Cecil Papers: April 1605, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp127-141 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp127-141.

"Cecil Papers: April 1605, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp127-141.

April 1605, 1-15

Arthur Hall to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 2. Thanks Cranborne for his favour in granting [the request in] the letter he received; and prays that he may obtain to the effect he has written to Sir Thomas Smith. Prays Cranborne not to be carried against him, without hearing him, by the information of one who is inexorable to him.—2 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (99. 82.)
Humfrey Flyntt to the Same.
1605, April 2. Upon receipt of your letter I went to Sir Ralph Connisby the ranger, and he has taken order that on Wednesday morning by four of the clock the sluice of the great pond in the chace shall be drawn; so that he thinks that on Friday it will be ready for you to fish and will take order for a safe watch for the keeping of it, and also he has appointed his deputy to attend you at Tottenham High Cross to conduct you the next way to the pond. Nets and tubs for the carriage of the fish shall be there ready against your coming if I may know what day you will appoint. I let you likewise understand you have three stags mewed, the one mewed March 24, the other two March 28. Your works appointed to be done about the house be in hand and there shall be as much speed made of them as possible.—From your house at Theobalds, 2 April 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (110. 63.)
William Fells to the Same.
1605, April 2. Since my return from London I find myself much maligned by my neighbours, especially by those that are ill affected, for doing my duty to my Sovereign. Your lordship I hope is satisfied of my integrity and that I did it not to bewray those counterfeiters out of a greedy mind to possess myself of any their lands or goods, but to confound the destroyers of the commonwealth. Your virtues may defend me from their malice, upon which I am bound to depend. With the presenting of 6 Nantwich cheeses by my friend Mr. Watson I take my leave.—From my house at Yarrow near Helbree in Worrall, the second of April, 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (110. 64.)
Sir Edward Hoby to the Same.
[1605], April 3. Not with any wish to importune you in any way, and yet with full assurance of your best love I humbly beseech you, let me but know whether the King has spoken with any of your lordships touching my private occasion in hand. If he has, let me know what shall be his pleasure; if he has not as yet you shall do me a special favour in acquainting me so much: his royal promise was before this time to have done it. My present time of abode here is short and, if it be already undone, I must reserve it to a further importunity with his Majesty hereafter. Assure yourself that whether in England or out of England while I live no hand whatsoever shall be able to witness more dutiful affection to your person and service than his, who is not now able to subscribe the testimony thereof with his own hand. Meliora spero. —April the 3rd.
Endorsed: "3 Apr. 1604" [sic]. ½ p. (104. 123.)
Thomas Phelippes to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 3. These few lines are only to give you thanks for the special favour which I acknowledge to have received at your hands by this change of prison, which I reckon as good as a full liberty but that I shall be glad the King be better satisfied and edified of me. Meanwhile you have obliged unto you hereby one that desires nothing more than to have opportunity to do you any service.—3 April 1605.
Holograph. ¾ p. (110. 65.)
Auditor Francis Gofton to the Same.
1605, April 6. I received by a messenger the privy seal for discharge of the jewels, with your commandment to peruse and return it, which I have done by bearer my servant; praying you that I may receive again by him the privy seal for taking the new remain, which is to be kept by me. And for the privy seal of discharge, it is to be passed under the great seal which I will follow for you if you please and when it is past bring you; and so likewise my Lord Chamberlain and the rest of the Lords may have duplicates thereof under the great seal.—6 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal broken. ½ p. (110. 68.)
The Lord Chamberlain, Earls of Worcester and Northampton and Viscount Cranborne to Lord Admiral Nottingham.
[1605, April 7.] Since the receipt of your letter from Dover Road of 5 April, by which you yield many good reasons for holding your course to the Groyne, to which we must leave you, his Majesty has been dealt with by the Spanish Ambassador in a matter whereof we are commanded to advertise you, rather to fulfil his Majesty's promise (as he says) to the Ambassador than that he has either a purpose or cause to give you any other directions than those which you have received, and which he knows you would prescribe to yourself out of your own great judgment and experience. The matter is shortly thus. The King of Spain out of his zeal to preserve all perfect amity (as he pretends) being careful to prevent the least disorder which might arise to you at this time, has directed his Ambassador in any case to confer with you concerning the use of preaching and divine service in your house; that by all means possible you would be curious to forbear the use thereof in any such form as might give cause of scandal to the Inquisition, because they acknowledge not the King to have supreme authority over them, but hold themselves immediately dependent upon the Pope, neither does the King profess an authority so absolute as to protect any man in any such scandalous action against them. Whereunto his Majesty made shortly this reply; that for the matter in general to be used by you and yours without any loose or scandalous form he had directed you to be very careful, his meaning being in no case to draw that matter into any such strait as it must either receive his public avowal or direct refusal; but, that he could expect from the King any other imposition upon you his Ambassador than he did exercise himself here towards the Ambassador of Spain, it was far from him to suspect it, for his Majesty made him answer that he treated with him as one absolute Monarch with another, and in that point of privilege to his Ambassador he doubted not but the King of Spain would therein yield him his due, especially considering the freedom which our King affords to his minister here. So as in effect what has been said by the Ambassador to the King, or by the King to him, who very wisely and roundly answered him, all that we have to say to your lordship is, that as the orders you took before your going were very good, especially for such as would declare themselves wilful abroad, so his Majesty doubts not but within doors you will keep your house in so good discipline as your train may not be robbed of that Christian comfort which comes by the exercise of God's word, and yet so carry it as is expressed aforesaid: wherein for our parts we conceive that you may and will at those hours keep your gates so private as none without shall be scandalised with the form, or take direct notice by the habit of your minister in the streets for what purpose he is there with you. Of which and many other circumstances that are not necessary his Majesty knows that you will be careful to avoid any just scandal, and so his Legier Ambassador that shall remain behind you. His Majesty is well, and the Queen as yet not delivered, but rather like by some misreckoning to go on fourteen or fifteen days further. —Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "Minute to my Lo. Admiral. Sent to Plymouth, 7 April 1605." 5¼ pp. (110. 69.)
Sir Richard Ogle to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 8. In reply to Cranborne's of January 25, with respect to the false information of Thomas Browne that Ogle is possessed of 4 books appertaining to her Majesty's manor of Spalding, Lincolnshire, of which Cranborne is steward; and with regard to Cranborne's command to send up the said books, or give reasons for his refusal; he has a great old book which his ancestors left him treating De inchoatione sive fundacione Prioratus Spalding, and of other local matters, which he describes. He offered to Browne the inspection of it; but Browne refused to look upon it " out of courtesy," but would have authority from her Majesty's Council to fetch it and the other 3 books. The latter, view of which he refused Browne upon his hard speech, and which Browne conjectures unjustly to belong to the manor of Spalding, are entitled as follows: Historia qua dicitur Polieronica [sic]: Cronica Mariani Scoti: and Le siege d'Antioche ousque le conquest Jerusalem de Godefroi de Boilion. Purposes to wait on Cranborne next term to satisfy him and the Council in the matter; and trusts he will stay such proceedings as sinister practices may procure against him. The bearer, his cousin Clinton Ogle, will attend Cranborne's pleasure herein.—Pinchbeck, 8 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 53.)
Spain and the Indies.
1605, April 9/19. "Edict [of Philip III] in Spain against frequenting of the Indies." The King my father by an edict of 9 February 1591 forbade either ship, person or stranger of any sort or nation to depart from any ports of Portugal towards the conquests and discoveries of Brazil, Mina, Malageta, of the kingdom of Angola, the Isles of St. Thomas, Cape Verde, or any other parts of Guinea or the countries adjacent without his special licence. Since when the said King and myself have granted licences to undertakers and particular persons to send ships with mariners and strangers to the said parts, giving sureties at parting from Portugal to take course directly to such parts as are mentioned in their licence and to return directly to Portugal; the said ship and strangers therein to be of friendly nations. Now since the said licences have been abused by some of the undertakers, mine own subjects, who for their own interest have committed divers deceits and frauds by colouring with false provisions the ships of rebels, &c., which has redounded to great inconveniences in prejudice of my service, loss of my revenues, and damage of my subjects and kingdom, and overthrowing its trade by transferring the benefit of merchandise brought from my states upon foreign lands, whereupon the trade has failed in Portugal, and thereupon ensued the not building of ships by the naturals of that country, and the not breeding up of marines which might serve me in my armadoes and Indian fleets: these damages being so great I hold it necessary to provide remedy, being required also so to do on behalf of the farmers or undertakers of my Alfandogas and of the pale of Pernambusco, the Diezems of Brazil and of the parts of Africa and that they should relinquish their licences to send stranger ships to the said conquest and discoveries. These things being deliberated by myself and my Council, I have commanded this edict to pass, whereby I command that from the day of publication hereof no stranger ship of any nation shall pass to India, Brazil, Guinea or to the Islands, nor to any provinces or islands of my conquests or seignories, but only to the Azores or Madeira as hitherto they have accustomed, and these to be of friendly nations and not of rebels. Moreover in the ships of my natural subjects may pass no stranger whatsoever, although he be a dweller in my country. All strangers which shall come or were dwellers in the parts of India, Brazil, Guinea, the islands of St. Thomas, Cape Verde, the Azores and Madeira shall no longer dwell therein but shall come to Portugal by the first shipping from India after the publication of this edict in the said Indies; and those in Brazil and other parts from the Cape de Buena Speranza hitherward shall depart thence to come for the kingdom within one year after publication of this edict in Lisbon. I revoke all licences given for the said vessels and strangers to go to the said parts. Further whatsoever stranger ship shall pass to any of the said parts contrary to this edict shall be confiscate with all the merchandise and goods therein.—19 April 1605.
Spanish. 4 pp. (110. 87.)
Translation into English of the greater part of the above.
pp. (110. 89.)
Lord Morley.
1605, April 9. Warrant to the Earl of Dorset, High Treasurer, and Lord Howme of Berwick, Chancellor of the Exchequer, for the grant to Edward, Lord Morley, of crown lands to the annual value of 150l., for his services.—Manor of Greenwich, 9 April, 3 Jac.
Signed by the King. 1 p. (192. 88.)
William Stallenge to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 10. Has been lately required to appear before the Barons of the [Ex]chequer to answer certain accounts for custom causes, wherewith (as the Lord Treasurer knows) he is no way to be charged. As the time is so short and he is unable to appear at this time asks Cranborne's favour for the better conveyance of the letter enclosed, wherein he has written also to the Lord Treasurer lest the sheriff or himself should be further troubled, hoping his lordship will rest satisfied. As yet there is not here any certain news of the Lord Admiral, but it is reported he was about Dover on Thursday last.—Plymouth, 10 April 1605.
PS. (endorsed): Since the sealing of this letter it is understood that the Lord Admiral past by this harbour the last night.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (110. 71.)
Sir William Cecil to his father, Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 10. He has gone hard to his book and means still to do so. He is in good health and would be glad to see Lord Cranborne.—St. John's College, Cambridge, 10 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (228. 7a.)
Sir William Selby to the Same.
[1605], April 11. I fell sick on the way coming down about the 20th of March, with a great cold and a fever which continues yet. Yet desirous according to my duty to be at the first general meeting of the Commissioners I adventured to take journey towards Carlisle on the 6th inst., but through the violence of my sickness was compelled to return: and conceiving that one of the greatest matters of their deliberation would be the nominating of such Grames as should be sent into Ireland I delivered my opinion by letters. When we waited last at the Council table your lordships left the nomination to the Commissioners, yet seemed to incline that the sending away of householders best fitted the service and would most procure the peace of the country, for their houses were the receptacles of the rest. That course carries with it great difficulties. Their number will be great, 700 persons at least, which will require much shipping for transportation, a large territory to inhabit in furnished with houses, and if they be not of ability themselves many oxen and horses for tillage, great quantity of corn to sow, and a chargeable maintenance till the earth yield her increase. This will be a matter of great expense to his Majesty, which your lordships sought diligently to avoid; and the King cannot with his honour expose them on the Irish coast without means to live, if they want of their own. It will be a matter of small charge to his Majesty and as I think not much less serviceable for the peace of the country to send away 150 of the ablest young men, who may be divided among the garrisons of Ireland with order not to return; so that the flower and strength of the name being taken away, and the rest unarmed according to your instruction, and such as shall commit felonies cut off by the sword of justice, I see not how they can trouble the peace of the county of Cumberland if the gentlemen and other inhabitants be not much wanting to themselves. Thus much I thought it my duty to write in excuse of my absence. In the place where I lie I endeavour myself to keep that part of the country in quiet.—Twysell, 11 April.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 72.)
The Bishop of Lincoln to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 12. According to your letters I have granted unto Mr. Wilkinson, parson of Waddesden, co. Buckingham, four months to go down into Yorkshire for the dispatch of that business which his father, by making him his executor, has put him in trust withal, wishing with all my heart that at his return he would show himself conformable to his Majesty's law, whereof he has given good hope by divers insinuations. For it is no small grief to me (as to others of my brethren) to see men of great learning, pains and fruit breed such a grievous schism in the church as they have done for matters of ceremony, wherein is reposed no substance of religion or godliness, other than decency, order and obedience, which having a good interpretation may be easily endured, without any just scandal to their consciences. I am fully persuaded the most part of them would not stand so obstinately in these terms were they not encouraged by their favourers, and were they not unwilling to be brought into any disgrace with their people. But it is a greater grief to us all (if there were any other remedy) to remove them from their livings, by reason whereof their wives and children who have given no cause of offence, neither are able to shift for themselves, should be distressed. I will by the grace of God use all the best means I can devise by conference and brotherly exhortations with mildness and discretion to win them.—Buckden, 12 April 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. Seal. (110. 74.)
Thomas Riddell, Mayor, the Aldermen and Coalowners of Newcastle upon Tyne to the King.
1605, April 12. Having received your letter by Sir William Constable, wherein it appears that information has been made to your Majesty that many using the trade of coals between this town and other ports of your realm complain much of the abuses used in the measuring of coals within this port, growing by a very uncertain kind of measure used in the delivery of the same to buyers, whereof no officer has charge to see it executed according to the right intent thereof; whereupon your Highness has been sued unto to erect an office for the measuring of them by such measures as the laws of your realm require, and to appoint that officer a groat for his fee upon every chalder of coals as in the city of London is used to be taken, and that the forenamed Sir William Constable might be the first officer in that behalf: Most dread Sovereign, according to our bounden duties we have presumed herein to lay down reasons for your better satisfaction touching the contents of your letter. It appears, so far as we can discern, that your Majesty is misinformed by some that do not well conceive the manner of the trade and measuring of that commodity forth of this port. For by a special Act of Parliament made in 9 Henry V for the more speedy dispatch of such great number of ships and other vessels as trade to this place for coals it is enacted that all keels shall be measured by certain commissioners to be appointed, before any coals be measured in the same, upon pain of forfeiture of such keels and vessels as shall not be measured and marked accordingly. Which upon due consideration was, and indeed is, the most indifferent course (as we think) that can be devised in that respect, not only between the seller and the buyer, but also for your Majesty's profit and general ease of your subjects. Which manner of measuring has been duly observed, especially of late by force of the said commission sued forth for that purpose according to the tenor of the said Act, and executed by some of your officers or collectors of the customs here. The manner of dispatch for delivery of coals at London and this port are far different. It is impossible with any conveniency to follow that example. To load every ship here by such small measure as they unload there would turn to your great loss in the receipt of your custom. For if we should measure coals in that sort the same would be so chargeable to us the sellers that the trade would not be able to bear it, and we should be forced to give over the same. Therefore, such as complain of abuses that way or would have alteration of the ancient accustomed measuring of that commodity do not conceive the vent and order for fitness in delivery thereof within this river. If any new office in that respect should be erected it should be a great charge to us, and a thing unnecessary, a great tax imposed without cause, and no service to be done for the same. The gentleman, whom it has pleased your Majesty to recommend to us to be the first officer for that purpose, is one well known and born amongst us, and so generally well thought of and beloved here that if his suit were but indifferent we would have given him reasonable satisfaction therein, much more upon your Majesty's commendation: of which we pray your Highness so to conceive and give credit thereunto.—Newcastle upon Tyne, 12 April 1605.
Eighteen signatures. 2 pp. (110. 75.)
Sir Francis Hastings to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 12. I have with all humbleness submitted myself to that sentence delivered by you and the rest of the Lords, and (since my being at the funeral of my late brother, where I made small stay) I remain at my poor house and desist from all dealings in my Sovereign's service, as I was by you commanded; neither do I presume to sue for my restoring to my place, lest I seem to approve mine own worthiness more than becomes me, or discretion can warrant. I only crave that my long loyal and chargeable service of my late Queen, and my like forwardness since my Sovereign's coming in may witness that my heart is free and ever shall be free from the last stain of disloyalty or disloyal thought towards his Highness. I hope you have found that sundry of the honourable [men] that lived in the former days of our late Queen esteem me loyal and careful in my place and calling, and yourself I doubt not will testify no less for me since your time. Seeing I have approved myself thus faithful my trust is you will be a mean to his Majesty for my enjoyment of his favour and good opinion. My life is far spent in the days of my late Queen, during whose life I had no other object of my allegiance. But when the Lord had assigned the period of her days then was my life and service transferred to King James. Therefore, vouchsafe me, a poor younger brother, your furtherance to his Majesty for his good opinion, which would add much comfort to my grey hairs; for I might justly think myself a most unhappy man if after 37 years' painful and faithful service I should shut up my last days with disgrace. I assure myself you now will undertake this for me because I cannot forget your assurance of your good opinion of me when I attended you at your bedside the last Parliament of our late worthy Queen.—12 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 76.)
Stephen Le Sieur to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 12. This morning I have received a letter dated in Prague the 26th March new style; wherein is written that the Emperor had resolved to send to the King's Majesty a gentleman called Cocke, born in the Low Countries, sometime attendant upon the Archduke Ernestus deceased, and now commander of the castle in Prague. It is thought the Emperor doth send him but as a messenger intending the Landgrave of Leuchtenberg shall shortly after follow in solemn embassage. This Cocke was to depart from Prague (as he himself said) the week before Easter. The rebellious faction in Hungary increaseth daily more and more, and by reason of the Turkish Emperor's great preparation to assist them putteth the provinces next adjoining in great fear, as Austria, Styria, Moravia and Silesia. The Persian Ambassadors are yet remaining in Prague. —London, next to York House, 12 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (110. 77.)
Lord Cobham to the Same, his brother-in-law.
1605, April 13. I heard not till yesterday that the King had my letter. I hear he read it saying that it was well, and since called for and put it into his pocket. From Mr. Gibbs I am likewise advised not to be importunate, which fault I cannot accuse myself, for it is now a whole year since I wrote unto his Majesty. I conceive that occasion takes away all objection of importunity, and this time of the birth of this young lady may move the King to think of me; it would be a remembrance never forgotten, and that which princes have usually done. Let the chronicle of Spain be read, you shall see that King Philip II, that last died, upon the birth of all his children pardoned all offenders whatsoever in all his dominions, and twice, upon the birth of this present King and Ferdinando his eldest brother, he pardoned the Prince of Orange. I allege not this as precedents, for that were wrong; the King our sovereign being one of the wisest and worthiest princes that this kingdom ever had, from him is expected precedents, not to follow any. If you allow my purpose I will then desire that this letter may be given unto him, the success to God and your furtherance I leave. Besides mine own knowledge of your favour towards me otherwise I know how much I am bound to you; the reward is heavenly to do for the afflicted.—From the Tower, 13 April 1605.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Seal. 1 p. (110. 78.)
John Gordon, Dean of Salisbury, and Thomas Hyde to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 13. This bearer, Mr. Haddock, a physician of his profession, came lately from Oxford to dwell in the Close of our cathedral church of Sarum, and hearing of his preaching in his sleep we made us to be advertised when he was to begin his sermon. And so on Wednesday last being warned we entered into his chamber after he had begun his preaching, which was towards three o'clock in the morning, and continued an hour and a half. Our small judgment thereof is, that if he could preach when he is awaked, as he did in our hearing in his sleep as seemed to us, that he were worthy to be preferred to the place of a good preacher. His language was much better in his sleeping preaching than it is in his discourse when he is awaked; his method very formal, and in the expounding of his text his preaching very full of learned discourses, his metaphors very fit for his text; the notes gathered out of his text very well appropriated to the matter, and the applications of the doctrine conveniently performed in allegations of Scriptures and sentences of the poets and of the fathers very apt for his purpose. In the end he made a Prosopopeia to the King's Majesty, wherein he represented the machinations of Satan by the papists of this Kingdom to erect up again idolatry and popery, and ended with a godly prayer. We approached the candle to him and perceived that his eyes did not move at all. His hands and his arms remained closed within his sheets, without any moving; his lips and his tongue only moved, as did his belly by the respiration of his lungs; and the end of his prayer and his Amen savoured a sleeping man's speech, and within short space after he groaned as a man wearied with sickness. Our intention was to hear him more amply and then to bring him to the King, as he can witness himself; and seeing that he is now sent for by the Lords of the Council we thought it expedient to make you privy of these premises.—Sarum, 13 April 1605.
Signed. 1 p. (110. 79.)
The Vice-Chancellor and others of Cambridge University to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 13. They are bold to request his helping hand about retaining the ancient decent order of taking place at sermons and other scholastical acts in their University. The which hath been that next after Mr. Vice-Chancellor's place in St. Mary's Choir, the Doctors, first the ancientest and then the rest in their order, have used to sit, and after them the young sons of noblemen, except they were some of very special note, coming for study's sake. But lately certain new made knights commorant in the town have taken upon them to sit in the chief places next Mr. Vice-Chancellor, not only in the said choir at sermons, but also at other colleges and chapels, and even in the common schools at public acts, putting down the Doctors to the breach of ancient order, dishonour of the University and offence of their whole body, so signified even in some scholastical exercises publicly and imputing some defect to them in suffering the same. They have hitherto forborne for about a year, hoping those young knights, being of no noble birth, would have taken notice and withdrawn themselves in all this time in such public meetings within the University, howsoever they take superiority of place abroad. But finding they still keep their usurped possession, the writers have been urged to think of convenient remedy, which upon some advisement together they thought meetest, by becoming petitioners to Cranborne as their chief head to direct his letters to the ViceChancellor as upon notice taken by report abroad of this indignity, as indeed it spreadeth further than within the University, privately to move them to forbear pressing themselves into such places within the University. They thought not so fit to have consultation with all the heads of Colleges about reformation herein, as in a more private manner to come from a few of them.—Cambridge, 13 April 1605.
Apparently in Cowell's hand. Signed: John Cowell, ViceChancellor, Roger Goade, Umphry Tyndall, Tho. Revite. 1 p. (136. 130.)
The Crown Jewels.
1605, April 13. Discharge or release for the Lord Treasurer, Lord Admiral and others, with regard to the Crown Jewels.— Westminster, 13 April 1605.
Seal. 1 m. (218. 17.)
Noel de Caron to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 14. I am troubled to see that, though I do nothing else but cry out upon the officers who come here to fill up the companies, your lordship complains that they do not comport themselves in doing this according to the order I have prescribed for them. For I have even prohibited the sailors of our Provinces to take any soldiers in their ships until they have well passed before Grenwits [Greenwich]. I would like, however, for you to call these officers before you, reprimand them in your presence and make the same prohibition to them. For the rest I ask you to pardon me if I say that I know the Ambassadors of whom you speak make levies everywhere in London and publicly, even saying that they will have his Majesty's leave against us.—"A Suydt Lambet," 14 April 1605.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (190. 58.)
Anthoine de Sailly to [Noel de Caron], Monsieur de Schoonwal.
1605, April 14/24. I wrote you the 20th by a sailor of Vlissinge named Poothen. He is somewhat addicted to liquor (au gobelet), so you will please ask him for the letter if perchance he has not had it addressed to you.
Since then Sir Robert Sidney has landed at Gravelines, where cannon has been fired in his honour, and has passed towards Duynkerke and we do not know yet if he is going to the Archduke. I saw four days ago Admiral de Haultein who told me he had spoken at sea on the preceding day to Sir [Robert] Sidney who had not mentioned their voyage to him, so he thought he was going towards Vlissinge. I am anxious to learn what has come to your knowledge. Whatever it be we believe that it is no ordinary affair. Also that his ability would not have one think that he would wish to be a messenger to the Archduke of sorry matters. May God protect us! There is no kind of subtilty and deceit that the Spaniard would not use to get the upper hand over us.
In the Low Countries the wish is, as I think, that your King will cause the Spaniards to pass in safety and for this end he is even going to fit out ships. But indeed that would be too violent a course and would be taking for granted that our own would be set free upon his country in the height of the combat. The English, as I told you in my preceding letter, ought to recollect that they did the same thing upon this Government in the matter of a galeas (galeace) which was wrecked there. And yet France, instead of showing resentment, did not cease to liberate the English galley slaves (forcats), notwithstanding that the then Ambassador of Spain, Don Bernardin de Mendoze, and the Duke of Guise urged their retention. I am sure that you will profit from this example.
It is regretted at Brussels that Tassis had thus urged the King to write to the Estates about this matter, knowing that his Majesty had every reason not to press us with it.—Cales, 24 Avril 1605.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "From Calais." 2 pp. (191. 26.)
Henry Sanderson to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 15. I am in imminent danger by obstinate and dangerous recusants, their friends and favourers, for the execution of my service against them in behalf of the King. Their inveterate hate is more increased against me since my employment lately imposed upon me by the Lord President and Council in these parts; insomuch that divers followers and special friends of our principal recusants publish openly that it will not be long before an end be made of me for apprehending their priests and some of themselves, and for burning certain mass books and other popish and traitorous books; I being commanded by his Majesty to make a great fire and to burn them openly in Newcastle. A messenger of the King's chamber, one Richard Browne, is witness of divers threatening words tending to depriving me of my life, spoken by sundry persons devoted wholly to popery. My assured hope is that the God of all power will defend me from their malice, and your strict authority will proceed with speed to suppress the swelling rage of these malicious persons. I am the rather emboldened for I know your resolution to maintain God's true religion and suppress papistry which you uttered unto me with such zeal. Besides, the King has promised to protect me against all the papists of England, their friends and favourers.—Brauncepeth, 15 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (110. 80.)
Lord Zouche to the Same.
[1605], April 15. Because I found no convenient time to speak with you I now write in hope you will have some respect of me. Your lordship, I doubt not, might well perceive that this matter, of some importance as I take it, instead of determining is now referred to a new hearing, and how little has been said to the abuse of the porter who is by bond to appear upon Thursday next; when you might perceive what he is to look for, whose error, you all adjudged, has been principally by my means, though with no desire of contemning but only to maintain that court in that honour wherein heretofore it has been held. Wherein we have all this to say for ourselves, that there has been no proof made that the like has been offered, but being concluded to be due there is no doubt but those which serve there will obey; though I hope this alone will press you in your word to procure my release from that service since I must yield account to that court for every one I commit, who are by their oath which they press so much to judge by law and not by discretion: whereas I know that if any who shall serve there have not power to commit upon discretion he shall be able to do less service by much, and my judgment in law is little or nothing, neither is my purse fit to entertain such a charge nor my mind so pliable to endure their controlments. To all which, since I am made subject if I serve there, let them weigh with you as sufficient reasons to persuade you to procure my freedom from that place, whereunto others I doubt not more sufficient will like to be preferred and wherein I may truly depose that I have so far changed the disposition of my body as besides that I find already much weakness, I have just cause to fear before long continual sickness. To this I have moved you already for the poor porter who is subject to many debts as surety for others, which if they be laid upon him shall never be able to come out, being not his own but by "banckrowtes" for whom he was bound cast upon him, and now fallen into this danger only by doing that which I held due to be done; and this by means which is no small trouble to me. If you find some means that both my release may be obtained and this poor man freed for this time you shall do me a very great favour.—Philip Lane, 15 April.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 2 pp. (110. 81.)
Lord Audeley to Viscount Cranborne.
1605, April 15. I crave you grant your hand to a letter with three or four more of my Lords of his Majesty's Council to the Lord Deputy of Ireland, the Lord Chancellor and the rest of his Majesty's Council there, praying them to favour me in this which it has pleased the King of his royal bounty to bestow upon me and which I swear had never been granted but through means proceeding from the true honour of your mind, which shall bind me and mine to remain faithful and loving towards you and all yours.—Stoway, 15 April 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (110. 82.)
Ellen Cartie to the Same.
1605, April 15. I lately petitioned your lordship for such of my father's lands as yet rest in his Majesty's gift, which are of small value and not worth 8l. a year. All the last wars I kept myself and my castle from the furious assaults of the rebels, yet I fear one or other will beg those lands of his Highness and thrust me out. I pray you remember that I am the daughter and heir of an Earl, who was ever a loyal subject to her late Majesty, and his lands did not fall from me by any attainder but by his voluntary surrender. If you knew into what poverty I am driven you would pity me. My last request is that his Highness will give me enough to carry me to Ireland and pay my debt, or else a warrant to receive two years of my pension beforehand.—15 April 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (85. 157.)