Index: F

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Fairfax (Ferfackes, Farfaxe):
-, Sir Charles, 90, 92.
-, -, put in command of troops in Ostend, 124, 130.
-, Sir Thomas, letter from, 374.

-, Geo,, letter from, 433.
-, Thomas, 278 (2).
-, see also Vane.

Fanshaw, Sir H., 446.

Farden, de, —, Governor of the fort of Isendike, 78, 81.

Farfaxe, see Fairfax.

Farleigh Wallop [Hants.], letter dated at, 355.

Farley, William, bailiff, 457.

Farmer, Rev. Father, 33.

Farnworth, chapel of, see Prescott.

Feckenham Lodge (Fecknam), [Worcs.] letters dated at, 228, 268, 276, 314.

Felons, goods and chattels of, surveyorship of, 449.

Fenner (Fennor), Edward, Justice [of the King's Bench], 138, 350, 438.

Fenton, Sir Geoffrey, letters from, 121, 235.

Fenwicke, William, commissioner for Border Causes, 342.

Fenys, see Fienes.

Fercullen (Fercullin), [co. Wicklow], 255.

Ferfackes, see Fairfax.

Feria, Duchess of, 19, 67.

Ferrand, William, LL.D., 290, 291.

Ferrour, John, employed by the King, 353.
-, letters from, 433 (2).

Feudal aid, 442.

Ficheretti, Pandolfo, letter from, 1.

Fienes (Fenys):
-, Richard, 7th Lord Say and Sele, letters from, 62, 74(2), 110, 168, 240, 299, 329, 335, 339.
-, -, his brother Turpin, 168.
-, -, suit for licence for meat, etc., 330, 339.
-, William, 2nd Lord Say and Sele, 335.

Fines and amercements, reform of abuses in, Judges' opinion of, 350.

Finshingbrooke, see Hinchinbrook.

Fisher, Mr., an unconformable minister, 380.

Fishing rents usurped by the Flemings, 329–330.

FitzGerald (Fitzgerrald):
-, Captain Edward, letter from, 56.
-, Gerald, 14th Earl of Desmond [the Rebel Earl], 31.
-, Gerald, 14th Earl of Kildare, letters from, 324, 357.
-, -, his manors in Dorset, 267, 324.
-, James, 278.
-, -, letter from, 56.

FitzGibbon, Edmund, the White Knight, 59.

Fitzwilliam, Sir John, letter from, 159.
-, his brother, a dispute with, regarding inheritance, 159–162.
-, his father [Sir William], late Lord Deputy in Ireland, 159–162.
-, his mother, death of, 161.

Flack, —, an English Jesuit, 289.

Flacquo, Sigr. Gulielmo, 37.

Flake, Mr., 36 (2).

Flaminio, Rev. Father, 36.

Flanders, States of, 39, 54, 64, 306.
-, fighting by the States General in, 41, 68, 69, 90, 200.
-, -, see also Netherlands.
-, effect on, of the successes of the States General, 104.
-, villages of, pay contribution to the States General to be free from incursions by soldiers, 116.
-, and Archduke Albert, 116.
-, foreign immigrants into, 184.
-, trade in, effect of Spanish-English, treaty on, 265, 271–272.
-, Flemings, the, usurp fishing rights, 330.
-, goods from, sent to Spain, 356.
-, cost of fortifications in, 361.
-, an Englishman serving Spain in 376.
-, merchants of, and silver currency, 384.
-, the Mutineers, see Mutineers.

Fleetwood (Fletewoode), Sir William, letter from, 188.

Fleming, (Flemyng, Flemminge), Sir Thomas, Solicitor General, afterwards Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 22, 259, 274.
-, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, signs as Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 350, 359.
-, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.

Flemings, see under Flanders.

Fletcher, Jo., 60.

Flete, (the Fleet Prison) see under London, places in.

Fletewoode, see Fleetwood.

Flint, Mr., 169.

Flissingues, see Flushing.

Florence (Italy), 356.
-, Ambassador of, 1.
-, letter dated in, 28.
-, galleys of, 110.
-, merchants of, 168.

Florian, John Peraz, 461.

Floyer, William, letter from, 433.

Flud, Sir Thomas, 234.

Fludd, Henry, 376.

Flushing, (Vlushing, Vlissinge, Flissingues; Netherlands), 46, 54, 86, 94, 97.
-, letters dated at, 62, 66 (2), 70, 73, 80, 91, 96, 98, 102, 108, 109, 112, 116, 117, 205, 214, 219, 267, 270, 274, 280, 281, 282 (2).
-, Count Henry's mother at, 230.
-, predicament of English position in, after peace treaty with Spain, 270–274.
-, Lord Governor of, see Sydney.

Foderingay, see Fotheringhay.

Fointes, Count of, 401.

Folles, Sir David, 20.

Fontaine, M. de la, letter from, 135.
-, his son-in-law, see Harderet.

Ford (Northumb.), 376.

Foreign causes, Advocate-General for, see Crompton.

Forests, justices in eyre of, 335.

Forgery, a, 152.

Fortescue (Foskue, Foscue):
-, Dudley, wardship of his son, 305 (2).
-, Captain Henry, 415.
-, Sir John, 120, 153, 369, 415.
-, -, letter to, 318.
-, -, as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, letters to, 417.
-, -, as Chancellor of the Exchequer and Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.

Foscue, see Fortescue.

Foster, Sir Thomas, the Prince's Serjeant-at-Law (Mr. Serjeant), 169, 339.

Fotherbie, Charles, Archdeacon of Canterbury, 290, 291.

Fotheringhay (Foderingay), [Northants.], in possession of Duke of York, 331.

Fouler, see Fowler.

Foulis (Fowles), Sir David, 355.
-, letter from, 188.

-, Thomas, 51.
-, William, 51.

Fountains Abbey [Yorks.], letters dated at, 284, 303.

Fowey (Foy), [Cornwall], farm of customs at, 348.

Fowler (Fouler), W., secretary of Queen Anne of Denmark, letters from, 114, 434(2).
-, Mr., a follower of the Earl of Devonshire, 192.
-, -, an alleged Catholic, 400.

Fowles, see Foulis.

-, Mrs., Pa., letter from, 84.
-, S., letter from, 356.

Foy, see Fowey.

Foyle, Lough (Ireland), 296, 463.

France, the French, 48, 400.
-, forces under Count Nassau, 106.
-, wars, with England, 129.
-, wine trade with Chester, 158.
-, foreign immigrants into, 184.
-, pirates in, 203.
-, minister at Canterbury, 212.
-, merchants, conference with, 246.
-, -, plundered by English pirates, 127.
-, manufacture of jewels in, 253.
-, and England's peace with Spain, 285, 302, 438.
-, reported treaty with Spain, 329, 356.
-, attitude to Union of England and Scotland, 367.
-, and the Low Countries, 398, 436.
-, and peace with Geneva, 401.
-, Council of, and warrant for gold beating, 435.
-, old league with Scotland, 447.
-, companies of, due to serve the Prince of Scotland, 447.
-, Kings of, see Charles IX, Henry IV, Louis XI.
-, Ambassador in Rome, 7, 10.
-, Ambassador in England, see Harlay.
-, English Ambassador in, see Parry and Stuart, Ludovic.
-, Papal Nuncio in, see Bufalo.
-, see also Paris.

-, Walter, Alderman of Dartmouth, 128.
-, See also Darcy.

Frederico, Sign. Giovanni Antonio, 35.

Frederijk, Grave, regiment of, 450.

Frere, Mr., 314.

Freshwater (I.O.W.), parsonage of, 367.

Friesland (Friseland), 111, 230; see also Frison.

Frindsbury (Fyndesbery, Kent), 411.

Frison (Fryson, Frise, Frisian) troops, 59, 106, 210, 214.

Frowyke, Henry, J.P. for Herts., letter from, 434.

Fryer, Captain, of the English troops at Cadsand, 81.

Fryson, see Frison.

Fulham Palace, letters dated at, 173, 204, 235.

Fuller, Mr., 43.

Fullerton, Sir James, 275.

Fullwood, Richard, letters from, 32, 35.

Furstemberg, Count (Earl) of, 155.

Fynchynbroke, ? Hinchinbrook, q.v.

Fyndesbery, see Frindsbury.

Fyry (Fyvie), Lord, see Seton.

Fytleford [?] letter dated at, 40.

Fytton, Henry, 35.

Fyvie (Fyry), Lord, see Seton.