Cecil Papers: January 1611

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp290-293 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1611', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp290-293.

"Cecil Papers: January 1611". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp290-293.

January 1611

Sir Lewes Lewkenor to the Earl of Suffolk
[1610–1611] January 8 There landed in this instant here a boat from Calais with some servants of the Marshal, who say he has been at Calais 7 days, and is ready to put to sea with the first opportunity of wind, so that we hope to see him here tomorrow. On his landing I will advise you of the journeys he intends to make towards London, to the end my Lord of Pembroke may know when to meet him at Gravesend. A Flemish hoy was yesterday cast away, men and all, over against Sanddowne Fort. Dover, 8 January.
Holograph Endorsed "1610" 1 p. (195 136)
Postal endorsements: "Hast post hast hast hast hast hast post hast. Lewes Lewkenor. Dover, Tuesday 8 Jan. somewhat past 3 a clock in the afternoone. At Cant[erbury] at past 6 a Cllock at night. Sittingborne at 11 and past at night. Rochester at one oft the Clock at night. Darford at past 4 in the morin. London the 9 of January at 8 in the moringe."
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury
1610–1611, January 12. Warrant for direction for a bill for a grant to be made by the Attorney-General to Walter Toderick of the goods and two parts of the lands of the Lady Anne Curson of Walterperrie, co. Oxford, widow, upon certificate being made out of the office of the Treasurer's Remembrancer of the Exchequer of her conviction for recusancy. The warrant is to be void if the said Walter does not within a year convict the said recusant and return the inquisition of her lands of record into the Exchequer. "Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the twelfth day of January in the eighth year of our reign of England, etc."
Signed Sealpp. (128 99)
The Earl of Montgomery to Viscount Cranborne
[1610–11] January 13. "I hope you will not thinke that it was anny forgettfullnes in mee or want of afection to you, that you have not herd from mee since youre going ought of England, for I protest unto you it was for want of nether: for there is no manne that leeveth which I desier mor to give a tru testimony of my love to then youre selfe. And I protest I desier nothing more then that I may have anny ocation to make you know how much power you have to comand mee.
All youre frends heare hath been extremly greeved to heare of the danger you weare in by reson of the extremity of the violent fever which you had (fn. 1), but now, God bee thanked, wee doe all rejoice as much as wee did greeave beefore, for the last letters which youre father reseved hath mad us sertainly know you are past all danger. I will not truble you with anny such nuse as this place doth afoord, beecause I canne wright none which is worth youre hearing. But I cannot omitt to lett you knowe how much you are bound to God in giving you so worthy and so loving a father as you have. For I protest to God I never sawe no manne so carefull of a sonn, and that you will soone find at youre returne, which I hope will bee very shortly, to the great joy of all youre frends. From the Court at Whithall, the 13 of January."
PS—"I pray remember my servis to Henry Howard."
Holograph Seal 1 p. (200 8)
Sir Christopher Parkins to the Earl of Salisbury
1610–11, January 16. Having in my old age got a poor cottage for my last worldly rest, it has been desired of me in your name that I should yield some part thereof, if any might be spared, for the enlargement of the next house appertaining to the Countess of Derby. Afterwards one came from you to view, and seeing the rooms strait and small, thought nothing superfluous. By him I returned this humble petition that I might with your favour enjoy my poor house, but should be ever at your commandment, wherewith I was informed your Honour rested satisfied. But since I have been much urged to take a hundred pounds and be gone to seek elsewhere, yet this not in your name. Lastly it has been desired of me by letters in your name to write my resolution to the Countess, which I readily did, signifying for very manifest reasons of bonds to be taken in and such like, that much more lay upon it than to take 100l and be gone; and also that being now feebled I was unwilling to seek further, wherefore I prayed her that I might have her favour to be as I was. Whereunto, I am informed, her Honour answered she would leave to urge hereafter by herself or others. Channon Row, 16 January 1610.
Signed Seal, broken 1 p. (128 100)
Sir Julius Ceasar to the Earl of Salisbury
1610–11, January 17. The King has bestowed on him the reversion of the Mastership of the Rolls, for which he returns thanks. Whenever he shall be settled in that place, he will surrender his offices of Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of the Exchequer or either of them, at his Majesty's pleasure, together with both or either of the letters patents by which he holds them during life. Strond, 17 January, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (195 137)
1610–11, January 22 and 23. Two documents.
(1) Appointment by Sir George Carew of Clopton, of Nicholas Salter of London, merchant, to receive from Sir William Slingsbie and others one seventh part and half a seventh part of the profits of their licence to erect furnaces, etc. for boiling, melting, etc., glass, ordnance, bell metal, latten, copper, brass, tin and lead. 22 January, 8 Jac.
1m. Seal (220 4)
(2) Agreement by Sir William Slingesbie, Andrew Palmer, "a Say master of the Mint", Edmund Wolferston and Robert Clayton, to pay to Nicholas Salter of London, merchant, a seventh and half a seventh part of the profits of their licence to build furnaces, etc. for the boiling, etc., of glass, ordnance, bell metal, latten, copper, brass, tin, lead and all materials whereupon great expense of fuel is required. 23 January 8 Jac. 1m. (220 7)
Hugh Done to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610–11, January] Is ignorant in what way he has incurred his displeasure. Desires to know the cause that he may clear himself if possible, and be restored to favour. Undated.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: "January 1610. Hugh Done to my lord."
1 p. (128 101)
Maurice Kyffin to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610–11, January] I have lately married a widow, a gentlewoman, well descended, her father as yet not acquainted of the matter. I doubt that he will be highly displeased with his daughter for marriage without his consent, and that, I fear, will turn to her great sorrow and grief, being a sickly body. Therefore I beseech you speak with him in my behalf, that I may have his good will, which is all I desire of him. He is now in London and will not stay here long. He is no recusant. I will attend your Honour to inform you of his name. Undated
Holograph Seal Endorsed: "January 1610." ½ p. (128 102)


  • 1. A reference to Cranborne's serious illness at Padua. See supra p. 244.