Cecil Papers: October 1605, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1605, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp455-474 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1605, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp455-474.

"Cecil Papers: October 1605, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp455-474.

October 1605, 16-31

The Bailiffs of Maldon to the Council.
1605, Oct. 16. We received your letters, wherein you recommended unto election for a burgess for Parliament my Lord of Walden, for which care of our poor township we hold ourselves very deeply engaged. There being some 8 days past since Sir Edward Lewkner's death, divers have made means for the place, and there being a gentleman within 3 miles of our town, one Sir John Sames, a man well esteemed of, had procured many voices for his electing, and in all appearance was like to have the place; whereat upon receipt of your letters, we were driven to some hard exigent, and sent for the knight and acquainted him with your letters, desiring him to forbear opposition. Unto which he yielded, as not willing to oppose himself against so worthy a man as my Lord of Walden. There is an oath of a freeman to be taken by my Lord of Walden before he is eligible by our grant. And the presence of the nobleman with us on the election day (by cause of an ancient use) will be expected. But if otherwise his affairs cannot give him time, we desire to know whether we may send our officer to take the oath and then proceed to election.—Maldon, 16 Oct. 1605.
Signed: Willm. Burt; John Soan. 1 p. (112. 120.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Lord Treasurer.
1605, Oct. 16. I have received the enclosed from my Lord of Salisbury. The time of meeting you see is 2 in the afternoon to-morrow; the place the Council Chamber at the Whitehall.— 16 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (191. 55.)
Paul de la Hay to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 16. I received letters from Sir William Wade touching the apprehending of Cadwalladar and Edwards, two seminary priests, by means of the recusant John Smith. Smith upon his coming home procured a letter from Edwards, which he delivered to me, by which I understood Edwards was lodged in the house of one Staney in Monmouthshire, where with the privity of the Bishop of Hereford I caused search to be made. Though he was then in the house, yet by reason of certain secret vaults our directions took not our desired effect. Since then we can gain no understanding of either Edwards's or Cadwalladar's residence, but think this country for a while is quite purged of their society. The Bishop asked my assistance in examining witnesses against Rice Griffs [Griffiths] a seminary priest; I enclose the breviat of our proceedings. The Bishop's service in Griffiths's apprehension, and his forwardness against recusants, has been the occasion of the reformation of many in these parts, who before relied on Griffiths's false alarms of toleration in their Popish error; so that since his apprehension, of above 1,000 recusants in this county, the tenth part of them are now scarce left for the Pope, and most part of them women. Smith for his pains is so wellbeloved amongst them, that he is like to remain awhile unabsolved of any his ghostly fathers. This is the second time he has been unkind to his brothers, for in '88 he apprehended one of their chief apostles, one Silvester, that was executed as a traitor.—Alterenes, 16 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (191. 56.)
The Enclosure:—Brief of the examinations taken against Rice Griffiths, alias Williams, a seminary priest. Evidence is given by numerous witnesses, named, that Griffiths said mass, administered the sacrament, heard confessions and gave absolution, and solemnised marriages. He used slanderous words against the King, and published false rumours of toleration for liberty of conscience, by Thomas Price, his massing clerk. He seduced the King's subjects from the religion established. He carried Watson the traitor about this country to recusants' houses, immediately before his apprehension. He was greatly familiar with Roger Cadwallader, the priest. He practised to bring into Herefordshire more seminary priests, as John Scudamor. Having access to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Hereford, what he heard from them he disclosed to priests and recusants, enabling them to escape arrest, as in the cases of Cadwallader, Elizabeth Bromwich, North a priest, and Rice ap Rice. He assured seditious recusants, who had made riots about Hereford, that the Archbishop had persuaded the King the riots were but a matter of a broken head or two. He acquainted John Smith with the contents of all letters passing between the Bishop of Hereford and Sir Charles Morgan for the apprehension of priests. Smith sent word ten months past to the Bishop of Griffiths's doubleness. He told Smith that he would be revenged on Sir Edmund Ashfielde for calling him a lewd priest, and said he would reserve it for a trick to stop the Archbishop's mouth, if ever he came into any question. He harboured a sorcerer in secret, and practised enchantments upon some of good sort.
Signed: Paul de la Hay. Endorsed: "Breviat of examinations taken by the Bishop of Hereford and Paul de la Hay." 3 pp. (191. 57.)
George Southaick to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 17. Asking to be released from imprisonment, for the purpose of delivering up a priest named White, and laying information as to others coming from abroad.—The Marshalsea, 17 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (112. 121.)
King James to the Same.
[1605, Oct. 18]. My little beagle; that I have been so long in writing to you, ye may only impute it to lack of matter, for I daily hear of so great diligence and carefulness in all the Council and of you so continual consultations upon all my affairs as I protest I was never so void of care for all my great turns; but on the other part I cannot but be sensible of that needless and unseasonable profusion of expenses whereof ye wrote in your last to Lake. Ye best know both my part and mind in all the unnecessary waste that comes that way. That anent the Spanish Ambassador I never heard it nor can yet understand it; as for the other he is such an unsatiable epitome of avarice as I doubt not he hath found out a new art of begging, whereupon he may add a book to the bibliotheke of his countryman Rabelais. But when I consider the extremity of my state at this time my only hap and hope that upholds me is in my good servants, that will sweat and labour for my relief, upon such grounds as I laid at my parting; otherwise I could rather have wished with Job never to have been than that the glorious sunshine of my entry here should be so soon overcasten with the dark clouds of irreparable misery. I have promised and I will perform it that there shall be no default in me; my only comfort will be to know it is mendable; for my apprehension of this strait (however I disguise it outwardly) hath done me more harm already than ye would be glad of. As I can not but highly commend the Council's care in all their consultations, so can I not forbear to express my good liking in special of that letter written by them to the judges anent the reformation of abuses in and about London, the execution whereof will produce many great good effects. The Duke of Lennox importunes me daily to put an end to his turn, wherein I can say nothing till I hear your advices that I employ in that errand. I am not now in humour to write in my former style to you, for except that thing I write of be helped I can sing no other song but ad vada Maeandri concinit albus olor and swan-like shall I live and die both in purity and innocence; only this word of mirth that I envy your nephew that hath observed that strange alteration in the Earl of Lincoln that I could not foretell by all my astrology; but the reason is that now noble lord lives by the influence of Dis that domines over him and therefore is not under the climate of Phoebus nor subject to any celestial influences. And to the purpose of this plutonical subject I am glad to hear how hath coursed the priest and his devil; and now ye may see for how many bad purposes this counterfeit devilry would serve for, if it were not prevented; but ask of 3 [Earl of Northampton] how he thinkes a priest can both make and eat a god, and lodge both god and the devil within him simul et semel, but sure I am that 3 loves dearly his old 30 [the King] as he spares not to conjure both priests and devils for his master's service. And thus with my kindest commendations to him and Suffolk and Worcester and all the rest of your honest society I bid you heartily farewell.—James R.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "18 October 1605. His Majesty to me." Seal on red silk. 2½ pp. (134. 72.)
Sir Daniel Dun to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 18. Hereinclosed I send the French copy I last received of your lordship, with such answers as Mr. Smith and Mr. Harrison, French merchants, and Mr. Gibson, one of the Custom House, with whom I have severally conferred, affirm to be agreeable to the truth. I find the same differ not much from answers made by commissioners heretofore unto like propositions.—From the Doctors' Commons, 18 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 122.)
The Bishop of St. Davids to the Same.
1605, Oct. 18. Sickness makes him unable to travel from St. Davids to London, wherefore he prays for leave to be absent from the next session of Parliament.—18 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. Signed: Anth. Meneven'. ½ p. (191. 59.)
Jo. Poulett and Dudley Carleton to the Same.
1605, Oct. 18. They have now good assurance of Lord Norreys's recovery. They describe the course of his illness.— Paris, 18 Oct. 1605, stilo. vet.
Signed. 1 p. (191. 60.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
1605, Oct. 19. Expresses the regret which the death of Sir Thomas Hesketh has given them all in those parts, and the maim they have received by the loss of a counsellor of so great worthiness. Begs that his Majesty will respite to bestow the place till he sees him, he being within two days of taking his journey to that end. Before that time he will have care to think upon some man of best trust, fit for the execution of his Majesty's service under this his government.—Normanby, 19 Oct. 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (191. 77.)
Henry FitzWilliam to the Same.
1605, Oct. 20. Pardon my boldness in renewing my suit made to you at Apethorpe, when the King was there, touching that outrageous fact committed upon me in the highway near Fotheringhay to the great peril of my life, as in my petition to my Lord Chief Justice may appear; and for that by his letters to Sir Robert Wynfeild and others my petition is proved true upon examination, that you will join with my Lord Treasurer on my behalf, requiring his Honour to proceed to the due punishment of the actors of my spoil by shedding of my blood in such abundance at my mouth, nose, and ear, as I am grown to divers imperfections, to the great loss and discomfort of myself, my wife and eleven poor children.—From London, 20 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (112. 123.)
Thomas Bywater to the Earl of Salisbury.
[? 1605], Oct. 20. Has been imprisoned above a year and a half, and is now entered upon a new imprisonment. Begs Salisbury to consider the lack of his ministry, the hindrance of his study, the want of his friends' and the Church's society, and the danger to his health, and to favour his enlargement.— "This 20 of October, 10 weeks prisoner in the Clink."
Petition. 1 p. (196. 105.)
The Earl of Salisbury to King James.
[1605, Oct. 21]. The letter in which Sir Thomas Lake delivered me your pleasure concerning the parks at Grafton and the stewardship bearing date 20 Oct. came to my hands to-day at 4 o'clock and not before by reason my servants were loth to wake me sooner, having not rested all night in respect of some physic which I took over night for pain in my head coming late from Hampton Court.
I have been with my Lord of Cumberland ever since five o'clock this morning whom I found in opinion of all the physicians like to leave this life ere many hours, whereof I will forbear to make any judgment seeing they speak in their own element; only this I know will greatly content your Majesty which I can as truly report as another, that he has made to Mr. Dr. Andrews a religious and penitent confession in a faith constantly and clearly condemning all Popish and corrupt opinions. He hath received the communion, forgiven all the world lovingly, and discreetly reconciled all dryness between him and my Lady, dutifully and affectionately professed both his obligation and his honest heart to your Majesty and hath of his worldly estate bestowed all things with care and conscience, committing to his brother, to my Lord Wooton and myself the executorship of his last will. Wherein the world hath been witness of such an extraordinary confidence in myself, as by God's grace it shall never lie upon my conscience to betray the trust of an ancient nobleman, my friend, ever well affected to your Majesty, and so confirming his own particular precedent affection as he hath done now in the time of so perfect a memory and so pure intention as, if my Christian duty did not impose care upon me, moral honesty would challenge me for the least neglect or error. Of which I confess I write with grief, and yet do conclude that such a death God send both me and my friends. For, if ever any, I may say of him, Death is to him a vantage. And so much for the present state wherein I left him, being newly come back to return your Majesty mine answer.
I have particularly examined my commission, and as well as my discretion would serve me delivered your pleasure; wherein as I have only been curious to concur with your own affections as I conceive them, so I do hope your Majesty will in no case suffer my interpretation of your answer to be converted to my prejudice, seeing I have racked my spirits to speak in yours, and yet "mought" have been doubtful in what sense to deliver it, seeing the bearer of your letter and others gave out before I had opened it that they had brought a grant, which was far otherwise in the letter; and yet I believe so much in your favour to me as I should not have been disavowed if I would have out of artifice engaged you as mistaking you, especially to a nobleman so far onward to his end. When I came to him I suffered all things to run on which were fit for him to do in best strength and quiet lest any alteration in him might be suspected to grow by your message; which being dispatched he began himself to ask me what your Majesty had answered upon his letter. Whereunto I replied that I had received from you a commandment to visit him, and to recommend your Majesty's gracious care of him, whose weak estate of body greatly grieved you, because your Majesty had not only tried his faith, when there was time for him to show it, but particularly loved his person, valued his blood and sufficiency, and took particular contentment to have him near you in regard of his own inclination to follow you in your princely and manly sports and exercises. And for this particular of Grafton had commanded me to say thus much, that howsoever now his own brotherly affection made him press for his brother, that your Majesty would appeal to his own judgment whether in that place where you meant to make residence only for delight, and whereof no profit could be made without dishonour, it were not something cross to any prince's nature to be drawn by importunity from bestowing that where the person should not concur in these circumstances, which might make him capable of those familiarities and commandments for which his lordship's brother must needs be improper considering he is a stranger to your Majesty in conversation and nature, in respect of himself and many others long bred with you, although you hold him an honest and a faithful gentleman worthy of that which nature should have cast upon him.
Secondly, your Majesty even in reason of state did well consider how necessary it was for you to be served with ancient noblemen in those parts where they are best able, so as your Majesty had no reason to be author of their diversion from their residence in those parts. To which in this particular you had commanded me to add this one impediment, that the Duke of Lennox had long since obtained of your Majesty a promise to be placed in the first office of this kind which should fall in England. Of all which reasons I concluded thus, that there might many other things present themselves, wherein your Majesty might favour his brother, in which you had commanded me to assure his lordship that for his sake you would be good unto him, and so desired him from you to be of good comfort, even for your own sake who wished his recovery. After he had heard this patiently without the least note of any alteration, he said your Majesty's message was very gracious and for yourself your reasons judicious, in which consideration he would forget nature before love and loyalty. Only he was grieved to leave a brother so weak in his estate by his own lack of providence, as he had grounded his desire upon that which dissuaded your Majesty. For he desired it for his brother's retreat until he had made his fortune fit for the place where your Majesty desired to use him. But seeing this suit had these exceptions, it should be sufficient comfort to him, if I would give him comfort of your favour towards his brother in a debt that hung upon his estate for a sea prize, wherein her Majesty was to have a share, in respect of a ship she lent him for his voyage; as also that your Majesty would perform your word for that land beyond Esk which he was to hire of you at a rent improved, the dispatch whereof was only put off to this term. Then was I at a stand being loth to engage myself in any thing, and yet being so well acquainted with your heroical spirit as I am I did not only promise before them all to speak, but presume to give some good hope, rather than by any dry answer to so well born a subject full of softer affection than many others that serve you to have left it disputable whether more comfort from you might not have done him good; first because the matter of the land is just, secondly the debt is not above 2000l., and due in that kind wherein you shall do very justly to do him favour. For which I have no way bound your Majesty in particular, neither shall you now need to put yourself any further than to say you will be gracious unto him in both these kinds. For he will either be past your Majesty's further comfort before you can or else there will be here some such comfort of his recovery as may keep these things from question. Which I wish with all my heart because I loved him living and now admire him dying.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "21st Oct. 1605. To his Majesty." 6 pp. (134. 81.)
Thomas Provis to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 21. At the beginning of the late sessions I was against my will by the Corporation of Penrin borough chosen one of the burgesses for the town, which accordingly all the said sessions I attended, albeit to my great hindrance and loss. Now, as my trade and adventure require myself in person, and knowing no matter of importance there for the said town to be moved, and that I think some man fitter may by your means supply my place, my suit is that I may be excused for my attendance in that service this sessions now following, and that you would appoint some other more sufficient in my room. I have entreated my friend Sir John Parker, knight, to solicit this my suit and if I may not be dispensed withal do purpose upon intelligence from my friend with all convenient speed to yield my attendance.—Penrin, 21 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (112. 124.)
The Vice-Chancellor and Heads of Houses in Cambridge to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 21. Our University through a wrong intended unto us and our printers by the printers of London is forthwith likely to receive great prejudice, except by your favour it may be prevented. For whereas heretofore, for the determining of divers controversies between us and them, it was covenanted under hand and seal of both sides, that Thomas's dictionary, begun and perfected here by the industry of him and divers other our learned men, should remain as a several copy unto us for the better maintenance of our press, certain of them have of late attempted in the end of another work of that kind subtly to insert the said dictionary and by that means hazard the overthrow of our printers and print, which we justly hold to be an ornament of ours not lightly to be esteemed. We for our part have held ourselves strictly to the agreement, and whereas by our charter we may print omnes et omnimodos libros per procancellarium et tres doctores approbatos, we have since that time forborne to print any copies in the said concord reserved unto them, and dealt only with such books as might be printed by us without their prejudice. Wherefore we beseech you that these men by your means may be stopped in this their injurious attempt and we maintained in our own right.—21 Oct. 1605.
Signed: Jo. Cornell, Roger Goade, Robert Soame, Tho: Nevile, Jo. Duport, Laur. Chaderton. Seal. 1 p. (136. 134.)
Tho. Brudenell to Sir Griffin Markham.
1605, Oct. 21. I have received yours of October 5 and 17, both to little purpose, unless you suspected my honesty, which has not been spotted. Your mother has given me no assurance, but delays; and you both know it has almost ruined you all. If I perform what I said, I shall do as much for myself as you have done for each other. If I deal with the land, I will do that I promised, having that time after my assurance which at your departure you allotted me. It scarce can ever be in my power to redeem Gamston, because my aunt Lucy Brudenell distraining upon Kirkly for her annuity, your brother Sheldon says he must of force extend Gamston for his security. Fear not my just dealing, but remember your promise stands engaged to save me unindamnified by these bonds of yours, as deeply as mine was to you concerning all royal dealing in this business of Weston Favell. You have broken yours, but I have not stained mine; but only desire to keep you in mind of yours, and where you are too loose to tie you to what you said you would perform. What was done before your going is only done: and no more.
Your letters were too naked, both of news and directions how I may address letters to you; only I remember the scrivener's in Paul's Church Yard that you told me of. I would be glad of your good fortunes; therefore bar not your friends of these small comforts which you may give them.
Our nation affords no news, only Lord Saye's practice holds hotter and more violent than ever. Taxis, our late Spanish Ambassador, is not clear of folly therein, nor accessory of any good that may befall us. I have gotten a wife, but have lost her father, for Sir Tho. Tresam died a month past: our loss is great, either public or private in my judgment, for divers dependencies that were noble in their ends. Farewell, good knight, distrust me not, for I protest were I as "friche" and potent as I can and will be honest and true to my trusting friends, I would not suffer in seeing my friends suffer so deeply as they do divers of them, and divers ways. If I may receive letters and have means to write to you, I will monthly visit you. —Deene, 21 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury: "Winter being asked of this gentleman, cleareth him from ever being privy to any disloyal purpose." 1½ pp. (191. 61.)
Proposed economies in the Royal Household.
1605, Oct. 22. The proceedings of the Lords of the Privy Council in household causes:—First to know his Majesty's pleasure whether the diet issued to himself and the Queen shall continue in as ample manner for number of dishes. And if the same continue, then what abatements may be made in spice, napery, wood, coals, etc.
Item, to know his Majesty's pleasure touching the "voydey" daily issued to himself and the Queen, yearly standing his Majesty in the sum—1000l.
Item, that the Prince's house should be dissolved, and he to remain in his Majesty's house by means whereof there will be yearly saved.—2000l.
Item, that the Duke of Lennox's diet be reduced to a diet of 10 dishes, being as much as is served to the Lord Chamberlain or Earl of Worcester.—350l.
Item, that the two messes of meat of 7 dishes now served daily to the Queen's presence chamber shall be henceforth served but upon warning to be given by the gentleman ushers signifying the intent of ladies in Court to dine or sup at the said board.—300l.
Item, that a mess of meat of five dishes now daily served to the board end of the maids'-of-honour table shall be discontinued from henceforth.—255l.
Item, that a diet of 7 dishes now served to Mrs. Dromond shall be reduced to a chamber mess of two, being as much as is issued to any lady in Court.—250l.
Item, that the apothecaries of the King and Queen shall have allowance only of one mess of meat of 3 dishes betwixt them, at such times as the King and Queen shall be resident in one house.—100l.
Item, that a diet of 4 dishes of meat now served to Mrs. Hartside shall be reduced to a chamber mess of 2 dishes.—50l.
Item, that 6 chief messes of meat of 10 dishes shall receive board wages in lieu thereof.—1286l. 12s. 6d.
Item, that 7 messes of meat of 7 dishes shall be put to board wages.—1247l. 19s. 4d.
Item, that 3 messes of meat of 6 dishes shall be put to board wages.—366l.
Item, that 7 messes of meat of 5 dishes shall be put to board wages.—582l.
Item, that 2 messes of meat of 4 dishes shall be put to board wages.—134l.
Item, that 24 messes of meat of 3 dishes shall be put to board wages.—1146l. 14s. 6d.
Item, that 8 messes of meat of 2 dishes shall be put to board wages.—267l. 10s.
Item, to move his Majesty touching allowance given in the charge of household to 15 livery pages belonging to himself and the Queen.—300l.
Item, that the diet now daily issued to Sir Peter Young should at all times cease in his absence from Court.
Summa—[9635l. 16s. 4d.]
The abatement of ministers and officers of household, which may be spared, will in time hereafter save his Majesty per ann.—10,300l.
The like course in the chamber and stable will yearly save.— 2000l.
The benefit of his Majesty's pastures which by this occasion may be spared.—500l.
Ready money to make provisions at the best rate will yearly save.—1500l.
Unsigned. 3 pp. (112. 125.)
Viscount Butler to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 22. Being arrived here and intending presently to ride towards the Court to do my duty unto his Majesty, I was troubled with the heat of the liver (a disease that has followed me long), and having taken the advice of a physician, he wished me to repair to the Bath, where he doubted not I shall have some ease. Upon which I resolved to go presently thither, and there to stay for 3 or 4 days. In the meantime I have dispatched the bearer hereof, Mr. Robert Roth, toward the Court, to let you understand both of my coming over, and of this cause why I went not presently forward thither.—From Bristol, 22 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 127.)
The Bailiffs and others of Colchester to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 22. We have by this bearer sent you up your Honour's fee, and entreat your letters in our behalf to the Lord Chancellor of England, to tax and assess the same fine upon the confirmation of our charter, that was in the first year of our late Queen, viz. 12l., and that the same may be confirmed under the great seal, with the charter of King Henry VI added, as it is already ingrossed, perused and examined by Sir John Tyndall himself, who thought it very fit that the said charter should be put in.—From Colchester, 22 Oct. 1605.
Signed: Henry Osborne, Nicolas Clere, bailiffs; Ralphe Worthaye, Tho. Haselwood, Thomas Heckford, John Bird, Richard Symnell, Robt. Wade, Marten Sessell. 1 p. (112. 128.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same.
1605, Oct. 23. I am bold to cover this with a direction for his Majesty's service, for that herewith I send the certificate of the view of the men, horse and furniture of the trained-bands in Derbyshire. We hope (my wife and myself) to see you about the end of this month.—At Worksop, 23 Oct. 1605.
PS.—I trust your lordship has spoken a good word to my Lord Chamberlain for a lodging for me at Whitehall.
Holograph. ½ p. (112. 129.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Same.
[1605], Oct. 23. One Capt. Gifford, who is a servant and has been employed by the Duke of Florence, as I am informed, has been in England proclaimed a pirate. There is of late come into Dartmouth a ship laden with goods belonging to this man. Let me know whether he has his pardon or not, or if you think fit it should be winked at, for otherwise the ordinary course in such cases is to be taken and a seizure made of the goods. I intend next week to see you at London.—Tichfield, 23 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (112. 130.)
Postal endorsements: "Rec. at Estmene ye xxiij Octtob. at ix of the clok at night. Rec. att Allton 23 Octobr. at xj of the clocke at night. Receved at Harfort Brige at fif being Thoursday in the morning. Rec. att xj of the cloke Staines."
Sir Robert Cross to the Same.
[1605], Oct. 24. I sent your lordship a poor present of "melecatons," doubting of their goodness, it was so long ere they were ripe, but that must not make me forgetful to signify the love I have and ever will have to you.—From Marten Abbey, 24 Oct.
PS.—I would entreat you if you have any spare places to bestow, to make me a member of the Parliament. I have no other friend to depend of, neither do I seek for any.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." ½ p. (112. 131.)
Sir Edward Caryll to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 24. I have received knowledge from my servant of your desire for the having of some few red deer of me out of a ground which I have in Cambridgeshire called Thorney, which I most willingly grant. For the number I refer to your own pleasure. The ground is very wide and wild, therefore I much fear how you will come by them. My servant that has the keeping of the ground will be at London about the last of this Oct. at which time he shall attend you, and then if you will send down some servant of yours, he shall have the best entertainment that I can give him.—Hartyng, 24 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 132.)
Sir Henry Townsend to the Same.
[1605], Oct. 24. It has pleased the King to send down his commission under the great seal to levy his "mises" due in the county of Chester, a course against the prerogative, for now knowing the King's pleasure those commissions are to be granted under the broad seal out of the Exchequer in the county palatine of Chester, according to the usual precedents; by which appears that his Majesty is in consideration thereof to grant a pardon and confirmation of the liberties. My Lord of Derby promised me to write to you herein, and Mr. Thomas Irland to solicit for a recall of the said commission. Of late I have been in Cheshire, where I determined fourscore causes at hearing, besides the rules at the bar, where I find great encroachments offered to that jurisdiction by the courts in Westminster Hall; and now, which was never seen or heard of in Cheshire, prohibitions come down to the Chamberlain of Chester out of the Common Pleas, but concerning those matters I have given Mr. Glacier instructions to inform you therein. If his Majesty would give leave to have a conference between the King's Bench and some of this Council, and reason might be yielded to upon both sides, these matters would be reconciled.— From Ludlow Castle, 24 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (112. 133.)
Ro[bert] Wintour to —.
1605, Oct. 24. Good cousin, I must entreat you to look into my book and accordingly draw a deed from my father [-inlaw] Tabott [Talbot], whereby I shall be licensed to sell 12 of the 24 therein comprised, and to set the other 12 from Christmas next for 21 years, reserving 40l. yearly and 40 strikes of real salt. I must take no denial but that this deed must be ready to be sealed on Saturday next, on which day I will come over unto you betimes. If you doubt of anything let me know it by this bearer.—24 Oct. 1605.
PS.—To: will be here upon the 10th Nov. and then will bring answer of your lease.
Holograph. ½ p. (112. 134.)
John Murray to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 25. I have received your letter together with the grapes and peaches, which I delivered to his Majesty. He was well pleased and bade me give you hearty thanks for the same.—At Royston, 25 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. 3 seals. ½ p. (112. 135.)
Lord Say and Sele to the Same.
1605, Oct. 25. This afternoon I am to attend you and the commissioners for renewing of a lease of some 20 acres of ground or thereabouts, lying under Banbury Castle, the repair whereof has cost me (since the recusants were first delivered thither) above 200l.; as also the charge in maintaining a bailly to preserve his Majesty's royalties, the which he has commanded me between that and Woodstock to have especial care to preserve, yearly costs me 20 marks above any profit I receive. May it please you in respect I have nothing but a bare decayed house of the castle, except only these few acres under it, being already in respect it is so near the tower at a very great rent, to afford me such favour in the fine, especially in provision, the old lease being yet 19 years to come, as may make me the more able to do his Majesty's service when he vouchsafes to come to my poor house, as also to attend his Majesty when he shall come into that country; which is likely and I hope will be to Woodstock every year.—25 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (112. 136.)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Sir Edward Coke], Attorney [General].
[1605, Oct. 25]. Now we must recommend unto you the dispatch of a patent agreed on by all parties with a general applause for setting the trade of the Levant at liberty, which was before the King's coming contracted into a few men's hands; who fearing their monopoly would be overthrown, with the rest gave over their patent and thereby put the King in danger to lose a rent, which they had answered the Queen two whole years together of 4000l. a year for that patent. By which course the trade being left out of all order either for maintenance of the Ambassador or sending the presents to the Grand Signior, it was wholly like to perish, and with it much of the great shipping of the realm, besides the rent of 4000l. to the crown. All is now in a course to be rectified for they have now assented to freedom for all the subjects of England and to pay the imposition at which they had hitherto spurned: and in respect of the great debt wherein the Company is cast, since the trade had no government, they have all subscribed upon a general assembly of merchants, that now at first coming, and never after any more, 25l. shall be paid, which shall be converted to discharge the trade of the debts already past: by the benefit whereof as it grows due upon an even consulage (for all the goods that shall go outward and homeward) all future charges for support of that trade shall be borne. It is now above a year since I farmed this imposition at 5000l. a year, which when I obtained it should have been given to Sir Robert Melvyn only for a debt of 4000l. This course was first thought upon by my Lord Chief Justice and yourself, but then because the first sum was 50l. and should not have served for freedom to themselves and their posterity, they staggered at it, shooting still to overthrow the imposition, where contrariwise every man is now so greedy to come in, as we believe you will be troubled while you are drawing the patent with daily taking in those that will importune you. Whereupon, the trade being like to be kept up, by which the impositions only are maintained, that rent of 5000l. is gained to the crown. Of all which generally now that we have informed you, we send unto you this bearer whom we pray you to hear but half an hour, because he can tell you some particular circumstances, to which when you add that which seems fit to your judgment we assure ourselves both speedily and soundly, our only desire is that the book may be dispatched before the Parliament. These premises considered we know will be sufficient motives for you to take care of this business; and yet because it is a matter wherein I and the Lord Chamberlain have particular interest, I do besides my public duty desire you to take some more care of it in my respect. —Undated.
Draft corrected by Salisbury. Endorsed: "25 Oct. 1605." 1½ pp. (112. 138.)
Richard Croft to Mr. Richardes, once Chaplain to Sir Richard Lea.
[1605], Oct. 25. Thanks him for his favours, expressed at the request of Captain Smith. Smith is with Sir Richard Lea, who is very ill affected in the state of his body. Begs him to favour the bearer Captain Dersie.—Oct. 25.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 157.)
The Earl of Devonshire to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Oct. 25. Out of the experience you have of so many languages I hope you will understand this. If you think good, I conceive it were not unfit that Lisagh stayed with the men at Dunstable, and that Darcy were presently sent for. If he or the Spanish Ambassador will undertake to convey these men, they may; if not, order may be given for their transportation back. It were good Preston were sent for and commanded to give order that none of his men land in any part of England. I am now in London and will wait on you if there be occasion.—25 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 164.)
Lewis Pykeringe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605], Oct. 25. Salisbury's latest public favour to him has ended all his apprehended fears. He prays for access to his Majesty, and protests his devotion to Salisbury.—25 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (191. 62.)
The Bailiffs of Maldon to the Earls of Northampton and Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 26. We received your letters, and in performance of the same one of us with our town clerk will be ready at London on Thursday at night next to attend my Lord of Walden at his lodging on Friday, for the taking of the oath and other rights required to be on his part done by our grant; which done we will proceed to a full election of his lordship.— 26 Oct. 1605.
Signed: Willm. Burly, John Soan, bailiffs. ½ p. (112. 139.)
The Dean and Chapter of Wells to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 26. We have received your letters in particular recommendation of Dr. Wright, to be elected a residentiary of our church, upon the death of Dr. Cottington. We crave pardon for forbearing to make present election of any person at this time, partly for that Dr. Cottington, though dead, is to have this next year's whole benefit of our church, as if he were alive; and partly in respect of our statute and foundation, which require neither greater nor so great a number as now we have. Therefore, no place being void, and the charges of our church having been very great of late, which we are not so well able as heretofore to sustain, we are in the better hope that out of your accustomed favour you will take in good part our most necessary forbearance of election at this time.—From our Chapter House in Wells, 26 Oct. 1605.
Signed: Benjamin Heydon; Fr. Landauey; Philipp Bisse; Willm. Powell; James Bisse; Jo. Bowrne. Seal. 1 p. (112. 140.)
George Southaick to the Same.
1605, Oct. 27. According to your pleasure I entreated Mr. Levinus to p[ray] your opinion touching the speedy apprehension of Whi[te] and the other priests; but upon better consideration of the we[ight] of the business, I think that more scope of time would make the service of much more worth. For they are now determined to ride from shire to shire to insinuate with such gentlemen as are to be acquainted with their plot, by means whereof you shall have knowledge of all such as are interested in the same, and of the end of their whole purpose, and withal be certain of their meeting here in London, where I [have] no doubt but to apprehend 40 priests with many ge[ntlemen] of name at mass in good speed of their ill intent. I received by your direction 10l. from Mr. Levinus, whereof there was presently disbursed for the charge of my imprisonment 2l. 15s., and for my ch[arge] to the party that brought me from Dover and for ho[rse] hire 2l. 18s., so that of your bounty there remains only to me 4l. 15s., which is far from enabling me to prosecute the service. I lie at continual charges for horse hire.
To-morrow we begin our journey, and if you would command some old horse to be lent me, I should use him with respect and safely deliver him.—From London, 27 Oct. 1605.
Holograph. 3 seals. 1 p. (112. 141.)
The Earl of Bath to the Council.
1605, Oct. 28. Excusing a delay in holding a view of the trained bands in the county, and giving reasons for the defects in the service.—From Taustocke, 28 Oct. 1605.
Signed. 2 pp. (112. 142.)
John Murray to the [Earl of Salisbury].
1605, Oct. 28. I received your packet this morning betwixt 7 and 8 o'clock, when his Majesty was at breakfast, and immediately after I delivered it, so soon as his Majesty had read the letter he directed Mr. Lindsay to my Lord's Grace of Canterbury with the answer. I asked of his Majesty if he had any further directions to your Honour. He answered nothing but his hearty commendation to yourself and the rest of your society. Your grapes have served his Majesty well, for they were the best he gat this year.—At Royston, 28 Oct. 1605.
PS.—His Majesty was up this morning at 5 o'clock that he may get his fill of hunting, because he rides to-morrow.
Holograph. ½ p. (112. 143.)
The Same to the Same.
1605, Oct. 28. His Majesty has commanded to direct this letter to you with all speed. If it come not in time you may cause take best order with the posts. As for occurrences there is ne'er here but of hunting and hawking, whereof his Majesty has gotten good sport this day.—At Royston, 28 Oct. 1605.
PS.—Your Honour will cause deliver this letter to the Earl Dunbar.
Holograph. ½ p. (112. 144.)
Sir Henry Neville and Sir Francis Knollys to the Council.
1605, Oct. 30. Giving an account of the defects in the trained bands of the county of Berkshire, and promising a speedy amendment thereof.—Reading, 30 Oct. 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (112. 145.)
[Lord Saye and Sele] to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605, Oct. 30. I desire least to make complaint, if reasonable offers might suffice, yet since once before my last attendance I entreated Mr. Auditor Neale's man, whose name is Page and not Pigeon, that whereas he had given me a particular of certain lands in the Isle of Grein, late the Lord Cobham's lands in Kent, for the writing of which I had already fully paid him, and yet if it had been my good hap to have procured a lease must have given him 24l. more in respect he helped me to the knowledge thereof; nevertheless, being inhibited by your means from proceeding therein, I desired him to deliver my bond, which when he answered he would not do without the money I offered him 20s., but under 12l. he would not deliver it, saying I might have passed it as well as Sir John Luson, who since had sold it for 150l., which Sir John confesses but to the use of payment of my Lord Cobham's debts. This in no sort notwithstanding wishing your displeasure towards him, so that without further charge he will deliver me my bond.—30 Oct. 1605.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "L. Saye to my Lord." 1 p. (112. 146.)
B[ridget], Lady Norreys, to the Same.
[1605], Oct. 30. Nothing in this world should be more welcome unto me than this good news of my husband's recovery, which you write of, for I have been much grieved to hear of his sickness. I have sent one a purpose 10 days ago to him, and have written another letter, if please your lordship to send it. I do not know whether my Lord's absence from Parliament without licence from his Majesty may be finable, though the occasion be his sickness. If you think it fit acquaint his Majesty therewith, and entreat whom you will for his proxy.—From Rycote, 30 Oct.
Holograph, signed: B. Norris. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (112. 147.)
Dr. Richard Neile to the Same.
1605, Oct. 30. Your letters signifying his Majesty's pleasure for Anne Gunter's attending him this night at Ware came to Mr. Harsnet's hands about one o'clock this Wednesday; at what time we were in the midst of our examinations and no way fit for his Majesty. Besides we had there neither coach nor any other provision fit for her conveying thither.
I have therefore sent my man to Ware with letters that his Majesty may be the better satisfied for her not coming, desiring him to let her attend him at Whitehall or some other convenient place hereafter. Whatsoever she has formerly confessed voluntarily, she has now confessed upon her oath. I sent your letters enclosed, that his Majesty may see there was no slackness in you to fulfil his pleasure herein. My fellowchaplain commends himself very kindly to you.—Shenfeild, Wednesday, Oct. 30, hora 2da pomeridiana, 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (112. 148.)
Captain Matthew Bredgate to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605, ? Oct.] Thanks Salisbury for his kind words to his wife. Begs for enlargement out of this chargeable place, where he has been 7 weeks, especially for that on Saturday there will come upon him an execution of 200l. He promises not to go down to his house at Dover without the King's leave. Speaks of his 25 years' service to the State.—The Fleet.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605," and the following: "Captains at sea: Bredgat, May, Cross, Gyfford, Wayman, Troughton, Sommer, Kemish, Pepnell, Plessington, Preston, Leigh, Perker, Tomkins, Norton, Fenner, Button." 1 p. (113. 132.)
The Same to the Same.
[1605, ? Oct.] Prays that he may not be kept close prisoner, which will cost him his life. If the Council take pity on him he hopes to recover the King's and their favour again. To-morrow he will possess Salisbury with that which shall move him to give him liberty, and to put off his Majesty's displeasure. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (113. 133.)
The Same to the Same.
[1605, ? Oct.] I entreat you to peruse this, by which I possess you with the manner of Lord Arundel's passage over in the Adventure, his Majesty's ship which I had charge of; but now by the Lord Admiral is put into another's charge, and myself sent for under guard as though I were a traitor. I am a true subject, and so will live and die. The day before the late Spanish Ambassador embarked, there came to me one Mr. Thetcher, a kinsman of the Lord Treasurer's, who dealt with me for his own passage and Sir Edward Parham's, and 5 or 6 other gentlemen. I told him I could not give them passage without the Council's warrant. He afterwards told me they had promise to go all over in the Admiral, as they did. He said to me "I understand you are shortly to go over to Flushing: do a kindness for me: give passage over with you to a follower and kinsman of Viscount Lisle's, the Governor of Flushing: and suffer him to land when you come to Gravlen [Gravelines] and to come aboard with you again: he will go disguised and keep himself from being known unto them of Gravelen, or any of the Ambassador's followers." Whereupon I granted him passage, and bid him go aboard, but he desired not to go aboard before I went myself, or that I would send him by some token unto the gunner, that he might be there secret in the gunner room, for fear of being discovered unto any of the Spaniards. So at his going aboard he went in at the port of the gunner room, and kept himself private until his going ashore at Gravelen. At the gate there he met with Mr. La Mence a merchant of Antwerp, who knowing him told me first of him; and I fearing what has now come to pass, desired to have satisfaction of his lordship, whereupon he wrote to you, to Lord Northampton and Lord Southampton, to assure you of my innocency in his passage. I desire you to stand good to me, and that I may not receive the King's displeasure.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (113. 134.)
The King to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
[1605, Oct.] Of the shameful abuse of Enfield Chace, through the neglect of the officers, whereby not only "one of our most pleasant grounds, hard under our ordinary residence" is like to be utterly spoiled and deforced; but also those poor persons who might have relief by keeping cattle and sheep, are, by new tenants and encroachers of the Chace, eaten out and brought to misery. The Master of the Game pretends he has no power to reform; but this answer is not admitted; and if between one officer and another the matter falls to the ground, the King will make it appear where the fault lies, and show himself sensible of these gross negligencies. If the Chancellor be absent through infirmity, the King expects from his Attorney not only more care, but better execution, and will judge hereafter the effects, and not the promises, of the Chancellor's service.—Undated.
Draft, in hand of Salisbury's secretary. Endorsed: "Minute to the Chancellor of the Duchy, about Enfield Chace. Oct. 1605." 2½ pp. (191. 63.)
Archbishoprics of St. Andrews and Glasgow.
[1605, ? Oct.] Three papers:—
(1) The Duke of Lenox by his Majesty's command has resigned in favour of the present titlers.
The 2 Archbishops of St. Andrews and Glasgow, together with the temporalities and spiritualities thereof.
The entries [side note, "fines"] of 17 baronies of lands.
The patronages of 8 great churches, annexed to the said prelacies.
The fees and rights hereditable.
The wards and marriages of a great number of the said tenants, and other casualties.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1605. Notes of S. Andrewes and Glasgow." ½ p. (115. 26.)
(2) Rental of the Archbishopric of St. Andrews. 1605. Signed by Lord Blantyre and another. 3 pp. (140. 185.)
(3) Rental of the Archbishopric of Glasgow. 1605. Signed by Lord Blantyre and another. 2 pp. (140. 187.)
[Possibly enclosures in Lord Dunfermline's letter to Salisbury of October 7. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 235.]
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to the Earl of Suffolk.
[1605, ? Oct.] It was late before her Majesty returned to Hampton Court. Then my Lord of Worcester and I acquainted her with my cousin's having the smallpox. She commanded me presently to go to the Prince, and that this morning I should bring him to her. When I came to Richmond I found the Prince in his bedchamber in his nightgown, out of temper, and with much hoarseness in his throat, so as the Doctor stands in doubt that it may turn to the smallpox; and we all think it might breed danger to remove him, and that he may be here very safe whatever should happen. This morning I mean to acquaint the Queen herewith and know her pleasure, and so return to Richmond, when I will acquaint you with it. My cousin was very well yesternight, and there is not above 8 or 9 come out; and his schoolmaster and servants have carried themselves very discreetly, with a special care of the Prince's person, for they keep in, and all things are brought to them that they lack. This morning I will see how his Highness doth, and what temper he is in, and then go to Hampton Court. He makes no account if [he] should have them, and says, better now than when he should be elder. He has showed a wonderful good nature in the care he has had of my cousin.—Friday.
PS.—My cousin has taken good rest this night. I do not think the Prince will now have them, but that his hoarseness is rather a rheum.
Holograph. Endorsed: "I pray you acquaint my Lord of Salisbury with this letter." "1605." 1 p. (192. 4.)