Index: P

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Packer, John, later Clerk of the Privy Seal
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 281
-, invited to accompany Earl of Dorset abroad, 281

Packer, Thomas, Clerk of the Privy Seal
-, 211

Packnam, Mark, Clerk of the Castle [of Dover]
-, 80

Paddington, co. Middlesex
-, manor of, 346

Padoa. See Padua

Padoua. See Padua

Padua (Padoua, Padoa) [Italy]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 242, 243
-, Viscount Cranborne seriously ill at, 243, 244

"Palace", The
-, ruinous state of house on King's manor of Charing known as, 32

Palatine, Duke or Count. See Frederick IV

Palavicini, The, merchants and bankers of Genoa
-, send agent to London to secure payment of King's debts to them, 202

Palavicino, Anne, widow of Sir Horatio Palavicino
-, reference to her marriage to Sir Oliver Cromwell, 210
-, action before Privy Council against, 210

Palavicino, Edward, son of (late) Sir Horatio Palavicino
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 202

Palavicino Sir Horatio, merchant and political agent
-, 210, 231
-, reference to his financial activities in association with insurgent Low Countries, 58(2)
-, his widow. See Palavicino, Anne

Pale, The, Ireland
-, 118
-, increasing opposition in, 306

Palladio (Palladius), Andrea, Italian architect (1518–1580)
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to his theatre at Vicenza, 242

Palladius. See Palladio, Andrea

"Pallentyne", The. See Frederick IV

Palmer, Andrew, an officer of the Mint
-, holds licence to erect furnaces, 292

Palmer, Sir Henry, Comptroller of the Navy
-, 307

Palmer, Henry
-, conveys letter from Bruning to Wilson, 16

Palmer, Richard, physician
-, signs report on alleged poisonous liquor, 91

Palmer, Thomas, of Kimbolton, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Palmer, —, in the Earl of Montgomery's service
-, 125

Palyn, George, member of the Company of Girdlers of London
-, leaves money to erect hospital, 352

Paman, John, "Doctor" of Elsworth, co. Cambridge
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90
-, writes prefatory epistle to Earl of Salisbury, 369

Pamber, Forest of, co. Hants.
-, 298

Pantaskin, Laird of
-, 190

Pardal. See Pardo

Pardo, El (Pardal) [Spain]
-, King and Queen of Spain at, 16, 17, 18

Paris [France]
-, letters dated from, 19, 35(2), 40, 103, 170, 189, 208(2), 212, 223, 310
-, Viscount Cranborne ends his tour of France at, 113, 156
-, English goods viewed for longer than agreed 48 hours by hosiers of, 178
-, rumour of assassination of King James circulating in, 220
-, 277
-, Dr. Bishop to be sent to the Doctors of the Sorbonne in, 343

Parker, Augustine, official of the port of Ipswich
-, payment to, 361

Parker, Calthorpe, of Erwarton, co. Suffolk
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Parker, Sir John, Keeper of Falmouth Castle, co. Cornwall
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 10
-, named commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 10

Parkins, Sir Christopher, Master of the Requests and Dean of Carlisle
-, 23, 164, 345, 349
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 291

Parkins, John
-, 373

Parkinson, Christopher, of Burneston, co. Yorks.
-, member of commission concerned with Duke of York's affairs, 132

Parks (Perkes), The, Knaresborough, co. Yorks.
-, sale of woods at, 56

Parliament. See also House of Commons, House of Lords
-, 74, 94, 158, 195, 214, 223, 230, 254, 284, 285, 287, 315
-, bill for King's safety to be brought into, 227
-, reference to dissolution of, 229, 268
-, Earl of Salisbury's speeches in, 253, 265, 281
-, Earl of Salisbury criticised by King for favouring continuance of, 266, 267
-, King's dissatisfaction with, 265, 266, 274
-, King's views on, 321, 322

Parliament, Irish
-, Lord Carew's views on, 305

Parpignan. See Perpignan

-, Queen receives gift of, 83
-, in the possession of the Earl of Salisbury, 156

Parry, Henry, Bishop of Worcester
-, to deputize for Lord Eure, 330

Parry, Henry, a sailor of Barking
-, to be arrested with his son, 100

Parry, Sir Thomas, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
-, nominated Commissioner for suits, 22
-, signs letter on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 56
-, commended for his attentiveness to King's interests, 60
-, 60, 88, 235, 316, 327, 331, 342
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84

Parsons (Persons), Thomas, Rector of the English College in Rome
-, Michell enquires after, 25

Paslewe, Edith née Taylor, of Haselton Grange, co. Gloucester
-, 365

Passage, Monsieur du, Commander at Valence
-, 110

Patton, Aristotle, Colonel, Scottish soldier and refugee in Flanders
-, Edmondes's plea to King on behalf of, 85

Paul V, Pope
-, Archduke refuses to recognise bull obtained by English Jesuits from, 9
-, references to quarrel between Venice and, 27, 76, 210
-, his reaction to dispute between English Jesuits and Benedictines, 45
-, criticised and called Antichrist in King's book, 71, 80, 288
-, influenced by Tyrone to create M'Carthy Archbishop of Tyrone, 72, 101
-, arrogant treatment by Spanish Ambassador of, 81
-, reported to be ready to assist Tyrone to return to Ireland, 86
-, sends priests abroad to request support for Tyrone, 86, 87
-, Archduke's hope to moderate French policy over Cleves by mediation of, 89
-, reference to King's excommunication by, 96
-, Archduke reported to have refused King's book for fear of displeasing, 98
-, creates new bishops and abbots in Ireland, 101
-, 114, 210, 288(2)
-, infuriated by King's book, 115
-, plans to defeat Protestant succession to Cleves with aid of German Catholic Princes, 117
-, prohibits reading of King's book upon pain of excommunication, 117
-, Prince Henry's opinion of, 146
-, his pardon found near Market Cross in Winchester, 155
-, petition from Irish captains to, 186
-, Viscount Cranborne advised not to travel through territories of, 215
-, Tyrone reported to have solicited title of King of Ireland from, 307
-, alleged to have plans for military invasion of Ireland, 307
-, his opposition to proposed dynastic marriages between Savoy and England, 344, 345

Paulet, Lucy, wife of William Paulet, 4th Marquis of Winchester, and niece of the Earl of Salisbury
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 153

Pawles. See St. Paul's

Pawlett, William, of Cottles, Bradford-on-Avon, co. Wilts.
-, to inquire into abuses at Bradford, 342

Peace Negotiations, The. See also Truce
-, King of Spain reluctant to adhere to article agreed upon in, 4, 10
-, further reference to, 4
-, Margrave of Brandenburg wishes his claims to Jülich and Cleves to be guaranteed in, 20
-, expected to be concluded, 36
-, end in declaration of a truce, 42

Peach, Robert, of Mildenhall, co. Suffolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Pedro, Don. See Cuniga

Pedrosa, Barnaby, of the Spanish Council of the Hacienda
-, originally planned to send him to demobilise Spanish forces in Flanders, 86

Peete, Thomas, of Kimbolton, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Peggat, —
-, considered a very attractive "Valentine", 15

Pegnitz (Peignere), River [Germany]
-, 245

Pelham, Sir Edmund, late Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland
-, wardship of his son, 133

Pemberton, Sir James, a London goldsmith
-, elected Lord Mayor of London, 317 and n.
-, to admit Lamyer as freeman of London, 349

Pemberton (Pembreton), William, Fellow of Christ's College Cambridge
-, move to appoint him as new Master of Christ's College 139
-, King's opposition to, 143(2)
-, his supporters summoned to appear before Earl of Salisbury, 144
-, charged with preaching offensive sermon, 149
-, his election declared void, 160

Pembreton, William. See Pemberton, William

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, William

-, sale of King's woods in, 68
-, request for money to erect new shire hall and gaol by inhabitants of, 281

Pennington, John, factor to John King
-, protection granted to, 345

Penreth. See Penrith

Penrith (Penreth), co. Cumberland
-, timber needed to rebuild moothall at, 13

-, English East India Company granted monopoly of import of, 154
-, attempts to sell pepper illegally in England, 207

Percival (Perceval, Percivall) Richard, secretary to the Court of Wards and to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 133
-, letter from Molyns to, 237
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 375

Percy, Algernon, son of Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland
-, stays with his father in the Tower of London, 99

Percy, Sir Allan, brother of Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland
-, suit to King, 83
-, petition to Privy Council, 180

Percy, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland
-, stone quarried on his land, 30
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 41, 99
-, 53

Perier, Henry, Vice-President of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs letter to Earl of Salisbury, 259

Periers, co. Herts.
-, 235

Perkes, The. See Parks, The

Perkins, Francis
-, his project for Ireland, 281

Perkins, Nicholas, cousin of Matthew Bruning
-, Bruning's letter, to, 17

Perne, Andrew, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15

Perondini, Giovanni, in the Duke of Savoy's service
-, rewarded for bringing gift of an animal to King, 340

Peroone, Cardinal. See Du Perron, Jacques

Perpignan (Parpignan) [PyrenéesOrientales, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 108

-, Turks wish to break their peace with, 311
-, English merchants offered trading concessions in, 325
-, Sir Henry Thynne to be in charge of a voyage to, 359

Persia, King of. See Shah Abbas

Persian Gulf (Gulfo Persico)
-, King of Persia offers English merchants trading facilities in, 325

Persons. See Parsons, Thomas

-, balsam of, 91
-, reference to the "Isles of", 189

Peschiera (Pesquaire) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions fortress of, 242

Pesquaire. See Peschiera

Peter, Lord. See Petre, John

Peterhouse (St. Peter's College), Cambridge
-, John Richardson elected Master of, 13, 15
-, letters dated from, 13, 15
-, letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury from Fellows of, 15

Petley, Thomas, of Carrigaline, co. Cork, Ireland
-, regranted his lands, 351

Petre, John, 1st Baron Petre
-, 308

Petre, John, a shipmaster
-, sent to Privy Council, 164

Pett, Phineas, of Chatham, Master of the King's shipwrights
-, 307

-, shortage in London, 145
-, restricted amount of tin affects supply of, 363

Peyton, Sir Henry, commander of a company in the Dutch service
-, King requests leave of absence for, 341

Peyton, Sir John, Governor of Jersey
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 219
-, describes reaction in Normandy and Brittany to murder of French King, 219

Pézenas [Hérault, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 108

Phelips (Phillips), Sir Edward, King's Serjeant and Speaker of the House of Commons
-, Earl of Salisbury receives New Year's gift of plate from, 1
-, 218
-, to use King's authority to restrain opposition in House of Commons, 286
-, 293, 326

Phelips, Francis. See Phillips, Francis

Phelips, Mary, wife of Thomas Phelips
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 24

Phelips (Phelippes), Thomas, collector of the Petty Customs, now prisoner in the Tower of London
-, 24
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 262

Phelippes, Thomas. See Phelips, Thomas

Philibert, son of Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy, and a Knight of Malta
-, to be general of King of Spain's fleet, 72

Philip III, King of Spain
-, reluctant to join in proposed peace treaty with Dutch, 4, 10
-, assists in person at Council of State, 4, 71, 72
-, recognises ambassador from King of Hungary, 5
-, 9
-, reported to have joined in peace treaty with Dutch, 15
-, Cornwallis alleged to be pensioner of, 16
-, at El Prado, 16, 17, 18
-, his conduct ridiculed at English Court, 18
-, King sends copy of his book to, 64
-, reported to be submissive to Lerma, 72
-, his request to King, 83
-, Edmondes's analysis of his policy towards England, 87
-, his attitude towards dispute over Jülich and Cleves, 88
-, English doubts of his readiness to risk breach of peace to aid Tyrone, 97
-, prepared, on terms, not to intervene in affairs of Cleves, 100
-, opinion in Brussels of policy of, 100, 101
-, Pope's pardon of sins granted to Englishmen willing to serve, 155
-, described as a sot, 288
-, said to be involved in alleged plot by Pope for invasion of Ireland, 307
-, 309, 334, 354
-, recalls Velasco, 334
-, sends gift to King of Persia, 334
-, Spanish Council debates whether he should marry again, 335 and n.
-, his attitude towards proposed dynastic marriages between England and Savoy, 344, 345
-, complains that his subjects are harassed by English pirates, 369, 370

Philip, Prince of the Asturias, eldest son of Philip III, King of Spain
-, 17
-, marriage proposed between Princess Elizabeth of France and, 309

Phillips, Avery, Captain, of London
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 153, 214
-, requests warrant to take measures against Catholics and their propaganda, 214

Phillips, Sir Edward, chaplain presented to church of Lydlinch, 211

Phillips (Phelips), Francis, Auditor of the Exchequer
-, grant to, 348

Phillips, Sir Thomas, commander in Coleraine
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 181, 202
-, involved in the plantation of Ulster, 181

Phillips alias Cockman, Thomas, of Eltham, co. Kent
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

Piedmont [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne in, 239, 240

Pierce, —, of Maidstone, co. Kent testifies against Crowcher, 226

Pierlatte [Drôme, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 110

Pimentel, Don Diego, Commanderin-Chief of the Spanish forces in Lombardy
-, his headquarters in Milan, 240

-, in Cornwall, 10, 213
-, English coast and Channel Islands infested with French, 175
-, Lundy Island taken over by English, 209
-, scheme to destroy Algerian, 250
-, exemption from King's general pardon of abettors of, 274
-, King grants pardon to Easton and other, 308, 319
-, 315
-, King permits Dutch fleet to pursue pirates sheltering in Ireland, 320
-, King of Spain's complaint about English, 369, 370
-, details of depredations of English, 369
-, 370
-, St. Antonio seized by English, 370

Pisa [Italy]
-, Michell's behaviour in, 24

Pitts, Jonas, of Wicklewood, co. Norfolk, agent of Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, 18

Pitts, Mr.
-, 4

Plague, The wife of gardener at Westminster College dies of, 46
-, threatens pupils of Westminster College, 46, 50
-, Queen's return to Whitehall made unsafe by, 149 (2), 150
-, its persistence in London attributed by King to negligence of inhabitants, 149
-, St. Bartholomew's Fair condemned as source of plague, 230

Pleasans, Thomas, yeoman, of Brandon, co. Suffolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Pleshey Park, co. Essex
-, 308

Plessis-Morney, Monsieur du. See Plessis-Marly

Plessis-Marly (Plessis-Morney) Philippe de Morney, Seigneur du, Governor of Saumur
-, Viscount Cranborne unable to pay call on, 105

Plymouth, co. Devon
-, 209, 213, 308

Po, River [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne travels by boat on, 240

Poe, W [? Leonard], physician
-, signs report on alleged poisonous liquor, 91

Poictou. See Poitou

Pointer, William, a London merchant
-, obtains protection, 1

Poitou (Poictou) [France]
-, 105
-, Viscount Cranborne in, 106

-, Swedish forces reported defeated by army of, 163
-, 315

Poland, King of. See Sigismund III

Poland, Marshal of. See Miescowski

Polkinghorne, Roger, naval captain
-, pension granted to, 315

Pomfret. See Pontefract

Pons [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 107

Pont-de-Beauvoisin [Isère, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses into Savoy at, 238

Pont de Ce. See Les Ponts-de-Ce

Pont du Gard, near Nimes [Gard, France]
-, visited by Viscount Cranborne, 109

Pontefract (Pomfret), co. Yorks.
-, sale of King's wood at, 79
-, included in list of Queen's property together with Little Park, 185

Pont-Saint-Esprit (Le) [Gard, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 110

Poole, co. Dorset
-, letter dated from, 51
-, misconduct of Customs farmers' searcher at, 51

Pooley, Edmund [? of Badley, co. Norfolk]
-, pardon granted to, 349

Pooley, Robert
-, 171

-, 172

Pope, The. See Paul V

Popelman, Hans (Popleman, Hance) Master cook to the Queen
-, granted a pension, 338
-, provided with livery, 352

Portington, Judith [? of co. Leicester]
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Portland, co. Dorset
-, Queen's manor of, 374

Portrush (Portrushe), co. Antrim, Ireland
-, 181(2)

Port-Sainte-Marie [Lot-et-Garonne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 107

Portsmouth (Portesmouth), co. Hants.
-, Prince Henry to visit, 115, 116
-, letters dated from, 136, 191, 224, 164(2)
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury from Mayor and Corporation of, 191
-, seizure of books at, 224
-, Mayor of. See Lardner, John

-, prohibited goods shipped from England to, 15

Post, The
-, criticised for being dilatory, 95

Potter, William, of Bedwell, co. Herts.
-, 333

Poulton, co. Lancs.
-, Customs receipt dated from, 253

Povey (Povy), John, shipmaster
-, 308

Povy, Mr. See Povey, John

Powell, Daniel, Clerk of the Queen's Court at Westminster
-, 372

Powell, Richard, mineralogist, of co. Stafford
-, letter to King, 282

Power, Mr. See Power, William

Power, William, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
-, to convey Statutes of the College to London, 153

Poyntz, Sir John, of Chipping Ongar, co. Essex
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 218

Pozner, Robert, in the service of Sir John Digby
-, rewarded for conveying letters from Madrid to London, 352

Prague [Bohemia]
-, Lok expected at, 120
-, 155, 279, 298

Prâlin, Charles de Choiseul, Marquis de, Governor of Troyes
-, 112, 238

Pratt, Matthew, yeoman, of Bury, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Pratt, Mr. a merchant
-, his dispute with Lee, 35

Premola. See Primolano

Prescott, Mr. See Prescott, Alexander

Prescott, Alexander, a London goldsmith and Alderman's Sheriff
-, 1(2)

President, The. See Richardot

Preston, co. Lancs.
-, 258

Preston, Sir Amyas, Keeper of the Navy Store
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 19

Prichard, William
-, granted recusants' lands, 269

Prideaux, Sir Nicholas, of Padstow, co. Cornwall
-, named commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 10, 11

Primolano (Premola) [Italy]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 244

Pringill, George. See Pringle, George

Pringle (Pringill), George, of Blindley [? co. Surrey]
-, given licence to travel abroad, 329

Privy Council, The 2, 6, 10, 12, 33, 38, 39, 50, 54, 55, 63, 80, 82, 147, 150, 155, 159, 161, 164, 172, 174, 180, 191, 216, 222, 228, 229, 262, 263, 265, 267(2), 268, 271, 275, 279, 286, 289, 302, 315(2), 316, 319, 320, 327, 330, 331, 337(2), 338, 348, 352, 368, 372
-, writes in favour of Alberz, 20
-, King's proposal to ease work of, 22, 23
-, a Clerk of the Council to be nominated Commissioner for suits, 22
-, issues letters for increase of taxation, 42
-, reasons for decay of Coventry given in letter to, 42
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 44, 55, 83, 208, 211, 223, 271, 296, 298, 299, 300, 327
-, prolongs imposition of extra duty on English cloth exported to France, 55
-, emphasises importance of home manufacture of gunpowder, 83, 84
-, Strange examined before, 96
-, presented with articles concerning silk industry in England, 124
-, letter to Commissioners of United Provinces, 184
-, matters to be discussed by, 184
-, receives report concerning activities of English pirates at Lundy, 209(2), 214
-, Sir Thomas Dutton to appear before, 233
-, to advise King on grievances, 274(2)
-, Goldfinch's petition to, 278
-, letter to Captain Skipwith, 308
-, its role in organising loan for King, 315, 317
-, letter from farmers of Customs to, 364
-, Clerk of. See Edmondes, Clement

-, for the preservation of woods, 18
-, for the stay of gold and silver, 124
-, concerning rumours and liberty of speech, 320, 321, 322

Proctor, Sir Stephen, Collector of fines on penal statutes
-, bill concerning his office, 102

Proctor, Thomas of Wisbech co. Cambridge
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Progress, The King's
-, marred by fire and loss of horses at Farnham, 96

Prohibitions, The
-, debated at Whitehall, 23

-, in Bohemia, 82, 89
-, Viscount Cranborne describes strength of French, 105(2), 106, 107(2), 108(2), 109, 110(2)

Provence [France]
-, 109, 138

Provins [Seine-et-Marne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 112

Prynne, Edward, naval captain letter to Earl of Salisbury, 282

Puisieuls, Monsieur de. See Puisieux

Puisieux (Puisieuls), Pierre Brûlart, Vicomte de, French Secretary of State
-, Carew's letter to, 134 and n.
-, his father. See Sillery

Pulham, co. Norfolk
-, Queen's manor of, 324

Pultney (Poultney), Francis, of Erthlingborough, co. Northants.
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Punsenby, James, tenant of the King's manor of Ravensworth
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 13

-, King sent book written in defence of, 145, 147, 159
-, Pemberton's tribute to, 149
-, hint that religious toleration would lead to increase in number of, 228

Putto, Richard
-, given commission to collect King's debts, 359(2)

Pyatt or Pyott, Sir Richard, grocer and Alderman of London
-, grant to, 336

Pyms, Edmonton, co. Middlesex farm of, 313

Pytts (Pytt), Edward, of Kyre Wyard, co. Worcester
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187