Cecil Papers: June 1608, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1608, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol20/pp177-192 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1608, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol20/pp177-192.

"Cecil Papers: June 1608, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol20/pp177-192.

June 1608, 1-15

Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Privy Council
1608, June 1. The dispatch of Don Pedro de Toledo for France has of late been here their greatest occupation. The general news of the Court and market is that for a certainty an alliance with France will be concluded. What he himself conceives of these intentions his former letters have sufficiently explained.
He has lately caused both the Friar and the Commissioner (sent hither by the States for redeeming of prisoners) to be sounded what the hopes and purposes are for concluding of this long continued treaty. The Friar seems confident, the Commissioner full of hope. The rancour of his countrymen towards the Spaniard he says is well mollified, and the humour of that nation towards them so altered as now, in all ports and places, they are embraced with more open arms and demonstrations of loving hearts than any other nation whatsoever. He verily thinks there will ensue a good peace, though he imagines it may require some 7 or 8 years before the form of the knot that is to be given to every of them be fully agreed on.
The preparations for an Armada are continued, but the design of it is kept very secret. Cornwaleys is not without some doubt that they have an intention to awaken, in their way outward or homeward, his countrymen in Virginia.
The causes of his Majesty's subjects here depending remain in their former estate all in their way, none as yet at their journey's end. He hopes shortly to write more certainly of them.
He understands George Carr, a Scottishman, is to take very shortly a journey into Scotland, supplied from hence with 1400 ducats.
A discursive memorial has been exhibited to this Council advising his Majesty's correspondency with the Catholic subjects of King James in Scotland; giving for reason that if the King here shall find it good for his state to hold firm his friendship with his Majesty of Great Britain, he may then make his intelligence with those subjects of his of great use by discovery of their purpose and affections, and in case any breach shall hereafter happen, he shall then always serve himself well of them to "garboyle" the state of his Majesty in that kingdom. What answer this has Cornwaleys cannot yet with any certainty attain unto, but if Carr's voyage proceed, he supposes that it has wrought the effect that the memorialists desired.
For the gentleman of Denmark and the factor of Mr Kellett (the one condemned to death and the other to the galleys). Cornwaleys has by letters to his Majesty obtained both pardon and delivery. They have sufficiently endured in the prison fears, irons, disease, and miseries, the black followers of green precedents.
He is not out of hope by the next return to receive the like favour for his poor imprisoned countrymen at Seville.
For the ship taken in Sardinia "I have obtained a commission for the delivery of all that is unsold upon sureties and the value of whatsoever has been alienated to be deposited. I have been much put to my shifts by the merchants deferring so long to send their power; and it behoves that they make, as soon as they can, more particular proof of the value of every parcel that they laded. The goods have been scattered into so many hands and so small prices made of them, as it will be hard to recover a third part of the true value. Yet do [I] hope as much as may be to prevail, having gotten it referred to judges honourable just and desirous to give me all contentment.
Mr Spence the Scottishman (lately recommended unto me by some of your Lordships) has lately begun again the woful dance of death in my house, whereinto (coming hither accompanied with necessity as the most part of the suitors do) I was enforced to receive him. My chaplain has also endured a very shrewd fit of sickness and remains very weak; great is the number, as they say, of those that are sick in the town, and such a disease set amongst them as our physicians here are utterly ignorant of."—Madrid, 1 June, 1608, stilo veteri.
Signed. 2½ pp. (125 154.)
[Printed in extenso with the exception of the concluding paragraph beginning "For the ship taken in Sardinia" in Winwood's Memorials, 11, pp. 409,410, from a copy in the Cottonian Library which is, however, dated 4 June.]
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, June 1. Further advertisements touching the Jesuits' new college near St Omer. A means to discover d'Abridgecourt.
Abstract. (227 p. 346.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, June 1. A private letter. My most honourable good Lord etc, pursuing his former recommendation of himself to some place of service at Court under my Lord.
Abstract. (227 p. 346.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 2. I have of late sent many dispatches, and do much long for a return of some lines of your Lordship's hands, which to me in this vale of misery are ever a sovereign cordial.
This present time yields little worthy your knowledge, more than what I have advertised in my general letter to you all of Council. Mr Vanlore's cause has yet received no one sentence, and surely I am in much doubt that by some whom he trusts he is not so faithfully dealt with as he expected. His adversaries of the ransoms being of the tribe of Levy are much favoured by all those of the Manassehs. His brother-in-law Gerald Thyball being now departed the town, I am again become his solicitor, and am promised that the cause depending here shall within few days be heard. The other, that remains at Cadys, has been so grossly and with so many frauds delayed as very hardly I could contain myself from telling Gerald Thyball plainly, that his brother-in-law Mr Van Loor was not so well dealt with as both himself and his cause deserved. The other business followed by Adrian Thyball stands in very good terms and shall, I hope, come within few weeks to good conclusion. The difficulty will be to get equivalent restitution for his ship and goods that have been spoiled.
Your Lordship, I doubt not, has from Sir Henry Wotton heard what entertainment has been given by the Pope and his cardinals to our Irish fugitives. I tell them plainly here that nothing shows more weakness in that hierarchy, than laying hold and receiving into their bosom such polluted children of Cain only upon a pretence of an outward obedience to their church. They seem here to marvel at the grace that has been done them, and myself make doubt that they have been a part of the cause of it. More will be known hereafter.
Noble Lord, this is all that the instant affords, except mine everlasting conclusion, which is to wish unto you all honour and happiness your own heart can desire, and to desire that in this place of tribulation and peril it may please you to remember him that will never forget to give all the demonstrations he can that he is your affectionate servant and faithful poor friend.—This 2nd of June, 1600 (sic)
PS. My good Lord, such and so many have been the importunities of a gentleman here, who calls himself the Baron of Letram, (fn. 1) as I am enforced out of charity and opinion that there may some good use be made of him both to give ear to his words and reading to his writings. He offers to serve his Majesty either in his own country or in any place of Christendom wheresoever, if it please him to give him pardon and favour. Besides, if the King therein shall think himself served, he will undertake to withdraw the one half of his countrymen who now serve under Tyrone's son in Flanders. I send unto your Lordship here enclosed a letter I lately received from him, referring both him and his suit to your grave consideration.—This 2 of June, 1600 (sic)
Holograph. 2 pp. (80 8.)
Georgio Giustiniano to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, June 2. Desiring for the gratification of some gentlemen of this kingdom that Walter Vuankoke, who for some time belonged to the company of a certain pirate, to the damage of the Venetian merchants, could be sent back to his country, entreats him to intercede in his name for his Majesty's pardon. Cannot present himself before the King owing to some indisposition. Hopes to achieve this by his assistance. —London, 2 June, 1608.
Holograph. Italian. 2/3 p. (125 156.)
1608, June 2. Warrant appointing an imposition of 20s a fodder on lead, and 10s a cwt on tin or pewter: on account of the excessive transportation and consequent great increase of prices.—Westminster, 2 June, 1608.
Seal, damaged. 1 m. (219 5.)
Richard Carmerden to Lady Ann Glemham
1608, June 3. I understand that old Barrett is now dead, but how your servant Loveday will speed with the reversion I gave him I know not. For, as I am informed, Sir William means to bestow it otherwise, and yet I protest he gave his consent with me unto my Lord your father that Loveday should have the next avoidances. Whereupon I made him a deputation in reversion as formerly my father and myself have done to others. And though Sir William now conceives the gift of these places to be absolutely in himself, presuming upon his new grant from his Majesty, neither he nor any of his predecessors did ever yet bestow them, notwithstanding the fees were ever paid by the collector, and in regard thereof my father would never make any grant without the collector's consent. And during my father's life the surveyor and the collector did jointly bestow them, and so I hope they shall continue.— 3 June, 1608.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (125 157.)
William Udall to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 4. Your acceptance of that book, which you received by the Bishop of Bristowe, has encouraged me to endeavour the performance of more worthy service. For that one most vile book delivered by the Bishop to you, I caused a pursuivant lately to intercept above 800, but none of that argument albeit seditious, which with certain church stuff, were carried to my Lord's Grace of Canterbury.
As you, since your coming to be Lord High Treasurer, have begun an eternal record of ho[nour] in reforming divers abuses of which the world takes ample knowledge, so am I to give a taste to you of certain intolerable wrongs done to his Majesty, as follows. Whereas formerly I have caused at sea above 4000 books to be taken, and divers raw hides, now of late I caused 63 to be taken by the Lord Chief Baron's warrant. By which experiences I find that the transporters of prohibited wares are not greater caterpillars of the commonwealth than dangerous practisers against the King and State, for where there is communio sceleris there is an interchange of trust. The transporter imports and lands at secret places all seditious books, persons and letters. If I had means I could every week perform something; above 60 persons disaffected I could prove to have landed, of Irish and English, secretly within these 14 days, amongst which I could follow an English and an Irish Jesuit.
A second most dangerous and dishonourable course is practised by the pursuivants of the High Commission. They buy and sell priests and Jesuits for money. I can name a dozen bought and sold. The bribes they take for books, church stuff, letters, to overpass them, are common and infinite.
In the lay recusants there are courses held, by annual pensions and bribes, to withhold them from coming in charge to his Majesty, insomuch as divers recusants, who have kept themselves out from coming in charge by such courses, are wearied with the continual charge and uncertain state they stand in; but to withdraw themselves from them upon whom they have relied they find dangerous, so that divers live in expectation of some honourable course from you herein.
If you accept of what I may do in any of these, you shall find my performance effectual.—4 June, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (195 11.)
Advertisements from Prague
1608, June 4/14. By the reply made by the Commissioners of the Archduke Matthias eight days ago yesterday, mention was made of certain articles which he would still have to propose in pursuance of his principal demand. The Estates sent on Wednesday thirty two delegates to parley with those of his Highness half way between this town and the place where he was, and to hear the said articles. But those here refused to communicate with them as, in the first place, they had not been given a good and final resolution upon the said demand. Thus the conference broke down without any result, as also that which was made again yesterday on the same subject. Today the said deputies of this kingdom have returned towards the others to signify to them what the Emperor would have already granted the Archduke, being contented to relinquish to him the government of Moravia, and that they were satisfied also to testify to him how much affection they bore to him, provided that in the return (le revers) he will give he declares that that is done without prejudice to the union of the said province with this said kingdom, and that he claims also nothing more.—Prague, 14 June, 1608.
French. 1 p. (195 15.)
Customs Frauds
1608, June 6. Privy seal giving authority to the Earl of Salisbury to appoint special officers to attend the loading and unloading of coasters, to prevent frauds on the customs.—Greenwich, 6 June, 6 Jac.
Signed. E. Reynoldes. 1 p. (195 12.)
Thomas Walker to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 6. For presentation to the church of Claxby juxta Normanby, in the diocese of Lincoln, in the King's gift by reason of the minority of Judith Witherwicke, the present parson, Richard Cod, being willing to resign it to him.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury, and certificate by George Montaigne, that petitioner is sufficient in his profession and of honest conversation.—6 June, 1608.
1 p. (P. 1703.)
The Earl of Argyle to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608] June 7. Being desirous to find out an occasion whereby I might show my affection to his Majesty's service, how soon I did hear of O Lociert's rebellion I sent immediately "explorateurs" towards his country, by whose relation I was certainly informed of his flight with his whole goods towards the woods. His sudden departure so far off made me unable to be assured of any enterprise against him, so that I thought it more expedient to delay his pursuit than to show my intention when I could not goodly harm him. I am going presently, according to his Highness's direction, with a number of men towards the borders of this country, and during my being there, if I can find any fit occasion to apprehend any of his Majesty's rebels in Ireland, I shall noways be negligent.—From Argyle, the 7th of June.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (125 158.)
The King to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, June 7. Forasmuch as our subjects trading into the parts of Russia and Muscovy have made suit unto us to suffer certain quantity of bell metal ready cast, and certain pieces of plate, to be transported by them out of England for the use of the Emperor of Russia: we, considering that by this gratification of our merchants the said Emperor may be induced to afford them the more favourable treatment within his dominions are pleased to yield to their request; and authorise you to give to the officers of our customs, or such as it may appertain, present order for the transportation of the commodities in manner as followeth: viz, 200 ounces of plate custom-free, and 2000 weight of bell metal ready cast, paying such duties for it as are usual.—Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the 7 day of June in the sixth year of our reign.
Sign Manual. Countersigned: Levinus Munck. 2/3 p. (125 159.)
Nevill Davis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 7/17. Since my last of 31 May the Nova Spania fleet is departed out of the bay of Cadez on Thursday last, the 12th. There went of them to the Indias 72 sail, whereof 40 great ships from 200 to 800 tons. It is reported to be the richest fleet that ever went to the Indias. Notwithstanding, the number of them that went so pestered, that they were forced to leave out above 1000 pipes of wines, and many passengers, which had also made their provisions, were left behind. At present here are very few ships. No speech in these parts of any preparations; only their galleys, being 6 or 7, are to go to Oran.
Here is also an avizo come from Nova Spania which brings word that of the 6 frigates that went from hence in November last, and carried the King's quicksilver and the Pope's bulls, besides 300 soldiers and a new Governor for the Phillippinas, at their coming from St John de Lova there was but one of them arrived; and in the Havana they heard there were 3 others put into St Domingo and Jamaica, but the Admiral and one more were wanting. If they should miscarry, it would greatly hinder their pretences in the South Sea. Of these frigates I advised you at their setting forth.
Here are more ships come out of Holland, laden with wood and some few goods. Also out of the Straights there are 14 or 16 sail of them put into Cadez to lade salt. They are well entertained, and I am sure will be so long as the "trevas" [truce] lasts, which is said to be prolonged till 5 December. The Friar is still labouring at the Court. If the Spaniard may continue "trevas", he will not regard to make peace, for through his prolongations he will enrich himself, through his extreme customs and the oppressions of his covetous officers, by whom we are daily molested.
Yesterday the Assistente sent for one John Pickforde, who takes upon him to be our consul, to know how many Englishmen kept lodgings. So he gave the names of three that are here married and lodged Englishmen. It is said they shall not be permitted to entertain any, but that we shall be constrained to lodge in Spaniards' houses. It is supposed that this was practised and procured by the English seminaries. I think they will not rest, through their daily new inventions, till they have quite excluded us out of the country; and truly by the profit we make here the sooner the better. They of the Contracktasion House pretend within these 2 or 3 days to sell the ship that Captain Challines went in. She will be but of small value being here overthrown in the river. The poor men are still in the galleys. His Lordship (Cornwallis) labours for their enlargement.—Sivel, 17 June, 1608. stillo novo.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (195 16.)
Sir Alexander Hay to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608] June 8. His Majesty, having been certified yesternight that the case de post natis should have been determined yesterday by the Chief Justice, and being told there was a necessity, for the greater assurance of the decision, that the definitive sentence should be given in presence of the whole judges convened, commanded me to acquaint you herewith that you, advising with his learned counsel, should consider whether in that turn there be any further necessity of convening the judges, that so it may be done in their whole presence; or if there be any more required for authorising this decision.
There be some unruly Scottish ministers who were banished beyond sea for denying his Majesty's supremacy and keeping private meetings, to the disturbing of that Church. They, having been supplied amongst the Scottish merchants in the town of Campheire where they have their staple, upon direction sent to the Conservator of the privileges of our nation, were put forth of that town, and have now retired to the company of English merchants lying at Middleborough, and one of them is at Flushing. It is reported that one is gone to the Stode in hope to be entertained by the English company there. His Majesty, being certified of their undutiful carriage, some of them having wronged him very much by their lying calumnies, so as they deserve most rigorous punishment; and being unwilling that any of his good subjects should be instructed with their poisoned doctrine, desires you to write to the companies of merchants lying at Stode and Middelborough and to Sir William Browne, deputy Governor of Flushing, that they should not supply or entertain any of these our banished ministers.—Greynewich, 8 June.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1608." 1 p. (195 13).
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, June 8. Touching the affairs of Germany and the jealousy of the French lest the Pope and the King of Spain should make an Emperor at their pleasure. Tyrone allowed 100,000 crowns a month at Rome. Confirmation of former advertisement touching the Spanish Ambassador's money received in England, which within one month's space amounts to 25,000l.
Abstract. (227 p 346.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Privy Council
1608, June 9. Since my last dispatch (which was of the second of this month, conveyed to St Sebastian's in hope to find a ship there ready to set sail for England), I have understood that the Groyne is now made the rendezvous and retreat of all our Irish fugitives, whither are sent daily both the old abiders and the new comers. It is also said (but with what truth or likelihood I conceive not) that a fleet is shortly expected there, and not known for what intention or what place. A bark of Bristol conveyed lately from thence into Ireland 20 Irish. The master's name is Parrott, who before the conveyance of them had warning given him of his carriage. The pilot of the ship belonged to the King here. For mine own part I have no liking of their drawing of those people to that only port, the nearest and fittest for conveyance into their country; and the more jealous I am grown of their intentions for that they never gave so much appearance of good will in general, nor to myself in particular, as at this instant. Post phaebummibila. It is said the Pope secretly labours with all his forces to ally this King with France, and so draw both monarchies to attend with all their strength the reduction of other alienated parts of Christendom to his obedience.
The settling the Empire again in the house of Austria by this hoped agreement between the Emperor and the Duke Matthias does also give unto this State new life, but above all this quiet with the States United (which gives them means to set forth their fleets to their Indies and to hope their safe return) lifts up their heads, which before were fallen to the saddle pummel.
There is now ready to set sail for Nova Espagna 70 ships great and small, the richest and best furnished that in many years have gone into those parts. Two or three secure voyages will settle their strength there, and make them forget the wants and miseries they have found here. The increase of wealth and forces in them and the Hollanders depriving his Majesty's merchants of the greatest benefit of their traffic (of whom their much shipping and cheaper sailing gives them so great advantage) are things in mine own weak judgment much considerable.
Much report has been made here of the late taking of certain towns in the north of Ireland by the rebels of those parts, and their strength and actions much magnified. It is admired by some of this Council that his Majesty's ministers in that kingdom made no better provision for defence of those parts; to which I have answered that a man may well take heed of natural fire, but against a lightning there is no prevention; that the people who have been actors of those insults are like thunderbolts which no foresight can forbid to fall, but being once at ground lose both their strength and themselves; that for the King my sovereign it is a great happiness both to understand that there is no confidence to be had in the hearts of so traitorous a nation, as also to have so just an occasion to root out that savage generation bred in those parts, and to plant his own people where his justice and moderation, and the good government and example of such ministers as he will now place, will not only secure those parts but also invite all others in that kingdom, affected to like barbarism and infidelity, to desire nothing more than to become wholly subject to his arm and regiment. I make no doubt but by the next I shall hear of such conclusion of those garboyls as may be expected from tumults that have only edge and no back or foundation.
For Virginia, understanding it to be a place likely to become of such profit to my country, I cannot omit by every apt occasion to put you in mind that this people, though their tongues use silence, yet have both their hearts and their eyes much fixed upon that plantation, and will, if opportunity serve them, endeavour to pull it up by the roots, as they did that of the French in Florida.
The millions so long controverted are now yielded unto by their Parliament, and a new device, as secretly I understand, is broached— which is to extirpate the Moriscos, who are grown into an infinite number and great riches in this kingdom, and to appropriate what they possess unto the King. To this, as in former times, great opposition is made by the noblemen and gentlemen whose rents consist of that people's labour, and whose land must bear thistles if the hands of those Moriscos be taken from them.—Madrid, 9 June, 1608, stilo veteri.
Signed. 2½ pp. (125 160.)
Lisle Cave to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, June 9. Whereas I entreated leave to proceed in the exhibiting my petition to his Majesty for my relief, in lieu of my long suit, charges, and prevention of his favour in part towards me, by not enjoying the benefit of the bill signed by his Majesty here enclosed, I have now upon conference with my associates been rather induced to join them in this our petition to you for the relief of our common cause, whereunto we beseech we may receive knowledge of your good pleasure upon your perusing thereof. Or else that, for my own particular, you will permit me to prefer my said petition to his Majesty for my speedier help.—9 June, 1608.
Signed. ⅓ p. (125 161/2.)
Sir John Ogle to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, June 9/19. Opinion of this peace handling is here, according to the alteration of time, very inconstant. Great presumptions there were of the breaking off, till the last letters from the Friar out of Spain, dated from Madrid the 16 of May, gave some show of cause to the contrary; who writes very confidently of the good success of his business, and it is said he had been here ere this had not the Duke of Lerma's sickness detained him, who being a principal favourer of his cause is like to give the best furtherance to his dispatch. Divers there be, notwithstanding all this, that do think that the peace at this treaty will not go forward, but having once more made trial of their force the weaker party will be then more easily drawn to yield to those, or some like conditions, which at this time are so well prepared by this long conference. The Commissioners for the treaty have lately had several meetings, but little done or almost spoken of that should seem to work to the end of their peace-making; for so it is gathered by their exorbitant demands, as namely, restitution of the domains and church goods since the beginning of the war, sovereignty in the villages of Brabant and Flanders, leaving to the Estates only the authority in the towns they now have there, and such like. To these the Estates have propounded the dismissing of the Spaniards and Italians, and to send them all out of these Netherlands. They again [propound] to the Estates the like for their English and all other strangers which they know—and the Estates tell them so—they can no ways with their safety forbear. So that their late handling is said to have been upon no other points than these improbabilities, seeking rather to give each other distaste than drawing anything nearer to the points of agreement. It is said the Marquis pretends urgent occasions call him for Italy, and that his servants wish that he had never engaged himself so far for the King of Spain's service, but I have no great warrant for this. There are libels thrown daily abroad, some into his house, some set on his door, which much distastes him.
The French Ambassador Jenning is said to have had 3 several meetings and private conference with Richardot and Mancezedor. It is guessed that it has partly been to speak of these new overtures of marriage betwixt the young princes of their masters, to which end an ambassador extraordinary should now be on his way out of Spain.
For the German wars it is now said that the Archduke has not used enough of Caesar's expedition to come to the greatness of Caesar, which is the mark he aims at, for the Emperor increases daily in power and assurance, insomuch that he is not (as was said) removed from Prague but attends his brother's coming, who has stayed somewhat too long to hasten too much now; especially if the Bohemians keep touch with the Emperor, who promise him 50,000 men to his succour so he yield them 22 articles which they demand. Seventeen of them he has accorded, and the other 5 he will rather dispense with than hazard his state. The Archduke is said to be 37,000 soldiers strong, and intends resolutely to go forward with his enterprise, so that there is no expectation of a speedy end to that business. The other Archdukes Albert and Ferdinand, with others of the house of Austria, are said to have their hands in this work of Mathias.
The matter of the East Indian trade is diversely discoursed of pro et contra. The Spanish faction hope that though it be yielded to, yet by the good usage they shall find in Spain and the quick returns they shall make from thence, that it shall quickly run itself out of breath. Those of the other opinion say, let us have our trade open thither and keep the liberty of the sea which God and Nature have allowed us, and we shall find it must be that which we must trust unto; for, say they, what singular profit can we hope for from thence in a time of peace, when not only all other neighbour nations shall have their free access as well as we, but those also of these Provinces under the Archduke's obedience who shall every way outstrip us of anything to be had in Spain, either for matter of favour or profit. Besides, we need not look for any large allowance, say they, when we must receive all our pittances through the Spaniards' hands.
Verreyken and Crauwell went from hence yesterday towards Brussels. The evening before they knew nothing of that journey.—Hague, 19 June, 1608, novo.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 3 pp. (125 175.)
W. Ellis and W. Gee to Lord Sheffield, Lord President of the Council in the North
1608, June 10. Upon receipt of these two enclosed letters from Sir Richard Cholmley, knight, and this petition from the inhabitants of Whitby strand sent herewith, we writ our private letters to Sir Thomas Posth. Hoby, Sir Francis Boynton, two of this Council, and Sir Richard Cholmley, to make stay of the corn ingrossed and ready to be transported until your pleasure be signified. Which in respect of the dearth lately grown and the scarcity of corn in those parts we thought very fit to be done for the present, desiring to understand your further pleasure; and if so it seem meet that you will acquaint and confer with the Lord Treasurer touching the same, that upon your advertisement to us we may take such course as to your wisdom shall be thought expedient.—At York, 10 June, 1608.
Signed. ½ p. (125 162.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 10. If I, of all others, should not rejoice at any happy fortune that befalls you, I should neither give appearance to be thankful to you nor to regard myself, who by your favours have been made so much participant of them. Many years may you enjoy the place wherein his Majesty has set you, with as much increase of honour as your own heart can desire or on earth can be afforded.
Noble Lord, even to the breaking of mine heart, I hear daily out of England that, notwithstanding how far by your means and your own particular bounty I have been enlarged both in mine allowances and estate, and whatsoever care I have taken to live frugally so far as the honour of my sovereign and my place would give me leave, yet my debts which I thought had been now almost at the point of being satisfied do yet remain great, and much the more in regard of the short time given me for my preparation to this employment, when having neither leisure sufficient to compound them nor to examine other books and accounts kept by some of my servants (who now I find exceedingly abuse me), I was enforced to leave all in an unsettled order which sorts now very greatly to my damage. God give me patience to bear so great a burthen as so many public cares here and so great a multitude of griefs there.
I beseech you that the 1000l his Majesty has bestowed upon me may be delivered to Thomas Pitts, whom I have appointed to pay it for me where with great greediness it is expected. For other matters this instant affords no more than I have advertised in my general letter to you all of the Council, neither will for the present the discomforts I have received out of England permit me to write more. God continue your health, and give me a good delivery out of this sea of troubles.—10 June, 1608.
PS. Pardon these blots in my paper which proves as unfortunate as myself, and grow out of haste and distraction.
Holograph. 1 p. (125 163.)
Sir Anthony Shirley
1608, June 10/20. From Venice, 20 June, 1608.
I told you in my last Sir Anthony Sherley and his secretary were broken for want of gold to make them hold, and that the Cardinal of Ferrari and he were publishing a discourse of Sir Anthony's sleights of wit played with divers princes.
That which I then said holds still as bad and worse. His all embracing fancy, like sand in a covetous gripping fist, retains nothing to his benefit.
The Emperor, they say, from whom he pretends his honour of Conte del Imperio, disclaims him. Rome has had sufficient acquaintance with his spirit. The Venetians, as you know, banished him. Ferdinando of Gratz has been bitten by him. The Emperor and Matthias have descried his double hand in their differences.
The Duke of Florence knows him and is too old a Tuscan to trust him.
At Naples his credit so failed with his money that now money will not serve to buy him credit. Of the rest of the world I need say nothing.
If he hold not where he is now gone, in Spain, I know not where he will pass current. It is said he is about a device to establish a peace betwixt the King of Spain and the Turk without either's disadvantage, so his next voyage is voiced for Turkey, where if his brain save his skin methinks it may pass for a miracle. His spirit yet wants fixing, his end will prove strange in some notable good or ill extremity.
1 p. (125 164.)
Don Christoval de Mora, Marquis of Castillo Rodrigo, Viceroy of Portugal to [Sir Charles Cornwallis]
1608, June 12/22. You have little reason to be grateful to your servants for the help given by them in matters touching the English Nation, since the King my master has commanded this of me with such emphasis by his instructions, and daily commands it of me by his letters, so that if I failed therein I should fail in my duty and in my desire to serve you.
The business of Doña Maria de Avila has been decided in her favour, and in the matter of the gentleman who is a prisoner in the Holy Inquisition, this tribunal in Spain is so sacred and the ministers of it so discreet and prudent that all admire the consideration with which they act.—Lisbon, 22 June, 1608.
Signed: El Marques de Castillo Rodrigo. Spanish. Endorsed: "June 18, 1608. The copy of a letter from Don Christoval de Mora, Viceroy of Portugal, to my cousin received in Madrid, the 28 of June, 1608, stilo novo." 1 p. (125 171.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Home
[1608, June 13.] Although in such a case as this it were both just and reasonable to make a large excuse for the liberty which I have taken in disposing of 1000l delivered over for your use, having not had the good hap either to satisfy myself or you by any such good office as your Lordship may expect or challenge at my hands, in regard of your noble professions and the power your dearest friends have over my affections, besides the value and estimation of your own person; yet will I only rely on my defence upon these three things. First, that I would not have done it for any other use but for the present service of his Majesty, for whom you have many a time exposed life and fortune without asking the question. Next, that by the excess of boldness which I have used in it you must needs conclude that I felt in myself a resolute mind to be commanded by you in a larger proportion. Lastly, that you will secure yourself that I will see it duly paid in Michaelmas term, beseeching you to receive from my Lord of Dunbar a confirmation of all that is above mentioned; and for conclusion, to believe that the King shall never have a more faithful nor more humble servant than your affectionate friend.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "A copy of a letter to the E. Hume, the 13 of June, 1608." 12/3 pp. (125 166.)
John Wallys to the Earl of Salisbury
1608, June 13. Respecting a lease of woods which has been promised him for his services in the office of privy harriers.—Undated.
Note by Salisbury that the King will grant no leases of his woods till the late commission for surveying of woods be returned.—13 June, 1608
3 pp. (P. 414.)
The Earls of Cumberland and Dunbar to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, June 14. Albeit we have been and are, in respect of the necessity of these times, exceeding loth to trouble you with any motion of this nature, yet have we been so often and earnestly entreated by the Lord Bishop of Carlisle to report unto you our knowledge of his well deservings in his Majesty's service in the Middle shires, where he has been employed in all or most of the commissions of Oyer and Terminer directed into those parts, and has therein discharged himself very well to the great furtherance of the service; whereof since our employment there we can well speak upon our own knowledge. And [he] has for all his travail and expenses when drawn from his own house necessarily about the service never had any allowance, which no man else can say. All which notwithstanding, our meaning is not now (although we think his wants are great) to importune you in this matter further than shall seem good to your own liking.—From the Court at Greenwich, 14 June, 1608.
Signed. Seal of arms, slightly broken. 1 p. (125 167.)
The Earl of Bedford to Lord Treasurer [Salisbury]
1608, June 14. More than many thanks I yield for the kindness you afforded me this last summer, to hunt in the grounds within your charge near Northall. May it please you to vouchsafe unto me the like this summer (his Majesty being past). I shall rest for so great a kindness most thankful, with promise moderately to exercise my pleasures where you shall appoint, not offending the game willingly in any respect whatsoever; and my grounds to be always at your command.—Bedford House, 14 June, 1608.
Holograph. ½ p. (125 168.)
Lady Kingesmill to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608, June 14. The less he expects any requital for his great favours to herself and her son, the more are they bound to a thankful acknowledgment thereof; shall be most happy if she or hers can express it by any acceptable service.—14 June, 1608.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (125 177.)
Lisle Cave to Lord Treasurer [Salisbury]
1608, June 14. Has spent 38 years in the service of the State and Customs, without recompense. Had the grant of bringing in Spanish wools by Queen Elizabeth, whereof Sir Michael Stanhope prevented him. Has been suspended causelessly from the surveyorship of the Outports. Details of his losses and charges. Desires, either to have his office as Mr Dawse and Mr Allington have theirs, or 600l from the farmers of the Customs of London to discharge his debt.—14 June, 1608.
Holograph. 1 p. (195 14.)
The Post-nati Case
1608, June 14. Robert Calvin, son and heir apparent of Robert Calvin, called the Master of Calvin, heir apparent of James, Lord Calvin of Colerosse, versus John Bingley and Richard Griffin. Suit as to a messuage etc in St Botolph's without Bishopsgate, 14 June, 6 Jac.
16 pp. (276 2.)
The Earl of Southampton to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1608] June 15. I understand that divers merchants have been before your Lordship and the rest of the Lords, unto whom you made known that it was his Majesty's purpose, for the speedier payment of his debts, to raise new impositions of all kinds of commodities that have not already their customs lately raised; which news makes me fear the burthen will fall as well upon me as upon the merchants, for if there shall be a new imposition raised upon the sweet wines (whereof I am farmer), I have great reason to fear it will impair that kind of trade and much prejudice me. My Lord, I have no other to seek help of for ought that concerns me but yourself, and therefore you must pardon me if I be more troublesome than I should; and before this be imposed remember, as I protest it is true, that the best means I have to subsist is by this farm, which if it should be overthrown, I should be enforced to live in a very mean fashion. I am nothing doubtful of your favour and therefore will use no more words, assuring myself you will have some care of me; only put you in mind of it lest by the many more important affairs that depend upon your care this small one might be forgot.—The 15 of June.
PS. If there must needs be an imposition laid upon sweet wines, I beseech you let the like be imposed proportionably upon French wines; for otherwise if the price of them be so far under Spanish as then they will be, all the meaner sort in probability will give over the buying them and serve themselves only with French. Give me leave to put you by this in mind of the course you resolved of for Sandam Castle, of which I yet hear nothing.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1608." 2 pp. (125 169.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608, June 15. The French not so ceremonious as we concerning the treaties with the States in giving account of their doings to the Spanish and Archduke's ministers. In the French Ambassador's dispatch, which he spared not to show Sir Thomas Edmondes, qu'ils ne laisseroyent point pourtant de faire leurs affaires. One Honofrio van Axell, a Hollander, in the Inquisition at Rome for having discovered himself to have held intelligence with some of his Majesty's ministers.
Abstract. (227 p. 347.)


  • 1. See the letter of Redmond Bourke of May 12/22, supra p. 164