Cecil Papers: February 1605, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp43-57 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1605, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp43-57.

"Cecil Papers: February 1605, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp43-57.

February 1605, 1-15

Lord Fyvie to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 1. I send your lordship herewith my book, passed and signed already by the Attorney, my Lord Treasurer, and Chancellor of the Duchy. It wants no more, as I am informed, but his Majesty's signature and your lordship's to pass the seals, which I hope you will procure and "expeed" shortly after his Highness's return. It may seem strange that I have made so long tarry here after others, but I have found such courtesy and good entertainment, as has almost made me forget all debts and affairs. There shall be no fault in me, neither in good-will nor any doing may lie in my power, to serve the State, or your lordship, for your innumerable courtesies. As this errand was begun by you I can trouble none other but you to the ending of it.—1 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (103. 158.)
Sir Richard Hawkins to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 1. Of late I have been solicited by divers to acquaint you with the hard "intreaty" which our countrymen receive generally in the Spanish dominions, contrary to that was expected and far worse than when for the same we took occasion to war against them, which they and all this country hope will receive remedy by your mediation with his Majesty. There have been in this harbour of Plymouth many ships of Zeland and Holland long time expecting favourable wind and weather to go for the Spanish dominions; but having certain intelligence that in Spain war is declared against them with fire and sword, they are all returned home, the most part of them laden with corn. At their departure there happened a sugar prize to come into Causon [Cawsand] Bay, taken by some of their countrymen upon the coast of Portingall, in great distress, and durst not to come into the harbour under the King's forts, for fear they should be stayed. One of the King's ships the Aquitance being in the harbour wafted her hence and turned all the English which served in her on shore. The Flemings suspect she shall be taken from them, and rest very malcontent. During their abode in the bay some chests of sugar were conveyed on shore, and the mariners in their chests brought bags and broken sugars. I was intreated by some Flemings to make search for them and seize them, and the like I am required by letters from the Lord Admiral and the Judge of Admiralty for all goods of that nature; which I have done accordingly, and have in my hands some 6 or 7 chests. There rides at this instant in Causon Bay a rich prize which was taken about Porchmouth by the States Commission from a Dunkerker laden with Spaniards' goods. They have been in Helford in Cornwall and here and there they do by stealth sell of the goods which they have, but such has been the tempestuous weather that notwithstanding I have used my best endeavours I cannot learn of anything certain. I beseech you that some directions may be given that all the country may take knowledge what they are to do in such cases, for without this great trouble may ensue to them. For it has been alleged unto me that the Spaniard has no open war with the States, and we being friend to both ought to be indifferent, and how can we be indifferent if we take either of their goods and deliver it to their enemy? All goods, say they, taken from the enemy by the law of nations in 24 hours has his property altered being quietly possessed, so that if a Spaniard should take a Hollander's goods, and possess it one entire day, if after another Holland man-of-war should take the same goods, it ought not to be restored to the first Hollander that lost it, but merely appertained to the second which got them from his enemy. Now, conclude they, how can the King of France or England then take the goods of any prize of Holland being Hollander's goods, and deliver it to the first proprietor, being his enemy, without doing wrong. They say further for ships or goods made prize within his seas, his Majesty by prerogative may use his discretion, but that it must be by public edict, if it be any innovation; but out of his seas whatsoever is taken ought to be carried by the universal law of nations. And doubtless the most are of this opinion. His Majesty by giving each harbour shall best content his truest friends, benefit his own purse, enrich his subjects, employ his idle mariners and runagate soldiers, and excuse infinite questions and molestations of his subjects, and win many hearts which with grief and sorrow I see to be half alienated from him. The company of the Brazil prize, I mean the English, challenge the sugars in my possession to be given betwixt ten of them by the captain in lieu of their shares, which is confirmed by oath of several persons of credit.—From Plymouth, 1 Feb. 1604.
Signed. Seal. 2 pp. (103. 159.)
Examinations at Ludlow.
1604–5, Feb. 3. (1) Deposition of Walter Williams of Llanfayse, co. Monmouth, taken before Edward, Lord Zouche, Lord President, and others of the Council in the Marches of Wales, touching certain words by him uttered touching his Majesty and the State.
(2) Similar declaration by Moris Nicholas, mayor of Newport.
(3) The same by Nicholas Shorsawe of Abergavenny, gent.
Copies. 3½ pp. (103. 162.)
Lord Burghley to his brother Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 3. You were pleased about four months since, upon my motion, to grant the wardship of one Askwith in Yorkshire unto Sir Timothy Whittingham then my neighbour there, being one of the executors of the ward's father's will. Upon notice from me of your promise he took upon him (with others) the execution of the will, which otherwise he would not have done. Since which time the ward's mother and one Askwith, who refused the execution of the said will, have not only obtained the wardship from Sir Timothy Whittingham by instant suit but have also commenced suit against him and the other executors in the Court of Wards for supposed wrongs done to the said ward. The suit is to be heard on Monday next. I would entreat you to vouchsafe your presence at the hearing of the cause and to afford the gentleman (whom I have ever held very honest and peaceable) such indifferent favour for my sake, as the justice and equity of the cause shall require. And if you cannot be present that you would signify your pleasure unto Mr. Attorney of the Wards, for I am loth my love to him should turn to his farther loss, if he have dealt so uprightly as I hope will appear.—3 Feb. 1604.
Signed. 2/3 p. (188. 56.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to [Viscount Cranborne].
1604–5, Feb. 4. The villainous gout's bailly having not many hours before the receipt of your letter touching Hartyngton arrested me, and I at the time being more desirous of one hour's quiet, sound sleep, than the fee-simple of a good manor, my wife told me the next day that she took the opportunity of one then ready to take horse, by whom she wrote unto you what she conjectured would be my answer; which hereby I would confirm, and thereunto can add nothing, until I may hear again. I will neither delay my resolute answer after I have heard once again from you, nor impart what offers shall be made either in particular or general to any creature. If I should write to you the punishment that I have endured with this sharp humour, you would pity me, but my heel and toe would not be the sooner free from pain, only I have overcome this fit so far as I can sleep without pain, though I can neither go nor stand. God keep the inheritance that descended from the most worthy Lord Treasurer Burghley to the Lord that now is, his son and heir, may never fall in any part upon the second brother, yourself I mean, to whom my wife desires to be in all good affection remembered.—At Sheffield, 4 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (103. 161.)
The Bishop of Peterborough to the Lords of the Council.
1604–5, Feb. 4. Touching the unconformable ministers of my diocese, I have laboured to win them to obey the laws established in the church for good order; I have exposed myself to disputations both privately and publicly and many have yielded themselves. The rest I pitied and begged to pity themselves, and then monished them by myself or such as were far off by my deputies; and when nothing would prevail, in the anguish of my soul, I suspended nine or ten, and deprived one only, telling them all that if they still remained disobedient, I should proceed in like manner against the rest. There I ceased and meant so to have done still, but that letters came from you, that it was the King's pleasure that I and the rest of my brethren should at once remove such as were obstinate. Such were mine who had conspired, as I think, to make unto me one and the same answer, namely that they would never conform themselves. I prayed them to demand time for further conference, that I might conceive some hope of their submission; they answered that if they should do so, they should seem to be doubtful in those things wherein they were soundly resolved never to yield; and that they had as lief be deprived at first as at the last; then enforced by their obstinacy I deprived fourteen more, ten of whom were formerly suspended. Your lordships wonder at the number and so do I, but I am informed that my diocese has been from time to time the nest and nursery of factious ministers. Here they have held their classes, hither have repaired from other parts the most fiery and disorderly preachers of the whole kingdom. Whereas complaint is now made that their places are unfurnished of preachers, your lordships will understand that it is not my fault but theirs, for they have all appealed from my sentence, and, pendente appellatione, I have nothing to do with their benefices; yet I have written to the preachers near to the void places to supply their defects.—Peterborough, 4 Feb. 1604.
Signed: Tho. Petriburg. Endorsed with some rough money account. 2½ pp. (104. 1.)
Lord Cobham to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5. Feb. 4. If you will vouchsafe to read this book, my translation of Seneca's De Ira, I shall take it as a favour. The book is worthy your reading, and my pains I shall not hold lost if it receive your allowance, whose judgment will settle me whether my pains therein be aught. I have almost done the rest of his books. Then the whole I intend to your lordship. I recommend myself to your remembrance, whom else all the world have forgotten. Think of me your poor friend and help me out of this captivity.—From the Tower the 4 of February, 1604. Your loving brother-in-law, humbly to command.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Seal. ½ p. (104. 3.)
[Sir Edward Hoby] to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 4. I have at the last received from Mr. Attorney two privy seals, one for rents and one for a release of arrearages, for which I give you humble thanks. To my motion before your lordship for a further supply of money it pleased you to yield some allowance. My desire was to have had my arrearages pardoned and a further supply to have made up 1000l. to provide a house wherein my wife might put her head, if I should die, as I have none in the world now but Quinborough castle during my mother's life. I had another house in Chatham, which, not to disguise my thrift, lies now at mortgage to a citizen in this town, and did mind to have sold it clean out if I had not been constrained to leave Shurland. None is more loth to importune you than I, and I hope never after this to be cumbersome to you, but will learn, according to the proverb, to cut my coat according to my cloth.—4 Feb. 1604.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Sir Edward Hoby." 1 p. (104. 4.)
Thomas Phelippes to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 5. I acknowledge in all humility your favour and submit myself to the King's pleasure. Three ends I know there are in the infliction of all punishments, correction of the party, reparation of the wrong done, example. Less, if it had pleased the King, should have reformed my errors, void of malice I will still profess; and I should have been able to make a better amends by service otherwise. But for the example it is my ill luck that there should be any necessity of making it so public. And therefore I beseech you to continue your resolution of easing me of this burden. I am not in case to bear such expense; my confusion will do his Majesty no good; for further prevention whereof I pray that beside the liberty of access for my people to me for my business, which has received great prejudice by this fortnight's close restraint, I may not be burdened, while the King's commandment is on me, with actions or sales of private men. For all dogs will be upon a man thus disgraced. And as in those trunks, which were taken, there be evidences concerning my private, I hope your lordship would be pleased now they have been perused, to have them redelivered to me, that I be not utterly undone. Your afflicted prisoner.— 5 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 5.)
Sir George Reynell to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 6. It being the common opinion that Mr. Tirrell by this late tumult has forfeited his estate in the Fleet, and I happening to see a letter to a servant of his Majesty wishing him to make suit therein, I thought good to take advice for my own interest, and find from my counsel that neither Mr. Tirrell nor Mr. Trench has lawful right to receive or discharge any prisoner but whatsoever is done therein is to my prejudice. I would have acquainted Mr. Attorney of the Wards herewith, but he would receive no motion but in court, which my counsel wished me to forbear, not thinking it fit to question publicly whether Mr. Tirrell has made a forfeiture or not, nor to manifest Mr. Trench's no interest, lest the prisoners should thereupon raise some tumult. I have therefore by the advice of Mr. Attorney and my own counsel written to your lordship that you may take the opinion of some of the judges herein, or such other course as may agree with your uprightness.— 6 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (104. 6.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 7. Whereas you have been informed that the mayor of Chester in the renewing of the charter of that city intends to insert some new clauses derogatory to the jurisdiction of the Court of Exchequer there, I find that the petition consists of two parts, (1) to renew certain privy seals for the discharge of the new impost of Gascon wine and of 2s. for every ton of Spanish iron, as in certain privy seals granted by the late Queen Elizabeth appears; (2) to renew certain letters patent likewise granted by the said late Queen for transportation of certain dickers of leather. So that it evidently appears that none of these can derogate anything from the jurisdiction of the Court of Exchequer within the county palatine of Chester.— 7 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (188. 59.)
John Talbot to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 8. Perceiving by my Lord of Shrewsbury that he and your lordship have by letters had conference touching my cause, and that I might now compound with Sir William Anstruther for my yearly recusancy money, which is granted unto him for the term of my life, I protest that I never intended to seek for any toleration from his Highness, but only to be discharged for my life in good sort for my goods, as the book for that purpose can witness; which to satisfy you I sundry times thought to have showed you, but could not have a convenient access; and if I had thought that my proceedings herein had not been favoured by you, I would much sooner have desisted that course. But now if I may deal with this gentleman, as my Lord of Shrewsbury has directed by his letters unto you herewith sent, I will put it in execution, otherwise will leave it off.—Peperhill, 8 Feb. 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (104. 9.)
E[lizabeth], Countess of Oxford, to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 9. Whereas Sir Edward Coke has lately obtained a grant of the stewardship of the manor of Havering, which I know of right to be my son's inheritance, and has never been given by king or queen, when the Earls of Oxford have been in possession of their office of the forest of Havering, as by many evidences plainly appears; I desire your favour in my son's behalf that in his young years his rights may be preserved with equity and justice.—Channon Row, 9 Feb. 1604.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (104. 10.)
Sir William Constable to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 9. I crave pardon for presenting my lines when my speech is not barred from you; my insufficiency is the cause, lest by speech I forget what I would or speak otherwise than I should. Hitherto have I attended the bettering of my fortunes, which depend upon your continuing to support the remnant of a wretched life, which yesterday three years was forfeited had not your Honour above my merit preserved me (when your enemy unworthy of any grace), which has so firmly tied me unto you. It pleased my Lord of Southampton at Woodstock to witness the presentation of my fidelity unto you: and since then he lives not that shall better use his sword in your service. I beg your honourable conceit of my plainness, for I have not the compliments of the Court, which want makes my wants as they be. The suit which I entreated Mr. L'Vines [Levinus Munck] your secretary to show you concerning attorneys is failed; my creditors call on me for my debts; my friends wonder that in all this time I have effected nothing for my good. May I crave your opinion for the suit of the impost of tobacco in Ireland, which might support my estate till my better deserving attain to better? If you please. I will cause this to be drawn in a petition and present it. If this fail, good my Lord, assist me either for a petition or some other means to support my poor estate.—From my house, 9 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 11.)
Matthew Carew to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 9. I can challenge no more property in your goodness than all men; but if you will consider my poor self not ignobly descended or mechanically bred up, I know you will rather pity my estate than charge me above my ability. I have and always will perform my duty as a subject. Many privy seals have been brought unto me for the loan of money in her late Majesty's time; I delivered 30l. upon one of them, whereby I was promised repayment, which I never yet had. Now again I am pressed by three more to make another loan of as much. To the first which I received in Surrey I made my answer to Sir George Moore, from whom I have received no reply. Forthwith I received another by Sir Arthur Atye lately deceased, whereto I returned my reasons. Now again I am pressed by Sir William Bowier to satisfy the third, and being now in my decrepit age. when I had most need to keep me warmest and would gladly end my life with some reputation, I am loth to uncover my nakedness to the vision of many; for I fear not to let your lordship see my bareness. I was born a younger brother, and although fortune lent my father much, yet by his intestacy I neither had any lands or goods of his, but by my own pains and industry have lived in the world, without raising my fortune to much; and desiring to marry the only daughter I had into good place, I stretched the strings of my purse above their tune, whereto I was driven to sell that little land I had gotten together; and to get me some rent again to live on, I put more to it to raise the same by building here, which has left me deeply in debt and in interest for the same, the which before I be able to pay, I shall not be able to lend. And the profiting any more by my labours in the Chancery where I have painfully served these thirty years, addicting myself wholly thereto, by the late statute is taken from me, so as I am now driven with the starved bee to live upon the honey that remains in the hive, whereof there is so little store left as if my life be lengthened it will fall too short to feed it out. but shall be driven to make sale of that I have.—Chancery Lane, 9 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (104. 12.)
Sir Fulke Greville to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Feb. 10. I find so many reasons in my heart and fortune to make me confident of your favour, as I dare presume to crave leave to wait upon you sometime to-morrow or Tuesday at what hour your leisure will best serve.—Austyn Friars, 10 Feb.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (104. 14.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 10. I desire you leave to attend this day the hearing of the cause concerning the county clerkship of Yorkshire referred to the hearing of the Lord Chief Baron. I have entreated Sir Thomas Smith to supply my absence, and delivered him the papers you appointed to be dispatched at this council.— From my poor house. 10 Feb. 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (104. 15.)
Monsieur de la Fontaine to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 11. Begs Cranborne's acceptance of a present of a dozen boxes of quince marmelade (condignac) and of a dozen boxes of "marmelade d'Orleans."—"De vostre petite maison à Blackfrieres cest xie fevrier 1604."
Holograph. French. ⅓ p. (188. 57.)
Sir Robert Wingfeilde to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 12. If I had sent your Honour the greatest present, I could not have desired more than to receive under your own hand testimony that you think of me as carrying a true and constant heart to you. And since you tell me you would be glad of any occasion whereby you might yield me the fruits of your affection, I beseech you to prefer me to be his Majesty's servant in his privy chamber, or else about the Queen or the Prince. I am bound unto his Majesty by his good opinion of me, of which you are the chiefest cause, and hope to deserve the continuance of his love. I do not desire to be troublesome to him with suits, but it will again suffice me for the world to see that I am in your favour, and a great comfort to see my friends more than I do and to live in better reputation than I do.—12 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (104. 16.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 12. This unmannerly course of sending my letters sometimes under your cover I am bold to use, presuming always of your pardon therein. Of that matter of Hartyngton I can say no more, till I hear again from your lordship. I begin now to walk again, but much after your brother my Lord Burghley's fashion, so as if I had on a pair of furred buskyns you could not know me by my pace to be other than he; but yet the difference I hope will be betwixt us, that he will halt all the year long or else die by it, and I will halt some month or two in a year and go upright afterwards like an honest man.— Sheffield Lodge, Shrove Tuesday, 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (104. 17.)
Sir Francis Vere to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Feb. 12. Since my last I have received a letter from my Lord of Erskine in which he desires to speak with me about certain points of a letter I sent him before my coming down, wherein I justified my own integrity to his Majesty both before and since his accession. I am exceedingly glad of the occasion to clear me of the wrongs that may have been done me, and am preparing to repair to his lordship, whereof I thought it my duty to advertise you, lest my abrupt leaving this place might be mistaken.—Tilburye, 12 Feb.
PS. I have written to my Lord of Erskine that I have signified to your lordship the content of his letter.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (104. 18.)
"Jo. Co." to Thomas Wilson.
1604–5, Feb. 12. I received your letters upon Saturday last, but the bearer's haste would not permit him to stay for my reply. The occurrences here in Court since your departure have been few. Therefore I pray you rest content with this slender advertisement.
I understand that Sir Charles Cornwallis is appointed to reside in Spain; he had access to the King yesterday afternoon. Sir Thomas Edmunds has charge to make his preparations, but has order for his allowances before hand to do the same. The ministers of London have been two or three before the bishops. At their last dispute on Thursday last they were all suspended. I hear that the Bishop of Norwich deposed last week over thirty in Suffolk and was this week to take order in Norfolk. The world expects some new consultation in these matters. His Majesty assisted the Lords of the Council yesterday after dinner, and to-day again after dinner they assembled. It is thought there is some matter of importance in hand; I am promised notice of it. Sir Edward Stafford deceased this last week. Upon Thursday was the Parliament prorogued until the 3rd of October, at which assembly my Lord Denny was inducted. The cause of Philipp's [Phelippes's] imprisonment is only, as I hear, for writing to Owen, which is in the Low Countries. If you have not the copy of the B. of York's letter, which I told you of, I can now help you to it. The Princess, the King's daughter, arrived here on Saturday evening. The Lord Howard arrived here yesterday from the Low Countries.
I received yesterday letters from my Lord Ambassador [in France], the particulars whereof follow:—The Lord Duke of Lennox hath been here honourably entertained and is likely . . . . at the King's hands grace for the gr . . . . but the arrest is already past against . . . . You must not forbear to thank Mr. Wilson in my name, if he be not already departed for Spain, the doubt whereof caused me to forbear to write to him.
I received advertisement from Rome this last week that the King of Spain sent thither to divers of the nobility the dignity and ornaments of his order; amongst the rest Mr. Arthur Poole is honoured therewith, and with a yearly pension of 1000 crowns, which, how it may be interpreted, I know not, but I like nothing the more, because withal it is advertised that he designs to procure for his brother a cardinal's hat; and these extraordinary favours are here construed in the worst sense.
The Duke of Savoy hath of late caused the French of the religion that inhabited in the marquisate of Saluces to depart the province, for which De Diguieres complaining to the King here hath order to place them in his Majesty's dominions adjoining. They are to the number of 4000 persons.
The Archduke and the Spaniards have done the like against divers of the French inhabiting at Cambrai, who upon doubt of practices were on the sudden expelled, and are by order of this King received into the cities and towns adjoining St. Quentin and others.
On Sunday next the great marriage of De Rohan with M. de Rosny's daughter shall be solemnized. He hath with her, given by her father, 50,000 crowns argent comptant and in jewels 10,000 crowns. The King bestoweth on him the charge of Colonel of the Suisses, with the pension of 4000 livres yearly, and besides hath augmented his ordinary pensions which he received before 2000 crowns.
It is thought the King in his progress to Provence will render to the Prince of Orange his town, which [he] hath so long sued for not without the prejudice and discontentment of those of the religion.
On Thursday last were condemned the prisoners, for whom the Duke obtained grace, M. Comte d'Auvergne, M. d'Entragues, and Tho. Morgan to be beheaded; the lady Marquise to be detained in ward till further information against her touching that [affair], but how this shall be mitigated will appear shortly upon the King's promise; but the Court giveth out that d'Auvergne shall be confined in the castle of Angers, d'Entragues to his house, and the Marquise the like for a time at . . . . Morgan portera la peine pour tous. Monsieur de Beaumont sollicite fort son retour. Le Comte de Cramail est nommé pour luy succeder.—12 Feb. 1604.
PS.—The King as they say will depart about Friday for Royston. I think Sir John Hallom will go for France.
Signed: Jo. Coved struck out and below: Jo. Co. Addressed: "Mr. Thomas Wilson, at Mr. Calton's house next the Parsonage in Greenwich."
The last few lines in French and in a different handwriting from the earlier part of the letter. 4 pp. (104. 19.)
[Sir Edward Hoby] to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Feb. 12. I understand that the King is going away upon Friday and beseech to understand from you a resolution concerning my motion in my two last letters to you. I would be glad to have means to have an assured house of mine own for my wife to put her head in. This done I would quickly home though I carry a surgeon along with me; and if his Majesty have branded me in the forehead and I must be marked to suffer, I thank God I can carry it patiently. Having some cause of suspicion in that it is so long since I heard from your lordship, I beseech pardon for my importunity, being loth to betray myself for want of soliciting my best friends, whom this business once over I hope never to be a trouble to again, desiring only now to be left in statu quo prius. 12 Feb.
Unsigned. Endorsed by Cranborne's clerk.—"1604 Feb. 12. Sir Edward Hoby." 1 p. (188. 60.)
Wm. Fouler to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 13. I had since we were at Woodstock two portraits of the Archdukes and Infantas delivered me by her Majesty to my custody these days bygone, and at this instant hour, her Majesty has sent for them and as I think to give them away and to be conveyed into Scotland. Out of my love therefore and service towards your Honour, I made bold to acquaint you therewith, thinking them more fit for your use and house at Thibaulds, which her Majesty I think will not deny. They are very fair, large and costly and above 1300 florins paid for the workmanship. They are to be hung this night in the gallery. Your lordship might obtain a conditional promise of her Majesty, that if she be pleased at any time to give them to any, you might have the first assurance.—13 Feb. 1604.
Signed. ⅓ p. (188. 61.)
Thomas Phelippes to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 14. I understand from my Lord of Kinloss that he has moved the King in my matter and, though he at first found the King much moved, he left him in better tune, as well by the reasons he urged as by the show of part of my letter. His lordship has also confirmed, what I understood from yourself of your favour towards me; I pray that before the King's going you will procure some grace for determining this durance, of which nothing can redound to his Majesty's service, I having already suffered that loss that nothing can repair.—14 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 22.)
Sir Francis Godolphin to the Same.
1604–5, Feb. 14. In my last I signified unto your lordship the answer of Walter Daniell of Truroe, how he once had a small quantity of ambergris found within your manor of Ellinglase and how he refused to confirm with his voluntary oath that he had therein set down his full knowledge. I have now attained a piece found to the westward of your land, weighing scarce two ounces. The party from whom I had it, alleging his skill to be small in the manner to find it, says that such as are skilful covet the wind between them and the places they search and soonest discover it by the scent, as it is said the foxes by the smell find it. Such as are not perfect in the knowledge of it make their proof by casting a little on the coals, whereon it will fume as frankincense. This commodity richer in value than the finest gold being thrown out of that great glassy meadow of the sea, wherein none has so rightful propriety as his Majesty, worthily deserves his Majesty's commission for the examination of so much as has been found or sold since the beginning of his reign, with commandment that none presume to buy or sell the same but to such as it shall please his Majesty to assign both for receiving thereof to his use as for payment to the finders after a certain rate, as forty shillings for the ounce or as shall be thought convenient to his Majesty.—From Godolphin, 14 Feb. 1604.
Signature torn off. Endorsed:—"Sir Francis Godolphin to my Lord." 1 p. (188. 62.)
Noel de Caron to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 14. Your lordship has been so good as to communicate to me the letter written to you by Monsieur Winwodt about the wish of the father of the agent D'Arssen, who resides in France, that his son should have the same title as the Estates were resolved to give me, notwithstanding that they have been assured that the King, with whom he is, would be content to receive him in this quality. Wherefore, I pray you, once again permit me to say that in my case they would have wished to do this rather to gratify me and encourage me to continue in my charge than for any reasons of state. For I am assured that none of them would have thought that his Majesty would have made any difficulty about it. And in order that you may see that our state registrar (greffier d'estat), his said father, says that elsewhere (meaning in France) no difficulty would have been made about it, I have enclosed his letter at the foot of which he touches on this matter to that effect. Not that I wish to re-open this business for I have made firm resolution never to speak of it again, having for long resigned to my lords, the Estates, all the good they wanted to do me in this, even the increase of their wages, without the charge of which, I know, they would have given me the said title these ten years past.
Your lordship will see also by the said letter that he discourses freely enough upon affairs but as I know your prudence and judgment in matters of state I could not keep his letter back but submit it entirely to your censure. And I would add my confidence that you will not reject the said arguments for you know too well the value of the maintenance of our state and of the authority of the Estates, having for long (as I have been advised) disputed this cause in the place where it should be received, and that any arguments to the contrary which proceed from so high a place bring great disrepute upon us and our affairs.—"A Surdt Lambeth le 14e jour de Fev. 1604."
PS.—I have also enclosed a letter come to me from Cales by which you will see that his Majesty's ships in the Downs (Dunes) favour our enemies as much as they can. I pray you, after you have had my letters, hand them to your secretary Livnus [Levinus Munck], so that I may have them again.
Holograph. French. 2 pp. (188. 63.)
Lord Morley to Levinus [Munck].
1604–5, Feb. 15. Your Lord at my last being with him promised to move his Majesty touching my suit before his departure hence. As I know him to be troubled with weighty matters and many men's suits, I entreat you to put him in mind of my suit, and to ask him to notice the quality thereof, which otherwise his Majesty may think to be greater than it is. I am not offered above twelve years purchase and to give long days of payment, yet I was in hope at the first beginning of my suit to have had fifteen years.—High Holborne, 15 Feb. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (104. 23.)
Sir Richard Holland to the Lords of the Council.
[1604–5], Feb. 15. For answer to your letters by this bearer, Mr. Hugh Pechie, upon publication of the late proclamation for conformity of the church's ministers to the ceremonies therein now established, very many well affected to the preaching of the gospels, both of better and meaner calling in this county, seeing the increase of Popish religion and looseness of life, were much dismayed, and feared lo[ss] of the preachers whose life and doctrine have been so m[uch] approved amongst us. Divers are maintained by the love of the congregations, and if they should be removed there would be a great want especially in those parts, where his Majesty is obeyed of conscience. These thoughts falling into men's minds, there was brought unto my house by Mr. Gosnell, preacher at Boulton in the Moors, a draft of a petition to his Majesty on behalf of the preachers by such justice of the peace as would subscribe the same, which he had framed. The matter whereof I did well allow in my simple judgment, and after some alteration, using the advice of Mr. Burne of the Felowes, preacher at Manchester, who was then with me, I delivered it back to Mr. Gosnell to be engrossed; and, after this was done, be sent it to me to subscribe. This I did, meaning no offence or opposition to the proclamation, but having heard that unto the like suit made by Mr. Chatterton, Master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, on behalf of the ministers of that county, at the time of the late conference, his Majesty vouchsafed a very gracious answer. Observing also that favourable regard has been had in former times unto petitions for mitigation of the rigour of penal laws, yea for the life and pardon of many condemned for capital crimes; and that the people have been most obedient to the State in those parts, where they have been best instructed by the labours of these preachers, we thought it our duties to advertise his Majesty thereof. This petition by me subscribed was carried or sent by Mr. Gosnell to the rest of the gentlemen, who readily subscribed it without more solicitation, as the most part of them, as Randle Barton, esquire, now sheriff of this county, Sir Nicholas Mosseley, Sir Edmund Trafford, Sir Richard Ashton, knights, James Asheton, John Howlt, and John Bradshaw, esquires, have acknowledged. It was then given to Mr. Mudgeley, the younger, now vicar of Rochdale, to procure it to be presented unto his Majesty by such person as he could entreat to undertake the delivery thereof, for whose furtherance I wrote to my son-in-law, Mr. Reddiche, that if the bearer, meaning Mr. Mudgeley, did acquaint him with his business, I trusted he would yield him his best furtherance, as far as I now remember.
And as having made my declaration of the ground of the said petition, by whose advice it was drawn, who was the solicitor to me and others for subscription and delivery thereof, I humbly ask you to pardon anything done amiss in the matter.—Feb. 15.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (104. 24.)
Lord Cobham to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Feb. 15. This morning Sir John Leuson has been with me, by whom I understand how much I am bound to you; though with difficulty, yet your lordship has obtained from his Majesty the staying of the leases. A deed of greater charity you can never do. I that had, and have not, can best judge, what favour you have done me; such as my beginning from you I must acknowledge, so now I will forbear to trouble you with any other particular; but according to the merit of the favour, for ever will love you, and cannot despair but that I shall live to show it in effect.—From the Tower, 15 Feb. 1604.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. 1 p. (104. 25.)