Index: D

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Dacre, —, 486.

Dacre(s), Edmund, his attainder mentioned, 420.

Dacre, Francis, petitions to the king, 420.
-, petitions to the queen [Anne of Denmark], 420.
-, marriage, 420n.
-, son baptised, 420n.

Dacre, Leonard, his attainder mentioned, 420.

Dacre, Randolf, baptism mentioned, 420n.

Dacre, Thomas, Lord Dacre of Gilsland and Greystoke (d. 1566) [father of Francis (d. 1632/3)], his inheritance in Cumberland and Westmorland, 420.

Dacres, the, 259.

Da[cres?], Sir. Tho., letter to, 453.

Dalison, Mr. Roger, 412.

Dallaway (Dalwaie), John, 257, 315, 428.

Dalwaie, John. See Dallaway, John.

Dalway, Capt. See Dallaway.

Damask, 270.

"Damoiselle" (ship). See "Jung Frau."

Danby, —, mother of Christopher Danby, steward, 421.

Danby, Christopher, Esq., 420.
-, his living, 421.
-, his wife mentioned, 421.

Danby, Christopher, steward to Christopher Danby, Esq., 420.

Dane, a, 383, 510.

Danes, 184.

Danish law, 517.

Danielewicz, Nicholas, Polish Ambassador to the Sultan, 212, 387.

Danskine. See Danzig.

Danvers (Davers), Lord Henry, (1573 – 1644), appointed President of Munster in 1607, letter from, 176, 179, 190, 219, 230, 255.
-, -, mentioned, 440.
-, his pension, 190, 440.
-, his brother's pension, 190.
-, to be granted office of Deputy Steward of Bisley Manor [Glouc.], 331.
-, a brief of his demands, 421.
-, President of Munster, 421.
-, grant to, from King James I, 421.

Danvers, John, Esq., 421.

Danzig, 130, 189.
-, letter dated from, 130, 190.
-, letter from mentioned, 332.
-, Swedes in, 189.

Darby. See Stanley, William, Earl of Derby.

Darcy, —, 486.

Darcy, Mr., of Essex, 336.
-, his youngest daughter, her proposed marriage, 336.

Darmstadt [Germany], 332.
-, ambassador of mentioned, 380.

Dartmouth [co. Devon], 146.

D'Aubigney, Lord. See Stuart, Esmé.

Davenant, Edward, patent for bringing in logwood revoked, 443.

Davenport, William, 505.

Davers, Lord. See Danvers, Henry, Lord, [1573–1644].

Daves, Capt. Robert. See Davies, Capt. Robert.

Davice, Mr. See Davies, Nevill.

Davies (Davys), Sir John, Attorney General in Ireland, 62, 165.

Davies, Geoffrey, letter from, 422.

Davies (Davis), Nevill, 27, 160.
-, letter from, 26, 109, 216, 243, 272, 311.
-, -, mentioned, 47n.

Davies (Daves), Capt. Robert, 357.

Davis, John, merchant of London, case with Mayor of Southampton concerning foreign buying and selling in that town, 476–477.

Davis, Nevill. See Davies, Nevill.

Davison, Wm., Esq., office of Custos Brevium, 165.

Davy, Henry, letter from, 343.

Davys, Sir John. See Davies, Sir John.

Dawson, Sir John, letter to, 288.

Daye, —, 165.

Deakin (Deakyn), John, attainted of high treason, 310.

Deakyn. See Deakin.

Deal Castle [Kent], 418.

Dean, Mr., of the Chapel. See Montague.

Deane Court [Cork, Ireland], letter dated from, 395.

Debrecen (Debreczen, Debritz) [Hungary], 379.

Debreczen. See Debrecen [Hungary].

Debritz. See Debrecen [Hungary].

De Burgh, Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricard. See Burke.

d'Eça, Pedro Cezar (Sezar), Portuguese captive in Barbary, 494.

Decunna, Don Luis Bravo. See Acuña.

Decunna, Don Pedro Bravo. See Acuña.

Dedham or Deddam, Francis, of Ipswich, 483; petition of, 495.

Dee river, drawers in, 264.
-, fishing in, 264.

Deer, 158, 191, 192, 194, 200, 242, 433.
-, at Hatfield, view of, 115.
-, warrant for at Ticknell, Bewdley, etc., mentioned, 212.
-, for Cranborne Chase, 242.
-, bucks, 136, 164, 174, 176, 245, 479.
-, red, 32, 194.
-, stags, 191, 192, 194, 200, 479.
-, gentleman slain by, 278.
-, at manor of Siston [co. Gloucs.], 433.
-, See also Venison.

Delavale, Sir Robert, 5.
-, his late wife, sister to Sir Ralph Gray, 5.
-, See also Scotland, Commissioners for Border Causes (for the Middle Shires).

Delegates, Court of, 520.

Della Rovere, Francesco Duke of Urbino, 25.

Delvin, Baron of. See Nugent, Sir Richard, 15th Baron Delvin, 1st Earl of Westmeath [1583 –1642].

Demetrius. See Dmitri.

Denbighshire, 456.

Deneufville [signature]. See Neufville.

Denmark, 322; loss sustained by Hull owing to, 513.
-, See also Danes, Danish.

Denmark, Ambassadors of, to Holland, 306, 347.

Denmark, King of. See Christian IV [1588–1648].

Denmark, noblemen of, 179.

Dennis, Sir Morris (uncle of Richard), 396, 433.

Dennis, Richard, 396.

Dennis, Walter (son of Richard,) 396.

Denny, Edward, Lord Denny (cr. 1604, died s.p.m. 1637), daughter's [Honora's] marriage to James, Lord Hay, later Earl of Carlisle, mentioned, 2.
-, settlement of part of his lands on Lord Hay, 33.
-, letters from, 422–423; petition to (referred to in second letter), 494–5.

Denny, Lord. See Denny, Edward.

Denton [Lancs.], 415.

Depopulation, Commissions for 150, 208, 220, 222–223, 224, 226– 7, 235, 355–6, 388, 423, 479, 490.

Deptford [co. Kent], 99.

Deputies, the, the dispatch of, 490; See also Berck; Maldéré.

Deputy Vice-Admirals, 105, 399.

Derby, Countess of [Dowager]. See Stanley, Alice, widow of Ferdinando, 5th Earl of Derby, sister of Anne Sackville (née Spencer), Lady Buckhurst; Stanley, Elizabeth, wife of William, 6th Earl.

Derby, Earl of. See Stanley, Wm., Earl of Derby.

Derbyshire, 331, 395, 456.
-, Assizes of mentioned, 163.
-, Esquire of the Peace of. See Knyveton.
-, Soldiers from, for Ireland, 348.

Dering, Edward, his book, 400.

Desmond, Earl of. See Fitzgerald, James, Earl of Desmond.

Desmond, Earl of [titular]. See Fitzgerald, James FitzThomas, of Desmond.

Dethick, Sir Wm., letter from, 78.

"Deutsche" nation. See German.

Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex [1576–1601], 51, 102, 107, 203, 374, 391.
-, his sister mentioned, 391.

Devereux, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex (restored to title 18 April, 1604, died 14 Sept., 1646), 4.
-, letter from, 33, 150, 358.

Devioke, Mr., 259.

Devon(shire), men from, for Ireland, 306, 326, 363.
-, merchants of, complain of an excessive imposition paid by them. on woollen cloth, 311.
-, J.P. in. See Brooke, Charles.

Devonshire, late Earl of. See Blount Charles, Baron Mountjoy, former Lord Lt. of Ireland (cr. 21 July, 1603, died 3 April, 1606).

Diamonds, 14, 63, 141.

Dias, Antonio, 169.

Dieppe [France], 82, 519.

Dieppe, "The Ville de Londres" Inn, 82.

Digby, Sir Everard, conspirator, 307.

Digby, Sir Robert, suit with Earl of Kildare mentioned, 62.

Digby's ward, 161.

Diggers, the, 355–356.

Dillon, Henry (Attorney in Province of Ulster and Chief Justice of Province of Connaught), letter from, 78.

Dillon, Sir Robert, 143.

Dillon, Sir Theobald, letter from, 134.
-, his brother, 134.
-, his houses, 134.

Dillon, Thomas, Chief Justice of Province of Connaught, 78.

Dilston [co. Northd.], 3.

Dingle [co. Kerry, Ireland], 444.

Dirdo, William, receiver in Jersey (temp. Eliz.), 282.

Dispatches, Foreign, schedules of, 167.

Ditchley (Ditchlye) [co. Oxford], letter dated from, 196.

Djafar Pasha (Giaffer Bassa), Turkish Admiral, 376.

Djanbulad Oghlu (Grampolat Ogli), late Pasha of Aleppo, 387.

Dmitri (Demetrius), Grand Duke of Muscovy (d. 1606), 25, 518.

Doat, Jacques, of Bordeaux, 498.

Dobbinson (Dobbinsoun), Ralph, 168, 192.

Dobbinson (Dobbinsoun), Richard, 65, 85, 136, 157, 162.

Dobbinsoun. See Dobbinson.

Dockeray, of Horncastle, 174

Doctors. See under surnames; also under Trades and professions.

Doderidge (Doddrige, Dodrige), Sergeant [Solicitor-General to June 25, thereafter King's Sergeant], 41, 347, 428.

Doddrige, Sergeant. See Doddridge, Sergeant.

Dodrige. See Doddridge.

Doesburg (Dusbourg) [Netherlands], 54.

Doge of Venice. See Venice.

Dokeray of Horncastle. See Dockeray of Horncastle.

Doll, Mrs. (relative of the Earl of Clanricard,?) 404.

"Dolphin," the [= Dauphin]. See Louis.

Domeneca. See Dominica [West Indies].

Domilcebywes. See Dunliebyre.

Dominica (Domeneca) [West Indies], 36.

Donallan, Andreas, two petitions from, 425.
-, Dean of Cashel, 425.
-, removed from Deanery of Cashel, 425.

Donauwörth (Donnawert) [Germany], 332.
-, siege of, 380.

Doncaster [co. Yorks], 156.

Dondalke [Ireland]. See Dundalk [Ireland].

Done, Capt. Hugh, letter from, 425, 496.

Dongarvon. See Dungarvan [co. Waterford].

Donnawert. See Donauwörth [Germany].

Dordrecht (Dort) [Holland], 147, 483.
-, Dutch envoys for England at [See Berck; Maldere], 147.
-, letter dated from, 148, 306.

Doria, Carlo, gonfaloniere for the Papacy, 25.

Dorington, Mr., 15, 16.

Dorlans. See Doullens.

Dormer, a Recusant, 482.

Dorrington, Capt, 411.
-, "The son of Sir Thomas Graye's sister," 412.

Dorset, J.P. in. See Brooke, Charles.

Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville, Thomas, Earl of Dorset.

Dorset House. See London and Westminster places in or near.

Dorsetshire, 105.
-, Lord Lieut. of. See Howard, Thos., Viscount Bindon.
-, Deputy Lieutenants of. See Freake; Horsey.
-, merchants of, complain of an excessive imposition on woollen cloth paid by them, 311.
-, neglect of governors in, 399.

Dort [Neths.]. See Dordrecht.

Dotard ("doted") trees, 346.

Douai (Dowa, Dowaye) [France], 213.
-, bibles from, 389.

Doubleday (Dowbleday), Edmund, letter from, 102.

Doughtye, Mr., 462.

Douglas (Douglass, Dowglas), Robert, Roben, the Prince's servant [Prince Henry], 11, 197, 456.
-, (Master of the Prince's Horse). See Part XVIII of this Calendar.

Doullens (Dorlans) [Picardy, France], 251; governor of. See Rambure.

Dover [co. Kent], 110, 371, 386, 481, 519.

Dowa. See Douai [France].

Dowaye. See Douai [France].

Dowbleday. See Doubleday.

Dowglas. See Douglas.

Downe Cannon [co. Wexford]. See Duncannon [co. Wexford, Ireland].

Downham [Cambs.], letter dated from, 43.

Downing, Calibut, 163.
-, lease to, 163.

Downs, the, 218, 219.

Dradahada. See Drogheda [co. Louth, Ireland].

Draper. See Trades and professions.

Drapers, of Coventry, dispute with mercers of Coventry, 435, 438–439.

Drappau. See Opava.

Draycott, John, letter from, 99.

Draycott, John, of Paynsley [Staffs], 456.

Drayton (Draighton) [? Somerset], manor of, 59.

Drewe, John, 146.

Drogheda (Dradahada) [co. Louth, Ireland], 78, 451.

Droitwich [Worcs.], one of the five clothmaking towns of Worcs., 487.

Dromond. See Drummond.

Drowned lands, 50. Commission for, 389. See also Fens; land reclamation.

Drugs, 489.

Drummond, James, Lord Drummond, 1st Earl of Perth [c. 1580–1675], 398.

Drummond (Dromond), Sir John, 9.

Drunkenness, Act of Parliament against, 22. See Acts of Parliament.

Drury, —, of Holborn, recusant, 159.

Drury, Sir, Robert, case against him mentioned, 489.

Duarte, Diego (of Portugal), 69.

Dublin [Ireland], 132, 496.
-, letter dated from, 62, 90, 135, 165.
-, transport of soldiers to, 283, 343, 374.
-, "the New College" at [Trinity College], 195.

Dublin Castle (Castile) [Ireland), 444.

Dublin Quay [Ireland], 288.

Ducke, Thomas, letter from, 114.

Duchy. See Lancaster, Duchy of.

Dudley, Dame Alice, wife of Sir Robert, case against for perjury, subornation, practice, 489.

Dudley, Ambrose, letter from, 426.

Dudley, Sir Robert ("Lord of Warwick") [created Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumberland in the Holy Roman Empire, 1620], 61, 63, 239– 240, 246, 296, 470n, 475n.
-, letter to, 172–173.
-, -, mentioned, 475.
-, married to Mrs. Southwell, 61, 426.
-, his lady [Mrs. Southwell], 239.
-, warrant to some Lord requiring him to offer to the King's Counsel material circumstances respecting Sir Robert Dudley, 426.
-, case against for perjury, subornation, etc., 489.

Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester (d. 1588, father of the above Sir Robert), 172; Chancellor of Oxford University, 368.

Dudley, Mr., 377.

Duff, —, gives information about Mathew Tully, alias Flood, an Irishman concerned in the Gunpowder Treason, 480– 481.

Duff, Thomas, letter from, 426.

Duisborough, Anthony, Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, signs letter, 211(2), 386.

Duke, the, 271, [? of Lerma]. See Sandoval.

Duke Charles. See Charles, Prince; Charles IX, King of Sweden.

Dulberg, Wolfgang von, Elector of Mainz, 379.

Dumbarr, Lord. See Home, George, Earl of Dunbar.

Dumfermline, Earl of. See Seaton, Alexander.

Dumfermeling, Earl of. See Seaton, Alexander, Earl of Dunfermline.

Dumothey, F., examination of, 82.
-, letters from, 446–447.

Dunbar, Earl of. See Home, George.

Dunbar, Lord of. See Home, George, Earl of Dunbar.

Duncannon (Downe Cannon), [co. Wexford, Ireland], 131.

Duncombe, Mr. William, citizen of London, 443.

Dundalk (Dondalke) [Ireland], 451.

Dundie, Edmund, a false coiner, 258.

Dunfermline, Earl of. See Seaton, Alexander.

Dungarvan (Dongarvon) [co. Waterford], 411.

Dunham [Cheshire], 415.

Dunkirk [France], 16, 273, 312.
-, a ship of, 483, 495.

Dunkirkers, 99, 495.

Dunliebyre (Domilcebywes), in Liddesdale [Roxburghshire], 428.

Dunstable [Bedfordshire], 125.

Dunwich [Suffolk], officers of, letter from, 46.
-, controller of. See Jeggell, Daniel.
-, searcher of. See Walton, Thomas.
-, customer of. See Greene, Thomas.

Duport, Dr. John, 180, 287.
-, king's chaplain, 287.
-, vice-chancellor [of Cambridge], 287.

Durance [? France], letter dated from, 290.

Durant, Monsr., 166.

Durey, Thom. See Durie.

Durham, Bishop of. See James, Wm.

-, bishopric of, 24, 29.
-, -, lands in, 335.
-, Charles Neville, Earl of Westmorland, stewardship of his lands in, 505.
-, undersheriff of. See Robson, Robert.

Durie (Durey), Thome or Tom [the king's nickname for the Earl of Salisbury], 209, 356, 441.

Dusbourg. See Doesburg.

Dutch, the, 35, 48, 71, 89, 122, 169(2), 170, 175, 178–179, 221, 250, 272, 302, 311, 322.
-, See also United Provinces, Holland, Low Countries, etc.

Dutch admiral. See Heemskercke. Jacob de.

Dutch agent in England. See Caron, Noel de.

Dutch envoys to England. See Berck, Johan; Maldéré Jacques de.

Dutch envoys to France. See Myle, Cornelis van der; Aerssens, Francis van.

Dutch ships, 28, 42, 50, 175, 216, 221, 243, 270, 271, 305, 515.
-, four merchantmen reported captured, 216, 244.
-, freed by Spain, 322.
-, attack on Spanish galleons reported, 122, 148, 178, 238.
-, English pirate pursued by, 157.
-, nine sail of —, mentioned, 243.
-, landing sugars at Poole, 90, 122, 399. 510–12.

Dutch East India Company, 305.

Dutch West India Company, 38.

Dutton, Sir Thomas, 311.

Dyer, Sir Edward, letter from, 108.
-, his debts, 108.
-, his death mentioned, 128, 516.

Dyggbee's ward. See Digby's ward.

Dyllon, Sir Robert. See Dillon, Sir Robert.