Cecil Papers: October 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp253-257 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp253-257.

"Cecil Papers: October 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp253-257.

October 1610

The Earl of Dunfermline to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 5. I return herewith your speech in Parliament, which I have read to my great contentment. I had heard very 'meikill' of it, but I find it surpasses all I heard or could 'consaitt' of it. It is most sensible and pithy. I wish 'at' God the effects may ensue, as I hope they shall, answerable to your affection. 5 October, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (196 20)
Sir Thomas Chaloner to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 6. Upon receipt of his former letter sent to inquire for Ratcliff, who has removed from Furnival's Inn to Staple Inn. Understood there that a servant of his was in London at an inn near Charing Cross. Addressed letters by a messenger who was going to him on the following morning into Oxfordshire, but has as yet received no answer. Knows not if he be gone into Yorkshire near Skipton in Creven, where he has heard that his father was heretofore resident. Richmond, 6 October.
Holograph Endorsed: '6 October 1610.' 1 p. (128 155)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 7. Asking his good word that he may attain some place of credit about the Prince, and find some better condition than as one of the outcasts of Queen Elizabeth's ancient and faithful servants. 7 Octob., Kewe.
Holograph Endorsed: '7 October 1610.' 1 p. (128 156)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 10. Warrant in behalf of John Levingston, esq, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of John Tregonnell, of Warfeeld, co. Berks, esq, alleged to be a recusant, upon his conviction. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the tenth day of October in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed Sealpp. (128 157)
Customs and Receipts
1610, October 10. Receipt of the customers for the subsidy due upon certain calf-skins and Yorkshire kerseys laden aboard the Eagle of Ribble, bound for Rochelle. Poulton, 10 October, 1610.
1 m. (206 57)
The Bishop of Norwich to the Lord High Treasurer
1610, October 11. I send your patent fee for High Steward of my bishopric. I hoped to have brought it, but being visited with sickness (I fear deadly), pray your acceptation of it tendered by my old friend Mr Scriven. This 11th of October 1610.
Signed Seal ¼ p. (128 158)
The Earl of Bath to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 13. Salisbury already has his proxy in Parliament. Begs him to obtain the King's leave for him to be absent this session. The journey is long, the time of year unseasonable for travel, and he hopes his service in the country will be as acceptable to the King as it would be there. Tawstock, 13 October, 1610.
PS.—Since the writing hereof he understands the sickness is in the next house to his in Holborne, and the doors shut up, and other place than that he has none to lie in if he should be enforced to come up.
Signed 1 p. (196 21)
The Earl of Montgomery to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610] October 13. I have showed the King your Lordship's letter and he is very glad of the news, and his Majesty has commanded me that I should not forget in any case to give you thanks for the good resemblance you made of my face between mother Repwel and me. We have no news here, but there is of late a very strange accident fallen out which I think you would never have thought of; and that is that my Lord of Lincoln is suddenly turned a prodigal; for first he invited my Lord Danvers to his house, and there he made him very good cheer and gave him six mares, and sent James Hay 5 horses, and sent a fat hind unto me. I know not what you may think of this sudden liberality of his; but in truth it makes me doubt him very much. From Finchingbroke, this 13 of October.
Holograph Two seals on white silk 1 p. (129 17)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 14. Warrant in behalf of James Wilford, gent, to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of William Watson of London, gent, alleged to be a recusant, upon his conviction. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the fourteenth day of October in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed Seal 1 p. (128 159)
Viscount Fenton to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 17. At Hollinbye this last progress there was a note delivered me by one of the Clerks of the Council. I enclose a copy that you may consider it. As I take it, this bearer is not unlike the first that is set down in the note; not that I can think but the man is an honest man, but he having the very marks, I could not be answerable if I had not acquainted his Majesty with the same, and you. He is a countryman of Wales named Fludde. He served the late Bishop of London Valhan, and after his death his wife Mrs Valhan; and at this time he serves Lady Sandoise. This morning he walked in the garden before his Majesty went hunting. I attended him myself to mark his carriage, and after acquainted his Majesty with the warrant I had. He thought it convenient I should send him to you, as he had no other thing but his pleasure touching the petition, which is enclosed and which he presented to his Majesty. For the man his Majesty remits that to your discretion. For the petition, you shall deliver that to the Chancellor, and as soon as Sir Thomas Laike shall come, or one of the Masters of the Requests, the Chancellor shall understand his mind more particularly. You see I had rather be a little troublesome to you than neglect a matter of this moment, and so little peril to the gentleman, he being an honest man.
His Majesty has been a little loose since his coming to Royston, but not in the extremity, and he does not lose his meat, so I hope he is past the worst.
This man's mark is, he has a black beard and a wart on his left cheek. Royston, Wednesday, 17 October, 1610.
Holograph Endorsed: 'L. Viscount Fenton. Concerning the Lady Kenedye's business.' 2 pp. (196 22)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, October 18] I am directed by his Majesty to recommend to you a matter that concerns the Lord of Borle, anent the plantation in Ireland. As I conceive it, the part allotted to him is claimed by some others. In regard that this nobleman is one that his Majesty very well accounts of, and was the first of his nation that went thither in person, he has the rather recommended him to your consideration. Roystorne, the 18th.
Holograph Endorsed: 'October 1610. Sir Roger Aston. Concerning the Lord Burley.' 1 p. (196 24)
Sir John Digby to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1610, October 19. I have delivered to his Majesty all the particulars you gave me in charge, and have sent you two pages of the book, which is as much as the King would be persuaded to part with: alleging that as much as could be discovered by the character, or anything in the prints, may as well be done by these two pages as if the whole book were sent. I pressed him as far as I held it fit for the book, telling him you would have it transcribed with all expedition, but was able to bring it to no other effect than what you see enclosed. Roiston, 19 October, 1610.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Sir John Digby. To my Lord.' 1 p. (196 25)
Sir Henry Mountagu to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October 22. Attended the Lord C[hief] J[ustice] of England. Delivered him what I had in command. He desired me to acquaint my Lord Coke with all, to whom I went and delivered the same. He told me they were not as yet fully prepared, but he would at night speak with my Lord C. J. of England. I told him I had been with him. My Lord Coke desired to know how many of your Lordships were together in Council. I told him and that you absolutely prefixed that day, for the King's occasions lent you no other time. So he told me they would be ready to attend your Lordship. 22 October, 1610.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Mr Recorder to my Lord.' 1 p. (128 160)
['As you know' struck out and altered to] 'Quem nosti' to 'Amico et aliquid amplius, P.N.B.'
[1610 c October 26] I will keep my promise to you in effect, though I fail in the means. You shall with this letter receive news where to find the money you wot of. If those to whom it is due find more than they expected, I desire it may be employed in beneficium tam mortuorum quam vivorum. For the dead, you conceive my meaning; for the living, know this much more than you knew before, that I would especially recommend to their aids a business now in hand which was first motioned between you and me in Hilary term last. I did ever think God had so appointed it, and now I am fully confirmed in that thought. Pray for us that if it shall sort with God's glory he will bless the proceedings as he has the beginnings; if not, that he will stop and prevent it now in the entrance. Your prayers I desire to him, your letters to your friends and mine, especially your brother in the country at your next opportunity. In general as well as particular I recommend myself to your devotions. And so not forgetting those to whom we are beholden, I rest. I have sent you two letters, the one unsealed as it came to my hands but not opened by me. I pray you see them sent at your conveniency. Undated
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'A letter left under a bed, brought me by the Lord Viscount Byndon, the 26 of October 1610.' ½ p. (196 26)
Examination of John Brett
1610, October 27. He is a Catholic. An Irish boy told him he had letters for him, but of what content or from whence he knows not. He remembers no letters which have no name nor superscription. He had written and subscribed with 'quem nosti' to his uncle Dr Gifford. The principal matter in it was concerning the oath, and to have the judgment of his uncle whether the oath were to be taken or not. He wrote the letter signed with 'quem nosti' beginning with 'Good Sir.' Confesses to a letter written to his younger brother. Being shown this letter 'quem nosti' which mentions no matter concerning the oath, he says he wrote two letters, and the letter shown is not to Dr Gifford but another to James FitzJames to whom he owed money. Further particulars as to this money. Asked what money was that which was to be employed in 'beneficium tam mortuorum quam vivorum', as the letter speaks, he said it was money he should give to such priests as he thought good. The speeches that passed between FitsJames and him in Hilary term were about marriage with some kinswoman of his. Asked what good the priests should have done in that business, he says, prayer for the good success. Asked whether he be resolved to marry there or not, he says he is not. 27 October, 1610.
2 pp. (206 58)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610] October 29. This morning I received your letter, being ready to take our journey towards Tibbales. I acquainted his Majesty with it. After he had read it, he grew something impatient with those speeches that passed in the Lower House, saying he would give no answer to anything before he saw what they would do concerning the contract. For the book you wrote of, he is very well satisfied. He has taken a cold, and that alters his stomach. Yesternight he vomited both afore supper and after. He is well and merry, and at this present ready to take his coach towards Tibbales. From Rostorne, this Monday morning, 29 October.
Holograph Endorsed: '1610.' 1 p. (196 27)
Lord Hay to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, October] Your interchange of lines with us that live near to his Majesty is like that of Glaucus and Diomedes; we get aurea pro aeneo, but I hope the gladness of the news I am to write shall divert your attention from censuring how they are written. The same day you sent to know of his Majesty's health he observed to be both the first of his full recovery and the first of his best sport; insomuch that upon the contentment of both he challenges you of a promise which you made him of some claret grapes, which if you find expedient to send, it may be he will not lay to your charge the intention you had to translate the first French book, nor yet condemn your judgment for censuring the last to have more divinity and learning nor the first; for he knows that you have no other reason to say so but because you think that the Jesuits, who are the subject of the last book, have more divinity and learning than his Majesty who is the subject of the first. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'October 1610.' 2 pp. (196 28)
Thomas Allen to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, October] His Lordship's displeasure appals and grieves him. Had he known it was his pleasure to have surceased his suit, would never have set foot to have brought it to question. But was assured the law was clear against the defendant's conformity, and his suit was the means by his Majesty's grant to reward his long service and relieve his estate. Submits himself to his Honour's censure. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'October 1610.' 1 p. (128 161)
Patrick Cumyng to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, October. With a petition, which he prays Salisbury to favour. Endorsed: 'October 1610.' 1 p. (P. 1911)