Cecil Papers: April 1607, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp84-96 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1607, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp84-96.

"Cecil Papers: April 1607, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp84-96.

April 1607, 1-15

Richard Palmer, Roger Gwynn and others to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, April 1. It is not unknown to you that we have long since settled our hopes upon the Earl of Mar touching his obtaining for us from the King the office of apprizements. But he considering how he is yet but a stranger in our country, ignorant of our laws and customs, and also weighing with himself the large bounties he has received at his Majesty's hands, is resolved to relinquish so honest a request to him who may better undertake it, than to importune the King any further, who has been so gracious unto him. Whereupon having well advised with ourselves and being left at our own liberty we could not think upon any to whom we might so fitly commend the patronage of our suit as your lordship, in respect of the cause in itself so honest, so commodious to the subject, and our country's redress of many grievous abuses, so well understood by you, being heretofore argued before you by the learned in the law. We tender the patronage thereof to you, beseeching you to recommend it to the King and obtain for us his letters patent. In lieu whereof we will bind ourselves to perform unto you whatsoever we promised unto the Earl of Mar, as also pay yearly into his Majesty's Exchequer what you shall think meet.—This first of April, 1607.
Fourteen signatures. Endorsed: "The Office of Appricements." ½ p. (120. 148.)
Westminster Bill of Mortality.
1607, April 2. Certificate of deaths in Westminster for the week ending 2 April, 1607.
St. Margaret's parish vij
St. Martin's in the Fields, of the plague ij
St. Clement Danes ij
Buried in all ll
Signed: Ric. Dobbinsoun. 1 p. (206. 38.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, April 4. Until this afternoon his Majesty was not in good disposition to sign anything, having been troubled with a little swelling and pain in his ankle; of which he is now, God be thanked, better but yet shows it in his going, notwithstanding holds his remove to-morrow to Newmarket. You shall receive herewith the warrant for assigning the rent to arise from the victualling houses to the payments of Ireland, with which it seems you had not acquainted his Majesty before, but the invention pleases him exceedingly. Also the letter to the Earl of Pembroke for miners, in which there is put by his lordship's and mine opinion a clause that they shall go according to such direction as they should receive from my Lord of Dunbar, because it was uncertain to us whether it were intended they should go directly from Cornwall to Scotland by sea. or come first to London and so be sent from thence; and if by sea from Cornwall, then where they shall land for their most commodious passage to the place. His Majesty at the reading of that clause said that Sir Bevis Bulmer could give best directions in that point, who had charge of the mines under the ground, and my Lord of Dunbar above. My Lord of Pembroke for better expedition of the service has written his letters as well to the vice-warden as to the receiver, and if the men shall not need to come to London but be shipped from thence, he prays you to signify your mind to Sir William Godolphin, who is in London and may by his letters explain the same to his father.
I have sent you also a commission I received from my Lord Treasurer for letting of leases, and the warrant for Sir Allan Percy's annuity, and a discharge for the Lady Walsingham and her pension. To the office I have sent certain privy seals directed by Mr. Chancellor and the indenture for the Lady Bruncard.— From the Court at Royston, 4 April, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 12/3 pp. (120. 149.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, April 5. I send you enclosed a letter yesternight received from Mr. Thomas Fanshaw, employed in this service for enfranchising copyholds within the manor of Wakefield; whereby appears what ill success has followed upon Mr. Yewart's large promises and little performance, which is the common consequence of all these "bankrout" and beggarly informers. I acquainted your lordships that at his first coming to York with the commission according to his own desire, and having received 100l. for the charges thereof, he was arrested at York for the debt of 100l.; and at his return from thence to London he was likewise arrested here. And since I have learned that he would also have received of Mr. Skidmor [John Scudamore] the King's receiver at York the other 100l. which he had by a bill of credit to have been called for when the first 100l. was spent, and of which first 100l. his account shows that he has yet 60l. in his hands. All this I mention because there is no question but that at Mr. Fanshaw's return we must needs quite discard him, or else this business will never prosper where he has dealing in it. At Mr. Fanshaw's late going down with this new commission both Sir Jo. Savile, Mr. Fanshaw and myself were clear of opinion that he was no ways to be trusted; but yet being an officer of the Duchy, namely a principal general surveyor of those parts, we saw not how we could well avoid him, and withal thought best to keep him in ne noceret. But for my part [I] am now of a quite contrary opinion, for I would quite throw him out of commission and never conjoin so bad a man, so "extortious" and so "bankrout," with knights and gentlemen that intend nothing but honest and profitable proceeding for the King; as also because he is so odious and so well known to the tenants themselves; his credit with us growing only upon his large promises of so great sums of money as neither in reason nor possibility can be expected. In the meanwhile he has gotten to be a principal commissioner and has 100l. committed to his trust, and would have had another 100l. but that Mr. Skidmore denied it him.
These 2 letters which Mr. Fanshaw has sent me to be signed by my Lords and returned with all speed to him may do good and can no ways do any prejudice to his Majesty, as the said 2 letters concern the lordship of Clitherow of which some are copyhold lands and some are assart lands. First as touching the copyhold lands, these are proper to this commission of Mr. Fanshaw to deal for their enfranchisement; and for the assart lands although the dealing for those be assigned to Mr. Nicolson, yet what hurt can this be to the business if Mr. Fanshaw and those other commissioners joined with him, being now within 2 miles of the place and furnished with money to perform it, do only call the tenants together, view their lands and sound them what they will give as well for assart lands as for copyhold lands, without any conclusion for either; for so your lordship knows is the instructions unto them, not to conclude anything before they have advertised us and have our approbation. Therefore I pray your lordship and the rest to sign these two letters, and I will send them presently away to Mr. Fanshaw, who expects them.
You will acquaint the rest of my Lords Commissioners with these enclosed, whereby they may see the necessity of the present signing and sending away of this dispatch to Mr. Fanshaw, who I assure you will be found a servant to his Majesty in this so careful and sincere and so well assisted with other knights and gentlemen of great sufficiency as if this "bankrout" Yewart were discarded this business would prosper and come to a good end.—5 April, 1607.
PS.—When these letters are signed I think best to leave them to Mr. Fanshaw to endorse them as he thinks best, as also to send them unsealed and by himself to be sealed, for our hands must suffice, it makes no matter for the seal. My physicians have been with me this morning and promise me good help by my physic, into which I entered yesternight, being free from the ague.
Holograph. Seal. 2¼ pp. (120. 150.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, April 5. Your lordship may justly think when these shall come to your reading that necessity is shameless. The heavy news I have received of the departure of that worthy light of our church, my Lord of London, occasion me to become a petitioner that by your mediation to his Majesty I may upon the vacancy of that see be preferred to a place of better maintenance than I have found in this, wherein I have served almost nine whole years. My poor estate, which I have heretofore more boldly opened to you than did become me, enforces me to be thus troublesome. If I offend herein I comfort myself with the hope of your wonted pardon.—Carlisle. 5 April, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (120. 152.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Privy Council.
1607. April 7. Considering that the reasons which commonly are most prevalent between princes and states in conclusion of peace (if the victory be not accomplished) are the necessities of either part not longer able to pursue the wars, and no sooner are the conditions concluded on but the last day of the confirmation thereof is the first beginning to make preparation to supply those defects and to hasten the means to encounter with all occurrents that time, occasion, or men's natures shall present; for these reasons, with the knowledge I have of your lordships' wisdom and foresight, upon examination had thereof I have thought fit in discharge of my duty to give advertisement of the state of this place the which his Highness has commended to my charge; that amongst other your grave considerations you may take knowledge thereof and determine what your wisdoms shall think fit. First therefore you may understand that the fortification itself was never fully finished, as it is not unknown to some of you, and for want of reparation much of what was done is fallen into ruin; besides it was never sufficiently furnished with either ordnance, munition or aught else necessary, being of that consequence that it is, as it is the only rendezvous his Majesty has on all occasion to the southward, and the magazine for all the western parts, giving both life and courage to the inhabitants if it be used thereafter. And as for powder it was a small proportion that I received at my last coming, the which is now wholly spent, what in triumphs for his Majesty and usual entertainment of strangers that pass in and out of the harbour, neither is there any in these parts to be gotten upon what occasion soever. Secondly, how small numbers are assigned to do duty both in the Island and fort I further refer to you to be considered of, the which I do the rather give in remembrance because I daily find how much the serviceable people of this town and parts adjoining are decayed and gone into other places, whereby we cannot so suddenly be assisted as in times past; neither do I find the country in that readiness as formerly they were accustomed to be through the daily exercise they had of their arms, and the continual expectation that every man lived in. But those occasions of alarums being ceased their minds are now wholly turned to self love of private commodity, and a senseless security of perpetual peace; so as there can be nothing looked for from the multitude, without your grave wisdoms prevent it, but an absolute and general neglect of public safety, laying open thereby that great breach of advantage that a malicious or ambitious enemy may expect or hope for.
These things I doubt not, being of that consequence that they are, your grave wisdoms will give present order for a supply of things necessary, thereby to prevent the inconveniences that for default thereof may ensue; and for better discharge of my duty herein I have appointed my lieutenant Captain Barlee to give attendance for your resolutions, forbearing to trouble you with the multitude of reasons that may be given for the hastening thereof. Only this concluding under your favours, that for mine own part I could never find there was danger in being armed to meet with all encounters, nor are wars commonly attempted where there is knowledge taken of provisions in a readiness and means to resist; but on the contrary the negligent and unarmed are always a prey to the vigilant and powerful.—Written from his Majesty's Fort by Plymouth, 7 April, 1607.
Signed. Seal, broken. 2 pp. (120. 153.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, April 7. I have forborne to make answer to your lordship's of the 18th March till this instant upon some advertisements that came to my hands of likelihood of a present peace between the Archduke and the States of the United Provinces, for that I would be better assured thereof by more ways than one before I took upon me to speak what I thought concerning your lordship in that behalf; but since observing the carriage of their affairs I am easily induced to forget that ever I apprehended cause of present doubt to arise from France. For I perceive that when they have assured themselves of all they can expect, and done all they purpose, his Majesty shall be advertised the particulars thereof. Your wisdom is not ignorant of the levity of a mechanical people thrown into despair for that they see themselves neglected and made neutrals from whence their best hopes of succours were expected. Nay more, they are jealous lest their enemies receive more favours than themselves. But not to trouble you with more than is needful, if my intelligence do not much deceive me, their peace is resolved upon, and therefore it were not amiss, in my opinion, that his Majesty would give order to his governors of his Cautionary Towns to be careful of their duty; and above all things, if it be not too late to attempt it, it were good to stop the conclusion of what is intended, inasmuch as there can nothing be so dangerous to his Majesty as the union of Spain and them. For no man of experience will deny but that all the islands of the world, not made unaccessible by art or unapproachable by nature, are subject to him that will assail them being lord of the sea. His Highness having the hearts of the Low Countrymen did justly inherit that title, and so long might have been the less careful of his enemies, although we have seen an invading army on our coast when the forces of both states were united. But if they shall be severed from us how much more easy will it be? And I am verily persuaded that the peace will not sooner be concluded on but your lordship will hear great words out of Spain and receive daily advertisement of many disdainful parts proferred. I could speak more, which in reason I see likely to ensue, but that I dare not, and rather desire pardon for what I have said already. If you be a means that my Lord Treasurer will make even with us for our entertainment, that I may satisfy some poor men to whom I stand engaged, I will, God willing, be myself at London very shortly, more particularly to deliver to you what my experience has taught me is probable will ensue, as also my opinion what way the current must be turned.
I have written to the Lords showing the state and defects of this place, wherein I have endeavoured to discharge my public duty, praying you to vouchsafe it what furtherance you shall think fit; beseeching you to continue your honourable disposition in advancing the relief of those poor wretches that we sent for the discovery of Virginia, doubting nothing, notwithstanding the malice of the devil that so unhappily has wrought our loss of time, but that the event will prove better than your lordship has reason yet to expect. And I verily believe when it shall once be discovered and the countries known, it will be thought fit by you and the rest of the Lords that his Majesty undertake it as his proper design, making it an enterprise and employment fit for such noble spirit as his Highness shall think worthy to be sent his lieutenant for the government of those affairs.—From Plymouth, 7 April, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (120. 154.)
Noel de Caron to the Privy Council.
1607, April 7. With respect to the sugars come to Poole, the importunity of their adversary the Spanish Ambassador is so impudent, when he does not get what he wants, that he causes them one hindrance after another. Honest merchants have come from the States, and remained here at great charge for 17 or 18 weeks, and have obtained judgment from the Admiralty Court for the possession of their goods; but the Ambassador uses every means to obtain a reversal thereof. The King promised that his importunities should not cause the sentence to be altered, and he begs that it may be promptly executed.— Suydt Lambet, 7 April, 1607.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (193. 92.)
Ruth, Lady Hannington, to Lord Carey.
1607, April 8. Calling to mind the familiar love and former acquaintance between Sir Henry and your lordship I entreat you to further me in a suit to my Lord of Salisbury concerning one of my sons, whom I have long in my heart dedicated to his service. I know it is Sir Henry's purpose hereafter to join in the same motion, but I see him so slow to do himself good or undertake anything that may be profitable to his that I am forced unknown to him to acquaint you with my request; hoping you will not censure me but excuse rather my necessity, having so many lively images which challenge at my hands care to scatter them abroad into the world. Dispose of this letter enclosed at your pleasure which I have written unto my Lord of Salisbury. Whether I have done well or ill I know not. I have sent a copy that you may see what I have written. If you dislike it direct me what course I shall take, and I will entreat some of my friends to attend your answer.—Dublin, 8 April, 1607.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (120. 155.)
The Same to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], April 8. Let it not seem too high a presumption for me to present these few lines unto you, which I confess were fitter for Sir Henry. The fervency of my own desire draws me on to that which I know is his purpose to join with me in hereafter. I am a poor foreigner in this country, where Sir Henry has deeply tasted your favour in former suits, and I know desires to do you all service. If it please you to accept one of my sons as your follower I shall think myself happy, which is one of my principal desires.—Dublin. 8 April.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "April 8, 1607. Lady Harrington [sic] to my lord." 1 p. (120. 156.)
The Justices of the Peace of Anglesea to Lord Zouche.
1607, April 10. Your Honour heretofore being Lord President of the Marches of Wales and now of his Highness's Privy Council emboldens us the Justices of Peace of Anglesea whose names are subscribed to acquaint you with the state of this Isle: hoping you will procure in the same such reformation as shall seem convenient. It is very apparent how this poor country has been charged with divers taxations and cessments, the particular sums whereof be hereunto annexed, which sums of money being cessed and levied upon the inhabitants of the Isle were delivered to the hands of Sir Richard Bulkley knight, being then Deputy Lieutenant of the county upon pretence to provide powder and other necessaries to be kept in store for the defence of the country or where he appointed. But the truth is that the Justices of Peace and other inhabitants of the county were not at any time since the levying of the same for the pretended purpose privy nor acquainted how the money was employed, nor how the provision (if any were provided) is used or kept; whereof we and the rest of the inhabitants are very desirous to be satisfied, and to know where the same lies and whether it be preserved in good sort or no, for it is supposed that this provision is kept within the Castle of Beaumaris whereof Sir Richard is Constable. But the Castle is altogether decayed and so ruinous by reason that the most part of the leads thereof have been taken away and no part repaired to any purpose, insomuch that there was within the Castle sundry fair buildings and rooms very competent for the safe keeping of such provision and other necessaries, which now by reason of the decay we suspect to be very insufficient to keep the said provision in any good sort, that did cost the inhabitants of this Isle so much money, if so much was by Sir Richard Bulkley provided, which we and the inhabitants do very much doubt. And it is reported that the late Lord Treasurer in the late Queen's time, and upon her Majesty's costs and charges, took order for the reparation of the Castle of Beaumaris, but no part was repaired, but only one gate which formerly had been overlaid and plated with iron, and now made of timber, together with one bridge; the residue of the allowance for the reparation thereof being turned to his own private use as we think. Also at this instant there is, and has been before Sir Richard Bulkley's time within the Castle two rooms appointed to the sheriffs for the time being for the keeping of the King's common gaol, which now are become very ruinous. And because the sheriffs are not suffered to have access thereunto but through some of his men, there were some sheriffs of late in your time driven to sue commissions to keep their gaol elsewhere, who kept the same at their own houses to their great danger and inestimable charges. And if it happen any to be sheriff that Sir Richard mislikes, he shall be sure not to have access to his rooms within the Castle appointed for the gaol until one of his men be at leisure to open two gates by colour of his constableship, by reason whereof divers escapes happen and the sheriffs greatly damnified. Therefore be a mean for this poor country that Sir Richard may be called in to answer whether he has not received these sums hereafter mentioned and to what use, and how the same have been employed, and what is the provision that is in store and where kept; and that some gentleman of credit may be joined in commission with the Justices of Assize to take Sir Richard's answer and account for the premises upon oath, and also to view what decay the Castle and the King's gaol are suffered to be in by his negligence, he being Constable thereof and to examine him for the detaining of the King's gaol from the sheriff in not suffering the sheriffs from time to time to have the gaol and keys thereof according to equity and reason.—Anglesea, 10 April, 1607.
Six signatures. 2 pp. (120. 157.)
The Enclosure:
Subjoined: "The taxations and cessments mentioned to be annexed."
In 1585 a cessment was upon co. Anglesea of 140l. to buy a last of powder by Richard White, esq., to be kept in some convenient place for the Queen's use. Mr. White delivered three parts of the last of powder to the deputy lieutenants. Sir Richard Bulkley and John Griffith, esq., about A.D. 1587. 140l.
Item one other cessment of 80l. levied in 1590, whereof 40l. was to buy powder to make out the last Mr. White should have provided. 80l.
Item one other cessment of 348l. levied in 1588, 30 Eliz., to buy powder, bullets and match, six drums, six auncients [ensigns], and 26l. for a muster master. 348l.
Item one other cessment of 300l. levied 37 and 38 Eliz. to buy powder if the Queen's ships came by and lacked and nothing of the same to be bestowed to no other use. 300l.
So that they are to answer for three quarters of a last of powder and 688l. in money or powder, deducting the drums, auncients, and the 26l. for the muster master.
Item there was divers other cessments cessed upon the country and paid to Sir Richard towards the furnishing of soldiers for Ireland during their lieutenancy amounting in the whole to the sum of 1100l.
All the soldiers that went forth out of this Isle at several times during their lieutenancy were 226
Item none of the inhabitants of the town of Beaumaris being a corporation with mayor and bailiffs, and chiefest town in Anglesea, were cessed in any penny at all in any of the cessments aforesaid.
In all the said musters he never read any commission openly nor made known how much money or how many men should go out of the country, although some of the Justices of the Peace attending the service did then require the same.
pp. (120. 158.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607. April 10. Yesternight Sir Roger Aston delivered me a letter from you to my Lord Hay or in his absence to me, wherewith this morning I acquainted his Majesty, who was pleased that a warrant should be made for restitution of the money as you wish. I enclose it. If there be any imperfection in it, please correct it and return it to be new passed.
I enclose two petitions for privileges. They come from my Lord Arundel of Warder: whether for any interest he has in them I know not. His Majesty makes no great reckoning of them, but directed that the Council might consider whether they be of any use for the Commonwealth. If so, he is content to give ear to them on such terms as shall be thought fit.—The Court at Thetford, 10 April. 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 96.)
Ralph Conyngesby, Walter Tooke and W. Curll to the Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury.
1607, April 11. According to your letters to us of the 9th instant we have made collection of all such persons as have been infected with the plague in the town of Hatfield hitherto. And we find the number to be in all 19 persons, whereof buried 8, recovered which were sick 5, and remaining now sick 6 persons, dispersed in five houses in the town; so as at this time with the sick persons and those remaining in the said houses shut up with them the number is 22, all very poor and wholly maintained at the charges of the parish. And thanks be to God the sickness is not dispersed into any other part of the parish. And for our parts as we have been very careful by all good means to stay the further spreading of the contagion, so shall we continue our best endeavours therein.—From North Mimms, 11 April, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (120. 159.)
Henry Hobarte, Attorney General, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, April 11. We have been this day with the Lord Chancellor. It remains that we attend you and whom else it please you, to receive some further light that thereupon we may proceed to our bills; for which work we would attend you on Monday morning.—Saturday, 11 April. 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 99.)
Theophraste Renaudot, Docteur en Médecine, to James I.
1607, April 12. If your Majesty judges it is something to have passed into this kingdom for the sole desire I have to communicate to you an affair of the greatest importance that one could not believe before hearing it; if you believe the wise man ought never to despise anything for fear that thinking to reject nothing he should reject some great thing, you will take in good part the offer I make to come to you privately to treat of a subject incommunicable to any other, and that immediately after I shall have assurance that you will be pleased this proposition of mine in all its bearings (despendances) shall be free. And God will grant in exchange for so great goodness that you shall find in this an establishment and increase of your reign, an advancement of God's kingdom, and a universal good for everyone.—London, 12 April, 1607.
Holograph. French. 1½ pp. (120. 160.)
The Earl of Southampton to Lord Carew.
[? 1607, April 13]. I have received a letter from my Lord of Sal[isbury], whereof you know the contents, for to you I am directed to return my answer,—which is this, that if you will come hither this night, I will to Hatfield with you, God willing, to-morrow. Otherwise if you will stay all night at London I will call you there to-morrow morning and go along with you to find Sal[isbury]; but if you resolve on that course, send your coach to-night to Waltham, whither mine shall carry us, for so we shall dispatch our journey the sooner.—This Monday, [April 13], 2 o'clock.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (167. 141.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 354.]
Richard Neile, Dean of Westminster, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, April 14. Pardon me this boldness of informing you of the reason of an action of mine whereof perhaps some complaint may come to your lordship or my Lord Chamberlain, or both. One Jerome Trolloppe died at the Gatehouse in Westminster some 10 or 12 days since, who as it seems was suspected to have died upon a blow or wound given him in Kent, I know not by whom; upon which suspicion he was not buried until the coroner of the county, by a sufficient jury, had viewed the body. But as it should seem the coroner of the verge of his Majesty's household, either for his fee or for some other respect, is interested in this business, and has sent a warrant to command the body (having now been some 7 days buried, and at the least kept 3 or 4 days after his death unburied) to be taken up out of the ground that he might view it and by a new jury inquire of his death: the executing of which warrant might hazard the poisoning of the whole town. In regard whereof, there having been a convenient view had of the body before it was buried, I have thought fit to give charge to the churchwardens to the contrary. Some other reasons also I have which I will not now trouble you with. I desire at all times to make my actions known to your lordship and my Lord Chamberlain, after whose approbation I shall less fear any others' censure.—14 April, 1607.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (120. 161.)
Sir William Selby to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], April 14. On the 9th inst. a gaol delivery for Northumberland was held at Newcastle by the Commissioners, where 14 were condemned, and of them 10 executed, 3 had their clergy, and I reprieved. The people of Tindale and Ridesdale made full appearance, and showed greater obedience than at any time since the Commissioners began. The Earl of Dunbar was in town at the beginning of the session. The country is well quieted, yet some stealing. Because the Commissioners, who shortly hold a gaol delivery at Carlisle, intend from thence and not before as they say to write of this service. I thought it my duty in the meantime to certify thus much, leaving the larger relation to their letters from Carlisle, where, hindered by necessary occasions, I cannot be at this session.—Newcastle, 14 April.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1607." ⅓ p. (120. 162.)
Lord Carew to the Same.
1607. ? Before April 15. Your lordship by this enclosed (fn. 1) (which came unto me about half an hour after four of the clock) may see that my Lord of Southampton will not stir out of Wanstead until to-morrow, which moves me this night to go unto him, whereby you may guess that to-morrow at dinner we shall be at Theoballds. I will hasten his rising that we may be with you about ten of the clock, which I suppose will be your dining time in respect of the journey to Hatfield and return to Theoballds.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." ½ p. (194. 49.)
[Cf. Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 354.]
The Bishop of Carlisle and Sir Wilfrid Lawson to the Same.
1607, April 15. Being advertised of a great multitude of prisoners and of the inconveniency of the gaol we agreed to keep a gaol delivery at Newcastle, the 9th instant, being thereto required by special letters from the Earl of Dunbar, whose service, as it has hitherto greatly tended to the establishing of peace and truth in these parts, so we trust the fruit shall be daily found more and more. Though we were informed that above a hundred were in prison and upon bond, yet when it came to trial only thirty were indicted, neither many of those for great felonies; seventeen were convicted, three for petty larceny, three had their clergy, eleven had judgment to die, as by the list enclosed may appear. One Robert Hall is reprieved for 40 days; the reasons that moved us to stay his execution were these: the felony, being burglary, was committed about twelve years since and a composition was then made for the goods with the allowance of the then Lord Warden, as was confessed at the bar by the prosecutor, neither was the prisoner charged with any offence done since that time. And in these respects we have deferred his execution and appointed a peremptory day, before which, if his Majesty's pardon or a further reprieve be not procured, he is to die. None of the rest were charged with any felonies done in her late Majesty's time, saving one John Pott who was "convict" of burglary and for horsestealing, who being a person of evil note was not thought fit to be reprieved. This service was so confused that albeit we began on Thursday the ninth and sat Friday and Saturday till ten of the clock at night, yet we could not dispatch until Monday at three in the afternoon. Things thus falling out we could not conveniently give you advertisement herein before this time.—Carlisle, 15 April, 1607.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (120. 164.)
The Enclosure: List of prisoners tried at the Assizes at Newcastle, 9 April, 1607, with the verdicts.
2/3 p. (120. 163.)


  • 1. Probably the letter of 13 April supra p. 94.