Cecil Papers: February 1605, 16-28

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1605, 16-28', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp57-77 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1605, 16-28', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp57-77.

"Cecil Papers: February 1605, 16-28". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp57-77.

February 1605, 16-28

The Bishop of London to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 16. Being requested by Mr. Robert Dalton of Thurnam in Lancashire to signify my knowledge of his affection in religion to your lordship, this is to advertise you that he has been in religion always well-disposed and often has lamented to me the recusancy of his wife, and earnestly requested me to appoint preachers to confer with her. Which was accordingly done, and I also certified of the success which proved not such as I expected.—From my house in London, 16 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 34.)
William Typper to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 16. In Michaelmas term last there was a particular to be rated by his Highness's commissioners upon a defective title, and in examining the matter it falls out to be within the peril of the Queen's jointure, though never intended. You commanded me to attend Sir Roger Wilbraham, the Queen's chancellor, and Sir Robert Hicham, her attorney, and to acquaint them with the case; and they have put down what they conceive of the matter, yet leaving it to your consideration, beseeching you on the gentleman's behalf to set down a rate upon the particular as in other like cases; and the rate to be to the use of Sir Edward Pytte, knight, and William Smalman, esquire. If the same had been wholly rated by the commissioners, the sum would have been five hundred marks, whereof her Majesty's chancellor has set down 300 marks for the Queen's part and but 200 for the King, to which the parties have condescended. And I am well persuaded that three or four more of great value will fall out in like manner.—16 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 29.)
The Bishop of Peterborough to the Same.
1604–4, Feb. 16. Understanding that the Lords of the Council have received no letter from me in answer of their letters to me, I wonder where the fault may be, seeing that I returned answer immediately upon the receipt of the letters by the messenger, Dickinson, who brought them to me. However I now make a summary repetition of my former answer.
The number of disorderly ministers I cannot justly tell, because my Register, who keeps the record, is now in London. But to my knowledge I deprived 13 or 14. The rest by me suspended are curates and mercenary readers. The most of them have taken no degree or schools, some are bachelors of arts, a few are masters of arts, but all are extremely wilful.
I gave them three several admonitions, those near me I admonished myself, those far off I admonished by my officers.
I exposed myself to all kinds of conference both private and public. In private conference I have reclaimed more than I have deprived.
In my public conference, which lasted two whole days in the cathedral church, in the hearing of 200 people, I took on me the place of respondent and answered all objections propounded by the factious ministers of my diocese from morning till night.
When nothing would prevail, I prayed them to ask further time, that by conference with other men they might dispose themselves to submit; they answered out of a premeditated confederacy, as I take it, that thus they should dissemble, for they were resolved never to yield. Hereupon I deprived one, a principal ringleader of that band, and suspended 9 or 10, the most whereof were mean men and curates. The rest I respited until another time, before which date I received letters from your lordships, encouraging me to proceed against those who were obstinate.
At their next appearance I entreated them by my best skill, and not prevailing, out of my duty I deprived other 13 or 14, men of such invincible obstinacy, as never any Bishop met with; who in matters of mere order and decency have shown as much stomach as any other men can do in the highest points of our redemption.
As to the placing of other men in their rooms, they have all appealed from my sentence, during which appeal they must take care of their own cures themselves; yet have I written unto the preachers of my diocese, that as they dwell conveniently nigh to those benefices, which are vacant, they shall employ their labours diligently to the comfort of the people there. And this is well performed, saving at Northampton, where Mr. Catline has locked up the pulpit door and will suffer no one to preach. But my hope is that if these men prevail not upon their appeal, the patrons of the vacant churches will supply men of good conformity.—Peterborough, 16 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. 3 pp. (104. 30.)
Sir Fulke Greville to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5, ? Feb. 16.] Yesterday morning I received these letters from the Lord Chamberlain. Presently I went to Sir Francis, to acquaint him, who most humbly received and acknowledged your favour; without stay I returned to my Lord of Suffolk and delivered the letters to him with my own hands,—From London, this Saturday.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604" and in a later hand, "abt. Feb. 18." (104. 33.)
[Sir Edward Hoby] to the Same.
[1604–5], Feb. 16. I have this day received a very uncomfortable message from the Queen's Vice-Chamberlain, that your lordship meant not to move aught more for my further supply in relinguishing my house at Shurland to Sir Philipp Herberd. I did take it that those your lordships, before whom I was commanded to be, did think it fit that I should have some supply towards the furnishing of another house to enable me to put my poor wife's head in, if I were dead, and as I conceive it you named unto me 400l., though it were likely to come forth of Sir Phillipp Herbert's own purse. And since you let me know that, the other part of my business being dispatched, yourself with the rest of those Lords would be a means to the King for my further consideration, though the matter be not great which I desire, yet at this time it is very important to my poor estate, and I have that hope of his Majesty that for so small a matter he will never leave me unsatisfied, though barred of further expectations. I do assure myself that my Lord Treasurer and my Lord of Northampton will join with your lordship to my furtherance.—16 Feb.
Unsigned. Endorsed by Cecil's clerk: "16 Febr. 1604. Sir Edward Hoby." 1 p. (188. 64.)
Lord Eure to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Feb. 18. Professing his love, thankfulness and devotion.—Malton, 18 Feb.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (104. 32.)
John Wilkinson to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 19. Lately I saw a project for reducing the kingdom of Ireland to conformity in government, whence many hundred thousand pounds might come to the King's coffers yearly. The author is a man of experience and has spent many years in Ireland. He showed himself simple in requiring my judgment, whom I answered that the matter was too high for me. But he acquainted me of his intent to present it to his Majesty. I advised him that it was more fitting to impart the same to some of the Lords of the Privy Council. He wished to follow my advice, and I have made bold to lay the matter before your lordship.—19 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (104. 34 (2).)
Adam Newton.
[1604–5, Feb. 19.] Has only received for his long services a pension of 200l. yearly. Petitions the King that he may have the reversion of the office of Butlerage and Prisage, of which the Lord Treasurer now enjoys a grant for life. Prays also that he may be granted the benefit of a legacy of 1500l. or 2000l. given to the late Queen but concealed for more than ten years past, that he may at his own costs and charges endeavour to recover the same for the King. If the King will then pay this money to him, he will be ready to surrender 100l. yearly of his said pension.
At the foot in Sir Thomas Lake's handwriting:—"The King's Majesty being willing to show all favour to this petitioner and conceiving his suit to be reasonable doth refer the consideration thereof to the Lords as is desired, and if their lordships can find no just cause to the contrary then doth his Majesty grant unto him the effect of his desire. Tho. Lake, 19 Feb. 1604."
Petition. 1 p. (188. 65.)
Jane Jobson to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 20. In favour of a young poor scholar of Trinity College called Robert. Worsley, for an effectual letter to Dr. Nevill, master of the college, to obtain for him a scholarship at the election now instant.—Brantingham, 20 Feb. 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (104. 35.)
Don Juan de Mendoza to the Conde de Villa Mediana.
1604–5, February 20/March 2. Has received his letters of January 7th and February 3rd, with content for their good news of his health and of his having passed Easter and the Carnival so pleasantly. Is glad to hear from Court they have appointed a successor to his lordship, whom he hopes soon to see and will serve faithfully as in duty bound.
In furtherance of his Majesty's service sends the report that accompanies this, that the shipmaster may be punished according to his offence, as, for good correspondence and preservation of the peace and that evil disposed persons may not disturb it, it will be well that those who run into disobedience be punished in such a manner that it may be an example to others; and if this is not done at the beginning with fitting energy, the ships which leave these ports will become bolder every day, and giving them harbour there, if they are not punished, will serve to put them more at their ease. Of what shall occur in this matter he will continue to inform the Conde.— Lisbon, 2 March 1605.
Signed. Spanish. 2 pp. (110. 24.)
Carrying Arms in Ireland.
1604–5, Feb. 20. Proclamation by the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, forbidding the unlawful carrying of arms.
Printed. 1 p. (141. 369.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to Lord Sheffield.
[1604–5, Feb. 20]. You shall receive a letter from his Majesty directed to the Archbishop and yourself, (fn. 1) occasioned by some scandalous speeches given forth in London, not only of neglecting to punish priests and popery, but in a manner as if there were some hidden purpose to grant a toleration. Wherein although I make no question of your satisfaction of the purpose of the State, yet because your profession to me deserves at my hands clear proceeding, I am bold to acquaint you that I account myself hardly dealt with by some in those parts, who have sought to make some use to my prejudice by publishing a letter written to me by my Lord the Archbishop of York. To think that the good and reverend prelate could have any design to scandal me and glorify himself, I would be very loth; but that some ill-affected to me have had this end to show his zeal in writing, and his policy in directing it to me, as one not unlikely to be seduced, I know it by infallible arguments. Wherein although I despise to satisfy men by any apology, because they be only those that find no way to value themselves but by traducing of others, yet because my Lord should not condemn me by my silence, nor my friends be ignorant of my answer, seeing they have his letter to comment upon, I resolved ingenuously to impart unto him my knowledge and my affections. And that you may be satisfied from me what is my answer, whereof peradventure false copies may be delivered by some of his, I have taken the boldness to send you a double of the same, protesting to you that if I had not sought to avoid some exception in his Majesty to the latter part of the letter, he should not have needed to have blown the trumpet of his own zeal, for no man ever served a prince more gracious and willing to hear advice of reverend men, neither is there any man that serves his Majesty, who keeps less from him than I.—Undated.
Draft by one of Cranborne's clerks. Endorsed: "20 Febr. 1604. Minute to my L. Sheffield." 3 pp. (188. 66.)
Sir Edward Coke to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 20. Sends several letters patents of certain offices with the fees, etc., in the margin, wherein he has postilled his opinion as the shorter and more perspicuous course. 20 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. ¼ p. (188. 68.)
[Sir Edward Hoby] to the Same.
[1604–5], Feb. 21. Though I am sorry, yet I must yield myself to bear patiently, what it has pleased God to lay upon me, but in nothing more than that another hand than my own must now deliver my mind, far more wished by me to have done by my own speech. I never made other suit than that the King would not take that advantage of me by way of forfeiture of right, while it was in his hands, which never any of his progenitors, Kings of England, did, but to make my case known to him, and that by his own especial commandment to myself, in which I leave to mention all former promises and expectations. I came not to your lordships as men in general, but as particular lords, to whom the King in this case referred his cause, amongst whom I honour yourself as a principal instrument to do me good. I was then offered by your lordships that if I would insist to have my own state confirmed as it was, I should have it done, before the King should pass it, far better than for my estate, to have at least a house to put my wife's head in, to have been able to eat of the fruits of my own plants, enjoying my earthly delights, besides incurring a public disgrace, which, while men be men and dearly affected to a present state, they cannot but in their own souls too feelingly resent. Upon persuasions by some of your lordships I was willing to yield up all for a further supply of a thousand pounds, whereof the arrearages being part it was no more than the King himself offered a year since to bestow on me, making means at that time unto him but to stay my payment for a time, which like a fool then I refused through full assurance to his Majesty of greater expectations to my profit. Your lordship at that time assured me that for 400l. you doubted not, though it came out of Sir Philip Harbert's own purse (a dear Harbert to me), and since by your letters you let me know, that, the other business being done of rent and arrearages, yourself with the rest of the Lords would move the King for me. My design is not that you should as in your own particular suit for me press the King, but that you will confer with my Lord Treasurer and with my Lord of Northampton: and if you three think me not fit for it, I know where it ends; if it rest upon the King's allowance, I know it must grow of some distaste he has of late had of me, and then I will leave the prosecution to the suit of some other most interested in this, who never deserved ill of him, nor was capable of voice in Parliament, to whom in time past he has meant better unto. Therefore blame me not that I rest not satisfied with Mr. Vice-Chamberlain's report, relying ever so much upon your love and care, as my ever intellectual powers in prayers shall do for you, though my handy labours at this time be nothing available.—21 Feb.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Sir Edward Hoby, 1604." Seal. 2 pp. (104. 36.)
Sir Philip Herbert to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Feb. 21. I have received a letter from my Lady Marcum [Markham], who writes unto me that she is exceedingly bound unto you for giving her the wardship of her son. But now she says that she is stayed and cannot proceed any further until she pays the fines to the King. Therefore she desired me to certify you that as soon as I had moved you and that you had granted the wardship unto her, I went to the King, who said that he was very willing to grant her his part, if your lordship were contented.—From Roiston this 21 February.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (188. 70.)
Mines Royal.
1604–5, Feb. 22. Warrant of Lord Cranborne to Frances, Countess Dowager of Kildare, and to any of her servants at the late Lord Cobham's house in the Blackfriars, London, to deliver a chest and certain books and writings concerning the Mines Royal, of which company Lord Cobham was a deputy governor, to Sir John Smithe, knight, and Arnold Oldesworth, esquire, present deputy governors.—From the Court at Whitehall, this 22 Feb. 1604.
Signed by Viscount Cranborne.
At foot: Receipt dated June 7, 1605, for the chest, etc. Signed: Christopher Toldervey. 1 p. (188. 72.)
Thomas Phelippes to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 23. I depend principally upon your favour for an end of my trouble. Knowing how prisoners may be forgotten, I have hitherto guided myself by such light as I took from your direction, so will I presume to seek thence such comfort as may lawfully be had. I found means by my Lord of Kinloss to have his Majesty better edified concerning my case before his going away, so that his lordship doubted not that when it came in question I should find his Majesty's favour. I signified this to you, thinking that his Majesty's pleasure might have been known before his departure. If it be not so, I beseech you to advise me what to do now. It is a heavy thing to me that matters so well meant should be so ill taken, and that my state should be thus heavily overthrown. Yet let me be out of this case of indignity, burden and disease, that if I be not thought meet to be cherished in my own country I may prepare myself to seek my fortune elsewhere. I will give over troubling myself with public things further than it shall please you to use me, to whom I will be as thankful for my deliverance as my case will permit. I am the bolder to press your lordship as, since the access of friends was permitted, I have understood the ground of my disgrace and have procured the principal instrument of it to be someway better edified also, that is my Lord of Northampton, under whose hands I have seen how I have been wounded. And although I do not find he knows the secret of my justification, which I desire not, yet so much has been drawn from him as the present humour of entertaining any intelligence with such a fellow as Owen, being purged (he says) as of late he hopes it has been by the diet I have taken, no man shall be more willing than himself according to his credit to afford me courtesy. For whosoever is the King's is his lordship's. Truly I have caused it to be replied that I was the King's as sincerely as any that had made most show and reaped most fruit by it. There needed no such potion for any ill humour I had. My mind was judged of, as some physicians do of diseases, at random by a false water: And so medicine given that might have wrought in somebody upon another humour, as it shall not do in me. But if you think of doing me good, there will not be such opposition as before.—23 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 37.)
Susan, Lady Stanhope, to the Same.
[1604–5], Feb. 23. You being the chief commissioner for letting the lands of the Queen's jointure and I having a lease yet for eight years of some small woods in Yorkshire, being part of the Duchy Lands, the rent being 42s. and the true value not more than 8l., I now beg you to renew that lease, not for any gain from it, but because it is a necessary provision for my house there; for which purpose my late husband Sir Edward Stanhope took them.—From my house in Holborne, 23 Feb.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (104. 38.)
James Montague, Dean of the Chapel, to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1604–5, Feb. 23. His Majesty was no sooner at Ware, but he was waited upon by some of the puritans. One Bywater presented a book, the most saucy and dangerous thing that ever I saw. His Majesty acquainted me withal and it is sent up to my Lord of Cranborne. He spares neither King, Councillor nor Court, but teaches the King in every point his duty. I think your grace shall hear more of the man and of the matter. Here are some others, especially one Cooke of Louth, very forward to trouble the King. He is deprived by the Bishop of Lincoln, and his suit is to have his living again, which his Majesty says he shall have if he will be conformable; but I see no such disposition in him. The physicians of Cambridge have certified his Majesty that the disease of the maidens is natural, and they are much amended. I wish they were rid of them, for their charge grows great. On Monday the King purposes to go to Thetford. The King is very well and much fatter.—Royston, 23 Feb., 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (104. 39.)
Dr. Cowell, Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 23. Since his Majesty's coming to Royston last, I sent thither a bill of those charges, which the University has been at for these two visited maidens, sent unto us by his commandment, since their coming to Cambridge. I received direction from the Dean of the Chapel that the King had appointed the money to be paid out of the privy purse, and that I should solicit you for your furtherance herein unto Sir George Hume; whereunto I am the bolder, because our University, by reason of former expenses grown through divers troublesome suits, is hardly sufficient to defray her ordinary burdens.— Cambridge, 23 Feb. 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (136. 124.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 23. Has attended on the Lord Chief Justice and with him has considered and answered three petitions. They have also found a means to relieve the poor beer brewers of the Cinque Ports against the excessive imposition of the assigns of the Lord of Obignie's [Aubigny's] licence, as they have signified to the Earl of Northampton.—23 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. ⅓ p. (188. 73.)
Richard Carmarden to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 24. It lies wholly in your lordship's report to his Majesty to relieve my poor brethren and sisters, in default of which they must after my decease or other misfortune beg their breads. My father two years before the death of the late Queen obtained 2,000l. of her Majesty; it should have been 4000l., but it was thought too much at one time for a man of his mean quality; and the payment of the other 2000l. was only prevented by the Queen's death. Thus much my Lady Walsingham can testify to be true, who was best acquainted with his business. Since my father's death the Lady Rich has got from us the Irish farm, how justly I refer it to God and your lordship. For these reasons we now crave the King's favour.— London, 24 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 40.)
The Earl of Derby to the Lords of the Council.
1604–5, Feb. 24. According to your letters by this bearer I have as carefully proceeded as the occasion offered, and refer you to his relation, because the chief matter of import has been secretly followed by him. As it seems your expectation of his service will not be frustrate, but as yet he desires your directions upon his further information and then to proceed accordingly.—Knowsley, 24 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (104. 41.)
Lord Zouche to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5,] Feb. 24. I have since Thursday night last been imprisoned in an uneasy bed until three hours before the receipt of your letter. My disease was an extreme cold and the measles, of both which I have at this present some ease, though I find myself faint, weak and dull; yet if I have no relapse I purpose to be at my house in London on Tuesday. I may easily make you believe that I little thought to see you again, since you sweat for fear to have them, which I having could not sweat for unquietness in having them, and the rather because they took me where I was unprovided of any will.—This Sunday night written at Egham, being the 24th of February.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (104. 42.)
Intelligence from Spain.
[1604–5, Feb. 24.] I have fresh letters from my friend in Spain of the 24th present, brought by this carrier last arrived to the Spanish Ambassador from the Court at Valladolid.
In all Spain it has not rained for three months; the ground so parched they cannot sow corn; already they want bread even at Court.
The business of the Great Duke is ended to his satisfaction. The King has granted to send him the sons of Don Pedro, his brother. The King wrote him a very kind letter, received him into his protection, granted him the investiture of Sienna and Port Ferrario, which he could never get before; the party adds che si faranno tra loro cose di maggior importanza.
Don Antonio Mexia is declared general Maestro del Campo for Flanders, and the Marchese Spinola is said shall be general of the Infanteria Italiana and is likely to have the charge of 20,000 soldiers in Friesland.
There is much ado about the great preparations of the Hollanders for which there is the like counterpoise in providing in Spain.
Their designs are to straighten the Estates, (1) by a general siege of their countries, and for that Spinola is to be in Friesland with such force: (2) by looking to the prohibition of their trade with Spain; (3) by making their navigation to the Indies unprofitable, and by spoiling the sale of their pepper and other commodities, of which they have at present great store; for this the Spaniards have offered for sale a great quantity of pepper at a low rate, sufficient to supply all the northern parts; this pepper is now at Lisbon in great abundance.
I understand by letters from others that the King of Spain has lately sent to divers of the nobility of Rome the habits and honour of the Cavaliers of the Toison or Santiago; and that amongst the rest Arthur Poole is honoured with one of those orders and with 1000 crowns yearly; and the King designs to make his brother Geoffrey Poole, a cardinal, a raw dissolute young man, whom I left at the Court of Spain at my departure, more likely to follow a coach than to be a cardinal. He had been a follower of Count Bothwell, but poverty had parted their company. Concerning Arthur Poole I think the beginning of his favour came from the late stir in the Cardinal Farnese, his master's, house. For as his brother told me, he was the first that began it. He wounded the officer of justice and afterwards banded himself very bravely with the Spanish Ambassador in the Cardinal's behalf against the Pope and the rest. Both these brothers let not to give out among their friends what pretensions they have in England by their great blood, and therefore I know not how this should be taken here that Spain should do them these favours at this time.
Besides Spinola's 20,000, there are 10,000 coming out of Italy from Count Fuentes, all which march about the beginning of April, and by the end of May there will be two great armies in Flanders.
Endorsed: "From Valladolid, Court of Spain, 24 Feb. 1604." 3 pp. (104. 44.)
George Sharpe to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Feb. 24. As by your goodness I was presented to Brixtoke, so by my Lord of Peterborough instituted, by the parishioners kindly entertained, and by the late incumbent nothing at all resisted. I find all the chief of the parish, with many of the inferior sort on both sides depending, to consist of puritans, I hope something conformable, and of papists, I fear refractory and obstinate. Between both there is outwardly scarce a show of humanity, but inwardly mortal and unchristian malice. Of the rest, many rebukeable for their dissolute courses, others to be pitied for their very beggarly estates. I am grieved that where there is no agreement with contrarieties, nor any communion with different religions, he whose part is to reconcile shall find his labours uneffectual or intolerable. My duty shall not be wanting. The value of the living is 40l. to be farmed, but this year scarce anything, as Mr. Baldock the late incumbent has sown all the land and must reap the benefit. In regard whereof, and intending to take the degree of Bachelor in Divinity this year at Cambridge, I beg to continue in the University till Midsummer. I have provided for the discharge of the cure till then.—Brixtoke, 24 Feb.
Holograph. Endorsed: "24 Feb. 1604. from Brigstock." 1 p. (127. 5.)
Sir Edward Coke to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 24. Finding your lordship so propense to repair the fortunes of Sir Christopher Heydon, I am bold at his entreaty to signify to you that as the case is exhibited to me, I think his Majesty has a right to a third part of such lands, a note whereof he intends to present to you. And for the recovery thereof he shall have the best of my endeavours. I know the knight's moderation is such as if the title shall fall out for the King, he will be ruled and satisfied with some reasonable composition. —24 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (188. 69.)
Thomas Dolman to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 24. Having received from this bearer such information as he will deliver unto your lordship and seen the libel, I thought it my duty to acquaint you therewith, because I do not remember that in my life I have seen any example of such audacious temerity, and fear that it is an ominous presagement of some future mischief. It is not unknown to you what strong factions are in this land at this day of papists, puritans and obedient subjects, and how obstinately they are bent not to yield each to other, two parts manifestly contemning the King's laws and the third trusting in the justice of their cause and the protection of the laws. Besides these three factions are a wing of cashiered soldiers ready to join with any faction in hope of spoil and rapine and to pay their debts ex communi incendio. My and my wife's most humble thanks that you vouchsafed to accept so base entertainment as here you found.— —From Shawe, 24 Feb. 1604.
Signed. Seal. 2/3 p. (188. 74.)
Sir Richard Giffard to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 25. I have received a letter subscribed with your lordship's name and others of his Majesty's Council, requiring me to attend the Earl of Hertford into the Low Countries. I am willing to do him service, who is interested in me because I am his tenant, which perhaps persuades him to expect a more ready attendance. But I am only lately recovered from a dangerous sickness and subject to relapse at the least stirring of my body. The day after I left you I took the advice of Dr. Spearwood, who counselled me to take the benefit of the Bath this spring. I will not allege my private affairs, for only want of health makes me backward; and for this I entreat to be freed from this journey.—Tuderly, 25 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 46.)
Sir Thomas Smith to Lord Cecil (sic).
1604–5, Feb. 25. I certified your lordship of my safe arrival at the Archangell in July last, with the course taken by the Emperor for my present conducting up the river. In my travel thence to Moscow I was met with diverse messengers, who brought orders for my easy passage and supplies for my journey. At my coming near the Mosco diverse dukes and noblemen and at least 5000 men on horseback were sent to bring me into the city, who conducted me to my lodging, the fairest house in all the Musco. And within eight days I was sent for to the Emperor's presence, who sat in great state in a throne of gold with his imperial crown on his head, his sceptre in his hand and many other ornaments of state. To whom I delivered his Majesty's letters and presents and the causes of my coming; and then the Emperor and his son, who sat by him, inquired of the health of my King and invited me to dine with them, where was very royal service all in gold, the Emperor and his son at one table and myself and my company at another; and the lords and great men at other tables. The Emperor sent to me dishes of meat and cups of drink, and in the middle of dinner sent for me and told me he loved the Queen of England, that is dead, as his own life, because she loved him, and as I had brought a loving message from my King his brother, he lovingly accepted thereof, and would remain his loving brother during his life. At the end of dinner he sent for me again and gave me a cup of wine out of his own hands, and did the like to all the gentlemen that came with me, and so dismissed me. As I was informed, I should have soon had audience for dispatch of my business, but meantime news came of certain rebels risen in arms in the borders towards Poland, which has hindered this; so that I must stay here and return the way I came.—25 Feb. 1604. In the Musco.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (104. 47.)
The Earl of Worcester to [Viscount Cranborne].
[1604–5], Feb. 25. His Majesty has read Cranborne's and the Lords' letters and likes exceedingly of all their proceedings. When he had read both letters he called for the Archbishop of York's letter, which he read, with Cranborne's answer to it. He was merry at the first but when he came to the wasting of the treasure and the immoderate exercise of hunting (fn. 2) began to alter countenance and said it was the foolishest letter that ever he read and Cranborne's an excellent answer. When he came to the end of the latter where Cranborne said his nephew did neither think of him or his wife but sleep he ran to the next chamber to seek Sir Philip [Herbert] saying "look what he hath written of thee" and was very merry withal. His Majesty means to-morrow to take his journey to Newmarket for some 3 or 4 days and so to Thetford, if he like the country.— Royston, 25 Feb.
Holograph. 1 p. (104. 48.)
[Printed in extenso in Lodge, Illustrations of British History (ed. 1791), Vol. III, pp. 263, 264.]
The Earl of Worcester to the Privy Council.
[1604–5], Feb. 25. Received their lordships' letters of the 24th this Sunday (fn. 3) morning. His Majesty well allows their careful endeavours in settling the Mid Shires and is glad that Mr. Tater (fn. 4) cleared himself so well; he commends their proceedings regarding Mr. Driden and approves likewise their course with Hyldersom. Upon their letter he commanded Worcester to enjoin Mr. Bywater that presented him with the book to appear before Lord Cranborne on Thursday next. His Majesty's cold the first day after he went from London was somewhat heavy but since he began to labour it breaks from him very much. If he were to repeat all his Majesty's gracious words and kind thanks for their endeavours in his service, another side of paper would hardly contain it. Yet such is the sweetness of his nature that he told Worcester he had likewise written to Lord Cranborne to give their lordships thanks.— Royston, 25 Feb.
PS.—To-morrow his Majesty goes towards Newmarket where he minds to stay some 3 or 4 days; and, as he likes it, so to go forward to Thetford.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (104. 49.)
[Printed in extenso in Lodge, Illustrations of British History (ed. 1791), Vol. III, pp. 264–266].
Sir Edward Coke to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 25. His Majesty has vouchsafed me to be a counsel with him in matters of law, and in that respect to be his Majesty's eye to find out how and wherein his Majesty's subjects be oppressed and in what cases they groan under heavy burdens contrary to law. This morning I took the examination of one Thomas Stockes, who taking upon him to be a deputy purveyor under Sir Henry Seckfid [Seckford], master of the pavilions, has corruptly and unlawfully marked, felled and carried away above thirty timber trees in the Bishop of London's town of Fullham, late growing upon poor men's copyholds holden of the Bishop and some upon freeholders, against their wills, contrary to an express Act of Parliament. Some part he has given away, others he has disposed at his pleasure; some money to some of them he has paid, deducting a penny in the shilling for his master. All which is directly against law. And in truth upon examination this lewd fellow had no deputation at all and being a carpenter by his trade and a bankrupt not worth a groat, undoubtedly has disposed the same for his own relief. He confesses that he was in the beginning of his purveyor's trade and that he meant to have proceeded. But I have for this and other outrageous misdemeanours committed him to Newgate and so have marred his market. It is pity that such base felonies have the carriage of the Great Seal. All the judges of England have upon great deliberation resolved this kind of takings unlawful and, knowing your lordship to be a great pillar of justice and law, I thought it my part to inform you hereof.—25 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 75.)
Lord Dirleton to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 25. Although I be assured that your lordship is sufficiently advertised of his Majesty's health by my fellow Sir Philip [Herbert], yet must I write these lines for discharge of my promise at my late coming to Royston. I delivered to his Majesty what you gave me in direction, and thereafter asked of his health as the chiefest heed of my commission. His Majesty answered me, You may see a great change, and except I have my pastime, you may be sure I cannot live. These are his Majesty's own speeches unto me. He goes this day in trial of Northfolk fields, but in my judgment he will find none better for his sport than these at Huntington and here by the report that I have heard. But as ever it be his Majesty must needs have that or else his health will be the worse. I must thank you for your care in my particular. I will a little better solicit my business at Michaelmas, if it please God I live so long.— From Royston, 25 Feb. 1604.
Holograph, signed: Areskyne of Dirleton. ½ p. (188. 76.)
Viscount Cranborne to Ralph Winwood.
[1604–5, Feb. 26]. [See Vol. XVI, pp. 418, 419. The original of this letter is printed in Winwood's Memorials, Vol. II, p. 50.] (104. 28.)
The Earl of Worcester to [Viscount Cranborne].
[1604–5], Feb. 26. This Tuesday at 6 of the evening I received your letter of the 25th of February, with which I acquainted his Majesty. Your proceeding with the young Knightley he very well allows of and thinketh it very fit that gentlemen of his quality should not be allowed to depart without some note of his obstinate and peevish humour, for from such fountains springs the water that infecteth the humour of the perverse ministers. He commends the industry of the Bishop of London, with the diligence of the recorder and other inferior ministers, hoping it will be a mean to stop the mouths of calumniating persons. Touching the motion of the French Ambassador his pleasure is that he shall have the copy of the articles but with the caution from you to him that he use them with secrecy, and yet if his master shall hereafter blaze them forth, for his part he careth not; but this to yourself. For the point of his story, and that he did earnestly sue to the contrary, he concurs in your faith. Touching the book he refers both it and the man to the touchstone of your discretion, making no doubt that you will observe the rule of justice, suum cuique tribuere. Tomorrow the King goes to Thetford, where he longeth to be by reason he is borne in hand it is a fair country and plentiful of game. If it prove true we shall stay the longer, for I never came in a worse town than this. The king has taken a new cold, as he saith, but I think it is but the remains of the old, which breaketh from him very plentifully. I thank your lordship and the company that wished me there; but if all the company were present there are some that will sooner afford a carouse than either land or personage.—Newmarket, the 26 of February at 11 of the night.
Signed. 1 p. (104. 50.)
Sir John Ramsey to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 26. Thanking him for obtaining his book of a thousand pounds a year, fee simple, which the king has bestowed upon him. Notwithstanding, he finds the warrant not as ample as usual in such grants of land and hopes that Sir Thomas Lake may be instructed to have it mended.—From his chambers, 26 Feb. 1604.
Signed: Ramsay. 1 p. (104. 51.)
Sir William Fitzwilliam to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 26. Has heard abroad how Cranborne both in the time of the late sovereign as since his Majesty's joyful entrance has greatly upheld the state of those poor labourers that diligently work in the Lord's vineyard, whereof Mr. Egerton in the former time was one. Prays now on behalf of the state of Mr. Dryden, who is now in the Fleet by the Lords' general commandment from the Council table, that Cranborne may think his punishment already inflicted sufficient and procure his release. Though zeal at first carried him unadvisedly, and reputation may now unhappily stay him from open recanting, is assured that into the like course he will never enter again.— 26 Feb. 1604.
Signed. 2/3 p. (188. 77.)
Sir Thomas Seymour to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Feb. 28. I received letters from the Privy Council subscribed also by you, dated at Whitehall, the 12th of February, requiring me to attend my Lord of Hertford into the Low Countries. But I would state that I am lame in my leg and arm. I have been under Dr. Atkins and Mr. Thorney in London all this winter, and now am to use the Bath where I now rest. Still I desire this imperfection may not excuse me; but, as your messengers can inform you, the plague is come into my house, whereof there are now two sick, so that I dare not press into that assembly without notice first given of this misadventure. I have forsaken my house and live in Bath to avoid it; what may fall out hereafter God knows and not I. I have sent up my servant to attend you and if you still think me fit for this journey, I am ready to do all service that appertains to it, or will send my son to attend his lordship in my place.—Bath, this last of February.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1½ pp. (104. 52.)
Lords of the Council to Sir Thomas Castilian, Thomas Doleman, Alexander Chocke and Thomas Chamberlaine.
1604–5, Feb. 28. Commission to enquire concerning outrages alleged in an information of Robert Brooke, parson of Endborne, co. Berks., to have been committed in the church there by certain persons breaking open the doors, tearing the communion book and ecclesiastical canons lately published and defacing the register book.—From the Court at Whitehall, 28 Feb. 1604.
Signed.—T. Ellesmere, Canc. Northumberland. T. Dorset. H. Northampton. Cranborne. Tho. Banck.
Note on back of commission: "These letters came to my hand on Wednesday the 6th of this instant March at 6 of the clock in the evening."
½ p. (188. 78.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Earl of Devonshire and Viscount Cranborne to the Dean and Chapter of Wells.
[1604–5,] Feb. Whereas Robert Wright, D.D., one of his Majesty's chaplains, and William Barber, D.D., have been debarred by the Dean and Chapter of Wells from reception into the number of canons, which they claim under the ancient statutes of the church by virtue of the offices of Treasurer and Chancellor of that church; we to whom the King has referred the determination of this matter require you to send before us three or four of your chapter, whereof Dr. Langworthy, the archdeacon, and Dr. Cottington, the chaunter of your church, should be two, to appear on the ninth of April next and to bring with them the statutes of your church, for the speedy decision of this controversy.—Lamberth, February.
Draft. 1½ pp. (104. 54.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5, Feb.] But that my business is very great I would have been with you. I consider the great difficulties in those things we heard yesterday between the Archdukes' subjects and the States; so as if those things be dealt in at my being in Spain, I think it sure that he that shall go Ambassador Leger should be able to speak learnedly in it, for in these cases they will use civilians, and it will stand much upon the words of the treaty. And now at first if all things be well settled by a man of learning and judgment it will keep us from infinite troubles after. I think in this service of so great a consequence no man ought to refuse and feel for his Majesty to enable them; and better it were to be at charge with one able both for his Majesty's honour and the good of the service there to have one that hath many good parts and able for such a place if it were well settled before. Sir, this I am bold to write to you acknowledging my weakness to deal in these things that are out of my element, and would be glad to be strengthened that his Majesty's service may be well performed.
Holograph. Endorsed: "February, 1604: Lord Admiral to my Lord. For a learned ambassador into Spain." Seal. 1 p. (104. 55.)
The Same to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. I do but remember your lordship that it will be very fit that myself and the leger Ambassador have the treaty of the peace in Latin, if any occasion should happen of question; and also for myself the order of the proceeding of the oath. I send your lordship the note of the book; some of them might very well have been spared out of the book. I pray you to note the last when you have turned the leaf. That and the others of our late dear Mistress, I wish they had neither have been spoken nor written; but, Sir, I will have Sir George Bute that shall make a true journal and note of everything that shall pass in my journey. I think there will be eyes enough to look on. I trust to be careful for his Majesty's honour and my own reputation.
PS.—My Lord Chamberlain sends with me his son Sir Thomas Howard. I pray you to give your word for me to my Lady that I will be careful for him.
Holograph. Endorsed: "about Feb. 1604." 1 p. (104. 56.)
The Earl of Worcester to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5, Feb. ?] This day at 2 in the afternoon I received your packet dated the 3rd instant, (fn. 5) which his Majesty perused abroad, but after he came home, he read over your letter to myself, being thoroughly satisfied in all points, saying it was but a mistaking upon the Dean's letter that bred a little sharpness. Now that he is rightly understood he is very well pleased. The word that most troubled him was "ambulatory proceedings," doubting lest he might be thought either wavering or inconstant in his well established orders, which he said he would never be. This day he has given very present testimony to some ministers that presented a petition for further time, that their sincere consciences might be better satisfied. For more particular proofs you will be informed by my letter to the Lords. Yet I cannot let pass that when these puritan petitioners were with the King, the Dean of the Chapel publicly avouched, that whatsoever he were that stood upon these nice terms of conformity, he would undertake to confute him with learning and satisfy with reason; which they desired might be, but I said it was not convenient the cause having been coram judice. I assure you the King argued the matter very fully.
Will is exceeding well, but I fear there is a power above yours and mine that will stay him here until Monday; but I have entreated Sir Philip Herbert and Sir James Hey not to urge the King further, who have promised they will not.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 69.)
[Printed in extenso in Lodge, Illustrations of British History (ed. 1791), Vol. III. pp. 266, 267.]
King James to the Same.
[1604–5, Feb.] I am wonderfully well satisfied with the Council's proceeding anent the puritans since my departure; they have used justice upon the obstinate, showing grace to the penitent, and enlarged them that seemed to be a little schooled by the rod of affliction. In this action they have according to the 101 psalm sung of mercy and of judgment both, and therefore thank them in my name for their pains and uniform concurrence in my service, and tell them that there is not a King in the world so proud of his Council as I am of mine; and assure them that I shall never take longer vacancy from them for the necessary maintenance of my health than other kings will consume upon their physical diets and going to their whores. Now that I have seen the Bishop of York's letter so much talked of I can truly say minuit presentia famam, but I am thoroughly pleased with your answer; (fn. 6) and especially concerning my hunting, you have answered it according to my heart's desire, for a scornful answerless answer became best such a senseless proposition. I thank my patient beagle for stopping the suit of Gray's Inn. I am glad my son has so far outshot me in schoolcraft as he should "prevene" me in the fellowship of any house of learning, but in truth that matter had a greater consequence than I will think the propounders thereof had in their mind. I am also glad of the miracles wrought among you in satisfying both the French and Spanish Ambassadors. For all those services I have only this reward to bestow upon you and your fellows, that ye shall not be much troubled with suits recommended by me unto you during my absence, all news being remitted to the Master Falconer's report who is now become alike keen and skilful both of hunting and hawking; and thus commending me to Suffolk and you in particular and all your worthy society in general I bid you heartily farewell, having enjoined the bearer to drink good pipes of tobacco to all your company.—Undated.
Addressed: "To my little cankered beagle."
Signed. Endorsed: "The King to me." Seal. 1½ pp.
(134. 48.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to the [Archbishop of York].
[1604–5, Feb.] In answer to his late letter. (fn. 7) Is of his opinion concerning differences in the Church, has always held the papist to be carried with superstitious blindness, and the puritans with unadvised zeal and outrecuidance. There are schisms in habit as well as in opinion, whoever sees papists with puritan spectacles, or the puritan with papistical shall only see the multiplication of false images. If Popery increases in those quarters he must see to the timely work of reformation, &c.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. 3 pp. (108. 76.)
[Printed in Lodge, Illustrations &c., Vol. III p. 259 from the original among the Talbot Papers. Endorsed by the Earl of Shrewsbury: "L. Viscount Cranborne his answer to the Lo. Archbishop of York's, 1 Feb. 1604."]
Robert Brooke to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5, Feb.] On the 20th of this February the church doors of Endborne, Berks. were found broken open, and the communion book and the ecclesiastical canons lately set forth by his Majesty, the one half whereof he had read the Sunday before, were taken out of a chest, torn in pieces, and scattered in the seat where service is usually read; and a good part of the register book was cut right out, and the rest much defaced. At the same time there was found a rude libel containing such matter as Mr. Dolman, a justice adjoining, thought meet to be made known to Cranborne. Brooke therefore thought it his duty to attend Cranborne in that behalf.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 70.)
[The Lords of the Council] to Sir Roger Aston.
[1604–5, Feb.?] Having understood from Sir Thomas Lake that his Majesty was pleased my Lady Elizabeth's grace should be sent for to Greenwich, to be there at the Queen's coming, the rather in respect that the Duke of Holst might see her, we have thought it fit to acquaint his Majesty with that which follows. First, where it was imagined that the King should have removed before Shrovetide, the hall which lately fell down, where the plays are to be kept, cannot be ready till after the time; so as both in that respect, and keeping the house the sweeter for the Queen, his Majesty cannot remove till Ash Wednesday be past. And for the coming of my Lady Elizabeth at this time, the Queen, after she heard it, seemed very desirous that she might not be sent for until she spake with the King, adding withal that considering the state she was like to be in herself shortly, she was assured that the Duke of Holst would rather take the pains to ride down himself and visit her daughter. To which when we replied that we had received such order from his Majesty, she said all should be as he pleased; but she durst be our warrant for staying two or three days. Whereupon we have forborne to send to my Lord Harrington, although in the meantime we have bethought us to have all things in a readiness for her coming up as his Majesty shall direct when he has spoken with the Queen.—Undated.
Draft in hand of Cranborne's secretary. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (189. 96.)
Viscount Cranborne to [Sir George Harvy?]
[1605, Feb.?] Because my Lord Cobham may see to what pass his own dealings have brought his leases, I pray you show him what was preferred to me for the King, two days before his Majesty departed. When he has read it you may desire him to return it. Send me word whether the lions have been together or no, and how they do.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (108. 74.)


  • 1. For the letter see S.P. Dom., James I, xii, 87.
  • 2. See the Archbishop's letter of 18 Dec. 1604 to Cranborne printed in Lodge, III, 251, 252.
  • 3. Lodge prints incorrectly "Friday"; 25 Feb. 1604–5 fell, however, on a Monday.
  • 4. "Taker" in Lodge.
  • 5. Lodge prints "the 3 of this instant" but the figure may be 30.
  • 6. Printed in Lodge, Illustrations &c., III, 259–263.
  • 7. Printed ibid. III, 251.