Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Abberley (Aborley), co. Worcester
-, Alton Wood, parcel of the manor of, 83

Abbeville [Somme, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne stays at, 237, 238

Abbot, George, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, later Bishop of London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 155
-, elected Archbishop of Canterbury, 293
-, 294(2), 327, 329, 332, 343
-, Legate convicted of heresy before, 294

Abdy (Abdey), Christopher, of London
-, letter to King, 294
-, proposes importation of glasshouses, 294

Abercromby (Abercromy), George pension granted to, 350

Abercromy, George. See Abercromby, George

Aborley. See Abberley

Abotts Cotton (or Cotton Abotts), Cheshire
-, survey of land called, 61

Abott's Wood, Whaddon Chase, co. Bucks.
-, trees to be sold at, 47

Abrahall, Thomas, of co. Hereford
-, 84

Abregment. See Apremont

Acheson, Henry, an Undertaker in co. Armagh, Ireland
-, 346

Achmouty (Aughmotie), John, Groom of the Bedchamber
-, his pension, 308

Acrigg, William [? of Berwick, co. Northumberland]
-, witnesses a bond, 29

Adda (Agde), River [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses, 241
-, runs through Verona, 242

Ad Dammam (Damaim) [SaudiArabia]
-, 325

Addison, William, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
-, to appear before Earl of Salisbury for supporting Pemberton, 144
-, 193
-, government of college committed to, 193

Adice, River. See Adige

Adige (Adice), River [Italy] 244

Admiralty, Court of 164, 357

Advantage, The
-, unserviceable for the pursuit of pirates, 212

Aertsens (Artsens), Cornelius Recorder of the States, General of the United Provinces
-, Privy Council to discuss overtures from, 185

Agarde, Arthur, antiquary and Deputy-Chamberlain of the Exchequer
-, completes his calendar of Exchequer records, 272

Agde, River. See Adda

Agen [Lot-et-Garonne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 107

Aggat, Bartolo. See Haggatt, Bartholomew

Ahmed I, Sultan of Turkey (the Grand Turk)
-, sends envoys to England, 315

Aid, The
-, report by Worcestershire commissioners for the, 71
-, Bishop of Durham prepared to contribute towards, 73

Aigubelette (Aiguibelette) [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne travels through the mountain pass of, 238, 239

Aiguebelle [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 238

Aiguillon [Lot-et-Garonne, France]
-, Duchess of Maine's house at, 107

d'Aiguillon, Henri de Lorraine, Duc, son of Charles de Lorraine, Duc de Mayenne
-, 107

Ain (Dain), River [France]
-, 111

Aire, River [France]
-, 238

Aishburton. See Ashburton

Aix (en-Provence) [Bouches-duRhône, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 110

Alabaster, William, Latin poet and divine
-, judged by King to be a "distracted person", 237

Albert, Archduke of Austria, joint Governor of the Spanish Netherlands with Archduchess Isabella, his wife, daughter of Philip II of Spain. See also Archdukes
-, prohibits English Jesuits from settling at Watten, 9
-, writes to Florentinus, 9
-, offended with Antwerp, 36
-, agreement over Hoens with, 42
-, goes to Marimont, 51
-, receives book and letter from King, 64, 71
-, blames Spain for protracted stay of Owen and Baldwin in Flanders, 68
-, Edmondes's comment on "superstitiousness" of, 71
-, refuses to accept King's book, 80, 115
-, criticised for his brusque treatment of Princess of Orange, 81
-, sends envoy to Spain to hasten ratification of treaty with Dutch, 82
-, 82(2), 92
-, relieved of fears of Dutch action by arrival of Spanish ratification of truce, 86
-, Edmondes's assessment of Spanish "tutelage" of, 87
-, apprehensive of French intervention in dispute over Jülich, 89
-, instructions how to deal with threat of aid to Tyrone by, 97
-, King's reaction to refusal of his book by, 98
-, sends gifts to Archduke Leopold in Jülich, 101
-, Edmondes presents his letters of revocation to 117
-, Oldenbarneveldt alleged to have secret intelligence with ministers of, 355
-, his ships alleged to be besieged by Dutch in English ports, 369
-, his Confessor. See Brizuela

Alberz, Thomas, a merchant
-, Privy Council writes in favour of, 20

Alconbury, co. Hunts.
-, 90

Aldermanbury, parish of, London
-, 358

Aldersgate Street, London
-, letter dated from, 122

Aldershot (Aldershatt), co. Hants.
-, letter dated from, 237

Aldworth, Robert, Mayor of Bristol
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 169

Alexander, Edward, of Beachampton, co. Bucks.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Alexander, Henry, Equerry to the King
-, King's gift of money to, 343

Alexander, Sir Sigismond, Equerry to the King
-, King's gift of money to, 343

Alexander, Walter, Gentleman Usher
-, his pension bought by Grimesditch, 180

Algiers (Arjel, Argier) [North Africa]
-, Flemish traders given safe conduct to go to, 173
-, scheme to destroy pirates at, 250

Alice Holt (Alishowlte), Forest of, co. Hants.
-, 51, 75, 85, 180

d'Alincourt, Charles de Neufville, Marquis, Governor of Lyons, French Ambassador to Rome
-, 111
-, his negotiations in Venice concerning Jesuits, 265

Alington, —, widow, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 297

Alishowlte. See Alice Holt

Allegiance, Oath of
-, measures to enforce it in Ireland, 302

Allemans, The
-, Flemish provinces grant money towards payment of, 56

Allen, Thomas [? of the parish of St. Mary Woolchurch, London, haberdasher]
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 257

Allerton, co. Yorks.
-, manor of, 79

Allertonshire, co. Yorks.
-, 79

Allrom, co. Yorks.
-, sale of wood at, 56

Altam, Baron. See Altham, Sir James

Alterinnes. See Alt-yr-Ynys

Altham (Altam), Sir James, Baron of the Exchequer
-, complaint of King's tenants referred to, 13
-, signs certificate concerning sale of King's woods, 79
-, signs certificate dealing with forestry matters, 85
-, 164, 259, 269

Alton Wood, co. Worcester
-, papers relating to, 83
-, Lord Lisle's claim to, 277
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, surrendered by Lord Lisle, 328

Alt-yr-Ynys (Alterinnes), Walterstone, co. Hereford
-, 366

-, reference to business in, 52
-, King resumes patent for manufacture of, 55
-, 142, 282
-, mines in Yorkshire, 174
-, King's agents for alum mines, 194

Amato, Sultan of Algiers
-, grants safe conduct to Flemish merchants, 173

Ambassadors, Envoys, etc.
-, Brandenburg:
-, to England. See Solms, Count of
-, to Flanders. See Reth, Baron de
-, Denmark:
-, to England. See Charisius, Jonas
-, England:
-, to Flanders. See Edmondes, Sir Thomas; Trumbull, William
-, to France. See Carew, Sir George
-, to Spain. See Cornwallis, Sir Charles
-, to States General. See Winwood, Sir Ralph
-, to Venice. See Wotton, Sir Henry
-, Flanders:
-, to England. See Hobocque, Baron de
-, Florence:
-, to England. See Lotti, Ottaviano
-, to France. See Botti, Matteo
-, France:
-, to England. See La Boderie
-, to Flanders. See Brülart, Matthieu
-, to Rome. See d'Alincourt, Marquis
-, Matthias, Archduke:
-, to Spain. See Harrach, Charles von
-, Pope, The:
-, to Flanders. See Bentivoglio
-, Persia:
-, to England. See Shirley, Sir Robert
-, Savoy:
-, to England. See Cartignano
-, to France. See Jacob, Sieur de
-, Spain:
-, to England. See Cuniga, Don Pedro de; Giron, Don Fernando; Velasco, Don Alonzo de
-, to Flanders. See Guadalesco, Marquis de, Calderon, Don Rodrigo
-, to France. See Toledo, Don Pedro de
-, to Rome. See Castra, Don Francesco de
-, States General:
-, to England. See Caron, Noel de
-, Venice:
-, to England. See Correr, Antonio
-, to Rome. See Mocenigo, Giovanni

-, Godolphin sends Earl of Salisbury a present of, 146

Ambérieu (Amberné) [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 111

Amberné. See Ambérieu

Amboise [Indre-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne visits the castle at, 104

-, details of Hudson's voyage along the coast of, 152

Ampoul, —
-, Orme accused by, 126

Ampthill, co. Bedford
-, Honour of, 349

Amsterdam [N. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Henry Hudson, Master of the Half Moone of, 152
-, Hudson sets out to discover North-East passage from, 152
-, King wishes Alabaster to continue to live at, 237
-, liberty for all religions at, 237
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 247

Amstruther, Sir Robert. See Anstruther, Sir Robert

Ancenis [Loire-Inférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne visits, 106

Ancusan. See Enkhuizen

Andalusia [Spain]
-, Ambassador from Lorraine to buy horses in, 17

Anderson, Thomas. See Henderson, Thomas

Anderson, Thomas, a shipmaster
-, 301

Andover, co. Hants.
-, 119
-, letter endorsed by post at, 152

Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Ely and the King's Almoner
-, to receive money for King's Maundy, 349

Andrewes, Sir William, of Lathbury, co. Bucks.
-, 42

Anees, William. See Anys, William

Angell, Thomas, mariner
-, engaged in shipbuilding, 329

Angell, Mr.
-, his New Year's gift of plate to Earl of Salisbury, 1

Angers [Maine-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne stays at, 105, 106

-, 103

Anjou (Aniou, Aunio) [France]
-, 105
-, peasants molested by wolves in, 153

Anna, Infanta of Spain
-, marriage proposed between Louis XIII and, 309

Annan (Annand), Dumfriesshire, Scotland
-, goods conveyed by land from England to Scotland to pass through, 314

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I
-, receives letter from King, 15
-, writes to Infanta Isabella, 19
-, her lease of duties on sugar, 29
-, her dislike of Earls of Salisbury and Dunbar in matter of Balmerino's trial, 30
-, Baron Hobocque's wife complains that she has never been received by, 54
-, 68, 75, 92, 102, 143, 148, 149(2), 150
-, receives gift of parrots, 83
-, her coach harness destroyed by fire at Farnham, 96
-, King entertains her cousin, 129
-, at Somerset House, 130
-, King's tribute to, 131
-, requests Earl of Salisbury's opinion about a suit, 151
-, 158, 228, 234, 361, 364
-, prepares masque for investiture of Prince Henry, 170
-, King reprehends any intervention on behalf of Balmerino by, 173
-, list of forests, parks and houses of, 185
-, ship of Le Havre alleged to have been seized by vessels belonging to, 189
-, dissatisfied with Overbury's conduct, 250
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 275
-, solicited to urge King to encourage voyages of discovery, 276
-, embroidery work purchased by, 287
-, petition to her Council, 324
-, jewels, linen, etc., for, 327(6), 361
-, petition to, 364
-, her principal Commissioners, 372
-, her manors in south-western shires, 374
-, gardener to. See Caus, Solomon de
-, Gentleman Usher to. See Colborne, Henry; Tracy, Sir Thomas
-, Groom of Privy Chamber to. See Linlay, Lawrence
-, Maid-of-honour to. See Middlemore, Mary
-, Master cook to. See Morkeley, William; Popelman, Hans
-, Principal Commissioners to. See Cecil, Robert; Sidney, Robert, Carew, George

d'Ansbac, Margrave. See Anspach

Anspach, Joachim Ernest, Margrave of
-, 245

Anstruther (Amstruther) Sir Robert, diplomatist
-, sent as envoy to Kings of Denmark and Sweden, 362

Anstruther, Sir William
-, permitted to transport silver plate into Scotland, 300

Anstruther, William
-, his pension bought by Wroth, 180

Antwerp (Anvers) [Belgium]
-, Peace Commissioners to meet in, 4
-, letter sent from, 15
-, 19
-, Archduke offended with, 36
-, reference to delivery of money from England to insurgent Low Countries at, 58
-, furnishes bonds for repayment of English war loan, 58
-, letter dated from, 197
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 248

Anvers. See Antwerp

Anys (Anees), William, English merchant
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 24

Apremont (L'Abregment) [Vendée, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 106

Aragon, Admiral of. See Guadalesta

Arbella, Lady. See Stuart, Lady Arbella

Archduke, The. See Albert

Archdukes or Princes, The (joint Governors of the Spanish Netherlands.) See also Albert and Isabella
-, displeased by St. Pol's behaviour, 34
-, go to Sichem, 71.
-, prepared, on terms, not to intervene in affairs of Cleves, 100
-, their reaction to French intervention in Cleves, 114, 117
-, proposal for Anglo-French defensive league to support United Provinces against, 203
-, Viscount Cranborne received by, 248

Archer (Archere), (Sir) Andrew, of Tanworth, co. Warwick, High Sheriff of Warwickshire
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 73

Ardmagh. See Armagh

Ardmagh, Primate of. See Ussher, Henry

Argent, John, physician
-, signs report on alleged poisonous liquor, 91

Argiel. See Algiers

Arison, —, of Enkhuizen, mariner
-, examined about activities of pirates on Lundy Island, 210

Armagh (Ardmagh), Ulster, Ireland
-, survey of Crown and Church lands in county of, 117
-, 121
-, King orders assistance to be given to Undertakers in, 295
-, plantation in, 346
-, 351

Armagh, Dean of. See Woods, Eugene.

Arminius, Jacob, former professor of theology at Leyden
-, 355, 356

Arnheim (Arnham) [Gelderland, Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 247
-, Winwood confers with Prince of Orange at, 354

Arnold, co. Notts.
-, manor of, 59

Arnold, —
-, 63

Arnold Wood, Sherwood Forest, co. Notts.
-, sale of trees in, 59, 61, 63

Arnott, Thomas, a Scotsman
-, ordered to be released from prison at King's Lynn, 361

Arondel, John. See Arundell, John

Arondell, Mr. See Arundel

Arostegui, Antonio de, Spanish Secretary of State
-, exchange of views between Digby and, 333

d'Arquiem. See d'Arquien

d'Arquien (d'Arquiem)
-, Antoine de la Grange, Seigneur, Governor of Calais
-, 237

Arras [Pas-de-Calais, France]
-, Roman Catholic book for England published at, 61

Arthur, Edmond, Serjeant-atArms
-, 349

Arundel, Lord. See Howard, Thomas

Arundel (Arondell), Mr., Keeper of the Little Park at Farnham
-, 48

Arundell (Arondel), John, of Trerice, co. Cornwall
-, proposed as commissioner to investigate piracy in Cornwall, 11

Arundell, Thomas, 1st Lord Arundell of Wardour
-, 330

Aschaffenburg (Ashenbourg) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 246

Ashburton (Aishburton), co. Devon letter endorsed by post at, 152

Ashby de la Zouch (Ashebie, Asheby), co. Leicester
-, letters dated from, 59, 69

Ashebie. See Ashby de la Zouch

Asheby. See Ashby de la Zouch

Ashenbourg. See Aschaffenburg

Ashfield (Ashfeild), John [? of Heythrop, co. Oxford]
-, alleged to be recusant, 270

Ashley, Sir Anthony, Clerk of the Privy Council
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 206
-, quarrel between Creighton and, 262
-, 279, 289 and n.

Ashley, Sir John. See Astley, Sir John

Ashmore, John, yeoman, of Sawtry, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Ashridge, co. Herts.
-, letters dated from, 130, 138

Ashton, William
-, demise of land made to, 360

Ashton, Mr.
-, 289

Astley (Ashley), Sir John, of Allington, co. Kent, Gentleman Pensioner of the King
-, obtains reversion of Mastership of the King's Revels, 350

Aston, Sir Roger, Master of the King's Great Wardrobe
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 15, 28, 32, 59, 129, 130, 136, 142, 161, 191, 192, 255, 256, 269
-, 101, 132, 133, 143, 150
-, to be made secretary to King, 269
-, sent for by House of Commons, 286
-, 315, 336, 340, 341, 349, 352, 353, 361

Atkins, Dr. See Atkins, Henry

Atkins, Henry, physician
-, signs report on alleged poisonous liquor, 91
-, 233
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in land enclosed by King, 328

Atkinson, Anthony, former Customs official at Hull
-, appeal on his behalf, 44
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, Caesar and Tanfield, 55

Atlanes. See Oatlands

Aton, Mr.
-, 116

Attlebridge(Attlebrige), co. Norfolk
-, 91

Attorney - General, The. See Hobart, Sir Henry

Aubigny, Lord. See Stuart, Esme

Aude, River [France]
-, 108

Audiencer, The. See Verreycken

Audley, Katherine, widow of Thomas Audley, of Berechurch, co. Essex
-, alleged to be recusant, 297

Audley, Thomas [? of Houghton, co. Lincs.]
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Audley End, co. Essex, seat of the Earl of Suffolk
-, letter dated from, 127

Aughmotie, John. See Achmouty, John

Augsburg (Ausbourg, Ausborge) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 245

Aukland. See Bishop Auckland

Aunio. See Anjou

Ausbourg. See Augsburg

Authion (Lotion) River [France]
-, 105

d'Auvergne, Conte. See Valois, Charles de

Avignon [Vaucluse, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 109
-, extent of Papal territory at, 109

Aylesbury, co. Bucks.
-, inquiry into depopulation at the Assizes in, 90

Ayliffe (Ayloff), Sir John, of Brinkworth and Grittenham, co. Wilts.
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Aylmer (Elmer), John, Bishop of London
-, reference to, 19

Ayr and Dunsdon. See Eye and Dunsden

Ayscough, Sir Roger, Keeper of the Ordnance stores
-, 350

Aysgarth (Aysgirth), co. Yorks. dispute about tithe at, 198

Aysgirth. See Aysgarth