Cecil Papers: November 1607, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp310-326 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp310-326.

"Cecil Papers: November 1607, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp310-326.

November 1607, 1-15

The Earl of Salisbury to Viscount Byndon.
[1607, Nov. 1]. Refers to a letter of Byndon's to Mr. Budden [Salisbury's Cranborne agent].
"I am sensible of anything that shall concern you, without any other private end but my care of your reputation, dear to me both for the public and the private. In the first, because I know you to be a lover and protector of the true Religion, which cannot boast of many friends as the world goes now. In the second, because you are linked in nature and friendship with that noble house upon which stock I have resolved to engraft my poor posterity. For that which you mean to do in your park, the rather upon my wish, I am very glad to hear it, because it may give the greater contentment to those towards whom you are a second parent to live in those parts; wherein I see they are very desirous to enlarge their elbow-room by buying those lands that lie near it. As for the setting up the game in Chytered whereof I perceive the inhabitants seem unwilling to hear, you did me a very great deal of right in reporting as you did the plain truth of my proceedings therein.
For the other part, it concerns some proceedings of yours in the Spanish Ambassador's causes, wherewith he is so mightily distasted as he is about to protest against you particularly. Yet your friends have had that feeling what impression complaints of that nature would make in the King's mind, especially at this time, as he has been diverted by good and sound arguments from expecting at our hands that a nobleman of your rank and merit should be censured for things before they are orderly proved. Nevertheless, out of my love only, I desire you, for some respects of importance for his Majesty's service, to take some more care to give them satisfaction; though I cannot deny but that their pride and their height of superstition, besides many probabilities of their ill affection towards us, were enough almost to make a man slow to give them any contentment, were it not in these cases of spoil by sea, seeing the least that can be made of it is that many an innocent creature perishes, and that the continual practice of the English with the Hollanders is so visible as the whole nation grows scandalous by it; insomuch as I will not hide it from you that even from the Turk himself, the enemy of Christ, one part of his instructions to his Ambassador hither has been expressly to understand whether it be true that the world conceives, that piracy is here no sin. I will only therefore conclude thus, that you shall do very well to be assured of your subordinate ministers in their causes and whatsoever you do, to give them that are employed no ground to complain of any discourteous usage. For they [the Spaniards] will multiply all such things to the height, especially proceeding from such great men as you, and when as is done the revenge is still taken of our honest merchants under pretexts of great injuries done here [sic]; whereof you best know no one reaps any benefit but such as have no other trade but stealth and rapine."—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "Minute of my Lord's letter to the L. Viscount Byndon, Nov. 1, 1607," and in another hand, "Concerning some distress that was given to the Spanish Ambassador." 2½ pp. (123. 6.)
Another draft of part of the above. 4 pp. (123. 163.)
George Smythe, Mayor, and John Prouse, Governor of the Merchants in Exeter, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 1. On behalf of the merchants of Dorset, Devon, Exeter and Cornwall. Two years ago the Lord Treasurer commanded the officers of the custom houses of these western ports to collect for four years an imposition on woollen cloth, towards defraying the charge of a suit in France for abolishing a rigorous edict there made against English cloth. They now find that a greater sum has been already paid than in equity this country ought to be charged with, and beg to be eased of the imposition. The bearer, Mr. John Sampforde, will give further information.— Exon, 1 Nov., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (123. 8.)
Captain [Thomas] Mewtys to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 2. Salisbury's letter to both the Ambassadors in his behalf was delivered, and they made him large promises of courtesies. The bearer, Sir Thomas Dutton, will be ready to attend upon Salisbury at all times.—Hage, 2 Nov., 1607, old style.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 11.)
Nevill Davis to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 2/12. In my last of October 17 I certified of an avizo come to St. Lucar, which brought news of the 7 galleons with treasure to be arrived at Cape Fynister. Through extremity of weather they were forced into the Groyen. Accompanied with 22 men-of-war of the squadron of Andolozia, they put forth of that harbour and arrived in St. Lucar the last of October, and are discharging the treasure, cochineal and other goods, to the reported value of 12 millions and 300,000 peças, and so much comes registered. There is of this about 7 millions for the merchants; the rest is for the King. By the coming of these galleons the Terra Ferma fleet will the sooner be set forth. They are a lading, and also the 6 frigates that are appointed to carry the Pope's bulls and the quicksilver. It is thought they will depart with the breezes of January.
Here is great expectation and hope of a peace with the States. The King has commanded that all the Hollanders, or whosoever served them, shall be set at liberty, which is accomplished, and divers that were taken in the Indias and brought to the "contracketasion" [i.e. exchange] house are freed. As yet there is no order come for Captain Challines and his poor company, who endure great misery. I perceive from Mr. Osley there is as yet small hope for their enlargement. From Lisbon a friend writes that a pink from Dunkirk brought news that the "treuis" [truce] was prolonged for 8 months more between the Archduke and the States. Their Terra Ferma fleet being gone, they will begin to prepare their Nova Spania fleet, which has been no small hindrance, the detaining of them this last summer [sic].—Sivel, 12 Nov., 1607, stillo nova.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "Nevil Davyes to my Lord. rec. ult. Novemb." 1 p. (123. 23.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Nov. 2. This bearer Cap. Gosnoll being lately returned from Constantinople in his journey has lost his companion Cap. Saxy, who died in the way homeward. He had a pension of the King of 3s. a day, which this bearer thinks will be easily procured by your means. For my part I am not of his opinion. All I can say for him is that I think he both has and may hereafter deserve as much, and if he had it I should be very glad of it.—The 2 of Novemb.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (194. 19.)
The Marquis of Aytona to the Duke of Lerma.
1607, Nov. 2/12. Recommends William Sagnes [— Shane ?] and his brother James, Irishmen. William has papers showing that he has served the King of Spain in Flanders and had there 20 crowns (escudos) a month by royal warrant. They are going to court in hopes of obtaining the King's favour.—Rome, 12 Nov., 1607.
Signed. Spanish. ½ p. (123. 26.)
Sir Richard Gifford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 3. Of the great indignity and disgrace lately done by Sir Benjamin Tichborne to the writer's friend Mr. Thomas Warburton. Since his unfortunate troubles the latter has kept himself wholly to his private affairs. Begs Salisbury's favour towards him.—Somborn, 3 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 12.)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, Nov. 4. Tyrone well entertained by the Archduke. He was allowed to remain covered in his presence and was feasted by Spinola. He is called the Great O'Neale; yet they are ill satisfied by his flight, and a great man said that by the same the King of Sp[ain] had lost the fruit of 30 years' intelligence which he had maintained in Ireland. Sir Thos. Edmondes was asked whether he would not be present at Spinola's feast to Tyrone: he answered, he thought they did not suspect him of such a gross indiscretion. Tyrone's three causes of discontent: (1) The specious pretence of religion. (2) The taking from him the right he pretended over his underlords. (3) The placing of a governor, an English officer, in Ulster.
St. Leger and Hen. Ovington [Hovenden] desirous to abandon Tyrone and to be received into favour. [Of] the Jesuits some [are] gone out of Spain into England, and one Father Conniers from Brussels, a man reputed to be of good learning, to win credit amongst the [English] Catholics from the Benedictines [Brussels].
Abstract. (227. 339.)
[The original dispatch in P.R.O. S.P. For. Flanders 8 is calendared so far as it concerns Tyrone in Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–1608, pp. 631, 632.]
The Same to the Same.
1607, Nov. 4. A private letter to my Lord. Touching Travers' intelligences. The Irish regiment 1,500, whereof 4 or 500 sick in hospitals. He [Travers] desires to go into Spain with Tyrone into whose favour he has insinuated himself. Another person about Tyrone for the same purpose called Rath, who discovered Travers to be a double dealer, and to give intelligence on both sides.
Abstract. (227. 339.) [Calendared as above.]
Monkeys for the Royal Family.
1607, Nov. 4. Receipt by George Littman for 50l., from the Earl of Salisbury, for monkeys and marmosets given by him to the King, the Queen and the Prince.—4 Nov., 1607.
Endorsed: "Mounckeyes." ½ p. (213. 32.)
Marmaduke Servant to [Richard] Percival, Secretary to the Court of Wards.
[1607 ?], Nov. 4. With respect to lodgings provided for various officers (fn. 1) —Winchester, 4 Nov.
1 p. (P. 2184.)
William Pert to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 5. His adversary Mr. Tyndall has brought him into displeasure with the Lord Chancellor, and, though he cannot travel without danger of his life, he is sued upon a recognisance for 100l. taken by his lordship for his appearance in the Chancery. Begs Salisbury to interpose with his lordship in his favour.— 5 Nov., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (123. 13.)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 6. I was determined not to have troubled your lordship by letter till my own coming. But now that it pleases God to visit me with sickness so as I am not able to travel one day but am forced to repose myself and forbear travelling for other two, I have thought it my duty to hasten the final report of the Earl of Cumberland's proceeding and mine touching the levy of the two hundred men. That you may the better know our diligence for making those men to be in readiness and for providing of ships for their transporting, I have written a letter to Mr. John Taylour by whom you will be informed of all particulars in that matter. When your lordship has considered it I think we shall have your approbation. So in this business I must remit all further information to Mr. Taylour's report. But I am heartily sorry that the King should think that there is any neglect of duty in the Earl of Cumberland and myself in that we have been so long in returning answer unto the letters sent by my Lords of the Council unto us. Being rightly conceived I think his Majesty and your lordships will perceive our error is not so great as it is thought to be. I entreat that the King be informed of the true cause of our being so long a-writing, which is this: when your lordships' said letters came to the Earl of Cumberland, being directed to us both, we were then some eight score or nine score miles distant from the other, so that after the letter came to his hands it was some twelve days before we could meet together. When we had at our meeting considered thereof, we found that we were desired to have a care of the levy of these men, assuring us that we might look within a very few days to hear further. Which we both expected, for every day we looked for a warrant from my Lords of the Council for the pressing of these men, and for some order for money and armour and providing of ships for their transportation. When we found no further direction came to us, we two did resolve to make the men in readiness so far as lay in us. Which we have done in such sort as you shall perceive by that which I have sent to Mr. Taylour, that there rests nothing but your lordship's command and directions. At the writing of this letter my sickness is so troublesome I am constrained to keep my bed, for otherwise I would have used no other hand to your lordship but my own.
I am bold to recommend one Thomas Orde that you would afford him your favour for being Captain of one hundred of these men that are to go out of Northumberland and Cumberland. He is one that from his youth has been trained up in service and has had commandment of horsemen under the Governors of Berwick. He knows best the conditions of the Northumberland men, and they will be most willing to serve under him. He is active and every way sufficient to do his Majesty service, and for his honesty and good carriage I will engage myself, and so will divers others of good sufficiency who had long experience of him and his service.—Pontefract, 6 Nov., 1607.
Signed. 2 pp. (194. 20.)
Richard Hadsor to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 6. The late Queen, being invested on the attainder of Shaen Onell with the countries of Claneboy in Ulster, granted 11 Eliz. to Sir Thomas Smith and his son and heirs, all the lands of the Ardes and Claneboyes there; the grant to be void if they did not recover the same from the rebels, inhabit them, and yield certain rents; which conditions were never performed. The King has made several grants of the same lands to the now Lord Deputy of Ireland, Sir Fowke Conway, Sir Hugh Mountgomery, Captain Thomas Phelipps, Captain Langsford, Captain Clatworthie, James Hamilton, Captain Dalway, Mr. Hill, Con Oneale, Shaen Mac Bryan and others. Sir William Smith goes about to procure a grant of the same lands under the former patent, with power to dispossess the above and the rest of the inhabitants there, without legal proceedings. Begs Salisbury for the stay thereof, and that Smith be required to proceed by ordinary course of justice.—Middle Temple, 6 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (123. 14.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Lake.
[1607, (after Nov. 6)]. I have received yesterday two dispatches, one out of the Low Countries and another out of Ireland. In that of the Low Countries there is nothing so material as shall need any new direction from his Majesty, whose last dispatch will serve for a sufficient direction for anything that is likely to come in question before we see our master again. The deputies are now gone into the several provinces, to acquaint them with the "Agreation" which came last out of Spain, which was, as his Majesty knows, received in part but not in the whole. How that will be accepted will be known the 10th of Decr. next, which is the time that is given for them to return to the College. In the meantime, though the Commissioners' letters, which are of an old date, make no mention of it, I understand by some private letters from Flushing that the towns begin to speak very big against the States for presuming to proceed so fast in this business, considering how slowly the King of Spain marches to ratify the Archduke's accord. Of this I make no such judgment as to conclude upon it any rupture in the treaty in that respect, because it is a usual and unseparable accident from a popular State to except against the superiors upon all innovations. Besides this circumstance, there is also some little altercation between the Friar and the States upon this one point, which may peradventure be only controverted on both sides to gain time: the Friar would not leave the King's ratification in the original with the States, because they did not accept it but in part. The States sent him back to Brussels about it. He is now returned and offers to leave it with them on this condition, that they would bind themselves by an Act to render it again in case the peace should not succeed. Yet they have refused to make any such Act, with which answer he is gone back again. The reason they give is this, that seeing the Archduke's declaration has acknowledged them simply a free state without condition, they will not make an Act to return that instrument which makes for them in that point, though it be, quoad Spain, conditional.
From Ireland you shall see what is written, to which I refer you, and desire you to acquaint the King that the Baron of Delvin has confessed to the Deputy that the Earl of Tyrconnel did break with him to the effect of this enclosed (fn. 2); with some other things more wherewith I shall acquaint his Majesty at his return. In the meantime we find that Spain refused to hearken to the motions of friars and others. The Lord of Howth is likewise in prison, who but confirms now as much, although his Majesty knows as well as I with what difficulty he has been induced to betray any secrets of his countrymen. So his Majesty may perceive the first intelligencer told truth, though he be neither wise nor honest.
We have resolved, if his Majesty think good, to give new direction for their bringing over, with safety sufficient; and for the point of Neile Garvey do hold most just and necessary which the Deputy requires; wherein, as in all like cases, if all particular circumstances be not well conceived before his Majesty shall distribute these countries that now are like to fall to his hands, there may be more inconvenience in giving the best deserving servant a plough-land in Ireland than a good manor in England to an ill; for the question will not be who hath deserved reward of his Majesty, but whom it is fit to reward there, both because it is as necessary to give contentment and justice to some of the natives, as it is necessary to incorporate into those places some of his Majesty's subjects of both parts of this ["Island" struck out]; which I briefly touch to you because you may discourage men from pressing the King for references in that kind, considering how impossible it is for the best of us that understand most to advise before we understand more: which knowledge must be gathered with time, and that time will not be until Candlemas, before which time the Chief Justice of Ireland will come hither, full fraught of perfect knowledge of all particulars. In the mean season this need not be taken ill by any particular man that knows what belongs to order and reason, in which, though he that is compounded of both these doth nobly give answers, yet the more you continue as you do endeavour to make them capable what must be their answers, the more you ease that mind which it is a pity to perturb where there is no cause, seeing there was never such a prince in our horizon as had both so great knowledge and so great desire to dispatch all men. To whom I pray you fail not to show under my hand that I have a heart so full of love and duty to his person (besides his sceptre), as I shall desire no longer life than whilst I may think myself to be of some use to such a master as hath so overladen such a servant, who may rather plead good intentions than great deserts.—Undated.
Draft in hand of Salisbury's Secretary. Endorsed: "1607." 4 pp. (123. 70.)
Sir John Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 7. The present affords nothing more than the coming of the Friar hither on Wednesday last, the 4th of this present, stylo veteri, and his sudden return this day. It is said he brings important stuff, and that the Estates have no contentment from those parts, but have great reason to suspect an indirect dealing. Others say they do but temporise, and seek "a knott in a rushe," till they shall receive answer of some letters from his Majesty and the French King, and that then they will take resolution whether they will enter into treaty or no; into which if they do, yet is it said all matters shall be discussed and concluded in 14 days time; and to this suddenness of dispatch in treaty they are advised by Jeanninge the French Ambassador. Verreyken stays to attend the Friar's return, or some other in his place, who some say shall be the Marquis Spinola.—Haghe, 7 Nov., 1607, veteri.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 15.)
The High Sheriff and Justices of the County of Chester to the Council.
1607, Nov. 7. They have mustered 50 able soldiers and delivered them armed and furnished to the conduction of Captain Robert Warburton, to be conducted to the port of Chester, there to be delivered over according to the Council's directions. [The names and arms of the soldiers follow.]—7 Nov., 1607.
Signed: John Savage, Vice[comes], W. Brereton, Thomas Wylbram, Rich. Grosvenor, R. Brereton. 1 sheet. (223. 9.)
Tibbot Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov.8/18. I have written more than once from France to show your lordship my progress in French, and I now do the same, encouraged by your letters, in Italian. The Grand Duke's absence does not give birth to any important news. The bearer will tell you all that is going on.—Florence, 8 Nov., 1607.
Signed. Seal. Italian. 1 p. (123. 16.)
Lord Gerard to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 9. I moved you concerning two priests which remain in Lancaster Gaol, the one Braddell, the other Melyngton. The latter took the oath at the last assize before Judge Phylyps. The other, I delivered you his examination. They are both hurtful persons where they remain, for that many in those parts resort unto them, and although I think both their learning and wits are very weak, yet conference with weaker than themselves do much hurt; wherefore I do for this time move banishment, and if they return again, execution.—9 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 17.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 9 Doubts not he has been advertised of the proceedings of the two noble Earls in the late gaol delivery at Carlisle. The justice done on the two Musgraves, and the godly end of the one, before, at Kendall, of the other, now, at Carlisle, has bred great comfort in all that love peace. He has long lived in the danger which the malice of broken men could work. Now the danger is increased by the displeasure of persons of greater reckoning. Renews his old request to be removed to some other place where he may end his days in peace. Begs for relief of his present distress.—Carlisle, 9 Nov., 1607.
Signed: Hen. Carliolen. Seal. 1 p. (123. 18.)
The Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 9. It has pleased the University lately to make choice of me to the function of the Vice-Chancellor for the year to come. Their choice might have been much better made in regard of mine infirmities by age and other defects, in which respect I thought I had my quietus est from this great charge, and that they would rather have chosen again the last year's ViceChancellor, Dr. Harsnett, as was wished and expected by many, that he might have proceeded to finish that great good work of reformation by him the last year so well begun, none being so well acquainted with our present estate as himself by his special care and travail. But, falling out as it does, I must undergo what is imposed, and I would in this great service my strength and ability were answerable. My poor endeavours shall not be wanting touching the University, and for the town to nourish the neighbourly amity and peace for some late years enjoyed, according to your lordship's advice in your last letters [possibly the letter printed on p. 459 below]; as also that you shall be as little troubled as may be with our causes.—9 Nov., 1607.
Signed: Roger Goade, Pro-can. 1 p. (136. 158.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Roger Houghton.
? 1607, Nov. 9. Order to deliver to his servant Dudley Norton 44l.— Whitehall, 9 Nov., 1607. Signed.
At foot: Dudley Norton to [Roger Houghton]. The above money is to be paid to James Mounker, merchant, whose agent has disbursed it at Brussels to Sir Thomas Edmondes who had laid out so much for the King's service by my Lord's direction. It is to be repaid upon allowances hereafter made upon Sir Thomas's demands for the like disbursements. Receipt follows, by William Smyth for James Mounger, dated 9 Nov., 1608.
Endorsed: "Novemb 9 1608." 1½ pp. (206. 45.)
Sir James Mervin to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 11. On behalf of his grandchild, late the wife of young Sir John Stowell, and since unfortunately married to Sir Thomas Grefen, who forsakes her without maintenance and spends her jointure and all the revenue of Stowell's land, besides offering great wrong to the poor infant. He has exhibited a bill in the Court of Wards on behalf of the latter, which Grefen refuses to answer. Begs Salisbury to require him to do so, and to obey whatever order the Court may make.—Compton Bassett, 11 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 19.)
The Earl of Dunfermline, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 11. The bearer, my good friend Mr. Fouller, can open to you the present estate of this country as well as any. He is a very sufficient and honest man, as he has proved in his Majesty's service many years.
Our course in ministration of justice is very far hindered here by the plague in the town of Edinburgh, which although it does not much harm, impedes the sitting down of the Session, by the weekly accidents that fall forth of the sickness. Otherwise the obedience and good order in the country is reasonably well maintained under our sovereign's authority, by the meetings of the Secret Council whenever any necessity requires.—Edinburgh, 11 Nov., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (123. 22.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 11. Touching the employing of Rath in the company of Tyrone, to whom Edmondes has given 5l. which make a total of 20l. When he came into Spain he [Rath] was not to make himself known to Sir Ch. Cornwallis.
Abstract. (227. 339.) [The original dispatch in S.P. For. Flanders 8 is calendared in Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–8, pp. 6335–.]
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Nov. 12. I have received your letter from Mr. Taylor, and render you most hearty thanks for the same. What I wrote was upon information, and yet so far from any distrust of you as in my letter I entreated you to be a means to give his Majesty satisfaction. If I had thought ever that you had been that man who had wronged me, I should never have entreated your favour to have made my excuse to his Majesty. God knows I am so far from believing that the noble Earl of Salisbury will be a private enemy without reason to him that never has nor shall deserve it, that if I should both with ears hear it, and with eyes see it, I would scarcely believe it. I am your true hearted friend after my poor power, without jealousy, and am well persuaded you will ever give me a meeting until you find a just cause why you should not. My sickness has been troublesome, but now all has left me, and I am able to travel two posts a day in my "coche" so that I rest one thereafter; and hope ere it be many days to see you. Commend my service to noble Suffolk and his most worthy lady, and to Northampton.—Stamford, 12 Nov.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 2 pp. (123. 24.)
Champernowne v. Earth.
[1607], Nov. 12. Brief of a cause in the Court of Wards, between Sir Richard Champernowne and Sir Henry Baker, plaintiffs, "by several bills either pretending to be heir to the Earl of Devon"; and Joseph Earth and other defendants. Concerns the inheritance of the late Earl of Devonshire.—12 Nov.
Endorsed by Salisbury: "Lady Parry's cross answer. Office finds only the time [sic]. 1607." 2 pp. (123. 156.)
Lord Mountjoy.
1607, Nov. 12. The pedigree and descent of John, Lord Mountjoye.
1 p. (141. 63.)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 13. Although I wrote to you by Mr. John Tailour, I forgot to mention anything at all touching the election of the sheriffs for Northumberland and Cumberland. My Lord of Cumberland and myself sent a message by John Tailour to you at his coming from us, that we thought Sir George Selby and Sir Christopher Pickering were the fittest men to be sheriffs this approaching year, viz. Sir George Selby for Northumberland and Sir Christopher Pickering for Cumberland. Having understood from him that your lordship upon his information had stayed the pricking of any others that were returned for the said shires, I am to desire you to move his Majesty that in case he will approve our opinions of these two men, he will please to pick them accordingly, both of them being very sufficient and well affected to his service.—Huntingdon, this Friday at night, 13 Nov., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (194. 22.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 13. Understanding that it is his Majesty's pleasure rather to vouchsafe me his letters to the College [of Winchester] for a lease of some one manor of theirs in reversion than for any such fine as is presently to come into their possession; which being the effect of his Majesty's last gracious letter to them written in my behalf, I have often been with them for answer of; these are to advertise you that they seemed all willing to pleasure me therein, yet in any particular would not resolve of any one thing, lest prejudice might thereby grow to their tenants that enjoyed the same. At my last being there, understanding that one of their tenants of a small manor called Woodmancott (fn. 3) for twelve or thirteen years to come, was resolved to sell his estate, which without their consents first obtained to alien the same he might not by his lease do without forfeiture thereof, I moved Mr. Warden and divers of the Fellows to grant me but this respect in regard of both his Majesty's letters in my behalf: that since he that was their tenant of the manor or farm of Woodmancott named Hunte could not alien without their consent, that he might have licence to alien only to me, who would give him as amply for his estate as any other stranger; and yet if he were more desirous to keep his estate to his own use and his children's he could enable himself to renew it, he paying but such fine to me as at the very last renewment of the said lease the tenant made payment of to the College (if it shall please them to grant me the reversion and benefit of renewment); he paying me but proportionably for the seven years now to come, the same rate being cast up that they of the College last received and last time the number of years also. I would accept from him the self same proportion of fine so that he and his posterity continued therein; provided only that if he shall at any time make sale thereof, then I paying rateably therefor may, in regard I shall accept only the College rate now of him, have then the first refusal of sale. This upon the least motion from his Majesty they will yield. I beseech you to be the means Sir Thomas Laeke may have warrant to draw a letter from his Majesty accordingly to the College that [Winton, struck through] enjoys 7,000l. land a year which otherwise had lineally descended to me as heir to their founder's sole sister and heir.—From my house at Browghton, 13 Nov., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (194. 23.)
Sir Charles Cornwallis to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 12 and 14. Of his sickness, which has been little amended by his sitting on Monday last so many hours in the air to see the fuego de Toros and Canas, performed in joy at the birth of the late Prince, or rather at the shutting the door of the treasury against the Genoweses.
The matter whereof he wrote by Sir John Fearne's man he has not since heard of, otherwise than by a message from Don Juan de Ideaques, who says that in such cases it is most natural that the motion come from the party that in the Church is to answer first to the question. Cornwallis's answer to that familiar of Don Juan who brought him the message was, that in a building which, coming to public notice, would draw so much jealousy upon both the parties, it was most fit that there were a perfect knowledge of a settled conformity of intention in the masters of the work, before either the timber or the stones were committed to open carriage: that his own reservedness grew not out of want of will to the work, but partly out of a knowledge of some late designs of theirs that cross the very foundation. More from him they get not, until he shall further understand his Majesty's pleasure.
Desires that by Salisbury's next he may receive his Majesty's warrant for his remove in March, so as he may in this way take some benefit of the Bath.—Madrid, 12 Nov., 1607, stilo vet.
PS.—Yesterday here was a general repair of all the Council to the Palace. It is thought some matter of great moment was delivered to them from the King by the Duke of Lerma. The late order intended to be taken with the Genoweses is hitherto "stayed from the print," and the proceeding therein now much doubted of. Howsoever it falls out in the conclusion, it has in the meantime served the turn, to "possess" the parties they treat with that money will not here be wanting to continue the war. Cornwallis understands by one well acquainted with the Exchequer businesses that the King's servants, pensioners and garrisons being paid (to whom there is due an exceeding great arrearage), there will be left to the King clearly little above 3 millions, and that intended to be conveyed to Milan, which shall be made the seat of the Treasury, and from thence by such merchants as the King shall there employ to the Low Countries, or such other parts as it shall be consigned to.
They have lately set free a ship of Holland that by tempest was driven into St. Sebastians, and for the present have none other speech than a daily expectance of the news of the peace concluded. The mouths of the most are content to acknowledge that they have none other remedy, although the hearts of some are ready to burst when they hear the conditions so much as named.
Even now one of the birds Cornwallis had sent out to search the earth of this treaty returned to him with an olive branch in his mouth and assured him that such is their case as they will have peace, though the words they write be never so bitter. The King himself within these few days said to one that oftentimes has private conference with him [the King] that he would by any means have peace with the Hollanders, and gave for reason that as his estate stands now under colour and cover of those people he has secret war with the King of Great Britain, with the French King, with Denmark and divers of the Princes of Germany. When he has peace with the Hollanders he shall then discern apparently who are his enemies and who his friends, and apply himself accordingly.
It is here lately reported that Sir Antony Ashley is intended for Cornwallis's successor in this Court. "Whosoever comes shall find here a hateful generation of our own people, and much worse than the Spaniards, who are but their parrots to speak their words after them."—14 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's Secretary: "Sir Charles Cornwalleis to my Lord. Rec. 28 December." 2½ pp. (123. 20.)
[Printed in extenso under date 11 Nov., 1607, from a document in the Cotton MSS., in Winwood, Memorials, Vol. II, pp. 356, 357.]
Sir John Spilman to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 14. There is due to him 6,159l., whereof Salisbury told him he should have good payment. Begs him to further the payment of 2,000l. of it this term, as he has promised moneys to divers poor workmen, and if he fails he will be discredited forever. If he may not have the 2,000l., he begs at least for the poor 1,159l. which has been due to him almost since his Majesty's coronation.— 14 Nov., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (123. 27.)
Sir Francis Vere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 14. The magistrates of this place complain that it is much hindered by some courses hitherto held in the martial government, especially in that they cannot have passage to their shipping in the haven at all hours of the night as tide, weather and other occasions shall require; being cause that seafaring men for the most part resort to Gosport, which thereby prospers and grows, so as in short time if this course be continued it will be better built and inhabited than Portsmouth. Which I in my small experience of this place finding to be true, and weighing what advantage the well peopling of this town may bring to his Majesty's service; and that means may be found to yield them this liberty without danger or other inconveniences, I would forbear no longer to offer it to your consideration, the rather for that I dare not adventure of myself in a case of this moment to alter former customs.—Portes[mouth], 14 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 28.)
The Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell.
[1607, Nov. 14]. Two papers:—
(1) Proclamation made concerning the flight of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnel, with the date on the dorse.
Draft, in hand of Salisbury's secretary. 5¼ pp. (123. 29.)
(2) Portion of the above Proclamation.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (124. 134.)
[For a description of the Proclamation see Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606–1608, p. 330, where it is dated Nov. 15.]
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 14. From your special favour I conceived that the State intended to allow to Sir David Murray only 400l. yearly to be assured him by the merchants, and the rest, which was valued at a greater rate, to me. Notwithstanding, I now find a restraint hereof, in that Sir David requires, upon the relinquishing or default of the merchants, to re-enter upon the entire moiety. Besides, whereas this favour was done me, to choose rather to take this grant from his Majesty for life than for years, the merchants refuse to undertake for more than 14 years; which, though as my fortunes of late have wrought upon my body I may reasonably balance with my life, yet you will discover to whose advantage this tends if the re-entry be granted. Other restrictions are also offered, with which this bearer will acquaint you. I am desirous to avoid question and trouble, and desire only to give you account how we proceed; and whatever you order shall both bind and content me.—Totnam, 14 Nov., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (123. 32.)
John Savage, Mayor of Chester, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 14. He has forwarded Salisbury's letters to the Countess of Derby, and has received the enclosed back again. The 400 soldiers to be transported to Ireland are arrived here, and stay only for someone authorised by the Council to conduct them. It will be to his Majesty's great charge if a conductor does not come shortly.—Chester, 14 Nov., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (123. 33.)
Postal endorsements: "Haste, haste, hast, poste haste. At the Citie of Chester the 14th daie of November 1607, at 9 of the Clocke in the Eveninge; John Savage maior. Namptwich past 12 in the night. Stone at 4 in the morning. Lichfild the 15 of November past 8 in the morning. Coleshull past 11. Coventrye paste one after nown. Tocester past 8. ? Bra [? Bradwell, Bucks], 12. Saint [Albans]. Barnet at 8."
Sir Thomas Sherley [the younger] to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Nov. 14. Your noble disposition makes me hope that now, after so long restraint, you will look upon me with an eye of pity and be a means for my liberty. It is now full ten weeks since I came to this disastrous place.—The Tower, 14 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 34.)
Hugh Lee to [the Earl of Salisbury].
1607, Nov. 14/24. My last, of the 8th, certified you of the arrival of Mr. John Gurgany, and of the removing his brother from the Inquisition unto St. Rocks, where he yet remains, and no Englishman suffered to speak with him but his brother and Thomas Jenings his brother's servant, who are both papists. He is there held with a vain hope of theirs to convert him, which I hope they shall never do, but it is a dangerous and presumptuous precedent.
Here are arrived the Biskine [Biscayan] squadron of armadas, and are appointed to winter in this river, for in the spring is purposed a great army to be here prepared.
The treasure which came in the last fleet from the West Indies is reported to be 12 millions, and 8,000 "rooves" of "cochenillio."
The King has broken payment with the Genawezes for 12 millions, and since it is agreed by consent to be paid in 18 years, every year 11/8 part, with 5 upon the 100 for interest. He broke payment likewise with the Foulkers [Fuggers] and other Germans, but I hear not of any agreement concluded with them.
The chiefest cause of these lines is to give notice of the departure hence of Thomas Sparke of Chard, who was servant to Thomas Jenings after he left his habit. Since the coming of John Gurgany he is departed for England, and most doubtful upon no very good action.—Lizboa, 24 Nov., 1607, stilo novo.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (123. 50.)
The Fellows of Gonville and Caius College to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], ? Nov. 14. Thanking him that at length but not tardily —quia satis cito quod satis bene—he has settled the dispute over the election of their Master by naming one who in every aspect of religion, virtue and learning comes as a heaven-sent peacemaker, beloved by them and loving them, meeting all requirements of their Statutes and meet to be chosen by the suffrages of all had he been of their College; but they will regard not whence he is but what he is and have respect unto the wisdom of Salisbury who has chosen better for them than they could for themselves.— "Dat. Cantab. è Coll. nostro Caio—Gonevillensi, 18 Calend. Decembr." [sic: but cf. pp. 364–7, 385–6 below].
Signed: Stephen Perseus; Jo. Fletcher; Ro. Welles. Seal. Latin. Endorsed (wrongly ?): "18 Dec. 1607." 1 p. (136. 183.)
William Cornwallis to his brother Sir Charles Cornwallis, Ambassador lieger in Spain.
1607, Nov. 14. Though I have not heard in a long time directly from yourself yet I am glad to hear by others that you do well. Of late Mr. Mapes has written hither to Mr. Pitts that he has found a very good chapman for Folsham. He desired, though he had authority from you for the sale, to have our hands to the confirmation and allowance, I mean Sir John Houberd's, Mr. Pitt's and mine, which I thought good to give him. I understand the chapman offers a very round price for it, more than ever was by 300l. or 400l.
I have taken up for you divers sums of money and paid the interest thereof. There is none of your agents bound with me and therefore from them I look for no care that I may come by any coin. I hope upon this sale or otherwise you will direct some course for the payment. I am engaged in this time of your absence in 450l. for you. If I were beforehand myself I would not trouble you from discharging of strangers first; but I am behind and am like to have some other present cause to set me much further. And so with wish of your healthful and happy return (for which I moved my Lord of Salisbury in the end of June last, who pleased then to promise that you should assuredly [return] but not till May, which I sued for in regard of the pain in your arm for which you would have tried the western Bathe as you had written to me), I commit you to the good favour of the Highest.—From Bishopsgate, 14 Nov., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (194. 24.)
The Earl of Bath to the Council.
1607, Nov. 15. He has levied 100 men in Devonshire, sorted them with arms and apparel, mustered them at Barnstaple, and delivered them to the conductor. This day they have put to sea with a perfect wind for Waterford.
On the Council's first order to prepare shipping, long before the musters, a great number of the most able men of the county, very meet for the service, fled from home to avoid it, so that they have been compelled to take husband labourers that may ill be spared. For remedy he recommends the apprehension of such fugitives at their home coming, and that they be bound to appear before the justices, or at the next musters.
Here resorted to Barnstaple, at the time of the transportation of the soldiers, a great number of lusty, tall fellows, voluntaries and idle persons, craving employment in that service, or at least to be transported: they supposing that for money they should be admitted to spare some countrymen that would have been glad to tarry at home, many being indeed more serviceable than those impressed. But being required by the Council to admit no such vagrant persons, he refused them all, and required the Mayor to discharge the town of them, giving each a pass according to law.—Towstocke, 15 Nov., 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (123. 35.)


  • 1. Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., Addenda, 1580–1625, pp. 303–4.
  • 2. Delvin's confession was made on 6 Nov., 1607. (Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606– 1608, pp. 320, 321).
  • 3. See The Victoria County History, Hants, iv., p. 186; c.f. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 410.