Index: J K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.

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'Index: J K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1923), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1923), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 14, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1923), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackson, Capt. Thomas, 276.
-, letter from, 228, 276.

James I., King of England, [?dines with Venetian ambassador], 297.
-, see James VI., King of Scotland.

James VI., King of Scotland, 20–21, 60, 61–62, 65, 97 (7), 139–140, 171– 172, 175–177, 211, 213–214, 230, 232, 236 (3), 237, 277.
-, -, -, letters from, 172, 263, 264 (3), 265.
-, -, -, letters to, 139–141, 262, 264, 265.
-, -, -, his ambassador at Paris, 139.
-, -, -, Anne, Queen Consort of, 24, 61–62, 211, 213 (2).
-, -, -, Arbella, cousin of, see Stuart, Arabella.
-, -, -, children of, 213.
-, -, -, his 3rd son, 211, 212.
-, -, -, desires to send men to Ireland, 203.
-, -, -, faction between him and his Queen, 24.
-, -, -, goes to Dumfries, 211.
-, -, -, his household, 214.
-, -, -, his hunting, 97, 213– 214.
-, -, -, holds intelligence with Spaniards, 220.
-, -, -, to be induced to aid in severing league between England and France, 292.
-, -, -, letters of (mentioned), 24.
-, -, -, libel found in his bed, 211.
-, -, -, his life sought, 171.
-, -, -, not to be trusted, 23.
-, -, -, promises to maintain religion when King of England, 264.
-, -, -, Queen Elizabeth to aid, 65.
-, -, -, his pension from Queen Elizabeth, 176.
-, -, -, relations with England, 211.
-, -, -, - Queen Elizabeth, 175–177, 203–205, 209, 232, 236, 248–249, 251.
-, -, -, Remonstrance to, as to favour to Catholics, 335–337.
-, -, -, seal of arms of, 112.
-, -, -, signature of, 264.
-, -, -, succession of, 245.
-, -, -, his suspicion, 184.
-, -, -, his title to the throne of England, 20, 336.
-, -, -, in the West Borders, 212.
-, -, -, and Sir Robert Cecil, 209, 211, 238.
-, -, -, and the Earl of Essex, 176.
-, -, -, and the Master of Gray, 175, 207.
-, -, -, and Sir George Hume, 186, 211.
-, -, -, and the ministers, 211.
-, -, -, and Lord Scrope, 251.

James, Francis, 10.

Jamet, Mr., 322.

Jand, river, 131.

Jansen (Jhoonson), Goynardt (Gyluard) 322 (3).

Jarrett, see Gerard.

Jarzay see Jersey.

Jasper, Charles, petition of, 277.

Jeffery, Evan Lloyd (Jevan Lloid), 181, 185 (2).

Jegen, Dr. John, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge, 66, 113, 199.

Jena (Jenna), 9.

Jenour, George, 275.

Jermyn, John, 319.

Jersey (Jarzay), 120, 135, 200.
-, the States of, 198.
-, -, petition of, 153.

Jerusalem, 301.

Jervaulx (Jervals), abbot of, 343.

Jesuits, 42, 106–107, 119, 140–141, 180, 194, 199, 224, 245, 263, 268 (4), 292, 318.
-, rule amongst, 141.

Jewell (Juell), Bishop, 295.

Jews, 22.

Jhoonson see Jansen.

Jobson, Lady, 341.
-, Thomas, clerk, 271 (2).
-, -, soldier, petition of, 199.

"John of the Closett," letter from, 112.

Johnson, —, 213.
-, Cornelius, mariner, petition of, 280.
-, Master Goyvart, 300.
-, Jerome, 300.
-, John, petition of, 281.
-, -, Francis, son of, 281.
-, -, George, son of, 281.
-, Robert, 188.
-, -, petition of, 188.
-, -, wife and children of, 188.
-, Rowland, 49.

"Johnson's heir of Kent," 154.

Johnston(e), the laird of, 212.
-, -, -, letter to, 172.
-, Philemon, 167.

Jones' bill for the Queen's gown, 47.

-, Edward, letter from, 288.
-, -, wife of, 288.
-, Ellis, 171.
-, Richard, petition of, 157–158.

Jonnes, Thomas, petition of, 309.

Juan, Don, 229.

Juell see Jewell.

Juet, William, 105.

Jugorth, 23.

Juries, 35.

Justice, Board of, 328.

Justices of Peace, 342 (2).

Justinian, 323.


Kanisa, 214, 216, 218, 225.

Kavanagh, McArt, 341.

Keeper, Lord, 284, and see Egerton.

Kelley, Conway, petition of, 201.

Kellington, Cornwall, 25.

Kemberton, Salop, 284.

Kemeys (Kemish), Monmouthshire, 81.

Kemis, Anthony, letter from, 9.

-, Edward, 45 (2), 81.
-, Rice, 45, 81.

-, John, butcher, petition of, 283.
-, Mr., 313.
-, Robert, 300.
-, Thomas, 10, 148.

Kendall, George, petition of, 185.

Kennell, —, 123 (2).

Kent, 97, 148, 154 (2), 243.
-, feodary of, see Berisford.
-, places in, 19, 48, 72, 302–303.
-, rents in kind in, 302–303.
-, "tons in shot" in, 303.

Kent, Susan, Countess of, letter from, 16.
-, -, -, son of, 16.

Kentish cloths, 287.
-, -, men, 136 (2).

Kentt, John, letter from, 68.

Ker, Sir Robert, Warden of the Middle Marches of Scotland, 103.
-, -, -, letter to, 103.

Kerry, 156.

Kettlewell, Michael, 196.

Kidman (Kydman), Martyn, letters from, 88, 116.
-, Ralph, 10.

Kidson, Sir Thomas, 148.

-, county of, 108, 173, 196, 266.
-, Earl and Countess of, see Fitzgerald.

Kilkenny, 187.

Killagrew, Sir John, 120.

Killigrew, William, letter from, 150.

Kilmacowe, Ireland, 157 (3).

Kilmore abbey, 71.

Kilrought, Kildare, 196.

Kilrush, Ireland, 156.

Kingesmyll, G., letter from, 11.

King's Bench, the, 92, 192.
-, -, county, 195 (2) .

Kingsbourne, [Kingsdown, Kent,], 300.

Kingsby, Francis, 319.

Kingsland, Robert, 161.

Kingston (Devon), 54.
-, - on-Hull see Hull.

Kinlosse, Lord of, 214.

Kinsale, 187, 195, 229.
-, siege of, 195.

Kintyre, 97.

Kirkes, Robert, 213 (2)

Kirrier (Chiriar) hundred, Cornwall, 96.

Kitchin, Christopher, 301.

Knaresborough, Yorks, 100.

Knatchpull, Norton, 149.

Knight, Phillip, petition of, 273.

Knight's Place, 303.

Knockfergus, 183.

Knocklongy, Ireland, 156 (6).

-, (Knoles, Knowles, Knowlis), Sir Francis, 1, 172 (2).
-, -, -, wife of, 1.
-, Henry, letter from, 141–142.
-, Robert, letter from, 1.
-, Sir Thomas, 104, 152.
-, -, letter from, 56.
-, -, Sir William his brother, 152.
-, W., signature of, 137.
-, Sir William, Comptroller of the Household, 57.

Knyvett, Sir Henry, 322.

Kopronitz see Capronizo.

Krueger, Hans, 315.
-, -, letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, 315.

Kydman see Kidman.

Kyme, Lincoln, 286.

Kynersley, Ed., 171.
-, Fran., 171.

Kynwellmarsh, Robert, letter from, 43.

Kyrewan, Peter, petition of, 308.

Kyrkham, Robert, 10.

Kyrvan, Matthew, 267.