Index: F

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Fairbank (Fayrebanke) [Westmorland], 29, 78.

Fajardo (Faxardo, Fashardo), Don Luiz, 9, 109, 216, 244, 265, 267, 268, 304.

Falcons, 165, 388. See hawking.

"Falentido Dilly." See Sackville, Anne, wife of Robert, Lord Buckhurst.

Falkland [co. Fife, Scotland], letter dated from, 241.

Famagusta [Cyprus], 201, 241.

Fanshawe, Sir Henry, King's Remembrancer of the Exchequer, 229.

Fanshawe, Thomas, auditor, 86, 231.
-, letter from, 222.
-, -, mentioned, 86–7.

Farewell, John, 50.

Farleigh-Wallop (Farlye Wallop) [Hants], letter dated from, 388.

Farlye Wallop [Hants]. See Farleigh-Wallop [Hants].

Farmer, Thomas, letter from, 70.

Farnese, Cardinal, 221.
-, servant to. See Poole, Mr. Jeffrey.

Farnese, Mario, 333.

Farnham [co. Surrey], 19, 204.
-, letter dated from, 205(2).
-, rental of the manor of, 429.

Farnham Castle [co. Surrey], letter dated from, 203.

Faro, Don Steban de, 9.

Farrall, Charles, examination of, taken at Ludlow, 288, 306, 306n.

Farrer, Henry (of Halifax), letter from, 396.

Fashardo, Don Luis. See Fajardo, Don Luiz.

Favera. See Pfäfers.

Faxardo, Don Luis. See Fajardo, Don Luiz.

Fayrebanke. See Fairbank.

Feild, Mr. Joseph. See Field, Mr. Joseph.

Felton (Field), Dr., competitor for Mastership of Caius College, 211, 367.

Fenicke, Sir William. See Fenwick, Sir William.

Fenner [Edward], judge, 503.

Fens, 50, 441, 509. See also Drowned lands.

Fenton, Edward (Thos. Musgrave of Norton's man), 78.

Fenton, Viscount. See Erskine, Thomas, Lord Dirletoun.

Fenwick, Sir John, 4.

Fenwick (Fenicke), Sir William, 4, 487.
-, his wife (— Selby), 4.
-, his daughter to marry Mr. Ratcliffe's eldest son, 4.

Ferdinand I de Medici [1587–1609], Grand Duke of Florence and Tuscany, 34–35, 61, 63, 173, 184, 225, 226, 240, 246(2), 317–318, 440, 442, 475.
-, his fleet, 184, 196, 234–235, 241, 299, 430, 442.
-, -, at Cyprus, 201, 226.
-, -, at Leghorn, 201.
-, his galleys, 226, 234, 333.
-, letter from, 63.
-, letter to, 174.
-, impending marriage of [his son] "the Prince of Florence." See Cosimo.
-, secretary to. See Vinti, Belisario.
-, his trading with the Jews, 474.

Ferdinand, Archduke of Graz [Styria, Austria], 201.
-, his court, 184, 234.
-, his chaplain or confessor, 201.
-, his sister's marriage with the son of Grand Duke of Tuscany mentioned, 184, 196, 201.
-, at Ratisbon, 332, 379.

Feria [Figueroa, Lorenzo Suarez de], Duke of [Viceroy of Sicily], death of, 25; in connection with the ship "The Trial," 10, 84, 341.

Ferne (Fearne), Sir John, Secretary to the Council of the North, 234, 277–8, 442.
-, letter to, 203.
-, letter from, 239, 241.
-, his man, 321, 383.

Ferrara [Italy], 25, 196, 225, 245, 333.

Ferrour, John, letter from, 175.

Fez, Kingdom of [Morocco, N. Africa], 229.

Field, Dr. See Felton, Dr.

Field (Feild), Joseph, Alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 65, 331.

Fiennes, Henry, Earl of Lincoln. See Clinton, Henry, Earl of Lincoln.

Fiennes, Richard, Lord Saye and Sele, 502; letter from, 290, 321.

Finch, Sir Moyle, 75.

Finch, Thomas, letter from, 271.

Finet, John, letter from, 249.

Fish, 73.

Fisher, Tho., Scottish merchant, 108.

Fitzgerald, Sir Edmund, letter from, 152.

Fitzgerald, Edward, letter from, 384.

Fitzgerald, Elizabeth, wife of Gerald, 14th Earl of Kildare, mother of Bridget O'Donnell, Countess of Tyrconnell, 429.

Fitzgerald, Gerald, 14th Earl of Kildare, Governor of Offaly, Commissioner for Connaught [d. 11 Feb., 1611/2], letter from, 62.

Fitzgerald, James, merchant of Dublin, letters from, 429–430.
-, petitions to Earl of Salisbury, 496–7.
-, his part in the escape of Countess of Tyrconnell (Bridget O'Donnell), 429–430.

Fitzgerald, James, Earl of Desmond [ob. 1601], 444.

Fitzgerald, James Fitz Thomas, of Desmond, 260.

Fitzgerald, Sir John Fitz Edmund, of Cloyne, letter from, 68.

Fitz Thomas, James ["titular," Earl of Desmond]. See Fitzgerald, James Fitz Thomas, of Desmond.

Fitzwilliam, Sir William [of Andover, co. Hants], 214, 232–233.
-, letter from, 160.
-, his eldest son, 233.
-, his younger son, 160.
-, treated with disrespect by Earl of Exeter, 214, 232–233.

Flamanke, Charles, B.D. [Cantab], petition of, 497.

Flanders ("the Archduke's country"), 16(2), 295, 312, 328, 369, 429–430, 481. See also Austria, Archdukes of; Brussels; Low Countries.

Fleetewood. See Fleetwood.

Fleetwood (Fleetewood, Flitwode), Sir Wm., 415.
-, Receiver of the Court of Wards, 470.

Fleming, a, 30.

Fleming, Giles, merchant of London, 55, 57; petition from, 502.

Fleming, Sir Thomas, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench [25 June, 1607 —], 155, 169, 207, 219, 298, 435, 435n, 437, 453, 503, 520.

Flemish ship, 270.

Fletcher, Mr. Jo, 210.
-, Senior Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, 309, 325.

Flinger, Mr., 183.

Flint, —, patent for his allowance from the king mentioned, 490. See also Flynte.

Flitwode, Sir William. See Fleetwood, Sir Wm.

Flood, Matthew. See O'Multully.

Florence, Father, the friar (Franciscan), 273, 302.

Florence (Tuscany) [Italy], 67, 125, 201, 226, 240, 430, 440.
-, letter dated from, 184, 201, 228, 235, 318.
-, Villa dell' Impruneta, 125.

Florence, Ambassador of, to Spain, corresponds with and visits English Ambassador to Spain, 308.

Florence, Grand Duchess of (wife of Grand Duke Ferdinand I). See Christina.

Florence, Great Duke of. See Ferdinand I, de Medici.

Florence, "prince" of. See Cosimo.

Florentine ship, a, 430.

Florentines, 430.

Florida, 36, 244.

Floryda. See Florida.

Floughtaile, Wm. See Grame, Wm.

Flower (Flowre), Sir George, 445.

Flowre. See Flower.

Floyd, Henry. See Fludd.

Fludd, Henry, S.J. [1563–1641], 73(2), 267, 268, 303.

Flugi, Johan von Aspermont, Bishop [not Archbishop] of Chur, 115, 116, 119, 180.

Flushing (Vlushing) [Holland], 133, 166, 218, 315, 514; letter from, 339. See also Cautionary Towns.

Flynte, Mr., 183. See Flint.

Folsham. See Foulsham [Norfolk].

Fontainebleau [near Paris, France], 166, 283.
-, letter dated from, 103, 133.
-, French Court at, 166, 283.

Fonterabia. See Fuenterabia [Spain].

Foorde [co. Sussex]. See Ford [co. Sussex].

Football, 248.

Foot companies, 219, 259, 299.
-, colonel for the, 152.
-, captain of a, 233.

Ford [Northumberland], 5, 254.

Ford [co. Sussex], 63.

Foreign dispatches, schedules of, 167.

Forgatsch, Lord, 379.

Forman, Thomas, 16.

Forster, Claudius (son of Mr. Forster of Bambrough), married to dau. of Sir Wm. Fenwick, 4.

Forster, Mr., of Bambrough, 4.

Forster, Mr., Chief of Forsters, of Hetherston, married to — Gray, 3, 4.

Fort Fuentes [Italy], 25.

Fort, Mr. le, musician, 251.

Fortescue, Sir John, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster [d. 23 Dec., 1607], 40.
-, letter from, 136.

Forthampton [Glouc.], Manor of, 357.

Fosdike Stowe. See Fossdyke Stowe [co. Lincs.].

Fossdyke Stowe (Fosdike Stowe) [co. Lincs.], 174.

Foster. See Forster.

Foster, Christopher (of St. John's College, Cambridge), 67.

Foster, John, transplanted to Ireland, 102.

Foster, Mr. Dr., physician, refuses to return money given him by Lord Cobham, 395.

Foster, Matthew, of Edderston, Esq., 431.
-, information from, 431.

Foster, Quintine, transplanted to Ireland, 102, 106, 107, 127.

Foster, Serjeant [Thomas], who became a Justice of the Common Pleas, 100, 347, 353, 499.

Foster, Sir Thomas, Kt., lands purchased by king from, 144.
-, letter to, 453.

Fouler, Adam, one of the servants of the key of Woodstreet Counter, 159.

Fouler, Mr. (preacher under the testimony of University of Cambridge), 81.

Foulis, Sir David, Laird of Colinton. See Fowler, David.

Foulis, Robert, son of Laird of Colinton, 213.

Foulis, Thomas, 104, 236.

Foulk, Sir Henry, letter from, 343, 497.

Foulkers. See Fuggers.

Fouller, Mr. See Fowler, Mr.

Foullis, Thomas. See Foulis, Thomas.

Foulsham (Folsham) [Norfolk], 325.

Fountains [Abbey] [Yorks], court of Sir Stephen Proctor at, 470.

Fountaynebleau. See Fontainebleau.

Fourd. See Ford [Northd.].

Fowke, Fowkes, Sir Henry. See Foulk.

Fowler (Fouller), Mr., [? Thomas], 319, 338, 415.

Fowler, —, the Spanish ambassador's man, 50, 511–2.

Fowler, Sir David, 213, 415.

Fox, Mr. Simon, of Stradbrook [Suffolk], 251.

Fox, Thomas, 174.

France, 17, 22, 27, 38, 47–48, 67–68, 72, 80, 89, 123–124, 147, 163(2), 166, 197, 226–227, 249, 255, 260, 278, 301–302, 317, 329, 333, 354, 369–370, 398, 429, 448, 483–484, 499– 500, 502.
-, mediates between Pope and Venetians, 54, 102–3, 110–4, 339.
-, trade with Scotland, 107.
-, claims right of protection of foreign nations in Turkish possessions, 126.
-, rumours of her offers to pay Holland's debts, 147.
-, alliances with Grisons, 180.
-, wines from, 197.
-, money sent from, to Holland, 200.
-, edict from, against English cloth mentioned, 311, 499– 500.
-, Frontignac wine from, 330.
-, reprisals for seizure of a ship, 337.
-, past treaties with England, 337, 484.
-, project for peace between Spain and Low Countries discussed, 351–353.
-, Scottish ship seized in, 469.

France, Admiral of, 37.

France, Ambassador of, to the Swiss cantons. See Refuge.

France, Ambassador of, to England. See Boderie, [1606–1611].

France, Ambassador of, in Flanders, 161.

France, Ambassador of, to the Grisons. See Paschal, Charles.

France, Ambassador of, to United Provinces. See Jeannin; Place; Chouart.

France, Ambassador of, to Rome.
-, See Neufville, Charles de, Seigneur d'Alincourt; Brulart, Nicholas.

France, Ambassador of, to Spain, See Vaucelas.

France, Ambassador of, to Turkey, 126.

France, Ambassador of, in Venice.
-, See Canaye; Venice.

France, Cardinals of, 112.

France Chancellor of. See Belliêvre; Brulart.

France, Council of, 55–56.
-, answers from, to memo. of Sir George Carew, English Ambassador in France, 263.
-, Du Tens, treasurer, called before Council by Scottish merchants, 469.

France, Councillors of, deaths of, 250.

France, the Dolphin. See Louis [XIII], Prince.

France, a King of, quoted, 285. See also Henry IV of France [d. 1610].

France, Kings of, their authority in the Grisons, 180.

France, Leaguers in, 262, 470.

France, "Parliaments" of, 37, 55– 56, 166, 202, 250, 263, 385. See also Paris.

France, Queen of. See Marie de Medici, Queen of France [1600].

France, Receipts of the Finances, 469.
-, treasurer there, named du Tens, 469. [See also French Treasurer.]

Frances, Chevalier, challenge to, 141.

Franceschi, Col, Jacomo de. See Francisci. Col. Giacomo de.

Francie, Hewghes. See Grame, Francis.

Franciscan Friar. See Florence, Father.

Francisci (Franceschi), Col. Giacomo de, 7.

Francisci, Margaret, letter from, 7.

Francisci, Lt. Col., Thomas, prisoner in the Tower, 7.

Franckelin. See Franklin.

Frankfort. See Frankfurt-am-Main [Germany].

Frankfurt ad Maenum See Frankfurt-am-Main [Germany].

Frankfurt - am - Main (Frankfort) [Germany], 198.
-, books from, 1.
-, Jews of, 6.

Frankland, Joyce (Mrs. Franklyn), widow of William Frankland, fellowships at Gonville and Caius College founded by, 366.

Franklin (Franckelin), George, of Bolnhurst [Beds], gent. wardship of his son, 478.

Franklyn, Mrs. See Frankland, [Joyce].

Frascati [Italy], 256.

Frenke, Sir Thomas, Deputy Lieutenant of Dorset, 512.

Frederick IV (the Palsgrave), Elector Palatine, 379; ambassador from expected, 376.

Freelands [? Dorset or Hants], farm of, 502.

Freeman, Raph, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

French (the), 99, 111, 133, 328, 354, 502.

French Ambassadors. See under France, Ambassadors of, to.

French Cardinals, 112.

French Court, 166, 250, 283.

French Deputies [to the United Provinces' States-General]. See Jeannin; Place; Chouart.

French Imposition, the. See impost,

French Intendant of Finances, 166.

French king's guards, 82, 166.

French king's household:
-, First Master of, death of, 177.
-, -, appointed, 177.

French law, 55–7, 263, 337, 384–5, 520.

French marriages, 272.

French plot, against England, Wm.
-, Udall examined thereon, 482.

French Protestants. See Huguenots.

French secretary, a, 166.

French ships, 55–7, 270, 402–3, 502, 520.

French soldiers, in Holland, 250; in Turkey, 376.

French treasurer and the merchants of Scotland, 224, 469.

French (Frenshe), Edmund, Mayor of Galway, letter from, 133.

Fresne-Canaye, Philippe de, French Ambassador to Venice. See Canaye.

Frevill, Sir George (follower of Countess of Sussex), 211.

"Friar, the." See Neyen, Father Jan.

Friars, 196, 267.

Friars Minor, Commissary General of See Neyen.

Fridbourg. See Friedburg [Germany].

Friedburg [Germany], Jews of, 6.

Frigates, 244.

Frizall, James, 35.

Frizeland, Count of East. See Friesland, Count of East.

Frontignac (Frontenac, Frottenyke) [France], wine, 330.

Frontenac, Monsr. (Master of the King's Household), 177.

Frottenyke. See Frontignac [France].

Fuenterabia (Fonterabia) [Spain], 17.

Fuentes, Count of, [Pedro Enriquezde-Acevedo, Governor of Milan], 25, 54, 113, 115, 118(2), 119, 221, 226.

Fuentez, Count of. See Fuentes, Count of.

Fuggers (Foulkers) [German bankers], 325.

Fugitives, English and Scottish, See Outlaws.

Fulham [Middx.], 222.

Fuller, Nicholas, his case, 275, 283, 286, 338, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 348, 349, 353, 355, 360, 388, 437, 441, 463–464.
-, his wife petitions the king, 360.

Furs, 354.

Fustians, 266, 287, 500.

Fynch, Sir Thomas. See Finch, Sir Thomas.