Index: E

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: E', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: E', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: E". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Eadenhall. See Edenhall.

Earth, Joseph, 320.

Earthquake, at Lisbon, 73.

Eastfan. See Ispahan [Persia].

East Friesland, Enno, Count of, 18, 50, 489.

East Indian Company. See Dutch East India Company; English merchants.

East Indian trade, 266.

East Indies, 70, 267, 418.
-, given by Pope to King of Portugal, 242. See also Indies.

Eastman (Estman), Edward, 17.

Ecclesfield (Ecclesfilde, Ecclesfeild), Lawrence, held office at Sheriff Hutton Park and Castle, 471.

Ecclesiastical causes, commissioners for. See High Commission, Court of.

Ecclesiastical Commission. See High Commission, Court of.

Ecclesiastical livings in Spain, 146.

Edale (Eydall, Edoll) in High Peak [Derbyshire], the "vaccary" there sold, 395.

Edderston. See Edgerston.

Edenburg. See Edinburgh.

Edenburght. See Edinburgh.

Edenhall [Cumberland], Sir Richard Musgrave's house, 78.

Edgerston (Edderston) [Roxburgh], 431.

Edinbruch. See Edinburgh.

Edinburgh (Edenburgh, Edenburght, Edinbruch), 39.
-, letter dated from, 39, 98, 104, 158, 213(2), 319.
-, burgess of, 39.
-, castle of, governor of, 46.
-, Holyrood House near, 158, 216.
-, magistrates of, 39.
-, plague in, 216, 319.

Edlingham [co. Northd.], 4.

Edmond. See Edmondes.

Edmondes, Jo, letter from, 428.
-, elder brother to Sir Thomas Edmondes, 428.
-, tenant of Sir Thomas E. in a grant of courts of Leycester and Pickeringlyth [Yorks], 428.
-, desires renewal of this lease, 428.

Edmondes, Sir Thomas, English ambassador to the Archdukes, 10, 42, 63, 69, 157, 161, 302, 313, 319, 330, 371, 395, 428 (2).
-, letter from, 128, 140, 146, 156, 161, 177, 181, 200, 208, 221, 240, 244, 255, 259, 273, 279, 291, 301–302, 313(2), 319, 330, 342, 354, 370, 390, 395.
-, letter to, 259, 280, 283, 327, 347.
-, signs a pass, 63.
-, his lease mentioned, 428.
-, money disbursed by, 383–384.
-, letters from mentioned, 327.

Edmonds, Colonel [Sir William], 39.

Edmonstone, Wm., letter from, 428.

Edmonton [co. Middx.], letter dated from, 97, 124.

Edmund, Ralph, 10.

Edoll. See Edale in High Peak [Derbyshire].

Edward III, legal proceedings temp. Edward III mentioned, 345.
-, ordinance temp. Edward III mentioned, 402.

Edward IV, charter of mentioned, 362.

Edwardes, David, Sheriff of Carmarthen, 20.

Edwardes, John, 456.

Edwards, Edward, "Life of Ralegh," 455.

Egerton, Heughe, son of Thomas Egerton, Ld. Ellesmere, 128.

Egerton, Sir John [son of Thos. Egerton Lord Ellesmere, married Frances Stanley, daughter of 5th Earl of Derby], 415.
-, letter from, 27, 199.
-, letter from mentioned, 162.
-, case against him concerning Manor of Bidstone (Beiston) [co. Cheshire], 199, 225, 273, 398–399, 503.

Egerton, Thomas, Baron Ellesmere, 21 July, 1603, Lord Chancellor, 24 July, 1603, Viscount Brackley, 7 November, 1616, died 15 March, 1616/ 1617, 12, 93, 138, 165, 212, 219–220, 222–223, 227, 233, 275, 279, 301, 314, 344, 403, 415, 424, 433, 435, 440, 442, 503, 510, 519.
-, letter to, 7, 222, 298, 344, 462, 479, 480.
-, letter from, 128, 223–224, 428.
-, signs letter from Privy Council, 272.
-, warrant to, 202.
-, his son. See above.
-, proceedings concerning Pitston Wood [Bucks], 452.
-, his misunderstanding with the Earl of Derby [Wm. Stanley], 462.

Eggam. See Egham [co. Surrey].

Egham (Eggam) [co. Surrey], letter dated from, 233.

Elbing [Prussia], 380.

Elda [Spain], Count of, 9, 73.

Eldar, Conde de. See Elda [Spain], Count of.

Eldred, John, 241, 271.
-, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.
-, [See also Aldred.]

Elector Palatine. See Frederick IV.

"Elizabeth" (ship), 498.

"Elisabeth Jonas" (ship), 417.

Elizabeth, Queen, and her reign mentioned, 8, 28, 30, 46, 51, 52, 64, 65, 68, 74, 76, 91, 92, 96, 102, 105, 131, 134(2), 143, 147, 148, 153, 154, 163, 180, 182, 221, 237, 251, 257, 259, 264, 274, 278, 282, 287, 300, 315, 335, 347, 350, 355, 374, 391, 396, 397, 398, 400, 402, 414, 417, 419, 428, 434, 444– 5, 451, 461, 467, 471(2), 472(2), 473, 482, 497(2), 498, 501, 504, 505, 506, 508, 509, 516, 518, 520.
-, her Council, 65
-, her ships, 92.
-, her Treasurer, 91. See Cecil, William.
-, Keeper of her Navy Store, 98.
-, her old servant, 153, 461.
-, pensioner to, 163.
-, loan to the Turkey Company from, 287.
-, statutes of. See Acts of Parliament.
-, letters from mentioned, 444.
-, her war with Spain mentioned, 473.

For other references to events in Queen Elizabeth's reign see inter alia Acts of Parliament; Ireland; Blount, Charles; Cecil, William, first Lord Burghley; Devereux, Robert, second Earl of Essex; Walsingham, Sir Francis.

Elizabeth, dau. of James I, 14, 27, 45, 334.
-, "My lady Elizabeth," 104, 299.

Ellesmere, Lord. See Egerton, Thomas, Baron Ellesmere.

Elliott, Capt. [Robert], 61, 228, 239–240, 246–247.

Elliott, Robert, letter from, 429.

Ellote, William, of "Domilcebywes," taken prisoner, 428.

Elphinstone, James, 1st Baron Balmerino (Balmerinoch, Balmerinoth) [1553–1612]' Secretary of Scotland, Lord President of the Court of Session, 241, 275, 293.
-, letter from, 39(2), 157, 215.
-, letter to, 236.
-, mentioned, 355, 369, 415, 440.

Elsinore (Elsenuor) [Denmark], 517(2).

Eltham [co. Kent], 218, 456.

Ely, Bishop of. See Heton, Martin.

Ely, Bishop's Court at, judge of. See Gawdy, Lord Francis (d. 1606).

Ely, Dean of. See Tyndall.

Emanuel, Don, Prince of Portugal. See Manuel.

Embden. See Emden [Germany].

Embroiderer. See Trades and professions.

Emden (Embden) [Germany], 18, 148, 265, 271.
-, trade of inhabitants of, 50.

Emden (Embden), Count of. See East Friesland, Enno Count of.

Emperor. See Rudolph II.

Empire, the, the cities of, in league with the Hanse Towns, 129.

Empringham, Mr., 40.

Enclosures, Commissions for, 224.
-, unlawful enclosures, 223, 224, 423.
-, royal proclamation concerning, mentioned, 330.
-, insurrection against, mentioned, 441. See also Agrarian rising; depopulation.

Enfield [co. Middx.], 174.

Enfield Chase, Norris Walk [co. Middx.], 174.

Engadine [Switzerland], Upper, 116. Lower, 116.

Engines of war, 201.

England, 2, 7–8, 16(2), 37–38, 42, 49, 51, 63, 66–68, 73, 76, 80, 82(2), 107, 130–132, 134, 147, 161–164, 166, 173, 181, 184, 189, 200–201, 221, 235, 240, 249, 254, 261, 265, 267(2), 280–281, 288, 291, 299, 300, 302–303, 313, 316, 325, 336, 340, 357, 421, 448, 452, 481, 482, 483, 484, 493, 518, 519.
-, letters from mentioned, 119.
-, possible creation of R.C. bishops in, 244.
-, Catholic families in. See Roman Catholics.
-, protective rights of over other nations in Turkey mentioned, 126.
-, and France, articles between concerning a seized ship, 337.
-, union with Scotland, 108, 140, 173, 213, 216, 275, 355, 363, 369, 440–441.
-, Jews desire to live in, 473.

England, Ambassador of, to the Emperor. See Lesieur, Stephen.
-, to Flanders or to the Archdukes. See Edmondes, Sir Thomas.
-, to Poland. See Bruce, Dr. Wm.
-, to Spain. See Cornwallis, Sir Charles.
-, to Turkey. See Glover, Sir Thomas; Lello, Henry; Barton, Edward; Harborne, William.
-, to France. See Carew, Sir George; Parry, Sir Thomas.
-, to the United Provinces. See Spencer, Sir. Richard; Winwood, Sir. Ralph.
-, to Venice. See Wotton, Sir Henry.

England, Church of, 227, 274, 338, 348, 356, 360, 400.

England, Crown of, French claim to, 482.

England, customs of, 473. See Customs.

England, laws of, 68, 84, 275, 301, 363, 369, 389, 441, 447.

English (language), 195, 463.

English ambassadors. See England, Ambassador of.

English atheists, 184; "athiste," 212.

English Commissioner, an, 431. See Scotland, Commissioners for Border causes.

English gentlemen, their plot to reduce Barbary to the subjection of Spain, 271.

English masters, 72, 268.

Englishmen, 71, 105, 184, 229, 261, 439, 458, 482.
-, illtreatment at Lisbon, 9.
-, urged by French Ambassador in England to raise forces for the French, 482.

English merchants and Chartered Companies, 169, 170, 263, 268, 399, 495, 502.
-, in Danzig, 129.
-, Eastland Company ("the Company of London" [trading in the Baltic]), 129.
-, in Lublin [Poland], 188.
-, in Spain and Portugal, 9–10, 71, 141, 268, 272, 341, 493, 494.
-, "Spanish Company," 15–16, 443; its dissolution, 72, 216.
-, in Russia, 143.
-, in Turkey, 173, 253, 299, 340.
-, "Turkey merchants" [the Levant Company], letter from, 210; 266, 287, 326–7.
-, in Pisa and Leghorn, 239, 246.
-, in Stade, 2, 251.
-, in Moldavia, ? 252.
-, in Venice, 253.
-, East India Company, 418.
-, For English activities in America, see Virginia, Newfoundland.
-, in France, 55–8, 499–500.
-, in Sicily, 509, 514.
-, See also under countries and trade concerned; English ships; Merchants; Trade; London; Pirates.

English [Church] Ministers [in Ireland], 195. See Ireland.

English Pale [in Ireland], 12, 451.

English scholars, 195, 217.

English ships, 168–169, 226, 268, 299, 430.

English Shires adjoining Wales, 348.

English soldiers in Dutch service, 12, 48, 247, 270. See also Ogle; Mewtys; Orme.

Engraver of arms. See Trades and professions.

Ennys, Neil (Nell), petition of, 496.

Entails, bill for, 140, 150, 389, 437.

Entertainment. See Masque.

Eperjes (Epperies), [Hungary], 379.

Eppleden [co. Durham]. See Eppleton [co. Durham].

Eppleton (Eppleden) [co. Durham], 24.

Erkeland. See Erkelenz [Rhenish Prussia, Germany].

Erkelenz (Erkeland, Erklen), "in Juliers" belonging to the Duchy of Gelderland [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 40, 42.

Erklen. See Erkelenz [Rhenish Prussia, Germany].

"Ernesto, Count." See Nassau, Count Ernest of.

Erskine (Aresquin), George, 10.

Erskine (Areskyne), Sir James [of Craig?], 456.

Erskine, John, 18th Earl of Mar. [1562–1634], 84–85.
-, letter from, 213, 337.
-, letters to mentioned, 215.

Erskine, Sir Thomas, Lord Erskine of Dirletoun, afterwards Viscount Fenton and Earl of Kellie, 347, 360.
-, books of, 197.
-, grants to, 202.
-, letter from, 292.

Escorial (Scurial) [Spain], 242.

Esdiguieres. See Lesdiguieres.

Esk [river, Yorks], 102.

Eslington [co. Northd.], 3.

Esmund, Lady Elizabeth (wife of Sir Lawrence Esmund and dau. of Walter Butler, 4th son of James, 9th Earl of Ormonde), 132.

Esmund, Sir Lawrence, Chief Commander at Duncannon, 131.

"Esperance" (ship), 56, 58.

Espinoy [Guillaume de Melun], Prince of, his brother [Henri] killed in a duel, 250–251.

Essex, 456, 467.
-, inhabitants of, near Thames, 222.
-, marshes in, 222.

Essex, Earl of. See Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex [1604– 1646].

Essex, late Earl of. See Devereux, Robert, 1576–1601.

Estates, the. See United Provinces, States General of.

Esteves, Monsieur de, Governor of Phlippeville [Philippeville], his wife, 225.

Estman, Edward. See Eastman, Edward.

Eston Lodge [? Little Easton, co. Essex], 244.

Etal (Itall) Castle [Northumberland], 5.

Etherington (Ethrington), Sir Richard, 428.

Ethrington, Sir Richard. See Etherington, Sir Richard.

Etschthal, the (Zongadize) [Adige Valley, Tyrol], 117.

Eure, Fra., signs letter, 306.

Eure, Ralph, Lord [1558–1617], letter from, 103, 190, 194, 212, 219, 267, 289, 304, 306, 375, 392.
-, referred to as Lord President [of the Council of Wales], 199, 212, 219, 243, 289, 304, 375, 392.
-, -, praised as such, 348.

Europe, 13, 202, 215, 251.

Eversley, a goldsmith and engraver of arms, 273–274.

Evesham [Worcs.], one of the five clothmaking towns of Worcestershire, 487.

"Examen catholicum Edicti Anglicani contra Catholicos lati authoritate Parliamenti Angliae," 178.

Excestre. See Exeter [co. Devon].

Exchange, Bill of, 204, 249.

Exchanger, Royal, 415.

Exchequer, the, 76, 85, 132, 149, 357, 380, 504, 505.
-, causes in, 274.
-, draft grant of land within the survey of, 490.
-, See also Chester.

Exchequer, Chamberlains of the, letter to, 100.

Exchequer, Chancellor of. See Caesar, Sir Julins.

Exchequer, Court of, 471, 514.
-, Chief Baron of. See Fleming, Sir Thomas [1604–1607]: Tanfield, Sir Laurence [1607– 1625]. Barons of. See Savile; Snigge.
-, grant of all fines of personal actions in courts of King's Bench and — desired by Sir George Hay, 436.

Exchequer, Treasurer of.See Sackville.

Exchequer, Under-Treasurer of, 298.
-, letter to, 380. See Caesar.

Exeter (Excestre) [co. Devon], 58.
-, letter dated from, 311.
-, sessions at mentioned, 403.

Exeter, Bishop of. See Woolton, John, Bishop of Exeter [1579 –1594].

Exeter, Earl of. See Cecil, Thomas, [1542–1622/3].

Exeter, Governor of the merchants in. See Prouse, John.

Exeter, Mayor of, 58. See also Smythe, George

Exeter, merchants of, complain of an excessive imposition paid by them on woollen cloth, 311. See also 499.
-, governor of the. See Prouse, John.

Exton, —, a pirate, 170.

Eydall. See Edale in High Peak [Derbyshire].

Eynon, Count of East Friesland.
-, See East Friesland, Enno, Count of.

Eyre, Henry, petition of, 496.