Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1595

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1595', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp549-560 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1595', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp549-560.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1595". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp549-560.

Miscellaneous 1595

The Earl of Essex to the Queen.
1595 (?) It is not (most dear and most excellent Sovereign) conscience to myself of any advantage your Majesty hath over me (otherwise than the general and infinite advantage of a Queen and a Mistress) nor any particular device or drift that makes me write this letter; But the sad and grievous remembrance of these late months past and my restless desire to enjoy better times with your Majesty do move me, nay force me, to set pen to paper. And yet if it were question only of my own sufferings (though any strength never so great may be oppressed) I should have cloaked my passions, as I have done often, when my health hath been impaired and my mind weighed down. But as the two ends of my life have been, the one to please you, the other to serve you, I have found many, yea most times of late, that instead of being a contentment and entertainment to your Majesty's mind I have been a distaste and disquiet. And in the course of my service, though I confess the weakness of my judgement, yet my true zeal not led with any mercenary or self-loving respect making me sometimes light upon the soundest opinions, I have had cause to doubt that your Majesty hath despised that which was offered, because you would receive nothing from such a hand; so as I live to my own deep discomfort to trouble your Majesty and to foil your business; inconveniences which, if I be minded as I ought, thankfulness should teach me to redeem with stepping down, nay throwing myself down from my own fortune. In this intricate case, finding no end of this former course, and therefore desirous to find the beginning of a new, I have not whither to resort, but to the oracle of your Majesty's direction; for though the true introduction ad tempora meliora be by an amnestia of that which is past; yet though that should be, except both your Majesty be my Pole, and will make yourself be seen, I shall be to seek for the time to come. For the time past I do not so justify myself but that I know my imperfections were many, and my errors more; nay I will with your Majesty accuse nature and my own destiny, that I was not made as worthy of you, as affectionate to you. Neither will I plead any service or endeavour, how grateful soever they were while they were fresh. But will hope that your royal heart will as well free me from imputation of that which I could not avoid, as I disclaim from merit in that which I was bound to do. For the time to come, as I am resolved not willingly to offend your Majesty in matter of Court or State, but to depend absolutely upon your Majesty's will and pleasure; so I more doubt my own wit and insight in finding your Majesty's mind than my conformity in obeying it; the rather because as Princes' hearts are unsearchable, so I doubt that sometimes taking your Majesty's meaning secundum literam may set me further out of my way. Therefore my most humble suit unto your Majesty is to be admitted ad scrinium pectoris for as much as concerns myself, and that you will open and expound your mind towards me; and I may know both wherein and how you will be served by me, which being granted your Majesty shall be sure to be both at the beginning and end of all my actions, which I may presume to impart unto you. Most dear lady, you shall bestow more on me then all the suits that ever you gave me, if to this humble letter you will please to command your pen to make answer; and to use this letter to interpret all my actions hereafter, as well as my actions hereafter shall verify this letter.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "De Monsieur le Comte d'Essex à la Royne, 1595." (58. 20.)
Madame of France to Elizabeth.
[1595 ?] J'ay etté prié par le frere de se porteur de vous suplier, comme je fais tres humblemant, de lui acorder la charge qu'il vous avoit pleu donner a Chateau Martin. Je vous asseure, Madame, qu'il est tres homme de bien, et qu'il vous y randra fort fidelle servise. Favorises le en ma faveur, et croyes que vous en seres ausy bien servye, que vous saves etté mal de l'autre, que ma recommandation luy serve et me tesmougnes en cela que vous me faites l'honeur de m'aymer, faisant pour ceux quy sont recommandes de moy, conserves moy la faveur de vos bonnes graces et faites ettat de mon afection, comme de la chose du monde quy vous est la plus asuremant aquise, et sur cette verité je vous bayse tres humblemant les mains et suis, Madame, votre tres humble et tres obeiasante seur. Catherine.
Holograph. Written on paper with illuminated margins. Endorsed: "A letter of the King's sister, the Queen, more conceited for the paper than respective for the manner of writing." 2 pp. (147. 64.)
The Same to the Same.
[1595 ?] Le desir que j'ay destre continuee en votre bonne grace me fait sy souvant vous escrire, pour m'y ramantenoir, et vous asurer que vous n'aves rien de plus asuremant aquis que mon afection a votre servise, me santant fort votre obligée du bon conseil qu'il vous plait me donner, par ce porteur, d'estre toujours ferme en ma religion. C'est chose, Madame, a coy je suis sy resolue, avec la grace de Dieu, que je soufrirois plustost toute sortes de tormans que d' an changer: faites moy cette grace que de le croyre, et can[qu'en] quelque lieu ou la vollonte du Roy, monseigneur et frere me porte, j'y aporteray toujours ce que Dieu m'aura donné de moyens et d'industrye pour avancer la gloyre de Dieu, et pour vous y tesmongner combien votre vertu et votre pieté ont aquis de pouvoir sur mes vollontes. Ausi, je vous suplie tres humblemant me voulloir toujours honorer de l' amitié que vous m'aves promise, et vous resouvenir que je suis fille d'une des princesse du monde qui vous honoroit le plus. Je suis eritiere de sa mesme afection, et m'estimeray tres heureuse, cant par quelque servise quy vous soit agreable, je vous en pouray randre preuve, si je vous en puis randre quelcun par de sa; commande moy, et j'y obeiray de coeur et d' afection. Je vous suplie encorres un coup de vous asurer de ma constance en ma religion, et que les tormans ny les grandeurs n'oront jamais le pouvoir de l'esbranler, ny quelque condision ou je puise estre m'anpescher de demeurer a jamais, Madame, votre tres humble et tres obeisante seur. Catherine.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Madame the King's sister to Her Majesty." Written on paper with elaborately cut ornamental margins. 3 pp. (147. 62.)
— to [the Queen].
[1595 ?] Of a stipend payable to him by the Bishops of Winchester. Arrears due by the last Bishop, Cooper. Has received nothing from the present Bishop. Prays the Queen to command payment, and the issue to him of a new patent.— Undated.
pp. (836.)
— to Lord [Essex].
[1595.] One Mildmay, being left in Algier with 16 others, for the debt of Captain Glemham deceased, had licence from the Alcaide to come to England to (fn. 1) procure the enlargement of his fellow prisoners. Glemham had brought into Portsmouth certain goods taken at sea to the value of 2,000l., which was judicially evicted prize; and Glemham sold them to two merchants; but seizure was made thereof by the Lord Treasurer, and Glemham was told that unless he would give 1,000l. the whole goods would be confiscated. Glemham paid 950l., and the goods were released. He then setting sail, for the want of this money was so slenderly provided that he was constrained at Algier to take in great proportion of victuals, and left the aforesaid men in pledge for payment. The writer leaves it to Lord [Burghley's] consideration whether the money should not be repaid to ransom the men.
Endorsed by Essex Secretary. 1¼ pp. (98. 35.)
William Beecher and George Leicester to Burghley.
[1595.] Whereas in the beginning of this last half year you signified unto us that we should continue the victualling apparelling, and arming of the soldiers as in former time, whereupon we made great provision and sent the same to Brittany, which remaining there in store are daily issued to the bands, being now complete with the 2,000 new levied: Now we understand that certain other merchants do seek the money for the furnishing of the new men, which would breed confusion in the accounts, considering they should be ignorant what the new men have already received at our hands; and it will be very like they shall be over-paid. Besides we having great provisions there and other in readiness to be sent over, know not how the same shall be issued without our extreme loss. Wherefore we beseech you to deal so honourably with us, that we may continue the provisions to the end of this half-year.
Note in Burghley's hand: "The winter apparel for Brit[tany] xl.s. Summer apparel for Brit[tany] xxix.s. iiij.d. In the Low C[ountrie]s xlix.s. ij.d. [and] xxxiij.s. iiij.d. [Difference] ix.s. ij.d. [and] iiij.s. For 2,000 new, 1,600 old, allow 7,200l. whereof, for the old or[der] is given. For the new, esteeming them to be 1,500 the money shall be 3,200l., thereof abate vj.d. for every coat which cometh to 400l., then the money must be but 2,500l."—Undated.
1 p. (185. 140.)
The Earl of Essex to Thomas Rawlens.
[1595 ?] Aug. 27. You shall upon the receipt of this letter accommodate Captain Ellis Jones and a friend of mine that comes with him as well and as secretly as you can; and provide them with boats to go or send from you to Margate or where else they shall direct. Do to him that goes with Ellis Jones all the service you could or would do to myself. —Wanstead, 27 August.
Holograph. 1 p. (179. 154.)
Henry Aiscoughe to Lord Burghley.
[1595.] Is in custody for a debt due to the Queen, which he is not able to pay on account of damages received from the Earl of Lincoln and Nicholas Saunderson. Prays for release upon security.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley that he cannot assent without some present payment to the Queen. 1 p. (993.)
Margaret Hodges and Roger Jeffreys to the Same.
[1595 ?] For surrender and regrant of lands held by them of the manor of Stoke Edith, Hereford, come to the Queen by the attainder of William Shelley.—Undated.
Note by Lord Burghley thereon. 1½ pp. (1815.)
Edward Fagg and Thomas Taylor to the Lord High Treasurer.
[1595, April.] As to the term of years, and the fine, of the site of the manors of Westwell and Tenham, (fn. 2) Kent, a lease in reversion of which the Queen has granted to them, the tenants.—Undated.
2 pp. (1813.)
The Earl of Essex to —.
[1595 ?] Ce messagier est un ordinaire courrier et pourtant je ne m'ouvriray pas tant que je feray d'icy a cinq ou six jours par un que j'envoyray tout expres. Les advertisements que nous porta le Sr. de Chorin en furent tres importantes mais semblables a celles que nous avons eu d'autre part. Le Roy d'Escosse est si necessiteux et mal servy et son conseil si divisé que nous cognoissons touts leurs secrets. Nous scavons que ce prince est malcontent de nos procedeures, qu'il est content que la partie papiste ne soit extirpée, pour brider les ministres qui le gourmandent quelques fois, et pour tenyr nous autres en cervelle. Mais nous nous asseurons que ces Jesuites que se servent de son nom ont passé outre leur commission s'ils en ont eu. Nous disons ausi que la jalousie qu'il aura de laisser une armée estrangere entrer son pais et l'impossibilité qu'il aura de se soustenyr de soy mesme contre l'Angleterre estant un fois declaré ennemy le gardera de traiter avec l'Espagnol. Mais nous craignons plus tost qu'en faisant la cour a Leo et au Pays Bas et se servant des mescontentements qu'ils recevront de nous il ne se r'allie (sic) si fort avecque nos amys qu'avecque ces alliances de Denmarcque et d'Almaigne il ne pense de nous donner la loy. Toutefois ceux qui preschent rein que securité nous disent que la necessité de Leo et les villes cautionaires que nous tenons au Pays Bas garderont et l'un et l'autre de se separer de nous pour une si pauvre amitie que celle d'Escosse. Les inconvenients que vous arrivent pour avoyr manqué nostre assistance et les accusations que font les ennemys de vostre entreprinse, sur le voyage de Bodelé ont estes aperceux par vostre amy et remonstres a Libra quant il y avoyt temps de les prevoyer. Mais je suis tout seul. J'ay l'esprit de Libra et tout son conseil opposite. Car mes compagnons ne preschent autre qu'avarice et securité. Ceste securité est nostre maladie, de la quelle si vous nous pourries gueryr vous fairies beaucoup et pour nous et pour vous mesme. Mais je remets cest argument a ma premiere que suivra ceste cy. De moy croyes que non seulement la cause que vous soustenies mais ausi vostre personne sera servy autant que ma fortune et mon entendement me rendront capable. Ceste la vray profession, Monsr., de —.—Undated.
Draft in the Earl of Essex's handwriting. Endorsed (in another hand): "Concerninge the K. of Scotts by E. Essex." 1 p. (135. 224.)
Sir Robert Sydney to [the Earl of Essex].
[1595 ?] "My Lord, since the writing of this letter I received one from a fugitive on the other side, one that played the honest man with me once before. I have sent the letter to my lord Treasurer because he hath been heretofore acquainted with the matter—I mean at my last being here. The man expresses nothing in his letter, only desires to come to speak with me about matters greatly importing, as he saith, her Majesty's service. He was once with me before and instead of doing her service would fain have corrupted me; but he had a very good assurance from me that he should return safe, else he had never seen Antwerp again. All this my lord Treasurer was made acquainted withal, and your lordship also if I be not deceived. I assure myself his purpose is nothing but villany, and therefore have no fancy to deal with him except I might 'ketch' him, and that I shall not do without breaking my word." Apologises for not sending copies of the letter and of his to the lord Treasurer as the "passage" gives him no leisure.—Signed: S.
Endorsed: "Sir Robert Sydney at Flushing." In Sir Robert Sydney's hand. 1 p. (48. 50.)
Henry Wotton to Lord [Essex ?].
[c. 1595 ?] For advertisers of occurrences out of the parts where I have been, the ablest of my acquaintance are these. In Italy, Scipione Alberti, a gentleman of Siena, well experienced in the matters of Rome as having been there a resident courtier 25 years and Magiorduomo to the Duke of Paliano, nephew to Paulus IV, whose whole actions and at last even his death passed through his hands. In this man's house I lay 5 months, and have from him received divers letters. During my abode in Siena, I made acquaintance with one Girolamo Emo, a gentleman of Venice, whom by long practice I perceived to have knowledge of the truth: he had been out of his country two years as upon a malcontentedness, of which he gave out the cause to be love, and although in familiarity he revealed to me at length the right, yet desired he I would with all Venetians make good the false, which I have done with Sigr. Bassadonna and others. From this gentleman, during my abode in Florence, I had continual intelligence from Verona and Siena, and I have left with him a cypher. In his last, he signified his intention to go to Rome and live a while with his uncle Valerio, the Cardinal of Verona. I have likewise received letters from certain other gentlemen of Siena, but more ceremonies than matter. At Florence, I lay 11 months in the house of one Baccio Buoni, who, through his wisdom and badness together, was great with the Duke Francesco, and in this Duke's time hath been put down by worse than himself. I have received from him many letters written at large and freely of the state. There is farther in Florence one Dethick, an English factor, and withal a very good scholar, who no doubt to your lordship will be a most sufficient instrument in this kind.
From Naples, Milan, Genova, being the King of Spain's or at his devotion, by reason of my little stay I had no means to be acquainted.
At Chiavenna, among the Grisons, I lay in the house of one Scipione Lentulo, now a minister, sometime secretary to a Cardinal, who recommended me to his son, a man well travelled and languaged, and for his sufficiency entertained of the town of Berne, where he hath good means for the knowledge of such affairs as occur between the Cantons and the Grison League. He hath been brought up most part of his life in England.
In Geneva, I had familiar resort to one Rigotier (one of the 25 there) and master of the "altilary" and fortifications, a man of most excellent natural parts, and great experience in the actions of Savoy, as I hope shall appear unto your lordship by his letters.
For High Germany, there is a certain Westphalian, by name Joannes Sturio, resident, as he wrote me in his last, at Spire in the chamber of the Empire, a man of a very sharp and clear judgment, and a free speaker and writer.
In the Palsgrave his court, two of the sufficientest persons in my knowledge are Hippolitus à Collibus, of Italian blood, and one Lingelsheim, sometime schoolmaster of the Prince, now his chief favourite, a man of a notable style to deliver circumstances of state. There is besides, in the town of Heidelburg, an English gentleman married there, very inquisitive to know and as bold to advertise what he knows. His name is Jacob Medouse.
At Basil, the ablest referendary is one Castelione, an Italian merchant and citizen of the town, learned and of the religion.
At Vienna in Austria, I lay in the house of the Baron of Fridsheim, one of the Emperor's Presidents in the lower court of that Province, from whom I have best occasion to hear of those parts.
At Prage, there is one Hammon, a kinsman to your servant of that name, very well learned, and through his long abode well known in the matters of Bohemia.
In the Low Countries, the sufficientest of my acquaintance are one Jo. Werckhovius at Utrecht, and Pet. Scapius in the Hage, both doctors in the civil laws, of good judgment, diligent, and free. "Your lordship's most humble servant, Harry Wotton."—Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr. Henry Wotton." 2 pp. (99. 38.)
Captain Robert Hitchcock to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595.] Prays for the execution of the enclosed plan for the increase of mariners and the multiplying of all kinds of flesh victuals.
The above is written on the back of a printed broadside, headed "A brief note of the benefits that grow to this realm by the observation of fish days."
2 pp. (141. 370.)
[1595.] Reasons why the statute made 23 Eliz. entitled "An Act for the increase of mariners and maintenance of navigation" ought to be dispensed with. Relates principally to the trade in fish.
3 pp. (141. 260.)
Th. Clynton to [Sir R. Cecil ?].
[1595.] I think myself happy that I was, and am again, to answer before you of the crime whereof I am accused to her sacred Majesty. You have the justices' certificate that were then present, and the testimony of the two gentlemen Sir Ed. Dymoke did seem to produce, for proving that I attempted to stab him; by which, as also by Mr. Hoboorn's report, I hope it is most clear that I am unjustly complained of. For Mr. Thomas Dallison's untrue information that I should at the first offer to draw my sword (although he is allied to him, and then came thither for his sake, so that he would by law have been deemed particeps criminis if their outrageous attempts had taken effect): yet I hope better of his honesty when he speaks upon oath, and I am well assured all the rest that were present will affirm the contrary.
It is no small grief to me to be convented as an offender, and to be complained of to my Sovereign, by whose favour I live, and her princely respect has ever been my chiefest comfort in my poor and afflicted estate. But if it be sufficient to accuse, no man shall be innocent; and if Sir Edward can free himself, and his brother Valentine Brown, from all punishment due to them for their tumultuous insolency by first complaining, I fear, notwithstanding his fair promises and protestations, it will encourage them hereafter to do worse. For what is it that men out of malice, strong in faction, resolute in will, and dissolute in life, will forbear upon any colourable ground? They are a faction bent to sway all our country causes, and to wrong my father above measure, and waiting all advantages if any error escape him, they seek also to turn it to my prejudice. I desire peace, but experience makes me wiser than to trust Sir Edward Dymoke, so long as he or his fellows carry bastinadoes, or secretly seek me, as they have often done of late. His untrue suggestions shall never hurt me with them that know me; and I hope of you above any other, that his informations proving false, his censuring and his brother Browne's shall be to the satisfying of me, whom they have wronged. For avoiding difference hereafter, be pleased that they and I may be out of all commissions till there be an end of all causes between my lord my father and him; or at least that such commissioners as are allied to him may not intermeddle in this business.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: L. Clynton to my Mr. 1605 (sic). 2 pp. (191. 117.)
Sir Robert Cecil to Mr. Ireland.
[1595.] I have been made acquainted with a disposition in the Earl of Derby and the Countess Dowager his sisterin-law, that some such final end might be made of all controversies between them as might prevent unkind suits and chargeable, which have of long time wearied both parties. And where it is desired by the Countess that some of Lord Derby's friends should take notice, not only of this mutual purpose in them both, but of a good forwardness wrought by the advice of the judges and divers wise friends of both sides, to make such an end as shall settle the inheritance both in the Earl, which is the heir male, and the possessions or portions due and belonging to the young ladies that are the heirs general of that house: I have thought good to make known hereby that I am very glad of so good a work toward, and will in all things lying within my small power further the accomplishment thereof, as far as I shall see, that by this agreement no titles or interests of her Majesty's shall be prejudiced.—Undated.
Signed. Endorsed: "Copy of a writing of my master's delivered to Mr. Ireland, and [blank] about an agreement between the Earl of Derby and the Countess Dowager." 1 p. (174. 69.)
Dorothy Edmund to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595 ?] Complains of being hardly dealt with by Sir Walter Ralegh in the matter of her nephew Waenman, and prays Sir Robert to take some order in the matter to her satisfaction. —Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lady Edmonds to my Mr." List of 18 ladies follows, beginning with La. Edmonds, La. Hobby, &c. (205. 73.)
Sir Charles Davers to the Earl of Essex.
[1595 ?] My brother's former letters wherein an excuse for my not writing, caused by necessity, was entreated, I hope have truly informed your lordship of the truth of our proceedings, and both those, delivered upon our faiths and credits, to whom we would not by any means abuse, and the proofs which since have been made, I do no less doubt have sufficiently repelled the first notorious untruths and slanders of our enemies. To your lordship we do reckon ourselves most bound, for your favour and favourable intercession to her Majesty in our behalf. My suit is that the same honorable disposition will not leave us till you have settled us in the good conceit and favour of her Majesty, whereunto our alone endeavours shall not be wanting. In the mean time and ever our lives shall be ready to be employed wherein we may judge your lordship may be acceptably served.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Sir Ch. Davers." 1 p. (174. 74.)
John Wetenhall to — Bartelay.
[1595 ?] Desires him to obtain the Lord Treasurer's letter to the Council of the North, to restore possession to Mathew Metcalfe of lands detained from him by Ralph Atkinson. Will give Bartelay for the letter 6l. 13s. 4d.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (206. 94.)
Mr. Mills to —.
1595. The tide falling out about midnight and the wind westerly I could not conveniently do any good at this despatch. Veron Martinis is gone for Ireland. Paulo Giustiniano and Baptista Mensi at "Bristo Fayre." Demetrius and Corsini write all together for Italy only, and write seldom for Antw[erp]. There is one Alonzo Bezurti a Biscayan of whom I have worse opinion than of any of these, but I doubt Mr. Waade hath "scarrid" [scared] him.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1595. A note from Mr. Mylls." ½ p. (199. 35.)
The East Marches.
1595. Outrages, murders and thefts committed by the Scots in the East Marches since the death of Sir John Selbye.— 1595.
pp. (233. 3.)
Patent for Starch.
[1595.] i. Notes with regard to the Starch Patent. Dealings of Young, the Grocers, Sir John Pakington, James Anton, Madame Medkerke, Mrs. Boone and others in regard to this patent. Mr. Anton is assisted in the maintenance of his patent by Mr. Secretary and Mr. Chancellor, through whom he came by it, and without that assistance were like to be undone utterly by the disorders of the Grocers, who wilfully impugn "Your Majesty's" authority therein. It is affirmed that by Anton's means there is great spoil of corn in the making of starch: but Anton has his provision from beyond the seas; whereas by the Grocers' bad dealing in buying starch covertly of secret makers, those unlawful makers are maintained, to the great increase of the present dearth. If your Majesty's authority in this patent be not maintained, the poor farmer is like to be undone, and the citizens will seek to impugn all other grants of like nature, which is the mark they shoot at, and your Majesty shall lose 500l. yearly for the years yet to come.—Undated.
Draft. 1¼ pp. (214. 72.)
[1595.] ii. The estate of the starch cause set down for Mr. Ellis. Particulars of Sir John Pakington's starch patent, of the agreement between him and Mr. Young, and between Mr. Young and Mr. Ellis. Ellis prays for leave to employ the assurance nominated to him by Young.—Undated.
Endorsed: 1595. ½ p. damaged. (204. 47.)
Spanish Affairs.
[1595 ?] In Spain the long stay of their Indian fleet, which is thought now for certain cannot arrive before September next, and the default of their monthly provision of 260,000 crowns ever since October last, which should have been provided for the Low Countries by Ambrose Spinola till July next, hath driven the King to very great difficulties, being altogether unfurnished of money, without means to supply his present wants; his revenues almost all engaged and the assignments of the money of this fleet expected already in the hands of creditors; his yearly expenses amounting to ten millions. In this extremity he is resolved to send presently to the fleet for one million and half with what secrecy he can, lest it should be met by our English ships, determining in the meantime to take the benefit of a million and half of gold left by the Archbishop of Toledo (though to other uses) at his death: pawning sufficient revenues for the repayment of the same.
In hand of E. Reynolds, Essex' Secretary. ½ p. (171. 88.)
Alexander Weller, of Cranbroke in Kent, clothier, to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1595 or later ?] Upon his former petition, Cecil directed Humfry Abdaie, woollen draper of London, to pay him 385l. due by Roger Abdaie his late father; but Abdaie refuses payment, saying that he will first pay bonds, then bills, and afterwards reckonings if anything be left. Prays Cecil to command him to pay the debt forthwith, "for that in the dealings between the clothier and the draper, in delivery of cloths upon credit from one fortnight to another, they do not take specialties, but from time to time upon delivery of new cloths receive money for the old upon account."— Undated.
Endorsed. ½ p. (7.)
Captain William Ashenden to the Queen.
[1595 ?] In consideration of his military services, imprisonment and wounds, prays for a grant of sixpence upon every seame of grain transported out of the country, for which he offers 40l. a year.—Undated.
1 p. (695.)
Robert Haies to Sir Robert Cecil.
[c. 1595 ?] His office in the Duchy is to be taken from him by Mr. C. on account of arrears due. Prays Cecil to move Mr. C. to accept present payment, and grant him his favour again.—Undated.
1 p. (1056.)
Prince Henry of Savoy.
[Before 1596.] Discourse touching Henry of Savoy, at this present surnamed Prince of Ludunois, son of James of Savoy, Duke of Nemours.
Sketch of the Prince's life, and the causes which led to his being imprisoned in the Chastillet of Paris, where he is in danger to wear out his days most miserably.—Undated.
Endorsed: Discourse touching the estate of the Prince Genevois. 4½ pp. (246. 71.)
Sir Francis Englefield.
[1595–6.] Particular of lands of Sir Francis Englefield. Certain of the property is noted as demised to Margaret Englefield, widow.
5 pp. (141. 266.)


  • 1. The above statement as to Capt. Glemham's two visits to Algiers and leaving his men as pledges will be found in a letter from the Viceroy of Algiers to the Queen, 1 Oct., 1595. (S.P. For., Barbary States, No. 1.) He concludes by saying that Glemham had left Algiers in a storm, with his vessel.
  • 2. Their petition for this lease is printed in Cecil Papers, V, 176.