Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Tailour, Taillour. See Taylor.

Taker (Tater), Mr., 70.

Talbot (Talbott):
-, Sir Ed., 216.
-, Edward, 427.
-, -, letter from, 33.
-, George, cousin of Earl of Shrewsbury, 639.
-, Gilbert, K.G., 7th Earl of Shrewsbury, 49.
-, -, letters from, 25, 46, 51, 93, 110, 141, 158, 159, 330, 387, 451, 465, 639(2).
-, -, disabled by gout, 40, 46, 51, 141, 158.
-, -, buys land from Lord Salisbury, 40, 46.
-, -, and lieutenancy of Derbyshire, 330.
-, Sir John, 216, 588.
-, John (cousin of the Earl of Shrewsbury), a recusant, 25.
-, -, letter from, 49.
-, John, of Grafton, brother of Lord Windsor, 527.
-, -, letter to, 187.
-, -, arms and munition seized, 494.
-, John, servant of Sir Walter Ralegh, 444.
-, Mr., 477.
-, -, father in law to Robert Winter, 466.

Tanner, Mr., 257.

Tarrail. See Terraile.

Tasburgh, Lady, 539, 569, 570.

Tassio (Taxis, Tassis, Tasses), Juan Baptista de, Count of Villa Mediana, Spanish Ambassador in England:
-, -, letters to, 61, 310, 386.
-, -, letter from, 415.
-, -, and the United Provinces, 2, 139.
-, -, visits the Tower, 39, 600.
-, -, and Lord Nottingham's embassy to Spain, 128, 129.
-, -, attempts to levy British forces for war in Low Countries, 197–198, 200, 640.
-, -, and English foreign trade, 198, 243.
-, -, complains of English pirates, 243, 295.
-, -, urges measures for safe conduct of Spanish troops from Dover to Low Countries, 255, 256, 279, 281, 313, 336, 365, 420, 641.
-, -, departure from England of, 303, 389, 394–395, 397, 398, 399, 411, 415, 417, 420, 472.
-, -, -, hostility shown to, 407–408.
-, -, and Lord Arundel's passage to Low Countries, 415, 421.
-, -, arrives in Brussels, 425.
-, -, references to, 76, 246, 252, 390, 463, 513, 602.

Tate, William, letters from, 490, 496, 563.

Tater (Taker), Mr., 70.

Tatelier, Captain, 211.

Taustocke. See Tavistock.

Taverner, Mr., the king's woodward, 349.

Tavistock (Tavstock, Towstocke, Taustocke, Devon), letters dated at, 279, 381, 470.

Taxation, in Surrey, 50.

Taxis. See Tassio.

Taylor (Tailor, Taillour):
-, Dr., letter to, 593.
-, Francis, parson of Godalming, 406(2).
-, Henry, a recusant printer, 328, 329.
-, John, 353.
-, Dr. Robert, 399, 407–408, 522.
-, -, letter from, 389.

Taylor (Tealious). See Downinge.

Tegius (Teggius), Bernhard, secretary of magistrates of Hamburg, 405, 446.

Temes. See Thames.

Tempest, Edward, 389.

Temple, Edmund, 8.

Tenny, Joseph, an adventurer, examination of, 163.

Terraile (Tarrail), Captain le, a Frenchman serving the Archdukes, 317, 370, 401, 498, 558.
-, -, attempts to capture Bergen op Zoom, 424.

Terrovane. See Thérouanne.

Tesemund (Tismond), Father Oswald, alias Greenway, 501, 513, 528, 595.

Testament, the New, a translator of, 406.
-, a Rheims (Rems), 613.

Tettersall, George, 231.

Thames (Temes) river, 272.
-, ships from, to be searched, 298.

Theobalds (Thibaulds, Tibballs, Theoballs, Herts.), Lord Salisbury's house at, 54, 160, 286.
-, -, letter dated from, 127.
-, -, alterations to, 215.
-, Park, the New River at, 181.

Thérouanne (Terrovane, France), 498.

Thetcher, Mr., a kinsman of the Lord Treasurer, 472.

Thetford [Norfolk], 95.
-, letters dated at, 78(2), 79, 80, 81(2), 84, 85(2), 86, 88, 89(2), 90(2), 91, 92.
-, James I at, 65, 70(2), 72, 531.

Thibaulds. See Theobalds.

Thimblebye (Thimblebey, Thymbleby):
-, Charles, 626.
-, Mr. Richard, 501, 626.

-, Richard, 595.
-, -, his dictionary, printing of, 462.

-, Anthony, minister, letter from, 112.
-, -, 573.

Thomond, Earl of. See O'Brien.

Thornbury (Thorneberry), William, 484, 529.

Thorney (Cambs.), 466.

Thorney, Mr., 73.

-, Margaret, 502.
-, William, 502.

Thorpe, Mr., a surveyor, 350.

Threherne, John, vicar of Newport, examination of, 40.

Throckmorton (Throgmorton, Throkmorton):
-, Captain, 424, 498, 640.
-, -, levies men for Archduke's service, 253, 276.
-, Captain, sergeant-major of Flushing, 392.
-, Sir Arthur, 600.
-, -, letter from, 644.
-, Mr. Thomas, 500.
-, Captain Thomas, abstract of letters to, 523–524.

Throgmorton. See Throckmorton.

Thurnham (Thurnam, Lancs), 57.

-, Adryan, 236.
-, Gerald, 236.

Thymblebye. See Thimblebye.

Thyne, Charles, 505–506.

Tichborne (Ticheborne) [Hants.], letter dated at, 492.

Tichborne (Ticheborne):
-, Sir Benjamin, 256.
-, -, letter from, 492.
-, Lionel, letter from, 453.

Tichfield. See Titchfield.

Tielmont. See Tirlemont.

Tilbury [Essex], letters dated at, 32, 52, 99, 170, 215, 386, 414.

Tilsley, Mr., 144.

Tilts (Tournaments):
-, a proposed, 224.
-, names of runners at, 107.

Timber, felling of, a complaint against, 265.

Tin mining, 429, 490.

Tindale. See Tynedale.

Tinmouth. See Tynemouth.

Tirlemont (Tielmont, Belgium), 267.

Tirrell, Mr., 48, 217, 365.

Tirwitts, the, 500.

Tismond, See Tesemund.

Titchfield (Tichfield, Hants.), 333.
-, letters dated at, 276, 286, 465.

Tithing men, 492.

Tiverton, 155.

Tobacco, sent to a prisoner in the Tower, 517.
-, suit of, 180.
-, suit for impost of, in Ireland, 50.

Toldervey, Christopher, 63.

Toledo, Cardinal of, 229, 230, 233.

Toleration of religion advocated, 101, 113.

Tolleto, —, Ambassador of the Archdukes in Rome, 317.

Tomkins, Captain, 472.

Tompkins, —, 236.

Tomwood Hill (nr. London), 532.

Topcliffe (Yorks.), 495.

Topclyffe, —, 356.

Topperley, —, 514.

Torbay [Devon], road of, 304.

Torcester. See Towcester.

Torner, —, 551.

Torphicken (Torphecin), Lord. See Sandiland.

Torrell, Mr., 501.

Torrington (Norfolk), manor of, 644.

Totnam, —, 538, 569.

Tottenham High Cross [Middlesex], 127.

Touchet, George, 18th Lord Audley, letter from, 140.

Toulon (Tulonn), 567.

Tournaments. See under Tilts.

Touneshend. See Townsend.

Towcester (Tovcester, Torcester), 529, 569.

Townley, Mr., 454.

Townsend (Touneshend):
-, Sir Henry, letters from, 466, 544.
-, Robert, 529.
-, Mr., of Milford Lane, 640.

Townsends, 453.

Towstocke. See Tavistock.

Traceres. See Azores.

Trade, alleged French restraint of, 328, 419.
-, companies for France and Spain, 418, 419.
-, with Turkey, 418, 419, 467–468.
-, in the Mediterranean, 566–567.

Trades and Occupations:
-, an attorney, 515.
-, bakers, brown and white, controversies between, 178.
-, a barber-surgeon, 627.
-, a bookbinder, 82.
-, cardmakers, 179.
-, a chandler, 532.
-, clothmakers, 180(2), 327.
-, a cutler, 502.
-, dyeing, 174.
-, flute player to the king, 297.
-, a haberdasher, 562.
-, a hosier, 551.
-, a joiner, 502.
-, leather curriers, 146.
-, a pewterer, 532.
-, a plumber, 275, 593.
-, scriveners, 462, 514.
-, a tailor, 514.

Trafford, Sir Edmund, 57.

Travel, request for a licence to, 239.

Treasurer, the Lord High. See Sackville.

Treaty of Spain and the Archdukes with England, 18, 142, 200, 204, 285, 313.
-, errors found in, 205.
-, ceremony of swearing to, 228–230.
-, reference to, in a forged letter, 291.

Tredegar (Tredegan, Monm.), 40.

Trelawney, John, wardship of his heir, 155.

Trelawaren [Trelowarren]. See Mawgan in Meneage.

-, John, 591.
-, Margaret, 591.

Trench, Mr., 48, 217.

Trencher, Sir G., 365.

Trent, river, 349.

Tresham (Trisham, Tressam, Treshame, Tresame):
-, Francis, 522, 528.
-, -, information concerning, in Winter's confession, 512–513.
-, -, grant of goods of, 532, 559, 634.
-, -, illness of, 553(2).
-, -, his father's debts, 559.
-, -, Lewis, brother of Francis, 528.
-, Lady, 644.
-, M., Lady, mother of Francis, letter from, 559.
-, Sir Thomas, 463, 500, 572.
-, -, his alleged base-son, 528.
-, William, brother of Francis, 528.
-, family of, alliances of, 579.

Tressam. See Tresham.

Trevor, Tho., 347.

Trisham. See Tresham.

Troughton, Captain, 261, 472.

Trumball, —, Sir Thomas Edmondes's man, 544.

Truro [Cornwall], 54.

Tsedlyte, Hans Christopher von, 107.

Tudeley (Tuderly), [Kent], letter dated at, 69.

Tudge, John, 584.

Tulonn. See Toulon.

Turkey, Sultan of (the Emperor, great Signor, Grand Seignior), 135, 277, 362, 371.
-, -, trade with, 418, 419, 467– 468.
-, -, presents sent to, 428, 467.

Turner, Dr., 444.
-, Captain William, letter from, 544.

Turvey [Beds.], 528.

Tutfield (Tuttfeilde), —, tutor to Lord Mordaunt's son, 528, 626.

Tuttye, John, examination of, 499.

Tuxford [Notts.], postal endorsement at, 84.

Twizell, (Twysell), [Northumb.], letter dated at, 132.

-, Humphrey, letter from, 137.
-, Sir John, 465.

Tynedale (Tindale), [Northumb.], 410.

Tyne, river, 126.

Tynemouth, letter dated at, 489.
-, Castle, 526.
-, -, letter dated at, 483.

Typper, William, 638.
-, -, letter from, 58.

Tyrconnell, Earl of. See O'Donnell.

Tyrie, Captain, 152.

Tyrone, Earl of. See O'Neill.

Tyrone, county, 542.