Cecil Papers: December 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp262-272 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp262-272.

"Cecil Papers: December 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp262-272.

December 1610

Thomas Phelippes to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, December 1. He is embarked in the quarrel between Sir James Creyghton and Sir A. Ashley without cause, though he thinks does good service in pursuing the revenge of so foul a murder. 'We' have answered Ashley's infamous bill in the Star Chamber, which partly concerns Salisbury, for Ashley justifies himself therein, notwithstanding Salisbury's honourable proceedings, as he did to the King. Smith, Ashley's accuser, has been ordered by the Star Chamber to answer, but this order 'we' cannot proceed upon while Ashley, who reigns among the clerks there, keeps it in his hands; his drift being either to have Smith stand mute, and so become a confessor of the libel, or else have Smith recant his confession of the murder. 'We' are advised to petition the Council, and he begs Salisbury to further the petition, otherwise he has no hope against this wicked devil. Begs Salisbury to take notice of the evidence of the murder and Ashley's practice to smother it, and to support Lady Justice lest Lady Money put her down and 'we' be left a prey to that vulture. 1 December, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (196 30)
Sir Thomas Lake to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1610, December 3. Concerning the matter of this gentleman, Mr William Ramsey, his Majesty likes well the answer sent by your Lordship, but thinks best you make the bargain with my Lord Compton as to his Majesty's use and make it as high as you can. After, his Highness will give the money to Mr Ramsey but doubts if it be left to a treaty between them, my Lord will be too good for him.
But the main cause of my writing is upon a commandment of his Majesty, who in many questions and curious interrogatories yesternight has taken hold of somewhat which I spake in satisfying of him, and then he passed over very well with laughing on it and no more, but now is much moved with it. It was in this manner, that enquiring of all the circumstances and causes of the late adjournment and why it was so early done and so few present (so as it seems he hears by other means of those things), for he said there was not twenty in the House; and I having answered that it was to prevent the entering of their order that none should hereafter repair to his Majesty about Parliament matter without leave, his Majesty replied that might have been more formally done when the House had been fuller. I told him it might have been done so early to prevent a worse mischief, for I remembered your Lordship in speech with me about some of their humours had said that a private intelligence was given to some of your Lordships that some seditious spirits had purposed to move that a petition might be framed by the House to his Majesty to remove or to send home those Scots that so much consumed their supplies, and that they should be the more willing to give when they saw it should rest in his Majesty's own purse. This his Majesty passed over yesternight very merrily and laughingly, but this morning has examined me whether it were spoken of Scots only or of others; also whether of all Scots or of some. I prayed his Majesty to excuse me, for I did not take it as a speech I had any charge to report to him, and did not attend to the particularities of it. It might be I had mistaken it in the telling, and that it was not only of Scots but of others. His commandment was I should send to you to know the truth and the party. I answered it might be that he that gave you the intelligence had never named the party but spoke in generality. Then said he; My Lord may name me the party from whom he had it. To that I replied that if his Majesty would press Councillors to discover those by whom they received intelligence, they should be able to do him no more service in that kind. He said all traitors were to be discovered and punished. His Majesty discoursed long to show in what degree of treason they were that would seek to remove servants from a Prince. I answered that perhaps the party that had the conceit, being some rash man, took it for no treason to move to the House to go by petition, but it was not likely the House would have given ear to it but have rejected it. All would not serve but he would know the author or the intelligencer. I prayed his Majesty to forbear till your Lordship and he met, for I did not doubt but that you had many secret informations and many observations of the disposition of the House, which you reserved till you might have speech with him. The conclusion still was that he would not bide so long, but that if you would not write you might impart it to my Lord of Dunbar who is to be at London tomorrow night. I added after all this that I had met with Sir Henry Newill, Sir William Strowd and some others of the House and questioned with them about it, and their answer was that it might be some intemperate brain had made such a motion, but it would not have been heard but found them all (as I did indeed) very eager that his Majesty would treat with them about the point of the marriages, and that they hoped the House would give good ear and pay well for it. All would not content but that he desired to know who was the author, and if your Lordship would not write you might speak with my Lord of Dunbar. I have acquainted my Lord of Dunbar with it, who shakes his head on it and seems to me not to like his Majesty's eagerness in it. From the Court at Royston, 3 December, 1610.
Holograph 4 pp. (128 168)
The Earl of Salisbury to King James 1
[1610, December 3] I have received from Sir Thomas Lake two letters, one concerning the speech of Jehoram whereof my Lords gave some touch in a joint letter and mean to yield your Majesty further answer, according to your commandment, being advertised by me to assemble for the same.
To the second letter concerning me in my particular, I think fit to give your Majesty an account with the same diligence by which I have endeavoured (in the whole course of my life) to give your Majesty the best cause I could to bear with my other wants and weakness; and therefore without holding your Majesty's mind in expectation of more from me upon this unworthy subject, I do beseech your Majesty to receive this just and humble assurance; which is, that Sir Thomas Lake has much wronged himself in reporting that I had any intelligence of any such petition, for I do assure your Majesty I never had nor spake it to him, and if I had known of any such seditious course resolved, I was once so happy in my own thoughts as I would have presumed your Majesty would have persuaded yourself that I would rather have been doing something to the proudest of them than speaking. I beseech your Majesty therefore, if you receive no better distinction from him between a loose speech in passage to him expressing my desire to receive your commission safely for preventing any intemperate body that might (at parting) use any particular bitterness against your bounty or expenses, and any speech of mine inferring any particular notice of any formed or unformed petition in that kind, be pleased to do me that justice to lay myself at your Majesty's feet for further trial. And this is all that I will now presume to say to your Majesty, saving only to beseech your Majesty to believe it was out of mine own duty and no other man's thoughts that I wrote for your first warrant; secondly, to conceive Sir Thomas Lake is liker (for many respects) to come by such discourses than I am. And lastly, that you will be pleased so to dispose of me or suffer me to be treated as you shall think may best agree with your own service upon all occasions; for when I resolved to serve your Majesty as I have done upon other men's trusts (in a time of want, of practice, and a place of envy), I had searched my heart and found it well resolved to suffer for such a Master all the incidents to such a condition. And so praying God to send your Majesty, etc. Undated
Endorsed: '3 December, 1610. Copy of my Lord's letter.' 1½ pp. (134 142)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, December 4. Warrant in behalf of Christopher Berwick, to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of Anne Floyre of St Gabriell's, co. Dorset, widow, alleged to be a recusant, upon her conviction. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the fourth day of December in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed 2 pp. (128 170)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Lord Treasurer
[1610, December 4] I have nothing to advertise you from home but that which confidence of your secrecy makes me to say. I find that all this heat expressed in my last two letters is moved by Sir Robert Carre; that your Lordship has been very maliciously dealt with by some of the Lower House, he being the instrument; that the intent of pressing your Lordship and my Lords to discover these names and matter is urged by him out of a purpose to cast some distaste between your Lordships and the King. You may remember that I have given some intimation to you of such an humour in the House. If my Lord of Dunbar do not say any such thing or if he do, I beseech you take no notice of it, for if you do it must needs be known to come from me, and then I shall never know more. But if it be secret, I may perhaps against my return learn the particularities and their names. Undated
In the handwriting of Sir Thomas Lake but unsigned Seal Endorsed in Salisbury's handwriting: 'Sir Tho: Lake from Royston the 4th of Xbr 1610. Memorandum that the 17th of Jan; at Whythall T.L. told me and the K's Att. of Somes case and yt it was followed by Sir R. Carr.' ½ p. (128 171)
King James 1 to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1610, December 6] My little beagle, I wonder what should make you to conceive so the alteration or diminishing of my favour towards you, as I find you do by divers passages of your letter; for I am sure I never gave you any such occasion, and all that know me do know I never use to change my affection from any man except the cause be printed on his forehead. It is true that I have found that by the perturbations of your mind ye have broken forth in more passionate and strange discourses these two last sessions of Parliament than ever ye were wont to do; wherein for pity of your great burthen I forbare to admonish you, being so far ashamed as I confess I had rather write than speak it unto you, nam litterae non erubescunt. But ye must be sure that if ever I had found any ground of jealousy of your faith and honesty, I would never have concealed it from you. As for this particular that troubleth you, it is true that the first night of Lake's coming to Royston he did broadly and roundly inform me that ye had told him that there was a worse thing in head than anything whereof ye had advertised me, which was that ye had intelligence that if the Lower House had met again, one had made a motion for a petition to be made unto me that I would be pleased to send home the Scots if I looked for any supply from them. But the next morning, when I urged him to repeat the words again, he minced it in those terms as ye now have it under his hand, which yet is directly contrary to that which ye affirm in your letter. Judge ye then if I have not reason to hunt such tales, for that nation cannot be hated by any that loves me. And as I would be sorry that this people should be so unthankfully malicious as to bear grudge at them, so can I not but be more sensible that any other of high or low degree in the Court should falsely father upon the people their own partialities; and if whenever the tenor of bounty is touched, the Scots must ever be tacitly understood, I will be forced to disabuse the world in that point, and publish the truth that the English have tasted as much and more of my liberality than the Scots have done. To conclude now ye need trouble you no more with this purpose, since all is tried in that can be and all cometh to this, that Lake in his report hath made of a mote a mountain. The worst is that he spread this mistaking of his to three or four of the Lower House before his coming to Royston, as ye may perceive by his letter unto you.
Well it is now time for you to cast your care upon the next best means how to help my state, since ye see there is no more trust to be laid upon this rotten reed of Egypt, for your greatest error hath been that ye ever expected to draw honey out of gall, being a little blinded with the self love of your own council in holding together of this Parliament, whereof all men were despaired, as I have oft told you, but yourself alone; but God send us some better. Undated
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: '6 December 1610. The King's letter to me from Hinchingbrook.' 3 pp. (134 144)
King James 1 to the Privy Council
1610, December 7. We have seen and considered your long letter, though written upon a short and naughty subject, to which we can give none other answer than this; that from you we received first the information of this lewd fellow's speech, aggravated with these words, that he made his allusion of Joram, a King not to be desired conceptis verbis. And now from you again we have received a new repetition of it, though qualified and moderated as much as may be. As for our resolution what we will have to be done in this case, we will ourself tell you our pleasure at meeting. Only thus far we thought good in the meantime to signify unto you, that we would have wished that our counsellors and servants in the Lower House had taken more heed to any speech that concerned our honour, than to keep off the refusal of a subsidy, for such bold and villainous speeches ought ever to be crushed in the cradle. And as for the fear they had that that might have moved more bitterness in the House, not only against themselves, but also to have made the House descend into some further complaints, to a greater disliking, we must to that point say thus far, that we could not but have wondered greatly what more unjust complaints they could have found out than they have already, since we are sure no house save the house of Hell could have found so many as they have already done. But for our part we should never have cared what they could have complained against us, for we hope never to live to see the day that we shall need to care what may be justly said against us, so that lies and counterfeit inventions be spared. Only we are sorry of our ill fortune in this country, that having lived so long as we did in the Kingdom where we were born, we came out of it with an unstained reputation and without any grudge in the people's hearts, but for wanting of us. Wherein we have misbehaved ourself here we know not, nor we can never yet learn; but sure we are we may say with Bellarmyne in his book that in all the lower Houses, these seven years past, especially these two last sessions, ego pungor, ego carpor. Our fame and actions have been daily tossed like tennis balls amongst them, and all that spite and malice might do to disgrace and infame us hath been used. To be short, this Lower House, by their behaviour, have perilled and annoyed our health, wounded our reputation, emboldened all ill natured people, encroached upon many of our privileges and plagued our purse with their delays. It only resteth now that you labour all you can to do that you think best to the repairing of our estate, and as for the repairing and clearing of our honour, we will ourself think specially thereupon, and at our return acquaint you with our thoughts therein. Hinchinbrooke, 7 December in the 8th year of our reign.
Signed Seal 2 pp. (147 162)
King James 1 to the Privy Council
1610, December 7. Warrant concerning a lewd fellow's speech and 'Joram.' December 7, 8 Jac.
1 p. (147 162)
The Earl of Salisbury to King James
[1610] December 9. Although you have vouchsafed to me such a letter as might (for many considerations besides duty and thankfulness) draw from me, your humblest servant, a letter at greater length, yet I will beg it at your Majesty's hands to make a gracious judgment if I frame no apology nor address myself to answer every part of the same; first, because there are divers things which can have no reference to me at all; secondly, because your Majesty knows how often I have made my complaint that my tongue doth ever fail my heart when it is affected with joy or grief, of both which your letter hath given me now a portion.
For although I am not a little glad it was my hap to give your Majesty occasion to say you did wonder at my conceit because your Majesty could not have found cause of wonder if you had not known that I had no cause of fear (from which perturbation the mind of no honest servant in my case could be [? free]), and albeit your Majesty hath been pleased to assure me also, that you neither held my faith nor honesty suspected (which I confess was so far from my doubts that knew your Majesty's greatness as well as I can almost know my own innocent thoughts, as I would have held my life no better than death if such a fear had catched me); and although I esteem it one of my greatest obligations that your Majesty hath pleased so graciously (in imitation of God that chastiseth when He loveth) to show me my faults and how your Majesty apprehendeth them, yet I am not a little grieved at my hard fortune (although more at my faults) when I look back at that rock whereupon I ran (when no ship of my own goods but only of yours was in question), if your Majesty's mislike of my passion and indiscreet freedom to so great a King had wrought also upon your Majesty any such alteration as might have kept you from observing likewise how far I was, notwithstanding my errors, from failing in the least duties which I owe your Majesty in as large measure as the meanest valet about you. Concerning the self love of my own counsels and the blindness in persuading the continuance of the Parliament, I humbly beseech your Majesty to suspend your judgment either of my actions or of my reasons, for as much as I did in any kind, until I attend your Majesty and be heard: which, once done, I shall then be better able to yield my own conscience a just reason, for any confession of whatsoever you will lay upon me; and in the mean time to take it in good part that for the care of your estate (to which your Majesty directeth me), I only say that no less shall be done by me for care and diligence, with the assistance of my Lords, than I would do for my own life. Lastly, Sir, for (1) that which concerns your opinion of those that can hate the Scottish nation or you, and, (2) your sense that any in Court (of high or low degree) should father their partialities upon the people, and (3) your mislike to disabuse the world about the quality of your bounty to the subjects of both kingdoms, vouchsafe I humbly beseech you to expect no defences or distinctive answers from me to any of these three passages; for as I am persuaded that Cerberus himself will not bark at me or any of my society for the first two iniquities, so for the last likewise I fear not your Majesty's own severest judgment for any discourse of mine upon that subject, if your Majesty shall either resort to your memory when my zeal hath made me least discreet, or bring me or any man to trial; so well can I tell that my tongue hath no power to move without a thought, and so much liberty your Majesty I hope gives me to speak confidently upon any of these occasions.
Having now, most gracious sovereign, presumed to hold you beyond my purpose with some description of my fortune and the integrity of my humble and honest thoughts (fearing what might follow upon a silence or an answer too near couched), I humbly beseech your Majesty for that matter which can concern no more but the poor chips of Sir Thomas Lake's credit and mine. Let me refer you to the reading only of my own letter sent him now in answer of his which your Majesty hath seen, with this only passage, that when he hath put his own conception into the best shapes, I must declare it still for my part to be nullius filius, and yet I shall and do beseech your Majesty to assure yourself by many experiences, that I have not anyone thought so high as to seek mine own credit abroad by the least blemish of any man's reputation that were less used than he by your Majesty in the place he serves, or any other man. And thus I humbly kiss your Majesty's hands with my prayers that God may make your Majesty both of kings and of men the fullest of days and blessings. From the Queen's Court at Whitehall, this ninth of December.
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'My letter to his Majesty.' 3½ pp. (134 117,)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Lake
[1610, December 9] Now that I have seen this Parliament at an end, whereof the many vexations have so overtaken one another as I know not to what to resemble them so well as to the plagues of Job, I am so far from meaning to trouble myself with the memory of any of the dregs, as I mean not now to spend my time from his Majesty's service in disputing this matter by my letters, in which no man hath interest but you and I. For seeing mine own innocency tells me that that is false which you may think to be true, your distinctions move me no more than an old wife's tale, neither shall it trouble me that am known in the world (what help so ever you borrow of your own memory to confirm your mistaking), except I should find that the King should so far believe you as in that respect to condemn me. For I am otherwise so unapt to fill the air with noise of any contestation between me and you, whose fortunes have their degrees and limits (especially when I presume you did nothing out of malice nor can yet conclude me to be under that, if you were so disposed), but Assai demanda chi ben servi et taci. [interlineated: that I leave your thoughts and my knowledge far asunder. Et sic finitur fabula.] I had sooner answered his Majesty's letter and yours but that the post that brought it had a fall by the way. To the last directed to my Lords of the Council, they find no cause to trouble his Majesty with more letters, and for that which was directed to my Lord Chancellor, I send you here the best account by his own letter. Undated
Draft, with corrections in Salisbury's handwriting Endorsed: '9 Decemb. 1610.' and in Salisbury's handwriting: 'Copy of my letter to Sir Th. Lake.' 1 p. (128 172)
Sir Robert Carr to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610] December 12. Having spoken at Whitehall about the remainder of my money, give me leave to put your Lordship in mind that if any be come in, as Sir Julius Caesar told me about this time there would, that at your best leisure you would give command that it may be delivered to the bearer hereof, my servant Walter James. Royston, the 12 of December.
Holograph Endorsed: '12 Decemb. 1610.' ½ p. (128 173)
Sir John Cowper to the Lord Treasurer
[? 1610, before December 13] Stay is made of his grant of the m nor of Rocksteede on alleged defect of title. Prays the Lord Treasurer to refer the matter to the Lord Chief Justice and Baron Altam. Undated 1 p. (P. 1727)
Sir Roger Aston to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1610] December 15. This morning I received your letters. Those that concerned his Majesty's service I presented to him, and delivered the others according to the direction. He sees no cause to alter his former dispatch, notwithstanding their 'gogling' [juggling] tricks upon words only; and he would have added more to it that his Ambassador should tell Velroye that he condemned as much the writer of the 'toxin' as he himself could do, but that he would be sorry that he should make him to speak true of him in this very cause. His Majesty understands by the Ambassador's letter what has passed from the Italian, and of his examinations and characters that was found about him, agreeable to such as was found upon him that murdered the late K. of France; which makes his Majesty the more desirous to have a severe trial of this fellow, in case his accusation prove true; and for that cause would have his Ambassador to move the Queen and Council that they would send him hither to be examined; for his Majesty fears that they and he, being of one religion, they will be the more loth to examine him upon such points as may slander their doctrine. If this course prevail not, that then his Ambassador may be at his examination; but this motion only in case this fellow's accusation prove true, as is aforesaid. This letter is written by his Majesty's own direction. He bade me tell you he would make me a secretary, as well as I was master falconer and master hunter. If the frost hold we go to Tebbales on Monday; if it thaw we go not till Tuesday. Rosterne. the 15 of December.
PS.—These two enclosed his Majesty gave me to send back. The other two he keeps himself.
Holograph Endorsed: '1610.' 2 pp. (196 32)
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, December 16. Warrant in behalf of William Prichard to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of John Lewes, of Lynweny, co. Radnor, gent, and John Meredith, of Lavelly, co. Brecon, gent, alleged to be recusants, and whose conviction the said William purposes to obtain. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the sixteenth day of December in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed Sealpp. (128 175)
King James I to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, December 16. Warrant in behalf of Charles Chambers to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of Robert Throgmorton, of Weston, co. Bucks, gent, George Throgmorton, of Chepingnorton, gent, and John Ashfeild, late of —, esquire, in the county of Oxford, alleged to be recusants and whose conviction the said Charles purposes to obtain. 'Given under our Signet in our Palace of Westminster, the sixteenth day of December in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signedpp. (128 176)
Sir Robert Carr to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, December 16] The day you have assigned, being Friday, will fitly serve for all my occasions, so that for this favourable offer of your Lordship's I shall rather have cause to be thankful than make use of. Your Lordship shall see I do not do this to avoid beholdingness, for the manifold occasions I shall have ere long to trouble you shall give you assurance that I am content to owe much of my fortune to your care and favour. Royston, this Sunday.
Holograph Endorsed: '16 Decemb. 1610.' ½ p. (128 174)
Revenues of Prince Henry
[1610, December 21] The difference between the charges issuing to the Prince from the King before the Assignation and since.
The Prince had for his house 18,0001
Robes 3,0001 22,4001
Privy Purse 1,400
The Prince has at this present:
In land 10,0001
In rents 12,0001 46,0001
In money out of the Exchequer 18,0001
The tin for coinage 2,0001
The profit of the contract for preemption 4,0001
To this add:
In respect of reprises which the King pays that issued of those lands 3,0001
Over and above all the profits from copyholders, from profits of Courts, Greenwax, and all other casualties incident to those possessions which for the most part lie westward 2,0001
By which it appears that the King having now departed with all these, which amount to 51,000l, his Majesty has less than he had before this Assignation by the sum of 28,000l
Endorsed: '21 December 1610. A view of what the Prince had and what he now hath.' 1 p. (129 1)
The Privy Council to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1610, December 21. His Majesty by his letters dated at Greenwich, 8 June, 1609, gave warrant unto you (upon letters from six of us of the Privy Council, whereof your Lordship to be one) to grant licence to such of the Undertakers as shall desire to transport from hence into Ireland any horses, mares, kine, sheep, bulls, hogs and other cattle without paying customs or other duties. Forasmuch as suit has been made to us by William Hill, William Bayley, William Dunbar, John Railston and Francis Holcott, Undertakers in Ulster, to transport for every of them 12 mares, 2 horses, 20 cows, 10 heifers and 2 bulls, 100 sheep and 12 swine, we pray you to grant them licence to transport the said cattle out of any part of this realm into Ireland without paying custom or other duties to his Majesty. From Whitehall, 21 December, 1610.
Six signatures Seal 1 p. (129 2)
Captain Richard Gyfford to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1610, December 29. How you have been informed of me I know not, but my conscience assures me to have been a most obedient subject and your dutiful servant. In my allegiance I could do no less than move that which I heard; it rested then in his Majesty and Council to determine. I know the affronts received, and no subject knows so well as myself how to repay them if way be given thereunto. I submit myself to you for the discovery thereof.
Whereas I was at the instance of the Turkey Company proclaimed, they finding the informations against me not culpable of punishment have given me a general discharge, whereupon I presented a petition at the Council Table which was remitted to Mr Secretary Herbert, who confirmed under his own hand, upon the merchants' certificate, my peace. Notwithstanding, on Monday last I presented myself before Sir Daniel Dun, Judge of the Admiralty, of purpose to satisfy him of my former life and proceedings, who presently without any further examination committed me to prison where I now am. I beseech you consider the poor estate of me, my wife and family, undone through the tyrannies used towards me in Italy, which have brought me and mine to great extremities. And if there be any occasion of service according as Sir Sterten Leitiver was by me acquainted, or some other which I can discover, it will not be requisite to keep me thus in prison for divers considerations concerning the same. Wherefore I beseech your favour that some order may be given to Sir Daniel Dun for my liberty either absolute or upon bail, which at your Lordship's time and pleasure I will be ready upon command in all things to obey. In prison, 29 December, 1610.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (129 3)
King James 1 to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1610, December 31. Whereas our servant Ellis Rothwell has presented unto us the name of George Watkins of — in our county of Dorset, gent, a recusant not yet as he alleges convicted, and whom he proposes by his industry to prosecute and convict according to the laws in that case provided, and upon his conviction to cause inquisition to be made of the two parts of his lands and goods and the same to be returned of record for us into our Exchequer as in that case is accustomed, craving of us to bestow upon him such benefit as by the conviction of the recusant is to come unto us: We are pleased to grant the same unto him, and signify so much unto you to the end you may take notice of the name of the recusant and make entry thereof with yourself, that you may thereby know he is already by us granted and therefore not to be passed to any other; but that whensoever it shall appear unto you by certificate out of the office of the Treasurer's Remembrancer of our Exchequer that the recusant is duly convicted, his lands seized and found to our use and the same returned of record for us, that then you our Treasurer do give order to our Attorney General or other of our counsel to make a bill for a grant unto the said Rothwell of the goods and two parts of the lands of the said recusant, according to a form already agreed on and remaining with our Attorney. And because our intent is not by this our warrant that any delay shall be used in prosecuting the said recusant or to give him hope that under colour thereof he may be concealed longer than otherwise by the course of our laws he would be, you shall understand our meaning is, that if the said Ellis Rothwell does not within the space of one whole year next after the date of this our warrant convict the recusant and return the inquisition of his lands of record into our Exchequer, that then this warrant shall be void and of none effect to him. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the last day of December in the eighth year of our reign.
Sign Manual Signetpp. (129 4)
Treasury Records
1610, December 31. 'Compendium Recordorum Regiorum in Archivis Divi Regis Jacobi, etc, repositorum in ordinem digestorum per Arthuru Agarde deputatum Walteri Cope militis, unius Camerariorum Scaccarii. Last of December 1610.'
With introductory note addressed by Arthur Agarde to the Earl of Salisbury. Describes his 36 years' labour among the records, and the huge and neglected chaos in which he found them; also his method of arrangement, and their conveyance into a vaulted treasury in the Abbey of Westminster. Acknowledges his indebtedness to the Earl, Sir Robert Cotton and Mr John Bingley, a special officer of the Receipt. Mentions further records not yet dealt with.
Vol. 252
[See Palgrave's Ancient Kalendars of the Exchequer, I, xii, II, 311–335]