Index: F

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Fachardo. See Fajardo.

Faille, della, SSi, 323.
-, Charles della, letter from, 10.
-, Daniel de la, 239.

Falmouth, anchorage dues enforced at, 365.

Fajardo (Fachardo, Faxardo, Lajardo), Don Luiz, General of Spanish armado, seizes English ships, 77, 179, 264, 265.
-, letter from, 345.

Fane, Sir Thomas, lieutenant of Dover Castle, 423.
-, letters from, 10, 30(2).

Fant, Mr., 229.

Farleigh Wallop (Farley), [Hants.], letter dated at, 276.

Farmer, John, a recusant of Leicester, arrested at Nottingham, 32.

Farnham, [Surrey], 275, 276.
-, letters dated at, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252.

Faukes, Faux. See Fawkes.

Faunt, Mr., 275.

Favell, William, 14.

Favor, John, vicar of Halifax, epigram by, 269.

Faweather, James, letter from, 399.

Fawkes (Faux, Faukes), Guy, 10, 110.
-, accusation against Owen, 9, 161.
-, execution of, 52.
-, sent into Low Countries, 75, 76.

Faxardo. See Fajardo.

Fenner, Mr. Justice, 186.

Fenning, Sir R., 155.

Fens, the, draining of, 131, 332, 456.

Fenton, Viscount. See Erskine.

Fermanagh (Ireland), 223.

Ferne, Sir John, letters from, 21, 32.
-, -, 102.

Ferrers, Sir Humfrey, 428.
-, letter from, 172.

Ferris, Richard, King's messenger, 37.

Ferrour, John, letter from, 399.

Ficheborne [? Titchborne, Chideock], 423.

-, Gregory, 9th Lord Dacre, reversion of his manors, 100.
-, Richard, 7th Lord Say and Sele, letters from, 266, 270, 442.

Finch, Sir Moyle, Sheriff of Kent, 117.

Finwood, John, cook, 11.

First Fruits, payment of, 399.

-, Sir Clement, 174.
-, -, his fine in Exchequer Chamber, 219.

Fitzgerald (Fytsgerald):
-, Gerald, 14th Earl of Kildare, 289.
-, -, letter from, 176.
-, James Fitz Thomas of Desmond [in the Tower], 203.
-, -, 102.

Fitzherbert (Fitzharbert, Fytsherbert), —, 102.
-, -, at Rome, 61, 319.
-, Tho., 175.

FitzJames, Nicholas, a priest, 142.

Fitz-Pierce, Sir James, 233.

Fitzwilliam, Walter, letter from, 102.

Fitzwilliam(s), Sir William, 39.
-, -, letter from, 345.

Flack (Flaque):
-, Gulielmo, letter to, 164.
-, Father, vice-president of Jesuit College at St. Omer, 169.

Flamsteed, —, a servant of Tresham's, 39.

Flanders and the Flemings, 176.
-, made galley slaves, 77.
-, a Dunkirker attempts to reach, 148–151.
-, military operations expected in, 152.
-, Spanish attempt to procure English trade for, 262.
-, pardon of three Flemings, 346.
-, lawyers of, 430.

Flaque. See Flack.

Fleete (Fleett), Jo., J.P. of Worcestershire, 34.
-, letter from, 17.

-, Giles, merchant, 169.
-, Sir Thomas, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 39, 247, 396, 408, 436.
-, -, letter from, 190.

Flemings. See under Flanders.

Flemish Church, the. See under London, places in.

Fletcher, Dr., his son at Cambridge University, 137.

Flood. See Fludd.

Florence, 196.
-, letter dated at, 102.
-, Florentine galleys, 148.
-, Florentine secretary, the, 403.
-, English agent at, 316.

Florence, Duke of, 451.
-, -, his action against the Turks, 187.
-, Great Duchess of, 172.

Flower, Sir George, sergeant major in forces in Ireland, 384.

Fludd (Flood):
-, Matthew, alias Tully, 397(2).
-, Robert, letter from, 241.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 241.
-, -, letter to, 241.

Flushing (Vlishing), an alleged plot to surprise, 197–200.
-, the Grahams sent to, 294.
-, Lieutenant Governor of. See Browne.

Flynt, Humfrey, letter from, 185.
-, -, 461.

Fontaine (Fontayne), Mons. de la, 256.

Fonthill (Fowntell, Wilts), 352.

Force, Mons. de la, Captain of Gascon voluntaries, 146.

Forset, Mr., 210.

Fortescue (Fortescew):
-, Sir John, 296, 386, 408.
-, Nicholas, 399.

Fortunate Islands, Knights of, 182.

-, Sir Jh., 115.
-, John (Andrewes Jonie of Stonegarthside), 351.
-, John (Reade Jonie), 351.
-, Quintane, of Crakethorpe, 351.
-, William, 351.
-, family of, border outlaws, 295, 351.

Foulis, Sir David, letter from, 48.

Foulk, Sir H., 190.

-, John, 94.
-, -, 182.

Fowntell. See Fonthill.

Fox (Foxe):
-, Michael, 39.
-, Thomas, 18.

Foxton (Foxsonne), [Leics.], 5.

France, and the French, 23, 351.
-, made galley slaves, 77.
-, Admiral of, 77.
-, Ambassador of, 47.
-, -. See also under Ambassadors.
-, Council of State of, and a complaint by English merchants, 170.
-, Dauphin and princesses of, christening of, 172.
-, transport of two suspicious people into, 241.
-, physicians, 241.
-, monetary aid to the United Provinces from, 341.
-, in England, help for, 379.
-, treaty with England, 380.
-, English cloth trade to, 453.
-, ships. See under Ships.
-, King of. See Henry IV.
-, Queen of. See Margaret.

Francis (Frauncis):
-, Sir Edward, 425, 426.
-, John, post at Chester, 340.

Francisco, Colonel Jacques and Thomaso, alleged plotters against James I and towns of Flushing, Sluys, etc., 197– 200, 207–208, 219(2), 261, 423.

Franco, Signor. See Paul V.

Frank, territory of, in debt to Scotsmen, 157.

Frankfort, 434.

Frauncis. See Francis.

Frear, Thomas, M.A., letter from, 400.

Freuillion, Mr., 29.

Fryerning (Fryaninge, Essex), 49.

Fulham [Middx.], letter dated at, 360.

-, Fr., 433.
-, Mr., Auditor General, 433.
-, Mr., 443.

Fullerton, Sir James, 244, 255.
-, his lands in Ireland, 291, 292.

Fullwood (Fulwood), Richard, 242.
-, -, his relations with Garnet, 87, 113, 126, 182, 453.
-, -, trusted by Jesuits, 114.

Furioso, Signor. See Cresswell.

Fyts. See Fitz.