Cecil Papers: 1565

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Cecil Papers: 1565', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda, ed. E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp67-70 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1565', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Edited by E Salisbury( London, 1915), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp67-70.

"Cecil Papers: 1565". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 13, Addenda. Ed. E Salisbury(London, 1915), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol13/pp67-70.


The Emperor Maximilian to Queen Elizabeth.
[? 1565, May 29.] Received her letter by this her gentleman and has heard his commission. Because the affairs treated of cannot be answered here as they do not concern the writer alone and because he is about to depart for Vienna has provided to take him with him and will despatch him thence as soon as possible. Writes meanwhile to express the great pleasure he will take in her order of the Garter because she is the chief of it.—Augsburg, 29 May.
Holograph. Spanish. 1 p. (147. 41.)
Leicester Park.
1565, May 30. Survey of the new park of Leicester, Leicestershire, made by David Dodd and John Jollybrande.
Endorsed: "Copy of a survey of Leicester Park delivered over to my lord of Leicester." 4 pp. (145. 56.)
1565, May 30. Copy of the preceding.
3 pp. (145. 58.)
Dean of Guernsey to Sir William Cecil.
[1565, June.] There is of late repaired to London from Guernsey one Peter Pelley, born in that isle, the son of a Norman, risen from very base condition by subtlety and craft to much wealth, one of the capital enemies of God, and a very doubtful friend to the Queen's territories of the Isles. This appears by the maintenance by him and his accomplices of certain friars, born in Jersey and fled to a convent at St. Brieuc in Brittany, where Pelley has lately caused a glass window to be set up wherein his mark is comprised, and his estate recommended to be prayed for at that place. Pelley and his accomplices maintain the said friars at St. Brieuc and other places to mass for them and theirs; and also repair there to masses and sacraments. Pelley during the life of M. Destamps, late Governor in Brittany, used much secret conference with him, as now he does with Martiques, his successor: which conference is much doubted by the Queen's best subjects in Guernsey. Pelley is a great conveyer of English gold into Brittany, and it follows after his return thence to Guernsey that false reports are spread to move the commons of the isle to rages and tumults. Pelley has now bruited among the Guernsey men now in London that the Captain of Guernsey has by letters to the Council declared all the subjects of Guernsey to be traitors and rebels, and he and his accomplices say what they can to discredit the captain. Certifies "your honour" so that Pelley may answer before the Bishop of Winchester, as superintendent of the isles, or otherwise as thought fit.—Undated.
Endorsed by Burghley: "Dean of Gernsay contra Pelley." 2 pp. (98. 108.)
[? 1565, June.] "A note of certain orders and customs not observed in Guernsey, which are the grounds of many of the inhabitants' complaints," and "An abstract of the complaints of the inhabitants of Guernsey."—Undated.
Notes by Cecil. 5 pp. (137. 241.)
Helier de Carteret, Sr. de Sainct Owen, to the Privy Council.
[1565, before Aug. 6.] He has lately taken in fee farm the isle of Sark, vacant since the expulsion of the French, as also 200 years before their entry. He has taken in hand its inhabitation, in accordance with his agreement with the Queen's Commissioners in Guernsey: whereby the isle is joined with the seignory of St. Owen to succeed to his heirs, he being Seignor of St. Owen. To enable him to compass that enterprise, he prays for grant to enjoy the isle by knight's service, in such manner as he now enjoys the seignory: so that should he decease, his heir being in nonage, the isle and seignory may be in the guard of the Queen, as the seignory has anciently been.—Undated.
Petition endorsed by Cecil. 1 p. (186. 3.)
Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy.
[c. 1565.] Appointment of Commissioners to enforce the Acts of Uniformity and Supremacy.
Draft, with a correction by Cecil. 4½ sheets. Endorsed: "The new Commission corrected." "Authority to execute the injunctions to be inserted." (207. 13.)
Sir Nicholas Bacon to Lord—.
1565. My Lord, finding by proofs that my purging and medicines . . . not deliver me of the stone, I now by advice and . . . moderate exercises for that purpose. And therefore . . . by God's grace on Monday morning early to adventure . . . the Court, and do my duty to the Queen . . . thank you: for your gentle visitation both by your . . . and friends. My Lord I hear out of Ireland . . . a bruit raised there that the best preachers . . . be departed the realm for religion's sake. . . . and to what end these fables be framed . . . Surely my Lord laying together . . . the like or worse from Scotland brought . . . own disposition and "lossenez" there. . . . that the order for 11 loads were despatched . . . sent away. My good Lord to my . . . every way good for the Queen to make . . . things and every way ill to defer them . . . self can declare this therefore I . . . at the least to let you know it . . my judge to the judge of . . . this Saturday in the forenoon.—1565.
Holograph. 1 p., much damaged. (213. 10.)
Musters of Horses.
1565. Note of the certificates made to the Queen and Council touching the musters taken by Commissioners appointed for the viewing of great horses and geldings in the shires of the realm.—1565.
54 pp. (214. 5.)
[1565 ?] Opinion given by Leonell Duckett, John Gresham, — Aldersay, and Thomas Eton, by command of the Council, showing how the commodities of this realm may be vented, and other necessary commodities brought in, the traffic with the Low Countries being restrained.—Undated. The signatures are in Cecil's hand.
pp. (186. 156.)
The Cobham Family.
1565. Genealogical chart of the Cobham family, Henry III to 1565; with those of the families of Brooke, Braybrooke, St. Amende, Peverel, Bray, Butler, Sudeley, and D'Avernon, and their intermarriages into the Cobham family. Emblazoned by R. Glover, Somerset Herald.
Vellum. (225. 1.)
Fowlar's Verses.
[1565.] Verses, 2 sets, (by — Fowlar).
Begin: "What time Appelles learned hand The famous shape of Venus drew."
End: "Her hue, her limbs so lively wrought,
Thou needest but for her have sought."
Begin: "If Tybe play the tomboy and go where she will,
Now laughing, now quaffing with company still."
End: "And he will thee ever save, keep and defend
In quiet state of life, world without end."
Endorsed by Cecil: 1565. Fowlar, a ballad. 2½ pp. (233. 10.)