Index: Q, R

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Quarles, Robt., signs letter, 362.

Queen, the. See Anne of Denmark.

Queen Elizabeth. See Elizabeth, Queen.

Queen Mary. See Mary, Queen.

Queen of France. See Marie de Medici.

Queen of Poland. See Constantia.

Queen of Spain. See Margarita of Austria.

Queen of Scots. See Mary, Queen of Scots.

Queen's County [Leinster, Ireland], 150, 165.

Quester (Questor), Mathewe de, 167, 249.

Quhitehanche, 428. See Whitehauche, Roxburghshire.

Quicksilver, 244, 312.

Quint, Quintiliano, Signor, 245, 256.

"Quittance" (ship), 515.


R., Count Ca. See Rinuccini, Camillo.

Rabbits, 241.

Raby Castle [co. Durham], constable of, 505.

Radcliffe, Bridget, Countess of Sussex [d. 1623] (1st wife of Robert), 211.

"Rade de Cafia", 169.

Radley, Richard, of Hallingbury Morley [Essex], an alleged idiot, 456.

Radnorshire, 20, 305.

Radziwill (Radziville), Prince James, 187–9.

Ragaz [Switzerland], 117.

Ragozi, Sigismund. See Rakoczy, Sigismund.

Rainoedes, Richard (Deputy Controller, Weymouth and Melcombe Regis), signs letter, 30.

Rais, Moracca, General at Sea in Algiers. See Morat Reis.

Rakoczy (Ragozi), Sigismund, 379.

Ralegh, Sir Walter, 120, 417n.
-, letter from, 454.

Ram, Jan Williamson (Capt. of a Dutch ship), 157.

Rambridge, John, merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Rambures, [? Jean de], Governor of Doullens (Dorlans), 251.

Rame, Francis (Francys), signs letter, 362.

Ramel, Henry (Ramelius, Mr.), Chancellor to King of Denmark, 129, 185.

Ramsay, Sir John, created 1606 Viscount Haddington, later Earl of Holderness [1580– 1626], 362, 398.
-, letter from, 230, 353.
-, -, mentioned, 230.
-, money paid to, 309.
-, "Warrant to the Wards for Hadington," 490.
-, "Sir John Rannetsy," 82.

Ramus. See Remüs.

Randall, John, 105, 399.

Randalls, Anthony, case concerning BidstoneManor [co. Cheshire], 225.

Randalls, Margaret, wife of Anthony, case concerning Bidstone Manor [co. Chester], 225.

Ranmore. See Ravensmoor.

"Rannetsy," Sir John. See Ramsay.

Ratcliff, Mr., a recusant, his daughter to marry Roger Woddrington, 4(2), 5.
-, his son to marry d. of Sir Wm. Fenwick, 4.

Ratcliff, Mr., of Dilston, married to sister of Sir Ralph Gray, 3, 5.

Ratcliffe, Mr. John, alderman of Chester, mayor in 1601, 278.
-, claims arrears for transporting troops to Ireland, 278.

Rates, Book of, mentioned, 486.

Rath, —, 313, 319, 395.

Ratisbon [Bavaria], 18, 332, 379.

Ravensmoor (Ranmore), near Acton [Cheshire], 7.

Ravis, Dr. Thomas, Lord Bishop of London [1607–1610], 281, 296, 336, 419, 495.

Rawson, John, petition from, 167.

Reade, Alexander. See Bradshawe, Alexander.

Read[e], William, palliciatur and keeper of Sheriff Hutton Park, 471.

Reade, Sir Wm., 5.

Readhead, William (Willime), 156.

Reclamation of land from the sea, 441. See also Drowned lands.

Record, Court of, 182.

Recorder. See Montague, Sir Henry.

Recusants, 3–5, 19, 24, 28, 132, 145, 285, 335, 434–435, 446, 455, 482.
-, letters relating to gift of, mentioned, 22, 27.
-, two-thirds of fortune of, liable to confiscation, 46, 507.
-, one, favoured by Lord Burghley [Robert Cecil's father], 70.
-, complaint of oppression from a, 119.
-, one presented to be a, 159.
-, two obstinate recusants in Munster transported to England, 160, 162, 213.
-, rents from their lands due to late queen, 504.
-, petition for moiety of arrearage of lands of, seized under Elizabeth, 221, 264.
-, and the bishop of Bristol, 274.
-, three papers relating to, 455– 456.
-, grant of profit from, mentioned, 290, 385, 506, 507.
-, petitions for rent from lands of, 390, 455.
-, grant of benefit of convicted, in Essex, 24.
-, - in Yorkshire, 385.
-, -, in Warwickshire, 14, 290.
-, -, in Wiltshire, 24.
-, -, in Lancashire, 24.

-, in Cambridgeshire, 456.
-, in Cheshire, 504.
-, in Cornwall, 456.
-, in Denbighshire, 456.
-, in Derbyshire, 456.
-, in Essex, 456.
-, in Hampshire, 456, 495.
-, in Huntingdonshire, 456.
-, in Kent, 456.
-, in Lancashire, 456, 504.
-, in Montgomeryshire, 456.
-, in the North, 378.
-, in Northumberland, 3–4.
-, in Salop, 456.
-, in Stafford, 456.
-, in Warwickshire, 456.
-, in Yorkshire, 145, 456.
-, See also Jesuits; Priests and seminarists; Roman Catholics.

Rederiffe. See Rotherhithe.

Redesdale (Riddisdaill, Ridesdale) [co. Northumberland], 44, 95, 487.

Redish, —, his wife, 221.

Reeve, John, letter from, 456.

Reformed Church [of France], ministers and elders of assembled in National Synod, letters from, 79(2), 133. See also Huguenots.

Refuge, M. [Eustache] de la, French ambassador to Swiss cantons, 116, 118–119.

Regensburg. See Ratisbon [Bavaria].

Rehoboam (Roboam), his council mentioned, 291.

Reid, Peter, 487.

Reid, R. R., "The King's Council in the North" (1921), 471n.

Reims. See Rheims.

Reignoldes, Mr., agent of the treasurer at wars in Ireland, 404.

Religion, freedom of, proposed in Utrecht, 294–295.

Remüs [Switzerland], 116.

Renaudot, Théophraste, Doctor of Medicine, letter from, 94.

Renchin, —, executed for coining or clipping, 419.
-, losses of Earl of Cumberland to, 419.

Renzi, Matthio de, letter from, 69, 76.

Reo, John, 10 [? = Rewe in Winwood's Memorials II, p. 304].

Reprises, 389.

Requests, Master of, 78.
-, Masters of, French ambassador claims they cannot grant execution upon real property, 402.

Reryers, Manor of. See Peryers.

Reskymer, William, held office at Sheriff Hutton Park and Castle, 471.

Resoulde, William, letter from, 241, 339.

Retailing grocers. See London, grocers.

Reynell, Sir Carew, letter from, 76.

Reynell, Lady Elizabeth, letter from, 97.
-, her son mentioned, 97.

Reynell, Sir Thomas, 58, 97.
-, letter from, 58.

Rhaetia [Swiss Alps], 115. See also Grisons.
-, destruction of nobility of, 116.

Rheims, Bishop of, brother to Duke of Guise. See Lorraine, Louis de.

Rheinberg (Rhinberg, Berke) [Germany], 42, 295.

Rhene. See Rhine, River.

Rhenish wines, impost on, 256, 508.

Rhinberg. See Rheinberg.

Rhine, River, 54.
-, forts on the, 295.

Rhodes, Archbishop of. See Bentivoglio, Archbp. of Rhodes.

Rhony, Mons. de. See Béthune, Maximilien de.

Rhymes, 242, 341–2. See also verses.

Ricardott. See Richardot.

Ricci, Odnino, steward of Sir Anthony Shirley's house in Naples, 225.

"Richard," of Plymouth (ship), 26.

Richard II [of England], 143.

Richardot [Jean Grusset] (Ricardott, Richardote, Richardott), President of the Privy Council of the Archdukes, 69, 146, 200, 259, 301, 302, 327, 346, 395.
-, "treaty" with mentioned, 291.

Richardson, Dr., competitor for Mastership of Caius College, 211.

Richardson, John, 505.

Richemont. See Richmond [Surrey].

Richmond (Richemont) [Surrey], letter dated from, 269.

Riddisdaill. See Redesdale.

Ridesdale. See Redesdale.

Ridley, —, married to Sir Ric. Musgrave's daughter, 4.

Ridolfo, Captain, 117.

Rimini, Bishop of. See Gessi, Berlingerio, Bishop of Rimini, Nuncio to Venice.

Rinuccini, Camillo, letter from, 125; referred to as Count Ca. R., 178.

Ripon [co. Yorks], the Church, petitioners for, 81.

Ritch, Sir Edwin, 241.

Roads, state of, 125; flooded, 2.

Robell (Rubell), Adrian, 169; petition of, 516.

Roberts, —, of Plymouth, 229.

Roberts, Richard, constable of St. Andrew's, Holborn, 159.

Roberts, William. See Ball, John.

Robinson, Edward, his sermon at St. Paul's offends the king, 458.

Robinson, Henry, Bishop of Carlisle and Commissioner for the Middle Shires, 300.
-, letter from, 6, 29, 77, 87, 95, 101(2), 145, 176, 218, 255, 300, 318.
-, -, mentioned, 105, 269.
-, letter to, 128.
-, See also Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes (for the Middle Shires).

Robinson, Thomas, 101.

Robles, Don Philippe, former governor of Béthune (Betune), 200.

"Roboams" council. See Rehoboam.

Robson, Ralph, of Cheshunt, 458.

Robson, Robert, undersheriff of Durham, certificate as to Chopwell Woods [co. Durham], 416.

Roccoshans, Roccoshanists. See Poland, rebels.

Roche, David, Viscount Roche of Fermoy [ob. 1635], 445.

Roche, Lord. See Roche, David.

Rochelle (La Rochelle) [France), 22, 55, 79, 448, 448n, 502.
-, Admiralty Registry at, 56.
-, sailors of, 56.
-, National Synod of those of the Religion at, 133.

Rockusaners. See Poland, rebels.

Rodney, Jo., 50.

Rodulph II, Emperor. See Rudolph II, Emperor.

Roe, Sir Thomas, letter from, 458.

Rogers, Daniel, of Christ's College, Cambridge, 213, 407.

Rogers, Edward, 50.

Rohan [Henri], Duc de, letter to, 79.

Rokusaners. See Poland, rebels.

Rolle, pass of (Montirolo) [Alto Adige, Italy], 117.

Rolston, —, father of George Rolston, 163.

Rolston, George, 163.

Romagna (Rumania) [Italy], 25, 333.

Roman Catholics (Romish Catholics, Papists), 53, 61, 146, 201, 227, 296, 313, 375, 453.
-, See also Priests, Recusants, Jesuits, Matthew, Tobie.
-, suspected in University of Cambridge, 203, 382.
-, in Northumberland, 3–4.
-, in Durham, 378.
-, in London, 23, 159.
-, in Yorkshire, 139, 267.
-, in S.W. England, 146.
-, in Worcestershire, 307.
-, in Ireland, 160, 162, 167, 191, 228, 260, 267, 295, 413. See also Irish Jesuits; Irish priests and seminarists.
-, [English], in Low Countries, 249.
-, -, in Spain, 146, 271, 323, 340.
-, -, in Portugal. See Gurgeny, John.

Rome [Italy], 102, 111, 113, 114, 122, 125, 161, 164, 191, 213, 279, 283, 296, 326, 329, 388, 395, 481, 482.
-, Congregation of the Inquisition at, 161; inquisitors of, 123. [See also Inquisition.]
-, letter dated from, 178, 242, 256, 275, 312.
-, letters dated from, mentioned, 268, 332.
-, Polish Annates not to be sent to, 186.
-, no Polish Appellations to be granted to, 186.
-, See also Paul V. For Ambassadors in Rome see under the State they represented.

Romeforde. See Romford [Essex],

Romeney, Sir Wm. See Romney. Sir Wm.

Romford (Romeforde) [Essex], letter dated from, 362.

Romish preachers in Ireland. See Irish priests and seminarists; Roman Catholics in Ireland.

Romney (Romeney, Rumney), Sir William, letter from, 178.
-, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Rone, Jerome (servt. to George Talbot), 130.

Rook[e], George, at Venice, letter to, 228, 239.
-, letter from, 246.

Roos, Lord. See Cecil, Wm., Lord Roos.

Roos, Manor of [Yorks], 293.

Ropar. See Roper.

"Roparis business". See Roper, Sir John.

Roper (Ropar), Sir John, his place or office, 157–158, 215, 236.

Roper, Sir William, of Eltham [Kent], 456.

Ropesellers, Earl of Northampton to inspect their books, 294.

Roscommon (Rosecomen) [Connaught, Ireland], 101, 127

Rosebrees, Wm., alias Graam, Wm., 73.

Rosecastle [Cumberland], letter dated from, 218.

Rosecomen. See Roscommon [Ireland].

Rosny, Monsieur de. See Béthune.

Ross, Sir E. Denison, editor of Thomas Shirley's Discours of the Turkes, 475n.

Ross, Lord. See Cecil, Wm., Lord Roos.

Rosse. See Roos, Lord.

Rosse, Manor of. See Roos.

Rostorne. See Royston [Cambridgeshire].

Rotherhithe (Rederiffe) [Surrey], 509.

Rothwell, Mr. Ellis, 23.

Rotterdam [Netherlands], 305.

Rouen [France], 500; letter dated from, 198. See Gaillon.

Rowe, Sir Henry, Lord Mayor of London, 457.
-, letter to, 443.

Rowley, Mr., at Chensford, 242.

Roxburghe, Lord (Roxborough, Roxbroughe). See Ker, Robert.

Royal Exchanger's office, 415.

Royal Chapel. See Whitehall, Chapel Royal.

Royan, Marquis de. See Trémoille.

Roydon [co. Norfolk], 163.

Royston (Rostorne) [co. Herts], 70, 96, 143, 276, 369, 371.
-, boy of, 368.
-, letters dated from Court at, 11–12, 15, 19, 23–24, 27, 53, 70, 85, 276–279, 284, 292, 294, 296–298, 330, 374–375.

Rubell, Adrien. See Robell.

Rudolph II, Emperor [1552–1612], 6, 14, 18, 23, 24, 26, 196, 225, 251, 331–333, 380.
-, his court, 18, 234, 245. [See also Prague.]
-, his late ambassador, the Landgrave, 23.
-, marriage to Duke of Savoy's daughter likely, 6, 25, 26.
-, peace with Turk, terms of, 6, 26.
-, his secretary. See Barvitius and Hannewald.
-, his chancellor. See Coraduz and Stralendorf.
-, letters from King of England to Emperor mentioned, 50.
-, agreement with, regarding English merchants at Stade, 251.
-, the "Marquis of Aunsburche" mentioned as his ambassador to the United Provinces, 306.
-, his ambassadors to the United Provinces expected, 347, 376, 384.
-, his claim that the United Provinces are under his sovereignty, 369, 384.
-, his councillors, 23, 331.
-, his pages mentioned, 331.
-, his commissioners mentioned, 251, 379.

Rugg, Wm., Bishop of Norwich [1536–1550], 206.

Ruinelle, Dr. (alias Ruinelli), 117, 119.

Rumania. See Romagna [Italy]

Rumney, Sir Wm. See Romney, Sir Wm.

Russell, Edward, 3rd Earl of Bedford [1585–1627], letter from, 176.
-, suit with Countess of Bedford [? Lucy] about entailed lands, 59.

Russell, Elizabeth (wife of Sir Wm.) [d. of Henry Long, of Shengay, Northants], 60.

Russell, Francis (2nd Earl of Bedford) [1527–1585], 60.

Russell, Lord. See Russell, Sir Wm.

Russell, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, suit with Earl of Bedford [? Edward] about entailed lands, 59; referred to as "my daughter of B," 45.

Russell, Sir Wm., 1st Baron Russell, of Thornhaugh, 59.
-, wife. See Russell, Elizabeth.

Russia, 143. See also Muscovy.

Russia, Emperor of. See Muscovy, Grand Dukes of.

Rutland[shire], enclosures in, 330.

Rutland, Earl of. See Manners, Roger, 5th Earl [1576– 1612].

Rutland House. See London and Westminster, places in and near.

Rutland, Lord Lieutenant of Shire of. See Harington, John, 1st Baron Harington of Exton [d. 1613].

Ryder, Mr., 468.

Rydon [co. Norfolk]. See Roydon [co. Norfolk].

Rye [co. Sussex], 245.

Ryther, Mr., 391.