Cecil Papers: March 1607

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1607', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp60-84 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1607', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp60-84.

"Cecil Papers: March 1607". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol19/pp60-84.

March 1607

Officers of the port of Harwich to the Lord Admiral.
1606–7, March 1. In reply to his inquiry, they find that no ships or ordnance have been sold to strangers within seven years out of the county of Essex.—Harwich, 1 March, 1606.
Signed: Ro. Whettell: Edm. Jenney, Customer: Aug. Parker, Controller; Tho. Aire, Searcher. 1 p. (115. 123.)
Captain Richard Gyfford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 2. The false instigations of enemies have been the occasion of intolerable wrongs published to my great shame, but my comfort is that before God I know myself to be void of all blame. I beseech your assistance whereby I may enjoy the freedom of my country which is my due, and call me home upon your command, which shall be carefully obeyed. And if you be not thoroughly satisfied by my letters send me your warrant or protection for my safe coming and going, I will instantly upon receipt thereof repair unto you, and I hope give you that satisfaction shall be fit for an honest subject. About 16 February last here arrived Sir Robert Dudley, and called here by the name of the Lord of Warwick: he was married at Lyons to Mrs. Southwell and had the Pope's dispensation for it procured by one Captain Elliott. The great Duke [of Florence] entertains them very honourably. There is a ship of 500 tons or thereabouts presently to be built by him for the Duke, who has at this instant five ships ready to set sail for the Levant against the Turk; which ships are some 500 tons, others 400 and others 250 and 150, and carry 1,000 men. Good my Lord, favour your servant so much as to call me home speedily lest I be forced through necessity to enter into such courses as may prejudice me.—From Leghorn the second of March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (120. 114.)
Francis Trenchard to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 2. Has been dispossessed of half of his Segniory in Ireland, but stands charged with the rent of the whole of it upon his patent. Prays for the remaining lands to be surveyed and the rent proportioned.—Undated.
Note by Sir Roger Wilbraham on the case.—2 Mar., 1606.
1 p. (P. 1172)
Sir Richard Weston to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 3. He understands Salisbury has seen the certificate he made for Captain Orme; also that he has received a report from a nobleman whereof he (Weston) should be the author, that Orme was a Romish Catholic in his heart. The nobleman he conceives to be Lord Paget, his neighbour, from whom he had received much honourable use. Acknowledges that, speaking of Orme, during Orme's service under the Archduke of Austria or since his return he might say he had heard Orme was turned Papist; but since Orme's profession to the contrary, he has never affirmed that Orme's protestations were not to be believed; and he presumes Paget will not charge him therewith. He has ever studied Orme's good, and shown friendship to him. Defends himself at length from the charge of double dealing in the matter.—St. John's, 3 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (115. 124.)
Jasper Strich to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 3. Prays him to write to Sir Thomas Leighton, Governor of Guernsey, to order the payment of wages due to him as gunner.—Undated.
The Enclosure:
Sir Thomas Leighton to Sir Thomas Wilbraham, on the case.— Hackney, 3 March, 1606.
2 pp. (P. 810.)
Simon Harvey to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 4. Urges his suit to be received among the Farmers for the 32nd part of the Customs.—4 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 125.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 4. Vouchsafe me your favour for the Lieutenancy of the Ordnance, if Lord Carew be called to be the Master; which is not unlikely for his worthiness. Sir Amyas Preston and Sir John Davys were admitted to offices of little less account, with whom I will not value myself; nor otherwise make them precedents for me to follow but by way of allegation a minore. Portsmouth government I know will be shot at by men in fortune and favour beyond me, and so the New Forest; yet I wish myself the hap of any of them, or anything fit for an honest man, that I might not despair, or think myself utterly lost. I will not seek anything for the which I will be bound but to you under his Majesty; yet not out of my merit, but out of grace from you, though with a heart as devoted as is fit for a true gentleman to a noble patron. I have humility and patience for my hardest destinies, and yet a heart capable of any such preferment as shall be fit for an honest man.—Walbrooke, 4 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 126.)
The Earl of Kildare to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 6. Begs Salisbury to hear the bearer as to his suits. He has written to the Council of Sir Robert Digby's suit against him, wherein he finds himself unsatisfied, and begs for redress of anything that appears not to be well carried. Digby still urges some letters written by the Lords there concerning the controversy, as if they had been written to yield him an extraordinary proceeding: which is not meant by their Honours. As it has been signified by the Council's letters on his behalf that nothing was intended to the prejudice of Digby, so he begs the Council to write to the Lords here not otherwise to interpret any letters written at Digby's request; but that the due course of justice shall be pursued, without respect to either party.— Dublin, 6 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 129.)
Sir. R. Lewkenor to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 7. Encloses an abstract of courts and law days of Salisbury's manor of Foorde in Sussex. These countries and marches of Wales and people are all in quiet and peace; therefore he does not trouble Salisbury by writing till there be some occasion.—Ludlowe Castle, 7 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 131.)
Sir Christopher St. Lawrence to the Same.
1606–7, March 7. I sent you a letter by Captain John Harvey. I have been stayed here in my journey to you by one John Somerfeld, mercer in Cheapside, who had me arrested for a debt which was paid him a year last Easter; and by means of my man's drowning, which had his quittance, he came into Ireland above a year since and would have had me pay the money again, which I refused; upon which he complained to the Deputy, and I proved the receipt of his quittance and the reason my bonds were not delivered, which was because they were in Ireland with Somerfeld's agent, who had me in suit after the payment of the money, unknown to me. I removed it to the Chancery, and stayed two terms after in Ireland, but heard nothing of it. If this be not testified by the Deputy and Chancellor, let me lose my reputation with you. Notwithstanding my having my Lord Ambassador's warrant for my free pass, yet they used me as if I had been the arrantest traitor in the world, and robbed me of three score pound in gold and a diamond of some 24l.: which they deny, but I hope you will not only send warrant for my relief, but will send to have them punished.—From the miserable gaol of Gravesend, 7 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 133.)
The Enclosure:
Pass for the above and his servants into England, dated Brussels 24 Feb., 1606.
Signed: Tho. Edmondes. 1 p. (115. 132.)
The Duke of Tuscany to the Earl of Northampton.
1606–7, March 7/17. The Earl of Warwick, as your Excellency knows, has come to my dominions in order to be able to live quietly in the religion which he has so far observed. I have received him the more willingly for his relationship to you, and extended to him the affection I have for you. I find him very devoted to the King and desirous to remain his faithful vassal. And as he regards you as his father. I would ask you to treat him as your son and keep him in the good graces of the King in spite of the calumnies of his enemies.—Leghorn, 17 March, 1607.
Signed. Italian. Seal. Endorsed: "Duke of Florence." 1 p. (134. 108.)
Sir Richard Walshe to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 8. Urges his former suit for recompense of his services. It was thought fit by Salisbury that he should have 100l. per ann. for 21 years, but he is frustrated of all hope by infinite delays.—Shelsley, 8 March, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (192. 80.)
The Mayor and Customers of Bristol to the Lord Admiral.
1606–7, March 10. In reply to his letters of January 19, they certify that no ships of 100 tons or upwards, with their ordnance, have been sold to strangers within seven years, or bonds forfeited for that offence.—Bristol, 10 March, 1606.
Signed: John Barker, Mayor; William Willett, Customer Outwards; William Lavington, Controller; Wm. Lewis, Searcher. 1 p. (115. 127.)
The Earl of Rutland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606–7], March 11. I am certainly informed of the death of Thomas Markham; therefore I earnestly beseech you that my right of disposing the four walks in the Forest of Sherwood may not be prejudiced by any other information, but that the King may be rightly informed of my grant from the late Queen, and confirmed from himself, before any other motion be preferred unto him. This favour I crave you to afford to a poor lame man, who would fain come to you if I were able. I only fear my Lord of Shrewsbury's sueing for them, with whom I should be loth to have suit. What course I have held with him, I have appointed this bearer my servant to inform you.—From my lodging, 11 March.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 135.)
Lord Carew to the Same.
1606–7, March 11. Recommends Richard Barsey, who served under him in Ireland, and who desires to be admitted to Salisbury's hospital. Encloses certificate of Barsey's services.— Savoy, 11 March, 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lord Carey." ½ p. (192. 81.)
Sir William Selby to the Same.
[1606–7], March 12. Having good cause to think that the greatness of affairs in this Parliament time gives you little leisure to consider my letter concerning the state of Tynmouth Castle, and wishing to satisfy his Majesty's command by residing there, I have, hoping hereafter to receive warrant, set artificers on work to repair some of the lodgings, for mere necessity only, and plumbers to supply the want of conduit pipes which convey water to the house; whereof 300 yards have been digged out of the ground and stolen betwixt the time of the Earl's commitment and my entrance, and other water there is none. I have placed some cannoniers and servants there, and hope very shortly to lie in it myself. My company will be near 40 persons in household, and 16 geldings. I have required of the Earl's steward such grounds and tithes as Sir Robert Cary's deputy (for himself never lay there) had, and at the same rates, whereto he said he could give no answer till he had informed his Lord. Without these I cannot keep house; and as well the Earl's father as himself, by order from her late Majesty and Council, suffered the said grounds and tithes to be possessed for the use of the Castle. The like direction I crave may be given, for the time of year is now at hand, and I know not where to bestow my horse, or to have provision either for summer or winter.
The Gaol Delivery in this county of Northumberland was appointed to be held on the 4th instant, with a general meeting of all the Commissioners, and is now deferred till the 9th of April, by reason of the Earl of Dunbar's want of health, whose presence at the meeting for advice is thought to be very necessary. In the meantime not only this but all the middle shires are in very good quietness.—Newcastle, 12 March.
PS.—I now write about these matters of Tynmouth, because I understand that the Earl of Northumberland's steward is gone up to his Lord, to understand his mind in these matters.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (115. 136.)
Mayor and Burgesses of Kingston upon Hull to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 12. They acknowledge the receipt of the writ sent to their Sheriff, Mr. Richard Burgis, for the election of another burgess in place of Mr. Cole, deceased; and of Salisbury's letters in behalf of Sir Edward Michelborne. The Sheriff called the burgesses together; but regarding the writ more than Salisbury's letters, he nominated to the burgesses two aldermen, Mr. Richard Tayler and Mr. Joseph Feild, with whom, at the importunity of the writers, he joined Sir Edward, the burgesses to choose one of the three. Notwithstanding their dissent and dissuasion, the burgesses chose Feild, who is altogether unwilling to take the office, both on account of Salisbury's request, and his own trading affairs. They advertise this to clear themselves of the undutifulness which Salisbury might impute to them.— Kingston upon Hull, 12 March, 1606.
Signed: George Almond, Mayor; Robert Tailler; W. Barnerde; James Casson; Thomas Swan. 1 p. (115. 137.)
Westminster Bill of Mortality.
1606–7, March 12. Certificate of deaths in Westminster for the week ending 12 March, 1606[–7].
St. Margaret's parish iij
St. Martin's in the Fields (of the plague—j) ij
St. Clement Danes ij
Buried in all vij
Signed: Ric. Dobbinsoun. 1 p. (206. 37.)
The Mayor of Hull to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 12. To the same effect as his petition of Feb. 4, 1605–6.—Hull, March 12, 1606.
1 p. (P. 1990.)
The Bishop of London to the Same.
1606–7, March 14. Because my health serves not so well at this time to wait upon you, I am forced by writing to give you further satisfaction than in my former letter concerning Atkinson the priest, who by a warrant from me and other Commissioners was apprehended in Staffordshire, and was committed by Mr. Crompton, a Justice of that county, to Stafford Gaol a few days before the assizes. What judgment he has received I do not yet understand, but I wish that he and his companion were brought into the Star Chamber, there to receive severer punishment, and more exemplary to the terror of such lewd abusers of authority, and satisfaction of his Majesty's subjects. To that end I entreat your letters for his removal hither.—From my house near Paules, 14 March, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (115. 138.)
Mustafa Agha to James I.
1606–7, March 14/24. I am bringing a letter from the Emperor to your Majesty, but am detained at Marseilles, being unable to obtain leave from the King of France to proceed to England either by land or sea. I beg your Majesty to secure my passage to England as I have some messages to deliver by word of mouth.— Marseilles, 24 March, 1607.
Signed. Latin. Black Stamp of Seal. Endorsed: "The Turkish Chians to his Maty." 1 p. (193. 86.)
The Masters and Seniors of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 14. Regretting greatly that they are again obliged to become suitors to him whom so lately they have troubled that way. They have received from the King another letter mandatory for the election of one Thomas Henshaw to one of their fellowships now void, which they cannot perform without manifest breach of their statutes whereunto they are sworn, as also of a private composition for fulfilling whereof the College is bound in a great sum of money; to say nothing that in so doing they would break also the will of the dead and utterly discourage others hereafter from being beneficial to such places of learning when they see their beneficence not employed according to their godly intent and Christian desires. Beseech him (as being their singular patron and principal refuge) to be a means that the King may be satisfied and they freed from inconveniences, doubting not but that his Majesty being fully acquainted with the matter partly by him and partly by letters supplicatory directed by them for that purpose will rest fully contented.— Cambridge, March xiiijth, Ad 1606.
Signed: Richard Clynton; Roger Worrell; Arthur Johnson; John Allenson; William Hellund; Thomas Berds; Wm. Billingsley; W. Nelson; Christopher Foster. Endorsed: "Fellows of St. John's College in Camb. to my Lord." 1 p. (136. 151.)
Sir Oliver Manners to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 15. He acknowledges Salisbury's favours to him, and the free passage of his suits to the King, while he lived at Court. He understands by his uncle, Mr. Roger Manners, that upon some untrue reports of him he would have been deprived of all means, unless Salisbury had, upon his first letters from Florence, given way to the passage of such money as Mr. Scriven, his brother's solicitor, was to send him. Expresses his thanks to Salisbury for his good will to him and his house. Though he be the last of his family, and the least deserving, he hopes Salisbury will find the measure of his love to equal those who are able to show greater effects thereof.—Perugia, 15 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 139.)
Tibbot Gorges to the Same.
1606–7, March 18/28. On my return from Angers I did not take the direct road, but to see the country made a little detour by Maine, Allençon, Caen and all those quarters of Basse and Haute Normandie, arriving at Paris later than I had intended. There three or four days after my arrival, being the 23rd of this month, the King gave audience to the Ambassador being then at the house of Mons. Jamet, showing plainly in his face some discontent, having it is said been advertised the same day of the "traict' that Prince Janvil had delivered to him (luy avoit baillé) touching the Countess de Moret the King's mistress, which has since caused him to quit France and go into Lorraine, as on another occasion into Germany for a similar cause. It is said also he will soon go into England; so that Madame la Hay, who is only beginning to be in the King's good graces, is much more esteemed by him since this accident, having tasted in advance of his liberality in bestowing on her very ample means.
For myself, if you think well and have no occasion to employ me otherwise, I propose to commence my journey towards Italy a month hence at latest, and to pass the summer in those parts of France which are nearest Italy; and then at the commence ment of autumn to take the first commodity to pass the Alps, awaiting nothing but your good pleasure.—Paris, the 28th day of March, 1607.
Holograph. French. Seal. Endorsed: "1606 (sic). Mr. Tibbott Gorges to my Lord." 1 p. (120. 144.)
Sir Richard Hawkyns to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 20. It wounded him deeply, when he hopes for comfort from Salisbury, to receive the censure of an abuser. He has informed Salisbury the naked truth, and his causes will abide the fire of justice and the hammer of equity. He begs that he may be judged by the laws of the land, seeing his Majesty gave commission to inform the justice, and not the equity, of the cause; and that two years since he submitted himself to the Council's censure of equity when the Frenchman was rated, and his own right justified. He desires that certain persons be appointed to hear the cause, and to report thereon to Salisbury.— 20 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 140.)
Sir John Fitz Edmond Gerald to the Same.
1606–7, March 21. I have several times sent this bearer my son into England about my suits. You, to whose favour I directed him, being overburdened with matters of state, he thought unfit to press upon you and came back each time. Now I, being of that age that deserves consideration for former services wherein I was never slack for the crown of England, have presumed to crave the continuance of your favours, if not for my own, yet for your father's sake, who before you were born or much thereabouts, vouchsafed to think well of my services to her late Majesty. If through your countenance his Highness may afford me some contentation in my later days, I shall think my services a slender recompense.—Cloine, 21 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 141.)
Count Maurice of Nassau to his brother, Count William Louis.
1606–7, March 21/31. Upon the continual instance that the Archduke has made since your departure to come to some conference or treaty with the States General, the affair has gone so forward that some articles have been concluded, of which I send you the copy subjoined. The Estates find themselves in great trouble and perplexity, and that chiefly because of the retardment and cooling down of the succours from France; so that as far as I can perceive they already sufficiently agree to what is contained in the said articles, except that which is underlined, upon which they are still disputing. But I much fear, seeing the point is not of so great importance, that the dispute will hardly continue. For I see that the most part of them proceed with such warmth in this matter that notwithstanding all that I can remonstrate with them to the contrary, they are allowing themselves in the end to be carried to the brink of their ruin. I would ask you, if it were possible within your governments, to meet the disorders and inconveniences which I see are apparent; but in as much as it is not, and your presence is entirely necessary, I pray you to hasten your return as much as possible in order to hinder by all means, and as much as you shall be able to on your side, that these people here do not submit to the enemy. Meanwhile I will here do all that is in my power.—The Hague, 21/31 March, 1607.
Underwritten: The Archdukes are content that there be a cessation from all sieges or surprises of frontier towns, invasions, and lodgments in the Provinces or quarters, of building of any new forts. And all other acts of hostility by sea and by land, in all the Low Countries, and by sea in Spain and everywhere, as well in regard to the King as to their Highnesses, from the — day — of this year 1607: and on condition that if from the said day and month either party, from not having been advertised hereof, undertake anything against the other, it shall be revoked and restored.
Copy. French. 1 p. (120. 142.)
Mattheo De Renzi to Peter Van Loor.
1606–7, March 22. In reply to the complaints of Diego Duarte and Paiva. two Portingals, made against him to Lord Salisbury by means of the President Richardot through Sir Thomas Edmonds: of non-payment of their moneys. Since his misfortune, he has paid above 28,000l.; and would have paid the above two, and the rest of his creditors, if his debts had come in according to expectation. He has been greatly cozened by those he put in trust of his money, debts and wares; and certain of his creditors, named, deny the receipt of moneys paid to them, while others refuse the composition agreed upon. He cannot receive a penny of the 15,000l. owing to him. If Duarte and Paiva will take a proportion of those debts for their satisfaction, he will be content.—22 March, 1606.
Holograph. 2 pp. (115. 142.)
Dr. James Mountagu to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 22. Your first I received on Friday at Cambridge, but knowing how the matter had been dealt in the Tuesday before by my Lord Hay, I did not purpose to have his Majesty acquainted with anything I received from you, supposing it would come unseasonably having been debated so much before his Majesty so long before I received your lordship's. Upon Saturday at one I received your second at Cambridge, whereupon I had some speech with Doctor Cleyton, and told him my opinion that it would be expected he should give way to the King's letters. But I found him very stiff, so that if he were committed for it he said he would never do it, being both against the statutes and the will of the dead. Whereupon finding his resolution I moved him to this course, that he should read his Majesty's letters before the Seniors at the election, and satisfy them if they could possibly; if they could not, yet that his Majesty might perceive how much they respected his command, that Hinshaw, for whom these letters come, might be sent for, and there before them all assured of the next place that fell void in the College whereof he was capable by statute; and this promise to be made good under the Master and Seniors' hands. In the meantime some allowance to be made to him that he might be counted as a probationer fellow, till the place fell. This the Master has promised to perform, and this Hinshaw has very willingly accepted of, and desires no more.
As soon as I came to Royston that night, I had some speech with his Majesty of this matter, and told him how you had delivered my Lord Hay the letters to send to Cambridge, but I feared the Master and Fellows would hardly be drawn to yield to them; but what they could do they would; and that they desired his Majesty would accept of the next place that Hinshaw was capable of by statute, he should have it with all their good likings, and they would think themselves bound to his Majesty to give them leave to keep their statutes and observe the will of the dead. His Majesty answered, for his part he was content, if the party were satisfied. I told him the party craved no more; whereupon his Majesty willed it should be so. By this means the King is contented, the party is well pleased, and the College are very ready to perform it; so if it shall please my Lord Hay to like too, I think this matter is at a good point.—Court at Royston, 22 March, 1606.
Holograph. 2 pp. (115. 143.)
Thomas Farmer to Earl of Salisbury.
1606–7, March 22. Though through great age and infirmities he has not for sundry years been able to go out of his chamber, yet he is now begged by one Mr. Chambers, a groom about her Majesty, as a recusant, for not coming to church. By the favour of Lord Burghley he long enjoyed the benefit of his conscience, freed from these penalties and forfeitures; and begs that by [Salisbury's] goodness he may pass his few days in peace.— Cookham, Berks, 22 March, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 144.)
Hugh Lee to the Same.
1606–7, March 23/April 2. My last unto you was 4 February past under cover to Richard Langly; since which here departed 4 other carracks for the East Indies, which makes 7 in number departed for this year 2 carracks being daily expected thence, which wintered by the way last year. The Armada of this place is now beginning to prepare to be ready by the end of June next. Here is not above 10 galleons that will be serviceable, nor mariners to furnish them without the help of strangers, though proclamation made that no mariner of this Kingdom go to the Newfoundland this year, but all to attend the Armada; and yet not sufficient unless other shipping come from the Indies, Brazil and other places to supply them, so barren are they here both of shipping and men. The chiefest number of shipping is preparing in Biscay, whither is sent from hence all the iron ordnance that was here to the furnishing of that shipping. Yet is the pride of the Spaniard such that they think all nations owe a duty unto them, and our disagreement with them here is the rather that they being all martial men seek to govern all by rigour, delighting rather in stirring up occasions of discord than the maintenance of concord; for by the one as soldiers they will profit, where by the other they suffer penury; and generally we find as well with the Portingale as the Spaniard that neither have regard to the performance of whatsoever promise they make to our nation further than it sort to their own liking. So well are they practised in the art of equivocation that there is no trust to be reposed nor credit to be given unto anything whatsoever, they shall never so solemnly swear to perform. And if we complain of bad dealing we are demanded by the common sort why we come hither, we are not sent for, neither will they acknowledge they have need of anything we bring, so that if we like not our usage here we may keep us from hence. It is verily thought that the Spaniard has since the peace taken from his Majesty's subjects unjustly, yet under the colour of justice, more in value than was in the time of reprisals taken by the English from them; for here have been many western men utterly undone by them, and the Londoners have not escaped free. Yet of late here is some instigation of their former outrageous dealings by the many complaints made by the Lord Ambassador in the Court of Spain, and commissioners appointed here to receive notice and certify to the Council the wrongs which formerly have been here offered unto all strangers; whereby we hope of amendment. The 5 of this month departed from St. Lucas 7 galleons towards the West Indies, which are gone for treasure.
It is reported here that Don Pedro Bravo Decunna (?) drew together in the West Indies 1000 shot musketeers and embarked with them at Lima. From thence they sailed to the Islands of the Malluccas, where they took 3 several forts which the Hollanders had made, whom they put all to the sword, with a king of one of the islands and his son, besides 5000 Indians. They rased the forts and returned for the West Indies with great triumph, and within 4 days after their arrival the captain Don Pedro Bravo died. He has a brother here called Don Luis Bravo who now mourns for the death of his brother; but it is thought the news is not so complete as the report.
The news from Venice is that the wars go forward against the Pope and that the Venetians have published themselves to be of the Religion; that the Word of God is daily preached in Venice by preachers from Geneva; and that the Venetians have published his Majesty our Sovereign to be their protector, which is here hardly thought of. How true it is God knows, but such is the report here.
Here is the master of an English ship which came lately from Leghorn and is freighted to return thither again who reports that he saw the proclamation in print that his Majesty was proclaimed protector to the Venetians; but [he] wanted the discretion to buy one of them.
Here is lately arrived one Thomas Jenings with 2 letters to the Conde de Aguilar, one from the Privy Council, the other from the Lord Ambassador of Spain residing in England, in behalf of Mr. Hugh Gurganey prisoner in the Inquisition; which were taken very kindly by the Conde, and according to the contents of the letters he has confidently promised to do what lies in his power for his enlargement. If these ships stay but 8 days I hope I shall be able to write somewhat touching the effect of the Conde's proceedings in this cause.
Pardon me in troubling you with such complaints as daily arise amongst his Majesty's subjects here one against another; for the company being now dissolved I know none to complain unto fitter than your lordship who has been ever ready to put remedy in any disorder, the patron of perfection. Besides the disorders amongst the younger and most ungoverned sort of merchants, here is many times disorders amongst the mariners and sea faring men, in such sort that great quarrels are many times likely to arise through their wilful follies; and principally betwixt the Scottish masters and the English touching the wearing of their flags, which now are made with both the red cross and St. Andrew's cross joined in one; and the Scot wears the English cross of St. George under the Scottish, which breeds many quarrels, and were very fit it were decreed which should be worn uppermost, for avoiding contention. Which discords are not fit to be brought in question here in these countries where they would rather rejoice at our discord and animate matter thereunto than be means of any concord. So that for my own part I rather persuade with the English masters to forbear here and to complain at home, for here is now a Scots master that has said he will so wear his flag. in despite of who shall speak against it. It were very good that an order might be put herein to be observed, upon a certain pain to whomsoever should do the contrary.
The ship brought into St. Lucas bound for Virginia, which in my last I wrote you of, is not yet released, but good pledge is at Bordeaux in France laid hold of for her better restitution.
English causes at the Court of Spain have very slow dispatch as is written from thence, but I hear the captain which took the ship wishes he had given 4000 d°s. [? ducats] that he had never meddled with her. The Spanish Ambassador there has certified the Conde de Aguilar that there is a great complaint made of him unto his Majesty that he has taken from his Majesty's subjects to the value of 50 thousand d°s. [? ducats] for the sustentation of the King's garrisons in corn and money; whereupon the Conde to clear himself examines divers witnesses. But I think the matter was mistaken for it is very likely the complaint should have been upon the Conde de Eldar who indeed did take both corn, money and fish, for which there are complaints made to the King who has commanded he should make restitution; which command is not yet accomplished, but many fair promises are made and hope that he will in time perform.
Upon 23 March last, being Friday, betwixt 7 and 8 in the evening here was in Lisbon a great earthquake, since which here is a report that the plague is entered the city. The like earthquake was before the last great plague here. The will of God be fulfilled in all things!
Henry Fludd makes show that he labours earnestly for the enlargement of Mr. Hugh Gurgeny, but hitherto prevails little. Those sort of people are much daunted here by the proceedings of the Venetians, which have somewhat becalmed them.
Sir Anthony Sherley is in great grace with the King of Spain who has knighted him of the Order of St. James and given him a pension for his maintenance, with some other favours, admirable unto many.—Lisbon, 2 April, 1607, stilo novo.
PS.—Since finishing my letter I have received from the Court of Spain a more particular relation of the favours done unto Sir Ant. Sherley by the King of Spain, and as I hear them, so it may please you to accept it. The King has made him of the Council of War and State in Italy; General of his shipping de A'ltabordo en la mar Mediterranum. He has given him many large gifts of great worth, among the rest a chain which he wears, wherein is 270 diamonds set, with a model of gold wherein is the retrato of this King and father pendante; and daily is expected the habit of St. James with a good sum of money, which no doubt will be accomplished unto him, for his favours with the King are more than ordinary—which he has obtained partly by force, for he has not wanted back friends. Yet I presume he will hold his allegiance to his Majesty, which partly I noted in his falling out here with Father Fludd, and with a tailor, English, who would maintain the action of the Powder at Westminster, which he utterly detested; and [he] is very forward to do what good he can unto any English, and in his honourable place I nothing doubt but any subject of his Majesty shall so likewise find him inclined.
Holograph. 3⅓ pp. (120. 134.)
King James to the Earl of Cumberland.
1606–7, March 23. Whereas under a grant made to the Earl your brother deceased in lease for forty-one years of divers lands on the late borders between these realms of England and Scotland, you claim lands held by William Graam alias Rosebrees and George Grayme his brother, and forasmuch as these Graimes hold their lands by letters patent of Henry VIII and have ever been true subjects to the late Queen and to us, we think it fit to make a difference between him and others of that name. whose lands are contained in our grant to your brother, and we do require [you] to permit the said William and George his brother to continue in possession of such lands as they and their tenants hold, yielding for the same such reasonable fine and yearly rent, as his ability can afford. Given under our signet at our Palace of Westminster, 23rd March in the 4th year of our reign of Great Britain and Ireland.
Copy. Endorsed by Salisbury: "1606; the K's letter to the Earl of Cumberland." ½ p. (134. 93.)
The Earl of Cumberland and Lady Anne Clifford.
[Before 25 March, 1607.]. Two papers: (1) "The true manner of the proceedings between the Earl of Cumberland and the Lady Ann Clifford in the Court of Wards."
It was agreed in Michaelmas term was a twelvemonth before the Earl of Salisbury in his lodging in the Court, the counsel on both sides being present, that a commission should be awarded to the King's officers and to three commissioners to be named by either party for finding the office; and that there should be a duplicate, which the Lady Anne did not prosecute but exhibited an information. To this the Earl, though privileged by reason of the Parliament, presently answered without taking advantage of his privilege in hope to have satisfied her.
But her ladyship complains of delays since 30 June last by the Earl:
(i) for not bringing in the evidences according to the time limited in the order, and for bringing in but a small number;
(ii) for not being examined in Trinity term;
(iii) for not answering sufficiently to the interrogatories;
(iv) and because the two Lord Chief Justices differed from Mr. Surveyor's opinion touching the carriage of the commission and bringing in two inquisitions.
Answers of the Earl upon these points.
(i) The term was adjourned. Within three days after the fortnight the evidences were brought in. The Earl's solicitor attended the court daily for a week. During that time none for the Lady Anne ever desired to see them, until the last day of the term, her counsel moved for sight of them, which was ordered to be this term. Though the number be not many there are conveyances since Henry VI's time. It has been offered in court that any officer shall have full view of all at Skipton, where there are many. The Earl's oath is he has brought in all which are come to his hands to his knowledge and are appointed to be brought in by the order.
(ii) The interrogatories came in but two days before the term's end. It ended on a Wednesday and the examiner, though sent for three times by the Earl, did not come before the Saturday. The Earl having urgent occasions went forth of the town on this day. When he came again in Michaelmas term, he sent for the examiner. The Earl finding no hand to the interrogatories refused at first to be examined, but being told the next day that the paper book was allowed by Mr. Attorney he was examined.
(iii) The Earl in his answer has particularly by name set down what lands were conveyed to him by his father for life, and that the reversion being come to the late Earl's brother, he for 1250l. by fine and recovery and other assurances assured them to the now Earl and his heirs male. Now being examined what lands were conveyed to him for life by his father and what conveyances his late brother made to him of those lands, he refers himself to his answer. Being examined what lands Sir Ingram Clifford conveyed to him for life and what estate, he answers he remembered not what conveyances were made by him, but the lands were all sold by his brother and himself and such conveyances as were made were delivered over to the purchasers. Being asked what lands the late Earl had which were given to the heirs of the body and the remainder in the Crown, and what lands are come to the Lady Anne, he answers directly not any to his knowledge. So he thinks he has made as full an answer as is possible for him to do.
(iv) The Judges' opinion was in regard the inquisitions, if there were any, were matters remaining of record, the Earl was not to be enjoined to bring them in. For the proceeding to the commission Mr. Surveyor would not give any order at all but left that to the Master of the Wards. This being referred by his lordship to the censure of the two Lord Chief Justices, it was held fit by them, and so ordered, that Mr. Surveyor should appoint indifferent commissioners and a time and place, and either party should be allowed their challenges; that he should, after it was sealed, deliver it to such of the commissioners as he thought fittest. Now the Earl's solicitor has since attended Mr. Surveyor for a whole week together and more and yet none came from the Lady Anne. So the Earl thinks there is neither cause nor colour to tax him with any dilatory intent.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606" and in the Earl of Salisbury's handwriting "Sr. Moyle Finch [struck through] Erl of Comberland." 1½ pp. (118. 126.)
(2) Particulars of the Lord Cumberland's dilatory proceedings in the Court of Wards, from Trinity Term to Hilary Term, 1606; his insufficient answers to interrogatories; and his affidavit repugnant to the express orders of the Court.
The case concerns Lady [Anne] Clifford's claims; her pretended disinheritance: and the Lord Cumberland's title to her lands.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606." 1¼ pp. (193. 14.)
Matheo De Renzi to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, March 25. To the same effect as his letter to Van Loor, 22 March, 1606, (p. 69 supra). He is content to transfer the 15,000l. owing to him for the satisfaction of his creditors in general, but cannot as yet draw them to any good end.—London, 25 March, 1606 (sic).
Holograph. 1 p. (115. 147.)
Sir John Smythe to the Same.
1607, March 25. It has been an opinion conceived throughout these kingdoms of England and Ireland by all sorts and degrees of callings of those that have known, do know, or have heard of me, that your lordship has been in the time of the Queen's reign that dead is, both since and some years before I came out of the Tower, and now also in this King's time since he came to possess the sceptre, the greatest enemy and hinderer of me, in my suits that the King four sundry times granted me in the hearing of many noblemen, knights and gentlemen, both English and Scottish, in his privy chambers, that ever I had in my life. All which notwithstanding, divers of my friends have advised me to make certain proof whether your lordship has been and is so great an enemy of me as the voice of the world has been, or is; and that as I shall find those reports to be true or false I should make account of your lordship. All which considered I crave these two favours at your hands; the one, that upon mine obligation and bond which I have sent you by this bearer, you will lend me 300l. for a twelvemonth and a half; the second, that you will be a mean unto his Majesty that he will discharge me of my debt of 600l. which I owe his Majesty in the Exchequer. Which 600l., with 10,000 marks more, I have spent in the services of the crown of these kingdoms of England and Ireland with so much loyalty as I am ready to prove that never a man in these kingdoms of any degree has performed more faithful love and duty of allegiance, with a present also of armours and weapons and other things of price, that I presented unto the King at Greenwich at his first coming thither when he came out of Scotland, which cost me above 400l. Which my two requests if it please you upon wise consideration to effect, I shall have great cause not only to acknowledge the disposition of a noble gentleman in you, but also be bound to make known both far and near by my words, writings, and all other ways to all men of honour, worthiness and honesty, how greatly the world and myself have been deceived in my imagined implacable malices of your lordship towards me.—From Toffts my house, 25 March, 1607.
Signed. Endorsed: "Sir John Smith of Essex to my lord." 1 p. (120. 138.)
Sir Carew Reynell to the Same.
1607, March 25. I will not express the great grief I have taken at your conceived displeasure towards me, nor how much it has added to my long sickness. But the respect I owe your person and place and the Christian duty I owe unto God embolden me not only to entreat your good opinion of me, but also to give you any satisfaction if justly I have deserved your displeasure or that you have been by any misinformed of me. Which I desire, not that I intend to press you in any of my fortunes, but upon the two former grounds which I assure myself you will allow of. and therein to do me right.—From my lodging, 25 March. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "25 March. 1608 (sic)." 2/3 p. (120. 139.)
The Bishop of Carlisle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, March 25. After many tedious examinations about the late robbery done upon the person of Richard Craven deputy to his Majesty's receiver here. I have gotten of Christopher Pickering, one of the offenders, his voluntary confession which I here present to you subscribed with his hand. that you may see the truth concerning the contriving the acting, and the consequent of that felony. Because the slight passing over of so notorious a crime by persons of their birth in the inner parts of the country might have bred fear and danger especially when his Majesty is yet at great charge for reforming the more desperate parts thereof, I could not have discharged the trust committed to me if I had omitted any means for sifting out the truth or apprehending those charged with the robbery. I have promised him upon this his sincere declaration of the truth to petition you for procuring his Majesty's pardon. He being but a child lived under me some time in Orfoord (sic). At that time his whole behaviour was staid and virtuous; and all that have known his conversation since give him this testimony, that he never liked of rioting and other lewdness too common among persons of his quality when they come once to their own government. When he came to be examined neither did his tongue nor countenance frame to dissimulation. By that which I have seen in him heretofore and observe in him now I rest assured he would never have thought of such a desperate attempt if he had not been drawn unto it by those masters of corruption whom he hath here discovered. They have heretofore been dangerous members of their country both in their persons and in entertaining notorious thieves and murtherers: and if now they should escape without exemplary justice done upon them the sequel I doubt would be fearful. I think it a great mercy to the poor lambs to cut off such ravening wolves. If therefore this poor gentleman ashamed of his offence, may by your mediation obtain his Majesty's pardon, and the authors of this robbery be brought to their trial. I have great hope his Majesty shall not be often troubled with complaints of this nature from these parts.—Carlisle 25 March, 1607.
Signed. Seal broken. 1 p. (120. 140.)
The Enclosure:
Examination of Christofer Pickering, taken at Carlisle, 24 March, 1606[–7].
He gives details of a conspiracy between himself, Thomas Musgrave of Norton, his uncle John Musgrave of Caterlen, John Musgrave of Fayrebanke, Thomas Musgrave of Cum Catch, and Edward Fenton, Thomas of Norton's man, to rob the King's receiver when at Penarith. Their secret conferences were held at Eadenhall, the house of Sir Richard Musgrave the younger. The examinate, Thomas of Norton and John of Fayrebanke, overtook the receiver at Crookdale Hause, and took from him and his man 2 canvas bags containing 50l. each. Particulars of the division of the money. Lord Wharton being at Eadenhall, sent over to the examinate, commanding him to absent himself from that house until he could be acquitted of suspicion of the robbery. Details their subsequent proceedings down to his own apprehension.
pp. (115. 145.)
Sir William Dethick to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, March 25. His losses, through being put from his office and all his livings. Prays for payment of the annuity granted him for the composition of his office, and of charges for the King's and Prince's installations at Windsor.—25 March, 1607.
1 p. (P. 1162.)
Henry Dillon to the Same.
1607, March 26. For his 5 years' service as Attorney in the Province of Ulster, the Lord Deputy has advanced him to the office of Chief Justice of the Province of Connaught, upon the death of Thomas Dillon, late Chief Justice there. But the Earl of Clanricarde, Lord President of that Province, has recommended to the Lord Deputy another man and seems somewhat distasted of the writer, without doubt upon sinister report. He begs Salisbury to entreat the Earl to favour his appointment, and refers to the Lord Deputy for his character. It will be a great disgrace to him to surrender his patent, which he purposes to do if he may not obtain Clanricarde's favour.—Drogheda, 26 March, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 87.)
Captain Baxter to the Same.
1607, March 26. I understand by the Master of Requests, that these things contained in the letter may not be granted, for some consideration. I am not able to stay here any longer, having some people staying at the water's side upon my charge, to go dwell with me in Ireland; but I desire your lordship to understand, that within these 3 years I had great losses, and was three times in prison for debt. I had 3 horses burned in the Strand by the last fire, and have spent 100l. in staying for this last suit, which your Honour at first was bent to further me in. Seeing these concealments named may not be granted, which are brought to light by my means, and part of them in my own possession, I beseech you to weigh my poor estate that I shall return back in, and help me to the grant of the reversion of 3 or 4 small things that be in lease yet for 9 or 10 years to come, the names whereof I have, and one of them in my own possession; and that you will vouchsafe that I may speak with you, and receive some good direction for my relief.—26 March. 1607.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (121. 63.)
The "Ministres et Anciens des Eglises Réformées." assembled in National Synod, to the Duc de Rohan.
1607, March 26/April 5. They declare their desire for peace in the State, which they endeavour to further by enjoining on those in their charge obedience to magistrates. It is their duty also to lead men to the true way of salvation; and the sight of many under the servitude of Antichrist caused them to confirm that which was resolved upon at Gap. Nevertheless, in sole view of the mandate of his Majesty, they have decided to abandon that Article, but without relinquishing the substance of their Confession.—La Rochelle, 5 April, 1607.
Contemporary copy. French. 1¼ pp. (193. 95.)
The Same to the Duc de Sully.
1607, March 26/April 5. On the same subject, with more detail. Give their views as to the word "consubstantial." Beg him to submit to the King the just reasons they have for confirming their doctrine.—La Rochelle. 5 April, 1607.
Contemporary copy. French. 2 pp. (193. 95.)
[—] to Count Ernest of Nassau.
1607, March 27. The day you gave that magnificent banquet to the Estates a man arrived from Brussels with commandment from their Highnesses, and a memoir from Spinola containing that if on this side they were inclined to some simple cessation of arms for 7 or 8 months, that their Highnesses would send some one, having their passport, to treat. Thereafter was sent from Brussels one Vernier Crubbel with a Dr. John Meyen, native of Antwerp. Commissary General of the Friars Minor, confessor of the Archduke and almoner of the Infanta, who arrived secretly the 13 February, saying that their Highnesses had resolved to treat with this State as a free republic over which they made no pretensions, having commission to treat for a truce or cessation of arms for 8 months, during which neither party should undertake either siege or invasion against the other, to resolve thereafter the matter of peace. The substance of the answer of the Estates (which the monk copied with his own hand to carry away) was: That they should be held by their Highnesses for a free state over which they had no pretensions; that they should treat of a truce by land only and not by sea or by water, in rendering or exchanging one to the other certain places for its good performance. They went away and returned the 7th of March to the Hague, bringing the declaration abovesaid signed by their Highnesses, except that their Highnesses wish the cessation of arms to be as well by sea as by land, and in Spain and everywhere. And it seems that except for the cessation of arms by sea these Provinces are inclined to conclude the said truce. The very iniquitous conditions that the King of France has proposed have much advanced this affair; which are, that to discharge themselves of all the costs and doings of the war they should place themselves under the sovereignty of France, with the contributions and revenues that they collect to carry on the naval warfare; that the said conditions could be modified and changed after the reduction of the other provinces; that he desired to know what privileges they demanded should be confirmed to them; that it was necessary to give free exercise to the Roman religion, and to re-establish those of that clergy, his Majesty being willing to make war for the State and not for religion. You can think what assurance they can have in this proposition. His Excellency is in great perplexity about it.— From the Hague. 27 March, 1607.
Copy, headed: "Copie d'une lettre a Monsr. le Comte Ernest de Nassau." French. 1 p. (120. 141.)
Sir Griffin Markham to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1607], March 27. It much grieves me I have no opportunity to give by act a true demonstration of my willingness to become a suitor to you: but since my hard fortune and demerit have so far disabled me that I must still only rely upon mercy, grace and mere honour, give me leave to make relation of the truth of my poor estate and to crave your assistance for my return. I receive by certain intelligence out of England, that my friends or at least such as should be my friends, deal so hardly with me as what by any extremity can be wrested from me is not spared; and I am easily induced to believe it by reason my smarting wants make me feel it. My father's weak old age is wrought against me. My father-in-law is dead and by reason of my absence I can receive no portion. Sir John Harrington, because he has security of my lands to save himself by, I fear presses not my brother Skinner to give that due satisfaction which might discharge him and assist me. Thus all my estate stands embroiled so as presently it affords me nothing and will afford less if it be not helped; and the intricacies are such as none can do it but myself. Out of England I vow I have received but 20l. since my coming away, and that with difficulty; here these 9 months I have never received anything but words, neither expect any thing else, by reason some that sway here desire not too much my good. Take compassion of this distressed case and assist me to my return, whereby with my presence and diligence I may help myself; and by this favour you shall enable me the better to serve you. I foresaw this inconvenience before my banishment. which made me loiter, and by that means gained your displeasure; and were it not for fear of incensing where I have been so much bound I vow I would rather by my return put myself in prison to redeem my state than by staying here disenable myself to live and per consequence not be valued.—Brussels, this 27 of March.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1607." 1 p. (120. 143.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, March 28. The long languishing suit of the petitioners for Ripon church, and their daily mourning supplications, have drawn me once again to trouble you in their behalf. They desire nothing more than a speedy end of their 20 years' suit. Of the manifold imputations laid against them, if any one matter deserving blame or shame can be duly proved they will yield themselves to be guilty of all and will surcease this their suit immediately. And they deeply protest they are so far from seeking their own profit therein, corruptly or indirectly, that they offer presently to yield up their livings and preferments in that church, so that the work may well proceed. Vouchsafe some conference therein with this bearer Mr. Fouler, to me well known many years and an approved preacher under the testimony of the University of Cambridge above twenty years, who with the rest of the company submit themselves and this public cause wholly to your ordering.—At Lambeth. 28 March, 1607.
Signed. ½ p. (120. 145.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1607, March 29. Give me leave to be a suitor to your lordship that there may a more favourable consideration be had of me, to receive those sums which his Majesty allows for the diet of prisoners. Before my coming to the place the Lieutenants [of the Tower] were ever paid at the end of the quarters, or in very short time after, where[as] I am behind at this present for the whole half year: wherein you may consider that it is not the forbearance of that sum which presses me only, but chiefly that my expenses here run on still, which I assure you is greater than stands with my poor estate. Therefore I very humbly beseech you that some course may be taken that this place may be regarded in that sort as I may be able to perform the service, maintain my poor credit, and not consume my weak estate.— 29 March, 1607.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (120. 146.)
Examination of — Dumothey.
1607, March 29. He is a native of Lodun, in Touraine, and came to England to find employment. He came from Dieppe to London with a Scotsman who said he had been in the French King's Guards; and an Englishman who called himself George Southwell. At Dieppe Southwell placed certain books in the charge of the landlord of the "Ville de Londres," where they lodged, who showed them to examinate. Seeing them to be tous contraires a ceux de la Religion, he expressed to Southwell his surprise that any one calling himself of the Religion should carry such, to which he replied that it was in order to acquaint himself with religious controversies; that he wished to be a ministre, and had studied theology four years in England and Germany, and was then coming from Italy, where he had been obliged to disguise himself as a monk in order to pass. Having embarked at Dieppe, Southwell begged him to put the books into his trunk, which he did; and on arriving at Rye, and the trunk about to be searched, begged him, if asked, to declare them to be his; but the question was not asked. Then they came to London, he advancing the expenses. They lodged at an inn in a street called "Crucit Frairs" [Crutched Friars] where at supper Southwell was recognised by one present, and charged with having been taken prisoner at Dieppe; which he confessed, and said it was for leaving England without the King's leave. Southwell then drew examinate aside, and begged him to give him his books, as he feared the man who recognised him would betray him to the Council. He did so, and Southwell attached them to his aiguillettes under his mantle, and went away, promising to return the next day, which he never did.
He arrived at Rye on Wednesday, March 18, and in London on the Friday. He has been twice au presche des Francois, where he heard Monsieur Capel; and also twice to see the Court. He brought letters to a lady named Dame Barbar, given him in Paris by a Scots gentleman; and another letter to Sir John "Rannetsy," given him by Monsieur Schin, a Scots gentleman in the French King's Guards. Is of the Reformed Religion.— 29 March, 1607.
French. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Confession of a Frenchman that was stayed by Sir J. K." 4½ pp. (193. 88.)
Mustafa Agha to James I.
1607, March 31/April 10. I left Constantinople charged with the settlement of some matters relating to the subjects of the King of France, and also with a letter to your Majesty. I first went to Barbary on the business mentioned, then to Marseilles, where I have been five months without being able to get leave to proceed to England. I have informed the British Ambassador in Paris. Will your Majesty, on receiving this, send me instructions how to proceed by a safe messenger?—10 April, 1607.
Signed. Latin. 1 p. (193. 97.)
The Bishop of Hereford to the Earl of Salisbury.
1607, March 31. It has pleased God to visit me with sickness 20 days past, and I am in fear of a worse infirmity; and have obtained his Majesty's licence to depart, which I desire may not be offensive to you. I beseech that as I have served your father, and observed with all joy your advancements, so you will vouchsafe me still the sweet aspect of your protection. It may be that ignorantly I have committed some errors; if I have, I most humbly submit myself.—From my lodging in the College of Westminster, this last of March, 1607.
Holograph. 1 p. (193. 91.)
Mary, Lady Wingfield, to the Same.
[1607, March]. The greatness of your favours to my undeserving son both he, his friends, and fame itself have let me hear. Let it not detract from my poor thanks what is added to their slackness (I could not suddenly find way forth of my passions) they are unfeigned now or whensoever they come, though little worth but what you please to value them. It was the joy of my thoughts that I had a son your servant: my hope, that time and his endeavours would fit him for your service. It is my grief he is become unworthy the cognisance of such a lord; my fear that time will not so fit him, as he be thought unfit to serve you. But here is the remnant of my hopes, that though he is become unworthy to stand before you, having thus offended with his sword, yet that his sword may help to make his country recompense; and then I doubt not but your lordship, whose power is known abroad as well as seen at home, no less in war than here in peace, will let him feel the same hand of reward which he has done lately of bounty and protection: and it is an exceeding great (though unfortunate) reward to make him pass unpunished. This with all dutiful thankfulness I must acknowledge, and he with all humbleness profess, that you have given him his life. He holds it of you, and for ever I renounce him if he be not always ready to spend it for you.—Undated.
Holograph. Two seals over silk. Endorsed: "March, 1607." 1 p. (120. 147.)
[The King] to the Archbishop [of Canterbury] and [another?].
1606–7, March. We directed our letters heretofore to Sir John Paginton, knight, for the reconciling himself to the Lady Paginton his wife, as the laws of God and good reason would require, of which our letters no effect has ensued in regard Sir John seems to stand upon his justification and pretends to lay the fault as well of the beginning as of the continuance of this unkindness and living asunder to the said Lady Paginton and her friends; from some of which we rest assuredly persuaded that no other offices have proceeded but such as stand with due consideration both of reputation and conscience: whereby we conceive that this Christian work cannot be effected without some examination in "whither" [sic: which] party the fault rests. We have thought good to entreat your Grace, to whom the knowledge and handling of causes of this nature most properly appertain, and your lordship who are otherwise of the High Commission, and were trusted as overseer of the will of the former husband of the said Lady Paginton, and therefore we suppose will the rather be content to take pains between them, to take such course by mediation or otherwise as to your wisdom shall seem fit for the ending all unkindness between them, and to draw both parties to reconcile themselves and to cohabit in the fear of God, both for their own comfort and the avoiding of such example, which in persons of their quality is not a little to be respected. And so hoping your lordship [sic] may have good success in this good work we bid your lordship very heartily farewell.—Whitehall, this—of March, 1606.
Draft. Endorsed: "March, 1607. Minute to the L. Archbishop. Concerning Sir John Packington and his lady." 1¼ pp. (125. 74.)
Wives of the Marines of the Trial to the Privy Council.
[1607. Before April]. For recompense for the loss of the lives, goods and wages of their husbands, taken by the ships of the Viceroy of Cicilia, and tortured, famished or poisoned, so that three only returned alive. Can obtain no justice from Spain.
Note by Salisbury that the Council and the Spanish Ambassador will write to the King of Spain again thereon.
1 p. [See Cal. S.P. Venice, 1603–7, pp. 482, 483, 486, 488.] (P. 434.)