetacre Burgh, have brought the said James Cooke into court Christian for non-payment of tithes of milk and calves from cows of the said tenement and various other tithes. Stay of proceedings.—Dated at Westminster, 9 February, in the fifteenth year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 14.)
The Earl of Pembroke to the Earl of Salisbury.
1618–19, February 10. "It is his Mats pleasure to have twelve maste deere to be taken out of Enfield Chace, wherof I thought fitt to advertise your Lordship, prayinge your Lordship to give order for them accordingly; and with all convenient speede your Lordship may, for that I have already given order to the Mr of the Toyles to attend this service, who is ready and stayeth only for your Lordships warrant."—Court at Whitehall, this 10th of Ffebruary 1618.
Signed. ½ p. (200. 166.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1618–19, February 11. Ordering a muster of all the forces of the county, with detailed instructions as to defects, beacons, assessments, etc. The following munitions to be provided: St. Albans—powder, demi last, match, 250 weight; Hertford— powder ¼ last, match, 125 weight; Ware—powder ¼ last, match, 125 weight.—Court at Whitehall, 11 February, 1618.
Signed: G. Cant; Fr. Verulam, Canc.; J. Hammilton; Doncaster; E. Worcester; Fenton; Pembroke; Lenox; T. Arundell; T. Edmondes; Jul. Caesar; H. Carey; Robert Naunton; J. Digbye; Fulke Grevyll; C. Edmondes.
2 pp. (196. 68.)
Henry Flegge.
1618–19, February 12. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne, on the complaint of Henry Flegge concerning tithes on big trees. John Maydwell, clerk, rector of the parish church of Yaxham, co. Norfolk, has brought the said Henry into court Christian for non-payment of tithes due in respect of 30 cartloads of "lez Harrys" of firewood. Stay of proceedings.—Dated at Westminster, 12 February, in the fifteenth year of the King's reign.
1 m. (221. 16.)
Anna Ebbis to the King.
[Before March, 1619]. Wife of the Queen's minister. For the grant of an annuity of 50l as promised at the request of the Duke of Holst.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1140.)
Jane Phigion to the Queen. (fn. 1)
[Before March, 1619]. For relief.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1364.)
Hugh Pope to the Committee for the King's Revenue.
[Before March, 1619]. For payment on account of arrears of 5401 due to him, as Groom of the Queen's Robes.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 573.)
Minute concerning the Queen's Surveyors.
[Before March, 1619]. That they are to have no authority other than that enjoyed by the King's Surveyors heretofore, notwithstanding certain directions to the stewards, who are to make grants of her Majesty's lands at courts to be held from time to time.—Undated.
Draft. 2½ pp. (197. 71.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619, April 3/13. I give you the best thanks that a well affected heart can bring, not only for your kindness in general but in particular for your interposition in that business wherein General Cecil, though not upon the best grounds, finds himself aggrieved. My conscience bears me witness, and no other testimony shall ever be able to convince it. that I am free from having the least purpose to have wronged Sir Edward Cecil, either in his person or in the ties of friendship which have been between us. Indeed I confess that when such a morsel, as a company is, was brought home to me and that by those who then understood (and so have some of the same rank done since without opposition) that it was in their power to bestow it, I was not so "squeasy" stomached to refuse such a curtesy from a state, nor could I have done it and yet [have] satisfyed mine own judgment and those of my blood who were equally interested with me. It had been poorness in me to have been nice in that respect, nor should I by the refusal have gained the least thanks from General Cecil. For a State would not have divulged the disdain of their proffer, and if I had refused it sure I am—and that not upon presumption but certainty —that Lieutenant Tooky had carried the company, a man, I knew, no way designed by his colonel to that place. This is the truth, my Lord, and I will abuse you with no fables. If this can be made appear otherwise, or that I have by receiving the gratuity of the Estates (for so their own letters testify to his Majesty) any way injured Sir Edward Cecil, I am content to put myself upon any reasonable trial in point of satisfaction. But if my judgment be not capable to receive information herein (for it is far from me to think I have injured him), I must be pardoned if I accept of no peremptory conditions when my own free offer of courtesy was so highly contemned.—Hague, April 3/13, 1619.
Holograph. Portion of Seal. 2 pp. (129. 149.)
Viscount Doncaster to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619, April 21. If the Earl has any hounds not worthy of his own kennel, he begs he will bestow a proportion of them on him, to make up a present to some friends of his in France.—Essex House, 21 April, 1619.
Holograph. 1 p. (196. 69.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619, April 28. Refer to their letter of the 11th of February, ordering the repair and watching of the beacons. As the continual watching is chargeable, the watches so appointed are to be discharged, and only such continued as were formerly found requisite.—Whitehall, 28 April, 1619.
Signed: Pembroke; T. Arundell; E. Wallingford; La[ncelot] Winton; E. Zouche; T. Edmondes; Robt. Naunton; Jul. Caesar; Fulke Grevyll; Edw. Coke; C. Edmondes.
1 p. (196. 70.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619, May 29. You have bound me so much unto you as I know not well how to acknowledge it, much less pay the debt. You are the fittest mediator (both of us having the honour to partake of your blood) that can be thought of to break down the partition wall of this misunderstanding. For my part I refer myself wholly to the censure of reason. If General Cecil do so too he will lose nothing of his rights, for further dispute will but make sport to those who are friends to neither. I have not had a thought to wrong him; if I have I will not be slack to give him honest satisfaction, such as in equity shall be found convenient. But where there is no wrong it is a wrong to demand a satisfaction, so far is it that a man should be tied to give one; but neither he nor I must be judges in our own case. What effect your noble endeavours shall take in this affair I leave to the guidance of Him that gives rule and law to all second causes, resting in the quiet of a good conscience, and again and again thanking your Lordship very humbly for your noble kindness towards me.—Hague, May 29, 1619.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (129. 150.)
Sir George Calvert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619, June 14. There could not come more welcome news unto me than that which I have lately heard and long expected, with as longing a desire as the mother herself of that noble infant, (fn. 2) whom God has sent for your comfort and of all who truly love you and your house. This letter brings no other business than to represent unto your Lordship the unfeigned joy I have conceived myself and do wish unto you in the birth of that young Lord. God send him a long and happy life and many brothers. —St. Martin's Lane, 14 June, 1619.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (129. 151.)
The King to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619, June 20. We are given to understand that the Master of the Rolls has lately both voluntarily and freely resigned the office of Custos Rotulorum in co. Herts unto you, and that one Rowley, being Clerk of the Peace, having lately bought the same clerkship at a dear rate and as yet enjoyed it but three years, yet you intend to displace him. We having been informed that Rowley has hitherto performed good service both towards us and the country in his said place, and that he is sufficient and honest and fit to continue the same, have thought good to recommend him to your more favourable consideration, that so you may forbear to displace him so long as he shall faithfully perform the duties of the said office.—At our Court at Greenwich, 20 June, 17 James 1.
Sign Manual. ⅓ p. (129. 178.)
Sir George Calvert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1619, June 24. Before I begin to speak of any other business I should say somewhat to express my thankfulness for such a token of your favour as I have received of late, so far above my capacity to set forth, as it is, I am sure, above my means to deserve. Because the messenger is in haste I will reserve the rest which becomes me to say, until I have the happiness to kiss your hands.
For your own business I have moved his Majesty this evening touching the request he made to you for Rowley, and I think I have satisfied him. I am sure I left him so, if none other turn him. I perceive the Master of the Rolls has been to blame for this, for the King told me he commended the man to him and moved him in it. You may do well to proceed, for I hope you shall hear no more of it from hence.
I spoke with Sir Arthur Capell this day at Court, and I told him how I understood matters went here between my Lady Hatton and the Lord Pembroke. I think if my Lord Marquis be godfather another godmother would be better than she. Therein your Lordship better knows what is fit than I.—Greenwich, 24 June, 1619.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (129. 152.)
Gifts to the Poor of Hatfield.
[1619] June 21. " xl1 given by his Lordship the 25th of June to the poor of Hatfield." The recipients number 111, including "William Keeling, he being forgotten the last yeare". Of this number 47 are widows, and the rest men; the sums of money distributed amongst them vary between 12d, 16d, 18d and 2s. There are a further 35 people whose gifts "are not to continew".
Endorsed: "21th of June, xl1 delivered owt to the poor of Hatfeeld being his Lordships benevolence." 2 pp. (Box U/72.)
Lord Chancellor Verulam to Stephen Reade.
1619, June 30. Warrant to apprehend some one [name omitted] and bring him before the Lord Chancellor.—At Gorhambury, 30 June, 1619.
Signed. ½ p. (129. 153.)


  • 1. Queen Anne, wife of James I, died on March 2, 1619.
  • 2. Charles Cecil, Viscount Cranborne, was baptized on July 15, 1619.