Index: U Z

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: U Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: U Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: U Z". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Ubanke, Mr., prebendary of Durham, 37, 138.

Udall, William, 66.
-, letters from, 173, 181, 242, 303.
-, information from, 68.

Udimore (Odymer, Sussex), 6.

Uffington, (Lincs.), 267.

-, Jacobus, 269.
-, Magnus, Vice-Admiral, 269.

Umphrey. See Humphrey.

Umplebie, Thomas, 14.

Union of England with Scotland (the Union), 129, 130, 341, 372–373, 442–443.

United Provinces (States General, the States. Estates), 42.
-, letter from, 364.
-, letter to, 371.
-, army of, troops for, to be levied in Ireland, 11.
-, -, denied fresh troops from England for service in, 51, 62, 71.
-, -, -, Archduke's scepticism about, 113.
-, -, Gascon voluntaries for, 146.
-, -, an attempt to raise a company for, in London, 277.
-, -, a request for a company in, 423.
-, -, English subjects for, 429.
-, -, leader of. See Nassau, Count Maurice.
-, offer to restore anything unlawfully taken by their ships, 31.
-, James I unable to assist financially, 70.
-, French sympathy with, 70.
-, and passage of the Thames, 82.
-, alleged Spanish offer of countries in possession of, to James I in return for his help in subduing, 118.
-, and affairs of Emden, 128.
-, direct their ships to obey James I's proclamations, 151.
-, States of Holland, runaways from to Archdukes' army, 153.
-, offer satisfaction for disorders caused by their ships in English ports, 166.
-, confidence in aid from England and France, 341.
-, new coinage, currency of, in Britain, 365.
-, request for a passport and letters of safe conduct from, 371.
-, a request by James I to, 374.
-, English securities for debts of, 430.
-, their agent in England. See Caron.
-, English agent to. See Winwood.
-, ships of. See under Ships. See also Zeeland.

Unwin, Jehan, French merchant, 379, 380.

Upton, [? Bucks], letter dated at, 195.

Urchenfeild, (Wales), 18.

Urwen, John alias Plowey, 351.

Ushant (Vsing), 150.

Uxbridge, [Middx.], 196, 424.

Uze, Anthony, 18.


Vacher, Jacques, Mayor and Captain of La Rochelle, order by, 141.

Vaghan. See Vaughan.

Val, Comte de la, 33.

Vale, John, 172.

Valencia, 450.

Valladolid, 11, 405.
-, Marquis of Spinola at, 46.

Vane, Sir Thomas, 83.

Vanlore, Peter, 232.

Vaudemont, Count, visits England, 286, 375, 460.
-, departure of, 314, 315, 316(2), 322.
-, a passport for, 315.

Vaughan (Vaghan):
-, Lewis, 460.
-, Richard, Bishop of London, 281.
-, -, letter from, 23.
-, Sir Roger, 135.
-, William, bill of charges of, from Dover to London, 148.
-, -, son-in-law of Paul de la Hay, 135.

Vaux (Vaulx):
-, Mrs., 97, 138, 453.
-, Mrs., alias Mrs. Perkins, 455.
-, Mrs., her servant. See Johnson.
-, Mrs. Anne, Garnet's references to, 87, 109 111.
-, -, taken to the Gatehouse, 109.
-, Mrs. Elizabeth, 409.
-, -, letter from, 114.

Vavasor, Alexander, 14, 15.

Vavasour, Sir Thomas, Knight Marshal, 289, 367.

-, Edward, 205.
-, John, 205.

Veere. See Vere.

Velasco, Juan Fernandez de, Constable of Castile (the Constable), 376.
-, Don Louis de, 72.
-, See also Blasco.

Venables, —, tenant of Andover parsonage, 266, 442.

Venice (Venetians), state of, 34, 283, 451.
-, decree of, against exportation of currants, 16.
-, ships and galleys of, 40, 177.
-, and title of Kings of Cyprus, 124, 400.
-, Pope's censure against, 450.
-, Doge (Prince or Duke) of, 450.
-, -, reference to a letter from, to his clergy, 140, 143.
-, ambassador to England. See under Ambassadors.

Vere (Veere), Sir Francis, Governor of the Briel, afterwards Governor of Portsmouth, 72, 176.
-, -, letter from, 154.
-, -, letter to, 398.

Verney, Sir Richard, letter from, 156.

Vernon, Frances, letter from, 450.

Verstegen (Vestegen, Werstegan), printer, of Antwerp, 227, 262.

Vestsuol, ? West Swale, q.v.

Vico, Pietro, letter from, 359.

Villa Luenza, Don Pedro Franquesa, Conde de, rents and goods of, 450–452.

Villa Mediana, Count. See Tassio.

Villeroy, Monsr. de, 64.

Vinegarden, the, letter dated at, 276.

Virginia, charter for plantation of, 84.
-, -, protest against form of, 133, 134.
-, suggested colonization of, by Roman Catholics, 173.
-, and the West Indies, Spain's view of, 452.

Vitry, M. de (Baron), 316.
-, letter from, 452.

Vittorio, Marcantonio, letter from, 83.

Vlishing. See Flushing.

Vyme, —, 403.


W.N. See N.W.

Waad (Wade), Sir William, Lieutenant of the Tower (Mr. Lieutenant), letters from, 97, 113, 120, 138, 163, 191, 210, 211, 229, 244, 336, 452, 453.
-, and Thomas Strange's relation, 191, 196.
-, references to, 60, 74, 108, 110, 115, 143, 244.

-, Henry, of Topsham, Devon, 449.
-, Robert, alderman of Colchester, 342.
-, See also Waad.

Waesmonstre. See Westminster.

Wakelin, Thomas, Justice, of Essex, letter from, 304.

Walachia. See Wallachia.

-, Nicholas, of Essex, a recusant, 211.
-, William, Justice, of Essex, letter from, 304.

Walden, Lord of. See Howard, Theophilus.

Walebrook. See London, places in, Walbrook.

Wales, instructions desired by judges, 340.
-, Justices of, letter from concerning accusations of alleged abuses, 22.
-, a circuit in, 186.
-, Catholic disturbances in, 75, 77.
-, office of Remembrancer in, 238.
-, causes relating to, 175, 238, 239, 409.
-, Marches of, Council of, 20, 65.
-, -, -, a slanderous petition against, 26.
-, -, -, new instructions for, 209, 410.
-, -, -, provision of diet for, 281–282.
-, -, -, President of, vacancy of office of, 281.
-, -, -, -. See also Zouche.

-, Thomas, 101.
-, William, a recusant, 363.

Wallachia (Walachia), Princes of, 181.

Waller, Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 424.

Wallet, Thomas, 220.

Walley, Father, a prisoner in the Gatehouse, 46, 74.

Walloon troops, 46.

Wallop, Sir Henry, as Sheriff of Shropshire, letters from, 65, 204.
-, his house at Farleigh Wallop, letter dated at, 276.

Wallsingame. See Walsingham.

Walmesley (Walmsley), Sir Thomas, justice of the Common Pleas, 36, 115.
-, letter to, 205.
-, a complaint of his treatment of Sir Richard Ogle, 220–221.

Walshe (Walsh):
-, Sir Richard, letters from, 97, 173, 337.
-, Robert, a priest, 239.
-, Sir Robert, sheriff of Worcester, letter from, 4.
-, Sir William, 34.

Walsingham (Wallsingame), Sir Francis, 377, 400, 403.
-, Lady, 278.

Walter, John, servant of Lieutenant of the Tower, 459.

Waltham, (Essex), 406.

Waltham, —, 403.

Walthew, Robert, serjeant of the confectionery, 211.

Wanstead (Wansted), [Essex], letter dated at, 394.

Warburton (Warberton), Sir Peter, Justice, 115, 220, 221.
-, -, letter to, 205.
-, -, 102.

Ward, Hare, 165.

Warden, the Lord, of the Cinque Ports. See Cinque Ports, and Howard, Henry.

Wardour [Warder]. See Arundel, Thomas.

Wards and Liveries, Court of, 249, 447.
-, Attorney of, 47.
-, Surveyor of, letter to, 440.
-, charges against Salisbury concerning, 164.

wards and wardships, 6, 175, 394, 418, 457.

Ware, (Herts.), 315, 316.

Wark, [Northumb.], Castle, 358, 428.

Warkworth Castle, (Northumb.), 421.

Warmouthe, William, 295.
-, letter from, 327.

Warner, Sir Ed., 435.
-, -, 426.

Warren, La., in the Tower, 182.

Warwick, 444.

Warwick, Earl and Countess of. See Dudley.
-, Lord, 373.

Warwicke, Bartholomew, of Newbie, 351.

Warwickshire, 240.
-, the rebellion, in, 156.
-, search for Catholic suspects in, 174, 182.

Wassenaur (Wassenaer, Holland), 42.

Waterhows, Edward, 206.

Watermen's Hall, Masters of, 291.

Waterton, —, a messenger, 39.

Watson (Wattson), Captain, 190.
-, Mr., 382.
-, Thomas, 190.
-, -, 454.

-, Eunice, 100.
-, Thomas, servant, 101.

Watts (Wattes):
-, Sir John, Alderman of London 169.
-, Richard, letter from, 101.

Wattson. See Watson.

Waus, Joice, shipowner, 448.

-, Sir John, 433.
-, -, letter from, 453.
-, Mr., 101.
-, Mrs., 101.

Wekes, Sir Thomas, 244.

Welbye, Thomas, 220.

-, Sir Ralph, 316.
-, Richard, alias Cocke, 49.

Wellingborough, (Northants.), 24.

Wells, (Somerset), letter dated at, 231.

Wells, Dean of. See Heydon.

Wells, William, 220.

Welsh Newton (Welchenewton), [Heref.], 36.

Wentworth, Sir John, 343.

Werstegan. See Verstegen.

Wesely, Mr., 362.

Wesson. See Weston.

-, John, groom of the Privy Chamber, 417.
-, Mrs., 29.

Westham. See Ham, West.

West India fleet, 179, 341.

West Indies, and Virginia, Spain's view of, 452. And see Indies; Margarita; Trinidad.

Westminster. See London and Westminster, places in.

Westmorland, Lord Dacre's manors in, 100.
-, gentlemen of, to contribute to transportation of the Grahams, 215, 224.

Westmorland, pretended Countess of, 36.

Weston, [Bucks.], letter dated at, 241.

Weston (Wesson, Lincs.), tenants of manor of, petition from, 220.

Weston, Sir Richard, 163.

West Swale (Vestsuol, Kent), 359.

Westwood. See Lewisham.

Whaddon, [Bucks.], stewardship of, 26.

Whartonne, Samuel, letter from, 318.

-, William, a tailor, John Inglby's servant, 13, 14.
-, -, statement by, 15.
-, William, of Windesley Garthe, statement by, 14.

Whitall, James, a recusant, 173.

White (Whyte), —, a priest, 8, 9, 138.

Whiteheade, William, deputy at Tynemouth Castle, 328, 366, 367.

Whitewebs. See Enfield Chase.

Whitlock, Captain E., letter from, 453.

Whitten, Harry, Controller of Woodstock, 356.

Whittington, vicar of. See Bratt.

Whittle, Mr., parson of Milden, 321.

Whittlesford (Witlesford) Bridge, [Camb.], postal endorsement at, 326.

-, Sir Thomas, knt., 12, 17.
-, William, sheriff of Worcestershire [rectius Staffs.], letter from, 16.

Whyte. See White.

Whythere, —, 115.

Wiborne, Edmond, of Battle, Sussex, 360.

Wickham (Wickeham), letter dated at, 19.

Widderington. See Witherington

Widford, (Essex), 49.

Widipoll, —, 430.

Wight, Isle of, 270.

Wilbraham, Sir Roger, (the Queen's Chancellor), 6, 17, 188, 203, 243.
-, letters from, 326, 332.
-, a position in Ireland for, 314.
-, as Master of Requests, 324, 326.

Wilkinson, Richard, a Clerk of the Chancery, letter from, 44.

Willaston, William, merchant, letter from, 139.

Willbraham. See Wilbraham.

-, Sir David, judge, 254.
-, Sir John, Lord Williams of Thame, 340.
-, Mr., the King's goldsmith, 305.
-, Richard, 59.
-, -, servant of Lord Northumberland, 426.

Williamson, —, a roper, 14.

Willoughby, Sir S., 155.

Willoughby (Wyllowghby), Lord.
-, See Bertie.

Wilmot, Sir Charles, letter from, 454.

Wilsby, William, 220.

Wilson (Wylsone, Wyllson):
-, Edward, 10.
-, Marmaduke, 398.
-, Thomas, Lord Salisbury's secretary, 130.
-, -, letters from, 177, 454.
-, -, letters to, 57, 229.
-, -, sent to Worcestershire, expenses of, 454.
-, -, his cousin Amis, 455.
-, Thomas. See also Barnes.
-, -, 232.

Wiltshire, 433, 459.

Wimberley, Thomas, 220.

Wimborne, St. Giles, [Dorset], letter dated at, 116.

Winchester (Winton) College, 442.

Winchester, Marquis of. See Paulet.
-, Lucy, Marchioness of Winchester, Lord Salisbury's niece, letter from, 455.

Windebank, Sir Thomas, letters from, 112, 209, 275.

Windesley Garthe, 14.

Windham, —, steward, 59.

Windsor, installation at, 129, 139(3).
-, the sickness at, 274, 279.
-, the King to visit, 239, 252, 275, 276, 277, 288.

Windsor (Wyndsor):
-, Lady, 307.
-, Sir William, suspected of complicity in Gunpowder Plot, 32, 63, 64, 72, 153, 200.
-, -, letters from, 456(3).
-, -, to repair to England, 46, 51, 63, 64.
-, -, confined to his house on bail, 82.
-, -, and a matter of discord, 349.

wines, seizure of, 48, 59.

Wingfield (Wingfeld, Wyngfeild):
-, Mary, Lady Wingfield, letter from, 457.
-, Sir Robert, letters from, 195, 219, 332, 456(2).
-, Thomas, feodary, letter from, 75.

Winks, —, 60.

Winston, (Durham), 362.
-, parson of. See Thurscros.

Winter (Wynter, Wynsour):
-, Sir Edward, letter from, 207.
-, Robert, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 35, 36, 399, 442.
-, -, seizure of goods of, 4, 13–15.
-, -, arrest of, 11–12, 17(2).
-, -, aiders of, 34.
-, -, execution of, 52.
-, Thomas, a suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 13–15, 61, 126, 161, 399, 442.
-, -, confession of, 9.
-, -, execution of, 52.
-, -, his relations with Garnet, 75, 76, 86, 96.
-, -, goods of, commission for restitution of, 338.

Winton. See Seton.

Winwood, Ralph, English agent to States General, 166, 238, 359, 374.

Wisbech, [Cambs.], 239.

Wiseman (Wyseman):
-, Henry, 4.
-, Sir —, J.P., 404.

Wismar (Wistmer) [Germany], 20.

Wiston (Wyston, Sussex), letter dated at, 290.

Witherington (Widderington, Woodrington):
-, Sir Henry, in charge of Tynemouth Castle, 327, 333, 334, 366.
-, -, letter to, 457.
-, Roger, brother of Sir Henry, a papist, 333.
-, -, letter from, 457.
-, -, relations with Percy and other papists, 250–251.

Witlesford. See Whittlesford.

Woburn (Wooburn), [Beds.], letter dated at, 26.

Wodenothe, Jo., his Report, 459.

Woking (Ockeng), [Surrey], 276, 277.
-, (? Okkin), letter dated at, 157.

Wolstenholm, Mr., 245.

Wooburn. See Woburn.

-, Sir John, 275.
-, Stephen, merchant, 349.

Woodcocke, —, 453.

Woodhall Lodge, [Lincs.], letter dated at, 7.

Woodrington. See Witherington.

Woodrowff (Wooddrowff, Woodrooffe), James, Mayor of Barnstaple, 234–235, 252– 253.
-, letters from, 213, 221.
-, letter to, 222.

Woodstock, [Oxford], 356.

Woodville, —, Earl Rivers, 340.

Woollseye, Robert, 220.

wools, licences for, 161(2), 358, 386.
-, See also Cloth trade.

Worcester, 19, 37.
-, letter dated at, 17.
-, gaol, suspects in, 17, 35.
-, bailiffs of, 415.

Worcester, Bishop of, John, 340.
-, -, See also Heath, and Babington.
-, Bishopric, Dean and Chapter, a charter encroaching on liberties of, 460.
-, Earl of. See Somerset.

Worcestershire, 240, 454.
-, Roman Catholics in, 13, 182, 242.
-, traitors in, trial of aiders of, 27, 34.
-, feodary of. See Childe.
-, justices of, letter from, 17.

Workington, (Cumb.), 215, 284, 286, 315.

Works, Office of, Purveyor of, 206.

Worsenham, Mr., an officer of the Customs, 210.

Worsley, —, 249.

Wortington, Thomas, president of Douai College, 63, 176.

-, Edward, Lord Wotton of Maherly, 59, 286.
-, -, as Lord Lieutenant of Kent, letter to, 86.
-, Sir Edward, letters from, 296, 460.

Wright (Wryght, Wryte):
-, Dr., of Wells, 231.
-, Henry, 42.
-, -, letter from, 52.
-, Mr., 428.
-, -, suspect in Gunpowder Plot, 75, 76.
-, -, a priest, 242.

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton, 36.
-, letters from, 196, 233, 249, 304, 446.
-, James I dines with, 270.
-, his aunt. See Cornwallis.

Wroth, Sir R., 461.

Wryght, Wryte. See Wright.

Wych, James, consul in St. Sebastian, accusations against, 57– 58.

Wycliffe, —, 75.

Wye (Wy), Alexander, 66.

Wylde, George, 27, 34.

Wyllowghby [Willoughby], Lord. See Bertie.

Wyllson, Wylsone. See Wilson.

Wyndsor. See Windsor.

Wyngfeild. See Wingfield.

Wynsour. See Winter.

Wynter. See Winter.

Wyseman. See Wiseman.

Wyston. See Wiston.


Yarmouth, merchants of, seized by Dunkirker, 127, 167.

Yarnton, [Oxon.], letter dated at, 287.

Yaxley, Sir R., 155.

-, Sir Charles, 115.
-, [Christopher], Justice of the King's Bench, 15.
-, Mr., 128, 129.

Yonge. See Young.

York, 279, 290, 319, 356.
-, letters dated at, 22, 32, 138, 225, 247, 256, 296.
-, province of, popery in, 21.
-, Council at. See North, Council of the.
-, Lord President of, 369.

York, Archbishop of. See Hutton; Matthew; Sandys; Young.
-, Deanery of, solicitation for, 38.

York, Duke of. See Charles.

York Herald of Arms. See Brooke.

-, Sir John, 13.
-, Richard, 13.
-, Thomas, 13, 14.

Yorkshire (Ebor), 334, 433.
-, lands of Duke of Lennox in, 246.
-, capture of recusants in, 247.

Young (Younge, Yonge):
-, Thomas, letter from, 460.
-, Thomas, Archbishop of York, 22.
-, William, gent., deputy of Sir Richard Hawkins, 312.
-, Justice, 400.


Zante, 16.

Zefalonia. See Cephalonia.

Zeeland, 232, 345, 349. See also United Provinces.

Zouche, Edward la, Lord Zouche, Lord President of the Council of the Marches of Wales, 238.
-, letter to, 26.
-, letters from, 202, 234, 292, 297.

Zuniga. See Cuniga.