Index: G

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


-, Edward, 33.
-, John, 33.

Galange, Luys de, a prisoner of war, 449.

Gallo Belgicus, 377.

Galway, (Galwey, Gallwey), 83.
-, lease of customs to, 442.

Gardner, Sir Robert, 385.

Garlande, Mother, 311.

Garnesey, see Guernsey.

Garrard, John, 312.

Garrett (or Gerald), Captain, slain at Ostend, 152.

Garter, Order of, and King of Spain, 398.

Garway, William, 381.

Gascon (Gasquen) wines, 452.

Gaudie, Francis, justice of the King's Bench, 290, 350.

Gaye, Lettice, 311.

Gaynes Park (Essex), 160, 161.

Geddings [in Hoddesdon], manor, 58.

Gedyhall [?Giddyhall, q.v.].

Geffe, Nicholas, letters from, 187, 217, 324.

Gefford, see Gifford.

Gelderland (Guelders), Province of, 196, 360.

General, the, see Nassau, Maurice.

Geneva, letter dated at, 401.
-, collection for, 327, 330.
-, treaties of, 401.
-, agent of, see Anjouant.

Gent, see Ghent.

Gente, William, of Oxford, 52.

George, Mr., an armourer, 467.

Gerald (or Garrett), Captain, slain at Ostend, 152.

Geraldine (Gerraldino):
-, Fray Thomas, letter from, 38.
-, John, letter to, 38.

Gerard, Thomas, Lord Gerard, 193.

Germany, States of (Alleman), 108.
-, troops of (Allmons, Almanes), 90, 113, 199.
-, -, friction of, with Spanish, 189.
-, clocks from, 340.
-, a foreign prince of, pension to, 397.
-, artificers from, as instructors in war munitions, 401.
-, titles, 435.

Gerraldino, see Geraldine.

Gertruydenberg (Geruyenberg), [Holland], 41.

Ghent (Gent), 133, 219.
-, Castle of, the Infanta at, 104.
-, the Archduke at, 113.

Ghestelt, —, Governor of Ostend, slain, 42, 47.

Giachet, M., Master of the Post at Lyons, 1.

Gibbe, John, 222.

Gibson, John, LL.D., one of the Council in the North, 290.

Giddyhall, (Gedyhall), [?Wilts.], letter dated at, 305.

Gifford (Gefford):
-, Sir Richard, letter from, 304.
-, Roger, a doctor of medicine, 458 (2).

Gilbert, (Gyllbert), Sir John, 266, 428.

Gildford, Sir Henry, 434.

Gillett, John, letter from, 247.

Gillingham [Kent], 455.

Gipkinge, John, letter from, 238.

Glasgow (Glasco), Archbishopric of, 98.
-, Archbishop of, ambassador in France for Mary Queen of Scots, 19.

Glasier, Mr., 121.

Glasiour, Hugh, letter to, 156.

Gloucester, 24.
-, Chapter House in, letter dated at, 227.

Gloucester, diocese of, vacant, 227.
-, Bishop of, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, suggested nominations of, 309, 327.
-, Dean of, see Lewys.

Gloucestershire, Lord Cobham's land in, 352.

Glover, Mr., 371.

Goade, Roger, 378.

Godmanchester (Hunts.), rectory of, 145, 453.

Godwick, letters dated at, 226, 300.

Gofton, Francis, Auditor of the Mint, 275.
-, letters from, 195, 331, 385.

Goldbeating and gold wire drawing, 435.

Goldsmiths, see under London Companies.

Gonçales, a prisoner of war, 450.

Goodere, see Goodyear.

Gooderouse, Mr., 314.

Gooderstone, [Norf.], manor of, 89.

Goodwin, Sir Francis, ("brother" to Lord Grey), 40, 193, 249.

Goodyear (Goodere), Sir Henry, letter from, 171, 240.
-, his uncle, Sir Henry Goodyear, 240.

Gorge, —, 455.

Gorges (Gorge):
-, Sir Arthur, letters from, 164, 435 (2).
-, Sir Ferdinando, captain of the fort at Plymouth, 152, 166.
-, -, letters from, 107, 279.
-, Sir Thomas, 231, 428.

Goring, Mrs. Anne, letter from, 248.

Gosnall (Gosnole), Captain, a charge against, 319–320, 321–322, 375, 447.

Gostlin, John, 60.

Gotherston (Yorks.), manor of, 441.

Gough, Mr., Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 378.

Gourney, Tho., Alderman of Dartmouth, 128.

Gowry, (Gawris), conspiracy of, 446.

Grace, her, see Elizabeth, Princess.

Graemes (Graimes, Graymes), the, 25, 427.
-, sent to Ireland, 430.

Grafton, [Northants.], 269.
-, the King at, 279.

Grafton, (Worcs.), 329.

-, John. 3rd Earl of Montrose (Chancellor of Scotland], 169.
-, -, letter from, 24.
-, Sir John, 24.

Graie, see Gray.

Graimes, see Graemes.

Grand, Mons. le, 93.

Grantham (Lincs.), the Queen's manor of, 318.
-, in possession of Earl of Cambridge, 331.

Grave, town of, [Holland], the Mutineers at, 102, 104, 115.

Gravelines (Graveling), 289, 331.

Gravesend [Kent], 289.
-, letter dated at, 212.
-, the Constable at, 201, 205, 208, 212.
-, searchers at, 235.

Gray (Graie):
-, Arthur, letter from, 176.
-, Lord, 318.
-, Patrick, Master of Gray [afterwards 6th Lord Gray], letters from, 21, 29, 221.
-, Sir Ralph, 13, 176.
-, -, letters from, 5, 14, 30.
-, -, and the garrision of Berwick, 4.
-, see also Grey.

Graymes, see Graemes.

Greames, see Graemes.

Greanewiche, see Greenwich.

Great Britain (Bretany, Britany), sovereign of, proposed style for James I, 336.

Greene, Christopher, plumber, 247.
-, -, Goodwiffe, 311.

Greenwich (Greanewiche), [Kent], 132, 279.
-, letters dated at, 84, 152, 422.
-, the Constable at, 201, 203, 205, 208, 211.
-, the plague at, 208.
-, the Queen to visit, 239.
-, lands in, 315.
-, stewardship of, lands of, 452.

Greneway, Anthony, 400.

Gresham College, see London, places in.

Grevill (Grevyll):
-, Sir Edward, 43.
-, Sir Fulke, letters from, 175, 176, 196, 303.
-, signs valuation, 231.
-, -, as Treasurer of the Navy, warrant for release of debts, 357.

Grey (Greye, Gray):
-, Edward, 114.
-, of Groby, Henry, 1st Lord, letter from, 387.
-, Henry, 6th Earl of Kent, 62.
-, Sir John, 310.
-, of Wilton, Thomas, 16th Lord, 47, 456.
-, -, letters from, 48, 248–253 passim, 351, 372, 435, 436, 437 (3).
-, -, in the Tower, information brought to, 122.
-, -, -, visitors allowed access to, 192, 197, 249.
-, -, -, -, names of, 193.
-, -, his mother, Lady Grey, 193.
-, -, his brother Goodwin, see Goodwin.
-, -, his cousin Hill, 372.
-, -, his cousin Briges, 436.
-, -, servants of, 197.
-, -, -, names of, 193.
-, -, attainder of, and loss of lands, 413.
-, -, asks to be sent abroad, 436.
-, see also Gray.

-, John, 330.
-, Owen, 75.
-, William, 68.

Grigges, Thomas, a tailor, 223.

Grion, Mr., a groom of the Privy Chamber, 195.

-, John, 356.
-, Samuel, letter to, 356.

Grumball, William, petition from, 299.

Gryme, John, an apprentice, 183.

Guard, Captain of, see Erskine.

Guelders, see Gelderland.

Guernsey (Garnesey) Island, 89.
-, disorder in, 445.
-, Procurer of, 445.

Gunmakers, letter from, 401.

Gunpowder, making of, licence for, 277, 278.
-, -, patentees for, requests of, 341–342.
-, -, -, see also Evelyn and Harding.

Gurlin, —, 371.

Gwin, Paul, 462–463.

Gwynn, John Lewis, murder of, 51, 177.
-, -, inquiry into, 286–288.
-, widow of, 301.

Gyffard, Sir George, letter from, 247.

Gyles, Father, Rector of the English Seminary at St. Omer, 32.

Gyllbert, see Gilbert.

Gylpyn, John, 36.