Cecil Papers: January 1605, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1605, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp15-43 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1605, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1938), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp15-43.

"Cecil Papers: January 1605, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 17, 1605. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1938), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol17/pp15-43.

January 1605, 16-31

Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 16. This morning his Majesty, being to go forth, commanded me to signify to you that having had long conference with the Bishop of this diocese about the disobedient ministers, his Highness finds in the end that the Bishop draws back in the execution, pretending sometime that he has received no express directions from any public authority, sometime that he has no example of any others' proceedings within their dioceses, namely of my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, of whom he says that it were fit that he should show the way to the rest; both because his place is most eminent, and having more access to the King and his Council, his actions would be counted to be the actions of the State. Which fearfulness the King much mislikes, and did think that upon like doubts put by him at his Majesty's last being here, whereof my Lord of Canterbury was advertised, there had been some order given him to proceed, as my Lord of Canterbury did by his letter to his Majesty signify that the Judges had resolved that by law they were deprivable. Wherefore his Majesty thinks it fit that advising with such others of the Council as you shall think fit, and calling my Lord of Canterbury to you, you should consider of some direction to be given to this Bishop for his proceeding. For his diocese being large and comprising the countries most suspected to be favourers of these men, and many being within his jurisdiction, and he aged and fearful, he had need to have a daily spur, for in effect his Majesty says he has done nothing, neither is about to do. I am to recommend this matter to your care; for I perceive his Majesty takes his credit to be engaged in it, and this Bishop is old and weak.—From Hinchinbrooke, 16 Jan. 1604.
PS.—The King is here importuned by everybody in their own particular. After I had written my letter, this was delivered me from his Highness which he had been urged to sign, with direction that you should cause Mr. Attorney to consider whether it were a meet thing for his Majesty to grant such a warrant, or any to like effect.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (103. 116.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 16. Hither came this afternoon toward the evening Mr. Stapers of London and three or four more of the Levant merchants, and his Majesty being then at cards, they addressed themselves to me to present their petition, which I refused, seeing the contents of it, and told them they had done very undiscreetly to come hither to his Majesty in a matter of that weight, when his Highness was separate from his Council, considering that the imposition was a matter long debated in Council before it was put in execution, themselves having been heard what they could say against it. They made many protestations that they were not able to pay it without authority of the trade; I replied that they need not allege those things to me, who had often heard what they could say, and how weak it was. So they departed from me, but watched his Majesty as he came to his supper, and there delivered their petition. Between their speaking with me and the supper-time I had received your letters, and so went in to his Majesty to deliver that which was directed to his Highness, and when he had done reading it, gave him notice of the merchants being there, and withal how impertinent it was that they should trouble him at his sports, and so far from those that had the trust of his affairs. At his going forth they delivered him a petition, but not the same they had showed me, for that was only to crave a discharge of the imposition. This which I send you has two other points, one that commissioners should be appointed to examine their griefs, the other that the currants of a ship now come in might be put in deposit till his Majesty had further examined their cause.
His Majesty, after he had dismissed them, delivered me this petition and willed me to signify to you that he had made them this answer, that whatsoever he had done in that matter of the currants had passed many deliberations of the Council, and, as he had heard, they being called to some of them; that notwithstanding anything they could say, his Council had thought good to proceed, finding that this did not exact more of them than in the Queen's days, while they were a company, [they] had exacted one of another; that they were therefore, if they had any new matter to allege on their own behalf, to address themselves to his Council, who if they found any matter of moment in it, would no doubt advertise him and be ready to further the good of his subjects, if there were cause; that it was very unreasonable for them to come hither to him, being now from them that had more dealt in that business, and that either they should have come before his departure from London, or else have stayed till his return.
They did to that allege that they had been on Sunday last with your lordships, who had answered them that they were to resort to his Majesty, and so indeed they told me. But I answered them to that, that I thought they strained their lordships' speeches, who perhaps might say it was not in their powers to discharge an imposition but in his Majesty's, but not intending they should come hither to importune his Highness at this unreasonable time. Upon which allegation of theirs his Majesty willed me to advertise you that if any such answer was given them, that they should resort to his Highness, he marvelled why he was not certified thereof, that he might be armed against their coming; who otherwise being surprised by them might perhaps have made some other answer than were fitting. After this direction of his Majesty the merchants came to me to know his pleasure but I told them I had no order to impart it to them, but to signify it to my Lords of the Council. They insisted more upon this last point of the ship now come in, whereof I told them his Majesty had said no word to me, but that in mine opinion it was very unreasonable, his Majesty having farmed his imposition and the farmer bound to the rent at his peril, that his Majesty should now interpose. They concluded they were then to send the ship away, and that she should not break bulk here. I answered it was in their power so to do, but yet it would be construed for a very wilful and undutiful behaviour; and so we parted. And because his Majesty expects to hear something of the proceedings in this matter, I thought it good by this gentleman, who goes about his own affairs, but yet by the post, as he tells me, to advertise you of this, and to make it as a packet to help him the better to a horse, if he need.—From Huntingdon, 16 Jan. 1604.
PS.—This day the Bishop of this diocese has given sentence against Burgesse and one other of the ministers, and the Bishop of Peterburgh has given like sentence against fifteen.
Holograph. 3 pp. (103. 114.)
Ralph Winwood to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Jan. 16. Aersens, the deputy for France, arrived here some days since. Besides the money he brought with him, somewhat more than 100,000 crowns, part in specie, the rest by bill of exchange, he pretends this to be the occasion of his sudden voyage, to inform his masters of the French King's disposition towards the affairs of these provinces; who, to all solicitations he has made for the continuance of supplies of money for this year has given this determinate answer, as well by his own mouth, as by his Council, that therein he would do as he should see the King of Great Brittanie [sic] do. To this purpose Mons. Barnevelt has had speech with me complaining greatly of the extremity of their estate, as well for the present wants, which daily they sustain, as for fear of greater to come, which neither could be prevented nor endured. To whom I have answered that he could best make judgment of his Majesty's affection towards the prosperity of their estate, whereof, howsoever heretofore they have found the effects without limitation, yet now they were to believe that it would be regulated by the tenor of the late treaty, from which by all his actions, they might well perceive, he had no meaning to depart. If therefore the French King shall profess, that for the continuance of his contribution he will govern himself by his Majesty's proceeding, it seems he seeks but a pretext to withdraw his assistance, since no longer he will continue it unless his Majesty will break his peace, for so, I told him, to my understanding that answer of his did import. Upon this message of Aersens it was intended to send their deputies to his Majesty, which the French King did much desire, which purpose is now changed by Monsr. Caron's letters, signifying the gracious entertainment he received from his Majesty, and that liberty which refers the sending of the commissioners to their discretion, which now they will put off until some fitter occasion. Now Aersens has order to return, and to present his former instances for provision of money, in which if the French shall fail, this State must needs fall into some difficulties for want of means, both to defray the necessary charges of the war, which daily increase, and to advance the preparations for the field against the spring; when if they prevent not the enemy, they shall not only lose the advantage of the year's service, but being forced only to stand upon the defensive must receive the law from his designs, which hardly they will be able to withstand. But it seems the French King does but desire that his Majesty should join with him in that course, either the better to justify his actions with Spain, or that by just cause of jealousy the force of the late treaty may be weakened, which he fears may grow too strong.
The state of war of these countries stands for this year at 325 companies of foot (whereof the English are 46 and the two Scottish regiments 28), and 40 companies of horse. Order is given for a general re-inforcement by 1 March, and they are to be in the field by April, for the last year's success teaches them that to get the start of the enemy but only of one month is to hold him in awe and make him give attendance on their army the whole year after.
The Bishop of Bridges [Bruges] and the Governor have written hither making an overture for a truce for longer or shorter time at their discretion, referring the deliberation thereof to certain letters intended to be sent from the States of Brabant to the same purpose, which daily are expected and feared lest they should make some alteration in this people's surcharges, with the burden of the war. It is advertised hither, that at Bridges there are preparations for a magazine as well for victuals as munition, and that the Archduke has delivered to the deputies of the four members of Flanders a charge enjoined him from Spain to besiege and recover Sluce. Yet we understand that they of Antwerp fear a siege, which to sustain commandment has been given to every household to make provision for two years for the sustenance of their families, and visitation has been made accordingly that execution be performed of this order. It is here believed that the affairs of the Archdukes stand but in evil terms, who daily are in doubt to be revoked into Spain. They have procured the Count of Soare to be sent from the States General of those provinces to remonstrate to the King of Spain and his Council, that their revocation will not only multiply all alterations but endanger a universal alienation even in the parts which now profess greatest devotion to the house of Burgundy. Count Henry returns from his government of Flanders and is to remain in Gueldre, to command the horse, whereof he is general. Count Lalouie before his death possessed that place, which is esteemed to be of profit by the voluntary contributions of the neutral countries.—From the Haghe, 16 Jan.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 2½ pp. (103. 117.)
Lord Harington to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Jan. 18. If I should not take notice of the unaccustomed favour I have by your means received from his Majesty, I should greatly wrong your favourable disposition towards my poor house. And though I may fail of those means [which] might be required to manifest my thankful mind, yet I hope my son may live to do you service.—From Coumbe, 18 Jan.
PS.—My wife writes so ill as makes her unwilling to trouble you with her lines, yet desires you will be assured that she acknowledges your favours, and wishes the means to manifest her thankfulness.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (103. 113.)
Sir Thomas Lake to [the Same].
1604–5, Jan. 18. I presented your letters which came hither yesternight about 5 o'clock to his Majesty, and the warrants enclosed for his Majesty to sign; but it pleased him to put them off till the morning, and being now done I have sent them according to your commandment. There is nothing else from his Majesty but that the cause why the prophets here and witches are not sent up to your lordships is that the principal is not apprehended, but one of the guard gone for him; whom his Majesty would hear what he saith when he is confronted with those that accuse him, and then they shall be all sent. To my seeming, if he prove none other than the rest, they are all simple people, and carried with credulity without any malice.
With this packet I send to my Lord of Balmerinoth from whom I received letters yesternight, and a proclamation touching the Isles to be signed by his Majesty; and also a bill concerning himself for the keeping of the Marshal's office of the King's Bench, which his Majesty gave at his suit the last year for 31 years, and now is by Mr. Attorney's advice changed into two lives. The bill is subscribed by Mr. Attorney.—From Hinchinbrooke, 18 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Thomas Lake to my Lord." 1 p. (103. 119.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 18. Thanking him for manifold favours received, the cause of their neighbours, petitioners for their losses in Denmark, being not the least as is confessed by the bearer Thomas Harcastell their solicitor. Prays him especially to be a means of a speedy dispatch, the charge in attending and suiting being more than they are able to undergo. Have certified Cranborne and the rest of the Privy Council by their letters that their poor neighbours being persuaded of a present end have with their consents appointed Hugh Graves of Hull, merchant, with their solicitor Thomas Harcastell to receive whatsoever Cranborne thinks fit and to consent and do touching whatsoever the King of Denmark has given or will give, to such good order as he (Cranborne) shall think good.—Hull, 18 Jan. 1604.
Signed:—Tho. Hatkins, mayor; Anthonye Cole; John Graves; Anthony Burnsell; Hughe Armyne; Will'm Barnerd; Marmadowik Hadysha. 1 p. (188. 45.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 19. I have nothing at this time to advertise you from hence but that I have presented your letters touching your proceedings with the Levant merchants to his Majesty, who is very well satisfied that his answers here did agree with your purposes there. The merchants went away the next morning and said they would attend you, although I think they will not, except they be commanded, considering they know already how they shall speed. My Lord of Barwick has now about ten of the clock taken his leave of his Majesty to return toward London. He misses certain letters from Sir Roger Aston enclosed in a packet dispatched on Wednesday about noon from hence, whereof the cause is as I think the slow haste of our post. For Mr. Levingston going from hence the same day at nine at night delivered my letter to you touching the merchants, whereof answer is come hither. But of that letter wherein I signified to you what his Majesty desired to be done to the Bishop here touching the disobedient ministers there has nothing come, whereof once his Majesty asked me whether I had written it or no. The King is importunately pursued by them here and I think my Lord of Barwick has to impart to you something concerning them and some articles of theirs exhibited here to his Majesty.—From Hinchingbrooke, 19 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (188. 46.)
Sir John Ogle to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 19. About 14 days since was an Assembly at the Haghe of the General Estates, where should have been resolved of what army they will put into the field, where the leaguer should fall, and how the means should be raised to pay them; but by reason that those of Zeland came not, the meeting is adjourned till towards the middle of February. There is no true sincere correspondency betwixt Zeland and Holland, which doth many times stagger their good proceedings in general businesses. The opinion are diverse where and in what part the wars will be this year kindled. Most think in Flanders, of which in my poor opinion I see small appearance to advise to such a resolution, though (it is said) those of Zeland stand stiffly to have the army thither again. My reason is because the way of entering into the country any further is altogether shut to us, unless we were masters of Damme, which cannot suddenly be ours but by surprise, of which there is no likelihood. The Estates have received singular good contentment by Sir Noel Caron's last letter touching his Majesty's gracious disposition towards them. In March we say the army shall be on foot and certain deputed from hence in embassage towards his Majesty for the ordering or disposing of the English troops. There is nothing yet done more than an order to reinforce the weak companies by 113 heads against 1 March.—Dordrecht, 19 Jan. 1604 veteri.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 47.)
The King to Viscount Cranborne and Lord Hume, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
1604–5, Jan. 20. We have heretofore recommended to your considerations a suit moved to us by Robert Carre of our bedchamber touching a licence for transportation of calf-skins, heretofore granted to the town of Chester, now almost expired and by him desired to be renewed to his use; to which we have not received from you any answer. We have been moved again at his suit to require of you your opinions thereof, and in what manner the same may be by us granted to him, that thereupon we may determine our pleasure.—Given at Hinchingbrooke, 20 Jan. in the 2nd year of our reign of England, etc.
Signed. Fragment of Seal. ½ p. (109. 136.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 20. This morning before his Majesty's going to the church, I presented your letters touching the Graymes, upon perusal whereof his Highness willed me to let you understand that he liked very well of the course signified, and that he would have it proceed with as much expedition as might be. The particular schedules he read not at that time, but put them in his pocket, saying he would read them at his return, and likewise the letter which my Lord of Cumberland desired he should see.
For the points of their lordships' letters to myself, for the witches it was never meant to trouble you with them, but when they had been examined to leave it to the justices of peace to do as they saw cause. And already some examination has been taken by Sir Robert Chester, Sir Thomas Mead and one Mr. Pygott, who are the next justices, and they had been 'ere this left in the hands of those justices, but that his Majesty was resolved to examine the suspected minister himself, and for that cause commanded him to be brought to this town, and those that can give evidence against him. Accordingly this afternoon his Majesty has spent wholly about that matter; although himself will confess directly nothing, but there is good evidence of others to argue him to have been busy with conjuration in his youth. His Majesty has since taken order that Sir Roger Wilbraham and Mr. Dean of the Chapel shall further examine him, and confront the witnesses and him, and then direct him with all the examinations to one Mr. Pygott and one Castle, two justices dwelling near hand who have undertaken the pains, and that when they have found good ground he shall be directed to gaol, or bound over to the sessions; so as I hope there will be no more trouble about that matter.
Touching the prophecies, we cannot say yet any certainty, because the principal whom the rest ground on is not yet apprehended, although he has been sent for by one of the guard four days past; but I find by circumstances it is the same person that has been ever in trouble for these matters. I send you a copy of the examination of one Moreton, who has been an utterer of these prophecies, by which you shall see all the particularities that he can say, and that he has his reference to Butler, who is not taken, and to the almanack. I have sent herewith the bills which the messenger brought, who came not hither till yesterday, and I am commanded by his Majesty, upon a motion made to him by Monsieur d'Obigny [Aubigny], to let you understand that his Majesty is informed that the Duke's suit about the alnage meets with stay by means of others pretending his Majesty's grant thereof to be passed to them before. But that his Highness is resolved to bestow it on the Duke [of Lennox] if it be a thing to be granted, and that he expects the judgment and report thereof from your lordships, to whom it was referred.
The letters you dispatched yesternight from my Lord of Canterbury came hither this day about 4 o'clock, and were presently delivered to his Majesty, and that to my Lord of Lincoln is sent to him.—From Hinchingbrooke, 20 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 2½ pp. (103. 121.)
The Enclosure.—"At the Court at Hinchingbrooke. The second Examination of William Morton accused." 15 Jan. 1604[–5].
William Morton being first charged directly to have spoken very lately in conference with an acquaintance of his, that there would be fire and sword throughout all this land (one only place excepted) for religion amongst ourselves, answers that he never spake words importing any certain or known damage to this kingdom; yet he confesses that he has uttered (but knows not when or to whom) that he feared great troubles to happen within this kingdom this year, between Midsummer and Lammas, and that there would be fire and sword in divers parts. He thinks those troubles will be westward in the beginning and be stirred up by the Papists. For he has heard:— first, the prognostication of this year by Gresham in some places interlined in the book showed: secondly, a prophecy in generality, which he had from Mr. Scisson: thirdly, one dead (whose name he knows not) told him long since, that after a maiden Queen there would happen great troubles to England: fourthly, the chief ground of his fear is that one Butler of Elme or Elney two miles from Wisebridge, labourer, yet a practitioner in physic, told him as they rode between St. Ives and Somersam or between Papworth and Somersam, about Michaelmas last, that he thought there would be great troubles in this land this year by famine, fire and sword; and that it was all in God's hands, yet by man's judgment it was likely so to fall out; for Butler said there was one in Norfolk, not naming him, that had the judgments of 26 ancient writers therein. Being asked whether Butler told him the particularities of the troubles, he says Butler said troubles were like to happen between Midsummer and Lammas this year, and that he doubted the troubles would come by controversies between the Protestants and Papists, and for money matters, but neither named nor described any person certain by whom or against whom these troubles should happen; neither told him any more thereof but that these troubles would arise westward, and that Ely was a sure place in troubles. He says Butler promised him copies of the judgments of the said 26 writers, for which purpose he went to his house since Christmas but found him not at home. His acquaintance with Butler grew by occasion he sought to Butler for care of his cousin Joane Cole now at Papworth (one Welle of Newarke, innholder, having told him that Butler was an excellent man for cures and had then his daughter in cure). The disease his cousin had was the small-pox and she was frantic; for which Butler sent her a medicine and a prayer out of Mr. Johnson's little prayer book.
Some report this Butler to deal miraculously in his cures.
Being urged to confess that he had reported and that lately that he knew how when and where these troubles would begin and who shall win the victory, he answers that he never spake those words affirmatively as they are set down but confesses he has said that if such troubles should be he should know when and where they should be, meaning by such intelligence as Butler's prophecy shall disclose.
He denies he ever uttered words of striking any or defending himself and his friend in these troubles, neither spake anything who should have the victory. He denies he said he had any armour in readiness.
He denies he said the privy seals should be any cause of these troubles or events.
He confesses that he has told Mr. Berry, mercer, on London Bridge (at the sign of the White Bear, the end of Michaelmas term last, in going back from Berry's where he supped to his lodging in Holborn at Hardie's at the sign of the Plough) that there were troubles like to grow, and wished Berry to have money in readiness, whatsoever should befall.
He thinks it may be he talked with Berry of the manner of the troubles as Butler before had disclosed to him. But Berry never gave him thanks or reward, neither promised him any furtherance.
He says Berry brought him to his lodging in Holborn from London Bridge with a torch only upon occasion of these speeches of future trouble.
He thinks he spake to Henry Edwardes or Rowe or some other at Huntingdon before Christmas last that he should sell a house if he had any and buy corn that he might have money to serve his turn in troubles if any should happen; and said he had a horse cost 19l. and that he would have another if Yorkshire would afford it, though it cost him 40l. and wished the party he so talked of with not to lay out his money except upon corn and good horses and that if troubles came one house now sold would be worth ten houses hereafter. And that if he had any money abroad upon bonds he should call it in before Midsummer, though he lost by it. He thinks he spoke to Rowe or Edwardes to buy a parsonage in the Isle of Ely wherein he would be a partner, for he thought Huntingdonshire would be dangerous in these troubles.
And further he says that he has spoken to some of the same persons that if these troubles fall, all or the most part of the men that were of agility or ability would be slain.
All which speeches he uttered upon the causes aforesaid, especially upon Butler's speech.
He confesses he thinks Edwardes or Rowe demanded of him whether the King should be in any danger, to which he answered no, but that there would be great partakers on both sides, meaning between Protestants and Papists.
He denies he said to any that he had a knight of 5000l. by year or any other great man that loved him and in these troubles would stand his friend.
He confesses he has said it was thought there would be some little troubles before Midsummer day next and that he would be gone to the Isle of Ely for his safety if trouble came, and said if trouble came he would not change his state with Sir Oliver Cromwell.
He protests he knows particularly nothing more for discovery of any danger to his Majesty or the State or of any intended troubles to this kingdom.
He further says that Butler told him that the said man in Norfolk had more skill in matters of future troubles and in prophecies than Butler, and that he should see by the coats of arms specified in the prophecies of him in Norfolk, where the said fight should be and who should have the victory; and Butler said he thought if troubles came the Papists would be the stronger and he said the said Norfolk man had obtained by prayer a true angelical spirit that would tell the truth.
32/3 pp. (188. 42.)
The Bishop of London to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 20. I have enquired after Edward Gresham, the almanack-maker, of whom I am informed that he is now abiding in the city and lodges in the next house to the Old Swan in Thames Street.—From my house in London, 20 Jan. 1604.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (103. 123.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 20. Your lordship heretofore by your letters acquainted me how unfortunately my kinsman Mr. John Talbott's suit fell out, which afterward was granted to Sir William Anstrother, so far as concerned the penalty of 20l. a month; with whom you conceived my cousin might compound, if he were so disposed. I perceive he is very willing so to do, if he may be freed from all other pecuniary punishments, that for the same matter of his recusancy only may be laid upon him by divers laws, inquirable by force of several ecclesiastical jurisdictions; which I conceive may be easily performed if some of his Majesty's counsel learned may consider thereof, and confer with any one serjeant, or other of my cousin's counsel, that they two may devise a course for his security thought meet by them and approved by you, and yet free from all colour of any such former imputation of toleration as was before somewhat too strainedly construed. If you afford him your favour, I doubt not but Anstrother shall be compounded with to his good contentment, and my cousin cleared during his life of those penalties.—At Sheffield Lodge, 20 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (103. 120.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 20. I have according to your directions perused the inquisition taken after the attainder of George Brooke, esquire. I find that at the time of his attainder he stood seised in fee of the manor of Cranebrooke and other possessions in Newington, Hartlip, Halstowe, Raynham and in the Isle of Greyne [Grain], co. Kent, valued at 105l. 2s. per annum above all reprises. He then also stood seised in his demesne as of frank tenements, during the lives of three persons then living, by force of a lease made by the wardens of Rochester Bridge, of certain marsh grounds in the said Isle of the clear yearly value of 17l. 19d. and was also possessed of a certain marsh and other grounds in the said Isle of the clear yearly value of 8l. 17s. 8d. for the term of certain years yet enduring, by force of a lease made by the Dean and Chapter of Rochester, 36 Eliz., for the term of 21 years. Lastly he was possessed of certain other marsh grounds in the said Isle of the clear yearly value of 20l. for certain years yet to come by force of a lease made by the late Queen Elizabeth. The manor of Cranebroke and the premises of the yearly value of 105l. 2s. are by the said attainder forfeited to his Majesty in fee and the residue of the premises (being of the yearly value of 45l. 19s. 3d.) during the remainder of the terms in the several leases are likewise forfeited, and are now in his Highness's hands to be disposed at his pleasure.—20 Jan. 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (188. 48.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Northampton to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 21. Pray for the restoration of Mr. Robert Gatelin, their minister, who had been deprived of his living for not conforming himself to the use of the ceremonies (in that church omitted and grown out of use for nearly 40 years), of whom about 1500 communicants felt the want.—Northampton, 21 Jan. 1604.
Signed:—Thomas Craswell, maior; John Bryan; George Raynsford; John Mercer; Thomas Humfrey; Thomas Cowper; Lawrence Ball; Edwarde Mercer; Edward Hensman; Thomas Judkyn. 1 p. (103. 124.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to Sir Thomas Lake.
[1604–5, Jan. 21]. Yesterday afternoon the French Ambassador showed me a copy of the proceedings concerning his Majesty's subjects' goods judged in France as confiscate to the value of almost 300,000 crowns, a matter of that consequence, as if they were confiscable, yet to take it to the full value was never done between princes in amity, except there were a direct intention to break the next month after. I write not as being discouraged in the merchants' behalf with the severity of the Ambassador's declaration of this case, but rather to make it appear to his Majesty how desirous they are to impose obligation in this kingdom towards that in such things as these because his Majesty should not expostulate those just debts, the payment whereof were a better sign of true affection than the many other exterior shows. If you take some time to read this memorial which I have made for my memory of the state of the cause, you shall see how strange a course this is, all which I urged unto the Ambassador so far, rather complaining of rigour than seeming to doubt execution of this sentence, as at the last farewell he told me that he conceived, notwithstanding that which had been done, his Majesty here should find the King his master better affected than to do all he might do towards his subjects. To which I answered that I believed so and wished so, for otherwise this example would force the King to extend the like in cases as inevitable for his subjects in their trade as their orders appear impossible for ours; who as they know protested against their edict, and were promised modification because it was incompatible with the possibility of our manufactures. So nothing having been said to the contrary, and many months since passed over, the execution of this now is rather a surprise upon confidence than a just or moderate kind of proceeding. Nevertheless, I concluded that I would acquaint his Majesty without his trouble to take so ill a journey and thereupon I assured him that I should receive his Majesty's order, the rather because I daily expected dispatches from the Duke of Lennox and from the lieger Ambassador; and so after some exchange of expostulations about the late accident we parted very kind friends, only poor Lewknour sinks in his stomach.
Immediately after the writing of this letter, here arrived this morning two dispatches, one from the Duke, and the other from the Ambassador, of both which it were not amiss that his Majesty had the reading, for by the one he shall see how well the Duke was received, and by the other how much his carriage deserves commendation, for I have it not only from the Ambassador, but from other of my very good friends that he has done the King honour in that Court. Where he writes that there is likelihood of a mild course with the house of Entragues, the French Ambassador seems to use towards me another language. To conclude, I think it best to frame a letter for his Majesty to sign by which that King may see his Majesty is acquainted with the circumstances, and though he does not take upon him to censure their acts of Council as unjust, because those circumstances which ours allege can receive no answer but there, yet he shall so challenge in equity such an exemption from the rigorous edicts against which this state has still made protestation, as I doubt not but the French King will think it fitter to dispense with this matter than in this violent form make any other use of this accident than that it be accepted with thanks. What remains now is to procure some sure establishment of things not altogether clear between the two princes in respect that there has not been of late any certain rules agreed on between France and England since the peace was made between Spain and France; and therefore, if his Majesty mislike it not, I will move the Ambassador to procure authority to treat with some of his ministers thereupon, who being near his Majesty shall not have far to send for instructions. I send you a letter for his Majesty and another to Monsr. Daubingny, both which I pray you deliver at your best leisure, and I pray return these letters which I send you when you have done with them. This third letter is from the Earl of Suffolk.
I am advertised of one thing happening in the Duke's audience, whereof I know not well what judgment to make, which is, that in the time of the King's receiving him, four princes of the blood on one side and four dukes on the other, not princes of the blood, stood covered hard by the King. Whether this be a beginning to make grandees, or whether this be out of some humour because the Duke was once his subject, or what other cause there is, no man writes to me, and yet thought I it not unfit to advertise his Majesty with the rest of our news.— Undated.
Draft. Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604. Jan. 21. Mynute from my Lord to Sir Thomas Lake." 8 pp. (103. 125.)
James Mountagu, Dean of the Chapel Royal, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 22. I have received your lordship's survey of the University of Cambridge, and delivered to his Majesty as a proof of your care for the peace of the Church, having brought the whole body of the University, consisting of so diverse dispositions, to be conformable to his Majesty's proceedings. His Majesty took great contentment in perusing of it, and said it was sufficient to confute all the Puritans in the kingdom to see so great a number of learned men in a university to consent so full in one. There is no certificate wanting but for Magdalene College, which I certified his Majesty was to be charged upon my Lord Chamberlain, who being founder there might have persuaded them to unconformity. I shall keep the certificates safely and return them into your hands, for they will be a good precedent to all posterity, both of our loyalty to our sovereign and our love and duty to our chancellor, who with so easy command hath brought us to so absolute obedience. I was bold to tell his Majesty that if it might be without loss to his service in the state, I could wish your lordship were a bishop for a while to see if you could bring the Church to as good conformity as you have done the University; for what with a prophet and a conjuring priest, as is supposed, and a multitude of Puritans his Majesty hath had little rest since his coming from London. But for the prophet I think he will prove rather a silly fool, abused by an almanackmaker, than a seducing fellow feigning to be illuminate with any divine revelation. And for the priest, though there be nothing directly proved against him, that he hath possessed these parties, yet his Majesty hath so handled him with that admirable wit and dexterity, that though for want of grace he will not confess the fact, yet for very shame he cannot deny many things which are very pregnant against him. But because it were not fit that his Majesty's sports should be hindered by so evil a spirit we have besought him to refer this matter to the trial of the country, and what they find to certify to his Majesty. For the precise ministers I confess I have rather a heart to commiserate their state than a tongue to speak in their case, for it is a lamentable thing to see that neither the religious proceedings of so gracious a King, nor the persuasions of so many honourable personages, nor the inducements of so many learned men by their example, can bring these men to any better conformity, but they run on still in their disobedience to the great grief of everyone that truly professeth Christ. I entreat your lordship that such moderation may be used in turning them out of their places, that men of more turbulent dispositions may be called out by little and little rather than all without difference cut down at once; for I have ever found all controversies in religion to gather strength by opposition, and the parties depressed to gain more by pity than ever they could by their piety. Thus I have been bold to trouble you not fearing though I be counted an apostate to write "Emanuel" in the head of my letter, nor to wish the sign of the Cross were left out in the liturgy so that this breach were made up.—From Court at Hinchinbroke, 22 Jan. 1604.
Holograph, headed: "Emanuel." 2½ pp. (103. 130.)
King James to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 22. We have seen your letter to Lake containing a report of that which hath passed between you and the French Ambassador touching the goods of our merchants adjudged as it seemeth by the French Ambassador's speech for confiscate. And although we may gather both by your letter reporting the Ambassador's conclusion with you and your judgment thereupon that extremity is not like to be used in the execution, yet think we it convenient that a letter be framed by you to be sent from us to the King about this matter upon second advertisement from our Ambassador, the form whereof we leave to your judgment. And withal that motion be made to the French Ambassador that all these things concerning the mutual trades of the King's Majesty's subjects and ours and all other questions may be determined and established by some treaty for preventing of like inconveniences; for which purpose if he will procure commission to himself we will appoint of ours to treat with him, and to bring all the grounds of amity between us and the King his master to such established form as may have hope of continuance. But if there shall appear by the further proceeding in France any other intention than the Ambassador's speech doth import and the letter of our Ambassador likewise grounded upon Rosny's and Boissye's speeches with him, we shall then in any accident that may concern our honour or the good of our subjects make it appear that we know what fits us to do. And in debating this matter with the Ambassador we think it to good purpose that you remember him that where he hath often in his speeches to us glanced at the friendship between us and Spain and that the outward shows were such as though it were more hearty between that King and us than with his master, insinuating withal that we should find it on that part but feigned, we pray him to consider, what the world may construe of his master's disposition towards us, if while other compliments of friendship pass beween us with all outward demonstration of sincerity, such an act shall be done on his part upon our subjects as being in substance a wrong to us and so great a damage to them must in our and all men's opinions overweigh and shadow shows of amity. We are also pleased that you may send to us a letter to be directed to Sillery, as our cousin the Duke [of Lennox] requireth.
Last of all you may cause the Duke to understand that touching the French King's complaint about our Ambassador at Venice, that we have none there nor in all Italy avowed but Wotton: And that if any thing can be proved against him we will do that which appertaineth to our honour and to the desire we have to make it appear to the King how willing we are to keep correspondency with him in all offices of friendship. But if it be any other than Wotton that qualifieth himself with the name of ambassador, he is but a seducer and a counterfeit; and yet if we may know his name and fault with the proofs we will make him know how much he has forgotten himself.— Given at Hinchinbrook, the 22nd day of January, 1604, in our reign of Great Britain the second year.
Sign manual. 2 pp. (134. 47.)
Sir Thomas Lake to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 22. By his Majesty's own letter to your lordship you shall understand his pleasure in all points of your letter which required answer. And further I can say nothing, but that having according to his Majesty's direction writ the letter as he went to his sermon (immediately after which he dined), at my return I found him, to my seeming, and to others also, much distempered, whether about these things, or, as I hear, upon some letters written out of France to some here from Scottishmen, advertising of very ill language used by some of our nation in those parts and tending to sedition. But his Majesty signed the letter and gave me no other commandment but to send it away.
Our witches we have directed to the justices to do with them as the law requires. I find his Majesty very doubtful what construction to make of that circumstance in the Duke's audience, which is about the being covered of some of the princes; and I think he would be glad to hear the reason of it. For to be resolved whether it were regard he had been sometime his subject, he called for Monsieur d'Obigny and asked how it was at the Duke's last being in France from his Majesty as King of Scotland; and he resolved his Highness there was then no such thing used. So as his Majesty thinks it may have some other drift.—From Hinchingbrooke, 22 Jan. 1604.
PS.—Your letters dated yesterday at 9 in the morning came not hither till this morning at 7 or past, so as if the matter had required any more haste, or his Majesty had gone to the hunting (which because it is Tuesday he did not), you could have received no answer till to-morrow, his Majesty being abroad. And besides none of the posts have noted upon the packet what hour they received the same, not one of them.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (103. 133.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 22. I sent the names for the commission ecclesiastical unto my Lord Chancellor, who will in no sort allow it that the Earl of Northampton's name and your lordship's should be left out, because, as he says (and truly) that, these times considered, some occasion may fall out that the omission of them may be very inconvenient. Besides your lordship was in commission before, as he adds, and may not be omitted. So as we both conclude that neither of your lordships shall be spared, whereof before I gave you warning. My predecessor [per]suaded much heretofore in this matter, and so I know you will give me leave to do.—At Lambeth, 22 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. ½ p. (103. 134.)
Sir Francis Vere to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Jan. 22. When I took my leave of your lordship I gathered by some of your speeches that I might be spared from the Brill till the coming of the Estates' deputies hither, who were then expected before this time. It may be through their longer stay your opinion is altered, so I will tender my readiness to obey upon the least warning, though in regard of my particular I be no suitor to go over to my charge. For as the town is provided it is held merely precario, so as I nor any one man can assure the place for his Majesty if the States will use their power against it. I have written to Sir Edward Conwey according to your directions not to make war upon the Archdukes' people that may land in that island either in small or great troops, unless they first begin to use force against the town or forts. Of his sufficiency to govern the garrison your lordship has had good experience. I shall attend your further pleasure in this place, which agrees best with my disposition and condition of my poor fortune.—Tilburrye, 22 Jan.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (103. 135.)
Thomas Flemyng and others to the Lord Chancellor, the Lord High Treasurer, Earl of Northampton, Viscount Cranborne and the Lord Chief Justice.
1604–5, Jan. 22. Whereas it pleased your lordships in the cause between the Earl of Hertford and the Lord Mounteagle to refer unto us to consider whether a commission may be granted by law to examine over the impediments alleged in the prosecution of the appeal, without intermeddling with the principal cause, and, if yea, then to draw the form of such a commission, we are of opinion that such a commission may be granted by law, albeit we cannot find any use or precedent in the like case heretofore. Notwithstanding for the better expedition of the cause, we thought meet that the counsel of the Lord Mounteagle should draw a form of such a commission as they desired, which being by them done was delivered to the counsel of the Earl of Hertford, who have returned the same to us, without taking any exception to the form thereof, which form we send to your lordships hereinclosed.—From Serjeantes Inne in Flete Streete, 22 Jan. 1604.
Signed: Tho. Flemyng; Da. Williams; Jul. Caesar; Daniel Dun; R. Swale; Jo. Bruet.
1 p. (188. 49.)
Maria Mur to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 23. Thanking him for his many kindnesses in the troubles caused her by her enemies, and sending him a little "aqua de olor" and other sweetmeats, which her relatives have sent her from Spain; praying that he may live long as the friend of the widow and the oppressed.—From her house, 23 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Spanish. Endorsed: "Mrs. More, the widow, to my Lord." ½ p. (103. 136.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 23. Your lordship shall receive herewith the two bills, which you sent me this morning, which his Majesty signed before his going forth; and upon reading of the latter clause of your letter, he has willed me to let you know, that you have so often in every letter given scorns to Philip Harbert, as he has vowed not to come any more at your niece. But thus far his Majesty made sport with him, causing me to tell him that you had written to his Majesty to commit the trust of a certain person to his conduction up, which for secrecy was to be conveyed in a coach [and] he should do well to send abroad among his friends to borrow one. He bestowed that labour to send to gentlemen here to borrow a coach, and then the matter was made known to him.
The prophets must come to you for his Majesty is very sensible of them. The same Butler that we have so long sought is now come and proves to be as I advertised you before. He has been punished in the last year of the Queen for like matters, he confesses, and was since his Majesty's coming before your lordships, but discharged because there was no proof against him. But we are commanded to send them to your lordships with whatsoever they have uttered here.—23 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (103. 137.)
Edward Talbot to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 23. It is here credibly reported, that there shall be (by his Majesty's appointment), certain gentlemen of this country, as also of Scotland, appointed to have the charge of certain horsemen for the better redress and ordering of the country, and apprehending and punishing of malefactors not answerable to justice. If any such shall be, may I have the charge of them, or half of them, and I doubt not but to do his Majesty service most fitting to such a charge and to my own credit.—From Bothall, 23 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (103. 138.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 24. It was very late before his Majesty returned from the hunting, this being the day of beginning the great match between his Highness and the Lord Hume; so as this letter is the later dispatched back to your lordship. Our prophets, so much talked of here, are like to prove witches, if they stand to that they have confessed. But what they confessed yesterday, they deny to-day, and so I stay to see the success or else had sent you a copy of it, which if it be true as it is first delivered is horrible.—From Huntingdon, 24 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p.
Postal endorsements: "Royston 24 at past xij in the night. Ware 25° Jan. at fower in the morning; Waltham 25 at paste vj in the morning." (103. 140.)
[Sir Edward Hoby] to the Same.
[1604–5], Jan. 24. I must be now fain to moan myself to your lordship, that have performed whatsoever has been asked of me, and ready to do aught for the satisfaction of Sir Philip Harberte, and yet cannot have any going forward of my own business. Myself, my wife and brother have levied a fine already according as has been demanded. I sent to Mr. Attorney to have my things out of his hands to dispatch, and he answers that when he has heard from Sampford he will do it. I sent to Sampford, and I hear he is gone to Wiltshire, not to return till the latter end of the term; so as I know not how I stand. I cannot yet certify you of any great amendment of mine. I hold that my arm is fully set where it was broken, but not oftentimes without pain. Neither as yet have I any use of hand or fingers, for these two days past I have had a swelling fallen down into my arm between my elbow and my hand, which before I had not.—24 Jan.
Unsigned. Seal. Endorsed: "14 [sic] Jan. 1604. Sir Edward Hobby to my Lord." 1 p. (103. 141.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Dorset, Lord High Treasurer, Viscount Cranborne, Principal Secretary, Lord Hume of Berwick, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench.
1604–5, Jan. 24. This petition enclosed his Majesty gave to me yesterday having been presented to him by Sir Philip Harbert, and commanded me to signify to you that for the point of the title his Highness is sufficiently satisfied of his own right by his learned counsel. For the other demands touching the debts, he is pleased that you shall examine what the true state of those debts is and how far there is any ground in equity for him to have consideration of them and of the other demand made likewise in consideration of a release for the strengthening of his Majesty's title; or whether these petitions do wholly depend upon his Majesty's grace and favour. His Majesty being thereof certified from you will determine his pleasure.— Huntingdon, 24 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (188. 50.)
The Bishop of Lincoln to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 24 & 25. (a) I thank you for imparting to me the proceeding against the unconformed ministers, whereby I think I do good amongst many of them by intimating unto them his Majesty's resolution in these proceedings. It is full time that some strict course be used against them, for what bold speeches would they not use at other times when as Cooke, late of Lowthe, dares say, since his return into Lincolnshire, that he makes small account of your proceeding, as not in his case his competent judge, and that he has appealed from you accordingly. Whereupon, as he says, he looks hourly for an inhibition to be served upon you, and he hopes that there will be such a curb put into the jaws of your lordship and my Lord of Peterbourghe for these proceedings against him and others, as upon the same shame will ensure to you both; whereof though I had no understanding from himself, but from some others of credit, I thought good to let you have knowledge.— Lincoln, 25 Jan. 1604.
(b) I understand that many of the knights of Lincolnshire have set their hands to a petition unto his Majesty in the behalf of some ministers not conformable, wherein they justify the denial of those ministers to conform themselves unto the Church of England, and condemn the most of the ministers in Lincoln shire. I cannot get the petition, or else I would have sent you a copy, but as they say Mr. Atkinson of Glentworth is the party that must deliver the petition. If you do not take some course to deal with some of these maintainers, neither will any of the ministers conform themselves, neither shall we have any peace in our churches.—Lincoln, 24 Jan. 1604.
Copies, unsigned. 1 p. (103. 139.)
Thomas Bywater.
[1604–5, Jan. 25.] When he commenced Master of Arts out of Christ's College, Cambridge, he took the oath of supremacy. Took orders of the Archbishop of York, and subscribed to the religion, common prayer, and ceremonies allowed by the Church of England, and preached in maintenance of the Common Prayer Book. Never could be preferred to any church living. After many idle courses became a preacher for benevolence, and preached such schismatical doctrines as he was suspended from preaching. Being sine sede, sine fide, sine re and sine spe became a seditious puritan. Has confessed a letter written to Mr. Egerton, the puritan, and another to Lord Sheffield. Now acknowledges that the King is the only supreme governor of this realm in all causes ecclesiastical and temporal, and that in matters indifferent concerning the order of the Church, the King may prescribe orders, but thinks some of the orders prescribed are not indifferent, but desires conference with some learned man concerning the same. Confesses he is honestly sorry for writing of the book to the King, and that Lewis Pickering made the libel, and he wrote it, but of the repetition and memory of Lewis Pickering, and has published it to divers. —Undated.
Headed: "The anatomy of Thomas Bywater and how he became puritan."
Unsigned. Endorsed in a later hand: "Jan. 25, 1604; Mr. Attorney, the Anatomy of Bywater." 1½ pp. (103. 142.)
Sir Thomas Lake to [Viscount Cranborne].
1604–5, Jan. 25. This morning I presented your letter to his Majesty, who had then given a dispatch to Sir Phillip Harbert by whom I have sent your lordship the bills signed by his Majesty. For that which is for my Lord of Fivye's own his Majesty marvelled a little why he would require it. For the other I thought good to remember you that I do not well perceive whether it be meant to neutralize them or only to denize them. If to denize there is a clause left out, which is usual in all denizations, that is that during their lives they shall pay strangers' custom. Also there is a warrant which the Lord Chancellor granted on the suit of one Mr. Bothwell for the making of 30 denizens, and that none shall pass the Great Seal till that number be filled. For the matter of the Bishops, his Majesty willed me to say that the cause why he recommended it to you was first that order should be taken for divine service to be said in the churches vacant, for he is assured that in this country some Sundays since their deprivation it has not been. Secondly, that celerity be used. Thirdly, care had of the sufficiency of their successors, which when his Majesty and your lordship have recommended to the Bishops, your consciences are discharged.—25 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (188. 52.)
James Montagu, [Dean of the Chapel Royal], and Sir Thomas Lake to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 26. After all our travail here in the examination of such as were first accused for prophecies of troubles to happen this year within this realm, and afterwards discovered one of them himself to have been meddling in witchcraft and sorcery, and after no small labour bestowed by his Majesty to have persuaded Butler to stand to his first confession, and to discover whatsoever he knew by himself or any others of those practices of witchcraft, having promised him pardon if he would utter it, for his Highness sought nothing but the salvation of his soul and esteemed little of his bodily punishment; it pleased his Majesty to command that they should be sent up hither to be delivered into the hands of justice, after they have been examined by my Lord Chief Justice or some of his Majesty's learned counsel, who will best be able to discern, whether they shall be proceeded with, either here or at the assizes in their own country. But because his Majesty thinks that Butler's first confession touching his witchcraft brings him within the compass of the last statute, which, if he is first that has been tried since the statute made. his Majesty thought it fit the Lord Chief Justice should consider how he is to be proceeded with, the rather because his abode is within his lordship's circuit; to whom we would therefore have directed them, but that we conceive you may be willing to see their examinations, which herewith we have sent. There are also among these papers certain other scrolls, some of characters and names of spirits, and some touching telling of fortunes. Butler has been whipped a little before the Queen's death for like matters of prophecies, and has likewise been before my Lords of the Council since his Majesty's coming in, but dismissed, as he says, for lack of proof, and that Sir William Waade is acquainted therewith. Morton is a gentleman of some good ability, and for aught we can hear of good conversation. Since the writing hereof his Majesty has given order that Morton shall be spared, and therefore we send nothing concerning him. Butler is a very poor creature and has nothing to relieve himself with. If it be thought good to keep him there, there must be order taken, how he may live.— From Huntingdon, 26 Jan. 1604.
Signed. Seal. 1½ pp. (103. 143.)
The Earl of Mar to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 26. Albeit there be no great matter wherewith I can acquaint your lordship, I have written this short letter to present my affectionate duty to you. We are here continually busied either at hunting or examining of witches, and although I like the first better than the last, yet I must confess both uncertain sports. If there be anything here wherein you will command me, albeit my credit be not so great as it was wont to be, yet shall never my goodwill fail.
PS. As yet I have not spoken his Majesty in my own particular. If this bearer Sir Hen. Carmichall have any particular to do, I must commend him unto you as my particular friend.—Hinchinbruch, 26 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (103. 144.)
Portuguese Complaints.
1604–5, Jan. 26/Feb. 5. A lengthy document relative to the taking of Portuguese vessels.—Dated at Lisbon, 5 Feb. 1605 (new style).
Portuguese. 3½ pp. (109. 157.)
Richard Carew of Antony to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 27. I am charged with the education of one Richard Erisey, my sister's eldest son, and one Richard Grenvile, a younger brother to Sir George Grenvile (whose wardship your father committed unto me). These twain, with a younger son of mine own (all of them between 14 and 16 years of age) I desire to place at the University of Leyden, where I hear they may profit in learning the arts and languages, and other fit qualities. But because we are inhibited by the late statute to send them beyond the seas without licence from 6 of the Privy Council, I am enforced to appeal to your Honour for this warrant, which if you shall grant, it will make me in easy way for obtaining the residue.—From Antonye, 27 Jan. 1604.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (103. 147.)
Mary, Lady Verney, to the Same.
[1604–5], Jan. 28. I lately received a privy seal from his Majesty for the loan of 50l. whereof I am informed it has pleased you to abate me 10l.; the remainder whereof is yet a charge too heavy for my weak estate to bear, for I had also received another privy seal, but for 20l. to be paid in Middlesex, which if my ability had served I would in all duty have paid speedily and as the easier charge. But my husband, Sir Edmonde Varneye, left me 1400l. in debt, besides legacies and portions then due, and part thereof still due to be paid, four children, with many other incumbrances, debts and payments too many and long to trouble you with. I pray that I may with his Majesty's good liking be relieved in these my true allegations.— Bosewell House, 28 Jan.
Signed. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (103. 148.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 28. This bearer William Walker is the man whom I recommended to you to accept into your service as your man (for so of necessity it must be, you having the office of Greenwich and he your under-officer) and you have continued him in his office under you as bailiff of the town and keeper of the Friars. He desires that he may have the comfort to hear your voice and see your face as his lord and master, which I pray you at your best leisure he may obtain and to have your livery and commissions, and to be entered into your check-roll of servants. I assure your lordship you shall find him very honest, painful and most careful to obey and execute your commandments. If you have done with the estimates of my Lord Admiral's journey, I pray you return them.—28 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 1 p. (103. 149.)
Sir Thomas Posthumus Hoby to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 28. The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, conventing the ministers of God's word within London before him before his departure thence, passed over Mr. Egerton of the Blacke Fryers, saying that he was not to proceed against lecturers. But my Lord of London that now is (I fear by his Grace's special directions) has since proceeded so far as that upon Wednesday next no small number of his Majesty's faithful subjects are likely to be scattered as so many sheep without a shepherd by Mr. Egerton's suspension. Amongst which number finding myself included, and having some probable reasons to think that your lordship is the only remedy left to relieve so many hundreds of religious distressed hearts, I have presumed to be an humble suitor for your letters unto my Lord of London to suffer Mr. Egerton to continue his ministry (which he has now enjoyed twenty-two years without detection), until either in his life or doctrine he be justly tainted; or that he be duly convicted of factious or turbulent preaching against the Church government.
Neither do I without good reasons offer this suit unto you, being thereunto drawn first by the favourable opinion you have ever justly carried of the man himself, but principally because he acknowledges with a most thankful heart that he has enjoyed the last three or four years freedom of preaching by your only support, for which you have ever since enjoyed the hearty and fervent prayers of many hundreds of his Christian auditory. And I was somewhat the rather induced thereto because his case is differing from the common case now in handling with the other ministers. For there is another minister duly observes the book and ceremonies; so as Mr. Egerton is but a lecturer there and is not bound by any statute to use the book, nor by the canons themselves is tied to any conformity but twice in the year, which as yet is not half expired.—28 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 12/3 pp. (188. 53.)
Lord Cobham to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 29. Imprisonment is the breeder of diseases. This last night I have been so extremely troubled with the colic, that I, that have had both stone and gout, cannot distinguish which of them is the greater torment. These be the fruits of captivity, which with patience I thank God I endure. Great occasion I have now to trouble your lordship, otherwise that small remnant that is left I am like to lose; the leases are now, of Canterbury Park and others, called in question; law is hazardous to the best, much more to him that is not thought to breathe. My desire I refer to the relation of this bearer my servant. But for you I would not desire to live. From you I find compassion, as from all others extremity.—Tower, 29 Jan. 1604.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Seal. ½ p. (103. 150.)
Thomas Phelippes.
1604–5, Jan. 29. Account by Thomas Phelippes of his correspondence with Benson, an agent of the Archdukes in Flanders, under the alias of Vincent, which commenced in the Queen's time owing to communications which passed between one Sterill and [Hugh] Owen, for the furnishing of intelligence from the Low Countries to the Earl of Essex; and was (as Phelippes alleged) continued after the King's accession, with a loyal desire to serve his Majesty.—29 Jan. 1604.
Holograph. 3 pp. (103. 151.)
E. Barrett to Viscount Cranborne.
1604–5, Jan. 29/Feb. 8. Your worthiness being accompanied with those favours which your bounty multiplies upon my father-inlaw, Sir John Leveson, has double attractive force to draw the presentation of my service unto you. My ambition is to do more service than my fortune will furnish me with ability to effect.—Livorno, 8 Feb. 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (110. 2.)
Viscount Cranborne to Sir George Harvy, Lieutenant of the Tower of London.
1604–5, Jan. 29. Order made at the desire of the Spanish Ambassador for the bearers to see those things in the Tower, which all strangers are curious to see, being such as Monsr. Taxis, who comes with them, has seen before.—From the Court at Whitehall, the 29 Jan. 1604.
At foot in Cranborne's handwriting: "My meaning is that they should see those things which the French and others do and not otherwise."
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (188. 54.)
Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5], Jan. 31. Your lordship's last letters came to my Lord's hands this last of January; my Lord being a little sharply handled with the gout, cannot so presently answer you as otherwise he would. Within few days the malice of this fit will be past, it having no other evil accidence than hitherto appears. If my Lord can find that the price of the land you write of will be anything reasonable, he will presently send up to see what money he can take up upon security of land to make the first payment, and give security, as you wish, out of that land of the rest of the payments, which I beseech you may be as reasonable as conveniently you may make them. My Lord will sell land to buy it, and that will require some time, though not long, for such a sum of money. Hitherto his prices have been such as, to deal plainly with you, we thought were only offered to make us break off. If you would let us have any guess whereabout the price would be and the days of payment, my Lord might proceed more certainly and speedily. My daughter of Pembroke having a man here ready to go towards London to-morrow made me bold to write thus much to you till my Lord be more able to write.—At Shefild Lodge, this last of January.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed. "1604." 1 p. (103. 153.)
Serjeant John Hele to the Same.
1604–5, Jan. 31. I know not how or wherein I have offended your Honour. If I have, I am sorry for it. I am his Majesty's serjeant-at-law under the Great Seal, and sworn to discharge that place. I am sequestered by the order of the Lords from the exercise of the same till his Majesty's pleasure be known. My principal means in relating my distressed estate to his Majesty consists much in you. If it therefore please you that I may have his Majesty's favour, I shall be most bound unto you.— From Serjeants' Inn, 31 Jan. 1604.
Signed. ½ p. (103. 154.)
Examination of John Threherne, Vicar of Newport.
1604–5, Jan. 31. John Threherne, vicar of Newport, co. Monmouth, examined before Sir William Morgan of Maghen, knt., and Thomas Moyan of Tredegan, saith that about Christmas last, he with William Jones and others being in the house of John Jones of the said town, alderman, heard the said William Jones say that William Wroth had spoken wicked words of his Majesty, viz. that he looked more like a juggler than a king, and that he did not care who heard him speak it, for he had his author. Whereupon the vicar said, O wicked words! Doth he not know that he is the Lord's anointed? On the next day John Treherne, clerk, came to the house of Morrice Nicolas, mayor, and told him of these disloyal speeches; and William Jones coming in confessed before the mayor that he had said it out of another's mouth, and that he had his author.
Copy. 1 p. (103. 155.)
Lawrence Kemys to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604–5. Jan.] I have presumed by this occasion to implore the continuance of your lordship's favour in a suit, which my Lord Admiral has undertaken to prefer unto the Council table for my relief. Poverty, debt and disgrace have seized me, and left no means of employment or comfort, except in your gracious disposition. By my late troubles I have lost not so little as 100l. yearly in Jersey, and about 100l. yearly out of the Wine Office (for Sir Walter Ralegh's whole interest in the six western shires was granted me for his full term of years therein). Both allowances are now otherwise disposed without notice, that therein was the price of my blood and the reward of many years' service. Wherefore conceive how despairful it will be for me, in the afternoon of my few and evil days in this earthly pilgrimage, with a bruised body and broken mind, to begin the world anew.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604 January." Seal. 1 p. (103. 157.)
Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, to the Same.
[1604–5, ? c. Jan.] Unperfect shapes need licking to cleanse and perfect them, but this is so absolutely perfect, in my opinion, as to add, diminish, or alter anything were to mar and not to amend. We are all infinitely beholden to you, that grace us thus much to our most gracious master by your wisdom and pains, and so make us partakers of that which is wholly due to yourself. So I restore this again unto you whole and untouched, and will attend the time of your coming.—Undated.
PS. It may please you to give order for Bywater to be brought hither.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Seal. ½ p. (103. 146.)
The Earl of Nottingham to the Same.
[1604–5, Jan.] A man of mine that is come from Plymouth tells me that he heard Captain Mandsfeld is now returned from Spain in a ship of his Majesty's and had been at the Court at Valeadulyth; that there was understanding of my journey, and that the K. meant for my entertainment with shows and sports to remove to a house 35 leagues off, but heard not the name of the house, but it must be Madrith or Squreall [Escurial]. I have written to Ca. Mandsfyld to make haste about with the ship to bring her in and so by him I shall learn the truth. If it be that the K. goes thither I shall have a long journey by land and find that place much hotter and therefore I will hasten the more to begin my journey. I shall go by land, after 3 miles a league 315 miles, and yet I hear in most places that way it is 4 miles to a league. But I can say no more but In Tavilando [sic] spero. And say as I heard you when you went into France, that you left some true and trusty friends behind, and so shall any need that goes from his master a long journey. Sir, I only write this much that when your best leisure is that you be pleased to think of such dispatches as shall be set for me. And when you will I shall attend you if there be need. I do not see how any ambassador leger can be prepared to go with me, for I mean to take my leave of his Majesty about the beginning of March.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. January. L. Admyrall to my Lord." 1 p. (188. 55.)
[The Privy Council] to the King.
[1605, Jan.] When your Majesty parted from hence, you recommended the Earl of Arroll's [Errol's] suit to our consideration; wherein we have had great care to give him satisfaction, because we found your Majesty's favour towards the nobleman, and because her Majesty had interest in his contentment, being father to the lady that attended her. Finding how far his desires (to which his necessity presses him) are different from those times within which his payments must be limited, we are forced to impart to your Majesty that we have wanted neither care nor difficulty to accommodate this particular. The sum of 2000l. seemed very small unto him in comparison of many other gifts to persons far under the rank of nobility; next, it seemed hardest to him of all things that he should not receive any part of it before his going. Which to perform we are ashamed to tell your Majesty how inconvenient it is, as this wheel goes, of perpetual issue of treasure as well for ordinary as extraordinary, except those weekly payments which the meanest paterfamilias would be loth to disorder, should be diverted to serve other men's particulars. Only we have thought of one remedy as things stand, which may satisfy both the Earl's desires besides that it will by accident also give contentment to the Lord Fivye, who pretends lack of rent for his book which your Majesty has given him, in respect that those who should bargain with him for all drew back when he could not fit with some parcels that lay near them, which were those things for which he would have had us to move that they might be added to his book. My Lord of Fivy offers now to pay 1000l. so your Majesty will grant him those parcels of 30l. in fee farm; which sum of 1000l., as soon as his grant is passed, shall be delivered to the Earl of Arroll. If your Majesty ask why the Lord Fivie will pay this money, he desired them before for two respects and now accepts it for one. If your Majesty had yielded then upon his motion, he had both sold his book of 200 marks the sooner and should also have had in the price this 1000l. Now although he cannot have that commodity to himself of that sum, yet it is a benefit to him because it helps him away with the rest of his book and upon quick payments. For which purpose we have sent your Majesty a warrant to sign, by which dispatch both those Lords will be at an end, which we wish as well for your service as for their own contentment. This day the Lords met in full council, to the number of 16 or 17. The letter directed to your Council (fn. 1) that in the short times of your absences they should hold their orderly meetings, was received with so great comfort and applause as we could have wished your Majesty had been present, for so clearly did the secret appear of your resolution to hold the middle path between necessary care and repose in your life, as it has not only imprinted in their minds a determination to attend their callings but will disperse all the variable concerts grounded upon jealousies in what form you intended your affairs should be hereafter managed, as well for your own service as for the contentment of particulars whereof all generals are compounded. Of which kind if your Majesty saw how many do depend upon that table who, if they knew not by this cause when and whither to go in your absence to be certainly and orderly answered, would be much discouraged, it would move your Majesty to please yourself in your own work and comfort yourself that God has granted for the good of Brittany to make your life long.—Undated.
pp. (197. 56.)
[Draft of a letter dated 15 Jan. 1604[–5] of which there is a copy in S.P. Dom. Jas. I, xii, 20 (see Cal. under date, p. 187).]
John Castel.
[?Jan. 1604–5]. Warrant of denization for Johannes Castollus, a Genevan.—Undated.
Latin. 1 p. (186. 4.)


  • 1. See Calendar of S.P. Dom. under date 9 January, 1605 (p. 186).