Index: N, O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Nangis (Nangy) [Seine-et-Marne, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 112

Nangy. See Nangis

Nantua [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 111

Nantwich (Wyche), Cheshire
-, letter endorsed by post at, 61

Napier (Nappier), Archibald, of Merchistoun, co. Midlothian, Scotland, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber
-, his pension, 308

Napier (Nappier), Sir Robert, of Luton Hoo, co. Beds.
-, his pension, 308

Naples [Italy]
-, 25

Narbonne [Aude, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 108
-, Governor of. See St. Gignes

Nasburt, Jonas, member of the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Nash, co. Bucks.
-, 42

Nasmyth (Nesmith, Nasmith), John, surgeon to the King
-, his suit for grant of selling wines by retail in Ireland, 93
-, his pension, 308
-, 317

Nasmyth (Nasmith), Henry, son of John Nasmyth
-, granted pension, 317

Nasmyth (Nasmith), James, son of John Nasmyth
-, granted pension, 317

Nassau, Count Maurice of, Prince of Orange
-, letter to King, 210
-, 231
-, Viscount Cranborne received by, 247
-, to be asked to give leave of absence to Peyton and Mewtys, 341
-, King bestows Order of the Garter on, 353, 356
-, account of Winwood's conference with, 354, 355, 356
-, suggests confederation of Protestant states to defend Protestant religion, 355
-, suspicious of Oldenbarneveldt's pro-French policy, 355
-, 370

Nassau, Philip William of, Prince of Orange
-, brusque treatment of his wife in Brussels, 81

Nassau, William, Count of, cousin of the Prince of Orange
-, summoned to discuss affairs of state with Prince of Orange, 356

Navy, The
-, papers relating to, 154
-, estimates for ships of, 165, 166, 307, 349
-, supply of timber for, 307
-, repairs to ships of, 349
-, Treasurer of. See Mansell, Sir Robert

Navy, Office of the
-, abuses discovered in, 87

Naylor, William, of Beche, co. Berks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 228

Nazareth, Cardinal of. See Rivarola, Domenico

Needham, John, of Gaddesby, co. Leicester
-, alleged to be recusant, 232

Needles, The, Isle of Wight
-, Prince Henry to view, 115

Neile, Richard, Bishop of Rochester
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 46, 50
-, 131
-, elected Bishop of Lichfield, 197
-, Wightman convicted of heresy before, 294
-, granted rectory of Clifton Campville in commendam, 346
-, to hold rectory of Stoke-uponTrent in commendam, 361

Nelson, Matthew, a surveyor
-, letter to Caesar, 58
-, 83

Nelthorpe, Richard, of co. Yorks,
-, petition from, 373

Nemours, Henri de Savoie, Duc de
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to his property near River Ain, 111

Nesmith. See Nasmyth, John

Nether Peeneyes. See Nether Penn

Nether Penn (Nether Peeneyes), co. Stafford
-, 374

Neuburg (Newburg, Neubourg), Philip Louis, Duke of
-, Wotton proposes to visit, 75, 76
-, comes to terms with Margrave of Brandenburg over Cleves, 82
-, ordered by Emperor to submit his territorial claims to Imperial Chamber, 82, 88
-, maintains warships near Cologne, 246

Neuremberg. See Nuremberg

Neuss (Nuis) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 246

Neustadt (Nidstat) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 245

Nevell, William. See Neville, William

Nevers, Charles de GonzagueCléves, Duc de, Governor of Champagne
-, 112, 238

Nevill, co. Lancs.
-, manor of, 61

Nevill, Mr. See Nevill, Henry

Nevill, Edward, 8th Lord Bergavenny
-, 214

Nevill, Henry, son and heir of Edward Nevill, 8th Lord Bergavenny
-, 214

Nevill, Lady Mary, wife of Henry Nevill, later 9th Lord Bergavenny
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 214

Neville, Edmund, claimant to Earldom of Westmorland
-, his affairs formerly managed by Sir John Claxton, 132

Neville (Newill), Sir Henry, courtier and diplomatist, M.P. for Lewes Borough
-, 249, 263
-, letter to Lake, 280
-, offers to sell land to King, 280

Neville, Thomas, Dean of Canterbury and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge
-, 53
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 158
-, elected Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, 158
-, relinquishes his post as ViceChancellor, 195
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 198

Neville (Nevell), William, a London merchant
-, obtains protection, 1

Newark, co. Notts.
-, letter endorsed by post at, 159

Newborough (Newburgh), co. Anglesey
-, 294

Newburgh. See Newborough

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, co. Northumberland
-, letters dated from, 168, 192
-, reference to Trinity House at, 180
-, Mayor of. See Lyddell, Thomas

Newcomen, Lady [? Beverly]
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Neweelme. See Ewelme

New Forest, co. Hants.
-, 48, 75, 85, 179, 180, 287, 298, 367(2)
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, Dean and Chapter of Salisbury lease tithes of, 313

-, Hudson reaches Banks of, 152
-, hawks to be procured for King in, 346

Newgate, prison, London 155

Newmarket, co. Suffolk
-, Pemberton charged with preaching offensive sermon at, 149
-, letters dated from court at, 161, 163, 165, 217, 219, 294
-, 229, 289

Newport. See Nieuport

Newport. See Newport Pagnell

Newport, Thomas, of the Company of Merchant Adventurers
-, readmitted after expulsion for marrying a foreigner, 329

Newport Pagnell (Newport), co. Bucks.
-, sale of King's trees at, 42

New Sandford. See Sampford

Newton, Mr. See Newton, Adam

Newton, Adam, Dean of Durham, and tutor to Prince Henry
-, supports Ferrour's request for stewardship of Cheylesmore manor, 21
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 68, 146
-, his non-residence deplored by Bishop of Durham, 73
-, 372

Nicholas, Father [? John]
-, made abbot by Pope, 101

Nicholson, George, paymaster of the garrison of Berwick
-, 340

Nicholson, Otho, receiver of compositions for assart lands
-, certificate of composition signed by, 74

Nidstat. See Neustadt

Nieuport (Newport) [W. Flanders, Netherlands]
-, furnishes bonds as security for repayment of loan from England, 58
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 248

Nimes (Nismes) [Gard, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne's description of antiquities at, 109

Nogen-sur-Seine. See Nogent-surSeine

Nogent-sur-Seine (Nogen-surSeine) [Aube, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 112

Nomanshill (Nomans) Wood, Sherwood Forest, co. Notts.
-, 367

Nonsuch, near Cheam, co. Surrey
-, included in list of Queen's property together with Little Park, 185

Nonsuch, The, of the King's Navy
-, estimates for, 165, 166

Norden, John, a surveyor
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 48, 51, 53, 85, 249, 298, 368
-, 75, 85, 102, 179, 180, 367
-, surveys Devizes Castle, 224
-, paid for carrying out repairs, 327
-, his views on country's economic state, 369
-, memorandum by, 369

-, 133, 211, 324, 361
-, Privy Council informed of prices of grain by J.P.s of, 211
-, recusants in, 232
-, timber for Navy from, 307

Norhampton. See Northampton

Normandy [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne visits, 215
-, effect of murder of King of France on people in, 219, 220

Norreys, Lady. See Norris, Bridget

Norreys, Lord. See Norris, Francis

Norris (Norreys), Bridget, wife of Francis Norris, 2nd Lord Norris of Rycote, and niece to the Earl of Salisbury
-, letter to the Earl of Salisbury, 162

Norris (Norreys), Francis, 2nd Lord Norris of Rycote
-, involved in sale of trees, 41
-, 42, 167
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 46, 47, 62, 67, 69, 223
-, his opinion of powers of commission for sale of King's woods, 62
-, snubbed by Earl of Salisbury in a letter, 65
-, complaints about his interference, 66
-, criticises method of selling King's woods, 67
-, further complaints against, 70
-, Lady Norris writes to Earl of Salisbury about behaviour and threats of, 162
-, requests leave to be absent from Parliament, 223

Norris, Sir John, Controller of Windsor
-, 49

Norris (Norreis), Richard
-, given Poor Knight's room in Windsor, 358

Norris, William, a keeper in Enfield Chase
-, signs joint request to King, 151

North, Council of the
-, reference to office of secretary of, 95

Northampton (Norhampton) [? co. Wilts. or co. Worcester]
-, letter dated from, 233

Northampton, co. Northants.
-, surveyorship of, 121

Northampton, Earl of, see Howard, Henry

-, Crown property in, 3, 364
-, commission of inquiry into spoil of King's woods in, 100
-, 143, 177, 318
-, sale of King's trees in, 177
-, King in, 189
-, Privy Council requests information about price of grain from J.P.s of, 211
-, recusants in, 296

North-East Passage
-, Hudson employed by Dutch East India Company to seek, 152

North Meales. See North Meols

North Meols (North Meales), co. Lancs.
-, 258

-, state of King's woods in, 67
-, sale of King's woods in, 70
-, 73, 79
-, exempted from loan to King, 315
-, recusants in, 351

Northumberland; Lord. See Percy, Henry

North-West Passage
-, Sir Thomas Button placed in command of expedition to discover, 353

Northwood Coppice, New Forest, co. Hants.
-, 367

Norton, co. Northants.
-, letter dated from, 55

Norton, Mr. See Norton, Dudley

Norton, Anthony
-, granted lands in co. Lincoln, 316

Norton, Sir Bonham, of Aston Botterell, Salop
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Norton, Dudley, secretary for Irish affairs to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 40, 120, 191
-, letters to Houghton, 157, 226
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 375

Norton, Robert, Deputy-Bailiff for the borough of Knaresborough
-, receives warrant for sale of King's woods, 56

Norwich, Bishop of. See Jegon, John

Norwood, co. Yorks.
-, sale of woods at, 56

Nory, William, servant to Sir Henri de Gontherant
-, 298

Notre Dame de Grace, church of, Bresso [Italy]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 242

Nottingham, co. Notts.
-, letters dated from, 59, 61

Nottingham, Earl of. See Howard, Charles

-, sale of King's woods in, 59, 75
-, recusants in, 259

Nova Francia. See Canada

Novalesa (La Nonvalaise) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne, after his descent from Mont Cenis, arrives at, 239

Novara (Novarra) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 240

Nova Zembla [Russia] Hudson sails to the coast of, 152

Nuis. See Neuss

Nuits (Côte d'Or) [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 112

Nuremberg (Neuremberg) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 245


Oakingham. See Wokingham

Oates (Otes), Thomas, of Magdalen
-, College, Oxford
-, signs letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Oatlands (Atlanes, Oatlandes, Otelands,) co. Surrey
-, 32, 71, 258

Oatlands Park, co. Surrey
-, 357

O'Brien, Donough, 3rd Earl of Thomond
-, arrests Jennings, the pirate, in Ireland, 151

Ockingham. See Wokingham

O'Connor (Conor), Lysagh, an Irish Undertaker in Ulster
-, allowed to transport stock into Ireland free of Customs duties, 300

Odey [? Odiham, co. Hants.]
-, 298

Odiam. See Odiham

Odiham (Odiam), co. Hants.
-, 165

O'Dogherty (Odoghortie), Sir Cahir, Irish rebel
-, reference to his revolt, 182

O'Dogherty (O'Doghertie), Phelim, Dean of Raphoe
-, 316

Odoghortie. See O'Dogherty, Sir Cahir

O'Donnell, Rory, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell
-, 9

Oglethorp, Sir Richard, Baron of the Exchequer of Ireland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 201

Oglio, River [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses, 241

Okeden. See Okendon

Okendon (Okeden), co. Yorks.
-, sale of woods at, 56

Okingham. See Wokingham

Oldcourt, East Greenwich, co. Kent manor of, 329

Oldenbarneveldt (Barnevelt) Johan van, Councillor of Holland and Pensionary of Rotterdam
-, altercation between Winwood and, 353, 354
-, accused of having anti-English sentiments, 354
-, criticised by Winwood in his talks with Prince of Orange, 355
-, Prince of Orange suspicious of pro-French policy of, 355
-, a patron of Vorstius, 355

Oliver, Isabel, of co. Hereford, later of Bow, co. Middlesex
-, alleged to be recusant, 296, 297

Olney, co. Bucks.
-, sale of King's trees at, 42

O'Neale, Sir Henry Oge. See O'Neill

O'Neill, Henry, son of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, and Colonel of the Irish Regiment in Flanders
-, favours Northern as opposed to Pale Irish officers, 72
-, reported to be planning to go to Spain, 86, 101
-, leaves Spain for Brussels, 117

O'Neill (O'Neale), Sir Henry Oge, killed in the war against O'Dogherty
-, his lands to be divided between his immediate descendants, 351

O'Neill, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone
-, going to Rome, 8
-, persuades Pope to create M'Carthy Archbishop of Tyrone, 72
-, reported to have left Rome secretly for Spain, 86
-, rumours of plans for assisting him to return to Ireland, 86
-, his departure from Rome doubted, 88
-, in constant communication with Spain, 88
-, Earl of Salisbury's instructions to Edmondes to prevent Flemish aid to, 97, 98
-, 121, 181(2)
-, reported to be at Corunna, 125
-, expected in Madrid, 307
-, said to be soliciting help in Italy to conquer Ireland, 307
-, proposes that he be given title of King of Ireland by Pope, 307

Onslow (Onslowe), Philip
-, receives benefit of new method of gilding and painting leather, 316

Onzain [Loire-et-Cher, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions the castle of, 104

Oppidalls (cf Oppidans, pupils who board in town)
-, dismissed from Westminster College because of plague, 50

Orange, Prince of. See Nassau, Philip William of

Orange, Princess of. See Bourbon, Eleonore de

Orange (Oranges) [Vaucluse, France]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 110

Overall, John, Dean of St. Paul's
-, 350

-, purchased for King of Denmark, 69
-, transported overseas contrary to King's commission, 88
-, King refuses Duke of Holstein's agent permission to buy and transport, 94
-, 102, 174
-, reference to furnaces for manufacture of, 292
-, Turks supplied by Christian states with, 325
-, King of Denmark's agent allowed to carry 100 pieces home, 338, 339
-, King's storehouses of, 350
-, Master of. See Carew, George
-, Lieutenant of. See Dallison, Sir Roger

Ordnance, Keeper of Stores of. See Ayscough, Sir Roger

Ordnance, Office of the 155, 183, 196

Orleans [Loiret, France] 103
-, Viscount Cranborne begins his tour at, 104

Orme, Roger, Captain, formerly in the Archduke's service
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 126

Orrell, —
-, threatens to take portion due to Markham's wife, 8

Orsinuovi (Orsynovy) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions stronghold of, 241

Orsynovy. See Orsinuovi

Osbaldeston, Thomas, of Osbaldston, co. Lancs.
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 320
-, pardoned for murder, 320

Osborne, Mr. See Osborne, John

Osborne, John, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer of the Exchequer
-, 12
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 144

Osely, Mr. or Dr. See Ousley, Nicholas

Osse [Maine-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions castle at, 105

Ostend (Ostende) [W. Flanders, Belgium]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 248

Otelands. See Oatlands

Otes, Thomas. See Oates, Thomas

Otford, co. Kent
-, manor of, 329

Otterton, Mr.
-, 75

Oudon (La Tour d') [Loire Inférieure France]
-, castle and lands of Constable of France at, 106

Ousley (Osley), Nicholas, secretary in Spanish to Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, slanders Cornwallis, 16
-, imprisoned, 17
-, 18

Overbury, Sir Thomas, courtier
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 250
-, 340

Owen, Hugh, Welsh Catholic conspirator and exile
-, carried in Spanish Ambassador's coach in Brussels, 2
-, his protracted stay in Flanders determined by Spain, 68
-, elated by Archduke's refusal of King's book, 115

Oxford, co. Oxford
-, River Thames to be opened to, 26
-, spoliation of King's woods by poor of, 167
-, Honour of, 329

Oxford, Bishop of. See Bridges, John

Oxford, University of
-, King's grant of timber to, 26, 48, 62, 65, 68
-, Vice-Chancellor of. See King, John

-, King's woods surveyed in, 9, 367
-, 39, 253
-, sale of King s woods in, 62, 66
-, commission of inquiry into spoils of King's woods in, 99, 100
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 186
-, recusants in, 250, 270, 291, 299
-, timber for Navy from, 307

Oxstoridge, Andreas, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

Oye (Terre d'Oye) [Pas-de-Calais, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne reaches, 249