Cecil Papers: September 1607, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp239-247 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp239-247.

"Cecil Papers: September 1607, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp239-247.

September 1607, 1-15

The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Sept. 1. I received your letter. His Majesty is well satisfied with that my Lord Chamberlain has done concerning the Spanish Ambassador. He laughed very heartily at the reading of your letter, and is very glad that the Marquis makes the Queen so merry and glad. Your melon which you sent with Compton was so welcome that his Majesty, having better liking of it than of any that ever he got since his coming in this country, he is most desirous you should get some more of them, and send to "Jernessaye" for them. I never saw him like so well of the taste of a melon. I understand that Roger Wethrington has been at Basing, and that he has absented himself from the messengers. Always I remit the matter to your pleasure.— Bagshot, 1 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (122. 55.)
Sir John Ferne and Sir W. Gee to the King.
1607, Sept. 1. They have received by Mr. Lepton the King's letters of August 2, requiring them to permit him to make all bills of complaint and letters or process called the King's letters, according to the grant made to him. They have not permitted him to exercise the grant, for these reasons: they have a grant thereof by former patent: the bills and letters are an essential part of the Secretary's office: and they are legally advised that their grant is good against Lepton's. Details follow as to the profits of the office, without which they cannot have enough clerks to dispatch the state business. Lepton's grant would prejudice the justice of this Court, by being an occasion of extortion and oppression. They beg they may still enjoy their office.—York, 1 Sept., 1607. Signed. 2 pp. (122. 56.)
A contemporary copy. (122. 57.)
John Ingram to George Rooke, in my Lord Ambassador's House, Venice.
1607, Sept. 1/11. My last was of the 7th ditto, entreating then (as now) your furtherance to my Lord Ambassador for the expulsion of Elliott out of these parts. Our country merchants of this place have written to his lordship to the like effect, explaining their wrongs sustained by him. I acquainted my Lord of Warwick with that you entreated me at your being here, who has willed me to assure you of his readiness to do you pleasure. He would take it as a most friendly office of you to move his lordship to the execution of Elliott's banishment out of this State: for he, with his lady, hates him immeasurably for intolerable wrongs he has done them, protesting that he shall never come within their doors again, and holding it a great hindrance to their affairs in England and reputation here to be so accompanied. He would entreat a letter from his lordship to him advising him how ill it is for his estate at home and honour everywhere to have Elliott near him, and if he respect his allegiance to his sovereign and country to discard him, which letter he would afterwards show perhaps to the Grand Duke. I write this only to let you know what he told me and how willing he is to be clear of this canker.
Sir Anthony Sherly going to Florence was kept at the gates above an hour before he could enter, and his Highness would not receive him. He came into Florence at 17 hours and departed at 21 hours.—Leghorn, 11 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607 November 11. John Ingraham to my master from Legorne." 1 p. (88. 39.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 2. The Cordelier came out of Spain with better satisfaction in the ratification. Order from thence for payment of 600,000 crowns, to be paid by 100,000 crowns a month. The mutineers will devour the greater part of that sum.—Sept. 2.
Abstract. (227. 337.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 3. As to the process of privy seal sent me from the clerk of the Duchy, I think it best to send it down by a pursuivant to be served, but desire to know your pleasure. Mr. Bell tells me there is Caen stone come for you. I have sent the mason to land it at Tower Wharf. He says he has had as much trouble and cost about it as if there had been no passport for it granted from the King, through the greediness of under officers, who look to be bribed whether there be passport granted or no. He desires one might go with him from you to the French Ambassador to let know of their bad dealing, that in that which is to come there may be no more such. From Rutland House, 3 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 58a.)
The Council of Scotland to the King.
1607, Sept. 3. At the last Session of Parliament a complaint was exhibited by Thomas Hendirson, who enterprised a voyage to the Newfound land, making great preparation of ship, powder, and bullet and merchant wares. Being "agait warde" (fn. 1) in his due course in Spain, where he expected friendly usage, he was taken hold of, and his ship and equipage commanded to attend the King's service, wherein they were forcibly detained four years. In the end he was committed to the galleys as a slave, fettered and bound in iron chains, and his ship and equipage of 40 persons maliciously cast away. He had means to the King, but could obtain no redress, and was forced to return. They recommend him to the King's Council, and beg that the Spanish Ambassador may be dealt with to give him satisfaction.— Falkland, 3 Sept., 1607.
Signed: Al. Cancell: Lothian, Jo. Prestonn, J. Balmerino. 1 p. (122. 59.)
Sir Jo. Ferne and Sir W. Gee to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 3. They refer to their letter to the King respecting Mr. Lepton (vide supra Sept. 1, p. 239), of which they enclose a copy, together with a letter from the Lord President. They beg Salisbury to be a mean that the King would allow of their just answer, so that they may enjoy their office without further molestation by Lepton.—York, 3 Sept., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 60.)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 4. This enclosed for you was sent me by Sir Michael Hickes; and withal came these 4 rabbits. This other came even now from Antwerp from a gentleman of good understanding.—Rutt[land] House, 4 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (193. 147.)
William Resoulde to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 5. Anthony Sherley departed from Barselonia about the 10 of July for Genoa, with all his crew, amongst them Sir Edwin Ritch, in the Violet of London; who also carried him from Genoa to Naples, where he landed about the end of July, and should have had of him 1,000 ducats (?) for his passage, but paid him with one of his Aleppo tricks, with just nothing. I learn he intends to get in Captain Ward to serve him, for similis simile gaudet. At his coming to Naples, for his welcome within 5 days he had his gaskins in the night stolen out at his window, and in them a "sedula" of the King's for 7,000 ducats, and a jewel of his own worth 4,000 ducats, which left him sin blanca.
The French King at Marseilles has lately built and furnished with slaves etc. 12 galleys, and is going to make these up to 40 galleys. What his intent is, time will show. As I came along Catalunia and Aragon I learned that this Catholic King has sent that way to be embarked, from May 1 till July 25, 1,050 "carges" of money, of 4,000 ducats per carge, and yet none of these carges were of gold, so that the like quantity of coin hath not passed these ways in so short a time never before. At my coming out of Sesilia it was reported how the Duke of Florence's forces sent into the Levant had taken the city of Famagusta and surprised the whole island. The certainty was doubtful.
Details of the business of Mr. Eldred and Hall, who get no satisfaction. The Spaniards are brief with our King's subjects, and contrary to all law, hang them up only for going into the West Indies in trade; and shall there be no order against them for robbing us in these seas? The King of England knows not the Pope; wherefore then should his subjects be hanged for trading into those places which he so unequally divided the world in giving the West Indies to the K. of Spain, and the East India to the Crown of Portingall, and to the rest of the Christian kings just nothing; whereas the riches growing in our country is able to furnish both.
The King with the Queen is at the Scurial. She liketh very shortly to be in childbirth. Corn plentiful here but moneys scant.—Madrid, 5 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 54.)
Cardinal Borghese to Mr. Girolamo Merli.
1607, Sept. 5/15. I had a long letter from you in cipher dated May 4th, by Mattei. I shall be glad to hear more, but do not write in full since I do not know whether you are still at Constantinople or have gone to Persia. Pray tell me where you are.— Rome, 15 Sept., 1607.
Signed. Italian. 1 p. (193. 150.)
Sir Edward Phelipps to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 6. He understands Salisbury intends to replenish his chase of Chittrente [? Chittered, in Cranborne Chase] with deer, so he offers him three score deer which he has within seven miles thereof. For the largeness of their kind they are unmatchable in our western parts.—Mountague, 6 Sept., 1607.
Signed. 1 p. (122. 62.)
Sir John Haryngton to Sir Thomas Challenor.
1607, Sept. 6. I return your book again. In lending it me you have done me a great favour, and at my next coming out of the country I shall show you a sermon of no unlike matter, by one Mr. Rowley at Chensford; and I observe that my neighbour Mr. Serjeant Heal has ill fortune to be touched in both of them. But I heard of a sermon lately in which one brought out a prophecy, that if the author were hanged I would think he had but his right. The preacher might mean well by it, yet I could wish he had left it out:—
Henry the 8 pulled down abbeys and cells,
But Henry the 9 will pull down bishops and bells.
This "cole prophet," that either makes his wish a prophecy, or in his traitorous heart would prepare an ill conceit of him that should be the comfort of our posterity, should be found out; and if I might persuade you, having such place as you have, he should be bolted out I say first, and bolted in after, with bolts of his heels. For these, not fools' bolts, but knaves' bolts, shoot at a shrewd mark, and as Tully saith of the law of parricides Non tam prohibere quam admonere videntur.—6 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir John Harington," and with the following names: "Sir Anth. Sentleger, Sir Tho. Sentleger, Sir Anth. Cook, Sir W. Cook." 1 p. (193. 148.)
Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell.
[1607, Sept. 7]. Proclamation made upon the flight of the Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell.—Undated.
Draft, with many corrections by Salisbury. 7 pp. (122. 102.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1606—1608, p. 263.]
Sir Thomas Sherley the younger to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 8. My new disaster has so turned all my courses as I know not how to write to you. At my coming to the Court I found myself overwhelmed with disgrace; having erred in a matter wherein I hoped to have done God good service and no way offended his Majesty nor you. I hope you will extenuate my offence, rather than aggravate it. I confess I wished to have his Majesty mislike all trade with the Turks, in which I respected not the merchants but my own desires; but I never went about to make the Turk think ill of us, but only to manifest those things which are most true. If I had remembered the letters sent by Starkie, I would as freely have excused myself of them as of the rest. Neither did I deem it a fault to write as I did to Bashadonye until you pleased so to censure it; to whose judgment I submit. I will on Sunday write what I remember. I pray you to further my liberty, and let this punishment countervail my offence.— 8 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. 2 pp. (122. 63.)
The Council in the Marches of Wales.
1607, Sept. 8. The 12th Article of instructions of 8 Septr. 1607, given to the Lord President and Council in the Marches of Wales.
The Article defines what causes are to be determined by the Council, arising within the counties of Gloucester, Worcester, Hereford and Salop.
1 p. (122. 64.)
Nevill Davis to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 8/18. Not having conveyance by sea, I send this by land to certify the coming of the Nova Spania fleet of 15 sail. They did fall with the South Cape, where they met with the King's Armados, and thence were accompanied with 6 of them. The report is the galleons come very rich, which are expected about the 15th of the next. The ships of Houndoras are not some. It is said that 9 sail of Hollanders have been there, and come of them have fought with those ships.
In my last I certified of Don Luis's going to the Yllands [Islands] and the squadron of Byskey with the ships of Lisborne to go into the Straights, where it was said they had taken 4 Hollanders, merchantmen. The latter was but a wrong report of the Spaniards, for when these ships that are come out of the Indias were at the Cape, then the Byskenors had not met with the other men-of-war, neither had they taken any Hollanders; but Don Luis sent into St. Lucar one of his ships full of sick men.
Last week the ships for St. Domingo and Floryda departed from St. Lucar with a fair wind, being 5 sail. The fleet for Terra Firma is preparing; there will be of them 14 sail. Also here is making ready 6 frigates to carry the King's quicksilver and the "bults"; they go for St. John de Luya. It is thought they will go in company of the Terra Ferma fleet.
As yet is no redress come for Captain Challines and his poor company, although his lordship at the Court does what is possible; neither is there any one matter determined of those "plytts" sent from hence.—Sivel, 18 Sept., 1607 stillo novo.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 74.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], Sept. 9. The Archduke pawns the Infanta's jewels for 35,000l. sterling to merchants at Antwerp. The making Bishops in England amongst the priests put over to the consideration of the two Nuntios at Paris and Brussels.—Sept. 9.
Abstract. (227. 337.)
Sir Thomas Sherley the younger to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 10. Be pleased to extend your goodness and be a furtherer for my release out of this woeful place. I have sincerely set down all I can remember, wherein I have no way to justify what is done amiss, but to plead ignorance and no intent to offend, and to throw myself at your feet. I beg for mercy. The suddenness of my being called to examination, and before such a presence, made me forget some things that I have since remembered.—The Tower, 10 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (122. 67.)
Sir Henry Maynard to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 10. Encloses a letter from his son at Saumures. It mentions the advertisement of a strange creature come into those parts of the world. He intends his son to spend this winter in Paris, whence he will write to Salisbury in accordance with his permission.—Eston Lodge, 10 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (122. 68.)
Giffrey Luthar to Sir Thomas Sherley the younger.
1607, Sept. 11/21. My last to you was of the 10th August, with a letter enclosed of Mr. Trayce's. Since I have not received any from you, notwithstanding in Mr. Stapers' packet I have received letters of yours to Mr. Tracye, and for Cavaglier Payglieriny, as also for Sir Thomas Glover. Herewith I send you a letter of your brother's, Sir Antonye's, as also a bill of yours made in Naples to Captain Alexander Heborne, who is in company with Sir Antonye your brother at Ferrara, and most heartily salutes you. He came hither from Ferrara about certain business of Sir Antonye's to this State, to have licence to pass this way in his journey to the Emperor's Court; but in fine could not have their answer, but finding delays he departed again for Ferrara as yesterday. Have me in remembrance for the payment of that little matter you owe me unto my friend Mr. Hewell Stapers, if already it be not satisfied.—Venice, 21 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. ½ p. (124. 95.)
The Earl of Northampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607, Sept. 12]. Begs for a buck, in return for which "good fellows will pray for your health and drink to it as merrily."
The French Ambassador will visit me today about the fishing, and I will give him so far satisfaction as I may without the great loss of the poor towns of Hastings and Rye, who since the loss of their haven by the brutish sloth and negligence of commanders, have now no other mean whereby to sustain their lives and families.
Wishing you a pleasant passage and a short return, I end in haste out of the lap of my mistress which is the Lodge in Greenwich Park.—Saturday.
Holograph. Endorsed: "12 Sept. 1607." 1 p. (122. 69.)
Fran. Mattei to Demitrio Glechi in Pera, Constantinople.
1607, Sept. 12/22. I have sent you two requests by way of Signor Pompeo, which you will have received. You will receive also the enclosed from the friends to whom I immediately sent yours, that is to Signor Scipione Proeghi and Signor Gio. Ba Prata at Rome. From them I have not yet had an answer, there not being time. But by this ordinary he tells me that you will send your letters in that name to me, and that I should command him. He asks me also to give him frequent news of you. M. Hoppe (?) is with him and recommends himself, as do they all. I have never received an answer from Signor Quint to my many letters to him. Write me frequently.—Ancona, 22 Sept., 1607.
Addressed: "Al M°. Magco. Sr. Demitrio Glechi in Pera di Costantinopoli raccomand°. al Sr. Girolamo Meoli in casa dell' Illmo. Sr. Amber. d'Inghilterra."
Signed. Italian. Seal. Endorsed: "Note that he has given direction to the letters of the patron and that P. writes him the name under which I will send letters. He says he cannot get an answer from my uncle"; and below in a different handwriting: "Meule." 1 p. (194. 3.)
Sir William Bowyer to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept. 13. In accordance with the Lord Treasurer's letter he has sent him the true remain of this garrison, and the deceases since the establishing thereof. Has sent Salisbury a book of all men living and paid at Midsummer last; and the names and pay of all men deceased.—Barwick, 13 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Captain Bowyer." 1 p. (122. 70.)
George Rooke to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, Sept.14/24. Since my coming out of Toscane I have been much afraid to continue in Venice, or to return thither, the Great Duke having pronounced such heavy threats against me for my proceedings with Sir Robert Dudley at my last being there. In my last I referred you to the relation of Sir Henry Wotton for my observations made in that service. The two businesses which I handled with the State of Lucca, the one propounded by me for his Majesty's service, the other by them for their own ends, I know not how they have been approved of by you, nor what new "consults" have been made upon the matter by those through whose hands I let those and other businesses pass to you. If less noise had been made in the matter (without sending them back their letter which I brought for his Majesty, to have a syllable altered in the superscription), that point which concerns his Majesty's service had been long since effected; and afterward it might have been considered whether the King should condescend to their demands: there being otherwise means to be found out sufficient to satisfy them, though that could not have been granted. But I will not further force these matters. My intent is not to cross any new buildings that have been added to the foundations I laid with the Luccaises, for I look more to serve you than to any ends of my own. Seeing that those of Lucca begin to take breath, and that other means may be found to work the same effect which they promised to have done, if you give way to my intent I could, by discovering to the Great Duke that which passed between them and me, reconcile myself to him, and thereby serve you in those parts. But the thought shall be dead in me unless you encourage me to it. I will not say how necessary I hold it for you to keep a watchful eye over the proceedings of that Prince. If you look to have account from Venice of what is done in the Court of Toscane (which place if in time preventions be not administered, dangerous infirmities are like to grow in that body, and God knows whether a spice of that disease which Cardinal Allyn brought into the Low Countries will not creep in amongst others): and of them at Venice from English merchants that live in Pisa or Livorne, thousands of things will pass that shall never be advertised; for it is not obedience to King, threats of ambassadors, nay, nor fears of God that can work anything in those merchants to do anything that shall not concur with their own profits.
By the enclosed you may see how Ellyott stands with those whom, when I was with them in Livorne, they called Father at every word: how he passes with them hereafter I shall let you know when he is returned with the fleet, in which he is gone a commander.
That from John Ingram, though he accuse some former letters sent to me, this is the first I could recover from him since my being with him. Sir Anthony Sherlye I hear will be in Venice this day, the State having given leave for his passage through the city towards Jermanye, whither he gives out to be going. Mr. Charles Bussy passed here yesternight towards my Lord Ambassador, who is abroad at the villa, (fn. 2) having not many days since dispatched the said Mr. Bussy with letters and certain bundles of books towards you; but in Myllane he was searched, the books (or at least part of them) carried to the Inquisitors, by them detained, and search made for the bearer, who having advice thereof, got away; and I am glad he did so, otherwise perhaps his letters and himself might have run the fortune of his books. I think he will take some other way and be shortly with you.—Padoa, 24 Sept., 1607.
Holograph. 3 pp. (122. 84.)


  • 1. i.e. on his way home.
  • 2. At Noventa, near Padua. See L. Pearsall Smith The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton, vol. 1, p. 57.