Index: N O

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Index: N O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: N O', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: N O". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Namur [Belgium], 267.

Nantwich (Namptwiche, Cheshire), postal endorsement at, 362.

Naples, 172, 237, 342, 567; see also Neapolitan.

Narbonne (Norbona, France), 400.

Narrow Seas. See Channel.

Nason, Richard, 493.

Nassau, Count Ernest (Ernestus), 135, 211, 316, 336.
-, Count Henry, 19, 370.
-, Count or Grave Maurice (his Excellency), leader of army of States General, 149, 195, 371, 384, 401, 411.
-, -, blockades Antwerp and neighbouring towns, 196, 197, 200, 204–5, 207, 220, 248, 253, 267, 294, 316, 337, 438, 440.
-, -, to fight in Friesland, 253, 267, 279, 280.
-, -, departs from the Groyne, 303.
-, -, new fortifications built by, 329.
-, -, the plague in his camp, 330.
-, -, leaves Flanders, 342.
-, -, at Arnhem, 369.
-, -, to fight Spinola, 410.
-, -, attempts to stop food supplies to Spinola, 425.
-, -, a Spanish jester desires to visit, 432.
-, -, surprises Neuss on the Rhine, 498.
-, -, at assembly of States General at the Hague, 553–554.
-, -, men from the Briel to be sent to, 632.
-, -, deputy of States General to. See Magnis.
-, Count William of, 280.

Navarre, 202.

Neale (Neile):
-, Francis, Auditor, 112, 266, 471.
-, -, memorandum by, concerning land tenures, 218.
-, Richard, Dr., of Cambridge University, 81, 102, 143, 161.
-, -, letters from, 288, 471.
-, Dr., letter to, 505.
-, Sir Thomas, 604.

Neane. See Nen.

Neapolitan troops for Low Countries, 205, 220, 248, 268.

Neile. See Neale.

Neiton. Mr., 159.

Nelltropp, —, attendant on Lord Mordaunt in the Tower, 626.

Nelston, George, 626.

Nen (Neane) river (Isle of Ely), 452.

Nesmith, Mr., the King's surgeon, 115.

Ness (Nesse), West (Yorks.), 648.

Netherbie, Walter of, 309.

Netherlands (Low Countries), 195, 415, 610.
-, secret communications from, 39.
-, applications for excuse from service in, 69, 73.
-, Spanish soldiers for, 138, 156, 164, 210, 237(2), 294.
-, Englishmen pressed into, 179,
-, attempts to establish free commerce with, 198, 222, 247–248, 282–285, 336, 341, 366, 401.
-, a request to live in, 203.
-, pretension of commissions from, 210–211.
-, ships from Lisbon bound for, 234, 235.
-, import of goods from Holland, 248.
-, Irishmen bound for, 278.
-, as dowry for Infanta, 302.
-, French protection proffered to, 317.
-, the Spaniards advancing into, 357.
-, men sent to Jesuits in, 545, 546.
-, alleged attempt at reform of Catholics in, 549.
-, Spanish mills in, 561.

Neubotle. See Newbattle.

Neucastell. See Newcastle.

Neufchastel, 197.

Neuss (Nuys) on the Rhine, 498.

Nevill (Nevell, Nevile, Neville):
-, Lady Adeline, 109.
-, Charles, 6th Earl of Westmorland, 500.
-, Sir Henry, 13, 607.
-, -, letter from, 470.
-, Dr. Tho., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 61.
-, -, letter from, 462.

Newbattle (Neubotle), Lord. See Ker.

Newbury (Berks.). 500.
-, letter dated at, 99.

Newby (near Boroughbridge, Yorks.), 503.

Newcastle-on-Tyne (Neucastell), 139, 500.
-, letters dated at, 134, 190, 202.
-, sea coals of, measuring of, 126, 133, 277.
-, meeting of Commissioners for Border Causes at, 151, 201.
-, gaol delivery at, 191.
-, Roman Catholics shelter at, 194.
-, the Grahams conveyed to, 237, 238, 289, 309, 310.
-, Trinity House at, 338.
-, assizes at, 382.
-, merchants of, and customs on cloth, 586.
-, mayor of, 190, 289.
-, -. See also Dudley and Riddell.

Newcastle [-under-Lyme, Staffs.], election of a burgess of, 358.

Newdegate, Robert, J.P. for Beds., letter from, 483.

Newehall Jocelines. See Roding, High.

New Forest, the, 423.

Newfoundland, 400.

Newgent, Richard, 363.

Newhall, the Lord of, 517.

Newington (Kent), 26, 585.

Newmarket (Numarket), the Court at, 70(2), 89, 94, 95.
-, letters dated at, 72, 94, 95, 97, 98.

Newnham Priory (Beds.), 539.
-, valuation of, 119.

Newport (I.O.W.), 276.

Newport, (Mon.), Mayor of. See Nicholas.
-, Vicar of. See Threherne.

Newport (Salop), 194.

Newport. See also Nieuport.

Newporte, Edward, letter from, 541.

Newports, —, two priests, 626.

Newton, Adam, petition of, 60.
-, Mr., 565.

Nicholas (Nicolas), Maurice, Mayor of Newport, 40, 45.
-, Thomas, 616.

Nichollson, Mr., 272.

Nicholson, Thomas, of Aberdeen, 560, 561.

Nieuport (Newport), 150.
-, battle of, 508.

Nixon, Anthony, letter from, 616.
-, Hector and Thomas, of Bewcastle, prisoners of Carlisle gaol, 289.

Noakes, Captain John atte, 579.

Noble, John, of Bewcastle, a prisoner of Carlisle gaol, 289.

Nodder, Lieut. William, 289, 308, 309.

Noel, Sir Andrew, 603.

Noell, Sir H., 454.

Noiriche, Dr., a Jesuit, 611.

Nonconforming (perverse) ministers, 72, 270, 271.
-, to be brought to conformity, 15, 21, 26, 28, 34, 46, 65.
-, -, methods of, 58–59, 133.
-, suspension of, 52, 58–59.
-, a petition on behalf of, 56–57.
-, in Leicestershire, petition for, and reply, 7, 165–166.
-, in Lancashire, 320.

Nonnyngton. See Nunnington.

Nonsuch (Surrey) Palace of, 355.
-, letters dated at, 364, 374.
-, Great Park, 374, 433(2).

Norbona. See Narbonne.

Norden, Mr., 604.

Norden (Northern) men. See Grahams.

Norfolk, 230, 501.
-, ministers to be examined in, 52.
-, (Northfolk) fields, James I hunts in, 71.
-, draining of land in, 435.

Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard.

Norley, —, a serving man, 278.

Normanby [Yorks.], letters dated at, 157, 220, 458.

Norreys (Norris, Norryce):
-, Bridget, Lady Norreys, wife of Sir Francis, letters from, 471, 617.
-, Captain, 253.
-, Francis, 2nd Lord Norreys, 303, 383, 543, 627.
-, -, serious illness and will of, 447–448, 454, 458, 471, 617.
-, General, 253.
-, Sir John, 579.
-, -, 438.

Norrington (Wilts), 231.

Norris, Norryce. See Norreys.

North Asley, purchase of, 589.

North, —, a priest, 456.

North, the, recusancy in, 78–79, 139, 189–190, 192–194, 305–306. See also under Roman Catholics and Recusants.
-, a rising in, prophesied, 502.
-, President and Council of, and recusancy, 139, 189.
-, -. See also Sheffield, Lord.

North Foreland, the, 213.

North, Dudley, 3rd Baron North, letter from, 293.

Northampton, 59, 572.
-, Mayor and Aldermen of, letter from, 26.
-, Hospital of St. John in, a lease of, 272.

Northampton, Countess of, 297.
-, Earl of. See Howard, Henry.

Northamptonshire, 387, 501, 527, 621.
-, ministers of, 270.
-, sheriffwick of, 332, 478.

Northfolk. See Norfolk.

Northumberland, 239.
-, recusancy in, 79, 219.
-, sheriff of, 189, 382.
-, troubled with theft and murder, 201.
-, reduction of alehouses in, 428.
-, forts, 437, 574.

Northumberland, Archdeacon of, 220.
-, Dorothy, Countess of, 257, 508, 526, 608.
-, -, letters from, 526, 617.
-, Earl of. See Percy.

Norton, Captain, 472.
-, Thomas, the falconer, 586.
-, Thomas, surveyor of King's Ways, letter from, 184.

Norway, 223.

Norwich, cloth made in, 274.

Norwich, Bishop of. See Jegon.

Nostin, Edward, letter to, 433.

Nottingham, 83, 599.

Nottingham, Earl of. See Howard, Charles.

Nugent, Christopher, 3rd baron of Delvin, 363.

Numarket. See Newmarket.

Nuncio, the Papal, in Brussels, 425, 498.
-, -, and Gunpowder Plot, 546.

Nunnington (Nonnyngton, Yorks.), manor of, 648.

Nuys. See Neuss.

Nyelis, Lawrence de, a Fleming, 561.


Oath of Supremacy, 8, 35.

Oatlands (Otlands), [Surrey], 287.
-, letters dated at, 288, 297, 572.

d'Obigny. See Aubigny.

O'Brien, Donogh, 3rd Earl of Thomond, letter from, 406.

Ockham (Surrey), 406.

O'Conor, Leysaghe (Lisagh), 468.
-, -, letter from, 454.

Octavio, Count, 249.

Odenburgh, near Sluys, 307.

Odley, Mr., 189.

O'Donnell (O'Donell):
-, Sir Neile, 645.
-, Roderick (or Rory), 1st Earl of Tyrconnell, letters from, 444, 644.
-, -, 513.

O'Doughertie, Sir Cahire, 644, 645.

Odway, John, 613.

Oetsen, Douwer, 202.

Offlow (Ofloroe) Hundred (Staffs.), 503.

-, Clinton, 130.
-, Gerret, 484.
-, Sir John, letters from, 21, 156.
-, -, letter to, 431.
-, Sir Richard, 602.
-, -, letter from, 130.

Okingham. See Wokingham.

Oldenzaal (Oldenzeld, Holland), 369.

Oldesworth (Olsworth), Arnold, 63.
-, -, letter to, 541.

Oldwell, Thomas, 523.

Olona, 296.

Olsworth. See Oldesworth.

Ommerman, Henry, 206.

O'Neill, Hugh, 3rd Earl of Tyrone, 236, 388.

Onslow, Foulke, 649.

Orange, siege of, 404.

Orange, Prince of, 53, 136.
-, the Princess of, 330.

Orfoord, Mr., 575.

Orkney, Earl of. See Stewart.

Orkney, Master of, 86, 274, 385, 430, 643.
-, -, letter from, 338.

Ormonde, Earl of. See Butler.

Orpington (Kent), 580.

Orrell, Richard, letter from, 311.

Orsoy (Orsey), on the Rhine, 316.

Ortise, Jago Diego de, a Spaniard (Governor of Dunkirk), 147, 150.

Orum, Captain, 640.

Osbaldeston, Geoffrey, a barrister of Gray's Inn, 447.

Osborne, Henry, bailiff of Colchester, letter from, 465.
-, Mr., letter to, 359.

Osburn, Sir R., 365.

Ostend, 220, 248.
-, project of Archdukes to build ships at, 317.

Oswestry (Salop), 194.

Otlands, Otelands. See Oatlands.

Ottoman, Villiers, 542.

Oundle (Oundell, Hunts.), 500.

Ourd, —, 519.

Ouse (Owse) river, 184.

Outports. See Ports.

-, Hugh, a Catholic, in the Low Countries, 39, 52, 64, 317, 509, 526.
-, -, a suspect in the Gunpowder plot, 482, 488, 497, 499.
-, -, in prison, 508, 546, 611.
-, -, requested to be sent over to England, 533–537, 556–557.
-, -, an alleged victim of, 545.
-, -, French opinion of, 563–564.
-, Nicholas, 501.
-, -, a recusant, 501.

Oxenbridge, John, letter from, 618.
-, Sir Robert, 256.

Oxford, 136, 298, 408.
-, the Court at, 382, 383, 396, 421.
-, -, letters dated at, 403, 404.
-, University, 387, 621.
-, -, letters dated from, 8, 423, 431.
-, -, grant of endowment for professorship of theology at, 326.
-, -, Vice-Chancellor of. See Abbot.
-, -, Bodleian Library, a gift to, 8.
-, -, All Souls College, Warden and Fellows of, letter from, concerning the election of a probationer, 480.
-, -, -, claim land in Ireland, 585.
-, -, St. John's College, lease of, 413.

Oxford, Earl of. See Vere.
-, Elizabeth, Countess of, letter from, 49.

Oxfordshire, 368, 501, 570.
-, recusancy in, 331.

Oxted (Oxsted, Surrey), 406.