Index: S

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: S". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Sackford, Henry, 429; and see Seckford.

Sackville (Sackvell):
-, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, 143, 315, 421, 466, 506, 508, 597.
-, -, signature of, 485.
-, -, 38.

Sacraments, Treatise on the, 241.

Sadler (Sadleyr, etc.), Sir Ralph, signs decree concerning Hanse privileges, 28.
-, Commissioner at York, 89.
-, mentioned, 102, 108, 325.

Sage, Peter, native of Rouen (Roane), 225.

St. Aignon, Comte de, 201.

St. Amende, family of, 70.

St. Andrews, letters dated at, 232, 281.
-, the King retires to Castle of, 233.
-, Convention appointed to be held at, 297.

St. Andrews, Bishop of, 42.
-, John, Archbishop of, 82.
-, See also Douglas.

St. Bartholomew, massacre of. See France.

St. Brieuc, Brittany, 68.

St. Clou, France, 233.

St. David's, Bishop of. See Barlow; Young; Middleton.

St. Denis, France, 406.
-, Monsieur Vic. Sarred, Governor of, 541.

St. Dominic, island of, 390.

St. Germain en Laye, letters dated at, 316, 455.

St. Giles, Edinburgh, church of, 75, 78, 79.

St. Jean de Lus, 487, 498.

St. John of Jerusalem, Prior of, 8.
-, See also Hulles.

St. John, J., letter from, 548.

St. John's, Mr., 466.

St. Kewes, Cornwall, parsonage of, 153.

St. Leger, Sir Anthony, 500, 512.

St. Lucas, 608.

St. Martin's, Earl of Northumberland's house in, 155.

St. Martin's [France], 91.

St. Menoux (St. Menhoute in Champanye), besieged, 437.

St. Michael's Mount Priory, register of charters in Cornwall and Normandy of, 3.
-, petition of Sir Arthur Harris, Captain of, 393.

St. Michel, Ile de, 504.

St. Michell, alias Barron, Edmond, letter from, 100.

St. Nicholas, Denmark, 361.

St. Nicholas's Church, Yarmouth, 369.

St. Nicholas Island, Plymouth, plan of, 475.

St. Omer, 348, 394, 497.

St. Paul's Werk, a house in Hading ton Close, 79.

St. Peter's, Westminster, convent of, 40.
-, grant by John, abbot of, 40.

St. Poll, Sir George, 189.

St. Pol (St. Poule, Captain St. Poulle), Count de, 342, 437, 533, 540.
-, François d'Orleans, Count de, letter from, 562.

St. Quentin, Duke de Bouillon's advance to, 540.

St. Ricquier, letter dated from, 534.

St. Sebastien, troops from, to go against Britanny, 481.

Saint-Valéry (St. Villery), 196.

St. Valories, 598.

Saints, invocation of, mentioned, 127.

Saldayne (Saldaigne, Salldany), Seigneur Charles, Councillor of State and receiver of treasure to Henry IV of France, declaration to, by English merchants, 432.
-, mentioned, 437, 452.

Salisbury, Bishop of. See Coldwell.
-, precentory in church of, 134.
-, Earl of [15th Cent.], Cartulary of Deeds of, 7.

Salkynstone, Richard, 288.

Salmon for the Queen's Household, 171.

Salop, deputy lieutenants in, 522.

Salt, draft of articles between the Queen and Prince of Condé for purchase of, 90.
-, contractors for, writ of aid for, 90.
-, French, sale of, 89–90, 97.
-, tax, 122.
-, traffic in, between Scotch and English, 299.
-, Scotch and Irish ships laden with, 346, 347.
-, licence for sale of, in Lynn, requested by Scotchmen, 406.

Saltnitre, for making gunpowder, 606.

Saltonstall, Mr. Alderman, 595.

Saltpetre, letter on making of, 597.
-, prices of, 606.

Salutation of our Lady (a brooch), 11.

Saluzzo, Marquisate of, 125.

Samonde, Wilfred, verses by, 362.

-, Mr., a divine at Leicester, 394.
-, Richard, Bishop of Chichester, 13.

Samuell, William, 210.

Samylstone, Laird of, 470.

San Biagio, legacy for charitable uses at, 516.

Sanchio, Don, 183.

Sancruciana [? Holyrood], 388.

Sancy, Monsieur de, 465, 514, 581.

-, Dr., 272.
-, Nicholas, 394.

Sandes, Edwin, Archbishop of York, 393.

Sandgate, plan of, 475.

Sandwich, 499.
-, See also Pevensey.
-, letters to Mayor, jurates and Common Council of, 547, 548.
-, merchants of, 121.
-, "new cut" from, to the sea, 122.
-, a vessel to be at Sandwich or Dover to aid shipwrecks, 187.
-, letter dated at, 340.
-, men to be shipped at, 435.
-, Vidame de Chartres driven to, 491.

Sanlys, letter dated at, 452.

Sanquhar, Lord, 567.
-, letter from, 445.

Sanseverino, Gio. Francesco, 125.

Sansisto, —, the Pope's nephew, 126.

Santander (St. André, etc.), Spain, 89, 481, 486.

Santa Cruz (Saint Croix), Marquis of, 504.

Santa Fiore, Count, daughter of, 126.

Santa Perseda, Cardinal Borromeo wishes to be so called, 126.

Santa Solena, 383.

Santi, Jacopo dei, master of a ship, 125.

Saragossa, 490.

Sardinia, 152, 444.

Sark. See Channel Islands.

Sarne, David, 478.

Sarras, Mr. de, Governor of Flushing, 116.

Sarrasin, —, Secretary to the Prince of Condé, 172.

Sarred, Monsieur Vic., Governor of St. Denis goes to Cambray, 541.

Sassetti, Captain, letter to, 238.

Saumur, 405.

Saunders, John, curate of Plaitford, letter from, 601.

Saunderson, Nicholas, 189, 553.

Saune, Madame de, 239.

Savage, Sir Arthur, friend of Sir G. Merrick, 582, 583.

Savidge, Robert, merchant of London, joint letter from, 598.

-, George, of Wakefield, 175.
-, Henry, 240.
-, Margaret, daughter of George, 175.

-, Duke of, 125, 419, 490.
-, -, treaty of marriage of, 230.
-, -, intention of, against Ferrara, 404.
-, -, in Milan, troops being raised for, 603.
-, Henry of, surnamed Prince of Ludunois, discourse on, 560.
-, James of, Duke of Nemours, father of Prince Henry, 560.
-, ambassador from, 199.
-, Francis Bover, a native of, 225.
-, Italians in, 346.
-, -, weary of war, 549.
-, actions of Savoy known to one Rigotier, 555.

Sawbridgeworth, Herts, 103.

Sawley (Sawlie), manor of, 492, 510.

Saxe, Duke and Elector of, 140, 435.
-, Maurice, Duke of, 456.

Saxony, 48.
-, Elector of, 390.
-, -, Anna daughter of, 390.
-, Electors of, genealogy of, 197.
-, Augustus, Duke of, letter from, 191.
-, John Casimir, Duke of, 390.
-, John William, Duke of, 95.
-, troops from, sent against the Turks, 603.

Say, John, letters patent granted to, 5.

Sayes Lands, Hertfordshire, 103.

Scaling engine, 118.

Scapius, Pet., D.C.L., at the Hague, 556.

Scarampe, Bishop of Nola, 34.

Scatillion, Steven, native of Lyons, 223.

-, John, 170.
-, Katherine his wife, daughter of Richard ap Owen, 170.

Schaw, John, servant of Laird of Ferinherst, 334.

Schinckell, David, letter to, 413.

Schism, notes for essay on, 119.

Schomburg (Shomburdg), Count de, 541.

Schroder, Everhard, 430, 431.

Schuremans, the, Danes, 430.

Sclateburne, Yorks, 160.

Scocchi, barques of, 125.

Scotchmen, in England. See Aliens. in France, 406.
-, goods taken from, 435.

Scotland, 120, 123–124, 142, 294, 297, 482, 494, 495.
-, Ambassador from, with Queen Elizabeth, 507.
-, -, at the Hague, 529.
-, Chancellor of. See Arran, Earl of.
-, Clerk of the Register of, 435.
-, -, son of, husband of niece of Archibald Douglas, 479.
-, commissioners for, appointed, 88.
-, -, their Register of proceedings at York, relating to Mary Queen of Scots, 88–89.
-, Council of, 433.
-, -, "Copy of an Act of Secret Counsell," concerning Darnley's murder and the Bothwell marriage, 83.
-, the Earl Marshall of, Huntly ready to accord with, 479.
-, Government of, 41.
-, Governor of, matters secretly shewn to, 41.
-, Justice Clerk of. See Bellenden.
-, King of. See James V and James VI.
-, Kings of, genealogy of, 292.
-, intelligence of, 360.
-, Latin verses on dangers to, 360.
-, lead-mines in, 281.
-, Marches of, inquiry concerning, 251.
-, proposed as ground for the invasion of England, 275.
-, predictions relating to, 94.
-, Regent of. See Murray and Morton, Earls of.
-, Secretary of. See Maitland, John.
-, Sir William Cecil goes to, and peace concluded (July, 1560), 142.
-, Treasurer of, 428.

Scots, Queen of. See Mary.

Scots, the, "drawing in of" in Irish rebellion, 151.
-, Act against English landlords letting lands to, 189.
-, reports of spoils by, on the Marches, 502.
-, complaint of spoils by, 544.
-, outrages in East Marches committed by, 559.
-, border raids of, 580.

Scott (Scot):
-, George, 470.
-, Sir James, Laird of Balwery, 465.
-, Mr., 405.
-, Nicholas, letter in behalf of, 474.
-, Robert, 364, 372, 373.
-, Robert, of Edinburgh, 321.
-, William, a writer, 74.
-, -, a notary of Edinburgh, 81.
-, Master William, 318, 365, 396.

Scottish Council, 339.
-, infantry levied for the Netherlands, 284.
-, Lords send to the Queen for the settlement of their private quarrels, 159.

Scrating, Lord of, 80.

Scrope (Scroope):
-, H., signature of, 252.
-, Henry, Lord, 52.
-, Lord, 160, 517.
-, -, death of, 465.
-, -, enclosure from, mentioned, 510.
-, -, lacks sufficient soldiers, 544.

Scudamour, Sir John, 457.

Seaford. See Pevensey.

Seamer, Edward, 463.

Seathe, Samuel, merchant of Sandwich, 121.

Sebastian, Don, King of Portugal, 159, 596.
-, death of, 389.

Seckford (Sekford, Sekeford):
-, Henry, 291.
-, Thomas, statement concerning Thomas Bath signed by, 63.
-, Thomas, a Master of the Requests, notes and orders by, 120, 138, 144, 153, 154, 176, 193, 202, 231, 268.
-, -, warrant to, granting property in Suffolk, 137.

Sedan, Duchess of Bouillon dies at, 507.
-, Duc de Bouillon writes from, 528.
-, ravages near, 531, 533.

Segur, James, notarial instrument between him as proctor to the King of Navarre and the envoy of Queen Elizabeth, 329.

Seigneur, the Grand, 594.
-, See also Signor.

Sekerston, Ralph, M.P. for Liverpool, 242.

Selby (Selbie):
-, Captain, 467, 568.
-, John a, 90.
-, Sir John, 318.
-, -, quarrel of, with Sir C. Collingwood, 353–357.
-, -, signature of, as Commissioner for Border matters, 365.
-, -, outrages committed since his death, 559.
-, Ralph, son of, 354.
-, William, son of, 353–354.
-, William, 467.
-, -, letter from, 318.

Selici. See Orsino.

Sellenger, Sir John, 136.

Selles, Monsieur de, brother to Northcarmes, 179.

Selwyn, John, keeper of Otelands park, 235.

Semit, Mestreza [? Mistress Smith], 483.

Sempill (Simple, etc.):
-, Lord, 81–326.
-, Pareis, 74, 81.

Sempringham, parsonage of, 174.
-, priory of, alluded to, 128, 138.
-, survey of lands in, 138.

Sentleger, John, letter from, 506.

Sentlowe, Sir William, 168.

Servigi, Baptista, letter from, 238.

Servill, Guyllame, an alien, 222.

Servington, —, daughter of, 124.

Sescenal, Monsieur, 453.

Sesforth, Laird of, 319.

Sessys, Duchess of, copy of letter from, 206.

-, Lord, 107, 182.
-, -, Sir John son of, 230.
-, -, 235.

Settrington (Satrington), Yorkshire rectory of, 135.
-, deeds relating to lands in, mentioned, 433.

Seven Oaks, Kent, manor and parsonage of, 203.

Severinsonus, Nicholaus, a Dane, 430.

Seville, reported arrival of Indian fleet at, 481, 531.

Sewers of the Queen's Chambers, 165.

Sewers, Court of, 165.

-, Edward, 430.
-, Edward, Duke of Somerset, 18.
-, - letter to, 26, 27.
-, -, Duchess of, 26, 327.
-, Edward, Earl of Hertford, 66, 199, 421.
-, -, appeals of, 517.
-, -, gives his account of his betrothal to Lady Katherine Grey, 61.
-, Lord Edward, answer by, to objections of Mr. Champernowne, 588.
-, Lord Henry, 378.
-, Lady Jane, one of Elizabeth's maids-of-honour, her connection with the affair of Lady Katherine Grey's marriage, 61–62.
-, -, Queen Consort, death alluded to, 25, 26.
-, Thomas, Lord Admiral, his intrigues concerning Elizabeth with Lady Browne, 25.
-, -, letter from, to Princess Mary, 25.
-, -, letters to divers lawyers concerning jewels taken by the King, 25.
-, -, his conference with Mrs. Cheke, 26.
-, -, his conversations with the Lady Elizabeth and Queen Katharine, 26.
-, -, conversation as to Sudeley's lands, 26.
-, -, his relations with the Lady Elizabeth, alluded to, 26.
-, -, speeches at Mortlake Park regarding marriage of the Princesses, 26.
-, -, beheaded, 141.

Seynthill, Peter, 114.
-, his son, 114.

Shacklock, Richard, 394.

Shaftoe (Shaftow):
-, John, letter from, 467.
-, -, Earl of Northumberland's servant, 279.
-, -, 355.

Shakellwell, letter dated at, 161.

Shakerley, Richard, letter from, 464.

Shaldeford, William de, 1.

-, Lady, 211.
-, Sir William, master of the Bristol Mint, his interrogatories and answers, 26.

Sharpe, Richard. See Thatcher.

Sheerness (Shiernache), and Hawkewood, Kent, trespass upon mussel fishery in, 13.

-, letters dated at, 193, 237, 249, 312, 318.
-, Edmund, Lord Sheffield, letter to, 438.
-, Lord, his lands in Brough, Lincolnshire, 95.

Sheffield, near Lewes, iron mill at, 19.

Shelley park, Sussex, 344.

-, Mrs., Popish practices and connections of, 502.
-, Richard, bearer of a letter from Queen Mary, 36.
-, William, attainder of, mentioned, 553.
-, -, of Michelgrove, Sussex, 277, 278–279, 280, 281.

Sheney, the, Ireland, 151.

Shepstow, plan of water-supply to Plymouth from, 461.

Sherife, John, Clerk of the Ordnance in Munster, letter from, 359.

Sherwood Forest, 169.

Shiernashe. See Sheerness.

Ships, the Queen's, estimate for repairs of, 137.
-, privy seal for victualling, 378.
-, - for payment of men serving in, in the West and Narrow Seas, 381.
-, the furnishing of, by the burgesses of Lyme Regis and elsewhere, 450–451.
-, of 100 tons, excuses from Ilfracombe and Lynn for not furnishing, 450.
-, sale of, 476.
-, building and repairing in Spanish ports, 608.

Ships, named:
-, Aforesight, letter dated from, 138.
-, H.M.S. Ayde, 161.
-, Blick of Lubeck, taken by English, 415.
-, H.M.S. Brownefishe, 570.
-, La Concepcion de Mestra Señora, a Geneose galleon, 89.
-, the Egle of Leith, 330.
-, Elizabeth, of Orkney, 435.
-, Elizabeth, of Wexford, 346.
-, H.M.S. Experience, 570.
-, Fortune, of Amsterdam, seized of Devon, 64.
-, H.M.S. Gabriel, 161.
-, George, of London, 121.
-, Great Pylip, of Spain, 472.
-, Hope, of Flushing, 325.
-, H.M.S. Humfrey, 570.
-, Isabella, inventory of cargo, and petition for recovery of same, 35.
-, Jacob, of Rotterdam, 580.
-, Great Jesus, the, 136.
-, Little Jesus, the, 136.
-, Katherine, a French bark, 416.
-, May of Sion, a pinnace, 237.
-, Maye, of Air, Scotland, 435.
-, Peter, of Lubeck,
-, H.M.S. Phenyx, 570.
-, Phillipe (Spanish), 578.
-, H.M.S. Primrose, 118.
-, Red Cock, of Lubeck, 423.
-, Red Harte, of Hamburg, 423.
-, Rowebucke, 472.
-, Saint Andrea (Spanish), 578.
-, St. Phillip, of Spain, 607.
-, Salamander, to come from Candia, 591.
-, Santa Marta (Spanish), 578.
-, Sparrow-hawk or Sparhawk, of Barstaple, 136.
-, Unicorn, Daubigny's ship, 233.
-, Vyolet, of London, 598.
-, Willyby, 101.

Shipwrecks on Goodwin Sands, vessel to be ready to attend, 187.

Shirburn (Shyrborn), Oxfordshire, 466.

Shirley (Sherley, Sherleie):
-, Edward, commission to, 19.
-, Captain Thomas, 352.
-, Sir Thomas, 344.
-, -, Treasurer at Wars in Low Countries, 394, 423, 499.
-, -, to pay levies in Herts, 485.

Shoreham, New. See Pevensey.
-, Old. See Pevensey.

Shorley, Edward, Commissioner, with others, concerning iron mills in rapes of Lewes and Pevensey, 23.

Shorn, Kent, rents of manor of, 122.
-, Monken Barne in parish of, 133.

-, Countess of. See Talbot.
-, Earl of. See Talbot.
-, town of, 482.

Shrief, John, 251.

Shropshire, 54.

Shumac, forfeited in a ship of Rotterdam, 580.

Shutte, Mr. Baron, 209.

-, Edmund, appointed to the office of sheriff's clerk in Lincoln, 587.
-, Mr. Justice, 492.
-, Sir Richard, Chief Justice of Chester, 457.

Sibills of Kent, 124.

Sibston rectory, Leicestershire, 134.

Sibthorpe, Captain Edward, letter from, 462.

Sicily (Cecillia), 152, 444.
-, thirty galleys to go to, 608.

Sidney [M. de Chedney], 286.

-, Sir Henry, 117, 153.
-, Sir Philip, 329, 393, 406.
-, -, Jehan de Louvain, prisoner of, 358.
-, -, death of, at Zutphen, 390.
-, -, daughter of, 521.
-, Sir Robert, 378, 440, 506, 507, 509.
-, -, letter from, 554.
-, -, Mr. White, the man of, 509.
-, -, memorandum of horse under, 603.

Siemor, Mr. Ed., 460.

Sienna, 555.
-, Spain's plans to rescue, 29.

Sigismonde, King of Poland, 9, 391.

Signor, the Grand, offer of friendship to Queen Elizabeth, 444, 604.
-, See also Seigneur.

Silesia (Silizie), troops from, to go against the Turks, 603.

Silveira, Fernande, Spanish messenger, alluded to. See Paynha.

Silverton rectory, Devonshire, 134.

Silvio, Dr., 177.

Simier (Cymiers), Monsieur de, 167.
-, letters to the Queen, 181, 197, 198.

Sims, Petrus, signs verses to Lord Burghley, 135.

-, James, 72, 73.
-, -, slain, 470.

Sintuives, 237, 238.

Sion, 26.

Sitsilt family. See Cecil.

Sittingbourn, 491.

Siver, William, Bishop of Carlisle, declaration by, 7.

Sixtus V, 322, 404.
-, reference to bull of, against Queen Elizabeth, 375.

Skaep, Lewis, a Dutch merchant, 64.

Skairbrut [? Scarborough], 322.

Skeffington, George, 154.

Skerne, Yorkshire, the Queen's mill at, 135.

Skinner (Skynner):
-, Thomas, 288.
-, Vincent, letters from, 156, 158, 425, 446.

Skydmor, —, information concerning, 502.

Skydmore, Clement, letter from, 287.

Slaney, Alderman, 288.

Slin, Juan Peter, 413.

Slingsby, Mr.. 175.

Sluys [Netherlands], 345, 346, 499.

Smalle, Humfrey, 193.

Smallpox, Prince of Cleves ill of, 126.

Smart, Peter, 39.

Smethes, Justice, death of, 512.

Smetoun, —, 567.

Smith (Smyth, Smythe):
-, Adam, clerk of the Bakehouse, petition of, 138.
-, Anne, a maid servant, 288.
-, Edmund, of Huntingdon, 353.
-, G., 196.
-, Gawen, proposition of, to the Queen, 187.
-, Sir John, 160, 161, 167.
-, Lawrence, letters from, 594– 595.
-, Mr., 482.
-, - at Dieppe, 545.
-, - at Exeter, 472.
-, Mr. Customer, 288.
-, Otwell, letter from, 436.
-, Peter, 59.
-, Rowland, 398.
-, Thomas, farm of, at Maidstone, 517.
-, -, merchant and customer of London, 90, 91.
-, -, house of, in Gracechurch Street, London, 90.
-, -, letter to him and others, 91.
-, Sir Thomas, Secretary of State, letter from, 133, 141.
-, Sr., jun., Fellow of [? Queen's College], Cambridge, 162.
-, William, 103.
-, -, petition of, 231.
-, -, 209.
-, -, a rebel, 103.
-, -, treacherous speech of, mentioned, 421.

Smytheson, Ralph, 211

Snappe, Antonio, 277.

Sneid, water of, Scotland, 370.

Snell, Francis, 353.

Snowdon, forest of, 175.

Snowe, John, 94.

Soame (Some):
-, Dr., Vice-chancellor of Cambridge, copy of a theological determination of, 609.
-, Robert, Fellow of Queen's College, Cambridge, 131, 162, 163, 394.
-, -, letter from, 162.
-, Stephen, 288.

Soir, Count, Governor of Tournai, 524.

Soissons, France, 546.
-, Count of, bitter correspondence of, with Henri IV, 538.

Soldiers to be levied in Essex and Herts for France, 485.

Soldwedel, 49.

Soleurre, league passed at, 213.

Soliman II, Sultan of Turkey, letter of, to Maximilian II, 66.

Somers, Mr., 200.

Somerset, Duke of. See Seymour.
-, petition to, 20.
-, lands late belonging to, not to be meddled with by Chancellor, 29.

Somerset, William, Earl of Worcester, 143, 203, 421.
-, certificate by, 252.
-, letter from, 427.

Somerset, aulnagers of, 506.
-, musters in, 154.
-, notes of W. Button's property in, 510.
-, order to Queen's officers in, 398.
-, pluralities of benefices in, 134.
-, trained bands of, taken for relief of Milford Haven, 478.

Somerset Herald, 455.

Somerville (Sommerfield), —, 247.

Somme, river, 533, 581.

Sommerfild, —, clerk, a witness, 601.

Sonning, Berks, 209, 475.

Sorbonne (Sorbonists), Doctors of, declare Henri III excommunicate, 399.
-, receive Cayer, a minister, into their Society, 561.

Sordeck, —, Governor of Brest, 506.

Sorle Boy, brother of James MackConell, 57.

Sortembose, Jacques de, Sieur du Mont le Roy, 260.

-, John, note by, 506.
-, Mr. Baron, 209.

Souche, Mr., warrant from Edward VI to, for delivery of certain deer to Vicechamberlain from Gillingham park, 29.

Soucy, Lord de, 514.

Soure, Thomas, husbandman of Wodyngton, 5.
-, See Lancaster.

Sousa, Don Rodrigues de, 192.

Southampton, Earl of. See Wriothesley.

Southampton, 90, 101, 330, 386.
-, note of Button's manors in, 510.
-, the Queen there, 142.
-, forfeited goods brought into, 580.
-, County, musters in, 154.
-, -, impost on Spanish wines arriving in ports of, 585.

Southfrieth, a fee of Lord Cobham, 353.

Southwell, Notts., prebend of Exton in church of, 135.

Southwick. See Pevensey.

Southwold, plan of, 378.

Spain, 12, 151–152, 351, 398, 415, 418, 430, 453, 468, 477, 481, 536, 561, 564, 571–572, 601, 602, 603.

Spain, Spaniards, Spanish:
-, Ambassador of, mentioned, 88, 102, 242, 250, 270.
-, fleet allowed to pass Flushing, 115.
-, cruelty of Spaniards, 116, 534.
-, Spaniards sent from Tragos, 126.
-, relation (in Italian) of the Spanish possessions, 151–152.
-, Spaniards from Flanders to go to Italy, 184.
-, purchase of Spanish wool, 187.
-, professions of James VI against the Spaniards, 213.
-, J. Baptista de Taxis, Ambassador of, to France, 273.
-, Don Bernadino de Mendoca, Ambassador of, to England, 273–275.
-, spirituality of, taxed of their thirds, 250.
-, tragicomedy on affairs of, 260.
-, Houses of Spain and Austria may be checked by the German princes, 261.
-, preparations of, mentioned, 322.
-, Scottish Ambassador for, 339.
-, Isle of Wight likely to be attempted by, 350.
-, reported as prepared to invade England, 363.
-, on the King of Navarre's land, 382.
-, send a fleet to Ireland, 389.
-, death of James, Prince of, 389.
-, defeat of the Armada, 391.
-, Queen Elizabeth objects to the harbouring of the Spaniards escaped from the Armada wreck, in Scotland, 408.
-, Spanish navy expected in Scotland, 411.
-, Henry of Navarre congratulates Queen Elizabeth on her victory over the Spaniards, 413.
-, inventory of goods from the coasts of Spain and Portugal, 416.
-, treasonable support by the Earl of Arundel of Spanish designs, 422.
-, Spanish prisoners, 432.
-, great sickness among Spaniards in Brittany, 437.
-, Spanish prisoners at Berghenop-Zoom, 439–441.
-, jealous of English influence at Constantinople, 444.
-, intelligence concerning a Spanish invasion, 444.
-, in Brittany, 448, 481.
-, Spanish mutineers contented, 456.
-, Huntly and Laird of Fintry communicate with Spain, 471.
-, news of preparation of ships by Spain to be given to Queen Elizabeth, 471.
-, corn and powder transported out of Scotland to Spain, 471.
-, movements of Spanish troops, 481.
-, news of Indian fleets of, 481.
-, Spaniards to embark in Monsieur de Gordon's ship, 483.
-, naval preparations in Bay of Biscay, 486.
-, lack of corn in, 487.
-, preparation of forces for Ireland against Queen of England, 504.
-, Spanish influence in the League, 518.
-, arrival at Genoa of 4,000 Spaniards, 524.
-, reiterated success of, in Netherlands, 542.
-, peace with France expected, 549.
-, in difficulties by the stay of the Indian fleet, 559.
-, making naval preparations, 562.
-, rumoured treaty of, with Swiss, 562.
-, Spanish fleet mentioned, 563.
-, two Spaniards put to the wheel, 565.
-, without sufficient means to undertake any enterprise against England, 571.
-, impost on Spanish wines, 585.
-, Spanish advertisements, 603.
-, preparations for war by, 607– 609.
-, clergy taxed to pay the moiety of their livings, 608.
-, Spanish money counterfeited, 611.

Spanish subjects in England. See Aliens.

Sparhauk, Jo., letter from, 469.

Spark, —, 178.

Sparrowhake, —, 429.

Spaxton, Somerset, rectory of, 134.

Spenser, Alderman, 288.

Sperman, Thomas, 168.

-, Mr., error of, 591.
-, William, clauses of a grant of office in reversion to, 534.

-, Ambrogio, 603.
-, Ambrose, should have provided money for the Low Countries, 559.
-, Battista, 259.
-, Benedict, 147–148.
-, -, letter from, 187.
-, Mr., 137.

Spire, Germany, Joannes Sturio a resident there, 556.

Spiritual Courts, notes as to prohibition to be sued in, 431.

Spitle, the, 326.

Spittle Sessions, Lincolnshire, musters for, 291.

Spott (James Douglas), Laird of, 465.

Sprake, Augusten, a keeper of Enfield Chace, letter from, 523.

Spring, Robert, an alias of Charles Paget, 277.

Sprites, Ebright, an alien, 223.

Spynie, Lord of, 427, 428.

Stabbe, Count, 383.

Stabnitz, river, 604.

Stade (Staden), 48.

Stafferton, Ralph, gentleman pensioner, grants to, 169, 343.

-, Mr. Edmond, 162.
-, Edward, Lord, cause of, 492.
-, Sir Edward, 181, 182, 522.
-, -, letter from, 263.
-, -, letters to, 179, 238.
-, -, grant to, concerning making of kersies, mentioned, 243.
-, Lady, 110, 228, 409.

Staffordshire, 54.
-, musters in, 154.

Stake, John, assigned as almsman of Westminster, 146.

Stalleng, Mr., 476.

Stamford, verses addressed to Lord Burghley at, 135.
-, Henry VIII at, 141.
-, infection in, 195.

Stamner. See Pevensey.

Stampe, William, petition of, 475.

Standen (Standon):
-, Anthony, information as to movements and intentions of, 482, 483.
-, Anthony, the younger, letter from Thomas H . . ., concerning family news, 71.
-, Mr., 88.

Standish, John, letter from, 477.

Standley, Captain Edward, a fugitive, 117.

-, Dr., a witness, 517, 610.
-, E., note by, 399.
-, -, letter from, 481.
-, Edward, surveyor of the Queen's revenues in Notts, 213.
-, -, commissioner to survey Earl of Rutland's lands, 438.
-, Sir John, 611.
-, Sir Thomas, 492.
-, -, letter on a conveyance of a lease by, 510.

-, E., Lady Derby, letter from, 609.
-, Ferdinando, Lord Strange, Earl of Derby, 497.
-, -, letter from, 491.
-, -, tithes assigned to by M. Doughtie, 521.
-, -, comes to an agreement with the Countess Dowager of Derby, 557.
-, Henry, Earl of Derby, 270, 421, 430, 521.
-, -, letter from, 263.
-, -, lease by, 251.
-, -, audience with King of France, 263.
-, -, officers of, in Isle of Man, 431.
-, Mr., transactions of, with Mrs. Shelley, 502.
-, Sir Rowland, 344.
-, -, letters from, 185, 188.
-, -, his sister, 186.
-, Sir William, letter from, 348.
-, -, letter to, 185.
-, -, Deventer betrayed by, 390.
-, -, persons out of his regiment, 398.

Stanlowe, John, deputy of Thomas Burgh, knight, 5.

Stans, Robert, of Leythwynd, 75, 82.

Stanter, John, of Landford, 601.

Stanton, Mr., a senior Fellow of St. John's, Cambridge, 195.

Stanyern, lands in, 512.

Staperr, Richard, of the Levant Company, letter from, 587.

Staple, John. See Shorley.

Staple, the, "an account against" 57.
-, Charter of, 55.
-, matters concerning, 52.
-, merchants of, 53, 55, 204.
-, -, letter from, 231.
-, of cloth, advised to be moved to England, 204.
-, -, proposed for English merchants in French towns, 574.
-, Sir Thomas Offeley, mayor of, 161.

Stapleford, Henry, letter from, 464.

Stapleton, Thomas, 394.

Starch, petition relating to, 399.
-, allusion to monopoly in, 475.
-, notes on the patent for, 559.

Star Chamber, mentioned, 178, 205, 270, 465, 467, 573.

Stargard, 48.

Starkye, Thomas, alderman, of London, 163.

States General. See Netherlands.

Statherne rectory, Leicestershire, 134.

Statutes of Magdalen College, Cambridge, 119.

Staveley, William, J.P. within the liberty of Ripon, 576.
-, signs a letter, 577.

Staves, importation of, 122.

Stavoren (Stavern), 49.

Stedman, Thomas, letter from, 209.

Steelyard (Stillyard), the, 425.
-, Court of, 44, 45, 46.
-, letter dated, 122.
-, details of customs paid by merchants of, 121.
-, the declaration of, concerning shipping and customs, 51.
-, merchants of the, bonds to Henry VII of, 8.
-, -, justice appointed for causes of, 8, 11.
-, -, shipments of clothes by, 27.
-, -, warrant permitting transport of certain goods by, 28.
-, -, sundry accusations to be cleared by Hanse legates, 30.
-, -, licenced to export certain cloths, 37.
-, -, cloths shipped by, 52.
-, -, complaints against, 121.
-, -, licence to, to transport ratified by King, 32.
-, Order of the Council, concerning payment of customs, 37.
-, petitions presented by, 52.
-, privileges of, 33.

Steere, Nicholas, letter from, 98.

Stemp, John. See Shorley.

Stendal, 49.

Stenwyck, surrendered to the States, 465.

Stepers, Mr., 349.

Stettin, 48.

Stevens, Mr., 466.

-, Edmund, 610.
-, William, 610.
-, -, house of, in Shoreditch, 155.

-, -, 286.
-, Colonel, 218, 219, 297, 298, 363, 387, 470.
-, -, of Pettymveme, services of, to the Netherlands, 284.
-, Sir William, brother of the Earl of Arran, 269, 333.

Still, John, D.D. prebendary of Westminster, 145, 156.

Stirling, 142, 286, 341, 365, 506.
-, letters dated at, 283, 284, 286.

Stoade, reasons for the English merchants' residence at, 602.

Stockwood, John, 394.

Stoke Edith, Hereford, manor of, 553.

-, John, D.D., brother of Thomas Stokes, 128.
-, Matthew, 113.
-, Thomas, of Oakley. 127–128.

Stolp, 48.

-, Mr., nominated lecturer at [Queen's?] College, Cambridge, 162–163.
-, William, 288.

Stoner, Sir Fr., mentioned, 460.

Stonlie, Huntingdonshire, priory of, 11.
-, bequests to, for obits and masses, 11.

Stonor, John, a fugitive, 117.

Stour, the, plan showing course of, 589.

Stourbridge fair, 131.

Stowell, Sir John, 344.

Stowghton, Thomas, Arundel's servant, 71.

Stralsund, 48.

-, Lady, 111, 495.
-, Lord. See Stanley.
-, -, 38.

Strasbourgh, letter dated at, 133.

Streatley (Stretley), Berks, survey and rental of, 589.

Street, manor of, 530.

Strenger, Edward, grant to, 344.

Stricke, John, an alien, 221.

Strother, Clement, 353, 355.

-, Lady Arabella, 494, 495.
-, Charles, Earl of Lennox, 123.
-, -, marriage of, 123.
-, -, mother of, mentioned, 123.
-, Esmé, Duke of Lennox, 182, 256, 297, 273.
-, Francis, Earl of Bothwell, 380.
-, -, letter from, 401.
-, -, assails James VI at Falkland, 465.
-, -, English and Scotch borders likely to unite in defence of, 471.
-, -, overthrows Lord Hume, 507.
-, -, has dealings with the Armorers, 580.
-, Henry, Lord Darnley, mentioned, 290.

Stuckley, Thomas, passport to, given by French King, 29.

Stuevinge, Harman, master of the Peter of Lubeck, 423.

Sturio, Joannes, a Westphalian, 556.

Sturmius, —, 112.

Styleman, —, 209.

Suabia, troops from, to fight the Turks, 603, 604.

Subsidies, 7.

Subsidy on imported or exported cloth, 38.

Subsidy of Wool granted to Henry V; extract from Rolls of Parliament, 4.

Succession, the, to the English throne, 215.
-, treatise on, 327.

Sudbury, Suffolk, 394.

Sudeley, family of, 70.

Suderman, Henry, brought witnesses to Greenwich for Hanseatic dispute, 47.

Sudley Castle, the Queen at, 466.

Suerzemburgo, Count of, 126.

Sueson [? Soissons], Conte de, 406.

-, Duke of, pedigree of, mentioned, 107.
-, -, (Charles Brandon) heirs of, 197, 199.
-, Katherine, Duchess of, 189.
-, -, letter from, 146.
-, musters in, 154.
-, names of certain gentlemen of, 609.
-, order to Queen's officers in, 398.
-, rebellion in, temp. Henry VIII, 141.
-, seizure of pirates' goods in, 122.
-, Sir William Cordell's house in, 129.

Sulphur, 606.

Sunborne Park, Hampshire, the "storing of," 29.

Sunt Hubers (Setubal), 413, 415.

Surbeck, Simon, of Westmoney, complaints by English traders against, 71.

Surgeons, company of, 610.

Surrey, Earl of. See Howard.
-, collections for poor in, 170.
-, musters in, 154.

Susatum [? Soest], 49.

Sussex, Earl of. See Ratcliffe.
-, collections for poor in, 170.
-, order to the Queen's officers in, 398.
-, pirates' goods in, 164.
-, principal men of, sounded as to invasion of England, 274, 275.
-, proposed for the invasion of England, 275.

Sutton, Surrey, 359.

Sutton Cullesden, Surrey, lease of manor of, 416.

-, Mr., 342.
-, William, letter from, 206.

Swale, Mr., 204.

Swallowe, —, servant of Richard Martyn, 212.

Swan, Thomas, petition of, 447.

Swanmote Court, at Cliff, Northants, 211.

Swanmote, Cambs. presentments of jury at, 123, 136.

Swans, 123, 136, 353.
-, ordinance for conservation and upping of the King's Swans, 34.

Swartte, Rattke, letter from, 413.

Swarvell, Guylam vans, native of Antwerp, 221.

Sweden, journeys of P. Vaerheilius in, 417.

Swigher, Jacques de. See Zuyggher.

Swinburne, Mr., Fellow of [? Queen's College], Cambridge, 162.

Swiss, the, league of, with the King of France, 213.
-, Swiss Guard of French King, 540, 541.
-, Cantons mentioned, 555.
-, rumoured treaty of, with Spain, 562.
-, regiments for the succour of the King of Navarre, 349.

Swynnons, Master Thomas, 356.

Sym, Alexander, advocate, 72, 74, 78, 79.

Symonborne, Durham diocese, parsonage of, 461.

Symondshyde, Herts, 263, 395.

Symons, John, a "plot" from him, 161.