Cecil Papers: November 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp257-262 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp257-262.

"Cecil Papers: November 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp257-262.

November 1610

Robert Hesketh to the Lord High Treasurer
1610, November 2. Being informed there was much carrying of leather out of Lancashire into foreign parts, which was the only cause of the great dearth of leather, had search made near the sea coast, and there was found by the constables of Hesketh in two houses four score dozen of calf-skins wanting four, and twenty cow-hides. Has taken a cocket from the owner of the bark by which it appears that the leather should have been transported into France. 2 November, 1610.
Signed ½ p. (128 162)
The Enclosure
Examinations taken 21 October 1610 before Robert Hesketh, esq, one of the King's justices of the peace within the county of Lancaster.
William Garstange of Browghton, gent, aged about 59; has been in some speeches with Rawffe Lawe, Tho. Diconson and Tho. Waring, tanners, for certain calf-skins, but did not buy any; has heard that certain calf-skins were come to Hesketh to the houses of Hugh Hodgis and John Cawdre, but knows not what numbers nor remembers that he requested either of them to in [sic] any calf-skins at either of their houses. His meaning was to have bought certain calf-skins to transport to Bristol, and if he could not have a good market there, he would have carried them to France.
Rawffe Law of Charnocke, tanner, aged about 51; confesses that by agreement with Garstange made at Preston he brought 56 dozen calfskins and 20 cow-hides to John Cawdre's house in Hesketh.
Ric. Mathewe of the North Meales, sailor, aged about 30; confesses he met Garstange in Preston, who ordered him to make his bark ready for France, but what the loading should be knows not.
John Cawdre of Hesketh, husbandman, aged about 50, confesses: that there did come to his house certain calf-skins and twenty cow-hides from Rawffe Lawe, and 8 dozen calf-skins from Tho. Waring, and that Edward Haworth, Garstang's servant, requested him if any leather came to his house to take it in.
Hugh Hodgis of Hesketh, cloth dyer, aged about 36, confesses; that Saturday sevennight Garstang met him at the market in Preston, and requested him to take into his house any leather that might come there. Since then 15 dozen calf-skins from Tho. Diconson have come to his house. Garstange told him that he had bought 20 dozen and had cocket for them.
Signed: Rob. Hesketh. 1 p. (128 164)
Lord Mountague to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, November 2. If any matter of displeasure be raised against me for my religion only, I beseech you to stand, my good Lord, in such degree as shall seem best to your wisdom. From Cowdry, 2 November, 1610.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 163)
William Garstange to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, November 5. I am given to understand that an information is sent you from Mr Robert Hesketh against me and others touching some few tanned calf-skins and two dickers of cow-leather. My suit is that you would join some other justices of the peace with Mr Hesketh to hear this cause or else, which I most desire, that your Lordship would permit me to attend you in Hilary term next. I am the same man that was sent for by a messenger and came before you at Oatlandes in July, 1593, touching a forged letter written in my name and delivered to your father, slandering Mr Serjeant Bradshaw. At my departure your Honour said that if I had occasion you would do me good, and gave me leave to put you in mind thereof. If you permit me to attend you in Hilary term next and to signify the same unto Mr Henry Soothworth, feodary of this county of Lancaster, it shall be great gladness for me to wait your leisure and pleasure. Broughton, 5 November, 1610.
Holograph ½ p. (128 165)
Forest of Whittlewood
1610, November 7. Requests of the lessees of the Forest of Whittlewood. Note at foot signed by the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar, referring the matter to Mr Baron Altham and Mr Baron Sotherton. 7 November, 1610.
Endorsed: 'Delivered by Sir Rob. Bret.' 1 p. (132 138)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, November 12. Warrant in behalf of Ellis Milles, gent, to whom the King has granted at the suit of John Grey and David Kenneday the goods and two parts of the lands of Anne Dancastell of Welhowse and Elizabeth Dancastell of Benfield, widows, in co. Berks, upon their being convicted of recusancy. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the twelfth day of November in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed Sealpp. (128 166)
1610, November 23. Estimate of joiners' work at [? Hatfield] 7 pp. (143 118)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, November 24. Warrant in behalf of Roger Mowlesdale to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of Anne Turbervile of Warfeild, widow, and Edmond Wollascott the younger, gent, of co. Berks, and Francis Strelley of co. Notts, gent, upon their being convicted of recusancy. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the four and twentieth day of November in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signedpp. (128 167)
The Vice-President and others of Magdalen College, Oxford, to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, November 26. May both his private affairs and those most weighty ones for the State, which he performs most happily not only daily and hourly but every moment of the hours, pardon them a little while whilst they thank him for his incomparable humanity and clemency towards Magdalen College. He alone has procured for them not only the power to elect a man sought by all their votes, but has preserved to them uncorrupted the right of election for long castigated and repressed of those surrounded by squalor and more powerful in letters. Especially has it been his goodness to propose to them for election a man of their own house, brought up from early boyhood in the best arts, and soon after leaving the lap of the College taken into the Earl's service, whereby he who was before most dear to them has now become far dearer. May God for long preserve him safe. 'E Collegio Divae Mariae Magdalenae, Oxon, Sexto Calend; Decemb. 1610.'
Signed: Henricus Perier, Vice-preses; Franciscus Bradshow, Doctr. in Theol; Antoninus Morbred, Decanus in Theologia; Laur. Humfredus, praefect in S. Theologiae; Edmundus Carpenter, Bacchal. in theologia; Johes Burrughes, sacrae Theologiae bacchal; Henricus Chittie, Richardus Love; Thomas Loftus, Bacchal. in Theolog; Thomas Otes, Bacchal. in Theolog; James Mab, Decanus in artibus; Johannes Brickenden, Graecae linguae professor; Robertus Barnes, Bacchal. in Theologia; Johannes Dunstar; Tobias Garbrand; Thomas Mason, prelect. Philosophie; Richard Caple; Wilielmus Sparke; Joahnnes Hunte; Johannes Fowkes; Johannes Drope; Samuel Smith; Nathaniell Gyles.
Latin Endorsed: 'Vice-President and others of Magdalen College in Oxford to my Lord, by Mr Dr Langton.' 1 p. (196 31)
Schedule of Fees
[? 1610, November] 'Schedule of fees to the surveyor general of his Majesty's woods, such as are ordinary and have been used by Taverner and others.' Undated
Signed: Robert Treswell. 2 pp. (132 162)
Embassy from Denmark
1610, November. A list of payments or gifts. Includes: 7 chains 100l apiece; the captain of the ship, a chain 100l: 17 chains 50l apiece: the D. of Divinity: Jonas Carisius; Jonas Nasburt, D of phisik; Jonas Vennsinus; Christianus concionator; [struck out: Daniel surgion; Tho. Lauterbah, secretarius germanicus, a chain; Martin secretarius, a chain]: Naphnae Simonis, scriba questurae; Petrus Erasmus monstrator; Ivarus sartor; Mathias pincerna; Willmus Doch, de cubiculo regis, Willm Caron; Walterus interpret; (fn. 1) 10 musicians; trumpeters 15; the drumer; halberdiers; the guard; the musician that presented his man; the ship; the master of the horse to the Chanc. Amounts following each name. Undated
Apparently in Salisbury's hand 1 p. (205 88)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 638, 639, 647]
—to Lord Haddington
[1610 ? November] As it pleased God to make you in Scotland the instrument of our sovereign's preservation from the hands of a most wicked and treacherous traitor, so it may please Him to make you the means to keep and recover the hearts of all us, his subjects of this kingdom, and to show his Majesty the true way to maintain and preserve his prerogative, honour and dominion, which by the subtle practices of such as he now trusts and relies upon is brought into danger. These men study nothing but insatiable glory and power to themselves, having engrossed all great offices in their own hands. If any man complain to his Majesty he is referred to them and undone for neglecting them. As they study their own greatness and glory, they likewise study his Majesty's weakness and dislike of his subjects. All their carriages are openly seen and known to the whole country, only concealed from his Majesty. Our House was most willing to do their duties and uttermost service, so long as honest and religious, wise, dutiful subjects were suffered to speak. But now the House being composed of three sorts, that is to say, of honest, wise men, crafty knaves and ignorant fools, the wiser sort dare not say what they would for their sovereign, fearing so great a dangerous vindicative subject. The knaves are all his friends and followers, the fools are led by their witty and cunning speeches, not only spoken in the House amongst ourselves but proclaimed abroad in all public places. Their text is the King's prodigality and bounty to all you his countrymen, when God knows that any one of diverse of our own nation have got more than you all. And yet you Scots get the name and blame of all, which all fools applaud, praising their zeal and care of the Commonwealth, when they and their apostle are the very caterpillars of the kingdom and subtle snakes in the bosom of their sovereign. Yet if it be lawful to deal falsely and politicly with a sovereign King, who has made them and suffered them to make themselves so great by his royal gifts and all his greatest offices placed in one little person, I must needs excuse them for this present action; for if the Court of Wards should be taken away, three parts of their glory and power were decayed. What subject has land in England and not in his daily danger for all he is worth? We are only in his Majesty's danger for criminal causes, which men of possessions seldom commit. By whom his Majesty was persuaded to demand five hundred thousand pounds more than our agreement at the last sessions, his Highness does know. By whom the House was persuaded to refuse it, all the wiser sort know. The end is apparent to break off the agreement, and the Court of Wards so continues to make his Majesty yet weaker in selling the rest of his lands and, according to their grounded maxim, themselves richer and more powerful and secure. His Majesty doubtless neither knows nor suspects any such villainy to proceed from his own creature, still blaming us who for his honour and maintainance will not spare to sell our lands and goods to furnish his necessary occasions.
But we are so unwilling to part with the least part of our fortunes to fill the purses of such abusers both of King and country, that we will first part with our lives. I know there be such as inform his Majesty that if he should openly use his royal power and prerogative without their cunning policy, that then all we his subjects would rise in rebellion. God forbid we should once imagine such a thought, but if any rebellion ever should happen, their insolent actions will be the cause. The wiser sort know that his Majesty can hardly perceive by whom he is thus abused in regard that the great ones have all conjured to respect one the other, and so did solemnly swear at Queen Elizabeth's departure. Queen Elizabeth and her antecessors never suffered their statesmen to agree in one, but maintained factions amongst them, to the end that one great one fearing the other durst never offend in so high a presumption. Now only one does govern all with some secret grief to his fellows, although they dare not show it. If his Majesty should examine all his services, he shall find more bad than good, and the few good shall be found done out of some private respects to himself more than to his Majesty. He has done nothing nor can do nothing, but hundreds in this kingdom could and can do better. Then, my good Lord, I beseech you in the name of a great number of loyal subjects to let his Majesty know the truth of all things, and to beseech him remember the carriage of our late Queen, and also the wisdom and execution of justice lately committed by his neighbour Princes, the Emperor and the Kings both of France and Spain, against their unjust and disloyal favoured officers; and likewise to take notice that the Lord Burghley at his death (but not before) left to her Majesty the knowledge of the Court of Wards as a rich gift, saying that it was a place too great for any subject. If it please his Majesty to have any further information, send secretly for one James or one Hoskins or any other honest religious wise man of our House, and let his Majesty conjure them to tell their knowledge and they will say more. Undated
Unsigned Endorsed in Salisbury's handwriting: 'A copy of the lybell written to my L. Hadington.' 4 pp. (128 78)


  • 1. Inserted here: Daniel surgion.