Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1604

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp393-468 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp393-468.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1604". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol16/pp393-468.

Miscellaneous 1604

Sonnet by King James.
Full many ane tyme the archier slakkis his bow
That afterhend it may the stronger be:
Full many ane time in Vulkane's burning stow [stove]
The Smith does water cast with careful ee.
Full oft contentions great arise we see
Betwixt the husband and his loving wife
That sine they may the fermlyer agree
When ended is that sudden choler strife.
Yea, brethren loving uther as their lyfe
Will have debates at certain tymes and hours.
The wingéd boy dissensions hot and rife
'Twixt his lets fall like sudden summer showers.
Even so this couldnes did betwixt us fall
To kindle our love as sure I hope it shall.
Finis J.R.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Sonnet of his Majesty." (133. 49.)
King James to [Viscount Cranborne].
[?1604]. My little beagle, you cannot think how great pleasure you did me in your discreet dealing with Cumberland, whereby you relieved me out of a strait that could not but have fashed me, and I protest to God I know none living I could have employed on such an errand but you. As for his suit anent the Debatable Lands you know how that matter was left and what was last offered for them, being a far greater rent than ever he would speak of, and therefore since it is to be an improved rent I look that he will pay for me as much as others would if he will have it, since he never craved it upon any other condition but for the uttermost value. I am heartily glad that he hath at this time so worthily behaved himself in all respects, and I shall be much more glad if God will yet restore him again unto us after so good an estimation as he hath now conquered unto himself. For his place of council in case it should be void ye need never doubt of my resolution not only to make them swear according to the act but also never to make a councillor for the request or suit of any living, but only out of my own judgment and conscience to make choice of him whom I think fittest for that place, as I do with the bishops; and therefore the only intercession that I will admit for a councillor must be his own piety, good fame, wisdom, sincerity, discretion, experience and diligence; and if those seven good fellows concur in soliciting me for a councillor's place they shall be sure to have more credit with me than any fourteen persons living. Now as for that point in your own letter wherein ye desire to be satisfied, I cannot but confess that it is an horror to me to think upon the height of my place, the greatness of my debts and smallness of my means. It is true my "hairte" is greater than my rent, and my care to preserve my honour and credit by payment of my debts far greater than my possibility. This cannot but trouble me at home and torture me abroad, for I confess though I have more exercise of body here I have less contentment of spirit than at home, for there by conference I get some relief and here I do only dream upon it with myself; and therefore as ye have perfectly used the first part of a physician's office in rightly describing the nature of the humour that troubles me, so lies it only in your hands and your fellows' by using also the other part of that office perfectly to cure me, which is by your pains and labours to take away the cause of my care in letting me see how my state may be made able to subsist with honour and credit, which if I might be persuaded were possible I would be relieved of a greater burden than ye can imagine. And you that are councillors must I only use and trust in this. Your resolution will comfort me absent and your honest account at my return will make me happy at home. I know great in weight and infinite in number are my affairs that your fellows and ye are now in hand with, and yet urgent is the necessity that they be done before the sitting down of the Parliament; but your zeal and diligence is so great as I will cheer myself in your faithfulness and assure myself that God hath ordained to make me happy in sending me so good servants, for whose sake I protest to God I shall have greater desire to live than for my own, and as for the beagle in special I have had from Dunbar a long discourse of your pains the last day, I can say no more but what you promise for me I shall be loth to break to him whom before God I count the best servant that ever I had, albeit he be but a beagle: for I know that what ye do in this errand of my profit ye do it not out of the duty of your office but only for your love to my person. But I suspect Dunbar's report of you lest ye as two knaves do recommend one another for cozening of me, and so recommending the master falconer unto you that every one of your society may bestow a pipe of tobacco upon him I bid you and them all heartily farewell. James R.
PS. In the matter of the house because ye seem to write slightly that ye have been thinking upon some projects in it I have only to recommend unto you such an honourable and reasonable order is fit to be taken with it now that it may never be altered again but stand like a Persian law during my life.
Addressed: "To the little beagle that lies at home by the fire when all the good hounds are daily running on the fields."
Holograph. Seal on pink silk. Endorsed: "The King's Majesty to me." 2½ pp. (134. 49.)
King James to [Viscount Cranborne].
[?1604]. My little beagle, now that the master falconer is bearer hereof, I must inform you how welcome your grapes were unto me; but although I must confess I did eat more of them in shorter space than ever I did of any since I came in England, yet in truth ye was a prophet against Harbert, for that monkey hath eaten five of them wherever I did eat one. And I have also stranger news to tell you, that the number of letters that I have written since I came from home is equal to the number of hares that all this time I have killed. Therefore ye are in greater peril of me nor my old father for your office, since I am so prettily exercised in it already; and in proof thereof if I had been secretary to Worcester's letter anent the puritans, I would never have talked a word of deambulatory council, of their victory upon their petition, nor any such satirick phrases, but only that upon a sight we had of the dean's letter and being uncertain whether his Majesty's direction did proceed upon wrong information or that we had mistaken his Majesty's meaning therein, we thought good to represent the true state of that matter before his Majesty's eyes that he might thereupon clear his meaning unto us; which we well knew to be ever one and alike in all his royal resolutions. Look now how bravely I play the part of a secretary; and as for the Union matter make the best of it ye can as I have already written, either satisfy me in the form of the preface or conclude the articles and suspend the preface, or let it go as it is, but then I will directly speak against it at the presenting of it to the Parliament; or if the only impediment be that the commissioners will not bide together an hour longer, then spare me not; upon the least word I shall post thither; they cannot refuse to stay one day upon me, but upon condition that I may go back when that is at a point for some few days further recreation, for I swear I have been little less busy in affairs this time past than ye have been; and thus I bid you farewell almost as bleared as the beagle.
Holograph. 2 seals. Endorsed by Cranborne: "His Majesty's second by Sir Roger Aston." 1 p. (134. 55.)
The Same to [the Same].
[?1604]. My little beagle, the bearer hath craved my determinate answer anent his suit, whereupon I first opened unto him the care which you his auditors had to see him both quickly and reasonably satisfied, in so far as notwithstanding my last journey to London was like a flash of lightning, both in going, stay there and returning, yet did ye not pretermit that posted minute of time without the full and true informing me of the whole success of that business, and what was the determination of the judges therein. Whereupon I told him that because I had not will to make him linger any longer here to his greater charges having so willingly attended all the time of the commissioners' sitting, as also that the weal of my service did require his present attendance in the place of his [Lord Sheffield's] employment, (fn. 1) I would therefore deal frankly and plainly with him. First, I doubted not but he did discern of my good will to help him, by employing none in his errand but those and only those whom himself did name unto me; next, I did refer it to his discretion to consider how fit a thing it was for me now in the beginning of my reign here, not to oppose myself to the opinion of the judges, especially in a popular matter wherein in case the judges were partial for their own private ends, yet might they easily enflame the people to apprehend it as a common cause, though it were not truly so in nature; and yet that he might have a taste of my favour for his further enabling in my service I was contented to give him a pension for his life time of as great value as ever either the late queen or I ever gave to any subject, to wit 1,000l. To this he answered that this would do him no good, he was already 10,000l. in debt and that he spent as much as that by the occasion of his presidentship, beside all the gain that he could make of his office. I told him that as he considered his own part, so must he give me leave to consider mine; that a king could not help a subject by the measure of the suitor's [need] but by the consideration what himself might well spare, that my liberality ought not to be measured by his want, for I was bound to be no man's banker; what it would be in his account that received it I know not, but sure I was that it was a fair gift for me to give. Then began he to enter in comparisons with others that had received benefits from me, that he would exchange his gift with any man's although his merit had been equal with theirs, that if he had been as early importune as others he had sped better, with some little imputation both upon the judges and upon the "counsall" that draw him piece and piece upon this extremity, with an earnest affirmation that his suit would make me a great certain commodity, whereof the judges would have cozened me if he had not opened the mystery thereof. Whereupon I wished him not to judge of my liberality now according to the form thereof the first quarter of the year after my coming here; that the more I had already given the less I might spare in times to come, and that I was sure that as he was an Englishman he would wish me to live in that form that the kings of England had lived in before; that I had given to every one as I might best spare and was fittest for them to receive and yet with a due regard of their merits to some honours, to some offices, to some lands, and to some pensions, and to himself I had given an honourable preferment for maintenance, whereof because I knew his weak estate I was moved now to allow him this help, not for filling up all his wants but for the better enabling him to serve in that place; as to his merit he could claim none of me, for I protested that before the Queen's death I never knew that there was a Lord Sheffield living in England. At this he chafed, and said that those that I knew before this time knew well enough his mind to my service. I answered him that if at that time he had required any man to have acquainted me with his mind, then surely he was evil dealt with by them; but if not, then can he blame none but himself, for as to his good mind there is never a man in England that claims not to the like. O then he reckoned that I had repaired the ruins of every nobleman's estate in England except his, at least that had done any service to the preterite state. I told him he was far deceived in that count and that I was daily troubled with the poor Lord Cromwell's begging leave to sell the last pieces of his land, who had valiantly served the State in the wars as well as he; and as for the great profit that he said would come to me by the means of his overture, I said I was not too envious of his weal so it were not against mine, but I was contented if the judges would under their hands promise to make this matter worth 10,000l. a year unto me he should with good will have 2,000l. of it, if 15,000l. he should have 3,000l., but the thing that I spoke of was a sure thing to him all the days of his life, and I to bear the hazard of the other as it fell forth, and that as I had already told him never greater gift of that nature was given in England. Great Oxford when his state was whole ruined got no more of the late Queen; I myself bestow no more upon Arbella my near cousin, nay a foreign prince of Germany that was here the last year got not so much, but most of all myself being heir to this crown got but thrice as much, and I was sure, I said, he would not deny that I had been thrice more steadful to the State than ever he had been; and since he took example by other men's gifts I asked him what example would other men take of his gift being bestowed upon no greater person than a baron? To this there was no answer but that if this was my resolution he behoved to quit his office and in retired life pray for me; and so we parted. But immediately he followed me and said that he would accept my offer for a certainty, but he would only crave that if my profit of his overture did yearly amount to such a reasonable value as I would agree upon, that then I would give him another 1,000l. yearly out of that augmentation. I told him I knew not in what form that could be done, yet he humbly insisted with me that heard his matter to advise upon it; but how this can be I know not except it were by a private promise, that if I get by this suit yearly 10,000l., 1,000l. thereof shall be added to his pension. Thus have ye laid before you the whole discourse of this flight and how many stoopings I made upon him, which I ordain you the beagle to impart only to those of your fellowship that heard his cause; and so fare well.
PS. My little beagle, my Lord of Berwick hath something to speak to you alone which must be done with all secrecy.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cranborne: "The King's Majesty concerning the Lord Sheffield." 4½ pp. (134. 56.)
King James to [Viscount Cranborne].
[?1604]. My little beagle, although I be now in the midst of my paradise of pleasure, yet will I not be forgetful of you and your fellows that are frying in the pains of purgatory for my service. I do so greedily expect good news from you anent your proceeding there as I protest I am but half a man until I hear of the good end of that wearisome work, only your care must be to preserve things from extremities in case crosses do fall out, and to keep things from such conclusions as may be justly displeasing unto me, sed melius ominor and I do strengthen myself by the trust I have in so good servants whom to [sic] I hope no virtuous things how difficult as ever being undertaken meis auspiciis shall be impossible. Although I have many other turns to remember you of, yet will I not trouble you with any of them, till ye have first well put off that great errand ye have now in hand; and so I make an end with my hearty commendations to all your honest society and hoping that 3 [Northampton] and 10 [Cranborne] will pardon me for my overwatching them the last night and morning that I was amongst you. James R.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil: "His Majesty to me." 1 p. (134. 59.)
Memoranda by King James.
[?1604]. 1. Anent my brother's discourse with me and what honours are fittest to be bestowed upon him before his departure.
2. Order to be taken with Cumberland and the border matters before Christmas.
3. My son Charles his style to be put to a point.
4. For a resident ambassador in Spain to go with the admiral and what to resolve anent sending of the garter there or not.
5. Anent the matters of France and the Low Countries that matters may be made as ripe as may be against my return.
6. Whether the parliament shall hold at the prefixed time or not and all the considerations on both sides to be well weighed.
7. That a solid course be taken for the conformity of Cambridge to the church's canons and for deposing all recusant puritans and to make it sure that the like course be kept with Oxford.
8. That my great entail be put to an end.
In the King's hand. Endorsed: "Memoriall." 1 p. (134. 51.)
King James to [the Council.]
[1604]. First I never changed the smallest jot of my conclusion in this point and therefore there needs no fear be had of my deambulatory council; and if I had been upon any new resolution I would have directed some better warrant than the dean's letter in that errand.
Secondly I never before conceived the difference between real obedience and promise by subscription to obey, and if I erred anything herein it was upon this respect, that I thought if there was any degree of difference between real obedience (I mean in absolute obedience to all the church government) and promise by subscription to obey, I then thought that to wear the surplice indeed, to use cross after baptism and do all the like in effect was a greater obedience than to subscribe that they shall do it and when the storm is past never perform a word and protest that their subscription was only ex justo metu; and therefore I thought that if they presently conformed themselves and after that would refuse to subscribe to that which in deed they had already performed it would be a means to make their vanity appear, and every man to pity them the less. But on the other part I never meant that this should have been done as by a grace from me, and therefore my hand was never yet seen to such a motion but only that the bishops, if so they had thought good, might have tried this trick upon them as of their own heads for their further confusion.
Thirdly I am so far from yielding anything for fear of their popularity, as I am heartily glad of your stoutness in this case that are councillors, for if I be grown so easy now to be threatened I am sure it is in my last days, and therefore since I am interpreted to have inclined this way for fear of their mutiny, my resolution is that the bishops go on now with their own course according to the proclamation and if my eye either spare or pity any of the disobedient, then let me incur both the shame and the harm in God's name.
Lastly if my continual presence in London be so necessary, as my absence for my health makes the councillors to be without authority or respect, one word shall bring me home and make me work till my breath work out, if that be the greatest well for the kingdom; but I cannot think that course so needful if ye make not mountains of mole-hills, as in this case interpreting a conjectural motion to a royal decree, wherein if ye had not mistaken me ye needed not to have troubled so far your own minds and my hand. James R.
Holograph. 2 pp. (134. 52.)
Thomas Allyson to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. For these six years past have I been vigilant to give advertisement of such occurrents against the State as I could learn of from those professed enemies of this commonwealth, the Jesuits, priests and their adherents. During 5 of those years I applied myself wholly to my Lord Chief Justice. By accident I became known to Sir Thomas Challoner, and with his consent together with Sir William Wade's, was I furnished for a journey into France, where by the subtilty of him with whom I had to do, one Anthony Greneway, I was mystically put in belief I should learn of an employment might raise my fortunes, and one Archer a Jesuit with some others' names were darkly cast out to me as men that should manage such a business. This being all discovered to them, (though Sir William Wade was somewhat distrustful of any such event from thence), when we came over my comrade would make no stay in France, but told me it was policy to give it out we went thither, as he did to some before our departure hence, and to direct our journey another way, because, quoth he, a man cannot pass so secretly but he shall have spies set over him. Then to Brussels we went, and both there and elsewhere what success we had in all business I have particularly set down in a book which I hope you are now no stranger unto. Since my return I have incessantly laboured to know your pleasure, and whether I might be suffered to hold correspondence with Owen, and be directed accordingly; or what I should bend myself unto, which as yet I could never compass, but the delay I have found has hindered much the good of my business, and prejudiced some men in me. Yet now if I lose not the opportunity I doubt not but to do his Majesty good service. And this one thing above the rest I beseech you conceive of; being a matter I meant to have sounded the depth of before I had purpose to discover it. One Sherewood, chaplain to the Pope's Nuntio at Brussels, assured me he knew there was a plot drawn against the King of England by Owen and the fathers, whereof he had delivered a copy to the Nuntio, insinuating with him to possess the Duke withal; and, quoth he, the N[untio] far expostulated with Owen that he promised to take a fit time to speak with the Duke about it. The chaplain, out of the protested interest we have in each other, told me this and further said at my request he would adventure to get me a copy of it, the same time telling me that one Fowler (who is now in London and of my inward acquaintance) was an agent for Owen here. And if you allow me, I will not fear to get copies, both of it and the reasons framed to the A[rch]duke and the Constable, upon the conclusion of the peace, to persuade them to distrust his Majesty, and to have wrought both Pope and King of Spain to the like. Thus far I will engage, even with the hazard of my life or utter overthrow, to do his Majesty as good service as any man, if I may receive now and then some directions from you, as the necessity of the cause shall require. If you think me unfit to deal any further in these affairs, I beseech you those small debts I am run into through these occasions may be paid, and I discharged without discovery, and left to follow the course I have so long neglected, being the law, wherein I am professed; or else some present means be allowed me to go on.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 31.)
Francisco Fernandes de Angulo to the King.
[1604]. He is eschevin of Cadiz, and proveedor of the armies of the Indies there. He is of the house of Angulo de Oteo, founded by a Scottish cavalier of the house of the Earls of "Argaill," who went into Spain in the time of the first Kings of Castile. He has always been a protector of the Scottish merchants there, and desires to be appointed consul of the English, Scottish and Irish there.—Undated.
Unsigned. French. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 107.)
M. de Soulby Anjouant, Agent of Geneva, to the Same.
[1604]. Begs in the name of his lords that Geneva may be included in express terms in the treaty which his Majesty is now making with the King of Spain.
The Duke of Savoy made a treaty of peace with the States of which Geneva was one at St. Julien. This was concluded and signed on 20 July 1603 and ratified by his Highness on 25 July following and has since been verified by the Senate and Chamber of Accounts of Savoy. To this Peace Don Sancho de Luna on the part of the Count of Fointes summoned the lords of Geneva by Captain Sebastian Tulebro, envoy express to their lordships, with instructions of 20 May, 1603, signed Don Sancho de Luna y de Roiag.
As the said lords of Geneva extend the said treaty with his Highness as a free city and republic and of ancient times have often made alliances with princes and republics and are even in a perpetual treaty with the crown of France, like the gentlemen (messieurs) of the Leagues, by the treaty made at Soleurre in 1579, the agent prays that in the article in which his Majesty's friends will be comprised Geneva may be added as "the Republic of Geneva or the Town of Geneva and its subjects."— Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 54.)
The Armour makers, Gunmakers, and like artificers of London and the Suburbs, to the Upper House of Parliament.
[? 1604]. King Henry 8th sent for artificers from Germany to teach his subjects to make munitions of war: who were so careful to learn that this realm has ever since been better furnished therewith than any other. In the late Queen's time there were 35 armour makers in London and the suburbs. They are so greatly decayed for want of sale for their armour, that only 5 now remain; and they are likely to be extinguished because the statute of 4 & 5 Philip & Mary, authorising magis trates to enjoin a provision of armour and weapons, is repealed by a Statute of 1 [Jac.]. They beg the House to take some course whereby the said trades may be continued.—Undated.
1 p. (196. 94.)
[1604]. A summary and definition of assarts, with an account of a petition from the owners of assarted lands, that their titles may be debated, and a clear decision arrived at in the House of Lords; as hitherto all their proceedings in the matter have proved fruitless.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 77.)
Captain John Atkinson to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. You have been informed that I have sought to raise a monopoly or licence upon playing cards made in the land; or that the cardmakers might have power to dispense with the bringing in thereof. Their endeavours are merely to the contrary, seeking only to settle this manufacture within the realm for the maintenance of them and their families; which being lawful and reasonable, and having some friends about his Majesty, I became a suitor in their behalf. This is the sum of that I have done, and that in a time when every man sought to benefit himself by suits. Neither does my Lord Chancellor, or my Lord Chief Justice, to whom this has been referred, seem to dislike thereof.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 34.)
Peter Bales to the Same.
[1604]. He was commanded by his Majesty to teach the Prince to write, and was promised a crown a day pension. He begs for the payment thereof; also for reward for writing and presenting to his Majesty "his Basilicon Doron for the Prince, in a small volume to be worn as a tablet book." He is ready to deliver to his Majesty a most secret cypher, impossible to be decyphered but where the observations are shown; also to disclose a manner of close conveyance of letters of greatest importance, without finding them about the messenger by any search whatsoever.—Undated.
Holograph, signed, "Peter Bales, the Small Writer, Writing Schhoole Mr. to the Prince." Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 36.)
William Ball, executor to the late Lord North, to Lord [Cranborne ?].
[1604]. Lord [Cranborne] has commanded the payment of 80l. supposed to have been in Lord North's hands, but to belong to the county of Cambridge. The estate is now distributed, save one legacy to Sir Henry North, and could not now be re called. Even if Lord North had the above sum, yet he bestowed almost 300l. in building a great Shire House and Nisi Prius House for that county; and Ball prays that this may be allowed to recompense the other. Refers to the report of the Lord Chief Justice, who is overseer of the will.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 63.)
The Earl of Bath to the King.
[1604]. Has had great contention with one Bushton, a carpenter about the passage of wood and timber through his and his nephew's, the Earl of Bedford's, lands. Moved by the complaints of his neighbours and tenants, he forbade Bushton to come that way; but he has by untrue suggestions obtained a licence under the King's hand to do so. Thereby the country has been greatly wronged, and himself very much disgraced, and he craves for redress. Has sent informations on the matter.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 45.)
Henry Bedingfield.
[1604]. Case stated with regard to Henry Bedingfield, a ward, son of Thomas Bedingfield; and the demand of William Jernegan and Frances his wife, formerly the wife of Thomas Bedingfield, for dower. Lands in Norfolk & Suffolk.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1½ pp. (108. 127.)
The Translation of the Bible.
[1604]. "An order set down for translating of the Bible."
The names of the translators are set down under the six companies, two companies at each of the three places, Westminster, Cambridge and Oxford, at which they were to meet and confer, and the books of the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha assigned to each company are given. These are followed by the rules to be observed in the translation.
The list and the rules do not differ materially from those printed in Fuller's Church History, Book X, p. 45, save that the particulars in the latter of the academical and ecclesiastical qualifications of the translators are not given in this paper.
Endorsed by Cecil: "Concerning the translation of the Bible." 3 pp. (102. 126.)
John Birde to Viscount Cranborne.
[?1604]. Is fallen as a bird weary in her flight into Ludgate as the best of London hells. 10l. would bring him to Cranborne for discovery of such important matters as may be for his honour in high measures and the profit of the King in his wronged hereditary right many thousands.
Upon the Earl of Essex's death he chanced to meet one that had vowed to cut off Cranborne's head and upon warrant from the Lord Chief Justice to the Sheriff of Surrey and to his own servants and officers for his resorting places, his apprehension to answer capital matters could not be wrought. When he was told that he lay in wait for Cranborne's life, feared not with his sword bent to his throat to make him yield to be committed by a justice, and forestood no time or charges to take sundry attestations of witnesses, ratified before Sir John Paiton then Lieutenant of the Tower, and brought them in so unseasonable time to Cranborne at the Savoy, then going to his coach, as his leisure serving not to determine thereof, he bought a gelding of 4l. price and furniture to follow him to Reading, there to attend her Majesty. But before he could take his back, a man of Cranborne's, Mr. Tho. Metcalf, by a commission to take post horses for Yorkshire, bereft him of his horse, and he was driven to hire another at 2s. a day for 16 days to attend Cranborne's resolution. Returned at length to Mr. Lieutenant after the expense of 5l. or 6l. without allowance yielded. Prays Cranborne's letters for satisfaction for his horse and furniture and horse-hire, besides his wayfaring charges 20 nobles.—Ludgate, 6 July 1604. (fn. 2)
Holograph. 3 pp. (105. 149.)
The Bishops' Jurisdiction.
[1604]. If the bishops proceed against any they must do it either (1) because they are bishops, or (2) by virtue of the Commission. To send out process to cite men and sit in judgment is a principal part of the judgment ecclesiastical. This being by statute 1 Eliz. annexed to the Crown is an especial prerogative royal. The statute 25 Hen. 8, c. 20, leaves the bishops such privileges only as are not prejudicial to the prerogative royal, and upon this ground Parliament 1 Edw. 6 enacted that all process ecclesiastical should be in the King's name. The High Commission is established by 1 Eliz. c.1, and they must proceed either upon the statute 1 Eliz. c. 2, or upon the canons.
The Statute firstly ratifies neither the Book of Common Prayer lately corrected, nor the former that was used in all the Queen's time, but only the book of Edw. 6 with two alterations specified; whereas that which has been hitherto used has many more alterations. Therefore they cannot proceed against any for the neglect of either of these books by virtue of the statute. Secondly that statute inflicts no penalty for omission or refusal of the vestments or ornaments of the ministers, and therefore none can be touched in his living for the surplice by the statute; only he may be imprisoned for contempt and not otherwise.
As for the canons, if they shall be confirmed and the high commission execute penalty of them, it will be a very doubtful point whether they can stretch so far as to put a subject from his freehold, and if put to the trial of the common law, it will seem a very hard case. For if the Convocation House may for breach of church orders dispossess a minister of his freehold, why not any other subject? And by consequence the whole body of the realm may if they transgress the church orders be put out of their lands and livings, and be enthralled to the clergy as in times past. Reasons not to subscribe, besides the things that are simply against the word of God in the book. Bishops, canons, and articles are not law. To subscribe were to discourage and reproach Parliament, who upon good ground have laboured to remove it.
It would animate the bishops to inform the King that it was but a fancy of his Lower House to stand so much upon subscription, for the ministers themselves have yielded, saving a very few.
It may stand out it will pity the King's heart to displace so many godly ministers, which else in a few will seem singularity.
It will give a grievous offence to the godly, that after so long time men should go backwards to popery and idle ceremonies.
It will be a great prejudice to the obtaining of the King's promise that he would remove not only cross and surplice, but also subscription, if this would content men. This was excepted and will be sued for.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604. B. of Exeter." 1½ pp. (109. 76.)
Memorial touching the Borders.
[1604]. "The worke we have presentlie in hande is utterlie to extinguishe as well the name, as substance of the bordouris, I meane the difference betwene thaime and other pairts of the kingdome. For doing quhairof it is necessarie that all querrellis amoungst thaim be reconcyled and all straingenes betwene the nations quyte removed; that all theeves, murderers, opressouris and vagabondis be quyte rooted out, I meane so many of thaime as will not give goode suretie for thaire amendment in tymes cumming; that severe and indifferent justice be ministered upon all offenders and that no factions be fostered among thaime by the partialitie of thaire judges; and fynally that that pairt of the kingdome maye be maid as peaceable and ansourable as any other pairt thairof. The readdiest and surest meanes for bringing this to pass are now to be thocht upon and embraced without any regairde to the honoure, commoditie or contentement of any subject quhatsomeever."
In the hand of James I. Endorsed: "1604. King's Memoriale." 1 p. (147. 158.)
Captain Jonas Bradbury to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Was 18 years in her Majesty's service, as captain by sea and land. In 1588 was the first who changed shot with the enemy in presence of both fleets. He brought Cranborne news out of France how the Spaniards meant to choke Rochester river; for the preventing of which the Lord Admiral, Lord Suffolk, Cranborne and Sir Francis Vere came to Quinborowe, and gave order for ships to guard the river. Was the first to bring Cranborne news from Kingsall (Kinsale). Begs consideration for his present distressed estate, and either a pension or a ward.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (189. 68.)
Captain Thomas Browne to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. He details Florence McCarty's proceedings in the late reign, his endeavours to extinguish the English and erect an Irish government, and his apprehension: his restraint having been since continued, to the great quietness of that realm. Florence now reports that he stands upon his enlargement, which breeds a general terror of rebellion in those parts where he is powerful. Browne, therefore, in behalf of himself and the rest of the English gentlemen undertakers of the province of Munster, who fear to be troubled by Florence's liberty, beseeches the Council to remember that when the Earldom of Clan Carty and his own living could not satisfy his ambitious humour, now, having not a foot of land left, his course of life must be desperate; and to have a care for the quiet and safety of that province.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 71.)
Lord Bruce, Master of the Rolls, to the Same.
[1604]. He desires the grant of a small tenement called Doctorston, parcel of the manor of Eastcotton, granted to him, under circumstances he details.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 49.)
Lionel Bulocke to the Same.
[1604]. His industry has found out this artificial metal, which is truly as it is set down to be, and the commodities growing thereby so great that they cannot but yield infinite gains to Cranborne. Begs furtherance of his suit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. With his demonstration of an artificial metal." 1 p. (108. 53.)
The Enclosure:—"The demonstration of an artificial metal." The utility will greatly increase in having ready silver for all that passes into every man's hand, so that it may be licensed to be stamped for farthings and 3 farthings, and to pass through his Majesty's dominions, to be used of vintners, chandlers, and such like. Its utility to the commonwealth, licensed for current; especially to the poor, in that charitable people will relieve them with a farthing, that will not or cannot with a halfpenny or penny. Its utility to all, in that anything then may as well be bought for a farthing as now for a halfpenny; as bread, cheese, &c.; whereas none now that fetch things of chandlers, vintners, &c., can tell where to bestow or fetch anything but where they had their former tokens.—Undated.
½ p. (108. 52.)
Lord Burghley to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. I have followed your direction in writing to my Lord of Barwick. I thought good that you should see the copy, that if there were anything you wish me to alter, it might be done by returning me the letter before it were delivered. I receive as much comfort by your interposing yourself for me in this my suit, as in obtaining it. I am your brother by nature but in half blood, but this your kindness shall supply that which wanted by nature.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 74.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Describes his violent illness. Hopes he is now growing out of danger, but is very weak. Thanks Cranborne for his brotherly care of him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 75.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Of his suit with regard to a lease of certain woods near Burghley House. Complains of the Lord Treasurer's dealings with him in the matter, explains the object of his suit, and begs Cranborne to inform the Lord Treasurer thereof.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (189. 76.)
The Archbishopric of Canterbury.
[1604]. Four papers:—(i) "Inducements to move his Majesty to restore me to the temporalities of the Archbishopric, a die mortis ultimi Archiepiscopi."
Among the reasons adduced are that the Queen forgave his predecessor his first fruits, when she made him Bishop of Worcester; and upon his advancement to Canterbury, restored him to his temporalities from the death of the former Archbishop. That the now Bishops of Norwich and Hereford were restored by the King to all the mesne profits arising in the vacancies of their Bishoprics. That without such a restitution he cannot maintain the dignity of his place, and keep such hospitality as his predecessors did. That the Archbishopric is of less value than it was 50 years since, by as much as now it is worth; yet the fees and charges upon entrance are as great, if not greater. That he is now past 60 years of age, and like to live but few years more; therefore without such a restitution he will continue all his time in dishonourable want.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 39.)
(ii) Further statement by the Archbishop on the same subject.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 42.)
(iii) "Motives to induce his Majesty to restore the B[ishop] of L[ondon] to the profits of the Archbishopric [of Canterbury] since the death of the late Archbishop."
The charge of his entrance was above 300l. Since he was Bishop of L[ondon] he has been a daily housekeeper, and maintained above 50 persons in his family. He has paid to the Crown in that time for his first fruits 1,000l.; for his tenths 600l.; for subsidies 972l.; for entertainments and annual fees 860l.; for his journey to Emden, besides his allowance, 900l.; for repairing his houses 1,800l.; and for fees of officers 865l.; total 7,297l.; "so that Bishoprics being brought to resemble Banbury cheeses, the Bishopric of London is more beholding unto him than he to the Bishopric." His entrance will cost at least 1,000l.; and the Michaelmas rents of London, amounting but to 400l., will be far short of sufficient to maintain him till Lady Day.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 40.)
(iv) Rents and perquisites, besides pensions, officers' fees and decayed rents 2300l., whereof the executors of the late Archbishop have received about 510l., and there is paid to the King's use 500l.; so there remains unpaid about 1,300l. The first fruits, according to the valuation of the King's books amount to 2682l. 12s. 2d., which by the statute must be paid at 4 payments, in two years.—Undated.
Signed: John Scott. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 41.)
Sir George Carew to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Begs Cranborne's help to obtain for him the payment of 200l., which he lent to the paymaster at Cork for the King's service.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 83.)
Sir Francis Castillion to the Same.
[1604]. Acknowledges his favour in appointing him his deputy officer of her Majesty's manor of Nuberry. The piccage and stallage of the manor have ever belonged to the steward, upon a rent reserved of 40s. per annum: so that Cranborne will be so much wronged if it should be otherwise disposed of. Sir Henry Neville, Nevill's father, and all the stewards there, have enjoyed it, having no other means to discharge the place and courts there; as the manor consists only of quit rents, and no fines, as is well known to Mr. Powell his Majesty's receiver there. Begs him to make stay of any lease thereof.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604" and with a list of names. 1 p. (108. 54.)
Dr. J. Chippingdale to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Begs his furtherance of his suit to the Mayor and Company of Leicester, respecting which he encloses a petition.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 56.)
The Earl of Clanricard to Lord [Cranborne?].
[1604]. Acknowledges his letter by Cormock, and begs to be recommended to the King. All places are yet quiet, and there is no alteration since his coming. He will defer the points necessary to be presented till his own coming to England, which he meant should have been sooner than now it can be, having the weight of a woman, which is no small burden, and a little "barne" in present expectation. He hears that this Deputy is coming over. For the King's sake and the good of the State, he wished they may never have such another. All men are distasted. He himself has felt as many disfavours as the Deputy could offer him; and should have had worse if the Deputy had not been sure he had friends who would not see him wronged. The Deputy's spleen was in particular, and upon strange causes. Lord Northampton can tell [Cranborne] what he will not now trouble him with.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed. "1604." 4 pp. (108. 57.)
Lord Cobham to Viscount Cranborne, his brother-in-law.
[1604]. I thank you for your favours. I understand by Sir John Leveson that some course will be taken for my relief: it is needful, for God knows I have not a groat at this instant. Whatsoever the extremity of the proceeding have been against me I cannot say wrong for it being the King's it is at his will to do what he please with his own; yet I take great comfort that I know you are sorrowful for my fall and would do me good if you can. A man should bode himself ill fortune to despair as long as there is hope. Be a means to stay the small remnant of my poor fortune; you shall have the honour of it in this world and reward in heaven. I am extremely at this instant troubled with pain in my legs.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1604." 2/3 p. (102. 99.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. No man is better pleased than myself when I hear that honour which is hereditary is given you. God so prosper me as I desire the advancement of my nephew, and take it as my comfort that as I have been the ruin of my house, so your son coming out of my father's loins shall remain as a memory of honour. I wish from my heart that he and you, and the issue from you both, may enjoy the honour so long as my house till I was the ruin of it. I hear you go to the Bath. I wish you health, and pray God you may find so much good as I did when there. My infirmity was cold, and my body moist. Experience has taught that cold and moist bodies receive most good. Yours is hot and "airiall." I wrote you the other day touching Mellarsh's account. I should take it for a great favour if his account might not be taken, for his suggestion is false. I owe him nothing. He takes the advantage of my misfortune. He is a false knave, and to no man so much as to you: and that I shall satisfy you under his own hand. If my desire may not be wholly yielded unto, I pray that the taking of his account may be put off till the term; then I shall be better able to charge him, and to have those here that shall attend the auditor: otherwise he must both charge and discharge himself. Am I such a worm as Mellarsh, a base knave, must tread upon me? I pray you let this bearer carry your letter to the auditor to forbear taking his account till further direction. Recommend my service to my Lady of Suffolk. This Mellarsh reports that the procuring the taking of his accounts has cost him many an "angle": no letter that I send you but he sees, or can see if he list: that you have vowed my keeping in prison as long as you live: and that you repent I lost not my head. If you ask these things of him now he will with oath deny, but spare but a time, you shall then see him rightly in his colours. Let me speak with Sir George Caroe: by his coming I shall know your allowance. Your father and my mother wrote continually to the Duke of Norfolk after he was condemned.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 86.)
Lord Cobham to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1604]. As to Mellarsh's accounts, the Cobham property, and the payment of Cobham's debts.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (189. 88.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. If I have committed a fault in writing my name of Cobham, in this it is excusable, I did it not out of any disposition of "arrogantie," but rather held the course that others have done in such an undone fortune as mine. Former times have not held that strict course. Yet to me it is nothing. My fault I will amend, for willingly I will give no cause of offence. Make me bound to you that my Lords may receive satisfaction that I confess my fault, and will no more offend them. I know not whether you have received my letter concerning Heall. Never hold me for honest and Christian man if his calumniation be true.—Undated.
Holograph, signed: H. Brooke. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 87.)
Lord Cobham's Lands.
[?1604 and later]. A number of papers, etc. of various dates all relating apparently to the lands of Lord Cobham:—
(i) Schedule of certain lands, apparently of the College of Cobham and Lord Cobham, headed "In [Compoto] Willelmi Cromer Armigeri nuper vicecomitis Comitatus predicti." Latin. 1¼ pp. (145. 101.)
(ii) Terrier of land in Cliffe, Kent, belonging to the College of Cobham. 3½ pp. (145. 109.)
(iii) Cobham College rental of small farms and farm barley. 4½ pp. (145. 111.)
(iv) "The effect of the case of Maidstone College in Kent." A legal opinion upon the question whether the lands of the College now in possession of the patentee of King Edward 6, ought to be discharged of tithes by any matter contained in certain other statutes. 2½ pp. (145. 104.)
(v) Particular of lands and tenements granted by Edward 6 to George, Lord Cobham [1529–1558], with marginal notes as to lands sold by the said Lord Cobham, &c. Latin. 9½ pp. (145. 26.)
(vi) "The copy of Lowe's writings." Particular of lands in the parishes of Halystowe, Hoo in Henfield, Fyndesbery, and St. Mary's. Certain lands of Lord Cobham's are mentioned therein. Latin. 3 sheets. (145. 16.)
(vii) Proceedings at the court held at Great Hoo, Hundred of Hoo [? temp. William, Lord Cobham]. 3 pp. (145. 102.)
(viii) Copies of evidences, terrier and rental of the Manor of Shorne, Kent. Made 16th cent. (291. 5.)
(ix) "Parcel of the jointure of the Lady Kildare of the entailed lands of George, Lord Cobham, and in the lady's possession." Endorsed: "Lands conveyed to my Lord." 1 p. (145. 118.)
(x) Woods granted to the Lady Kildare in jointure. 8 pp. (145. 119.)
(xi) Note by the woodward as to the woods belonging to Lady Kildare's jointure. 1 p. (145. 123.)
(xii) Woods in Kent granted to the Earl of Nottingham and others for Lady Kildare's life. 1 p. (145. 124.)
(xiii) Abstract of Mr. Brooke's revenues in Kent. 1 p. (145. 128.)
(xiv) "Note of lands in Kent entailed by Mr. Brooke on my Lord." 1 p. (145. 117.)
(xv) Remembrances for my Lord [?Cobham's] household business. 2½ pp. (145. 197.)
(xvi) Lands and woods of the Earl of Salisbury's in Higham and Shorn, Kent. 1 p. (145. 131.)
(xvii) Particular of woods in possession of the Earl of Salisbury in Higham, Shorn, &c., Kent. 3 pp. (145. 138.)
(xviii) Lands granted to the Lo. Duke [of Lennox] being the manor of Conham [Cobham?] Hall, &c. ½ p. (145. 125.)
(xix) "Expenses for my Lord's house at Cobham during the time of Lady Sondes remaining there." 1 p. (145. 199.)
(xx) Particulars of Mrs. Brooke's dower: "terr. domini Brooke." 1 p. (145. 116.)
(xxi) Lands remaining yet unsold in Kent. 4 pp. (145. 165.)
(xxii) Houses, &c. in Stroud, belonging to the Temple. 1½ pp. (145. 167.)
(xxiii) Note of lands in Kent, adjacent to Lord Cobham's lands. 4 pp. (145. 168.)
(xxiv) Value of lands in Maidstone College, Cobham College, &c., Kent, in possession and in reversion. 1 p. (145. 170.)
(xxv) Lands to be sold of Maidstone College, Cobham College, &c., Kent, and moneys to be made. 1½ pp. (145. 171.)
(xxvi) Lands owned by the College of Cobham in the parish of Clyve. Latin. A roll. (145. 1.)
(xxvii) Valuation of timber, Maidstone. 1 p. (145. 156.)
(xxviii) Notes with respect to lands of Cobham College and Maidstone College, Kent. 6 pp. (145. 160.)
(xxix) Particular of woodland taken out of the lands of Cobham College. 3 pp. (145. 134.)
(xxx) Particular of woods belonging to Cobham College. 3½ pp. (145. 41.)
(xxxi) Terrier of Maidstone College and other Cobham lands (temp. 2nd Earl of Salisbury). 5 pp. (145. 146.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1604]. I said before your lordship at the last hearing of the case concerning the Lord President and Council in Wales that, when we should privately confer, we should agree, and ut impleatur dictus prophete so have we done in the essential point. For now they have yielded to us (for I was on a sure ground) that the writ of habeas corpus granted out of the King's Bench ought to be returned with the cause. That if it appeared by the return that the party pursuing was committed for matter, equity denied by the President and Council, rising within the limits of their jurisdiction and within their instructions, the party is to be remanded and the King's Bench is not to examine the point of equity.
The matters wherein they have made a feigned defence are these:
1. That the four ancient English shires should be within the Marches of Wales, whereof we have manifest proof to the contrary and thereof delivered notes.
2. They doubt (for that is now the best of their case) that prohibitions should not lie in these cases, whereof we have made clear and manifest proof by book cases and precedents.
3. They seem to doubt also whether they may not examine the equity of cases after judgments at the common law; than which nothing is more repugnant to law, as we have made manifest demonstration. And this is the end of this day's labour, whereof though I am weary I thought it my part to yield to your lordship this summary account.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1602" (sic). 1 p. (97. 24.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. It is truly said, and is this day verified, that secunde cogitationes meliores et saniores sunt. The judges have met, the case has been debated, our books turned and considered of, and I am converted; for where I thought the motion this morning pernicious and full of danger, I am now of another opinion. For whereas a secret error might have been infused into discontented minds, of some unjust proceeding against these sectaries, and that they in justice ought to have had a prohibition, now it is resolved by all the judges, being 14 in number, una voce nullo contradicente, that no prohibition doth lie, but that the ecclesiastical judges ought to proceed according to the ecclesiastical laws and the censures of the Church. But albeit this resolution is sufficient for satisfaction of the conscience, yet do I think it fit for the honour of the King and advancement of justice, and the taking away of vain hopes from these perverse people, that I desire tomorrow in open Court the resolution and judgment of the judges, that the standers by (being shortly to be dispersed into all countries), might publish the same; and the like to be done on Wednesday next by my Lord Chancellor. How necessary it is to have a discreet and learned leader, this day I found.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 64.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. There is to my knowledge none of the Lord Cobham's or Lord Grey's lands within the annexation. If any be, sure I am neither of their names or attainders are mentioned, and therefore impossible for me to know whether any of them were parcels of their possessions. I pray you I may have a note of the names of the Privy Council that shall be parties to the great indenture of annexation, and then it shall be finished with all expedition.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 90.)
[The House of Commons?] to the King.
[1604]. Pray that in all his styles and public letters he will acknowledge himself King of the whole and united Isle of Britain; also that commissioners may be chosen of all states for England and Scotland to decide all questions which may breed any hindrance to the Union and to present such a frame and model to both the next parliaments of England and Scotland as thereby all kind of possible means may be used for reducing his subjects in both realms to perpetual conformity and agreement in all indifferent matters for all times to come.—Undated.
Draft with corrections by Cranborne. Endorsed: "1604. Union" and in Cranborne's hand: "Difference of time and not desire of change forces our present consultation. The time was when we wished Scotland ill, and now we wish it well. The time [was we] hated the K[ing]: now we are in love. The time when we were opposite in arms, and now in equal obedience. Action of unkindness. Security. God's providence. Caution where laws are to be changed." 1¼ pp. (107. 147.)
[Printed in extenso from Talbot Papers, Vol. K. fol. 188, in Lodge, Illustrations of British History, III, pp. 231–232.]
William, Lord Compton, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Your tassell is excellent well. I would be glad to know whether your leisure be to see him fly this evening.—The Savoy, Monday.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 69.)
Ann, Lady Cooke, to the Same.
[? 1604]. There is a neighbour of ours in Essex very sick and not like to escape, Sir Anthony Browne. If it happen that he die, I beseech you to bestow it (sic) of me and my son Hamlett. Your promise to me when I was last with you makes me to presume now humbly to beseech you, if this do fall, to bestow it of me and my children.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603" [sic]. ⅓ p. (188. 2.)
Sir Anthony Cooke to the Same.
[1604]. In reply to his wife's request to Cranborne to take his younger son, Hercules Francis Cooke, into his service, Cranborne said he was too near him in blood to be entertained in that nature. He again urges the request. His health will not permit him to attend Cranborne. He is now going to Cambridge to Mr. Butteler, in hope of some recovery.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 63.)
Hercules Francis Cooke to the Same.
[1604]. His father in his lifetime, and his mother, were suitors to Cranborne to take the writer into his service. His father now being dead, he beseeches Cranborne to accept him, and let not his nearness in blood hinder. His estate is such that he must serve, there being now no employments in the wars.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 65.)
Avis, Lady Cooke, to the Same.
[1604]. In her husband's time she was a suitor to Cranborne to accept her son Hercules Francis into his service. She renews her request, and beseeches him to consider the petition of a poor widow, with the charge of children, altogether unprovided for during her life, and but a poor portion at her death.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 67.)
Avis, Lady Cooke, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Begs Cranborne to bestow on her a certain ward, whom she may match with one of her daughters. There shall be no other benefit made of him. As to Sir John Foskue's letter which Cranborne sent her, if Cranborne gives the wardship to him, he will bestow it on Mr. Henry Foskue, a captain, and one who has just spent all his means left him by his father; and the friends of the children will be loth it should fall into his hands. Begs him to receive her son into his service.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 68.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. It may be you think, because of my husband's estate, that the ward should be wronged, and so you dishonoured therein; but if that be the cause, if you bestow him on me, I will pass him in one of my sons' names, and put you in sufficient security, both for the well using of the ward, and to be very willing to yield anything to the children as you shall think fit.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 66.)
Sir Walter Cope to the Same.
[1604]. Finding you mean to add a label that may make the book gracious, whether you will add what you have undertaken for the Scots customs, I thought fit to remember you of. For Meredyth's office, if you reserve a power therein but two days, I think I have a friend will give more for it than any man, one that has laid with me for a place this long time, and is full of moneys.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 70.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. I have sent and been all this morning hunting for players, jugglers, and such kind of creatures, but find them hard to find. Wherefore leaving notes for them to seek me, Burbage is come, and says there is no new play that the Queen has not seen; but they have revived an old one called Love's Labour Lost, which for wit and mirth he says will please her exceedingly. And this is appointed to be played to-morrow night at my Lord of Southampton's unless you send a writ to remove the corpus cum causa to your house in Strand. Burbage is my messenger ready attending your pleasure.—From your library.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 95.)
John Corbett to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Thanks Cranborne for his remembrance of him by Mr. Levynus [Munck]. He will discharge his duty like an honest man, whenever occasion is offered to make trial of his services.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 71.)
Lady Katherine Cornwallis.
[1604]. The King is certified that the late Queen, in respect of the faithful duty of the Lady Katherine Cornwallis unto her, was pleased that she should not be molested for not coming to her parish church. The King, understanding she continues the like loyal duty to him, commands that proceedings against her for her recusancy be no way followed.—Undated.
Draft order to magistrates and others.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 72.)
[The Council?] to the Archbishop of Canterbury.
[? 1604]. His Majesty has given public notice and more private advertisement to the bishops of his most religious desire and resolution that all such ministers as heretofore have showed themselves disobedient to the orders, discipline and ceremonies of the Church should either be brought to good conformity or be orderly removed; that so at the last the adversaries of the Gospel, seeing the professors thereof knit together in uniformity and concord, might have no longer occasion, for their more easy seducing of the simpler sort, to lay before them the dissensions, bitterness and disobedience which hitherto have been too apparent in many of the ministry and in such as have combined in that contradiction. And as we are advertised that sundry bishops, the premisses notwithstanding, and that we by his Majesty's directions have written once or twice to you to the same effect, not doubting but that you have acquainted them with the contents of our letters, yet hitherto they have stood as men at a gaze, and done nothing either that the duties of their places do require, or for his Majesty's better satisfaction, but still permit the froward and undutiful ministers of their dioceses to continue in their obstinate courses, as though they themselves were so obnoxious unto some exceptions that they durst not proceed against them. We therefore once again require you to advertise them all generally that such as are culpable may apply that which we write to themselves, being as yet loth to name them particularly, and that they who hitherto have been careful may be the better encouraged in their former courses, that except such as find themselves to be within the compass of this our reprehension, do speedily look more diligently to this charge imposed upon them by so many weighty reasons we mind to send for them hither and to take such order with them, with your assistance, as shall be held for these times to be most convenient. Furthermore we desire you to acquaint them all with another point of his Majesty's pleasure, which is that when any are deprived from their benefices, their lordships presently take such order with the neighbour preachers that their places may conveniently by their charitable pains be supplied; and that they signify to the patron of every such benefice as shall become so void, that his Majesty very earnestly requires him forthwith to present an able and fit man to be admitted unto it, that so the parishioners (of whom his Majesty has a most tender respect) may not long be destitute of a pastor of their own amongst them to instruct them. Of this his Majesty's most princely care, although he doubts not but that every patron being informed of it will conform himself accordingly, yet because it may fall out that some for one sinister end or other may be more slack than his Majesty expects, we would have the bishops to acquaint you with the name of every such patron, that his Majesty being thereof advertised, such an extraordinary inconvenience may be redressed by some extraordinary remedy. —Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "Archbishop of Canterbury, to reform those of the ministry who will not become conformable." 1½ pp. (108. 43.)
[The Council?] to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
[1604]. The King wrote to the Chancellor in behalf of Sir Roger Aston for a lease in reversion of the profits, fines, &c. of the Dukedom of Lancaster, for the yearly rent of 80l.; according to the grant made by the late Queen to Nicholas Hare and Edward Carrell. As the Chancellor has not given satisfaction to his letter [the Council] is commanded to move him to proceed therein, except he can show just cause to the contrary. Details at length the reasons which have moved his Majesty to assent to the lease, giving the history of former grants.—Hampton Court, "Your very loving friends."— Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1½ pp. (189. 99.)
The Council to the [City of London].
[1604]. We understand that Captain [Edmund] Colthurst has attempted to bring a large draft of water to the City of London, whereof there may be great use for cleansing the ditches and other unwholesome places, the enormity whereof is known to be very great; and also that there is good probability of effecting the same, as already the work is brought forward 3 miles. Understanding by him that it is already contained in his commission that when it is done the City shall have upon reasonable conditions two-thirds part of all the water which shall be brought, we esteem it very reasonable that the man might come to certain agreement with you what portion of charge you will bear, and wish you to choose committees among yourselves to whom he may resort for some resolution; which being done we require you to send us report of your proceedings.—Undated.
Draft, almost entirely in the hand of Cecil (or Cranborne). Endorsed: "Minute to the City of London for Captain Colthurst." 2 pp. (199. 104.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 93.]
Sir John Couper to Lord [Cranborne?]
[1604]. He has set up a battery work in Somerset, able to furnish yearly plates for 4000 armours. In this time of peace the stock will grow so great that he must discontinue the works, except the King will receive some competent number of armours into the Tower of London, where always has been the store to supply all parts of the land upon any sudden, and which is not now furnished with many that are of any use. He offers to furnish yearly 2,000 corslets and "curatts" at lower prices than any other shall be able to afford them. Being set up black, they will be kept without charge, and continue good.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 73.)
Viscount Cranborne to Lord Sydney, the Queen's Chamberlain.
[? 1604]. I am sorry that you have missed me, but I conceive, you will think it grows by inevitable accidents, or else such persons as you are find me better mannered than not to receive them as becomes me, who willingly deny none that have but their own occasions (of how private calling soever they be). I shall any evening after 4 (for then I can best rule my times) be ready for you, and either in public or private cases correspond with you as is fit for an honest man. For the meeting about the Q[ueen's] causes I never thought of it, but was moved by the Clerk of the Council from you, to whom I answered that I would be ready this day; but I am very glad you defer it, for neither is Mr. Vice Ch. with us, nor myself at so good leisure, and yet for the Q[ueen] all private shall give place, when there is need of my service.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (213. 91.)
The Same to Ralph Winwood.
[1604 (fn. 3) ]. I see by your letters that you have the alarm with you of this foul accident happened at Harwich, whereof his Majesty is so sensible as he hath made it known to the Archduke's minister that the circumstances thereof make it so injurious as he intendeth satisfaction, to which hitherto they have given many reasons to satisfy him that it is a matter not rightly understood. Notwithstanding all which their allegations his Majesty hath required not only restitution to be made of the other pink with all her lading, but also severe punishment upon the takers, for so barbarous an act against the person of this gentleman, who by the laws of nations (being a neutral) ought rather to have received favour at their hands. And as the barque that was left behind with the horses returned presently to Rotterdam, from whence it was, and this bearer, being the gentleman's man that is drowned, is now sent to fetch the horses and bring them into England, his Majesty requireth you to assist him with your furtherance, having caused some money to be delivered unto him towards his charge. And so forbearing for the present to make any answer to the letter brought by Captain Hampton I commit you to God. This is also a passport to be made for him. His name is John Polonois, with two servants and a trunk of apparel.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Cranborne. Endorsed: "Minute to Mr. Winwood." (104. 28.)
[Viscount Cranborne] to Sir Henry Bruncker.
[1604]. When I remember how little cause there is for me to write at this time (except it be to answer your letters con[cerning] the insolent carriage of the Irish at Cork), and then consider how long it is since that accident happened, I could have wished, seeing that matter is so old, to have had more pleasing subject either here or from thence to fill my letter withal. For what is the answer more that I can make you than the Lord Lieutenant has already written, considering that we . . . always resolved to disavow none of your proceedings as a minister of State, and ye[t] could have wished that you had in that particular rather forborne so suddenly to impose upon those officers so absolute an obedience, and to have been wary who had been admitted after. Not that any mislike, but rather commend your proceeding, when by your putting them to it they discovered such presumption, but because you know how apt men are upon any sudden changes, especially in that kingdom, overgrown with superstition, to raise bruits of future rigour and thereby to serve their turns by malicious impressions, where contrariwise when all is done the timely plantations of teachers of God's word is that which must root out the radical blindness so imbibed in that people. I write not as wishing any impunity against God's enemies, but only to let you know that although the bruits and apprehensions of that accident came so like a tempest upon us from all parts in that kingdom, yet no man held you worthy of blame, neither is or was there any purpose to mitigate any of these fines which you have imposed, without your advice first had.
And now let me first begin to assure my [Lord] President, that my long silence proceeded not f[rom] any neglect of him in his charge, whom the public ties me to . . . . yet there were not so many just causes as . . . . are for me to show my constant g[ood] will as my old and truly beloved friend; but that you will consider my multiplicity of business and absence sometime by sick[ness], the difference of times, variety . . . . of opinions in all councils compounded of so many wise and great men, and the insettling of all things about our commission for the Union, which have continually possessed us; and thereby to conclude that things are oftener debated than fully resolved in the beginnings of all govern[ment]. In which respect I say to Sir Henry Bruncker bona fide that his friend Secretary Cecil [were he] a less coward than the new Viscount [Cranborne struck out]; many men hold it safer sometimes in this envious age to do but indifferently well in good company than to do somewhat better alone. Although I must confess, forasmuch as concerns my Sovereign's favour towards me, no subject can say that ever he lost so worthy and dear a Mistress, and found so benign a Master. I have heard that you were informed of some purpose in me to further particular governments in your province; be assured that it never came in my thoughts, but ever had strong opposition by me; yet am I not able to bear the envy to cross every man in this time, when there are so many ways to the wood, especially when his Majesty in his gracious disposition is desirous to deny few. And therefore, many things may be obtained both by English and Scottish noblemen and Councillors, with which I shall never be acquainted till they come to seal, and then have but an ill occupation to be a stopper of the King's hand, by which howsoever his Majesty is pleased with my L. Chancellor and me that keep the privy seal, yet makes myself a party against those that are as good and better than myself, when they are engaged for the suitors. Nevertheless I was so careful in this matter as I dealt with my L. Lieutenant, on whom the King wholly relies for Ireland, as there [is] good cause he should. And his lordship told me that in some cases governments were fit in places . . . . but yet affirmed that he would not advise the King that any such persons should be exempted from the superior commandment of the President. Now what is done since, I know not by any private directions to the Deputy, but for myself I am resolved. And now for your servant whom I have stayed, let me make one request for him, and another for myself. First that you should bear with him for attending, because he did it only by my importunity. Next that I stayed him out of desire to give you satisfaction; and both in your public and private, to hold me no changeling for my care of you.—Undated.
Draft with corrections by Cranborne. Endorsed: "1604." Mutilated. 5 pp. (108. 50.)
[Lord Cecil (or Cranborne)] to Mr. Stanley.
[1604]. Although it is far from me to be an encourager of any that withstand the ordinances of the Church, or show any spirit tending towards faction in this so happy government of his Majesty's, yet where I find unconformity accompanied with earnest profession to receive satisfaction in scruple to the intent to obey, my desire is such to recover as the last work I wish should be to punish: And yet to that shall I as willingly consent as this, when I am satisfied that there is no other remedy. To be short, therefore, I understand that you are patron of a living, whereof one Mr. Cathelin was incumbent, by whose deprivation the right of presentation is in you. I have by conference with him found some appearances of future conformity, for which purpose he will omit no means to work in himself a conscionable resolution, the lack whereof he protesteth to be the sole cause of his aversion from the orders imposed. I have thought good to intreat you (the rather to keep an entry open into the place of his former residence, if he shall hereafter conform) to forbear, at my request, to present any new until there may [be] some further proof, and yet no longer than to prevent any injury to yourself by any default, for that supply which the law prescribes. Herein I desire your answer, that I may be certain what to promise him; and yet my request shall be ever with this limitation, to receive satisfaction upon your refusal, if you shall show me any reasonable cause to the contrary.—Undated.
Draft corrected by Cecil (or Cranborne). Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 48.)
[Lord Cecil (or Cranborne)] to Mr. Serjant.
[1604]. Having been informed by my keeper of the little park at Brigstock of your hunting on my ground over and over, not contenting yourself with coming once, until you had as in a bravery broken down my gates, which the meanest subject in England would not patiently endure, I find myself aggrieved, and mean to take my remedy by such due course as no man is denied. Because I have nothing as yet but by relation, and mean not to give credit until I hear your answer, I have written this letter first to let you know that, whatsoever you have done by commandment from the king or from any person of quality, I take no exceptions unto, but will rather blame my keeper for neglecting his attendance, whereby you might have colour to use that violence; for so long as I breathe whensoever there is any occasion of his Majesty's service, there is nothing which I enjoy, which shall not readily be at his commandment. Next, that you shall certify me under your hand what moves you to offer me that injury, and by whose direction the same was done.—Undated.
Holograph draft by Cecil (or Cranborne). Endorsed: "1604." 1½ pp. (109. 74.)
[The Same] to the Bishop of Winchester.
[1604]. There is lately come to his Majesty's hands a pamphlet against the ecclesiastical government by one Jacob. And because you have had some dealings with him lately, and have formerly (to your great commendation) handled that argument in your book of the perpetual government of the church, his Majesty is desirous that you should frame some short answer unto the said pamphlet. I have sent it unto you herewith from his Majesty.—Undated.
Draft, to which the following note is appended—"A letter to this effect to be written to the Lo. B. of Winchester." Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 82.)
[Lord Cecil (or Cranborne)] to Sir Norton Knachbull.
1604. The King has given him some interest in Canterbury Park, where the game is nothing answerable to the proportion which it may bear; especially considering his Majesty's purpose to have all grounds of pleasure maintained in another fashion than heretofore. His care is very extraordinary to replenish that ground, the better to give his Majesty contentment, and he resorts to such of his friends in those parts as have any parks to help towards the replenishing. He therefore asks Knachbull to afford him some few deer out of his park. Has entreated Sir John Luson to undertake the transporting of them.—Court at Greenwich, 1604.
Endorsed: "Minute [to] the gentlemen in Kent from my Lord for the restoring of Canterbury Park." 1 p. (114. 124.)
Draft of the above, with corrections by Cecil (or Cranborne). (114. 122.)
[The Same] to the King.
[1604]. From your Majesty's letter by Mr. Achmoughtie I find to my great grief that you conceive upon your second reading some things in the Preface to be pernicious, which you held before to be but slender, of which it is sufficient, seeing your Majesty esteems it so, for me to acknowledge it to be so; and that I should hold myself cursed in my cradle, if I could have the vanity to dissent from such a judgment, so is it also motive sufficient to all my fellow commissioners, especially all the noblest part of our commission, not only to convert to that opinion but to join with me in grief that anything of pernicious nature should either pass their censure or my pen in this unfortunate preface. Therefore both they and I are now resolved in respect of your censure to lay our heads together before to-morrow meeting for reforming it, so as to put it into your own words as near as we can collect it by your Majesty's several writings; in which work I have many friends that would be content to confess it to be a matter which upon their own second cogitations they would not let pass without using your name, but that no such liberty will be left for privy men after such resolution but by the shadow of your own mislike and recommendation to have such these alterations. And that what prejudice so ever any particular man's stay may do him, you may repose your mind so much upon the duty of us to accommodate ourselves to whatsoever you impose, as without any present delay to expect an answer to your satisfaction; but not till after to-morrow at six o'clock; till before which time no man can give you any certainty of our conclusion. In the mean time this day divers of us will meet with four of yours, to whom all your Majesty's dispatches shall be imparted. That done such poor means as I can work with others shall be used to procure more to join with me in labour to persuade others, which being no greater a matter than a preface I hope upon patient examination of all circumstances men of discretion may help to persuade others, especially seeing your Majesty professes your protestation against it when it should come to your assent, to which for aught I can conceive your Majesty need never be put: for your royal assent must be had to those things when they are made into acts, which will have many a variable transmutation, though if not in substance I hope yet in form, before they are to receive your royal assent. This I presently advertise, because your packet came in time and no vigilance shall be spared, amongst which I beseech your Majesty to believe, howsoever your favours and censure of me exceed infinitely my valuation, excepting still my integrity and affection, that you have not a creature, whose thoughts and actions are more humble, honest and open hearted in all things to my sovereign; which, if it be a good quality in a subject, assure yourself that no man living can more admire it in the prince he loveth, because it showeth true wisdom and graciousness, and is the only happiness which can befall a servant to be made see his faults.
The putting off this day is given out to be in respect of the Chancellor of England, who is indeed sick, and so is both the Chancellor and Constable of Scotland 'frased' (?), as they themselves sent word to-day; which falls out the better.— Undated.
Draft corrected by Cecil (or Cranborne). 4 pp. (134. 60.)
[Lord Cecil (or Cranborne)] to the King.
[1604]. According to your Majesty's direction those of my Lords who were commissioners with us in the treaty of Spain have had long conference with the Spanish Ambassador, to his good satisfaction. First we dealt with him by order from you upon the letter which he had received from the Archduke and left in your hands, the purpose whereof we perceived was as well to show you by accident how great an affection the Archdukes bare you, and what opinion they had of your sincerity, in which point indeed the letter was very just and kind; then to show you the grief he sustained for lack of enjoying that trade, which his estate did need of, in which it is remark able that as your Ministers are suspected to be Spanish on the one side, so does the letter discover that the Archduke fears they are Hollanders, for the letter doth say that by the practice of some personages in England the benefit they expected by trade is indirectly made frustrate. Whereby your Majesty may observe what your ministers are subject unto, and your servants may also perceive what a happiness it is unto us not only to live under a king for whose favour so great monarchs stand in competition are in emulation (sic), but to serve so just a master as useth not the help of foreign counsel to choose or censure his secretary. Upon that letter therefore without taking anything as intended to any of yours with all the courtesy that might be (which indeed his fashion merits) we desired the Spanish Ambassador to explain wherein it was that the treaty was not observed, that he might receive that satisfaction which appertained to such cases; assuring him your mind was so equally balanced with the sincerity of the King of Spain and the Archdukes' profession as if there were any error it was without your knowledge, and should be presently reformed upon the least information, whomsoever it concerned. With which answer he confessed himself to be sufficiently satisfied for his part, saying he meant not any further to trouble your Majesty or the Lords, until the Archdukes' own ambassador came, to whom it rather belonged (if there were cause) to negotiate the same. Next we fell into the other point concerning the new title of Embassage, declaring unto him, what your Majesty's part had been therein, and how sincerely you dealt with him, when he spake to you of the same in professing to be ignorant of the States' intent, though now that you had heard of such a resolution in them (which yet your eye had never seen under their hands) your Majesty thought good to impart unto him as followeth. First to let him know that in your making your peace, you never meant to serve your turn by interpretation of words or any indirect courses, but, as he knew, had absolutely covenanted for all manner of neutrality towards them, as one that had neither been at any time author of their separation, nor meant so to dissolve the confederation wherein you found your estate, as to censure their errors or meddle with their defence. So we thought fit to let him know that your Majesty was in no way bound by treaty to refuse any of their ministers, whose residence by treaty is just, howsoever they either would or should qualify him, according to that which seemed best to themselves. Nevertheless as an argument of your Majesty's extraordinary kindness, we told him ex abundanti you were not resolved either to give him other greatness in his audience than he had before, or to approve that which they had done by any answer of yours, being determined howsoever they may hereafter call him no other. . . . .—Undated.
Draft corrected by Cecil (or Cranborne). Unfinished. 4 pp. (134. 62.)
[Lord Cecil (or Cranborne)] to [the Council.]
[? 1604]. Having fallen into consideration what causes are like to come in question this Parliament on the King's behalf, and with what mind it is like the house will come prepared, I have moved his Majesty, wherein divers of my Lords have joined with me, to give the same some prorogation; whereof, as to his Majesty's greatest officers and councillors, I have thought it good to give an advertisement, first, as a duty in me to acquaint you with all changes of those things wherein you are to be principal ministers; next because you may fall upon some such considerations as might move you to mislike the course, if you had been acquainted with the counsel. For which purpose, although his Majesty has herewith sent you his warrant, yet it is with this condition, to go on or to stay as you shall conceive it reasonable, and advertise me back again. Concerning the occasion of this alteration your lordships may understand these have been the principal motives. The propositions on his Majesty's part are like to come under three principal heads: the confirmation of those articles handled in our commission for the Union; the orderly establishment of competent provisions for maintenance of his Majesty's Household; and a contribution by way of subsidy. In all which things, because it is not unlike that many which have desires of their own will at least protract the consent until they see some hope of retribution, and others which have absolute indisposition to all, or part of them, will come prepared with as many arguments as wit or will can furnish, I could not but think it of great necessity that such consultation might have preceded the general assembly as might have prepared some good way to the mutual satisfaction both of King and subjects, without which whatsoever shall be resolved may be accounted a lame work: wherein because his Majesty's Privy Council, judges, his learned counsel, and officers of several qualities, are like to bear the principal burden, when I consider what it will be for most of us that have Courts of Justice, offices in Court, and many other distractions to be able to hold ordinary sessions, and to meet for these things which we already know; besides those other matters which will arise ex re nata, I must confess that I foresee that no man shall have little to do in those businesses if he have any more than common and vulgar employment, but he shall run the hazard to displease both King and people, especially if the Parliament have his beginning in the instant of the term, before which time the persons aforesaid cannot possibly assemble together, to do that which ought to arm them against prepared and studied arguments, and to preoccupate those jealousies which most men are like to apprehend if they be not cleared by some better demonstration than fair tales and promises. For first for the Union, howsoever I conceive upon this time to be able to give reason for mine own counsel, yet I assure your lordships many things are so far out of my exact remembrance, as a weak man, that hap had nothing else to do but study the same, may quickly put me such a book case in a public meeting as I shall be loth to reply without a further respite; which, if it fall out to be others' state as well as mine, time will be spent in argument which would be saved if some of those who cannot pass the talking cap might lay their heads together, and second one another constantly without distraction. Concerning the house, my good Lords, give me leave without any argument that anything has been done to satisfy the countries, yea those that are best affected in this point, to tell you truly that all is but shadows and colours without substance; for who does not know that "pourveyance" is used in as many offices and by as mean instruments as ever it was! Nay, what country gentlemen can you speak withal that is not able to show you continual abuses? If you will say that our commissions for leases give hope that they shall be eased by the reservation of provisions, you can easily answer yourselves, that we are not ignorant that those provisions can no more properly be said to ease that burden under which they groan, than any other course that is taken to bring more money into his Majesty's coffers. Wherein I hope your lordships conceive that I seek not to blast the fruits which are gathered by that commission, but rather to wish that the prorogation may give us opportunity of three or four weeks' term, to make more visible the scope of that commission; and so likewise by doing something in the Commission of Assarts and such like, to give them a taste within what limits his Majesty intends to make use of those rights which are due to him in right of his crown, and cannot be impugned by any (how popular soever his arguments shall be), if we may be able to demonstrate de facto how far his Majesty's proceedings are contrary to their unjust apprehensions of severity and rigour in execution; which course will better satisfy preoccupied opinions than the best figure promise of future intentions. Many other reasons could I give you, if I were present with you in person, as I am in spirit, according to the wonted freedom in which we have lived in the precedent time, when we concurred in no other cogitations but such as were compatible with our duties to that time past which then was present, and to the present which then was future. For which, although I am not so presumptuous as to challenge any merit at God's hand, to Whom all we can do is nothing, yet I confess I live the more comfortably in this time, to think that . . . . .—Undated.
Unfinished. 8 pp. (189. 100.)
Lord [Cecil (or Cranborne)] to [the Council].
[? 1604]. The King has directed them to consider a suit presented by the Earl of Rutland. He intends in no way to move them to do that which may be inconvenient to the places they hold, and the trust reposed in them by the King in this reference; nevertheless he cannot forbear to deliver this much of his own knowledge concerning the King's gracious disposition to the Earl, that if the [suit] be found reasonable, it will be so acceptable to the King as he will prefer no man herein before him. For the particular love and friendship between the Earl and him (the writer), he would be very glad that his desire may have good success.—Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "my Lo. his letter in the behalf of my Lo. of Rutland." 1¼ pp. (189. 104.)
[Lord Cecil (or Cranborne)] to the [Stationers' Company?]
[1604]. His Majesty, considering the abuses more and more arising by the indiscreet publishing of books containing matters of much offence, tending to the corruption of manners, the spreading of false rumours, the seducing of people by propositions of new invention, to personal defamation, and to intermeddling in affairs of government, has directed his letters to the writer, which he encloses; according to the tenor whereof he has chosen E.F., T.W., and — P. to whom he has referred the perusal and allowance of all books not handling divinity, law or physic. He charges them to take a course for the due executing of this order by "your whole company." The King has by other letters given charge to my Lord of Canterbury to provide against like disorders in setting forth treatises of divinity.— Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "1604. Against printing of irregular pamphlets." 1½ pp. (190. 1.)
Inhabitants of Cromer, Norfolk, to Sir Robert Clark, Baron of the Exchequer.
[1604]. On behalf of John Wyndebanck, late of Cromer, now prisoner in Norwich Castle, by order of reprieve from the Lord Chief Justice and the Baron, after conviction of burglary and taking a ferret and nets out of the house of Emanuel Callard, gent. The offence was but an unadvised part of a young man for his foolish pleasure to take coneys, and they hope the sequel of his life will answer their expectation of his amendment. Pray Clark to further the obtaining of his pardon.— Undated.
Signed: Thomas Baxter; John Cooper; Walter Whitny; William Smith; John Worth; John Spilman. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 107.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Viscount Cranborne.
[Between 20 Aug. 1604 and 5 May 1605]. We have dispatched the account of our proceedings touching the Graymes to his Majesty, wherein I conceive my care to effect his pleasure is not so fully set down as it might have been, and some of the Lords that dealt nobly with me themselves wished. The particulars this bearer Thomas Taylor shall tell you.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (108. 78.)
Patrick Cunninghame to the King.
[? 1604]. Is son to Walter Cunningham, who was an archer of the King's guard in Scotland. In consideration of his father's long service he begs for the place of a footman to the Lady Elizabeth.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 120.)
Dacres Lands.
[1604]. Schedule of lands in Yorkshire, Northumberland and Derbyshire, parcel of the possessions which came to the Crown by the attainder of Leonard Dacres: doubted to be yet in his Majesty's intended entail to the Crown. Note at foot: "Pray directions to Sir Edward Cooke his Majesty's attorney to leave these and the rest of the Dacres lands forth of his Majesty's entail."—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 110.)
Capt. Ed. Dalington to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Understands by Sir Thomas Gorges of Cranborne's favour to him (Dalington) in his suit, and purposes to follow Cranborne's advice. Has an entertainment of 5s. a day in Ireland, which is but 3s. 9d.; but it is not sufficient for his expenses, and he begs a pension of a noble a day here in England. Is quite disabled on the use of his body, and hopeless of all other fortunes.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 81.)
Lord Danvers.
[1604]. Two papers:
(i) "Reasons against Sir John Gilbert's desire to have some of the parcels contained in the suit of my Lord Davers to be granted to him."
The paper details the inconveniences and double charges which will arise if the office of Surveyor be divided between Gilbert and Davers, and states that a great part of the profit would be lost, both to the King and "the Patentees."—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 82.)
(ii) A paper concerning the office of Surveyor. The reasons against the clause of ratification have been sent. Reasons for the receipt of rent are now given. At present the sheriffs defer their payments into the Exchequer 2, 3 or 4 years, and the Surveyor cannot receive a penny till the sheriffs have paid in their money; so that the Surveyor would be in danger of paying large stipends to the deputies for those years out of his own purse. Sir Henry Bronker has not received these 3 years a penny out of the Exchequer upon his patent of issues, through the same cause, and his men being weary of serving for nothing, he has been compelled to change his deputies often, so that the service has been impaired and the office somewhat discredited. For the satisfaction of his Majesty's part, sureties shall be given.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 83.)
Lord Denny to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Begs for his cousin William Cecil's company into the country. He hopes 3 or 4 days' recreation will do good to the rest of his exercises.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 84.)
Sir Edward Denny to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Of an offence committed by Mr. Trott's man. The statute law might have been executed, but Denny troubles Cranborne in the matter, because he required to be informed of disorders committed under his charge, and he would fain wipe out the original cause of offence. Though it is no excuse for a servant to do ill when he is bidden, yet in extenuation he must say that he thinks the man knew not the law, and the master's commanding him may in some sort sue for his pardon. The censure of the master's unlawful command and the servant's obeying, he must leave to Cranborne's consideration. As long as the master may cast the peril upon others, and incur no displeasure himself, he will hardly cease so old a custom as by one of these examinations Cranborne may see it to be.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 85.)
Lady Denny's Lands in Ireland.
[1604]. Statement as to the rating of Lady Denny's lands in Ireland, headed "Reasons why the undertakers should not expect the like favour, and the difference between us." The undertakers' lands are rated, some at 3d., some 2d., and some ¾d. an acre; whereas her land is all rated at 4d., yielding neither timber nor any other commodity, and far from any great town or traffic; the mountain Slieve Lohar lying between. The other undertakers, lying near Limbrick, Cork, Youghall and Waterford, have vent for their commodities. Most of the seniories in the time of the rebellion were inhabited and yielded profit; but her land was only waste, and yielded not a penny since the beginning of the rebellion. Most of their houses are as yet standing, but hers all raised to the ground. Her losses are greater than any other undertaker, except Sir Thomas Norris, being 2,450l. besides the loss of her husband by that unhappy service. Their credit and ability may draw over and protect tenants from injuries, which the Irish are much subject to; but she, living here, will never get any to leave England unless they may have it at easier rate, seeing she is unable to defend them.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 86.)
The Earl of Devonshire to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1604]. My Lord Petre has appointed to be with me this day at dinner about some business that very much concerns me. The omission thereof would do me more harm than my presence in my Lord of Cumberland's cause can do the King any service. Therefore I desire, if it may be, to be spared. Because you shall therein stand my good Lord, I have sent you a cock and a hen of my own hawk's killing. I will see you sometime to-morrow, and in the meantime will thoroughly think of the business we did last confer of.—Friday morning.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603" (sic). ½ p. (103. 3.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Ever since I went from the Court I have been possessed with my old fury of the headache, and yet my head has been full of proclamations which I received out of Ireland, and which I send you with the Deputy's letters, because they are some effects of the King's directions. About Easter such as were appointed to come from the commissioners there resolve to be here. From the Chief Justice I understand that in Munster, Catherlow, Leyse, Wexford and Connaugh will be found waste lands for greater numbers of the Greames than are intended, but with caution how they shall subsist there, where they will find nothing but heaven above them and the naked earth to inhabit. For the design of the Islands, there is order from hence for victual and munitions to be sent, and I think already gone to Knockfergus. The Deputy stays the King's pinnace for that purpose. I have found out one galley that will serve the turn in Ireland; if but one more be sent from hence it will be better; and upon ten days' warning there shall be 800 as good men as the world yields at Knockfergus. What can be farther resolved until we hear out of Scotland I know not. I hear of great satisfaction that kingdom receives in his Majesty's choice of the Deputy and Chief Justice, and now much desire the like care as the consummation of their happiness in sending a good Chancellor; for the old is dying if not dead. To-morrow I will be at the Court. In the meantime because Mr. Bywater teaches me that the saints of the Court must not only have adoration but intercession, though I cannot do it by angels who are perfect, yet I have sent you six sucking rabbits of Wansteed, which I am sure are innocent.—Wansteed, Friday morning.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 112.)
Lady Digby to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Recommends her son, whom she is sending to live at Court, to his protection. She has bred him long beyond the seas, hoping thereby to enable him to serve his prince and country. The only requital she can make is a sick widow's earnest prayers.—Undated.
Signed: Abygall Dygby. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 89.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Same.
[1604.] The officers of the Admiralty require a present imprest of money upon the accompanying estimate, for the victualling of four of the King's ships to attend "him" to Spain, which comes to 5348l. 6s. 8d. The officers desire it should go out of the ordinary. That is impossible, for the ordinary, wanting this sum, must be unpaid; and their clamour for money comes upon him, and he is not able to satisfy their due. If so great a sum must be had, the King must be moved for a privy seal, to pay it when they have it. He thinks that if Cranborne would move the Lord Admiral, he would be content to take with him ships of lesser burden; for the ships by this estimate require 1400 men, which is a wonderful charge. He cannot get a copy of the bond for Scottish custom, because Sir Thomas Smith answered him that he was sworn not to deliver it to any.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (98. 23.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. I am right glad of your coming, and will be ready for you to-morrow. But touching Wednesday I have warned D. Dun, D. Parkins and all the merchants, and given order to D. Parkins to desire also the Hanses to meet all at my house betwixt 2 & 3 on Wednesday. So if you will have their meeting before 9, then were it fit you sent again to new warn them for the hour. D. Dun and D. Parkins are in the country, the one in Essex and the other at my Lord of London's; and I have left word at Mr. Warder's, where Lesieur lies, when he comes to town.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 115.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. You may not forget that when the Mayor, by the mouth of certain aldermen and the town clerk, did desire this alteration of loan to be left to themselves, that we specially remembered to them that it might not be levied of the poorer sort, but of the richer sort: which they faithfully promised. I have sent to Mr. Recorder to be here at 2 with two aldermen. I will be ready for you Wednesday.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 116.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to Sir Philip Herbert.
[1604]. Details reasons why he cannot pass certain lands to Harbert without the King's warrant, as suggested by Harbert and his friends; the principal one being a message from the King brought him by Sir Edward Hoby that the lands leased to Hoby should be leased to no man; and the King's special instructions that lands in Shepey were excepted out of the commission of sales. As it seems Harbert does not believe him but thinks he may do it of himself without warrant, he sends the letter of the clerk of the writs, who has both the commission and the instructions in his custody, to prove the exception of Shepey. Protests his readiness to serve Harbert, and his grief at being mistrusted, or as he rather wishes it misconceived; and prays him to hasten sending the necessary warrant. He will confer with Lord Cranborne, as Harbert desires; but the latter will be of opinion that having the King's hand to restrain him, he must have it to discharge him.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 3 pp. (189. 118.)
Edward Dutton, Mayor of Chester, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Cranborne is informed that the Mayor and citizens of Chester go about to exempt themselves from the jurisdiction of the Court of Exchequer there: which Dutton denies. They have only petitioned the King to confirm for the benefit of the city such privy seals and grants as they had from the late Queen.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 55.)
Merchants trading to the East Indies to the Lords Commissioners for the Treaty with Spain.
[1604]. At their great charge they have entered into this trade, and begun to settle a residence of factors, and intend to set out another voyage very shortly to discover other parts of those countries which may be found fit to vent commodities. Pray that nothing may be concluded in the treaty to the hindrance of their trading.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (190. 12.)
Princess Elizabeth to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. "Celuy qui vous donne la presente est Monsr. Cardel, lequel ma apris a danser si bien que leurs Majestes en sont contentes. Je vous prie estre occasion que il soit recongneu de ses peines et ayt moyen de s'entretenir pres de moy, car je serois marrie que ceux qui m'enseignent perdissent leur temps; vous me ferez plaisir et je vous en prie. Je demeureray, V're bien bonne amie, Elizabeth."—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." (147. 165.)
The Earl of Erroll to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Begs Cranborne to credit the bearer, his cousin, in his behalf.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 92.)
Geo. Fane to —.
[1604]. Having no messenger, and considering what speedy advertisement his lordship requires touching Senor Perez, I hire this express messenger to you; the rather for that Sir Tho. Waller, at his last going from the Castle [of Dover] left no order with me to use his name for sending packets by the running post, nor to deal in any other business in his absence, as upon like occasions before he had done. Senor Perez, since his coming to Dover, has received letters from the Court by Constance the post who came over with him, and it is reported the letters were sent from the Earl of Devon.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 122.)
John Ferrour to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. The Earl of Southampton commended a suit of mine for the privilege to imprint chronicles to your favour. His Majesty referred my petition to the Archbishop of Canterbury to certify his opinion, whose favour Lord Southampton did likewise importune and I produced instances of Mr. Morton's grammars and Mr. Wright's law books as precedents of like nature in being. But all proves so unsuccessful with my Lord's grace, who intends as he saith to certify against me, as I must still remain a stepchild to regard unless you shall approve of the new erection of an officer to be named his Majesty's Chronicler, and in your love to Lord Southampton further my desire for the obtaining of that office. The precedents of the like office in other Princes' courts, and the new erected office by his Majesty for entertainment of ambassadors, have emboldened me to present this to your consideration.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (206. 15.)
The Same to the King.
[? 1604]. He hoped for the King's favour "ever since God made me a prime messenger of the glad tidings to your Majesty about the decease of Queen Elizabeth." The King made him one of his servants of better rank, but without fee, and he has received no reward. He is an "utter" barrister, and begs the King to recommend him to the Lord Chancellor and judges for employment.—Undated.
18th cent. copy. 1½ pp. (249. 205.)
William Floyer to the Same.
[1604]. The late Queen granted by patent to Sir Walter Ralegh, lately attainted, the Abbey of Molannae with its possessions in the county of Waterford for the rent of 10l. Irish. Ralegh passed it over to Thomas Harryott, who seven years ago sold it to petitioner for 200l. He desires to be the King's immediate tenant, and not to hold the premises by a general patent entangled with the rents and conditions attaching to other lands. Begs new patent for the same in regard of his long service.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 131.)
W. Fouler, the Queen's Secretary, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. A gentleman of the Earl of Oxford's has been very earnest with him to know of the certainty of a patent lately passed for Havering le Bower. Asks instructions whether he shall resolve him thereof.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 94.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Sir Henry Gildford has satisfied him in paying Mr. Norton, a stationer of London, who lent him 500l. He has spent in her Majesty's service since coming here, 700l. Gildford has also discharged him of the debt into which necessity forced him. Having Cranborne's warning that what her Majesty gave him should not so loosely go from him, he has proceeded therein with moderation. Begs consideration for his maintenance. His fees are but equal with pages, less than the grooms, and inferior by 80l. to the "Duch" minister, who does nothing. Details the reasons why his seal is of no benefit to him. These beginnings seem very strange to him, that he should not be thought worthy to be acquainted with the Queen's proceedings in such matters; and what the future will be he knows not; but he hopes for Cranborne's continued favour.— Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 95.)
Henry Frowyke and Ralph Wilbraham to the Council.
[1604]. John Crosby of St. Michael's near St. Albans has received a privy seal for the loan of 10l. They certify, as commissioners of the peace in Herts, that he is deeply indebted, and has no lands but such as he pays great rents for.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 108.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Similar certificate in respect of Gyles Marston of St. Michael's near St. Albans.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 109.)
Lord Fyvie's Manors.
[1604]. Somerset—Manor of Tyntenhull, alias Tincknell, 35l.
Dorset—Manor of Sturmister, 82l.
Wiltshire—Manor of Hanington, Duchy of Lanc., 45l.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 80.)
Some German Titles.
[1604]. "Illustrissimo Principi ac Domino Domino Joachimo Ernesto Marchioni Brandenburgensi, Prussiae, Stetini, Pomeraniae, Casubiorum & Vandalorum, nec non Silesiae & in Jagerendorff Duci, Burggravio Norinbergensi, & Principi in Rügen &c.
Illustrissimo Principi ac Domino, Domino Philipo Ludovico Comiti Palatino Rheni, Duci Bavariae & Comiti in Sponheimb & Veldentz &c. Illustrissimo principi ac Domino Domino Wolffgango Wilhe . . . . Comiti Palatino Rheni, Duci Bavariae et Comiti in Sponheimb & Veldentz &c."—Undated.
Endorsed: "Titles, 1604." ½ p. (190. 17.)
Goldbeating and Gold Wire Drawing.
[1604]. Extract from the proceedings of the French Council, dated 15 Feb. 1603: Warrant of Henry 4th dated 4 May 1603: and an agreement, dated 23 Feb. 1604: all concerning the introduction of gold beating and gold wire drawing into France, and certain grants in respect thereto made to Jehan Andre Turato.
Certified copies. 16 pp. (144. 189.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Begs that his grant may be reserved out of the parcels now setting down to be entailed, to enable him to give himself bread. He served the late Queen many years, and yet was left to a bare, overthrown fortune, by undeserved crosses. In this new age he is cast behind all men in preferment, because the jealousy of the time cast upon him suspicion and restraint from the Court whilst the bounty of the King was a-dealing. He begs Cranborne to commiserate his hard fortune. If he is so happy as to enjoy his patronage, he must say by Cranborne as the now French King said by the Pope when he established his broken estate; "Par la Pape nous vivons et pour la Pape nous mourerouns."—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 98.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Expresses gratitude to Cranborne for his favour. He has used good means to Sir Philip Herbert to solicit a gracious answer from his Majesty, or a reference to the Lords, for his reasonable suit, and is promised a speedy resolution.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 99.)
Thomas, Lord Grey, to Ralph Winwood.
[1604]. Honourable Ridolfo, the God of Heaven contrary to all hope hath yet drawn out my thread, I hope to his own, my country and Prince's service. Our restraint continues still very strait, but time I doubt not will wear it. In the mean[time], no one accident hath so much grieved me as this of Vere, that he should forsake the Low Country employment, when my misfortune hath made me so incapable. Yet though this untimely frost hath nipped my hopes even in the bud, such a serenity may ensue as may recover and increase them, for we see often backward springs prove fruitful years; yet have through my whole life so deeply tasted the vanity of hope, that I can no more be beguiled but rest prepared to lay hold on occasion, whereof though I fail, mine own temper shall make my satisfaction. I understand by my cousin Briges how favourable his Excellency and Barnavile were to me, which I assure myself was not hindered by my good friends, who I doubt not will still, as they may with their own duty, continue me their good favours. Might you in a letter to Captain Brett give me but some light how the Low Countries stand and whether there be any hope of their subsisting without England and how France works on these occasions, the work were meritorious. This bearer, my page, I have recommended unto Ned Cesill; I beseech you honour him with your favour.—Undated.
Addressed: "To my very loving friend Mr. Winwood, Agent for his Majesty in the Low Countries."
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (105. 19.)
Thomas, Lord Grey, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. I crave pardon if with a curious eye I survey mine own dangers, and rather endure censure of my frequent solicitations than cast off my languishing hopes to the violence of surges, which cannot but overwhelm me. I have had the honour, my Lord, to know you long, and while I was in place studied you more than man that lived, yet never found you forward to blow your friends with unreasonable hopes, nor faint in prosecution of your own encouragements. I should hold myself happy if time might make a demonstration to the world that those vain spirits are breathed out and spent that disaffected myself; nay, that I have utterly thrown from me all desire to intermeddle in public or private here in England till time have buried my offence and by long proof manifested a regenerate man. Therefore my suit is to be confined to any part of Christendom farthest off and least suspected to this Crown, where if ever upon probable cause I grow suspected let my posterity and name (a pledge more than sufficient) be stained with eternal infamy: a suit not only free from all suspicion to the state (in so unmoved a peace and firm correspondency with all Christian princes) but just out of equality of punishment with all those that received judgment for the same offence, which yet compared with others deserves compassion; and most agreeable to the remnant of my estate, which abroad will serve in better sort than at home. This as I move only to you and your friends (for from others I will starve rather than expect) so do I from you and them only attend succour.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 2¼ pp. (106. 119.)
Thomas, Lord Grey, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. A kind friend hath delivered me a letter unto the King, who I am assured will refer his resolution unto your counsel. The misery I have endured hath been very great and fully taught me the error and folly of my proud youth. If now reclaimed in mind and somewhat more able to discern I might be received into your favour I should esteem my past correction a blessing of God Who hath made me thereby both know myself and the virtue of worthy friends.
PS.—Pity my sore imprisonment which hath utterly decayed my body: and direct me how to wind me out of this labyrinth of misery, for you only can do it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (106. 121.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. I understand by your favourable answer to this bearer how much I am bound to you; beseeching you to believe however I am the most unfortunate, yet will I never be second to the most faithful of your friends. It is true that it is but a poor and dead faith that vaunts of will but hath no power to work: but even so it agrees with my estate, corrupted and dead out of offence, from whence nothing can be reflected that will please, but if revived by grace, yet are not my natural faculties so corrupted that the perfection of my will might not avow service worthy of your command.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (106. 122.)
The Same to the Earl of Devonshire.
[1604]. Begs Devonshire's consideration of his past miseries, and of this greater, which he must perpetually endure in this desperate imprisonment (far worse than death to one of his age) if the King, out of the same mercy whereby he gave him his life, apply not some speedy remedy. Prays Devonshire to join the rest of his friends in obtaining favour. Aims only at any remove from this hopeless place, with such restraint as may give the King best trial of his life and humour, whether there remain in him any seed unnatural or disaffected to his blessed government.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lord Grey from the Tower, 1604." 1 p. (107. 151.)
Sir John Harington.
[? 1604]. Draft letters patent to the Lords of the Starchamber as to the cause between Edward Rogers, sheriff of Somerset, against Sir John Harington, heard on Friday last, but the sentence respited and the cause referred to the arbitrament of the Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord Knowls, Lord Wotton, Justice Fennor and Justice Yelverton. As the parties are so near allied, and at the suit of Lady Harington, sole sister of the plaintiff, the King's will is that the arbitrament shall be speedily proceeded in, with all regard to preserve brotherly love and amity, and to no prejudice to Lady Harington or her eldest son.—Undated.
1 p. (187. 140.)
Christophe de Harlay, French Ambassador, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. It was not my intention to withdraw my promise from your hands for they are too sure for me; but the doubt I have that the King my master will be irritated with what has passed on the part of the Spanish commissioners makes me fear that it may not be permitted to me to-day to oblige him with what I had proposed to myself to do with respect to the King of England and the fulfilment of a treaty which has been entered upon. I await his letters and I hope that the Spanish Ambassador will acquaint you with his, and upon that we will both order ourselves. For the rest, I owe so much to your friendship and favours that though I should labour all my life to prove it, I could never do it as I would wish. Therefore I pray you pardon me if my heart wants some slight proof of its good will to offer you.
PS. I am still retained to-day in this town. If you hear of anything that I ought to know, please advise me by one of yours.—Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (108. 93.)
Stephen de Harristegni and John de Harranedar of St. John de Luze in France, to the King.
[? 1604]. Upon divers petitions heretofore exhibited by the ambassador of France in their behalf concerning their great losses by a spoil committed upon a ship and goods by one Captain Thomasin and his company, for whom Sir Robert Basset, knight, became surety. Basset was by his Majesty's commissioners condemned in 1500l., to be paid by the Lady Basset. Now this lady says that she is unable to satisfy the said debt, alleging that all Sir Robert Basset's land is extended upon by two general statutes, one of them by the High Treasurer of England, and the other by Mr. John Drake, high sheriff of Devonshire, and one Mr. Poole. Pray that his Majesty would order that the said parties may certify whether the lands be extended or not and for what cause, and if they be not, then to grant a proclamation against Sir Robert Basset.—Undated.
Unsigned. 1 p. (197. 1.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 184.]
Sir Richard Hawkyns to Sir Julius Caesar.
[1604]. This bearer Robert Luff is a petitioner to the King for recompense of his suffering in his imprisonment in Spain, which was miserable. He has entreated me to certify the same to you, for I was an eye witness and a partner in his calamity, which took end with him, having passed a grievous torment with valour, by which he deserved well; and I would be glad there might be regard had of him, the sooner by your favour.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Richard Hawkyns testimony of Captain Luffe. 1604." ½ p. (108. 104.)
Sir Philip Herbert.
[1604]. Schedule of lands and valuations for Sir Philip Herbert. Comprises the lordship of Denbigh; manor of Somersam, Cambs.; manor of Aston (sic) and Stoell, Wilts; manors of Oteford, Tenham, Oer and Dean, Kent.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (108. 106.)
Sir Philip Herbert to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. If you were as subject to evil weather and worse ways as we are, you would not be so pleasant with your poor friends that desire nothing more than to serve you: so much for your Welch interpreter. For the rest, that I am your nephew and a married man, there is nothing under heaven that I joy so much in, and I hope ere long some good occasion will send me to wait on you very shortly, when your niece shall thank you for us both.—Finshingbrooke (sic), Wensday night.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Sr. Philip Herbert to my Lo. from Royston [struck through] Hinchingbrooke." 1 p. (189. 127.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Pardon me for not writing all this while, for since the King's coming hither he has never been within the doors till this day. I have according to your directions showed the King the paper which you enclosed, and he is wonderful glad to hear of it, and has willed Sir Roger Aston to go to the Tower himself and give directions for them. The King is very well, but only his cold is not quite gone from him, but he is very much better than when he went from you. He is going to-morrow morning to Newmarket.—Roiston, Sunday night.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 128.)
Sir Philip Herbert.
[1604]. The lands in Sheppy, estimated at 1,120l., are found by inquisition at the yearly value of 923l. Towards this the King's present rents there, per annum 554l. 8s. 2d.: Sir Edward Hobie's improvements, per annum, 210l.: fee farm rents during the leases in Sheppy, 158l. 12s. 10d. more: Sir Philip has lands in Wiltshire per annum, 80l.; Total 1003l. 1s. 0d. So remains to make up the value of 1200l. 197l.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 129.)
[See the letter above (p. 432) of the Earl of Dorset to Herbert.]
The Earl of Hertford.
[1604]. Persons considerable for delegates in the commission of appeal of the Earl of Hartforde. (1) Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury; (2) Thomas Egerton, knight, Lord Ellesmere, Chancellor of England; (3) Thomas, Earl of Dorset, Treasurer of England; (4) Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain; (5) Henry, Earl of Northampton, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports; (6) Robert, Lord Cecil, Viscount Cranborne, the king's principal Secretary; (7) Richard, Bishop of London; (8) John Popeham, knight, Chief Justice of pleas to be holden before the King and one of the King's privy council; (9) John Fortescue, knight, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; (10) Thomas Flemminge, knight, Chief Baron of the Exchequer; (11) Thomas Walmeslye, knight, one of the justices for Common Pleas; (12) Julius Caesar, knight, master of the Requests and judge or president of the High Court of Admiralty of England; (13) Roger Wilbraham, knight, one of the masters of the Requests; (14) John Bennett, knight, doctor of laws and guardian surrogate of the prerogative court of Canterbury; (15) Matthew Carew, knight, doctor of laws and one of the masters of the Chancery; (16) — Nevill, S.T.P., dean of the cathedral church of Canterbury; (17) — Andrewes, S.T.P. dean of the church of Westminster; (17) — Ridley, doctor of laws and principal official of the episcopal consistory of Winchester; (18) — Amye, doctor of laws and one of the masters of the Chancery. (19) — Legg, doctor of laws and one of the masters of the Chancery; (20) — Weald, doctor of laws and principal official of the episcopal consistory of Worcester. (Latin.)
Reasons of exceptions against these civilians.
Sir Daniel Dunne married Doctor Awbreye's daughter and was with him jointly employed in council for the Earl of Hertford.
Sir Richard Swayle was privately used in the same case.
Sir Edward Stanhope was committed being privy to the close carriage of the appeal and is near in blood to the Earl of Hertford.
Endorsed (by Cranborne): "Lord Mowntegle." 1 p. (97. 80.)
Sir G. Hervy, Lieutenant of the Tower, to [Lord Cecil (or Cranborne)].
[1604]. It appeareth by my books of allowances remaining of record in his Majesty's Exchequer, that for the diet of a baron I have been allowed weekly 8l.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." Slip. (97. 125.)
Sir Edward Hoby to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1604]. There is an old proverb, "A man's heart is upon his halfpenny." Since I saw your lordship, it is told me that the marriage is presently to be done. If need shall be of my attendance before, in respect that the King may pass his assurance before, I will stay and not go down; if otherwise, I will gladly be a countryman. I am bold to ask counsel of you, as one in whom you have interest in all service and love, and so at midnight I take my leave.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed in a later hand: "before Jan. 1604." ½ p. (103. 98.)
William Holliday to the Same.
[1604]. In consideration of his employment into Spain and Portugal for 18 months at his own costs, and also of his services to the late Queen, touching the contractors for the apparelling of the forces, begs for a place or office in these Customs causes.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 111.)
The Hudleston Family.
[1604]. Brief of the cause between John Delabere, plaintiff, and William Hudleston and others, defendants, who are charged with forgery and publication of a deed of conveyance, pretended to be executed by Sir John Hudleston upon the marriage of his son and heir Anthony. Genealogical notes showing the descent of the Hudleston family. Lands mentioned are Kirksanton, Saterton and Ulfay; Millam in Cumberland; manors of Gotherston and Baynton, Yorks.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (108. 113.)
Import Licence.
[? 1604]. Giving permission to a trader (unnamed) to import from the Low Countries a golden shield set with diamonds and precious stones of great value, to sell for his profit where he shall choose, with leave to travel with a servant as he may think fit.—Undated.
Copy, signed: Agnolo d'Ambo. French. Endorsed in a late hand: "about 1604." 1 p. (109. 7.)
The King's Revenue in Ireland.
[? 1604]. Particulars to be considered of by the Lords, abstracted out of the collections sent out of Ireland for the increase of his Majesty's revenues.
Imposition on goods imported or exported by such as claim to be free of poundage. The licence for exportation of yarn to be compounded for and resumed. Imposition on rawhides. Licences for transporting corn to be converted to the King's benefit. Imposition on pipestaves. Lease of the custom upon foreign vessels coming to fish to be resumed; also the leases of the great customs to the towns of Galway, Dundalk and Carrickfergus; also Lord Haye's lease of the impost. Licences to draw wines to be let to farm. Licences for making aquavite to be resumed. Licences to sell tobacco to be granted. Imposition upon tobacco. Selling of ale to be farmed. Licences of aulnage or measuring of cloth. Measuring of salt is already set for 40l. a year. Aids for making the Prince Knight, and for marrying the King's eldest daughter. Wardships, the profits whereof have ever been taken by the Deputies. Some man to be countenanced there, as Tipper in England, for discovery of titles. The King's claim to sundry countries in Ireland. Profits of the seals in the Courts of the Bench and Common Pleas have been usurped from the King by the Chief Justices. Penal laws to be put in execution.—Undated.
pp. (130. 147.)
Captain Thomas Jackson to the Council.
[1604]. He is deprived of his former promises of relief; is the only Berwick man unprovided for; and is left destitute. Sends the enclosed, not to publish the same disgracefully, but because he has no other means to save his reputation, and that they may rightly understand "his" [Lord Hunsdon's] injurious dealings with his country, his father, and his friend. If the Council for some secret causes propose to punish him, will dutifully yield himself.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 125.)
The Enclosure:
T. Jackson to Sir John Cary.—Denounces Cary at great length, and in violent terms, for his having opposed his appointment to some particular garrison, contrary to the desire of Cary's dead father. Speaks of Cary's tyranny, oppression and calumny, which have deprived him of reputation and means of maintenance. Challenges him to appoint time, place and weapons, and the quality of the person he will bring with him; and he will attend him, and make an end of former wrongs and disgraces.—Undated. [? May 1603: see Part XV, p. 117.]
Copy in Jackson's hand, endorsed by him: "My last letter to Sir Jo. Carye." 1 p. (108. 124.)
The Same to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. He patiently attends what the Council purpose to determine of him, in recompense of his services in the field, and in satisfaction of his great wrongs. Vindicates himself from the imputations that he intended Lord Hunsdon's disgrace, and sought to teach the Council in their designs for Berwick, and to be a counsellor among them. His "Apologie for Berwicke" will witness the same, which he begs Cranborne carefully to peruse. Regrets that he has drawn on himself the Council's displeasure by the indiscreet seeking satisfaction of his wrongs, but hopes that as he has felt the power of their displeasure, he may taste the sweetness of their mercy.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 126.)
Jehan Jacobs, merchant of Bruges, to the King.
[? 1604]. On his last voyage he lodged with François Cabillau, at the "Chapeau Rouge" in Bottolph Lane. After supper, overtaken with wine, he talked with his host of religion, defending his own as a Catholic, and blaming others. He has but a confused memory of it, and has no recollection of touching the person of his Majesty. In consequence of this dispute he left Cabillau's and went to another lodging in Fanchurch Street; whereupon Cabillau, offended thereat, accused him before Sir Thomas Bennett of scandalous talk on religious matters, and of saying that those Kings only who are recognised by the Pope are true ones. He was thereupon put in prison and examined by Bennett, who paid no attention to his explanation. Now moved by repentance he begs for pardon and liberty.— Undated.
Petition. French. Endorsed: "Requeste de Jehan Jacobs, marchand de Bruges, prisonnier a Neewgate." 1½ pp. (130. 146.)
Interrogatories for Jesuits and Seminary Priests.
[1604]. Minute to the Lord Warden and others, to take measures for the apprehension and examination of suspected persons, Jesuits, and seminary priests landing at the English ports. It is to be demanded what their true names are, how long they have been beyond the seas, in what seminary or college, what exhibition they have had from hence, or otherwise, from whom and by what means, at what port they took shipping, where they went from hence, by whose means were they conveyed over, whether they have taken any degrees (if they be scholars), or what pension; if they have followed the service of the wars what moved them to repair hither in so great numbers, and to what places they meant to resort, with other questions concerning their duty and allegiance to his Majesty; and how they would behave themselves for their temporal obedience, if the land should be invaded by the authority of the Pope.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604. Minute from the King to the Lo. Warden for the examining of all such suspected persons as shall land in any of the ports." 7½ pp. (109. 92.)
Edw. Jones to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Presses his suit for Sir Thomas Smith's place. He leaves it to Cranborne whether Smith shall resign to him, or he be admitted extraordinary.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 128.)
Edw. Jones to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Of his suit for Sir Thomas Smith's place. Understands by Lord Davers and Lord Monteagle that he should satisfy Cranborne that he is free from dependence on any man that might keep him from being wholly Cranborne's. As for the Earl of Northumberland, he is unknown to him. Had only to do with Lord Sidney through a lease in Kent, wherein Sidney dealt so hardly with him that he made him leave the country. Details the bad usage he has received from a third party alluded to. He desires to depend on Cranborne only. The place is of small profit, yet the price will be very dear to him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 129.)
Elizabeth, Lady Kennedy, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Commits her unfortunate estate to him. Craves his letter to Mr. Vanlor, who has promised, if he receives it, to set her free; also that Cranborne will give his word to Vanlor that she will truly pay her agreement to the latter, which is 600l. in 3½ years. Offers to give a sufficient safeguard.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 130.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. I am here to represent back to your hands, and the rest of those Lords, these engagements whereby you have honoured me with your good opinion, by which I have received much commodity in my injurious troubles so maliciously imposed upon me; which and all other favours I acknowledge with a grateful heart.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 131.)
[Viscount Cranborne and the Lord Chancellor] to [Lady Kennedy].
[1604]. They have endeavoured to compound the differences between her and Lord Chandos, to prevent the prejudice to a noble house by their divisions. It troubles them, after so many meetings, and orders given, that any cross should grow. Being informed that after long delay, and money received from Lord Chandos, she stands upon things contrary to the agreement, they advertise her thereof, to the end they may receive such information as will give them ground to judge what is fit for them to do. As they receive little satisfaction by hearing her apart, they propose a meeting between her and Lord Chandos at the Lord Chancellor's, to take a course that may consummate the former agreement, or else put the cause to judicial trial.— Undated.
Draft, in hand of Cranborne's secretary. Endorsed: "to the Lady Kenneday concerning the business between the Lord Chandois. 1604." 1½ pp. (108. 132.)
[? 1604]. List of borough holders, of certain boroughs of Cobham and other places, Kent.—Undated.
12 papers. (213. 93.)
Inhabitants of Kingston-upon-Hull to Viscount Cranborne, High Steward of that Town.
[1604]. In May 1599 their ships and goods were taken from them by the King of Denmark and his brother the Duke of Holst, here present, to the value of 9,000l., for which they have been suitors five years. They beg Cranborne's furtherance of their suit.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 131.)
[1604]. Blank form for document conferring knighthood on some person and his son, both unnamed.
Endorsed: "1604, For Mr. Bar." 2 pp. (189. 59.)
Lord Knollys to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Having received a letter from my brother Leighton, signifying that the Procurer of the Isle of Guernsey is now come, and ready to inform my Lords of the seditious courses of some evil disposed persons to incite the people to all disobedience of the Governor and Jurats there, and consequently of the King, I entreat you to give hearing in a Council day to this cause, the same being a matter of state, and may be of great consequence if it be not speedily looked unto. My brother Leighton exhibited a petition to this end, which was not read whilst I was there. The cause would require some speedy redress, and the Procurer, with the greatest delinquent in that kind, being ready to attend, the matter may be heard and determined. I hold it worthy the hearing of the whole Council, lest the disorder grow there greater than will easily be remedied. I the rather write you because those offenders which were reprehended at the Council table and carried the Lords' letters into Guernsey, have publicly reported there that you appointed Eleazer Merchant, the chiefest striver of this sedition, to be one of the procurers for the people, which I know to be most false, and were most unfit; so as that untruth much aggravates their fault. The particulars I leave to the Procurer. If a poor country may be beholding to you for some news of Court, it cannot but be very welcome.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 133.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. The barrenness of this place can afford nothing worthy your ears, being filled with oracles from the best wisdom from the wise, and sometime recreative speech from the fair enchanters of the world. Touching the Union, we here are only passive, and you Commissioners active; I pray you may so unite outwardly as you do not disunite hearts. Your news of the King being well is to me most pleasing, and if ever I shall in anything dissent from his Majesty's opinion, it will proceed from my great love to him, being most devoted to his service. Touching your wish of a young wife, I must confess that to be worn with years is more unfit for that action than with papers, so as my old wife being of the proof, I must conclude a young to be fitter for you, whose pen is ever readier than your paper. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 134.)
"Names of Lawyers."
[? 1604]. "Grays Inn: Mr. John Brograve Mr. Roger Wilbraham. Middle Temple: Mr. John Boyes, Mr. Richard Daston. Inner Temple: Mr. Richard Tredwaye, Mr. George Wylde. Lincoln's Inn: Mr. John Tyndall. Added in Cranborne's hand: Grays Inn: Ed. Pooley, Ed. Pelham, Mr. Recorder, Mr. Coventree."
1 p. (2188.)
The River Lea.
[1604]. "For the preservation of the game of hawking upon the river Lee." Proposal to "your Honour" [Cranborne] to depute Sir Edward Denny, Sir Robert Wroth, Thomas Dacres, Israel Amias, Sir Thomas Sadler, Sir H. Fanshaw and Sir Rol. Litton, to preserve certain districts of the river. "Your Honour hath swans upon the whole river to Luton."—Undated.
Endorsed:—"1604." 1 p. (206. 14.)
Instructions for the Duke of Lennox.
[Undated (fn. 4) ].—"A copy of the instructions given by his Majesty to the Duke of Lennox his ambassador for France, written in French, thus put in Scottish."
1. First after that you come to our brother of France with our ordinary ambassador, show him our great commission under our seal and hand, then deliver to him our other letters privy; make our brother acquainted from us with the lets and stays which hath stayed us these many times from sending one of our subjects to France as ambassador; first the great troubles and wars that the country was in at his first coming to the crown; show him also after that he had settled France the disaster of Gawris (Gowry's) conspiracy troubled us mightily at home, that we would not hazard our nobles abroad from about our person. Tell him also that our meaning was this last harvest to have performed that which we now go about if the wars of Savoy and his "lat marit quein" had not moved us to leave it off till now.
2. You shall also congratulate the new alliance twixt the honourable house of France and Medicis.
3. You shall labour to renew the old league 'twixt Scotland and France and to have the liberties of both the countrymen preserved (as was in the beginning) in both the countries.
4. That you pretermit not to have the garde de corps (which is of my subjects) reformed and purged from all things which may either breed discontent to our brother or discredit to our self; and if there be anything omitted on our brother's part labour to have it amended.
5. That you in our name seek to have the companies of gens d'armes due to the Prince of Scotland, now restored to him, and that we authorise you our ambassador to have the command thereof under him.
6. To deal with our brother for the restoration of the Duchy of Chateau le Roy [Chateauherault] to the Marquis of Hamilton as due to him, left and "win" to him by his ancestors, our dutiful subjects, for service done to the crown of France.
Underwritten: "Sic subscribitur, Jaques R."
Endorsed: "Copye of the Duke of Lenox Instructions." 1 p. (29. 83.)
Captains Christofer Levens and Barnabe Ryche to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. As you have called in question the matter informed by us against Gosnall: besides Gosnall himself there were seven persons present when he vented his treasons. The one Bowyer Worsely his companion, at whose house he lodges. Worsely will rather say to help than hurt him. The other six are all to testify against him. Mr. Denys has freely confessed, as well what Gosnall avouched, as what himself replied. How he may be wrought since we know not, for Gosnall is a great commander in the Isle of Wight, in the King's pay. Hollys is so silly that he is not able to deliver the very words as he heard them, yet his simplicity is a good subject to bolt out the truth. For ourselves, you have already heard what we have avowed, and what we are ready further to approve. For the two women, the one who especially opposed herself to defend the honour of the King is fitter to deliver a truth than she to whom the circumstances of the whole were by Gosnall so maliciously objected. There are exceptions taken upon a quarrel about a kiss. She never saw Gosnall before that day nor since; yet at divers times when she came out of her chamber to sit down, she entertained both Gosnall and Worsely with each of them a kiss. Here was then no show of quarrel yet. Now afterwards if, in finding herself discontented with Gosnall for his traitorous demeanour towards the King, she denied him another kiss for a farewell, is her testimony thereof the worse because she has shown her dutiful affection to her Prince? For the other gentlewoman, if the whole course of her life be examined, she shall be found honest, and of as worshipful parentage as any other in the Isle of Wight. If all this will not serve to convince a traitor, God save the King, and send him long to reign over us; for men shall show more wit to pray for him in secret than openly to detect any treason conspired against him.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 138.)
[See above, pp. 319–322.]
[Sir James Ley (fn. 5) ] to [Viscount Cranborne ?].
[1604]. Begs for allowance of such money for transportation as was lately allowed to Sir Edmond Pelham, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, with some increase on account of his being forced to transport all manner of household stuff, which but for the sickness he might have provided there. Also that 20l. yearly be allowed him for his house, and portcorn, beef and other provision, as the other Chief Justice, Chief Baron and Master of the Rolls are allowed. Also for warrant for carriages, post horses, and pressing of a barque, to transport himself and his stuff.—Undated.
Memorandum. Endorsed: "1604. Sir James Ley." ½ p. (108. 138.)
Henry Lok to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. He has petitioned the King, laying open his many years service to the late Queen, and his travels for the common good, to the decay of his estate; and craving relief and employment. His petition is referred to Cranborne. "Take notice of my loyal service to her Majesty and of more than suspect of my courses tending to his Highness respect; which from my first entrance into Scotland was noted in my proceedings there observed in my regard of foreign affairs concerning his Majesty practised, and by letters out of Scotland (written as you know by George Nicolson of my reconcilement and grace with his Majesty) discovered: to my great peril if you had not favourably interpreted the same."—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 139.)
Sir Griffin Markham.
[? 1604]. Draft of a pardon to be granted to Sir Griffith Markham "of all such treasons and offences by him committed for which he standeth convicted and attainted."
Subscribed by Sir Edw. Coke as done upon signification by the Privy Council of his Majesty's pleasure.
Unsigned bill. Latin. Parchment. (222. 12.)
Joseph Maye to the King.
[1604]. Of his 14 years' services as captain by sea and land, in recompense whereof he prays for grant of the forfeited bonds lying in the Court of Wards of John Kelligreye of Cornwall of a debt of 300l., unlikely ever to be recovered by reason of Kelligrey's decayed estate and present imprisonment. Kelligrey is willing he should petition for the bonds.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 141.)
Sir Thomas Monson.
[1604]. Application on behalf of Sir Thomas Monson, for the establishment of an office of Surveyorship of the goods and chattels of all felons, and all that fly, or against whom any exigent shall be awarded for felony; also of all heriots due to the King; stating the terms on which Monson desires the patent of the Office.—Undated.
Note at foot that it is the King's pleasure Monson shall have a patent of the premisses, if it be found convenient.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 145.)
The state of Mrs. Moore's cause.
[1604]. Widow of John Moore, customer of the port of London, who died April 1603 indebted to the King 24,000l. for which debt all his property was seized. She is now molested by William Beswick under colour of a sale of part of the lands.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (2481.)
Richard Mu[rray] to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. To refuse Cranborne's offer may be taken in evil part: in accepting, he fears it will prejudice himself. If Cranborne will promise his furtherance to any preferment that may equal or surpass his former interest, he will gladly accept Cranborne's benevolence. The Lord of Berwick will esteem it a singular pleasure, seeing Berwick moved him to surrender all to Cranborne's good will. Sinister information is conceived of him that he should aim at too high preferment; but having spent time and means in following learning, he hopes it is no presumption to aim at either a parsonage or deanery. He has been 8 years Master of Art, most of which was employed in the College of Edinburgh in the exercises of divinity, and these 4 years past he has preached publicly before royal, noble and learned auditors. He did not turn his back on his kindred and country for any common preferment, or doubt some hope of advancement, but upon certain assurance of his Majesty's favour.—Westminster.—Undated.
Holograph. Damaged. Endorsed: "Mr. Murrey." 2 pp. (108. 146.)
The Netherlands.
Prisoners taken between Damme and Sluys.
[1604]. "Luys de Galange, del tercio de Don Inigo de Borja. Martin Casabianca, del tercio del Marques de Spinola. Augustin Spinola idem. Carolo Stango, del tercio del cavaillero Mels. Francisco Martin d'Aquila, de Don Inigo de Borja. Juan Ruys Cortasse, idem. Hans Mosch, van Grave Frederijks regiment. Juan Gonçales, del tercio de Don Albare. Gaspar de Sofa, del tercio de Don Juan de Menoze. Antonio Chouel de Victoria, Capn. Reformado.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604. The names of the principal prisoners taken at the defeat upon the passage twixt Damme and Sluce." ½ p. (189. 108.)
The Netherlands.
Treaty of Peace and Commerce between the United Provinces and the Spanish King and Archdukes.
[1604 or later]. First article: Les manans et habitans des Provinces Unies useront et jouiront par tout des francises, privileges et immunitez dont les manans et habitans des Pays Bas ont jouis devant la presente guerre aux respectives Royaulmes, pays, villes, havres, rades, et isles dudit Roy et tous placeats de contrebands, faitz durant ceste guerre esdits Royaulmes et pays, contre les manans et habitans des Provinces Unies, et de ceulx qui ont traicte avecq eulx ensemble toutes accusations, actions, cautions et poursuites par justice entammees pour ceste cause (qui sont encor indictz ou non executez) se aneantisent par ce present traicte; et les subjects dudit Roi jouiront de mesme de tout par toutes les Provinces Unies.
Article 3 assures to the inhabitants of the United Provinces certain like liberties "qui sont conditionnes pour les subjects du Roy de la Grande Bretaigne tant par le traicte de paix de l'an 1604 que les articles qui ont aussy este signez par le Connestable de Castille."
Article 10 refers to the towns of Bergen-op-Zoom, Willemstadt et l'Escluse.
By article 12 the Seigneurs Archiducs undertake to procure the adhesion of the Etats Generaux des Provinces des Pays Bas to this treaty.
13 articles in all.—Undated.
Contemporary copy. Much damaged. 8 pp. (206. 17.)
Edmond Nevill to the King.
[1604]. Is cousin and next heir of Raphe Nevill, late Earl of Westmorland. Prays that the title may be conferred on him: there being no pretended impediment but by colour of the attainder of the late Earl Charles of Westmorland, the corruption of whose blood can be no impediment, he being but half blood to Charles. Otherwise prays that his claim may be heard by the peers, and that he may be restored to the entailed possessions: or that the matter may be referred to some of the Council.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 142.)
[See Calendar of S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 275.]
[c. 1604]. Pamphlet in form of question and answer in justification of nonconformity to the English Church.
Notes by Cranborne. Endorsed: "A book sent up by the Lord Spencer." 13 pp. (144. 229.)
J. Norden to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. He defends himself from having given just cause of offence. His service endeavoured at Brigstock (Northampton) may be some blemish to his skill, but not to his desire to serve Cranborne. The time of the travail was enemy to the view, being hindered with the snow; and he had obstacles from those who feared the sequel should fall out unprofitable to themselves. Desires to countervail the same by some better service. Speaks of Lord Burghley's good liking of his travails. As for his present suit, he had long been recompensed had not Lord Cobham shot at another, and hit him, at the instant when the late Queen was ready to sign a warrant for 30l. a year in reversion. His hope of relief is now at an end by Cranborne's refusal; but he will yet be happy if Cranborne will retain an honourable conceit of him, and not depose him altogether. Prays that he may proceed in the business begun.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (108. 148.)
Norham Castle.
[1604]. Reasons that the bill for Norham Castle should pass. The Castle has long been in the possession of the crown, and neither this present Bishop nor any of his predecessors had one penny profit of it. Queen Elizabeth granted it to Sir Robert Carye.
The Lord Treasurer of Scotland bought Sir Robert Carye's estate and paid him 6,000l. for it, and took letters patent also from the King, but was advised because it was sometime parcel of possessions of the Bishop of Durham, to take a grant or confirmation of the Bishop, albeit the castle was ever excepted out of the restitutions made to the Bishop's predecessors.
His Majesty upon suit by Sir George Howme and informing him that bishops had liberty by the statute made 1 Eliz. to convey these possessions to the king, condescended thereunto, and wrote to the Bishop of Durham, upon which the Bishop confirmed it. The bill had great applause in the Upper House, and so it is hoped to have in the Common House.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604." Imperfect. 1 p. (109. 78.) [See p. 78 supra.]
The Earl of Nottingham to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. With an enclosure. Acknowledges Cranborne's exceeding great favours. If it pleases God to make him return, if his person be not in all sorts as it has been, yet his heart and prayers will wish Cranborne as well as any man that lives.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. L. Admiral." ½ p. (108. 154.)
The Earl of Nottingham to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. I have moved my Lord Treasurer to be at the hearing of the cause between my Lady Rawly and myself, for it concerns his Majesty, in whose right I hold it by my grant. His lordship will be at the hearing, but desires it may be in the forenoon, for in the morning he is to hear Sir Thomas Knevet and the Goldsmiths at his house. I will give you thanks to-morrow for your favour to my wife.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Lord Admiral." 1 p. (108. 156.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. The bearer, his servant, holds 10 acres of land belonging to the Stewardship of Greenwich, and as the same is assigned over to Cranborne, he must surrender the land to him at Michaelmas. Requests that he may be continued tenant of the land at the rate he now holds it at.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Lord Admiral." ½ p. (108. 157.)
The Same to [the Same].
[1604]. He sends the bearer to receive the 500l., according to appointment, and also the quittance.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cranborne's secretary: "1604. Lord Admiral to my Lord." ½ p. (108. 158.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. I did think to have asked you of a thing that I hear but do not believe it. I am informed that it is given out that Lord Cobham shall come out of the Tower, and that he has taken a house in the Black Friars, hard by that which was his own house. Of his coming out I pray you let me know if there be any such matter. But the taking of a house I am credibly informed to be true.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Lord Admiral." ½ p. (189. 144.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. I have spoken this morning with Sir R. Lee, who is the greater seller for Gasquen wines of any man in the city. He tells me that there was paid at Bloy and elsewhere in the river of Bourdeous, 7 crowns and a half for every tun: but six years since there was all taken away, saving almost 2 crowns which still remains. So it is not so much as I thought it was. And now we are in wines, I pray you take occasion as soon as you may to remember me, for after the King's grant is passed it will be a long time ere I shall do good to serve my turn.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604. Lord Admiral." 1 p. (189. 145.)
Lady Osborne.
[1604]. The dean and chapter of Westminster at the desire of the late Queen made a lease to her Highness of the rectory of Godmanchester, Huntingdon, for 21 years, to begin after the expiration of a former lease, whereupon was reserved 20l. by year or 40 quarters of malt at their election to be chosen above the old accustomed rent. This lease her Majesty afterwards assigned to Mrs. Hide, now wife of Sir Robert Osborne, having served her Majesty 26 years; for which lease also she gave 200l. to the dean and chapter for a fine. Some questions are now made touching the goodness of the lease and it is desired that it may be confirmed and the assignees enjoy it according to the wish of the late Queen.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604. A memorial for the La. Osborne." 4 pp. (109. 84.)
Siege of Ostend.
1604. Engraving of the Siege of Ostend, with description, by "Florentius Balthazarius Delphensis." 1604.
1 sheet. (237. 52.)
John [Bridges], Bishop of Oxford to the King.
[1604 or later]. Henry VIII founded a bishopric within the University of Oxford, giving the Bishop and his successors a convenient place in the suburbs of Oxford, to be called for ever the mansion house and palace of the Bishop of the See of Oxon. The palace has been detained for divers years from the Bishop, who has no house to dwell in. Begs that what he has begun in the ordinary course of law may receive the King's assistance, and that the King will charge the judges to proceed to speedy trial, so that he may not be delayed by the dilatory courses of his opponents.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (196. 103.)
Sir James Perrot and Thomas Perrot.
[1604]. "The petition of Sir James Perrott, the reputed son of Sir John Perrott, and of Thomas Perrott, pretenders against his Majesty's right to Sir John Perrott's lands."
Sets out the claim of the petitioners under 17 heads, referring in particular to an alleged conveyance by Sir John Perrott, before he was Lord Deputy of Ireland, of all his lands to the now petitioners (amongst others), and to their heirs male, which was once judged good for Sir Thomas Perrot against the late Queen; and to a grant by his Majesty of a pension of 500l. to the Countess of Northumberland [Dorothy, widow of Sir Thomas Perrot]. The rejoinder to each clause appears on the same page.
Copy, unsigned. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 6.)
Memorial of the Plasterers.
[1604]. Protest against the Act proposed on behalf of the painters to prevent plasterers, bricklayers, masons and glaziers from using colour in oil or in size. Points out the inconveniences which would attend its passing.—Undated.
1 p. (197. 44.)
[See Statutes of the Realm, 1 James I, c. 20.]
Sir Walter Ralegh to Levinus [Munck].
[1604]. Sold of late two pieces of ordnance to Mr. Aloblaster, a merchant. Thomas Scott, a broker, made the bargain, who, having got the money sent by Aloblaster into his hands and five pound weight of tobacco promised, has sold the tobacco and retained the money, finding Ralegh now fit for all men to tread on. He means to go away for Spain in Aloblaster's ship, The Prudence of London. Ralegh's suit is for a pursuivant and Cranborne's letter to take him, or his command to the master of the ship not to take him abroad till he has paid Ralegh the money.—Undated.
Addressed: "To my loving friend, Mr. Levinus, or in his absence to Mr. Bruerton, secretary to my Lord of Cranborne."
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (102. 21.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, Vol. II, pp. 305, 306.]
The Same to the Privy Council.
[? 1604]. It pleased them to write for the stay of the sale of such poor stuff as remains in his house at Sherborne. Understands that the commissioners go on for the finding of all lands. As his conveyance is here in London in the custody of his servant John Wood, victualler for the province of Munster, who is now at the Baths, prays their letters to Mr. Serjeant Phillips and the rest to put off the execution of their commission for some eight or ten days. He had rather be bound to the King for those lands than hold them by any other strength of law, yet that it may appear that the conveyance was drawn in the late Queen's time, as Mr. Dodrige can witness who drew it and that Ralegh had never any ill intent therein, prays that the same may be perused by the commissioners before they proceed to find the lands by jury one way or other. The whole receipt of those lands with the park and a stock of 400l. in sheep in the park is but one thousand marks, out of which he pays the Bishops of Salisbury for ever 260l. a year, and in fees and pensions wherewith the land is charged, and towards the provision of the King's house, to maimed soldiers and to the poor, above 50l. a year more; so as the clear value is not 400l. with a stock. His charges in this place for diet only are 208l. a year, and if his Majesty allow the rest of this sum to make it 300l. for all other necessaries, there remains not above one hundred marks a year for his poor wife and child and their servants. His debts are above 3,000l., all his goods left in the world are not worth one thousand marks. All his rich hangings he sold to the Lord Admiral for 500l. He had but one rich bed, which he sold Lord Cobham for 300l., all his plate which was very fair is now lost or eaten out with interest at one Chenes in Lombard Street. What he has already lost by Jersey, the Wine Office, the Stannaries, Gillingham and Portland is at least 3,000l. a year. Trusts the King will be merciful to him for the rest, which after the payment of his debts will be but a miserable estate.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (102. 23.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Raleigh, Vol. II, p. 298.]
Sir Walter Ralegh to Viscount Cranborne.
[? 1604]. Beseeches Cranborne to receive the opinions of the Lord Chief Justice and Mr. Attorney for the conveyance. Mr. Dodrige knows it had been sealed almost two years ere the Queen died if the feoffees had not been so far asunder. At that time when it was done Sir A. Brett was the sole cause in respect of Ralegh's quarrels with Gorge and Preston. If they judge fraud, God judge them with more grace. It seems to Ralegh that his Majesty promised to leave him what was left. Had this much cause to hope for, the rather because his lordship told him at Winchester he was sorry he had resigned Jersey.— Undated.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (102. 24.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, Vol. II, pp. 311–313.]
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Those seasons which honour and good fortune accompany steal from us unawares. Their times whose days run out in misery draw slowly to their end. Sorrow rides the ass, prosperity the eagle.
That which makes him adventure to beseech Cranborne is the nearness of the term when the King's Counsel in law will be more busied and much dearer; the business intricate and therefore dangerous in a careless hand, for being unpardoned he must wholly trust other men's consciences. Besides he has kept his steward here ever since Cranborne's first comfort given him, a man whom he can better entreat than know how to reward, his own estate requiring his presence more than it does Ralegh's love.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (105. 50.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, Vol. II, p. 316.]
Sir Walter Ralegh and the manor of Sherborne.
[? 1604]. Sir Walter by deed indented between himself of the one part and Sir Arthur Throckmorton and others of the other part, for the advancement of his son and of others of his name and blood, covenants in these words, viz.:—It is now therefore covenanted, granted and fully agreed by and between all the parties unto these present indentures, and the said Sir Walter Ralegh, doth covenant, promise, grant and agree for himself, his heirs [etc.] that he and his heirs and all and every other person and persons and their heirs which now stand or be seised of an estate of inheritance in fee simple of and in the manor of Sherborne, etc. [In margin: (shall and will from henceforth stand and be thereof seised) which words are omitted in the deed.] To the uses, intents, purposes and behoofs in these presents specified, mentioned and declared and to no other use, intent, purpose or behoof. That is to say of and in the said manor and premisses to the use and behoof of the said Sir Walter Ralegh for term of his natural life without impeachment of waste, with divers remainders over.
Copy. Endorsed: "1604," and in Cecil's handwriting: "Sr. W. Ralegh's case. L. Grey. Marble. Spaine." ½ p. (109. 8.)
[Cp. Edwards, Life of Ralegh, Vol. I, p. 469.]
Lady Ralegh to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. As it has pleased Cranborne to be their only comfort in their misfortunes, beseeches him to speak one word to the Lord Admiral not to take from them what his Majesty has given for their relief. Might have hoped that he would rather have given them something back again of this great portion. His lordship has 6,000l. and 3,000l. a year by her husband's fall; and since it pleased God that he should build upon their ruins, the portion is great, and she trusts sufficient out of one poor gentleman's fortune to take all that remains and not to look back before his Majesty's grant, and take from them the debts past, which were stayed from them by a proclamation before Ralegh was suspected of any offence. If the Lord Admiral have no one word in his grant for them, then what neither the King nor conscience has given from them, she trusts he will spare them willingly. Their debts are above 3,000l., and the bread and food taken from her and her children will never augment his table. If Cranborne can persuade him to relinquish either all, or but the half, of that which belongs unto him, they will be more and more bound to him.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604," and with the names of Lady Ralegh and a number of other ladies. 1 p. (190. 6.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, Vol. II, pp. 408, 409.]
[1604]. "The benefit that doth or may accrue to us by these four persons, in regard of their recusancy, we have bestowed upon John Izod, Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber to our Queen: Thomas Wells, William Corham, Richard Brewning, and Thomas Henslow the elder; all in Hampshire."
Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (2303.)
Penelope, Lady Riche, to Mr. Renalls.
[1604]. My old woman Harvy hath a suit to my brother, that is only his letter to my Lord Mayor for a mean place that is fallen in his gift, which she desires for her son White. Let me entreat you to draw a letter and that someone may go if you have no leisure yourself that will be earnest with the Mayor, since it is like he will excuse it, if he can, for some creature of his own.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed (in a late hand): "1604." 1 p. (109. 24.)
Roman Catholics.
1604. Proceedings of the English Catholics abroad. Frequent mention of Hugh Owen, of Brussels.
Endorsed by Cecil (Cranborne?): A discourse of Alyzon brought by Sir Thomas Chaloner."
pp. (140. 180.)
Anthony [Rudd], Bishop of St. Davids, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. As it is supposed that you have conceived displeasure against me (the cause whereof is unknown to me), I beseech you to appoint a time and place when and where I may attend to hear the reasons of your dislike; and if I do not clear myself in convenient manner I will make my submission in dutiful sort.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (190. 9.)
Old Salisbury.
[? 1604]. 1. 7 Edw. VI. William Farley, bailiff, and the burgesses of the borough of Old Sarum elected James Brend and William Wekeyes, esquires, burgesses for the borough.
3. 2 & 3 Phil. & Mary. John Hooper and other burgesses elected John Marshe, esq., and William Chambers, gentleman.
4. 4 & 5 Ph. & M. John Hooper and William Muggeridge, gentleman, elected Henry Jones, esquire, and Thomas Bateman, gentleman.
2. 1 Mary. By indenture between Edward Barnard, esq., sheriff of Wilts, on the one part and Nicholas Throckmorton, knight, and John Throckmorton, esq., burgesses of the castle of Old Sarum, of the other, we the burgesses elected the said Nicholas and John as our burgesses to appear for us.
5. 1 Eliz. John Ogdene, bailiff, and the burgesses of the borough unanimously elected John Harrington and Henry Harte, esquires, burgesses.
6. 26 Eliz. The burgesses assembled according to the form of divers statutes for the election of two burgesses for the parliament with one voice elected Richard Topcliffe, esq., and Roger Gifford, doctor of medicine.
7. 28 Eliz. By indenture between the burgesses and John Danvers, kt., sheriff of the said county, the burgesses assembled for the election of two burgesses of the parliament to be held at Westminster in October, with one voice elected Edward Barkley and Richard Topcliffe, esquires, burgesses of parliament, and for the borough William Moggeridge and John Hampton.
8. 30 Eliz. Roger Gefford, doctor of physic, and Henry Baynton, esq., elected burgesses of Old Castle or Old Sarum by Anthonie Parry and John Moggricke the younger, gentlemen, free tenants within the said borough.
9. 39 Eliz. William Blacker of New Sarum, gent., and Nicholas Hyde of the Middle Temple, London, gent., elected burgesses for Old Sarum by Anthonie Parry, John Moggeridge and Edward Hooper, gentlemen, to whom the nomination and election of the burgesses for the borough doth appertain.
10. 43 Eliz. Robert Turner and Henry Hide, esquires, elected by Anthonie Parry, John Muggeridge, Edward Hooper and Thomas Eliott, gentlemen, electors.
11. 1 James. By indenture between the burgesses and electors William Ravenscrofte and Edward Leache, esquires, were chosen by William Webb, Edward Hooper, John Myggryge [sic] and Thomas Eliott.
Partly in Latin. Endorsed in a later hand: "1603," corrected to "1604." 1½ pp. (109. 83.)
[Cp. the document printed in Vol. XV, p. 386.]
Henry Saunders to [? Lord Cecil or Cranborne].
[1604]. Since his being last with his lordship he has given him the names of three manors wherein were hope to find some concealment. These manors lie all in one county, and within the survey of the Duchy. Hopes out of them there may be something got towards his relief. When Sir Thomas Heanege was Chancellor of the Duchy there was a grant out for some of these lands. Afterwards his lordship, being Chancellor, gave his grant for some parcels of them to [? Cranborne's] messengers, who, not knowing what to do therein, left it uneffected. Mr. Tipper's grant is no hindrance thereto, forasmuch as no man can have more than he can find.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (109. 29.)
Inhabitants of Shrewsbury to Viscount Cranborne.
1604. Beg to be discharged of divers privy seals for loan money, because the town has been for a long time, and yet is, grievously visited with the plague through which their estates are greatly impaired, as Sir Francis Newport, collector of the loan money, has certified to the Council.—1604.
18th cent. copy. 1 p. (249. 204.)
[? 1604]. Engraving of the siege of Sluys, in Holland, with notes in French and Dutch.—Undated.
1 sheet. (237. 47.)
Minute to Sir Thomas Smith.
[1604]. His Majesty finding it convenient to observe the respect towards the Emperor of Muscovy, with which her late Majesty entertained him, considering that confirmation which hath already passed from him in the matter of trade, hath resolved to send an ambassador to that State. Wherein having been informed that your Company are desirous to have some such person chosen as may be likeliest to respect both his Majesty's honour and the good of your trade, without any other private end of his own, of which sort they have especially described you, he hath commanded me to let you know how well it pleased him that they have such a desire, and to declare his opinion so gracious of you as he will take it as an argument of your honest disposition not to refuse that charge; wherein you may be of so great use to the Company, and by consequence a proof of that duty which you owe to his Majesty's service.— Undated.
Draft. 1 p. (109. 39.)
Deposition of George [Lloyd], Bishop of Sodor And Man.
[1604 or earlier]. About 15 days since Captain John Salusbury came to me, willing me to dine with him that day at the Myter, where he took occasion to find great fault with me for making a temporising sermon (as he termed it), saying that Doctor Barloe and myself were damned for being men pleasers; adding further that it were fit to give all men their due. These words were spoken in the presence of Mr. John Owen and one Salusbury, a man unknown to me. This I am ready to depose.— Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (189. 140.)
The Treaty with Spain.
Two papers:—
[1604]. (i) "Faults committed in the writing of the ratification of the Treaty." Note of various small errors in the Latinity, the commissions of the Commissioners, etc.—Undated.
3 pp. (190. 10.)
(ii) "Numbers to come in fine: old, 6s. 8d.; new, 5l.
All that were in at first and all that are now trading merchants shall be admitted. All that will hereafter come in shall be admitted upon reasonable conditions. Orders to be set down.
Such as may trade by the laws of the realm excepting the restraint by the old charter shall be admitted."—Undated.
In hand of Cecil (or Cranbourne). Endorsed: "1604. Merchants of Spain." ½ p. (190. 13.)
Sir Anthony Standen to Viscount Cranborne.
1604. Expresses his acknowledgments to Cranborne for humanely asking his sister Standen what had become of him, which was a comfort to him in his many distresses, and gave him hope that Cranborne's just distaste with him began to overpass. His offence was great to his King, and his penance not inferior to his fault; and he now appeals for the mercy due to his large services. He has been a long waiter at the Lord Treasurer's doors for 445l. due to him about his unlucky Italian voyage; and if his creditors had not been considerate, it would be a miracle that he is free from the Compter. Begs his favour with the Lord Treasurer and also for the allowance of his transportation money. The Earl of Rutland and Estienne le Sieur have had theirs, through Cranborne's ratification.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1½ pp. (109. 14.)
The States General.
[1604]. Memorandum concerning what the States General have written to Heer van Schoneval their agent in England, in favour of Vrouw Glaude van Liedekercke; sent by Heer van Zorbehe.
Endorsed: "Pour Monsieur l'Agent Caron Sr. de Schoneval. Sir Noel Caron."
Dutch, corrupt. 1½ pp. (189. 137.)
Sir Robert Steward to the King.
[1604]. Whereas all the marriages, christenings and burials within the kingdom of England and province of Wales are for the most part entered into loose papers or suchlike scrolls, which by negligence are lost or by extraordinary means detained many times to the overthrow of the King's subjects, and to his Highness's great inconvenience for ward and marriage, which by their negligent care is omitted; he prays a lease for 21 years to receive of each parish yearly 12d. to keep a register book in parchment, within the several dioceses of Canterbury and York, for the yearly entering of all marriages, christenings and burials at his own proper cost and charges.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 49.)
Patrick Strange to [the King].
[? 1604]. Alleging a debt of 300l. due to him from the King of Spain, as appears by his several firms dated at Madrile in 1598; and praying his Majesty to grant him a letter to the King of Spain, and also to commend his suit to the commissioners for English causes.—Undated.
Petition. 1 p. (197. 98.)
The Subsidies.
1604. Taxation of Hertford and Essex for the subsidies. 33 pp. (144. 168.)
Robert, Lord Sydney, to the King.
[1604]. The late Countess of Warwick conveyed to him Alton Woods in Worcester, formerly in the possession of the Earls of Warwick and Leicester, his uncles. In respect thereof and of other lands he is charged with the payment of 2700l. to the King, as for the debt of the said Earls. Details proceedings taken by the late Queen, who claimed the woods, and the judgments obtained. In consideration of his services, he sues that the King will pardon the debt, and grant him the King's remaining right in the woods; or that the King will pardon the debt and bestow upon him 5,000l. in recompense for the woods. —Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (190. 15.)
Two papers:—
1604. (i) Act for the reform of taverns and tippling houses. Draft. 5 pp. (142. 189.)
[1604]. (ii) Proposals for the reform of the system of licensing tavern keepers &c.; for the farm whereof 6,000l. rent may be given.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 60.)
[Juan Taxis], Count of Villa Medina, [Spanish Ambassador], to the King.
[1604]. Recommending as English consuls in Spain the following, viz.—Nicholas Imperial in Alicante, John Peraz Florian in Malaga, Nicholas Orlandiz in Majorca (Mallorque) and the neighbouring islands of Minorca and Iviça.—Undated.
Holograph. French. 1¼ pp. (109. 59.)
Captain Tomkins to the Council.
[1604]. He is already condemned in the opinion of his Prince, the Council, and the State; but begs leave to reply to the accusation of his enemies. After 5 voyages, whereof one of 2 years and 5 months was to the East Indies, he had an Admiralty commission to go for the coast of Spain as captain of a man of war. Lying off the South Cape, he met with 3 of the King's armados, supposed to be part of the West Indies fleet, and kept them company in hope of capture; but they were driven by a violent "povente" into Carthagena, and he was carried by it "high up." He there met divers Venetian ships, which he suffered to pass, showing he had no intent to injure friends of the State. Gives details of a subsequent encounter there with a Venetian ship, which he did not know for such, in which the master of the Venetian was slain, on which the rest of that ship's company rode ashore, leaving no man aboard but "those Jews and Armenians from whom we had the money, and some 8 grummetos and poor sailors"; and his company fell to pillaging before he got to know whence the ship was. The little loss the Venetians received may show how unwilling he was to prejudice them, being said by themselves not to exceed 2,000 crowns: the loss fell heavy only on the Jews and Armenians. To show them respect he delivered the ship and certain goods again to them; reserving only the Jews' and Armenians' goods, which he intended to prove "lawful purchase" in England. His intentions were frustrated through a secret commission given by the owner of his ship to the master and the gunner, to dispossess him of the ship and all prizes, although he was a third part "witler." When he obtained the above goods, this commission was set abroach by the master and gunner not so much to do right to Davis, as to enrich themselves. Details their intrigues against him, and his subsequent return to the Isle of Wight with the ship, where the Commissioners left him so little that he is ashamed to tell it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 2 pp. (190. 18.)
Thomas Warburton to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. Asking for some relief of his poverty caused by a loss of 2,000l. in a lawsuit with his kinsman.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (109. 62.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. To the same effect as above.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (109. 63.)
Thomas Watson.
[? 1604]. The answer of Thomas Watson, agent to Sir George Carey, the King's Treasurer at War in Ireland, and late Master of the Exchange, to the slanderous and untrue petition of Paul Gwin.
Gwin being an ordinary servant to Sir Edward Stafford, having offended his master, very undutifully offered to strike him with his dagger; and then not knowing how to live went to Ireland to Sir Henry Dockwra at Lough Foyle of his own free will, and not by any deceitful enticement from Sir Henry, as is alleged.
After keeping him for three months Sir Henry finding him of a mutinous disposition gave him a horse and 45l. for reward and sent him into England, clearly discharging himself of him. And Sir Henry, being governor of the Forts and confined to reside there, delivered into your Majesty's exchange 84l. of base money of his own proper entertainments and 21l. sterling to receive for the same in England 95l. sterling, according to the proclamation, and sent a bill of exchange in the name of Gwin to Watson for the said money, desiring Gwin in his absence to sign an acquittance for the receipt, under colour whereof Gwin contrary to the trust reposed in him would have deceived Sir Henry of his money; which Watson prevented by acquainting the Lord High Treasurer therewith, who tendering the good service of Sir Henry gave order that the money should be paid to him, and Sir Henry has given a lawful acquittance to the bill as by Mr. Auditor Gofton's certificate appears; with an attestation written by Sir Henry that Gwin would have cozened him of his money being but put in trust in his absence to give an acquittance. The bill was passed in due form in the Exchange according to the tenor of the late Queen's proclamation, and no abuse committed in exhausting her Majesty's Treasury to the sum of 579l. as suggested. Sir Henry was warranted to have exchanged in the time of base money nearly 3,000l. but out of his own regard and by the providence of Sir George he was abridged of two parts of that sum, so that great part of his entertainment in base money yet remains with him at Lough Foyle. Gwin hath now six times complained hereof to your Highness and the Council, to which complaints Sir Henry and Watson have made sufficient answer, as both of your Highness's Masters of Requests can testify, who have heard this cause, who out of charity (Gwin having served Sir Henry and being a poor man) have moved him to bestow some small thing upon him to buy apparel.
Gwin in a spiteful manner speaks of an office that your Highness hath given Watson in the Exchequer for his bad service. Watson has been a faithful servant in the affairs of Ireland under the Treasurer of Wars, accounting for the value of two millions without any complaint, except this, and he was under the Treasurer a means to save 200,000l. by the project of the base money and the exchange, besides discharging the late Queen and your Majesty of 30,000l. due to the army without charging your Majesty's coffers and yet to the content of the Captain.—Undated.
1 p. (91. 11.)
Sir Charles Wilmott to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. By the preciseness of Mr. Watson I am enforced again to speak of my suit as if I had not at all begun it. He denies the payment of my pension, notwithstanding the strong warrant he has by the express words of the patent, that I should be paid quarterly out of such moneys here in England, as was allotted for the payments of the garrisons in Ireland, pretending to have received commandment from your lordship and the rest not to diminish any part of the treasure now going thither. If by your commandment I am not remedied, for the patent is no warrant to pay me in Ireland, and if by prohibition I should not receive it here in England, my labour in the obtaining of it is all lost and the benefit of your bountiful mind taken away.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (105. 44.)
The Enclosure:—Copy of the letters patent dated May. 14, 1604, granting the yearly pension of 250l. sterling amounting to 333l. 6s. 8d. of money current in Ireland to Sir Charles Willmott, knight. 1¼ pp. (105. 44.)
The Same to the Same.
[1604]. Is fearful to press into his lordship's presence with light particular occasions for himself but chooses to trouble him less by writing. Now that he addresses himself for Ireland, prays his lordship's letter to the Deputy there, signifying to him that those commissions Wilmott is to receive from him and the State concerning his government might be given him with favour and during his life; likewise that his lordship will write to the Treasurer that in Wilmott's government of Kerrye he may collect the King's revenues and composition money, to be accountable for it out of his entertainments, and that his company may reside in Kerrye, unless by special commandment upon special service. If any of these favours be accepted, prays they may be referred to the dispatch of Mr. Levinus, his lordship's servant, and before the writer's going.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (105. 45.)
Sir Robert Wingfeilde to the Same.
[1604]. The high price of corn is almost as ill to the poorer sort as the plague, if not worse. He thinks the trouble comes more by the covetousness of the richer sort than by any other cause. Begs Cranborne to renew the printed orders sent down into all countries upon the like occasions in Elizabeth's time, with letters commendatory from the Council. Hears that this last week, at Wisbeach in the Isle of Ely, the people went together by the ears in a tumultuous sort. The peace of Spain, together with some enlargement of transporting, has caused much grain to go out of the countries upon the sea coasts, which now to supply their wants come inland to Leicester, Rutland, Warwick, the west part of Lincolnshire, and Northampton.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (190. 23.)
Edward, Lord Wotton, to Viscount Cranborne.
[1604]. I could not let this bearer, my kinsman, pass without these lines to you, being not a little sorry to hear that your journey to the Bath is stayed, where I hoped you should have found a remedy for your infirmity; which yet is not such but will easily receive care without it.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (190. 24.)
Lord Zouche's Memorial.
[1604]. Statute 34 Hen. 8, Cap. 28 as to the appointment of law officers in Wales. Minor posts in the gift of the Lord President since the Lieutenancy was bestowed upon him. All other places have usually been given by the sovereign, but because the presidents were men of special respect in his favour, they were usually asked of such things as passed within that government.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604. L. Zowch." 1 p. (109. 71.)
— to [Viscount Cranborne].
[1604]. Reasons against granting the suit of Lepton & Primroose for brass and latten halfpence. The mischiefs detailed are those attaching to a debasement of the coinage.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (189. 61.)
— to [? Viscount Cranborne].
[1604]. As to his patent, apparently relating to the Duchy of Lancaster. Has considered the clause of revocation which the Lord Chief Justice advises to be inserted, and finds it so prejudicial to him and so different from late precedents, that he prays his lordship to omit the clause. Details at length his reasons against it. Refers to Sir Henry Bronker's patent.— Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604. L.D." 1 p. (189. 109.)
— to [the Duke of Lennox].
[1604]. Barker and others petitioned the Council concerning their patent of the alnage and subsidy of cloth, granted by the late Queen: pretending that "your Grace" [? Lennox] should wrong them by seeking to overthrow it. The matter was referred to the Lord Chief Justice and the Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. The petitioners importuned to have a judicial hearing, which the judges could not deny: but "we" find the same very prejudicial to your Grace, as it must then be heard in the Exchequer, where the Lord Treasurer is chiefest judge and bears all the sway, and the rest of the judges are directed by him, and there is no question but his lordship will rather maintain than overthrow the patent. Your Grace's best course therefore will be that the King may give order that that Court may not take hearing of the matter; but that all the judges may be joined together to hear it.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1604. Duke of Lenox." 1 p. (189. 136.)
— to Sir Stephen Procter.
[1604]. Sir William Ingleby is now contented to let my Lord of Derby have his interest of the lease made to him of his lordship's manors of Kirby, Mallahert and Thrisk, and will be contented to take his money again with costs of suit as I shall indifferently betwixt my Lord and him think fit; and where there is demanded 1,000l. of my Lord for costs of suit for maintenance of my Lord's title against you, Sir Thomas Hesketh and Sir Cuthbert Pepper are required for both parts to consider those demands, and decide which is truly for maintenance of the title, and which for misdemeanour chiefly concerning Sir William himself. And because none can better discover that point than you, I shall on my Lord's behalf entreat your assistance with them that are to consider thereof, and to produce such objections and proofs for the lessening of those demands as you do know or can inform them of for their better satisfaction. —Undated.
Draft. Endorsed: "Minute to Sir Stephen Procter. 1604." 1 p. (189. 105.)
— to Lord —.
[1604]. He has found the patent which is of the offices with the herbage and pannage to Sir John and his son for their lives. Thinks it best for my Lord to surrender and take it for lives or years in reversion, for it is of great command and much profit.— Undated.
Endorsed: "1604. Note of Attorney." 1 p. (2212.)
Particulars of Lands.
[1604]. Particulars of lands: Manor of Churchland, Somerset; Manor of Lewisham, Kent; Rectory of Manton, Rutland.
Endorsed: "1604." 1 p. (2219.)
[? c. 1604]. Memorandum by Cecil of the names of proposed commissioners: viz. Sir Henry Montacute, Sir W. Rumney, Sir Samuel Saltonstall, Bartholomew Elmar, Sir W. Ryder, Mr. Wosnam, Mr. Jones, Alderman Waltsall, or any two of them.
¼ p. (97. 137.)
[? 1604]. Note as to certain lists of persons. The following names appear: Lady Sands, Mr. George, the Armourer, Mr. George's two men, Besse Scudder's two daughters.
½ p. (145. 183.)
[1604]. "Lord Burghley. Commission for letting Recusants' lands; Wednesday after dinner from 2 to 3 at the Star Chamber during term. Friday after dinner from 2 to 3 at the Lord Treasurer's house. Commission for compounding for Assarts; Saturday after dinner from 3 to 5 at the Lord Chancellor's house."—Undated.
In hand of Cecil's secretary. Endorsed: "1604." ½ p. (189. 77.)
1604. "Lady Rich. Mr. John Pake of Bromfield in Essex, charged by privy seal at 60l. 1604." (206. 16.)
[? 1604]. Forasmuch as therefore his sacred Majesty, whom God hath led by a strong hand into this kingdom and the peaceable possession thereof after a miraculous preservation from infinite dangers, being a King from his cradle, knowing well that the Church and the Commonwealth much like Isocrates twins must weep and laugh together, hath lately sought with Solomon to make it his just labour to survey the walls of Jerusalem and for that purpose hath lately travailed in a most learned and religious Conference concerning Church affairs (the whole action being personal [and] his own), wherein he meant not to mistake things formerly esteemed [?] but to make it of what nature, conveniency and clear antiquity those things are, against the use whereof so many have carped rather turbulently than judiciously; and where his Majesty in that Conference hath so showed himself to be filius sapientiae et musarum as he hath made it appear even to those who had in some kind passed the censure of over curiosity he will neither endure novelty nor superstition knowing well that all extremes are vices and virtue only in the mean; I cannot forbear without forgetting my duty to require you that that liberty which hath been permitted formerly to over many to dissent with you from the prescribed orders of our Church either in action or divulging of opinion may be restrained. Seeing the proposition malum bene dispositum non tenent movendum is not to be neglected, so when any spirit maketh his own distraction by taking so vehement exception against matters of good use and consequence agreeing with the continued practice of the primitive church and not dissenting from the rule of the Word may be justly [breaks off]. —Undated.
Rough draft with many corrections partly in Cecil's handwriting. Endorsed: "Minute." 32/3 pp. (197. 66.)


  • 1. As President of the Council of the North.
  • 2. Sic but presumably after 20 Aug. 1604, as the letter is addressed to Viscount Cranborne.
  • 3. Rectius, 26 Feb. 1604[–5]. See Winwood's Memorials, Vol. II, p. 50.
  • 4. The instructions relate apparently to Lennox's embassy from Scotland in 1601.
  • 5. Appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland in 1604.