Cecil Papers: February 1612

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp327-333 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1612', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp327-333.

"Cecil Papers: February 1612". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp327-333.

February 1612

[1611–12], February 17. An indenture of bargain and sale to the Earl of Pembroke of 12,000 cords of wood yearly out of the Forest of Dean, during 21 years from Michaelmas next; for which he is to pay yearly to his Majesty after the rate of 4s the cord, amounting in the whole to 2,4001 per annum; with reservation also of an annual rent of 331 6s 4d for encoppicing the grounds where the wood shall be felled. Subscribed by Mr Solicitor General upon signification of his Majesty's pleasure by the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer.
An annuity of 10001 per annum for the Lord Viscount Rochester during his life, to begin from Lady day next. Subscribed by Mr Attorney upon signification ut prius.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay the said Viscount Rochester the sum of 12,0001.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay unto the Earl of Nottingham the sum of 16281 8s in full satisfaction of certain hangings which he has delivered to his Majesty's use. Procured by Sir Thos. Lake.
A like warrant to pay unto John Norden, his Majesty's surveyor, the sum of 811 6s 8d for repairing certain decays in Calshott Castle, co. Southampton; and the sum of 2501 for reparation of a breach or fret near the said Castle, by order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer. Procured ut supra.
A like warrant to pay unto Peter James, merchant stranger, the sum of 15001 for a jewel in form of a Rose set about with fair diamonds, delivered to the use of the Queen. By order from the Lord Treasurer.
A like to pay to Stephen Le Gouche the sum of 10001 for one jewel delivered to the use of the Queen. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto George Heriote for jewels delivered to the Queen the sum of 88511 10s 4d. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto Sir John Spilman and George Heriote jointly the sum of 10,7421 for jewels delivered to the use of the Queen. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto William Harris, goldsmith, the sum of 17001 for jewels to the use of the Queen. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto William de Lawne for drugs delivered to the Queen's use the sum of 4001. By order ut prius.
A like to pay Sir William Hericke the sum of 401 for jewels delivered to the use of the Queen.
A like to pay unto Sir Thomas Dacres the sum of 38401 for his interest in lands called St Giles taken into the Park at Theobalds. By order of the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A like to pay unto Roger Traps and Jane his wife for their interest in like lands there the sum of 1901. By the same order.
A like to pay unto Humphrey Walcott for his interest 581 10s. By the same order.
A like to pay unto William Thomas for his interest the sum of 6001. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto John Lowen for his part the sum of 161. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto Sir Robert Wroth the sum of 56001 for his interest. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto William Wilford the sum of 701 for his interest. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto Dr Atkins the sum of 7001 for his interest. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto John Decro the sum of 181 3s 4d for his interest. By order ut prius.
A like to pay unto Henry Hendley for his interest in certain tithes there the sum of 201 per annum during his life. By order ut prius.
A letter to the President and Council established in the North parts signifying his Majesty's pleasure for admitting Sir Henry Tanckread, knt, to the exercise of the office of Secretary of York as deputy to Sir Robert Carey, and also to swear him one of that Council. Procured by Sir Tho. Lake.
Endorsed: '17 February, 1611. Docqt.' 12/3 pp. (129 28)
Clare Hall, Cambridge, etc.
[1611–12], February 18. Notes with respect to a grant licensing the Earl of Exeter to convey certain lands to Clare Hall, Cambridge. Also of a letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland to grant to Sir Henry Folliet the castle and lands of Balleshannon on conditions named.
Endorsed: '18 Feb. 1611.' ½ p. (P.2450)
1611–12, February 20. 'Docquet 20 Feb. 1611.' Grant to Sir Thomas Lake of the rectory and advowson of Eaton, co. Beds. Particulars and proceedings therein.
Ratification of contract between the Commissioners for sale of lands and the contractors for prebends, rectories, chantries, etc, made 29 July, 1611.
A protection for six months to Sir John Kennedy and his sureties.
A writ to the Exchequer to pay to Julio Camello Crema, an Italian, 1001 as his Majesty's gift.
A writ to pay certain moneys to Lord Lisle for his surrender of Alton Woods, Worcestershire, and in consideration of his services; the moneys to be taken out of the remainder of the sale of mills.
A grant of the offices of steward of the Honour of Oxford and bailiff of the manors of Otford, Gravesend and Milton, and stewardship of Swannescombe, co. Kent, to Lord Lisle and Sir William Sidney his son, upon surrender of a former grant.
A grant to the Earl of Suffolk of the moiety of all forfeitures or seizures of Venice gold and silver.
pp. damaged. (214 67)
1611–12, February 24. A lease made to John Eldred and William Whitmore of the manor of Oldcourt and divers other lands in East Greenwich, co. Kent, and of other lands in the county of York, for the term of 60 years. Subscribed by the Commissioners. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
Licence to travel for 3 years with 2 servants, 2 horses and 201 in money granted to George Pringill of Blindley, esq. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A pardon unto Richard Sheldon, late a seminary priest, of all treasons, felonies, and other offences (except treasons directly against his Majesty's person), and agrees with the form of other pardons of a like nature. Subscribed by Mr Attorney General by order from the L. Archbishop of Canterbury. Procured ut prius.
A pension of 5s per diem for John Skillicorne during his life, upon surrender of the same from Thomas Bedingfield. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
His Majesty's accustomed reward of 5s upon the ton amounting to the sum of thirteen hundred and seventy four crowns, granted to Michael Meriall, John Crane, Edmund Ty, John Redgrave, Thomas Angell and Edward Lawrick, mariners, towards the building of 6 ships. Subscribed by the Lord Admiral. Procured ut supra.
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland recommending John Tanner to be established in the Bishopric of Dromore, void by the resignation of John Tod, late Bishop there. Subscribed and procured by Mr May.
A writ to the Exchequer to pay unto Sir Henry Wotton (who is to be sent to the Duke of Savoy) the sum of 51 per diem, to begin from the 5th of December last, and to advance to him the sum of 6001 by way of imprest.
A letter to the Lord Deputy recommending James Dundas, chanter of Murray in Scotland, to be established into the Bishoprics of Down and Connor, void by the resignation of John Todd. Subscribed and procured by Mr May.
A readmission unto John Wheeler, John Coreham, Thomas Rowley, Thomas Newport and William Turner into the Society of the Merchants Adventurers, from which they have been disfranchised by reason of their marriages with women strangers. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake. Done at the suit of the Merchants Adventurers.
A grant unto Sir William Leveson, knt, and his heirs of the reversion after an estate tail of the park of Sedgeley, co. Stafford, of the yearly value of 51, and is part of the value of six score pounds per annum to be passed to the Earl of Bedford according to his Majesty's grant formerly made to the Earl of remainders and reversions of this kind. Subscribed by Mr Solicitor by direction from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A grant unto John Eldred and William Whitmore and their heirs in fee farm of divers manors, lands and tenements amounting in the whole to the yearly value of 1231 12sd, which according to the rates of purchase agreed upon by the articles of contract amounts to the sum of 32281 2s 7d, and is done at the nomination of the contractors as part of the lands and rents which they are to have of his Majesty in consideration of 50,0001 paid by them to his Highness's use. Subscribed by the Commissioners and Mr Attorney.
A grant unto Sir William Smith, knt, and Humphrey Smith of London, grocer, and their heirs (at the suit of Lord Arundel of Wardour) of certain fee farm rents amounting to the yearly value of 361 6s 8d, in consideration of a surrender made by the said Lord Arundel to his Majesty of certain chantry lands formerly granted by his Majesty for which he paid 4601, but could receive no benefit thereby because upon examination the same appeared to belong to the Company of Brewers and Salters of London. Subscribed by Mr Solicitor, by order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
An Incorporation for the city of Salisbury by the name of Mayor and Commonalty of the city of New Sarum, to whom is granted that they may make statutes and ordinances for their better government so they be not repugnant to the statutes of this realm; that the Mayor after he is elected, before he enter into the execution of his office, take the oath of the Bishop of Sarum or of the Dean (if the see be void), if they will be present to receive the same, otherwise of the last Mayor his predecessor; that they choose the Bailiff of the Bishop to be their Bailiff, and in case of misdemeanour to remove him from the bailiwick of the city; that the Mayor, Recorder and 10 of the Aldermen may be justices of peace in the city, and the Mayor and Recorder to be of the quorum, but not to intermeddle within the Bishop's Close nor within the 'Goale' of the city during the time of the sessions of the Bishop; that they choose the Bishop's clerk of his courts to be clerk of the peace of the city, saving to the Bishop all fees, fines and amercements of the sessions holden by the justices of the peace of the city; that they purchase land in mortmain not exceeding 501 yearly, newly founding the Hospital of Holy Trinity with confirmation of all their former lands and liberties. By order from the Lords of the Council
A letter to the Lord Eure licensing him to be absent from his charge as President of the Marches until the feast of St Michael next, in regard of the cause which his private affairs do give him to visit his own lands; with signification of the choice of the Bishop of Worcester to supply that place as Vice-President during the time of his Lordship's absence.
A letter to the said Bishop declaring his Majesty's choice of him to that place.
A letter to the Bishop of Durham licensing him (for his indisposition) to go to the Bath this next spring.
A grant whereby the Bishop of Salisbury and Dean for the time being, the Earl of Salisbury, Clerk of the Bishop's Courts and his deputy, the Earl of Pembroke, High Bailiff to the Bishop and his deputy, and the Chanter, Chancellor, Archdeacon and Treasurer of the said Church, and the resident Canons of that church, and two persons being the learned counsel to that church, shall be for ever justices of peace within the Cathedral church of Salisbury, and within the precincts, walls and canons of the said church, and in the streets from Harneham gate until Harneham Bridge, and within the Guildhall and gaol there during the time of the Bishop's sessions, granting them all fines and amercements happening within the said courts; that the Bishop may keep his gaol within the city for his prisoners, with prohibition not to suffer any tradesmen within the Close of the said church but one plumber, one glasier and one carpenter. And that he shall suffer the Mayor to come on Sundays to the Cathedral church with his maces borne before him. By order from the Lords of the Council.
Endorsed: 'Docquets,' and with an abstract of contents 3 pp. (129 29)
[1611–12, February 29]. A grant unto Richard Greves (at the nomination of Sir Hugh Beeston, knt) of all benefit accruing to his Majesty by the outlawry of Sir George Beeston, deceased. Subscribed by Mr Solicitor General upon signification of his Majesty's pleasure by Sir Thomas Lake.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay John Raymond, purveyor of his Majesty's Poultry, the sum of 3001 in satisfaction of certain losses sustained by him in making of provisions of poultry at set prices by composition with the officers of the Household. Subscribed by Sir Thomas Lake, by order of the officers of his Majesty's house.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay William May, carpenter, 131 in full satisfaction of the charges disbursed for the building of a new lodge in the Park at Hampton Court. By order from Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A warrant to pay unto Richard Batten, gent., ranger of the forest of Whichwood, co. Oxford, 341 13s 4d to the use of the underkeepers thereof for their charges as well in ditching, paling and walling to make a division between the forest and the Bishop of Winchester's chace, as also for reparation of two several lodges there. By order ut supra.
A warrant under the Signet directed to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster signifying his Majesty's pleasure that he give order unto the Auditors of the revenues of the Duchy that they in their several offices respectively do make discharges upon their records as well of the moiety or the half year's rents, issues and profits due and payable by the contractors for rectories, tithes, etc, for or in respect of any lands within the Duchy which were to be passed by virtue of their contract with the Commissioners for the sale of lands from Michaelmas 8 James I until the feast of the Blessed Virgin then next following (amounting in the whole to the sum of 401 15s 1d), as also of all rents, issues and sums of money from thence due and payable in respect of any the said lands (within the survey of the Duchy) since the said feast according to the intent of the said contract confirmed by his Majesty's Privy Seal in July last; whereof the Chancellor has made some doubt to make allowance by reason the same lands were not expressly granted in the said Privy Seal. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A pardon to William Hutchinson, Doctor of Divinity (one lately employed in the translation of the Bible) and parson of Ken in the diocese of Exon., in respect of a simony objected against him, for that some friends of his having agreed with the patron of the said parsonage for 3001 to present Dr Hutchinson to the said parsonage when void (as it is said) he, Dr Hutchinson repaid to those his friends the said 3001, whereby his institution and induction into that parsonage is by law void and himself disabled to hold that benefice. All which are pardoned and he dispensed with (notwithstanding the law in that behalf) to retain that benefice during his life. Subscribed by Dr Marten, Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A presentation to the said parsonage of Ken for the said Dr Hutchinson. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake by order from the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The offices of Coroner and Attorney of the King's Bench with the fees thereunto belonging granted unto Thomas Fanshaw and William Michell conjointly for their lives; in reversion after David Waterhouse and Robert Hare the present possessors, upon surrender of a reversion by one John Keling. Subscribed and procured by Sir Thomas Lake, recommended under the hand of the Lord Chief Justice of England.
A grant unto the Lord Knivett of a yearly rent of 51 reserved to his Majesty upon a lease lately made by his Majesty to Edward Moseley of the manor of Morehall and Hawes wood in co. Norfolk: which manor Lord Knivett purchased of Henry, Lord Hunsdon, who forfeited one obligation of the sum of 10001 to the late Queen, by reason whereof the said manor was extended towards the answering of the said 10001; and by his Majesty's Commissioners for ordering of his Majesty's debts the manor was upon composition leased out for the said yearly rent of 51, and the same granted to Lord Knivett for discharge of the said lands. And is done upon signification of his Majesty's pleasure by Sir Thomas Lake. Subscribed by Mr Attorney.
A letter to the Lord Deputy of Ireland signifying his Majesty's pleasure for discharge of Sir Humphrey Winche from the place of Chief Justice of the Bench in that realm, and to make a grant thereof unto Sir John Denham, kt, Chief Baron of the Exchequer there. By order from the Lord Treasurer.
A like for William Methwold, Serjeant-at-law, to be admitted to succeed Sir John Denham in the place of Chief Baron. By order ut supra.
A letter to the Lord Treasurer for James Wilford to have such benefit of William Watson of London, gent, as accrues to his Majesty by his recusancy. Procured by Sir Thomas Lake.
A warrant to the Exchequer to pay unto Robert Buchanon the sum of 501 accruing to his Majesty upon forfeitures or fines inflicted by any courts of justice for notorious crimes of misdemeanours or for any other casualties. Subscribed by Sir Thomas Lake, by order from the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A warrant to the Master and other officers of the Court of Wards and Liveries for pardoning and releasing unto Edward, Lord Denny, Sir George Fleetwood, and William Potter of several obligations and all sums of money, forfeitures and debts due to his Majesty by reason of the said obligations. By order from the Lord Treasurer.
Endorsed: 'Ultimo Fenruarii, 1611. Docquets.', with an abstract of contents. 22/3 pp. (129 31)