Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Aardenburg (Ardembourg, Edenborowe), 220, 316, 342, 401, 437.

Abbas Rooding. See Abbots Roothing.

Abbot (Abbott):
-, Captain, 640.
-, D., Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, 422, 431.

Abbots Roothing (Abbas Rooding, Essex), letter dated at, 157.

Abercorn, Lord. See Hamilton.

Aberdeen, 560.

Abergavenny [Mons.], 45.

Abernethy, John, Lord Saltoun, 487.

Abington, Mr., of Herefordshire, 500.
-, of Worcestershire, 501.
-, -, a recusant, 363.

Acton. Mr., a kinsman of Catesby, 511.
-, Robert, and his brother, Richard, coiners, 90, 126, 582.

Adams, Bernard, Bishop of Limerick, letter from, 186.
-, Nicholas, 555.

Adderton, Captain, 640.

Admiral, the Lord High. See Howard, Charles.

Admiralty, Court of, 228, 328, 427, 602.
-, and an outrage upon a Lithuanian, 198, 222, 246, 315– 316.
-, Judge of, 44.
-, a case concerning ships taken by the Spanish, 282.
-, President of. See Caesar and Lewes.

Advocate, the Lord, 105.

Aerschot (Aschot, Ascott, Arschot, etc.), Charles, Duke of Croy and Aerschot, 149, 172, 221, 331.
-, letters from, 196, 263.
-, a contract of marriage with the Marquis of Havre's daughter, 337, 342, 367, 557.

Aersens (D'Arssens, Arsens), —, deputy for France to the States General, 17, 18.
-, his father, and title in France, 55.

Africa, 131.

Aguila, Don John de, death of, 252.

Alabaster (Alabister, Alablaster), Thomas, letters from, 339, 507.
-, -, a merchant, 378.

Albers, Jurgen, 485.

Albuquerque, Duke del, 228, 232.

Al. Cancell. See Seton, Alexander.

Alchurch [? Alvechurch, Worcs.], 489.

Alderney, 612.

Aldobrandin, Cardinal, 221.

Aldridge (Staffs.), Barr in, 642.

Alesbury. See Aylesbury.

Alexanter, Henry, 107.

Alfandogas, 131.

Alferez, 508.

Alicante (Allicant), 567.

Allen, Captain, 517.
-, David, letter to, 647.
-, Henry, 260.
-, William, 627.

Allenson, John, 577.

Alleredo (Spain), 164.

Allet, Lady, widow, 405.

Allicant. See Alicante.

Allin, —, 530.

Allington, Jo., letter from, 244.

Allmaine. See Germany.

Allton. See Alton.

Almanack-makers. See Prophets.

Almshouse, building of, in Enfield, 97.

Alnage and measurage, farm of, 22, 274, 280, 441, 610.

Alnwick Castle (Northumb.), 483, 526.

Altariva, Countess of, 232, 233.

Alterenes. See Alt-yr-ynys.

Altham, Mr. Serjeant, 210, 570.

Alton (Allton), [Hants.], postal endorsement at, 465.

Alt-yr-ynys (Alterenes) [in Walterstone, co. Hereford], letter dated at, 456.

Alum (Allome), reported discovery of, 252.

Alva, Duke del, 228, 232.

Alva de Aliste, Count of, 228, 232.

Alvechurch [?] (Alchurch), 489.

Alvey, Henry, 577.

Alway Stanes (Scotland), 635.

-, of the Archdukes, 7.
-, -, in England. See Hobach.
-, -, in France. See Ayala.
-, -, in Rome, 317.
-, Danish. See Ramelius.
-, from the Emperor to England, 314, 370.
-, English, to the Archduke. See Edmonds and Hertford, Earl of.
-, -, in France. See Parry and Carew.
-, -, in Spain. See Cornwallis.
-, -, at Venice. See Wotton.
-, French, to the Archdukes, in Brussels, 173, 249, 317, 425, 498, 558.
-, -, -, and Gunpowder Plot, 547.
-, -, in England. See Harlay.
-, Persian, 135.
-, Polish, 99; see also Weiber.
-, Spanish, to the Archdukes, 174.
-, -, in England, 448, 457, 468, 591, 593, 615, 616, 627.
-, -, -, See also Tassio and Cuniga.
-, -, in France, 557.
-, -, in Rome, offends the Archdukes, 317.
-, the Venetian, 338.
-, -, letter from, 646.
-, title of, to be given to States General's agent in England, 2.

Ambergris, discovery of, 54–55, 168.

Amice, Israel, 181.

Ampthill House [Beds.], building of, house plan, 444.
-, -, officers of the works for, letter to, 349.

Amsterdam, 202.

Ancona, 567.

Anderton, Thomas, 484, 529.

Andrews (Androwes):
-, Lancelot, Dean of Westminster, Bishop of Chichester, 459, 612.
-, Mr., a priest, 626.

Andwarpe. See Antwerp.

Angers, castle of, 53.

Angola, kingdom of, 130.

Angus (Anguss), Earl of. See Douglas.

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I (the Queen), 42, 129, 287, 300, 331.
-, letter from, 337.
-, sends away two portraits of the Archdukes, 54.
-, jointure of, 570.
-, -, a defective title in, 58.
-, -, lands of, 64, 265.
-, and a suit for college of Ripon, 84, 90.
-, James I refers to, 121 (2).
-, her manor of Spalding, 130.
-, a whale for the use of, 169, 593.
-, a jewel for, 179.
-, court of, 190.
-, and grant of a parsonage in Surrey (Southwark), 199, 281.
-, grant of manor of Selsey, 209.
-, a gift of embroideries to the Infanta, 267.
-, and Ampthill House, 349.
-, at Hampton Court, 409, 474.
-, and suit for copper money, 412.
-, and a share in a sea prize, 461.
-, and economies in the Royal Household, 463–464.
-, her land in St. Neots, Hunts., 483.
-, picture of, Spanish request for, 555.
-, Council of, letter from, 570.
-, receives a casket from Salisbury, 616.
-, her Attorney. See Hicham.
-, her Chancellor. See Wilbraham.
-, her Secretary. See Fouler.
-, her Vice-Chamberlain. See Carew.

Anstruther (Anstrother, Anstrowther):
-, Ro., 268.
-, Sir William, 25, 49.

Antony [Cornwall], letter dated at, 37.

Antwerp (Anwarpe, Andwarpe), 173, 253, 268, 404, 415, 437.
-, letter dated at, 205.
-, proposed siege of, 19, 196, 197, 200, 204, 207, 337, 438.
-, -, failure of, 220, 294, 329, 589.
-, Spanish army build a bridge of boats from, 220, 248.
-, toleration of English trade to, 198, 222, 247–248, 285, 341, 366, 401.
-, merchants of, and trade with Spain, 336.
-, lack of money in, 221, 249.
-, Lord Lisle's visit to, 390–393, 403.

Apethorpe [Northants], 458.

Apothecaries, of the King and Queen, their food allowances in the Royal Household, 463.

Apparelling and service, suit for, 241.

Appeal, Commissioners of. See High Commission.

Appleby [Westmorland], 160.

Appleby, —, servant to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 451.

Appleton, [Norfolk], letter dated at, 250.

Aquaviva, house of, 172.

Aragon (Arragon), Admiral of, 343.

Arbella, Lady. See Stuart.

Archangel, 69.

Archdukes and Infantas, portraits of, 54.

Archdukes, the. See under Austria and Isabella.

Arches, Court of, Dean of. See Dunne and Weston.

Archpriest, the. See Blackwell.

Ardembourg. See Aardenburg.

Ardern, Mr., letter from, 244.

Arenberg (d'Arenburg, Aremberg):
-, Count, 149, 150, 207, 304, 337.
-, and complaints of outrages upon ships, 214, 222, 246–247, 315.

Areskyne. See Erskine.

Argyll, Earl of. See Campbell.

Armenteros. See Courtoie.

Armentiers, 334.

-, Alexander, 151.
-, Sanders Ringell (Sandis Rinion), 203, 310.
-, family, names of, 597.

Army, the English, trained bands in Berkshire, 470.
-, -, in Derbyshire, 465.
-, -, in Devonshire, 470.
-, -, in Herts., 288.
-, levying of by beating drums, 286.
-, levied by Archduke for Spanish service, 197, 247, 253, 276, 286.
-, -, payment of, 370.
-, levied for States service, 253.
-, in the Low Countries, 18, 21, 156, 424.
-, -, quitting the service of the States, 221, 247, 249, 280, 337.
-, -, general mutiny among, 425.

Armyne, Hugh, 20.

Arnhem (Arnham), [Holland], 369.

Arnold, —, 595.

Arondell. See Arundel.

Arragon. See Aragon.

Arroll, (Errol). See Hay.

Arrowsmith, Anthony, 167.

Arschot (Arscott). See Aerschot.

Arsens. See Aersens.

Arssens, D'. See Aersens.

Artois, 248, 285.
-, Fines Castle in, 331.

Arundel (Arondell) [Sussex], letter dated at, 554.

Arundel (Arondell):
-, Earl of. See Howard.
-, Lady, 500, 501.
-, -, and her son, Lord Arundel, 177.
-, Thomas, Lord Arundel of Wardour, 366, 498, 507, 581.
-, -, letters from, 375, 397.
-, -, letter to, 409.
-, -, sale of his mares, 375, 409.
-, -, in the Archdukes' service, leaves England in an English ship, 394–395, 397, 399, 408, 411–412, 415–416, 420–421, 442, 453, 472–473, 616, 640.
-, -, -, forbidden to use English ships, 441.
-, -, -, disguised, with an assumed name, 415–416.
-, -, -, requested to be sent back, 422.
-, -, -, presented to the Archdukes, 425.
-, -, -, desired by the Archdukes to stay in Low Countries, 488, 546.
-, -, a priest of, 551.

Ascott (Ashot). See Aerschot.

Asheton. See Ashton.

Ashby, the Court at, letter dated from, 372.

Ashby-de-la-Zouche (De La Zouche, Leics.), 271.

Ashfield, Sir Edmund, 456.

Ashley, Sir Anthony, 614, 620, 622.
-, -, letter from, 51.
-, -, letter to, 271.
-, Sir Henry, letter from, 571.

Ashmore's, Sir Walter Leveson's house near Wolverhampton, 529, 643.

Ashridge Park (Ashrige, Bucks.), letter dated at, 555.

Ashton (Asheton, Assheton):
-, Abdias, 577.
-, James, 57.
-, Sir Richard, 57.
-, See also Aston.

Asia, Castle of, 277.

Askew, Robert, 529.

Askwith, —, wardship of, 45.

Asley, North, purchase of, 589.

Assebye, Mr., 161.

Assheton. See Ashton.

Assizes, Judges of, 265.

Aston (Ashton):
-, Sir Arthur, 174, 327.
-, Sir Roger, 20, 84, 121, 179, 230, 287, 300, 614.
-, -, letters from, 216, 280, 297, 571(2), 572(2).
-, -, letter to, 77.
-, -, popular in the Lower House, 224.
-, -, and recusancy grants, 290.
-, -, and his wife Cordell, pension for, 298.

Ather, Christopher, 529.

Atherton, Captain, 498.
-, Thomas, statement by, 572–573.

Athye, Sir Arthur, 445.

Atkins, Dr., 73.

-, John, letter from, 426.
-, Mr., of Glentworth, 85.
-, Mr., a physician, 83.
-, -, of London, 100.

Attorney General, the. See Coke.

Attorneys, a suit concerning, 50.

Atye, Sir Arthur, 50.

Aubigny (d'Obigny, Daubingny), Monsieur de (Lord of), 22, 28, 31, 65.

Auckland (Awkeland, Durham), 648.

Auchmoutie, John, 174.

Audeley, Lord. See Touchet.

Audience, Court of, Judge of. See Swale.

Auditors, warrant to, 524.

Audley (Audeley), Lord. See Touchet.

Aumale, Duke of, 172, 425.

Aungier, Francis, letter from, 446.

Aurick (Auricae, Friesland), letter dated at, 429.

Austria, 135.

Austria, Archduke Albert of (the Duke, Archduke; [with Isabella] the Archdukes), 5, 7, 74, 138, 207, 517, 573.
-, letters to, 520, 537.
-, unjust pretensions to sovereignty of Low Countries, 2.
-, Spanish Army of, in the Low Countries (the enemy), 18, 252.
-, -, to recover Sluys, 19.
-, -, and the Briel, 31.
-, an agent of, 39.
-, expels French from Cambrai, 53.
-, called brother by James I, 79.
-, news of, from English Ambassadors, 172–174.
-, reception of Lord Hertford by, 172.
-, levies men in England, Scotland and Ireland, 197, 200, 247, 253, 276, 363, 500.
-, sends prizes to the Indians and to Lord Hertford, 204.
-, a letter and gift to, from James I, 206–207, 249, 266–267, 316.
-, and restitution of ships taken in service of, 214, 227, 304.
-, and an outrage on a Lithuanian, 246, 268, 279, 315.
-, jealousy against, in Spain, 249.
-, view of defeat of Spanish ships in the English Channel, 267.
-, and Spanish soldiers stranded in England, 279, 317, 335, 400.
-, and proposals concerning free trade to the Netherlands and restriction of shipping in the Channel, 282–285, 341, 400. See also under Netherlands and Channel.
-, and trade of Antwerp with Spain, 336, 341.
-, his Treasurer of the Household, 282.
-, a present from the Queen of Spain for, 311.
-, "Son Altesse," 311.
-, complaint to the French concerning the Low Countries, 317.
-, offended by Spanish Ambassador in Rome, 317.
-, officers of, 334.
-, assembles forces to strengthen Brabant, 337.
-, English nobles allowed to serve, 366, 391, 394–395, 397, 421–422, 581, 640.
-, solicits James I's influence in election of King of the Romans, 371–372.
-, objections to Lord Lisle's passing through countries of, 380, 390– 394, 403, 404.
-, on a pilgrimage, 402, 426.
-, has difficulty in obtaining news from Friesland, 425.
-, and the imprisonment of Owen and others in connexion with the Gunpowder Plot, 482(2), 488, 497, 508, 533–537, 556– 557, 563–564.
-, desires Lord Arundel to stay in Low Countries, 488, 546.
-, declared innocency of complicity in Catholic plots, 534.
-, English subjects not to pass so freely to, 554.
-, application for restoration of English goods taken by a Dunkirker, 591.
-, Ambassadors of. See under Ambassadors.
-, secretary in the embassy of, See Faille.

Austria, Archduke Matthias of, 221.

Austria, Archduke Maximilian of, 221.

Auvergne, M. Comte d', 53.

Aveline, Prince of, 248, 268.

Avering. See Havering.

Awkeland. See Auckland.

Ayala, Monsieur, Archdukes' Ambassador in France, 557.

Aylesbury [Bucks.], letter dated at, 328.

Azores (the Traceres), Islands of, 131, 211.