Cecil Papers: 1594

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 1594', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp506-523 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1594', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp506-523.

"Cecil Papers: 1594". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp506-523.


Diary of Events by Burghley.
Jan. 2. Sir Robt. Sydney a thyrd tyme repelled to Dover.
Monss. de Caron with the Q. and on(e) from the Count Moryce.
Jan. 9. Sir Ro. Sydn. landed at Depe.
Jan. 18. Sir Ro. Syd. went from Depe.
Jan. 26. Sir Ro. Syd. at Mantes.
This day Monss. la Towch cam with a messadg from Sordeck, Gor. of Brest.
Feb. 14. The Prince of Scotl. born.
Feb. 17. The Fr. Kyng sacred at Chartres.
L. Admyr. L. Buckhurst to here sutors of Ireland.
The K. of Scotl. born at Sterlyng.
Feb. 28. D. Lopez arayned at Gildhall.
March 2. I cam to Hampton Court.
March 3. Mr. Edm. cam from France.
Compact upon the Scottish caus.
March 6. The Deput. of Bretan. with hir Ma.
March 7. The Fr. Amb. with the Depu. hard by the Counsell.
March 12. M. the Fr. K. repossesseth Pariss.
March 18. The Deput. of the St. of Brytan receved ther answ. of the Q. Maty. Than (then) were the letters sent to the L.
Dep. of Irl. for his recal.
March 19. The Q. went to Sommers. Houss to se the L. Chambl.
Letters to Sir Jhon Norryce to lic. hym trete.
March 25. I took physick.
March 29. Letters from Sir Ro. Sid. of the 16. I cam to Grenwych.
April 3. The Erle Bothwell gave the L. Hume an overthrow at Netherey neare Edenburgh.
April 8. Sir Rob. Sidney returned to the Court.
April 11. Sir H. Norriss cam from Pempole.
April 13. L. Zowch return. to Grenwych.
April 16. Sir Ro. Weys [Way] sent to Brest.
April 27. The enemy left the sege of Coeruden upon the approach of the Co. Moryce.
May 3. Conclus. for Mr. Bodeley to go into Holland, Sir Th. Baskerv. to Flush[ing], Sir H. Ver[e] to Brytan[y].
May 4. The L. of W. Weyms and Mr. Bruc[e] ambass. from the K. of Scotts cam to the Q. at Grenwych.
May 9. At Thebaldes.
May 10. To Grenwych. Wisman with letters to Hu. Alyngton.
May 11. To Grenwych.
May 13. To Westmr.
May 16. To Grenwych.
May 4. Carola Duc. de Bullon moritur apd Sedan, post puerum editum qui non vixit multos dies.
June 13. Thursday the Q. cam to Theb. to supper.
Fryd. the 14 of June until Fr. the 21.
July 12. The Q. cam to Robert Cecills houss to se me.
July 13. I took a bath. Gronnyng rendered.
July 14. Er. of Ess. L. Adm. L. Hunsdon at my howss.
July 15. I took a bath.
Aug. 6. Sir Jhon Norryce made answer to the Fr. Amba. and Monss. de Forges.
Aug. 7. The K. of Scotts secret. Sir Ri. Cockborn cam to the Q.
Aug. 11. Sir Wm. Russell receaved the Swerd at Dublin.
Aug. 12. Sir Jhon Norryce departeth towardes Portesmooth.
Aug. 13. The Scottish Ambass. departed from her Maty. but remained still in London (?).
Aug. 19. The Erle of Sussex departed towards Scotland.
Aug. 22. At Thebalds.
Sept. [1]. Sir Jhon Norryce landed at Pempoll the first, havyng sondry of his shipps severed from hym.
Franc. Michell retorned to Irland with the Q. letters to the L. Depute.
Sept. 3. To Thebaldes.
Sept. 4. Sir Wm. Fitzwms. cam to Thebaldes.
Sept. 5. I receaved letters from Mr. Edmonds of the 22 of Aug. at Copthall.
Sept. 6. To Westm. and to Grenwych.
Sept. 5. The Scott. Ambassador with the Q. at Gre.
The castell of Morless taken.
Er. Suss. came from Scotland.
Sept. 17. The army march from Morlaiss towards Brest.
Sept. 19. I cam from Grenwych sick.
Sept. 22. Mr. Bodeley cam to the Q. at Grenwych.
Sept. 23. Sir Wm. Weston Just. of the Comen Place in Irl. dyed at Dublyn.
Sept. 5. Sir Jhon Norryce arryved at Morlayss.
Sept. 9. L. Deput. of Irland returned from the vittellyng of Inschellyng.
Sept. 11. The Engl. cannon planted afor the castelle of Morlayss.
Sept. 18. L. Adm. mov. me from the Er. of Ess. at Grenwych.
Sept. 19. I cam from Grenwych.
Sept. 24. Monss. Lyscott invested the fort at Brest.
Sept. [? 30]. The Fr. Amb. with the L. Adm. and L. Cobham at my houss to hear compl.
of the admyrall.
Oct. 1. The Q. removed from Grenwych towards Nonsuch.
Oct. 2. Letters cam from Mr. Edmunds.
Oct. 6. The Erl. of Suthampton at full age.
Oct. 14. I went to Nonsuch.
Oct. 16. I returned by M[e]rtyn abbey.
Oct. 17. I went to the Ch. Chamb. syck.
Nov. 5. The fort at Brest taken by force.
Nov. 12. Judgment in the Ch. Chamb. in the wryt of error brought by Sir Th. Throgmorton.
Dec. 20. Jhon Chastell executed at Pariss for attemt to have killed the fr. Kyng.
Dec. 30. Er. Ess. L. Adm. L. Buckh. with me for Ireland causes.
Dec. 31. The fr. amb. with de Beaumont with me. (333.)
Edm. Uvedall to Lord Burghley.
1593–4, Jan. 25. The 23rd the Duke Ernestus came to Brussels only with 500 horse of his train, nor hath not brought into these countries any other troops of men of war as I can yet learn.
About two or three days before the Duke's coming the governor of Cambreye came into Artoyes and Henolte with 3,000 men: and spoiled 17 villages and retired on foot with all: notwithstanding the Count Mansfeild is in those parts with most of the men of war he could gather in Flanders.
The 20th there was sent from hence to Ostend six hoys, of the which 4 were taken by those of Donkerke and the other 2 were beaten upon the coast of Flanders and "spleeted."
Also within these very few days, but the certain day I know not, the States of Holland sent one Damant with message and letters to the King of Scots: who is likewise taken by those of Donkerke.
Here is now in this town attending a wind for France one Colwort who is to remain there agent for the States.— Vlishinge, 25 January.
Holograph. Endorsed: 1593. Sr. Edm. Uvedall. (204. 1.)
M. de La Fontaine to M. de Beauvoir.
[1593–4, Jan.] To-night M. Harderet has brought a note from Dieppe assuring me that Mons. du Plessis and all the deputies would be at daybreak at Mante and therefore they of Normandy were on their way thither. That it is feared the King may only refer them to some of his Council. It is laughable that that elephant should bring forth a fly. It seems indeed to hasten the journey of Mons. de Sidney; but you shall judge whether this last point known should serve as a spur or as a bridle.
French. Holograph. 1 p. Addressed: King's ambassador, at Eltham. (172. 125.)
Confession of Gruffin Jons.
[1593–4, Jan.] Robert Owen willed me at Brussels the 4th of January to meet him at the Cathedral church there. Meeting him there he asked me what gentlemen I knew in England and whether I did know Sir Robert Sydney or no. I said, very well. Do you know, said he, his man Mr. White? I have seen him, said I, but I am not acquainted with him. I pray you in any wise, said he, when you come unto England, to work some means to acquaint yourself with him. Then when you have him aside alone, commend me to him, and will him to do my humble duty to his master, of whom we have good hope, and will him to tell his master that we wish him to be a greater man than he is, and that he may command us here to the uttermost of our power, and bring news of these things. If Mr. White trust you he will peradventure say something to you, by that token that I have not seen his master since he went to school at Paris.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: Confession of Griffin Joanes before the Mayor. 1 p. (186. 78.)
William Button. (fn. 1)
[1593–4, Jan. ?] Note of manors, advowsons, &c. in Wilts, Somerset, Southampton and Berks.
Endorsed by Cecil: "Button's office." Undated. 1 p. (141. 271.)
Naval Stores.
1593–4, Feb. 1. Account of cordage received by Christopher Baker, clerk and keeper of the Queen's store for marine causes, from the Muscovia Company and others, into the Storehouse at Deptford Strand: by order of warrants from Lord Charles Howard, Lord Admiral.—1 February, 1593.
Signed by Christopher Baker, John Hawkyns and B. Gonson. 1 p. (204. 2.)
George Boleyn to Sir Robert Cecil and Sir John Wolley.
1593–4, Feb. 8. With regard to the confirmation of Sir Thomas Stanhope's conveyance of a lease of the manor of Sawlie to the Queen. Details his own, the Chapter's, and the Bishop's proceedings in the matter. Stay of the confirmation was made because he has a charge from the Queen not to confirm any lease of Church lands made to her Majesty, without her pleasure being known. "The Dean and Chapter is set to bridle such Bishops as have more respect to the present time, and their private lucre, than to their whole bishoprics and their succession." But seeing the Queen and they be now satisfied, and that her pleasure is that the confirmation should proceed, the same is confirmed accordingly, and sent up. Encloses two letters from the Bishop [Overton].— Lich[field], 8 February, 1593.
Signed. 2 pp. (204. 3.)
Thomas Pratt to Lord Burghley.
[1594, Feb. 6.] Complains that certain sums which he has paid off his debt are not allowed him.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that the auditors are to certify why they do not allow the money.
½ p. (623.)
Lord Hunsdon to Sir Robert Cecil.
1593–4, March 13. I received the enclosed from Lord Scroope yesterday as I came upon the way, which I could not possibly read in the litter, and therefore sent it you no sooner. Acquaint your father with the contents of it and procure some timely despatch of it, such as you shall think good. My fit, I thank God, held me not so long now by 12 or 14 hours as it did before, nor with such extremity.— Somerset House, 13 March, 1593.
Signed. 1 p. (204. 4.)
Chasteaumartin to the Lord Treasurer.
1593–4, March 5/15. Je vous ay escrit du quatrieme de ce mois fort amplemant sus touttes ocurrances et par la presente je vous advertiray de ce qui est survenu dudespuis.
Le roy d'espagne a heu advis comme sertains anglois qui coroint la coste des Indes ont faict decente en une isle apelle la Marguerite et quil sen sont sayzis dont il est fort fache pour la crainte quil a quil[s] la veullent tesnir; touttes fois il na pour le present aulcun moyen dy aporter nul remedde. Il a aussy heu advis quil luy doit venir des Indes a ce mois daust prochain gran nombre d'argent qui a este leve des enpruns quil a faict en ce pais la ultre ses droits ordinaires, de sorte quil faict estat d'en recepvoir au doble de ce quil en resseut l'anne passee. Je vous en ay bien vollu advertir affin que puissies mande quelques forces au devant s'il vous vient a propos.
Je vous ay adverty par mes precedentes de l'estat et dessain de l'armee du passage et croy que mes despeches seront parvenus en vos mains. Elle s'en va preste et partira a la fin de ce mois sy le temps est propre. Je vous ay escrit quil sy devoit embarque trois cens chevaus et mil o douze cens arquebuziers, mais il ny aura que cent chevaus settante lancies et trente arquebuziers a cheval et bien peu d'infanterie parce que les afferes d'espagne ne leur permettent d'envoyer plus que cella pour le present. La reste des trois cens chevaus demeure et sentertiendra sus le pais de Navarre atendant les ocasions, et le reste de l'infanterie sembarquera sus les navires que iront au devant des flottes qui doyvent venir des Indes. Voila l'estat des afferes d'a present; je vous escris par d'aultres navires qui partiront d'ycy dans peu de jours.—Bayonne, 15 Mars, 1594.
Holograph. Endorsed: 15 martii 1593. (204. 5.)
Stephen Ferrera.
1594, April. A note extracted out of the [will] of Stephen Ferrera de Gama . . . Y assi avereis de requerer que un Testemunho . . . de Melimton comtra Felipe Corsino ytalian . . . se posa fazer obra por ele por quanto ho fis . . . mas baste qe he falso, as mais das cousas . . . peso se nao use dele.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Apr. 1594. A note out of Ferreras will." ¼ p., partly destroyed. (204. 6.)
Jo. Battista Giustiniano (fn. 2) to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, May 3/13. The velvet will cost, including carriage, not more than 22s. a yard. At another time it could be had for 20s., but now cochineal is very dear. Asks instructions. Will see about the embroidery.—Genoa, 13 May, 1594.
Italian. Holograph. 1 p. (173. 74.)
Hu[gh] Cuffe to Henry Maynard.
[1594, June.] Good Sir, I have sent you by my man the copy of the letters patent granted unto those whose names are therein expressed; the which I beseech you do me that favour as to shew the same unto my lord, and withal to yield me your friendly furtherance for my dispatch. I would have attended myself but that I am this day to deal with some friends of mine for money to furnish me withal to bring me home. Even so hoping to receive this favour at your hands for my last farewell, and wishing you your heart's desire, I commend you to God's good direction.—From London, in haste, this present morning.
P.S.—Sir Valentine Broun, Sir Lucas Dillon, and Justice Smethes are all dead, and Sir Robert Dillon displaced of his office: and therefore in their stead, to make up the six commissioners again, if it may stand with my lord's good liking, it may be these, that is to say: Sir Robert Gardnor, Sir Harry Wallop, Sir William Weston, Sir Robert Napper, Sir Anthony Sayntleger and the Queen's serjeant Mr. Arthur Curry, or the Queen's solicitor, Mr. Welborn, or Mr. Galtrop [Calthorpe], the Queen's attorney: whereof to be of the quorum any three of the four judges aforesaid or any one of them.
Holograph. Addressed: "To his worshipful good friend, Mr. Henry Maynarde, Esquire." Seal. Endorsed [in error]: "Cuffe, 1602." 1 p. (97. 29.)
— to —
1594, June 5. With regard to lands in Stanyern, parcel of the demesnes of Brigstock, now in the tenure of William Mountagu and John Brudenell. His correspondent, having put Mountagu's lands in partition, which may be the occasion of suits and troubles, he orders him to permit Brudenell, or any other that occupies land under him, quietly to enjoy it without division.—My house at Westminster, 5 June, 1594.
Contemporary copy. ½ p. (204. 7.)
Monsieur de Mouy to the Earl of Essex.
1594, June 8/18. I cannot sufficiently thank you for the honour you do me in showing me such complete friendship, and in return I would have you believe that you may count upon my serving you in anything you may undertake. I have just heard of a kindness done by you on my account and am very grateful for it, although he has misused my name and your friendship for me. He ought to be put into Bridewell or at any rate banished from England, so that if he comes into the King's dominions I may have him punished as he deserves. I am much indebted to you for your behaviour to my nephew, and hope you will have him properly whipped if he is not assiduous in rendering you all the service I have promised you. Mr. 'Wilemps' [Williams] assures me that you have recovered your health completely; I have spoken with him about everything, and am only waiting to hear your wishes.— At the Camp before Laon, Saturday, 18 June novo stilo, 1594. Since writing this the enemy have retreated, as 'Wilemps' will tell you; who will also tell you that puer datus est nobis. 19 June.
Endorsed: 19 June, 1599 [sic]. French. Holograph. 2½ pp. (179. 30.)
Gio. Battista Giustiniano to Sir Robert Cecil.
1594, June 11. Wrote in his other letter that the velvet would cost, including carriage, not above 22 soldi the yard, and it will be better than the samples he showed. The embroidery, with the gold and workmanship, would be 3l., English money, the yard. Has not forgotten the damask and will get samples before leaving. Cecil will have already received the prunes.—Genoa, 11 June, 1594.
Signed: Jo. Batta. Giustno. Italian. Endorsed: 1594. "Mr. Justinian Baptist." 1 p. (41. 68.)
[Thomas Edmondes] to —.
1594, July 9. [Decipher of the ciphered passages in above letter, which is printed at p. 559 of vol. iv of this Calendar.]
[Many occasions] needing his presence in Normandy.
[Shall not be able also] to hold that government [he would therefore] only make a journey thither to install him therein.
[For argument of utility] alleged the convenience of that country to hold a correspondency with us. [The like commodity] or neighbourhood . . .
[Other side] of those of the religion of Poictou.
[That he did assure himself] being planted there, to be able to get some port towns into his hands to give us footing . . .
[The like hope] for places upon the river.
[For inducements of facility] that he is desired by the country that the Governor of Rhenes [hath promised him as soon as he shall be arrived there] that he will declare himself of the religion, whereof he hath long since made secret profession, that some of the (sic: though it does not run on with what follows) [given him assurance] to give no impediment to the cause of religion, that he can assure himself of the succours of Poictou in any necessity; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [love they bear him] extend themselves also to some assistance towards him.
[He answered me that] the Marshal of Byron [hath taken such a possession] of governing the army under 26 . . . . . . [vogue of] commanding the army. (27. 30.)
Thomas Knightlie and Francis Colbie to [the Queen].
[1594, July.] For a lease in reversion of the parsonage of Wodford, Northampton, and of lands in Laiston, Suffolk, of which they are the Queen's tenants.
Note by W. Aubrey that the Queen grants (fn. 3) the petition.
½ p. (706.)
William Cocket to Lord Burghley.
[1594, July.] Protests he never gave out speeches that he had promised Sir Robert Cecil 50l. for furthering his suit against Lenton. Believes the accusation proceeds from the Earl of Lincoln or his servant Lenton. Details the persecution he has suffered at their hands, for which Lenton and his confederates were committed till they had made satisfaction. They being thus rebuked, labour to endanger his life, or to bring him to discredit. Prays Burghley to continue his goodness towards him, and not suffer the suggestions of malice to prevail.—Undated.
1 p. (518.)
Sir Walter Ralegh to [Sir Robert Cecil].
[1594,] Aug. 25. Printed in Edwards's Life of Ralegh, II., p. 96.
Holograph. 3½ pp. (27. 101–2.)
Draft of Articles of Treaty for sending troops into Brittany.
[1594 ? Aug.] . . . Dieppe, belonging to the said Queen, can be delivered up to the King for his service in Brittany. The Queen assents to the petition.
Moreover the Queen asks for the King's bond for payment in full of all costs for preparing and conveying the said 4,000 foot into Brittany, and for the wages of them and 100 horse and the value of the other munitions as was expressed in former contracts; payment to be made within 12 months of their landing in France or Brittany. To fulfil all which the said lord de Beauvoir and lord de Soucy [Sancy ?] by virtue of the aforesaid letters of the most Christian King bind the said King and his successors as well as themselves jointly and severally; and to perform the premises on the Queen's part Lord Burghley, Lord Howard of Effingham and Lord Hunsdon bind themselves in like manner.
Imperfect. Latin. In Burghley's hand. (204. 82.)
Tin Exported.
1594, Sept. 13. Reasons for the imposition of a crown upon every hundred weight of tin transported: and 2d. upon every tenth lb. of tin transported.
Account of the commodity as well what is due to the Queen, as what may by easy and reasonable imposition be raised from the tin which is taken out of the mines of Cornwall and Devonshire. This account gives the total of tin shipped out of the realm from Mchs. 1592 to Mchs. 1593 as 827,900 (fn. 4) cwt. 3 qrs., and as "by likelihood" remaining to be wrought in the realm, 162,000 cwt. 56lb. Particulars of the customs duties given.
Side notes by Burghley.
4 pp. (204. 8.)
Household Books at [Theobalds ?].
1594, Sept. 29. View of the household books for the year ended this day.—Michaelmas, 1594.
pp. (143. 88.)
Marshal D'Aumont to [the King of France].
1594, Oct. 14/24. Sire, J'adjouxtray ce mot a ma lettre pour advertir V. M. des desportemens insolens des Angloys, car ils ne laissent rien a ravager, les esglises, les maisons des gentilshommes, les fermes and maistairies, encor aujourdhuy ilz ont volle une esglise et la maison d'un Abbe ou ilz ont pris tant en ornemens que aultres choses la valleur de plus de quatre mil escuz. Je m'en suys plainct a M. le general Norriz qui promet assez de faire justice de tous les maux qu'ilz font; mays c'est tout, et ne la faict que de parolle. Cependent, Sire, cela scandalise telement ceuls de ce pays que quelques ungs du party de M. de Mercure qui sont dans des places et qui m'avoint faict dire soubz main qu'ilz desiroint se remettre en vostre obeyssance en sont du tout refroidiz sur l'horreur de tant de maulx et ravages qu'ilz voient commettre par lesdits Angloys mesmement aux Esglises, dont j'ay un extreme regret tant pour l'honneur de notre Religion que pour le respect de vostre service. J'en fays une depesche a la Royne d'Angleterre pour l'en advertir affin qu'elle en escrive audit general pour faire cesser telles insolences et envoyer, comme elle ma mande quelle feroyt, un gentilhomme pardeca pour veoyr ce qui en est. Vous luy en escrirez s'il vous plaist, Sire. Devant le fort de Croson, 24 Oct. 1594.
Holograph. Endorsed: "le Maral d'Aumont." 1 p. (65. 13.)
Dowager Lady Elizabeth Russell to the Council.
[1594, bef. 16] Oct. She has been offered great indignity by Mr. Lovelace, Lieutenant of the Forest and Castle of Windsor under the Lord Admiral. She came early this October to a certain copyhold, to view where certain trees had been cut down by Lawrence Manfield and Lovelace's man, and when she came to the house she called for the key, and was answered that Lovelace had it. She commanded the door to be broken open, and found two of Lovelace's men within to keep possession against her, whom she brought home to her house and set them by the heels in her porter's lodge: saying she would teach them to come within her liberties and keep possession against her: Lovelace knowing that no sheriff has authority to enter or execute any process but by her bailiff, by force of her charter. If she had offered him wrong, the law was open to him. Hereupon about two o'clock Lovelace came with 16 halberts and long staves within the gates of her house, which is her castle, broke open the door and locks of the lodge, and took out his men. She prays the Council to call Lovelace before them, that he may be committed to prison and fined: to the example of any other to offer the like to any noblewoman in her own house, contrary to law and privilege of her liberties held by charter.—Undated.
1 p. (186. 135.)
Plot of Croyden Fort.
1594, Oct. "Sir Martin Frobisher's plot of Croyden Fort and how the quarters lay before it and of the soundings of the bay and several channels." The plans shows Brest, Old and New Croydon, St. Mathews, Conquet, and the Spaniard's Fort; with the quarters of the French and English, and Sir Thomas Knols.
1 p. (141. 67.)
Legacies of John Freiston, of Altofts.
1594, Nov. 26. Legacies given to godly uses by John Freiston of Altofts, Yorkshire, in his will made 26 November, 1594.
To University College, Oxford: Emmanuel College, Cambridge: for an almshouse: to build a chapel for the Queen's almshouse at Pontefract: relief of the poor: to set poor people at work in Pontefract: repair of highways; erecting a free school at Normanton, and towards the free school of Wakefield.
½ p. (204. 10.)
Niccolo de Gozzi's Will.
1594. Petition to the Queen from Niccola di Menze, executor of the will of Niccolo de Gozzi, setting forth that a few days after the death of the said Niccolo de Gozzi a gentleman, and a merchant of Raugia, Sir George Cary came to the house in the Queen's name desiring to inspect the merchandise and other property there, and took away from the little counting-house certain writings of importance containing an account of his estate, declaring it to be forfeited to the Queen on account of certain legacies of 1,800 gold scudi, that is 5,000 scudi left to the Magistrates of Raugia, 5,000 to those of San Biagio for charitable uses, and 800 to poor girls, and monks as appears by the will, all to be bestowed in charity and not as Signor Cary declared in superstitious observances contrary to the laws of this kingdom. Moreover before admitting the will to probate the Archbishop of Canterbury read it through himself and found no fault with it; asks therefore that he may not be troubled in the Exchequer, where he is summoned to appear, and the matter may be referred to some members of the Privy Council.
No date. Italian. Endorsed: [1594]. 1 p. (204. 12.)
Foreign Wines in Ireland.
1594. Warrant [to the Lord Deputy of Ireland] ordering him to grant to Henry Broncard the customs and subsidies of foreign wines imported into Ireland: for the yearly rent of 2,000l. Proviso for the case of breach of intercourse with Spain or France.—Undated.
Endorsed: To the Lord Deputy. 1594. Draft. 1 p. (204. 11.)
Farms at Maidstone.
1594. Brief of covenants contained in Green's and Thomas Smith's leases of their farms at Maidstone.
2 pp. (145. 69.)
Norden's Essex.
1594. Essex, described by John Norden.—1594.
Printed by Camden Society, Publications (o.s.) No. 9. (326. 1.)
Earl of Hertford.
[1594.] Paper headed "Earl of Hertford, Appeals," and containing lists of dates from 1562 to 1594, with a few side notes as to who heard the cases. At foot: "Dr. Stanhope, witness. Tho. Wheler, witness. Hugh George, witness. R. Wheler, witness. Tho. Redman, notary. John Thoker, proctor."—Undated.
Endorsed: "Touching the L. Hertf. appeal"; and "The business of the Earl of Hertford and L. Monteagl." 3 pp.
Henry Leigh to the Queen.
[1594 or later ?] The Council directed the Earl of Huntingdon and Lord Scroope to order the inhabitants of the West Marches towards Scotland, to maintain 20 horsemen to defend the country from the sudden incursions, outrages and spoils whereunto they are daily subject: and also thereby to relieve petitioner, who is utterly impoverished by the Queen's service there. By subtle practices of his enemies the inhabitants refuse to yield to this charge, alleging that they are ready to serve the Queen in their own persons according to ancient custom. Thus the Council's order is frustrated, and petitioner left without all comfort. Prays for yearly pension of 5s. per diem, or lease in reversion of 40l.—Undated.
½ p. (161.)
Children of Richard Younge, deceased, to the Queen.
[1594 ?] They pray the Queen to give order for his funerals in some competent measure, and for relief, in view of his services in the advancement of the customs.—Undated.
½ p. (1788.)
The Duc de Bouillon to [? the Earl of Essex].
[1594 ?] Vous voyez les grandes et fortunees prosperites qui de jour a autre arrivent au Roy. Le partie de la legue se coulant, qu'il semble qu'ils se precipitent a qui sera le premier a le venyr recognoistre. Le Roi est prest a les recevoir pour tant plus tost de se jouyr de ces bons heurs. Ces esprits qui sont plustot range a nous par la fortune que leur discours ne les nous ayent amenes, qui doit faire juger et craindre qu'une autre humeur les nous fera reperdre. Il rest les Sieurs de Guise, de Maine, de Mercure et Joyeuse qui touts separement traitent avecque nous. Les gens de bein Catholiques et ceux de la religion desirent que le Roy ne faie paix avecque les liguers Espagnollizés mais qu'il separe de Guise et de Mercure, s'il peut de du Mayne. Mais les Catholiques passiones a nostre ruyne desirent la paix avecque du Mayne et touts sachans que cela ne se fera sans le Pape et que le Pape n'osera rein faire sans le roy d'Espaigne. Et ceste y est la chose contre quelle il nous faut bander comme contre cela que menace nostre ruine. Car le Roy estant passe cy avant sera contrainct par ces mesmes Catholiques de faire la guerre a nous autres de la religion et a touts les Princes voysins qui font la mesme profession. Mais le remede est que nous engagons les couronnes de France et d'Espaigne l'une contre l'autre, lequel je tascheray par toutes moyens. Et il fault que vous de dela poussies le Roy par toutes moyens a ceste resolution. Soyes industrieux, car Pluto ne dorme point. Il ne laisse de pratiquer ausi bein vos amys que vos enemis a vostre prejudice. Il fault que vous autres serviteurs de ceste heureuse et excellent princesse regardies a leurs projets bein loing. J'escris a la Roine en ce pacquet. Je vous supplie de presanter mes lettres. Je m'en va au frontiere ou j'auray 3,000 de pied et cinq cens chevaux du Pays-bas, auquels forces le Roy m'adioustera bein autant des siens. Mais ceste proportion est bein peu pour une telle guerre. Toutefois j'espere que Deiu nous benyra. Et la cause principalle que me faict accepter ceste charge est que j'aurai touts jours une armée entre mes mains pour soustenir ceux de la religion si quelque mauvais tour nous soit joué. Assures la Roine qu'elle ausi peut estre fortifié et servy de ceste armée. Je m'asseure que vous apprehendez l'accroissement du Roy, mais la Roine doict estre sans jalousie de tout qu'est soubs moy et pourtant elle auroit occasion de favoriser ceste guerre sur la frontiere.
Decipher, in Essex' hand. Endorsed: "D. of Bouillon. Deciph." 1½ pp. (135. 183.)
M. Beauvoir la Nocle to the Same.
[1594.] Did not expect yesterday morning that he would have to-day to trouble him with a letter. The occasion is given by a fool, "mais par un enragé ou plutost endiablé," who has written to the pastors and elders of our French church in London enclosing a letter for the Queen. Knowing the man, would not have presented them had he not heard that he was in ward at the Court for importunately desiring admittance to the Queen to reveal matters touching her service and person. The poor fool was, for his fancies and dangerous opinions, on Sunday last, excommunicated our church. He fancies himself a greater prophet than Moses, or any other in the Old Testament, and that he will be the last sent from God. Speaks in favour of the pastors who pray continually both in public and private for the long life of the Queen. Begs remembrance of his own suit to the Queen.
Signed. Undated.
P.S.—Has just received and forwards the copy of a paper found in the fool's study and suggests that the Council should order the constable of the quarter to make search there. "Vous verrez au reste par ledit billet comme ce sainct homme a grand soing de moy. Je vous prometz que ce qu'il en a faict nest pas a ma requeste. En quant a ce qui touche La Fontaine filz du bon homme vostre serviteur, je ne vous en scavois dire autre chose, sinon qu'ily a cinq ans et da vantage qu'il est aupres de moy. Je vous prometz que je n'ay rien congneu de semblable en luy; et si vous asseure de plus et pour le pere et pour moy que si une telle lascheté luy estoit entreé en l'ame et nous en eussions congnoissance, nous ne voudrions point d'autres mains que les nostres pour l'estrangler." Is sure he would not be guilty of so execrable a crime; but sends him with this letter that Essex may examine him. Thinks that "un tel garnement" should be suppressed, or at least banished the realm.
French. Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "French ambassador." 3 pp. (172. 118.)
Robert Channdeler to Lord Burghley.
[1594.] The Queen lately granted licence (fn. 5) to her musicians Arthur, Andrew and Jeronimo Bassano, whose deputy he is, to transport 6,000 dicker of calveskins out of Bristol, but the officers refuse to accept custom of them, under colour of a previous licence to Peter Newall. Prays for letters to the customers to forbear to make any more entries on Newall's licence.—Undated.
Note by Burghley that the Attorney General is to certify his knowledge of the matter.
Note by Sir Edward Coke that Newall's licence is void.
1 p. (423.)
John Dexter to Lord Burghley.
[1594 ?] Prisoner in the Gatehouse, for release.—Undated.
Note by Burghley "I know not how he can be delivered without her Majesty's pardon."
½ p. (1512.)
"You know who" to Archibald Douglas.
[1594.] I have sent you this letter to know that Mr. Rydder was loosed out of prison yesternight and is to be troubled with strait watching which hinders all his business of an action of his own which I must do in his cause as I have done, and were not I have lent 160l. within these two months and is to pleasure him this night with 65l. and I lack 23l. of the sum. I know your L. has it not at this time, but if you would borrow of any whom you could have it of for a fortnight I would discharge it perhaps sooner; for it [that which] your L. have lent I hope to receive it within 8 days. I crave your furtherance in this matter as you shall command me in a greater matter for I have furnished him beside this 80l., for there is none in this town he can have it of but by me.—Undated.
Holograph. ½ p. (205. 6.)
Sir John Norreys to the Queen.
[1594 ?] For grant of such concealed lands as he may discover in the space of a year.—Undated.
½ p. (752.)
Thomas Finch to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1594 ?] At the parlimentary election for Herts of 35 Eliz. he gave his voice for Sir Edward Denney, whereat Sir Henry Cocke took much displeasure, has procured a bill to be exhibited against him in the Requests, and has caused Dr. Herbert, his very near kinsman, to commit him to the Fleet. Prays Cecil to move Cocke or Herbert for his release.— Undated.
¾ p. (1593.)
Michael Leeman, merchant, to —.
[1594 ?] Prays for satisfaction for rice and other goods taken from him by Marmaduke Dorell and others, for the Queen's service.—Undated.
½ p. (77.)
Michael Doughtie to [Sir R. Cecil].
[c. 1594.] The interest in law of all the tithes which "my Lord" now hath or had was in petitioner only, though in equity in Earl Ferdinando his lady, after the payment of the debts of his late master Earl Henry. Her Ladyship would have sold them, but petitioner refused to release them, knowing "my Lord," could hardly keep house without them: but on her Ladyship calling him into Chancery he assigned them to "my Lord," he to pay for them the reasonable worth. Thus "my Lord" came to them only by petitioner, and under his title. The creditors of Earl Henry, the late Archbishop of York, Sir Nicholas Mosseley, Mr. William Gerrard, and Robert Goodyer, sued petitioner for thus assigning the tithes. Has not had a pennyworth of Earl Henry's goods, but has paid 108l. to the late Archbishop, and 50l. or 60l. in defending their suits. Execution is now against petitioner for "my Lord's" just debts. If by any transaction made by "my Lord" since his brother's death petitioner has gained a penny, he will make recompense fourfold or endure punishment, and will answer any objection as to unfaithful dealing. Prays that "my Lord" his officers and people may examine and make report to [Cecil] of these things: thereupon [Cecil] to use his good pleasure for petitioner's punishment or relief.—Undated.
Endorsed. 1 p. (34.)
Lord Berkeley's Suit.
[1594 ?] A brief against allowance of the writ of error which Lord Barkeley pretendeth to sue for to her Majesty.
Albeit her Majesty hath granted the inheritance of the lands in the county of Gloucester recovered by verdict in the Exchequer against the Lord Barkley upon information of intrusion anno xxvjto of her reign, yet is she to have 4,000 marks as mean profits growing before the suit which are in extent, and 500l. or 600l. thereof to be brought in by several sheriffs that have levied the same.
Her Majesty also enjoyeth the wardship of Sir Philip Sydney's daughter's part as one of the co-heirs of the late earl of Warwick.
It being 10 years since the recovery the Lord Barkley now sueth to her Majesty for a writ of error only for matter of form and mis-pleading, which hitherto hath been denied by the now Chief Justice and Master of the Rolls when they were her Highness' Attorneys General.
The allowance of a writ of error resteth in her Majesty's favour, and may be denied, the rather that it may turn to her prejudice, besides the danger and hindrance that may ensue to the countess of Warwick, who hath the present inheritance of those lands from her late husband towards payment of his debts.—Undated.
1 p. (185. 139.)
Hilary Dakens.
[1594 ?] In this ship goeth one Mr. Hilary Dakens a Yorkshireman, one that hath been out of England 18 years, and so I have requested Mr. Foster, the master of the ship, not to leave him till he doth deliver him unto you. For it is our Raweston friend his request, and is also to go unto our friend [An. Bacon] or unto the good honourable Earl of Essex. And further it is necessary for our discharge, for being in their hands I assure myself they will see whether he march the right or no. And so I pray you so soon as you have him, go with him presently, for so it importeth.—Unsigned. Undated.
½ p. (179. 136.)
The River Lea.
[1594 ?] Plot of the course of the river Lea, from Tottenham Mill to Cheshunt. Many of the names in Burghley's hand. Coloured.—Undated.
(Maps 2. 53.)
Deputy Lieutenants in Wales and the Marches.
[1594 ?] Names of deputy lieutenants to the Earl of Pembroke in the 12 shires of Wales and in the counties of Salop, Worcester, Hereford and Monmouth. Places vacant and persons recommended.—Undated.
2 pp. (98. 168.)
English and Foreign Monies.
[c. 1594.] Account of English and foreign monies, totals 18,758l. 0s. 10d. and 2,661l. 3s. 8d.
Endorsed by Burghley: "Bredyman." 1 p. (140. 242.)
M. Beauvoir la Nocle to the Earl of Essex.
[Before 1595.] This compagnon is he for whom you promised me a place in the Queen's stable. Such a favour would oblige both myself and M. de Staffort, whose household servant he is, and "je croy que Madame n'est point si ingraste quelle n'y particippe volontiers."
Signed. French. Holograph. 1 p. (172. 120.)
M. Beauvoir la Nocle to the Same.
[Before 1595.] M. de Beaumont has received the Queen's despatch, and waits only for Essex's.
Signed. French. Holograph. 1 p. (172. 121.)
The Duchy of Wurtemberg.
[After 1594.] The right the House of Austria pretends in the Duchy of Wurtemberg.
When Ulric III. (sic: VI.) Duke of Wurtemberg, uncle of our Prince, had taken the Imperial city of Reutlingue and some others, he was proscribed by the Emperor Charles V. and driven out. The Emperor and his brother Ferdinand King of the Romans usurped the Duchy to themselves, till at length in 1534 Duke Ulric with the aid of Philip Landgrave of Hesse (grandfather of the present Prince Maurice) retook the said Duchy. Whereupon it was agreed (fn. 6) between Ferdinand King of the Romans and Duke Ulric that the Duke's successors should thereafter acknowledge the Duchy of Ferdinand in fee; but if the family of Wurtemberg became extinct the Duchy should go to King Ferdinand or his male descendants who should acknowledge it was held of the Empire in fee. As long as any one survived of the whole family of Dukes or Counts of Wurtemberg the house of Austria should have no access to the Duchy. All this was firmly promised and confirmed by oaths and instruments. According to this transaction our Prince [Frederic] as next of kin to the deceased Prince [Louis III] was called to the Duchy. Moreover the deceased Duke, to remove all doubt, by his will appointed our Prince his heir and successor, and that with consent of the Emperor who confirmed the said will and appointment at the instance of Duke Louis while still living, afterwards too with the consent of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria who died shortly after and to whom his father King Ferdinand had transmitted his pretended right to the Duchy. Add to this that when Ferdinand died without heir capable of holding fees no one but the Emperor would be his heir—which the Emperor would never be made.
For these reasons immediately after Prince Louis' death the present Duke Frederic was accepted by all the subject cities and the whole nobility and the oath of fealty to him taken by all. So also in the next Imperial Convention held at Ratisbon the Emperor received our Prince most graciously as Duke of Wurtemberg, and his Highness was held as such in all sessions of the Empire by the Emperor and all States of the Empire. There is no further question in this matter in the Roman Empire, but while his Highness or any of his posterity survive neither Emperor nor the house of Austria nor any other branch will ever make any claim to this Duchy.
Latin. 3 pp. (99. 36.)
Augusten Sprake to Lord Burghley.
[1594–5 ?] One of the keepers of Enfield Chace. Complains that Edward Carey kills the Queen's deer, which escape from the chase through the decay of the fence. Prays that the fence be repaired, and Carey and others ordered to desist.— Undated.
½ p. (483.)


  • 1. The manors, &c., are those set out in an inquisition post mortem taken 19 Jan., 1593–4, on William Button, who died 2 Feb., 1590–1. A later inquisition was taken on another William Button, who died 4 Dec., 1599, but this only gives the Wiltshire manors, &c., mentioned in the above paper.
  • 2. Probably the letter referred to in Palavicino's letter of 6 June 1594. See Cecil Calendar, pt. iv., p. 545.
  • 3. See Patent Rolls, 36 Eliz., pt. 19, for the grant dated 26 July.
  • 4. There is another copy of this printed in the Calendar of S. P. Dom., Eliz., where however the totals should be as above.
  • 5. This licence was granted for 7 years from 27 August 1593. See S.P. Dom. Cal., 1598–1601, p. 90.
  • 6. At Cadan 19 June 1534.